• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 14,764 Views, 1,139 Comments

To Protect And Serve - Onomonopia

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Judgement Day

Cracks appeared along a Sentinel's armor as Twilight bombarded it from the front, forcing it to focus its attention on her while flash snuck around from behind it. With a yell he flew into the air and gained the momentum needed to drive the magical blade straight through the armored skull of the being, dropping it to the ground without another sound.

"Whew, these things are a lot easier to handle when you work as a group," Flash said with a smile as he placed his hoof on the creatures head and pulled the sword from the stone, hefting it onto his shoulder as Twilight caught her breath. "You need a minute or can you go another round?"

"I'll be fine," she panted in reply as she shook her head and forced herself back into the fight, both her and Flash taking to the skies to see where they were needed next. "I have to admit Flash, we'd be in real trouble if you hadn't shown up with the other members of the royal guard. They really bailed us out of some deep trouble."

"Yeah. And now we're actually able to take the fight to the Sentinel's instead of having to run from them," Flash agreed before calling out to Twilight about an attack, the two descending towards the pair of Sentinel's from the sky. With the element of surprise on their side Flash managed to kill one of them without it ever having the chance to launch a counter attack, but the moment its brethren fell the other Sentinel let out a roar of rage before charging the Pegasus. "Of course, it wouldn't mean much if the princesses weren't here to save us when we messed up," he added as Twilight slammed into the side of the Sentinel with a magical strike, hurling it into a wall.

"It's a good thing the magical swords that Celestia banned were being stored in the weaponry or else we'd have little to fight these things with," Flash continued as he flew over to the dazed Sentinel and finished it with a blade to the jaw. More cries of panic could be heard off in the distance and Flash sighed as he drew his blade from the creature’s maw. "How many of these things have we brought down and why does it always feel like there are more coming every minute?"

"Could Sombra be making more?" Twilight asked as the two flew over to aid the ponies, striking down the two Sentinels’ that had trapped a family in a matter of minutes. "Come on, let's find the others and try to figure out what we're going to do." A couple of minutes of searching did not reveal the location of Celestia or Luna, but it did allow Twilight and Flash to meet up with the others and help them fight against three more Sentinels’.

"Things finally seem to be going our way for once," Rarity said as she, AJ and the CMC ran over to Twilight and Flash, the royal guard finishing the Sentinel's. "The creatures have become much more manageable with the royal guard here."

"And thank heavens fer that, ah'm starting to get tired after kicking so much flank," AJ said with an exhausted smirk. Twilight looked at the weariness on her friends face before wiping more sweat off of her own brow.

"Alright, we should leave this area to the guard and go regroup with Celestia and Luna," Twilight ordered as she began to walk over to the guard, who were cleaning up what was left of the Sentinel's. She had only taken a few steps when a small disc landed with a tink next to the guards, all of whom looked at it with confusion.

"What the heck is that?" one of them asked as he picked it up. "It looks like a-" Twilight screamed as she was hurled back by a massive explosion, the same explosion incinerating the guards into ash. Twilight's friends raced to her side to help her up, all of them looking at the raging fire caused by the explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Flash asked as Twilight shook off the shock. "It looked the like the same disc that..."

Flash and all of the other ponies stopped talking as their eyes looked into the center of the blaze, where a lone figure could be seen walking towards them through the fire, a figure they all recognized. He had a metallic body that reflected the flames light off of his silver armor, with a gun held in his right hand that he kept held next to his head. But where all their eyes were drawn was to his face, or lack of a face, as where flesh had been before was now only the steel and metal that made up his armored skull. But despite the change, they all knew the figure that advanced towards them.

"Murphy?" Twilight asked in disbelief as a smile crossed her face, the same reaction appearing on the other ponies as well. "Murphy! You're alive! We thought that you had-" She stopped speaking as Robocop pointed his gun at her, her heart going cold at the sight. She then felt Flash slam into her side and tackle them both to the ground as three gunshots tore the air apart, Flash crying out in pain as one of the bullets tore through his leg. Twilight didn't waste a moment throwing up a barrier of magic around her and her friends just as another volley of gunfire went off, cracking her strongest shield in a few shots.

"Murphy! What are you doing?!" Sweetie Belle called out as Robocop advanced towards the group, firing another shot into the barrier to crack it even further.

"It's Sombra," Flash grunted in pain as Twilight helped him back up to his hooves. "Sombra must have done something to him!" Robocop pulled his fist back before driving it into the sphere of magic, the metal force of his blow shattering the shield with one blow, knocking the ponies off their hooves and to the ground. Twilight saw Robocop point the gun at Rarity's head and quickly fired a bolt of magic, knocking the gun out of his hand and sending it skidding across the ground. Robocop registered what had happened in an instant before he resumed the attack, grabbing Applejack by the throat and driving her into the ground.

"Let her go!" Twilight roared as another burst flew from her horn and knocked Robocop back, giving Rarity time to help Applejack to her hooves and drag her back. Robocop began to advance again, forcing Twilight to continue to bombard him with magic. But his armor was too strong for her spells to damage and with each shot she could feel herself weakening. She didn't stop firing until she felt his metal hand wrap itself around her throat, lifting her into the air.

"Murphy...why are you doing this?" she cried out in pain.

'Directive: Terminate all who stand in Sombra's way.'

"I am following my directives," Robocop responded as he began to tighten his grip, only to release her as a metal blade slashed itself across his back. He slowly turned to see the other members of the royal guard, all of them looking up at Robocop with both fear and the will to fight in their eyes.

