• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 14,764 Views, 1,139 Comments

To Protect And Serve - Onomonopia

  • ...

Another Chance

"Cease this now. Or answer to me."

Nearly all of the foals went dead quiet at his words and the three that were fighting in the mud broke up almost immediately, the two that had been getting wailed on looking at Robocop with horror while Applebloom looked up at him with a smile. Fluttershy went to the side of the two dirty and bruised fillies, trying to help them with their small injuries.

"Alright, who started this and why?" Robocop asked the fillies, not surprised when the only one with the courage to speak to him was Applebloom.

"Ah was talking with mah friends when these two started insulting us fer no reason," Applebloom said with a glare at the two that she had been beating. "They called us blank flanks and how we would never get our cutie marks, so ah said that ah'd rather be a blank flank then have to rely on mah rich parent’s fer everything. Then they attacked me and with Cheerilee talking with the other foals parents ah had to show them what working on a farm does fer building strength."

"Is that so?" Robocop asked as he turned to the two, Applebloom giving them a smirk as he looked down at them. "And what is your side of the story?"

"I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you," the pink one snarled at Robocop with a tone that wasn't of fear, but of disgust and superiority.

"You will if you do not wish to get in trouble," Robocop responded, hoping that that would be enough to get her to talk but all it gained him was another sneer and a look of loathing.

"Trouble? My dad practically owns this town! I don't get into trouble, I get a scolding or a talking to, but that's it. So what if I fight with a couple of blanks flanks, it doesn't mean anything," the pink one snarled at him with a smirk on her face as she stood up and walked right up to the robotic officer and kicked him in the shin. "So I don't care who or what you are, monster, but I'd back off if I were you before my dad-YELP!"

The pink pony yelped as Robocop bent over and moved his visor very close to her face, watching as her confidence melted away into fear as she had to look into her reflection for the longest five seconds of her life.

"I do not care who your father is and I care even less about what he does," Robocop responded coldly. "If you do the crime, you pay the time. You may be a minor right now, but if you keep up this hot streak of yours when you are older then I will personally bring you in myself, with or without daddy's approval."

He rose back to his full height after saying this and the pony ran behind her silverish friend all the while cowering, but in the silence Robocop looked around to see that his words just hadn't had an effect on her alone. All of the fillies and even Fluttershy were looking at him with both fear and worry in their eyes. Robocop's sensors even picked up that some of them were muttering the word "monster" under their breaths.

"Stay out of trouble." And with that last bit of advice to the ponies he turned and marched off, Flash and the fillies he knew following him while Fluttershy remained behind to tend to the terrified fillies.

"They are not going to be happy with you after that," Flash muttered to Robocop, who opted for silence instead of an answer as the group walked back towards the town.

"That was...okay, that was scary, but I don't mind you putting Tiara in her place like that," Scootaloo said from besides Robocop as she shook her head. "Can't believe that you said that to Diamond Tiara even after she threatened you with her father though. She's not lying; he pretty much runs most of Ponyville. Don't let her talk fool you though, he doesn't let her get away with everything."

"I uphold the law and punish criminals, no matter their social standing. I don't care if he is president of the world, if he were to try and obstruct justice I would bring him down like any other criminal," Robocop defiantly replied. "The law applies to everyone, no matter their position or status."

"Well, regardless of what Tiara says or what she tries to do, nothing can ruin tonight for us," Sweetie Belle said with a huge smile on her face as she pumped a hoof into the air, the other fillies cheering in response to her words as their pumped their hooves into the air as well.

"What's tonight?" Flash asked Sweetie, whose smile grew even larger at his question.

"Tonight is the first night that we get to go out on nightmare's night all by ourselves! No Rarity, no Applejack; just the three of us going out and having fun by ourselves!" Sweetie Belle happily exclaimed, excitement shining in her eyes as she thought forward to the night with anticipation. "We're finally growing up!"

"And maybe we'll get our cutie marks for being such good grownups," Applebloom added, gaining even more cheers from her friends. "But first to Twilight's! She promised us to help out with the costumes."

The group walked to the massive palace, Flash opening the doors for the others as the fillies raced inside, Robocop following after them a few moments later. The fillies rushed into the main chamber with huge smiles on their faces, but their faces fell when they saw Rarity, Applejack and Twilight in a tight circle, discussing with each other in quiet voices. The three of them stopped talking when they saw the fillies, giving each other hesitant looks as they walked over to the girls.

"What are you three doing here?" Applebloom asked them, Applejack looking at the ceiling to avoid looking at her sisters eyes.

"Sweetie, girls, please don't hate us for what we're about to tell you, but...you can't go out tonight," Rarity said softly, getting three blank stares in response to her words.

"What?" Sweetie eventually asked, the other two still trying to process what they had just been told. "But you promised us that we could go out by ourselves tonight. You said that we were old and mature enough to handle ourselves! Don't tell me you're going back on that promise!"

"Actually, your sister meant that you’re not going out at all," Twilight weakly added, causing the fillies jaws to drop to the floor.

"This won't end well," Flash muttered from next to Robocop, who was waiting to report his actions to the princess.

"WHAT?!" Scootaloo exploded, making the ponies jump. "Do you know how much we've been looking forward to tonight?! How much we've planned? Tonight was the night that we'd get our cutie marks; you can't just say that-"

"It's for your own safety!" Applejack shouted back, silencing the filly and creating an awkward silence as she regained control of her composure. "Look, barely a day ago you and yer friends were targeted by a manticore being controlled by dark magic. Twilight assumes that Sombra was the one in control and that he was attacking you to get to us. And if it hadn't been fer Robocop, you might all be...what we're saying is its too dangerous fer you to be out at all."

