• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 8,778 Views, 798 Comments

The World is my Sandbox - PoniesMine

A human buys a planet called “Harmony” and decides to mess around with the natives. What could possibly go wrong when he provides weapons never even thought to exist?

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Chapter Ten: Nein! Lyra you idiot!

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Abraham Lincoln

Chapter Ten: Nein! Lyra you idiot!


The Griffon Emperor was currently crested upon his golden trimmed throne, wearing a chiselled facade, depicting a furious monster ready to destroy everything, and anything in its path. The overly extensive crown was resting on his dark chocolate feathered head, just barely clinging on.


The other Griffon in the room, Cautious was his name, just happened to be the entity being yelled at. He was not having a good day, an execution was not something that he wanted, and thus, kept quiet while the Emperor was growling at him.

After a few more moments to let the fuming Griffon settle, the finest General in all the Empire spoke, “We’re certain it’s because of a new weapon, soldiers who survived the onslaught described them as ‘Sticks of Destruction.’”

The throned Griffon, that suffers from a form of Bipolar disorder seemed to become immediately more intrigued, “New weapons you say?” He leaned forward, “Prepare another assault, I would like to get my claws on some of these weapons as soon as possible.” He shooed the General off with the wave of his talon, Cautious revolved around, and purposely walked away from the throne room, as he did so, the Emperor called out to him, “Oh! And use those good for nothing Pony volunteers!” his voice echoed, disappeared over the vast halls of the palace.

“…division has moved over 60 kilometres towards enemy territory, the army has received little to no resistance. Reports detail Monarchs are consistently retreating and removing soldiers from the Northern and Eastern front. We have placed reinforcements to protect the supply lines, and Miss Atomic Discharge has promised to deliver another shipment of muskets within the next week,” Garrison informed.

Bridges snorts amusingly, “The results from our last battle of a ratio 1:74, has already solidified our position in the war, the Monarchs are completely frightened by our firearms. Every reported sighting of them within half a kilometre had run further inland.”

Garrison jabs one of his claws on the table several times, pointing at a position on the map, “It’s extremely likely they're planning another attack at this position, I suggest we set up a basic defence on his hilly area, and give our soldiers a height advantage.”

“A new tactic called ‘piercing firing line,’ I invented has been proven to be insightful, a continuous folly should allow us to be less defenceless, resulting in a rather higher enemy casualty rate,” Bridges quipped.

Garrison nodded to his equal, “Flanks will prove to be a problem, so some flying battalions should hopefully deter the Empire enough.”

President Senatus opens his mouth to talk, “We have utterly flipped the tide of the war from just a single battle, our situation is certainly a miracle. May God guide us, and Atomic Discharge until we fall.”

Bridges quirks an eyebrow, “That’s unusual, why would you say something like that?”

The President turns to address him, “It just felt right.”




I am currently sitting at my esteemed dining room table (it's in my bedroom), and devouring a delicious griffon steak. I mean, wow. It's like a mix between beef and a chicken roast, and no, I’m not eating vegetables with it. I’ve already had enough of that disgusting demon food.

Using my fork, I ferociously stab the cut of meat on my plate and pop the whole lot into my mouth. Several weeks without this delectable sustenance has left me desperate, and let me tell you, it's better than a orgas—bar of chocolate.

It also turns out that Ponies CAN eat meat, their digestive tract has the ability to do so. However, they require such a small amount of protein, it can easily be consumed from common fruits and vegetables. MY guess is that since meat is significantly harder and more expensive to produce, over time, less and less of the ponies decided to eat it, that is until basically no-one decides to part-take in the activity.

You know, technically I’m still in the GDR (Griffons Democratic Republic), I just kinda walked off, and stated ‘I’ll be back later’, and when they weren't looking, I teleported home. The generals seemed to sceptical of allowing to distance myself from the rest of their army, but otherwise, permitted to me go (not that they could stop me anyway), and gave me my MASSIVE 100,000 payment (would equivalent to around 300,000 credits), in the form of a check. I just need to go to the international bank and collect the sum.

Also, I should find that green unicorn that the AI informed me about. She could be interesting to talk to, not to mention a little annoying, and could be a problem in relation to how much fun I have. Though, I would like to refrain from killing anyone that could draw attention to me, but I’ll do what I have to do.

I’ll go back to the GDR later, after all, It's pretty much guaranteed another battle is going to take place.

But first, chicken.

Four significant griffons stood around a rectangular table, they were currently discussing the war stasis, strategies/tactics and new information that could prove to be critical. The table currently held pieces that highlighted what the next battle is most likely going to look like. It’s crucial to win this next battle, doing so could allow the Generals to get their claws on some of the new weapons, and study for evaluation.

“From the reports of our most recent battle, we can conclude that they stand in lines, like we normally do, except release each round continuously. Leaving a huge opening to rush into. We should use this to our advantage. I suggest we use the thirty-five pony unicorn volunteers to administer shields at the front, with the earth ponies following behind, and griffon spearmen after them. Allowing the ponies to take the brunt of the force, then when their close enough, rush the enemy when they just unloaded their weapons,” one reasonably young General brings attention to.

“I agree,” an elderly, experienced military planner states, “Except I believe we should create a couple of sky battalions and attack at the rear. This will administer confusion and disorganisation. The enemy’s formation, from what is described, is quite vulnerable from behind,” he rates his head to the side, addressing the infiltrator manger, “Any other information should we be worried about?”

The mentioned Griffon rubs his chin, “Now that you mention it, my spies said that they overheard some of the soldiers speaking of a pony providing these ‘firearms’, a white mare to be exact, “ he switches his gaze to stare at the elder’s eyes, “I’m not sure how accurate that is, but if we could cut off their supplier…”

“Yes, be sure to mention to the soldiers to be on the lookout, if they see this pony, order stab to kill,” the senior commands.

A pristine white coated earth pony mare, with a blond mane and baby blue irises was sitting at a table, sipping a delicious cup of tea. She recently picked up a newspaper and was in the process of reading it, the mare had conducted serval malice schemes, all involving the general public, and to furthermore to win their approval. All, however, have failed somewhat, as the earth pony only gained a limited amount of supporters. That, nevertheless, may change in due time. As the information she was currently reading could be a catalyst to her plans.


A few days ago, an unknown disease has been reported in the immaculate capital city, Canterlot. Ponies, including nobles, have displayed symptoms of coughing, sweating, insomnia, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and other minor manifestations. It has also been identified in other major cities such as Manehattan and Fillydelphia. Sixty-six, deaths have been already been recorded and is likely only going to get worse.

What scientists are puzzled by is ‘what could have caused this?’ Dr Stitch thinks he has the answer, “My hypothesis is that magic is responsible, the energy alters common diseases like ‘Centurium’ to be significantly more deadly. Settlements with an intense concentration of magic provide the illnesses with the necessary resources to grow stronger. Canterlot has the highest population of unicorns and is the location where great feats of magic occur, whether this be in the ‘School for Gifted Unicorns’ or when Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun. Diseases have most likely been altered in the past, however, I believe the mutations were so minor, that we were able to adapt to them without much of a problem. If this is indeed the case, I would recommend to limit your use of Magic, and move to a desolate location to ease the concentration.”

This has also raised other questions, ‘Can the Princesses shelter us from this newly forming outbreak?’ or ‘Can they protect us from all threats forever?’ One thing is clear however, families can’t risk being affected, immigration rates have already increased to the outskirts of Equestria, no doubt speeding up the spreading process.

Rumors have also circulated that the epidemic came into existence from the Princesses, and is the same disease mentioned last month, a castle maid stated, “I saw Princess Luna and Celestia coughing, and vomiting before it hit the streets, I’m not doubting them, I just think maybe it was some kind of Alicorn disease?”

In other words, the economy has dropped slightly, resulting in a recession. Ponies are taking sick days due to the outbreak, forcing some minor businesses to temporarily close down.

The Princesses are planning on releasing a statement in one day at Canterlot castle, let’s hope we can control this, for the better, or the worse.


I’m currently walking directly towards the town destined as ‘Ponyville’ (seriously, such a stupid name), to locate this green unicorn, and do something… I still haven’t decided whether or not I should kill her. It really depends on how I will feel at the time. I guess I’m lucky I disguised my factory before I left, otherwise my place would have attracted more attention.

Trees, bushes, the usual stuff in a forest surrounds me. Moving by at a credible rate as I continue to trot forward.

What's with all these blue flowers? These weren’t here last time. They must be some sort of fungus to grow that fast.

Pfffft, all well.

Without giving nature the pleasure of me stopping, and going around, I simply move through them without much of a hassle. Well, if you don’t count me shouting ‘Gross’, everything I touched one since they were reasonably slimy.

By the time I made it to the other side, my legs are completely saturated in jell.

You may have won this round flowers, but next time I’ll use a flamethrower to test how resilient you are.


Lyra was currently hunched over a table, in her bedroom, gazing through a window into to streets of Ponyville. Though her mind was anything but unoccupied, a green foreleg, her foreleg, was used to rest her dexterous muzzle, signifying in deep thought.

‘Why won’t Bon Bon believe me?’ Lyra thought, ‘How can she NOT want to see the massive building in the Everfree?’

It was during this period, that Lyra realised something, no matter how much evidence she brought, no matter how consistent she is, nopony will ever believe her. They’d think of excuses like ‘Oh Lyra! That is just a consequence! Nothing special!’ or “Oh Lyra! Oh Lyra! Stop connecting things that aren’t meant to be together!’

She was just about to surrender, to give in, stop literally what she had set out in life to do.

This is rock bottom. The worst of places to be.

“Lyra!” Bon Bon yelled, her commanding voice echoing around the household, “Get your flank out here and help me make dinner!”

Well, almost rock bottom.

Just a soon the green unicorn started to move her foreleg in the direction of the kitchen. She spotted somepony, or rather, someone, walking, without a care in the world, down the street. The very pony she has scrutinised over the past few weeks. Normally, she would be happy at this prospect, to finally ask some of her long desired questions. Now, however, Lyra just felt…hollow. Like that emotion just ripped from her soul.

The white coated pony seemed to be inspecting every detail in the town, portraying a cold and calculating look. This suddenly caused a slow build-up of unease with Lyra’s stomach. Repeatedly asking herself the question, the one question that silently terrifies her, “Did she know I was there?”

Without a doubt, Lyra KNEW that the crimson maned mare was not a pony, that much was obvious, just the living fact that she will never, ever, be able to prove it, anybody. What's the point in researching something, if no pony members you for it, or for that matter, thinks your crazy.

‘Yeah, no thanks.’

The green unicorn moved her annoying fat ass down the hall, and into the kitchen. Where Bon Bon, her ‘special’ friend was located, currently using an oversized wooden spoon to mix a giant stew of some kind over a wood powered stove bench-top.

“There you are!” The yellow confectionary mare exclaims, “Could you please chop up the carrots?”

Lyra sighed, and slowly trotted to the side of the stone covered bench, using her magic to pick up the knife, moreover, repeatedly slicing the carrot in small, uneven chunks.

But then, a harsh knock expelled from the front door.

Bon Bon stole a quick glance at her housemate, “Could you get that?”

Lyra quickly trotted back down the wood-floored hallway, in the entryway. Immediately swinging open the door, to interact with this visitor.

“How can I hel—“ Her voice suddenly was caught in her throat when she spotted the pony located behind the doorway.

A white coated mare, with a crimson mane, wearing what seems like semi-professional clothing. A creepy smile boarded across her face, her blood red eyes drilling into Lyra’s skull. Suddenly, she didn’t feel so confident anymore, every single shred of positivity have been withered away.

“It took me a while to find you, I was wondering if we could have…a little chat.”

All Lyra’s instincts were screaming at her to run very far away, yet, she just couldn’t find the will to move. Except, all her fear was showcased in her eyes, and the other mare could clearly see it as bright as day.

“I’m just going to go straight to the point, what were you doing at my home? I saw you attempting to climb over my wall.” Her eyes dangerously narrowed.

Lyra gulped, and shakily started to cohere a sentence, “I-I-I w-was lo-ooking for-r f-flowers-s?”

Atomic adopted an unimpressed expression, her breath expelling in small cold bursts, “Do NOT fuck with me. Tell me the truth.” She then muttered something incoherently barely below a whisper

Lyra took a few, long sharp gulps of air, murmuring incoherently, “I-I wa-as t-trying to.…”

Atomic’s head turned to the side, ears pointed directly towards Lyra, “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that.”

The green unicorn, darts her eyes in particularly random directions, heartbeat exponentially increasing, lungs hyperventilating. So she did an endeavour that any sane pony would do.

She slammed the door shut, directly into the white mare’s face.

“Fuck!” Curses muffled by the wooden doorway, “Great now my nose is bleeding, God it would suck right now if I could feel pain.”