"Princess! Take the foals and run! We...we shall hold him off!" one of the guards cried out as he lunged at Robocop, only to take a metal fist to the face that shattered his jaw and put him in the ground. Twilight could only nod her head dumbly before picking up her friends with what little magic she could gather and move them away from the battle as the guards engaged Robocop. The first guard slammed his body into Robocop's chest in an attempt to slow him down, but all Robocop did to free himself as grabbed the guard by the throat and twist, putting an end to the resistance.

"All of you are standing within Sombra's way. You shall be terminated." He lifted his leg and drove it into a guard’s chest, crumpling his rib cage and crushing his organs with a single strike. A blade of magic slashed across his back, but all that did was five Robocop his next target. Robocop turned and punched the guard in the face, taking his jaw clean off and dropping him without another sound.

"Dammit all, you were one of us!" a guard yelled as he leapt onto Robocop's back wrapping his hooves around his throat and trying to choke him out in an attempt to slow him down. "You were a guard as well! Don't you remember who you are?!" Robocop reached back and grabbed the guard, slamming him into the ground before lifting his metal foot over the guards head.

"I am Robocop. And my directives are who I am," Robocop replied as he brought his foot down. The guard all swarmed him at once, the sheer number of their bodies preventing him from moving. But then a roar could be heard and three Sentinels’ leapt down next to the guards, using their paws to swat them off of Robocop and freeing him. With the sudden arrival of the Sentinel's the guards were forced to shift their focus from the machine to the beasts, giving Robocop ample time to walk over to where his firearm had been knocked away and retrieve it.

"You are all terminated," he muttered as he took aim at the guards head and pulled the trigger once for each head he lined up on, leaving the streets bathed in blood by the time he ran out of targets to aim at. Robocop slipped open his wrist and retrieved a new magazine of ammo and replaced his current one with it, looking towards the Sentinel's that awaited his orders. "Find any who have not joined Sombra and terminate them. Leave the princesses to me."

The Sentinel's ran off as Robocop began to advance towards the center of the city, where his scanners told him that was where the princesses were fighting. But just because he had orders to terminate the princesses didn't mean that the rest of the city was safe. All who had not bowed to Sombra already were against him and Robocop made sure that they did not escape as he fired into the crowd, making sure not to let any in his path live. His path of blood only came to an end when he spotted the three princesses fighting next to each other, fending off the Sentinel's that he had ordered into the streets.

With precision aim he fired three bullets towards Celestia, the shot going right into her while she was focusing on another foe. With a scream of pain she fell to the ground, her cry informing Robocop that her heart was not where he had assumed it was. Twilight threw up a barrier to protect her teacher while Luna let loose a scream that could shake the moon as she hurled herself at Robocop, the magic energy that she used to cover herself deflecting the bullets that he fired at her. Luna slammed into Robocop and drove the both of them through a building before she ascended with her shoulder still rammed into his stomach.

"How could you do this Robocop?!" she screamed at him as she rose until the entire city could be seen below them. "How could you turn your back on us and ally yourself with Sombra?! What happened to you?!"

"I obey my directives. That is all," Robocop said as he drove his fist into Luna's face, stunning her long enough for him to point his gun at her face. Luna turned her head to face to meet his and used her horn to knock his aim off, causing the shots to fly off into the distance. She then quickly spun herself so both her and Robocop were pointing straight down and with a roar she drove the both of them towards the ground.

"Then I shall save Twilight and the others the burden of digging you a grave!" she screamed before stopping, unleashing her magic into Robocop's chest that sent him crashing into the streets at even faster speeds. The crater he created upon striking the streets was quickly filled in with rubble, burying him completely. Luna looked at the grave with a shake of her head before descending down next to Twilight.

"Luna! Did you...?" Twilight asked, her face falling when Luna nodded sadly.

"I am sorry Twilight, but he left me little choice," Luna responded as she turned her attention back to the advancing swarms of Sentinel's. "Now then, let us-" Her words were cut off as the sound of three gunshots split the air, striking Luna in the back and causing her to fall to the ground without another word. Twilight slowly turned from where Luna lay bleeding to the recently made crater, watching with horror as the metal man pulled himself out of the hole, pushing the rubble off of him.

"Twilight Sparkle. Do you still oppose Sombra?" he asked her as he pointed his gun at her head, taking aim right between her eyes, eyes filled with fear. But then her eyes drew strength once again as she cast a purple magic around herself.

"I don't want to fight you Murphy. I want to help you. But if I have to...kill you...to stop Sombra, then...forgive me!" she roared as she fired a beam of pure magic into Robocop's chest, the blast pushing him back as the sheer wave of her magic overwhelmed him. But then with the strength of human engineering Robocop planted a foot in front of him, before planting the other ahead of it. Slowly he began pulling himself forward towards Twilight, who never ceased her magic for a moment. Despite the unrelenting power of the spell, Robocop managed to pull himself to where Twilight was standing.

"Then I shall terminate you," he said as his hand burst out of the magic and grabbed twilight by the horn, cutting off her magic as he lifted her into the air. He took aim with his gun and shot her pint blank, yet the bullets were stopped by the magical barrier that she had placed around herself. Robocop took a moment to plan before he dropped Twilight to the ground, driving his fist into her face. Despite the spell around her, the impact of his face hitting the shield was enough to rattle Twilight's head, causing her spell to fade. In her moment of weakness Robocop swatted her across the face with the butt of his pistol hurling her across the street and into the side of a building, where she passed out in pain.

"It ends here," he said as he took aim at the unconscious alicorn, knowing that he would not miss. For a brief second he felt what he thought was fire in his chest, but it was gone the moment he felt it. "You are-"

"MURPHY!" Robocop spun around and took aim at whoever had called out to him, expecting the Twilight's other friends or the guards that he had missed when terminating the city.

What he was not expecting were three little fillies.