"Then why don't you just come with us?" Scootaloo asked, but Twilight shook her head.

"We've got to patrol the entire town tonight to make sure that Sombra doesn't try anything, but we don't want to take any chances with the three of you. You'll be safe here with my magic shield around the castle."

"But...this was supposed to be the night we got to be mature," Applebloom said with a fallen face. "Tonight we were supposed to have fun."

Unbeknownst to the rest of the ponies, Robocop had been watching the entire conversation with interest, unable to side with the fillies due to Twilight's reasoning being too strong. But when Applebloom mentioned the word fun along with Twilight saying the word patrolling, an image flashed through his mind again with far more clarity than he remembered.

"Come on dad; don't tell me you're going as a cop. It's Halloween, dress as something else. You get to be a cop all year round, try something else tonight." The voice of Murphy's son rang in his ears and before his eyes he saw his boy in the devil costume racing around the house, excitement on his face as he waited for his father to respond.

"Sorry kid, but I'm not going to be able to go trick or treating with you tonight," Murphy's voice said as his hand reached out and patted the child on the shoulder, sadness filling up Robocop's heart as he saw his son's face fall. "I'm going out on patrol to keep you guys safe, so you'll have to have fun without me, alright?"

"But...we were supposed to go together," his son sadly muttered as he looked away from Murphy. "We were supposed to have fun tonight."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We'll go together next year."

"Yeah you say that. You're no fun anymore."

The vision ended as Robocop staggered once again, placing his hand on the wall to steady himself once again. Despite the memory vanishing quickly, Robocop raised both of his hands to look at them, slowly clenching his fists with realization. 'I...never took him. That was our last Halloween together.' Then he slowly looked over at the fillies who were still arguing with their sisters.

"Then you should escort them tonight." All eyes turned to Robocop, who had regained control of himself as he shoves his feelings of rage and sorrow deep down inside. "If you are worried about their safety then you should be with them as they enjoy themselves tonight."

"We need to look around the town to make sure that Sombra doesn't try anything while the festivities are going on," Twilight explained to him, but Robocop wasn't having any of it.

"Then you definitely should be with them. If you split your forces there is a greater chance that he will be able to assault one party while the other is away. If you are all together then he would have to attack all of us at once in order to harm one of us. It is the safer solution." Twilight opened her mouth to argue before she closed it again, thinking over his words while the three fillies all looked at Robocop with gratitude in their eyes for his efforts.

"You may be right there, it would be easier to keep them safe," Twilight considered before looking at Robocop. "But if we do it your way, I want you to personally escort the three while we're out trick or treating. I want to know that their safe if me and the girls have to head off and with Flash being injured..."

"I understand." Twilight nodded to him before she, AJ, Rarity and Flash all left the main room in the castle. The moment they were gone the CMC surrounded Robocop's feet and thanked him in rapid succession before they all started to discuss costume designs.

"I think that we should go as the three monsters," Sweetie said with a smile. "A vampire, a werepony and Frankenstein. There the perfect trio, just like us."

"I don't know, we went as those a few years ago," Scootaloo said with a shrug. "I really don't feel like putting that wolf suit on again, it kinda itched even after I took it off. Besides, I've got the coolest devil costume that I want to show you guys. Come on!" she said as the three raced towards the basement.

"One moment." Robocop's words stopped the three in their tracks and they turned to face Robocop, who looked like he was...nervous. "With it being a festival tonight similar to one that I have back on my world, I believe that I am going to need a costume if I am to properly escort you. However...that is not an area I excel in. Would you mind...aiding me?" The three only looked at each other for a moment before massive smiles broke out on their faces and they all nodded at him.

"Oh yeah, don't you worry. You've done a ton for us already, so we'll help you here," Scootaloo said as she and the other three began to circle him. "But if we're going to show you around in costume, then it needs to be the scariest costume in the town. Girls, any ideas?" Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both looked at each other before they both smiled at the same time.

"Oh don't worry Scootaloo, ah think ah've got the perfect idea."


Since having fun was not in his databanks, Robocop wasn't certain if wrapping one’s self in toilet paper was fun, but he did know that he had arrested college students who had thrown flaming versions of the material he was now wearing onto houses.

"Okay, I think that we've got it perfectly," Sweetie Belle, dressed as a taco, said as she finished wrapping the last bit of toilet paper around Robocop's head, the paper covering his entire face except for his visor. "Go ahead and stand up now and let's see how it looks."

Robocop did as instructed, gaining an approving nod from both Applebloom, who was a skeleton, and Scootaloo, whose outfit caused images of Murphy's son to flash through his mind every time he looked at her.

"I like it. He looks like the mummy from the movies that I wasn't allowed to see," Scootaloo said with a devilish grin as she picked up a mirror and handed it to Robocop. "But what's important is what you think." He took the mirror from her and looked at himself, able to see his head and the upper half of his body within the reflection. The wrapping was well applied and he did look like the creature from the movie, but his eyes fastened onto his jaw, the only part of him that resembled anything human.

"I look...like a monster," he eventually said.

"Perfect! Then let's get going then!" Sweetie said happily as she grabbed her bag, the other two fillies doing the same. "Rarity and the others said they'd be waiting for us in the square, so let's a go! Time to scare ourselves some ponies!"