This story is a sequel to He Who Wields The Lightning


This may be my only chance to save them, if they can be saved. I pray that Celestia is not yet consumed by the power or that Luna has not completely given into her hatred yet. But they have put Equestria at war with itself. And then there's Black Adam...I know that I cannot save them, but hopefully my champions can. And if they cannot save them and attain their Elements...then we will all face destruction.

If you have not read my other stories you will be confused as heck. But don't let that stop you from diving on in. Warning. MAJOR multiverse. If you don't like that thing, odds are you won't like this.

Banner, Adam and Ryan will be in the spotlight more so than the other characters as they are the one's whose character arcs need finishing. That's just how this turned out.

Pic by karate-chop.

Chapters (47)

Twilight Sparkle has been living in Ponyville for 7 years now. In that time she has faced great challenges, fought greater foes, and made even greater friends. But one day she finds a book. A book she had completely forgotten about. A book she thought had been destroyed. A book of necromancy. Will she submit to the darkness within her or will she stay true to her values and stay in the light; or maybe a bit of both?

Chapters (23)

What does it take to rule Equestria?  Following an argument, Celestia has abdicated the throne and vanished from the memory of Equestria’s citizens, leaving Luna the chance to learn for herself.  Twilight, one of the few that still remembers Celestia, has grave concerns about Luna's leadership capabilities.  The nobles are restless and foreign enemies circle like sharks, sensing weakness.  Meanwhile, far off in the frozen north, Sombra stirs, dreaming of himself on the throne.

Chapters (29)

Hey, my names Snowfire and I'm a dragon. Now now, don't start with the running and the screaming, please. You have no idea how old that gets. Trust me. I wouldn't even be bugging you all, except I kinda wanna keep myself turned from a crispy critter by your Princess. Apparently I'm supposed to learn about 'Friendship'...
...but yea...
...it's kind of hard to do that when you all keep running away
...just like that.
Aw Buck this.

(Tagged for possible future content)

Chapters (5)

A plagued stallion, A worried Princess, A team with to many questions, A dark force.

After an anomaly, all is not well with Equestria. Many do not see it, but a rare few see the true horrors of the invader. Time may be short, and those that can act, act quickly.

In a new land, a hunter comes, and those who are hunted have a choice, to stand firm, or to flee!

If you want a brief bit of exposition, then read this: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/good-death
I will not be including any other character from the League universe in this story, only Kindred.

Cover art from https://jinx-the-psycho.deviantart.com/art/Kindred-Masks-Colored-567144911

Chapters (17)

As her ears slowly adjust to the sounds around her, the humming of several monitors surround her body. It is impossible to hear anything, her friends, the doctor's voice, through her blurry eyes, she notices an absence of a certain orange earth-pony. With her entire life ripped from her back, Rainbow Dash must learn how to handle her now earth-pony life, all while Applejack is simply trying to be able to look her dear friend in the eyes without the overpowering guilt bringing her to her knees.

With gloom on the rise and guilt consuming, is there any way these friends can repair themselves without hurting one another?


Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle is staying with Rarity but has picked up the disgusting habit of biting her hooves. This annoying habit is driving Rarity insane and she resorts to recanting the legend of ShanderShears the tailor to ameliorate the situation. But is it really only a story?

Chapters (1)

After a smash and grab mission goes haywire, the Master Chief finds himself in Equestria. As he meets the ponies we all know and love, his past with Cortana haunts him as he struggles with his new life.

But a threat who wants revenge makes their move . Will John 117 move on from the past to face the enemy, or will he not care and doom the ponies to their fate?

In the pony timeline, this takes place after Tirek is defeated. In the Halo timeline, it takes place after Halo 4 and before the events of Halo 5.

Edit 1: Changed the rating from mature to teen. Tell me if I should keep it the same.

Chapters (4)

As foals begin disappearing around Ponyville, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are the only ones who understand that a strange pony in a black suit and without a face is taking them. However, nopony will believe them. How then will they help others and avoid being taken themselves?

Rated for safety.

Chapters (5)

“Demonstrate to the world, there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
~Gen. James Mattis

Excited for his first deployment, young marine LCpl. Kevin Brooke and his fellow squad mates of Bravo Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marines, begin their journey through the Pacific Ocean with the U.S. Navy carrier fleet. On their second day of voyage, they encounter a large floating crystal, ending in a swift and devastating battle.

After awakening in an unknown world, four ships (‘USS’ Anchorage, Princeton, Spruance & Michael Murphy) must adapt to a land filled with talking ponies while finding their way back home. However, during their stay, Queen Chrysalis rebuilds her army to take on her new enemies, and Brooke slowly unfolds the depths of a forgotten past.

*Edited/Proofread by Dumbgamer999, totallynotabrony, & Groggari
*Rated for graphic violence, language, and gore
*Additional Tags: Random (occurs a few times in the story), Comedy, Dark, Thriller
*All characters (humans) in this story are fictional and are not affiliated with the U.S. military and other international militaries
*This story takes place several months after S03E02
*My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro Studios & Lauren Faust

-November 24, 2014 -- Wow... I have no words what to say about this. Thanks so much for this achievement.

Chapters (22)