After an experiment in magic goes awry, Princess Celestia accidentally brings an abused young wolf from an alternate universe over into her world. Now, Twilight and her friends must contend with a defiant but war-torn young wolf, desperate to return to the pack he was taken from, and convinced that these kind-seeming ponies have darker plans in store for him.

With the simplest of misunderstandings having disasterous consequences and no one truly in the right, can this wolf find common ground with the ponies? Or is this cross-dimensional friendship challenge simply too much for Twilight and her friends to handle?

A character experiment with my original character; Logan Wolfe.

Special thanks and shout out to BronyWriter's Non-Brony Universe, which inspired me to write this. Also, shout out and a huge thanks to Ang Auronheart; who drew the cover art of Logan.

Chapters (20)

Author's Note: Unfortunately, some people have failed to realize this: This trilogy takes place in a quasi-steampunk alternate Equestria, where tensions are much higher, and as such, weapons technology has progressed much further. Sorry to have to post this, but Equestria Daily rejected this based on 'believability issues', and I'm still a bit bitter about that.

When Unicorn extremists assassinate the twin Princesses and decimate Canterlot, Equestria falls apart at the seams. Each of the three races gathers their own and declares war on one another in a desperate bid to achieve ultimate dominance - as well as control over the fabled Elements of Harmony.

Rainbow Dash is now a member of the Wonderbolts, who have been assimilated by Pegasus military leadership and converted into a special operations task force, trusted with only the most insane and dangerous of objectives. Fire follows Rainbow Dash as her conviction, strength, and allegiances are tested time and again, and as she is forced to make choices that could seal the fate of those she loves - or of the Pegasus race as a whole.

Note: This trilogy takes place in an alternate universe, where Equestria is at a significantly higher technological level than in the show (televisions, explosives, advanced firearms etc.) and racial tensions between the three pony races were much higher to begin with. I felt the fundamental differences between the show and this story spoke for themselves in regards to Fire taking place in an alternate universe, but that clearly wasn't enough for some people, given a few of my readers have gotten after me about the technology level. Hopefully I won't have to address this again.

This is part one of a trilogy; you can find the latter parts here.
Part Two, Vengeance:
Part Three, The Cross:

Chapters (1)

In the age of steam the main way of life is supported by the airship but when the solar empire claims ownership of the sky it cause's a spark that will ignite a war. Twilight finds herself in the middle of it when she wakens in a make shift hospital with new "parts" and knowing nothing of her past. Will she find her past and will she what to return to it when she does?

Note: best read in Times New Roman or Calibri font.

Chapters (2)

Spike has been feeling depressed that he may lose Rarity since he is a dragon and that he'll lose her and his friends as he outlives them all. Desperate to find a way to win Rarity's heart, Spike finds a shopkeeper who has a surprise that ends up changing his life. He finds a potion that turns the dragon into a pony and now has a chance with his princess. As Spike takes on flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, swoons Rarity, and adjusts to his new life it all seems okay. He couldn't be anymore wrong and it has come with a great price. He and his friends are in the sight of an old flame who has come for revenge and is especially interested in Rarity. Now Spike must gather the courage to go forward and save his friends and his love.

This story is Sparity fic (My OTP Deal with it) and is a WIP on this site, and on DeviantART. I try to get the chapters out as soon as I can, so my updates my be random. This is gore in this story, but that happens a little down the road, so for now this'll be marked teen. As I reach the gore part, it'll most likely change to mature ratings.

I don't own any of these characters or Friendship is Magic. It is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. OC ponies belong to me.

Cover art image done by asluc96 on DeviantART and used with permission

Chapters (16)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

Twilight's dreams have shifted from majestic fields and ancient scriptures to a place where death is a constant and combat is a way of life.
She dreams the life of a free willed metal monster and is forced to witness untold horrors whilst she sleeps. She saw things she had never seen in her own universe. She saw death. Horrible, bloody, gory death.

Twilight believes the torture has ended when the nightmares of destruction and death stop.
But this is a crossover. The tale most certainly doesn't end there.
When an accident with the power to shatter reality occurs, the mechanical destroyer from Twilight's dreams becomes all too real.
Twilight believes it the end. She is fairly certain that this creture will be the end of Equestria.

But does the knight in midnight armour beakon the end of all ends? Or new opportunities for friendship?

Borderlands 2/MLP crossover.

Chapters (21)

Some time after Emily is firmly on the throne, Corvo is contacted by the Outsider once more... And sent on a mission to save a reality...
Of talking ponies?!
But was he the only one sent to Equestria?

I found the cover image on the Internet, I claim no ownership of the image or of the Dishonored or MLP franchises.
Image by vicious-mongrel on Deviantart
Contains strong language
Rated Teen due to adult language and adult boo-boos

Chapters (2)

Captain Galen and his for-hire crew were well known for taking odd and dangerous jobs. Be it mapping dangerous areas to taking emergency distress calls, the crew had seen it all. After a solid two weeks of back to back work, the crew looked forward to dropping off a captured criminal and getting some rest. An urgent request interrupts their plans however, and they are tasked with kidnapping a Princess to keep her out of murderous claws.

But all is not what it seems, and before the dust settles relationships will be forged and tested as the foundations of kingdoms are shaken to their roots. What started as a odd yet straightforward two-week job now has no end in sight, and there are no safe harbors from the storms of war that loom on the horizon.

Highly recommended reading for continuity hints and therefore spoilers for (Gallus and Silverstream Adventure): Stream of Silver, Heart of Gold & Prison of Ice with Silver Keys
(In the description of the first chapter, the key points will be summarized for those who don't wish to read the other stories)

Other Spoilers: Seasons 1-8, MLP Movie, the comic 'The Stormy Road To Canterlot' (And others), and chapter book 'Beyond Equestria: Fluttershy Balances the Scales
Tag Info: Violence/Death/Gore tags for plenty of fight scenes both large and small.

Chapters (19)

Princess Luna went through a hell of a growth spurt between The Mare in the Moon and Luna Eclipsed. How exactly did she achieve what looks to be an entirely new body? And how does the disappearance of The Great and Powerful Trixie link to this miracle? Grimdark fic.

Marvelously magical reading by Illya Leonov.

Chapters (1)

Takes place after season 5, but before season 6.

One year after the reformation of her star pupil, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle decides to look more into the forbidden mysteries known as Alternate Timelines. After tweaking around with Starswirl the Bearded's altered time spell, she tests it out in an open meadow.

But she honestly didn't expect it to work.

She honestly didn't expect to pull not one, but two blood-covered children from beyond the veil.

And she honestly didn't expect to find herself fighting for her life against a desperate monster.

Second place winner of Art for Fanfiction's 2019 Summer Writing Contest!

I do not own the cover art. All rights go to the original artist.

Chapters (1)