A few seconds passed and Lyra was still standing behind the door, she only relaxed, by releasing a sigh of relief, when Atomic decided to walk away.

She felt a little worry however when Lyra herd her friend call from down the hallway, “Who was it?”

“Nothin’! Just some…sales ponies! Yep! Black suites and all,” she replied while trotting back to the kitchen.

There was a brief pause.

“Black…suits?” Bon Bon asked with a hint of worry.


Shit. Can you tell me if somepony like that is at the door again?”

Just as Lyra came into view of Bonney, she replied, “Ok?”

Normally Lyra would have been able to use her AMAZING detective skills to work out that something was…wrong in Bon Bon’s dialogue, however, the unicorn was silently worrying about her next encounter with Atomic.

A room, completely shrouded in darkness, holds the sleeping form of Lyra. Tucked gracefully underneath bed sheets covers, her chest, slowly rising and falling. Do not be fooled, she may look safe, and maybe even feel safe, but nothing is ever secure when a certain somebody is located on your planet.


Fuck. I hate teleporters.”


Clip clop clip clop clip clop.

A small pause.

For some unseen reason, the unknown creature unlawfully located in the room obtained a large stick and is in the process of performing something uncouth.


*Poke poke*

Lyra, the animal being assaulted, swipes the general location of assault absently, exerting a ’Groan.’


*Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke*

*Snort* “Wa-?”


Lyra looks from her bed, in the general direction of the voice, then, notices a vague pony shape one or two metres away from her.


Only now, does she realise, it was the exact pony she was attempting to avoid, the one pony that she most likely pissed off, the one pony that caused her to be afraid of her very life.

So, she screams.

Well, at least tries. It feels like she’s screaming, her mouth is open and all, but no sound came out. No matter how much effort she administered.

“You done?” The figure known as Atomic asks in a irated voice, “I’ve already had enough of your bullshit, that door slam was strike number one, and that attempted scream is number two, don’t let me count to three or else you're out!” She gave a small chuckle to herself.

Instead of screaming, Lyra attempted to run away, yet it seemed an invisible force held her in place, so rather, she just showed a mortified expression.

“Anyway,” Atomic began, “I just wanted to ask you, again. What the actual fuck were you attempting to do by climbing over my wall? Normally I wouldn’t go out of my way to chase someone like you, but, I’m bored, and I haven’t decided whether or not I should kill you,” Atomics eyes suddenly go wide, “Oh, sorry, spoilers.” She waved off with one of her forehooves.

Lyra continues to stare.


A large lump forms in her throat, not allowing even a single peep to pass.

“Answer me God damn it!”

A will to talk made itself known, she opened her mouth to form coherent words, “…”

“Oh, wait, sorry. Forgot to remove the silence release,” she presses a seemingly random button on her saddlebag, “Okay, now go.”


“…What?” Atomics expression was unknown due to the surrounding darkness.

“I thought….you were a human.”

“Huh,” she states thoughtfully, “Cool.”

An awkward silence follows afterwards.

“So…” Lyra enquiries, “Are you?”


*Sigh* “I thought you w— Wait, WHAT!??”

“Yep, I am a human, or Homosapien if you want to be scientific about it, from outer space. OH! And I also own this planet.”

Normally Lyra would catch that as sarcastic, but what put her off, was the voice was laced with complete seriousness.

“Why are you telling me this exactly…?”

“You asked,” she said casually, waving it off as literally nothing.

“Though,” Atomic continued, “don’t tell anyone, or else I’ll probably stab you twenty-eight times in the chest.”

Lyra no longer felt as comfortable in her current predicament.

Atomic thought that it was her time to leave, a retreating trot could be deciphered.

“Either than all that, stop for a drink sometime would ya? Cool? Alright, bye.”

A sounding pop resonated throughout the room, sucking all the fear and awkwardness from the atmosphere, the only emotion that remains, however, is confusion. So Lyra summed up all her thoughts, into one single word.



That was certainly interesting to mess around with that green unicorn, I mean, I was going to kill her. It partly sealed the deal when she slammed the door on my face. But, she seemed the only competent one on this whole planet. For that, I respect her.

Well, that, and it’s also obvious this society shuns her, nobody would ever believe her.

Sometimes, a mental wound can be more damaging than a physical one.

On that note, I should probably teleport back to the Griffon army. A battle could literally happen any day now.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will contain an AWESOME battle!

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