• Published 14th Jan 2019
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The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter Eight: The Plot Thickens

“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”


Chapter Eight: The Plot Thickens

“Load em’ up boys! Hurry up! The President wants this done ASAP!”

A large group of Griffons were moving wooden crates, all marked with my ‘new’ company symbol (literally just my cutie mark in black and white), onto manually pulled transportation (by griffons), towards the temporary training ground at the tent command centre.

You may be wondering, how was I supposed to drag over 60 crates, halfway across the world? Simple, teleportation, after that, I fabricated a provisional primitive storage unit, relativity near the area I met the President.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Training soldiers is an interesting concept if two countries are the same technological level, their armies fall onto they're training, and tactics to surpass the enemy. However, if one side even has the slightest advantage in prevailing equipment, they don’t necessary nearly as much preparation, as their technology easily makes up for it. That’s what was so awesome about guns when they were first invented, they called for next to no training, all the troopers needed to know, was how to reload, aim, and fire. Simple, and yet they could demolish armies who had been training their entire lives.

For example, during the Great War (World War One), the ideal warfare at the time was trenches. Armies would charge by the thousands, composing the hope to overrun the enemy lines. Almost every time, they failed.

The main reason for this, machine guns.

Normally a gun requires precision (besides when standing in firing lines), in order to hit the optimal target. Who needs to aim properly when you have a machine gun? Just spray in the general direction.

I’m snapped out of my thoughts when someone addresses me, “The President has ordered another thousand to be produced with the next month,” a male griffon states while looking at a piece of parchment, “he would also like to design a proper agreement after the first training session.”

He looks at me, “Is this acceptable?”

I give a singular nod, “Sounds like a plan.”

All of the wooden creates have been loaded on the transport, the griffon I talked to previously hops inside of the carts and beckons me over, “We don’t want to be late, the President wants the division trained as soon as possible.”

I too follow him and leap into the seat sent to him.

The still unnamed griffon addresses everyone, “Alright! Time to head out!”

Without even a second thought, the carts begin to move. Something….is off though, why are we going so fast? At this rate, the griffons will tire out. Even if they do change, I doubt—

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when suddenly my transportation takes off from the ground.

And I thought the ponies were weird.

I unconsciously hold onto the railing, to the side of the carriage.

This action doesn’t go unnoticed by the griffon perched to the right of me, “Never flown before?” He chuckles, “It’s not surprising, not many non-pegasi that I know of have been in the air before.”

Technically I have flown, more ways than you could possibly imagine. It includes space.

To show that I was paying attention, I just shrug.

He continues, “We should arrive in around half an hour or so, it’s quite lucky you had your equipment stored relatively close to the base.”

Yeah, lucky.

The rest of the trip was in relative silence, only disturbed by the flapping of wings, and the heavy breeze ruffling my mane. If I couldn’t be easily bored, I would have enjoyed the ride. I, however, have a limited attention span, of around 30 seconds. I mean, I’ve seen plenty of planets, how could the environment of this one be any different?

Signified by a heavy bump, we landed on the ground, less than 30 metres away from the tents.

A stampede of griffons rushes out from the area, around 300 if I’d have to wagger, surround us. Every, single, one, of them, seems to express signs of excitement. This is properly some of the first soldiers that’ll handle my firearms. Who wouldn’t be excited to use never seen before weapons?

Some were pushing their way to the front of the crowd, and unloading the wooden crates from the transportation carriages, moreover conveying them towards what I assume is an armoury.

Hopefully, this won’t take too long.

24 Hours.

A whole, fucking day.

I had to occupy myself by making annoying popping sounds, I admit, It was pretty funny watching some of the Griffon’s annoyed expressions.

You think it would be simple to just unload, and set up the required instruments to have the training session going. I never even considered that at this day in age, they would have freaking paperwork. I mean, I didn’t have to sign shit to sell these guns. One particular griffon keeps on shooting me dirty looks, most likely the person responsible for the completion of the paperwork. In fact, I saw him dealing with a huge stack, signing one sheet at a time.

