This is a story of a dragon and a twist of fate. Sometimes a dream can become a reality. A dream you never thought would ever become possible. One you didn't even know you truly wanted. The real question one should ask themselves is "Do I truly want this?". Only time can answer such questions. But what if those answers only leave ever the more questions? Perhaps friendship will count now, more than ever.

Other tags: Nuzzles,
*6/26/18 - May add Mature tag for talk of sex, possible sexy scenes (not clop), and mentions or interactions with genitalia.

Chapters (3)

Wind Rider, a pegasus sent to Ponyville to gather some info, faces horrific things outside of Ponyville.

Chapters (10)

Golden Remedy, a young field medic with Canterlot's Rescue Division, is sent on her first assignment to the small town of Sunny Springs. Remy's first mission goes horribly wrong upon entering an abandoned plantation deep within the Sunny Springs Forest. Within she finds things that were never meant to be. She heard stories of monsters as a filly, but never thought they were real.

Thanks TotallyNotCelly for proof reading all my works! You the best!

Chapters (10)

Centuries before the Elements of Harmony were found in Ponyville, An uncorrupted Discord fell for Cyclis, a princess who rules an island nation off the east coast of Equestria. As their relationship progressed, they helped join her nation, Zephyra, with Equestria. Smitten became love as the couple decided to start a family. But before this dream could be achieved, darkness tainted Discord's soul, leading to his stone imprisonment. But he was unaware of one thing, he left behind a bit of himself. This story reveals how this all happened, and the effect these events had on the son Discord never knew about.

Chapters (6)

Scout, probably the most carefree and upbeat on BLU team, he's always cracking jokes and making fun of himself or others just for the laughs, sure some guys find him annoying, but he didn't care. He was glad he could make someone smile, he always smiles...
Because, sometimes, when he stop smiling, he starts screaming.


Thanks to my awesome Proofreader Editors,

The Stranger, that mysterious badass!Why U keep changing your name Identity


Sycro! That sexy emo guy!


Chapters (4)

A Marine, after mysteriously losing his memory and being transported to Equestria, must find out what is going on and how to get home.

The very first story I published here remastered. It received a lot of dislikes because of, (But not limited to) Short length, Format, and lots of other things. Will be updating a chapter at a time. Promise that it won't suck too bad.

I would also like to thank ElectroHaiso for helping me with the story.

Chapters (5)

When Rainbow Dash finds Scootaloo in a broken, bleeding, half-dead mess in a field, she rushes her to a hospital, and not only does she get thrown into the middle of a foal murder investigation, she also finds herself in several roles she never expected.

Chapters (6)

Merasmus has had enough. He has been defeated too many times, labeled as insane, and has do deal with soldiers antics. Well he has had enough, he opens a portal from his bombonomicon and jumps through in hopeing to find a place filled with peace. He finds a world filled with ponies, can be finally have some peace and quiet, or will he go crazy and destroy equestria.

Chapters (8)

When Twilight Sparkle and her friends awaken in the Everfree Forest following a spell cast by Twilight, they attempt to find their way home. However, what they stumble on to is more than they could have expected, or imagined, in their wildest Nightmares.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Into the Black: A Mare's Tale

It has been one year since the battle for Equestria. As always, the ponies stood victorious by standing together, but at a great and terrible cost. Wounds can be healed and buildings rebuilt, but the cost of life was high indeed.

Now is the time of peace and ponies eagerly await to visit their new human allies. Fluttershy and Applejack step into the stars to teach them the ways of agriculture, as no one matches the Equestrian labor ethic. Even as they settle in and make some new friends, the that darkness festered as wars were won and lost in the shining megalopolis of Magnasanti. Something breathes in the dark. Something is coming, and it fully intends to humble pony and humans alike.

Prereaders: Midnight Spark, The Synn Lofsvard

Co-story to: Nightmare's Dream

It is not necessary to read the prequel.

Chapters (10)