• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 8,890 Views, 243 Comments

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy - Green Hills

An engagement at a floating crystal in the Pacific has left four U.S. Navy ships trapped in Equestria. While finding a way back, a certain enemy rebuilds her army to take on her new foes.

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Chapter 9: Search & Rescue (Part 1 – Aude Et Effice)

25 Hours Earlier

Private Pelayo walks through the crowded hallway of the USS Anchorage, with his gear still on except for his ILBE assault backpack and lightweight helmet, holding a bucket of assorted fruits he got from the mess. He gets a few glances from marines and sailors as he walks on, probably gazing at the young marine’s curly hair they’re not used to seeing since most of them have shaved heads, or the fact he’s carrying a small bucket of fruit for no apparent reason. But, the private does have a reason.

Noises can be heard from around corridors and from different levels, most of them shouts and commands as the crew continuously work nonstop to repair any damage on the cargo or on the ship ever since the power came back on. He turns to another corridor, this time, in a little more quiet area. At the end of the hallway, stand two sailors each armed with M4s, on either side of a closed door that is his destination.

Ever since he and Gunnery Sergeant Dunn had returned with the wounded and the knocked out Pegasus, most of the crew is left with disbelief that they were ambushed by a bunch of horses. But after proving them by showing the Pegasus dressed in armor, some of them start to have second thoughts. Though not all of them still believe about this situation he and his fellow squad mates encountered earlier. A thought strikes his head. Pelayo wonders how everything is with the three marines of his squad. Did they find Michaels or at least the three marines of Charlie Company? He’ll just have to wait, or at least contact them through communications if he gets some intel from that Pegasus.

As the young marine approaches the door, he stops to meet the two sailors face to face.

“I’m here to see the Pegasus,” Pelayo says, tapping the bucket. The two sailors give no answer, and continue to stare at the marine. “And to ask it some questions.”

“What makes you think a dressed up horse will give you answers?” one of the sailors asks almost mockingly.

“Just look at the screen in the other room,” the marine replies. “If the commander allows you to.” Another door, perpendicular to them on the right, opens up and out pops Second Lieutenant Martins.

“You two open the door,” he commands, and the sailors follow his order almost immediately. With a loud click, the door creaks open into an empty room.

This empty room was once an office to one of the high-ranking officers close to the commander, but after the encounter with the large crystal back at the Pacific Ocean, he was killed when one of the insect creatures took him away, along with supposedly ten or more other marines and sailors. The exact number is still unknown to Pelayo, or the name of the chief petty officer.

Pelayo nods his head when the lieutenant gives him the go-ahead to enter, and steps in the empty room. The room looks much more roomy without the desk and other office furniture. The first thing the private sees is a mattress taken from one of the bunk beds, and the Pegasus sitting up, startled by the loud creak from the door. Pelayo looks up to his right. A small security camera rests on the ceiling at the corner, where on the other side of the metal wall, is Lieutenant Martins, Staff Sergeant Alcatraz, Commander Gaines, and Gunnery Sergeant Dunn. Pelayo turns back to see the Pegasus stripped of its armor, and replaced with bandages.

“How are you feeling?” Pelayo asks the horse politely, and takes a step forward. The Pegasus slides back against the cold wall, shivering a little from the sight of the marine. “You hungry?” Pelayo tilts the bucket to the horse, showing him the different contents inside.

“Sorry about the design of the room. We had to improvise since we had no room left around the ship.” The Pegasus still remains silent, and only stares at the kid with eyes filled with terror. “Come on, now. I can’t be the one who’s doing all the talking. You got a name?” Pelayo smiles again, sits down on the floor, and places the bucket a foot away from him.

“L-Li…” the Pegasus stutters, but finishes it that is inaudible to the marine.

“Hmm? I didn’t hear you. You have to speak up, you know.”

“L-Lightning… Rod.”

“Hmm, that’s a cool name.” Pelayo grabs an apple from the bucket and takes a bite. After finishing up, he clears his throat. “Pelayo is my name. Paul Pelayo. Private.”

“Y-you’re… a private too?” The marine lifts his head up.

“Yeah. You’re a private?” The Pegasus nods his head, and the marine smiles. “That’s nice. You, uh, horses have a ranking system as well?”

“W-well, um, technically… we preferred to be called ponies.” The Pegasus’ voice seems a little more stable to the private’s ears.

“Okay,” Pelayo replies and takes another bite. He digs into the bucket, and holds out another apple. “You hungry?” Lightning Rod looks strangely at the dark red apple, then back at the marine, then back at the apple. After a moment, he nods. Pelayo slides over another couple feet to the mattress, and places the apple in front of the Pegasus, who gobbles up the apple in one go.

“Hmm, it tastes a bit weird,” Lightning comments after he swallows.

“Yeah, these apples aren’t the best,” Pelayo chuckles. “That’s what happens when you’re in the military. You get the crappiest food ever.”

“You have that too?” