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Untrusted Statues

Listen to this:


Wind Rider held his breath as the grunt walked across the room. It was gargling and moaning for a minute or two, and then it began growling as it smashed down a door, obviously looking for the source of the scent that it could not locate. It's grunts and groans began to get weaker and weaker as it descended down the staircase. Wind Rider breathed a sigh of relief and opened the wardrobe door, stepping out into the room.

(Turn off the music now and listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWDzqUud3jU&feature=relmfu)

“It stayed for so long. Did it know we were there?”, Wind Rider asked Fire Bolt when she stepped out of her closet. Fire bolt did not respond. Her breathing was quick and stressed, and her legs
were shaking. 'She looks pretty frazzled', Wind Rider thought.

Wind Rider looked around and saw a dresser in the corner of the room. Walking over to it, he rummaged through the drawers and found a few more bottles of laudanum and a bottle of blue liquid. Reading the label, he noticed it read “Sanity Potion”. Pretty convenient for their situation. He turned around and walked back over to Fire Bolt.

“Drink this”, he told her, and she quickly downed the blue liquid. Almost immediately she began to feel her head clearing, her breathing began to slow down, and she was able to stand upright again. “Thanks”, she said.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut, and the two of them could hear a low, insane laugh. Turning around, Wind Rider saw about three statues of royal guard armor standing behind them. He immediately grabbed the helmet of one in his hoof and slammed it across the other ones, knocking their helmets off. “I don't trust you!”, he screamed at them.

Fire bolt gave him another confused look. “What?”, he asked. “They teleport right behind us and you look at me all strange when I say I don't trust them? What's the deal with that?”.

Fire Bolt rolled her eyes and noticed a note lying on the floor.

I 'm being forced to wander this damned asylum again. One of those...things...broke down the door. I hid in the wardrobe until it left the bedroom. Gathering up what supplies I can, I will make my way to the west side of the asylum. I may not last another night.

As to whoever may find this, there appears to be some sort of storage room down the flight of stairs behind the door on the right. Head there if you are in need of a hiding place and some supplies. However, I haven't explored the whole thing yet, and some monsters may still be lurking down there, so be cautious. One more thing, why do I find lit candles in locked rooms?

-Red Flare

Fire Bolt showed the note to Wind Rider, who read it over and looked at the knocked down door.

“Please don't tell me that you want to go down there”, he said. Fire Bolt nodded her head, and Wind Rider groaned in frustration. “Fine, we might get some better supplies anyway”, he said, picking up his lantern and heading down the stairs.

Listen to this now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM26TC44KYY

The storage room was only lit by one candle, which cast an eery glow around the room. Wind Rider noticed an oil barrel near the corner. He walked over to it and used half the oil to refill his lantern. Fire bolt did the same. The lanterns helped to light up the room a lot. Wind Rider opened a large pouch on his vest and found fifteen tinderboxes. Noticing the unlit torches on the wall, he used up all but four. The room was now well lit. This was both a blessing and a curse. Monsters would see them more easily, yet they wouldn't go insane from the darkness. They both blew out their lanterns.

“We should spread out and see what we can find”, Wind Rider said to Fire Bolt. He handed her a satchel that he found on the floor. Putting one on himself, they headed into separate rooms to gather supplies.

Ten minutes passed before the two met back in the main storage room. “Find anything?”, Wind Rider asked.

Fire Bolt nodded and emptied the contents of her bag. Wind Rider did the same. He then counted up their supplies. “Three oil jars, twenty tinderboxes, four laudanum, two sanity potions, one loaf of bread, three keys to rooms we have no idea how to find, and two full lanterns. Not bad”, he said.

“Oh”, Fire bolt said, taking a note out from the bottom of the bag. “I also found this.” Wind Rider read it over.

Regarding closing of the Wine Cellar

Red Flare and his fools have endangered my research long enough with their absentminded handling of pony vessels. The sheriff is keeping a watchful eye on the forest and is killing my trusty servants. It is only a matter of time until they follow the trail to the asylum. I need to lock Red Flare and his men up to avoid further investigation from the public. Either the Princess's Guards leave or they starve. Whichever comes first, they can rot for all I care.

Maybe I will feed them some wine, it would in a sense solve both of my problems.

“Huh. That hoof writing looks strange. Almost familiar”, Wind Rider said. “That is weird”, Fire Bolt agreed.

Another insane bout of laughter echoed through the room as all of the torches were blown out. Both of them quickly lit their lanterns. “What was that?!”, Fire Bolt asked.

“I have no clue. Let's just keep moving. The sooner we find Dash, the sooner we can leave”, Wind Rider said. They continued deeper into the storage area, looking for any door to the wine cellar.

Several minutes passed, and Wind Rider thought he heard the sound of Rapid breathing. “Is that you breathing so fast?” he asked Fire Bolt. She shook her head.

“No, that's not me”, she said. Oddly, the sound stopped, only to be followed by the sound of hoof steps. Wind Rider set down his lantern, turned around and came face to face with the same grunt from earlier. It swung it's clawed left fore hoof at him, which he dogged and hit it in the face. It went tumbling to the ground, and he grabbed it by it's deformed head, dragged it into an old, conveniently placed prison cell, beat the living crap out of it, then left the cell and locked the door.

Stop. Listen to this now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWhUPlFnAe8

Fire bolt starred at him, and he jut shrugged, picked up his lantern, and the two continued down the hall. Several more minutes passed before they found a door with a sign next to it labeled upstairs. They headed upstairs to an enormous hall. Almost all the doors were locked except for one labeled “Private Study”. He opened the door and found a very nice study leading to a guest bedroom and closet. Fire bolt was still in the hall looking for supplies. Wind Rider walked over to a chair. “Hey there Mr. Chair”, he said.

“Hey, Wind Rider”, it said in a higher pitched voice.

“A bro snuck up on us a few hours back. Did you tell him to do it”, Wind Rider asked Mr. Chair menacingly.

“No”, it said. “Just remember, when you see a bro, go chair mode. Like this: chair mode activated, BOOP!”, it said before going quiet. Wind Rider laughed and searched the guest room for anything of use. He found a key and a note explaining about a steam machine and a key to the wine cellar.

“Hey Wind Rider”, he heard Fire Bolt call. “You may want to come check this out!”

He headed down to where she was, and finds a large trail of blood leading into an open hallway lit with red candles.

Author's note: Hey guys. I was finally able to update before a whole month since my last update. YAAAAAY!!!!