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Chapter 3

Author's note: Hello everybrony. Just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates. The holidays have been really busy for me, so I haven't had time to write much. Anyway, here's chapter 3. Hope you like it.

Around fifteen minutes after Wind Rider and Rainbow Dash had left the his house to go to the abandoned asylum, a wave of discomfort came over him. Wind Rider began to remember his younger brother and the day he ''disappeared'' about sixteen years ago.


Wind rider sat in his room, reading a book about the outer space his mother had given him for his birthday. He liked space, almost as much as he liked flying. As he got to the page about nebulae and galaxies, his annoying little brother, Iceberg, ran into the room.

“Get out of my room Iceberg”, said Wind Rider, anger heavy in the young colt's voice. His little brother never knocked, or did anything their mother told him to. His little brother shook his head no and stuck his tongue out at Wind Rider in response. “Iceberg, I'm not going to tell you again, get out of my room!”, he yelled at his little brother.

“NO!”, screamed his little brother, who grabbed the book Wind Rider was reading and tore up all the pages in a matter of seconds. Wind Rider's jaw gapped open. That was uncalled for. Anger rising in him faster than lava in a volcano, he charged at his brother. Out in the kitchen, their mother heard their fighting. She face-hoofed and walked into Wind Rider's room. “What's going on in here?!”, she yelled so loud that both the colt's stopped pounding on each other.

“Mom, look what he did to the book you gave me!”, said Wind Rider.

“I only did it because you were yelling at me and being mean”, his brother argued.

“Maybe I wouldn't be so mean to you If you actually knocked instead of barging in every five minutes!”, Wind Rider yelled back.

“Enough!” their mother yelled at them. "Iceberg, go to your room. NOW!”, she commanded Iceberg, who left the room immediately.

“Mom, he always destroys my stuff for no reason. I don't get it. I never do anything to his stuff”, said Wind Rider. It wasn't an exaggeration either. That book was the fifth item of his that Iceberg had destroyed that week. His mother, Moon's Glow, didn't know what to do either. Iceberg had been diagnosed with ADHD and schizophrenia several months back, and the medications Nurse Redheart had given them did little to help the problem. The only option would be to send him to the Ponyville sanatorium, a place where foals like Iceberg were sent. They were supposedly given treatment and help until the diseases became more mild or they spent most of their lives at the asylum. By now this seemed like the best choice. Moon's Glow told her son what she decided to do, went upstairs, and came back with Iceberg, asleep on her back, and a bag of his personal Items, and walked out the door.

End Flashback

Wind Rider and Rainbow dash landed in front of the asylum. It was a grisly sight. Moss hung down from the walls, window s were smashed, a tree had smashed through the right side of the building, and graffiti covered every available surface.

“Wow, It's even creepier up close”, said Rainbow Dash. She turned her head, looking around for Wind Rider. She found him standing next to a tombstone. Etched in the hard slab of stone was the word 'Iceberg.'

“Who's Iceberg?”, Asked Rainbow Dash.

“My little brother. He had a few mental disorders, so my mother sent him here. That was sixteen years ago”, he told Rainbow Dash. He received no response.

“Rainbow”, he called out. Still no response. As he scanned the surrounding area for Rainbow Dash, he saw a note hanging from the entrance. It read “Come and find me”.