Jacoby Flynn- Jake to his friends- is a griffon of many talents, chief among them the griffon magic of runecasting, invention, and a love of science and experimentation. He’s also “on-call” when certain matters in and around his hometown of Griffondorf need to be investigated and dealt with discretely, creatively, or both.

But with the recent upheavals in Equestria brought about by the arrival of Skitch-Sketch, an alien being from another world once known as “Jake” herself, accompanying events in the North Griffon Confederation will intertwine both their destinies at the dawning of a new era.

A companion story to GreyGuardPony’s Of Kingdoms and Cutie-Marks, set in the Skitchverse. Reading isn’t required, but boy howdy, will it ever give you context.

Chapters (5)

Humans currently poses an entire intergalactic empire, the aid of their brilliant technologies, and the fundamentals of dark energy have allowed them to succeed to a type three civilisation.
A human named Jack decides to buy a planet called “Harmony” on the intergalactic market. This planet holds residence to dozens of sapient species who all are primitive lifeforms.
He decides to transform into one of the native species, with his intention to cause as much havoc/chaos as possible. At the time of his arrival, most of the world hadn’t seen conflict for well over 1000 years. He plans to change this, by encouraging new ideologies, starting a technological black powder arms race, and ultimately causing wars.

He may look evil to the natives, though according to the intergalactic government, he is implementing nothing illegal. His planet means his rules.

May or may not include Communists

This story is set in Early Season Two, a few episodes after “Return of Harmony”. This is an alternate universe and thus Equestrian girls don't exist, humans are basically just a myth.

Prereader: crimson velvet
Constructive criticism is welcome.

This story is cancelled. I'm currently working on another one, with a similar setting/universe.

Chapters (31)

A Equestria at War X Frostpunk story

The Frost wiped away the population of Earth yet like all wipes, stains remain. Thanks to the hard work of the Imperial Exploration Company, funded and completely supported by the Royal Family and the ever-shrinking treasury of England, countless Generators were created so that any amount of people could survive.

And survive they did. Mere thousands of Britain's citizens still live on in the frozen lands of the Frost lands, the new name for what once was Greenland and Iceland, including the long stretch of frozen sea between them. With no knowledge with other peoples they can only assume that as far as they know, the other empires of the world were completely consumed by the Frost. It seems as though that humanity, though beaten and nearly broken, will survive... but never truly thrive again.

But God works in mysterious ways, and so He gives His last blessing to humanity, a way out of the Frost. They, including Iceland and Greenland, would be transported to another world. Another world, so that the Frostlanders, hardened by Earth's last winter, for there will never be another spring, will blossom, will dominate, under another world's spring. Yet this other world... is not empty.

Now if only God could tell them they wouldn't be human when they arrived.

Chapters (3)

Three months after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows, the cloud city of New Pegas has emerged as one of the great powers in the wastes, a fully independent city run by a mare named Eden and a pre-war computer program named High Horse. The two have successfully driven back the forces vying for control of the great pre-war city and have begun to work towards lasting peace in the region.

However, one day, Eden receives a letter from an unknown sender, pleading for her help in the unexplored Equestrian Northwest. Her quest takes her across the continental divide to the sunken city of Tall Tale, where she finds an impossible mare and a threat that could destroy her fragile peace... as well as everything else in Equestria.

This story takes place in the universe of Kkat's Fallout: Equestria, and thus contains spoilers for the ending of that story.

The story has new cover art! Drawn by the wonderful Hakaina.

Chapters (7)

In Pace Decus, In Bello Praesidium...In Peace a Glorious Asset, In War a Tower of Strength.

The Stonebridge Military Institute: a fortress of strict regimen, training, and education. Each of its cadets relying on each other to handle the rigors of its system: to survive their first year of brutal hazing, to endure the grueling training of their second and third years, and to embrace their roles as leaders as they take on their fourth and final year.

But something has changed, the corps has been torn away from their land and forced into another. An ancient Saddle Arabian spell-book, the Picatrix, has been stolen by a revolutionary stallion and his band of loyal mercenaries to activate an ancient summoning spell in hopes of gaining a tribe of mythical 'human thralls' to their army. Despite the efforts of a lone griffon-knight in her attempt to stop them, they've succeeded.

It was an old spell though, and the humans that it was bound to have long since passed. Living near the former home of the tribe the new inhabitants are called forth to arms in their place as the: The SBMI Cadets.

((Point of Divergence for AU is end of Season 3))
((Rated Teen for violence and language; republished after substantial editing))
(I'm looking for editors, I could really use the help! Any advice would be welcome too!)
(Credit to Lola Ditz for the coverart 'Aftermath')

Chapters (8)

Long ago in a distant land, Ivo Robotnik, the egg-shaped master of science, unleashed an unspeakable evil. But a brave blue hedgehog wielding supersonic speed stepped forth to oppose him time and time again. Before their latest confrontation reached its climax, the villain tore open a portal through time and space, and flung him into another world where magic and fantasy are everyday reality. Now the hero seeks to return to his world, and stop the mad doctor from conquering this one too. Along the way he'll meet new friends, new enemies, and just maybe something a little more. All while the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance.

Hang on to your seats boys and girls, cause we're breaking down the walls between dimensions.

Now on TV Tropes.
Cover art by BroDogz.
Sonic the Hedgehog universe, set directly after Sonic Generations.
MLP universe, set just before the end of Season 2.

Edited by, Jet Storm, Typoglyphic, Bok, and RobKuro85.

After some inspiration from from my good pal Gunflame, I'm throwing my hat into the ring for a good Sonic/MLP crossover. And I aim to give it the much needed improvement in quality that's so desperately needed with this particular crossover genre. I'll strive to make this one of the premier Sonic/MLP crossover stories on the web.

Thank you and enjoy.

Featured: 3/3/22, 6/18/23, 6/26/23, 1/1/24, 1/27/24, 3/14/2024

Chapters (16)

It started when ponies started going missing. It was small towns and villages that reported them first.

After an attack on Manehattan of seemingly unknown origins, The Regal Sisters begin talks of reviving an ancient order meant to defend Equestria and the rest of the known world from threats deemed 'other worldly'.

Much to her dismay, Twilight is chosen to lead Equestria's first—and last—line of defense.

I figured I could put my ongoing misadventures in X-COM and turn them into a fic of some kind.
Wanna be involved in the war? Join The Initiative here!

Kinda toyed with this idea for a bit until I was completely comfortable with it. Hope you like it! Please leave any feedback in the comments!

Chapters (23)

Some seven hundred years ago, the Kingdom of Equestria and the Griffon Empire collided in a bloody, yet short and devastating war. The young Prince Arbermal, the last Prince of the Empire and heir to the throne of the Griffon Empire, must sign a peace treaty with his Empire’s greatest foe. In doing so he will decide the fate of his people, his empire and forever change the course of history. The foe he faces now is not one of steel armour and blade, but of paper and quill. And the soft, convincing voice of the Princess of the Sun.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Integration Is Pointless

The final chapter in [enter overarching name for these stories?] trilogy. Jack will have to face not only his future, but also his past (dun dun duuuuun.) Now guaranteed to be—


Welcome to... MY LIFE— I mean—ROMANCE IS CONFUSING!!!!!!!!!

(I apologize for that, but it seemes to fit.)

NOTICE= as always: gore, sex, and violence tags are there to be safe. No hanky-pank (explicit at least), Mortal Kombat style fatalities, or overly graphic dance fights. Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (2)

Long ago, tragedy struck Equestria with the deaths of the Princesses and Element Bearers. A thousand years have passed since that day, and the powers of Harmony are calling out for a new generation of Bearers, who must come together in order to bring balance back to the world.

First story in the Pieces Universe

Edited and contributions by Anone Mouse Jr , co-writer.

And we have a Tv Tropes page!

Chapters (55)