Another griffon confirmed it for me, and I quote, ‘We’re still waiting for approval to renovate the training ground to suit our new needs.’ What I find mystifying, is that they didn’t even change the area much, in fact, all they did was enforce the wooden targets with metal. That is it. Why does that require a tonne of paperwork? I will never know.

I am currently stagnant behind a whole division of Griffons, who are standing in a wonky line (one thousand strong), the commanders have asked me to ensure that they aren’t doing anything counterproductive, that may damage the guns. As I had already instructed them how to use the firearms, I mean, they didn't do fantastic, but they passed generally well. After all, it’s not hard to use em.

Each soldier wears a basic outfit of steel armour, a musket with a bayonet, and a short sword attached to their sides.

The President, and the two leading Generals I had the pleasure of meeting previously stand to the right of me.

The only information I gave the commanders concerning tactics is to stand in lines, and the best way to issue commands. I don’t want them to be yelling “SHOOT”, ‘fire’ is the correct term.

I’m thrown out of my thoughts by someone shouting, “READY!”

Everygriffon places their musket barrels on their shoulders, some on the wrong shoulder, or forget to do it entirely.


They all aim their weapons straight ahead, some are even shaking slightly.


An ear-splitting roar erupts from the line, plumes of smoke cover the entire area. Most Griffons look shocked and are glancing at their surroundings. Particularly the targets at the other end of the field, 100m away. Even with the enforced metal, most of the objectives are utterly destroyed, plagued with a ridiculous amount of bullet holes.

Huh, what’s that weird feeling I’m getting?

“Absolutely marvellous!” The President wildly clapped his claws together, the other generals are too shocked to comment on anything.

Some griffons are still presenting their guns forward, attempting to make the weapon fire. I guess they didn’t prepare it properly.


Without any hesitation, the soldiers begin the routine of reloading, most stumble, and consistently miss sticking the rod down the barrel. Others, completely drop it.

This is will be even more entertaining when they’re on the actual battlefield.

“Have you discovered anything yet?”

Two of the highest ranking Generals, Garrison and Bridges, were in a conversation with several scientists in reference to the newest weapon apart of the Griffon army. These ‘scientists’ seem to be quite curious about this new development, they furthermore, have been researching the musket, every single waking second, that is, without falling into sleep depression territory. I mean seriously, who would give up a chance to be the first to research never seen before technology?

One of the scientists gazed up from the disassembled musket to General Bridges, “It’s been a day, you can’t expect us to have worked everything out yet,” he adopts an inquisitive expression. “Why don’t you just ask for the information regarding this weapon from the pony who invented it?”

Bridges just gives a look that screams ‘are you kidding me?’ “What, you expect the Pony to just give us her only way of making money?” He scoffs, “Honestly, that pony is racking in loads of bits, she’d be able to fill a swimming pool with it!”

A short pause of awkward silence expresses in the room, that is though, only for the military representatives. As the scientists were busy discussing the inner workings of the musket.

That discussion is interrupted by Garrison, “Do you think it would be entirely possible to replicate this? It would be extremely convenient.”

A different scientist from previous answers in an informative voice, “We roughly understand HOW it works, it's just almost impossible to know what this ‘black powder’ ammunition is made of, I’ve never seen any element with these properties in my entire life,” he places his claw on his chin in deep thought, “We properly would be able to create the actual weapons, however, with our current knowledge, it would be impossible to manufacture any of the powder. So yes, and no.” The unnamed Griffon immediately returns to his work.


‘Where is she?’ Lyra thought, ‘Someone can’t just disappear like that!’

Lyra was currently searching all of Ponyville for Atomic, and so far, she’d had no success. The Green unicorn was starting to become, suspicious of her whereabouts, a human-like HER must be doing something shady. Unless she had just returned back to her species’ home base, that was an entire possibility. Maybe, she lived underground, and was just scouting out what the surface was like after hundreds of years? In that case, it would be awesome to help them out! Imagine what sort of technology we could learn from them!

Or PERHAPS Bonney is right, MAYBE she is being a bit too paranoid, and should stop thinking of so many ‘conspiracy theories’, as Bon Bon likes to put it.

‘Well,’ she thought, ‘There’s still no harm in searching.’ Although Lyra had been looking all over town for days, Bonney was starting to get worried, perchance she should just give up, I mean. Where else could Atomic possibly be? I have no idea where she lives, for all I know, she could’ve been a traveller.’

Lyra was just about to give up when an idea hit her.

‘He’s in the Everfree Forest! How could I be so stupid?’

Dumbstruck at such an amazing idea, Lyra immediately sprites for all her worth, directly towards the forest, this could be the answer to all her not so long ago troubles!

Ponyville’s houses race past her at such a blinding speed, it would even make Rainbow Dash jealous. Everything was a blur, the other ponies, the environment, and even, herself. In record time, she arrives at the edge of the Everfree forest, the path to Zecora’s, and continues to sprint forward.

Not even the scary howls in the distance, the poison joke flowers dotted everywhere, or the menacing trees and bushes threatening to strangle her to death can stop this mare. For she has a human to trace, it is her destiny. Lyra arrives at a hut, where a local Zebra likes to call home.


Shuffling hooves is muffled by the door, until it is opened by the zebra herself, Zecora. The green unicorn must admit, she has a strange appearance, with all the golden rings, earrings and stuff. Once you look past that though, she’s quite nice to talk to.

Zecora introduces, “Ah, Lyra, the human admirer, how can my existence be of assistance?”

“Have you seen Atomic? A white mare with a red mane and tail?” Lyra enquired.

“A pony that matches that exact description ran past here on a mission,” she stated ominously.

Without even attempting to say goodbye, Lyra took off in a blur, past the hut, in the direction Atomic most likely travelled to. The Zebra had to blink a couple of times just to make sense of the situation.

Lyra was able to find pony tracks in the dirt, they, however, looked quite faded, adding to the fact that these are quite old. These hoof prints became increasingly harder to follow, so as a result, Lyra was forced to slow down to eventually, a trot.

It this walk was taking longer than expected, who would go this far into the Everfree forest? Not only is it dangerous, but there’s not much food or water out here.

Lyras thoughts are completely shattered however when she comes across something, something so strange, and ordinary at the same time. She is situated at the edge of a relatively large clearing and stood mouth agape at the complex infront of her.







The 1st Musket Division of Griffons were marching in impeccable unification, towards the western front lines, although, the marching was just a drill. Normally the group would be flying, this, however, counts as a rest. The entire group had only prepared for two days straight, although, that’s understandable considering their superiors attempted to rush them straight to the battle lines as soon as possible. They used a series of different tactics during training, a simple musket firing line, a phalanx (instead of using spears, they used short swords and bayonets), rushing, and even how to deal with flanks.

I can say that I’m impressed with the extent of these maneuvers. The only one that lacks, however, is the musket firing line. The soldiers unload all the firearms at the same time, instead of shooting row by row to decrease vulnerability. They may, or may not learn it the hard way.

What I also find weird is the fact every fifty or so griffon in the group holds the Democratic Flag. What a waste of manpower! 1000÷50 = 20 Griffons! That’s enough to form squad! I guess symbolism is undyingly important to them.

It was nice of the President to allow me to come, even if it took a tiny bit of persuasion. He also decided to view the upcoming battle, to not only witness the weapons in action but to also boost Morale. Even if he didn’t allow me to come through, I would have just floated over the battle with my car, although, it’s not as an ‘in-depth' experience.

One thing that does suck, is walking. God, I HATE it. I never used to do it that often, and I never planned to do so. Times change I guess. At least when we’re in the air, I don’t need to do move my legs.

Apparently, we arrive in a little over fourteen hours.

Goddam, I’m excited.

Author's Note:

The contest is offically over! Congratulations to Arstotzka Border Control!

The flag represents as such:
Red: The blood of those who sacrificed themselves for the construction of their nation.
Blue: There are limitless possibilities, the sky is the limit.
White: The nation is pure and untainted.
The White Triangle: Signifies that the nation is always moving forward in a positive direction.

In case you wondered, I honestly accidentally made the flag look like the Russians', in fact, I only noticed it when someone pointed it out to me, so I added a triangle. Creative, aren't I?

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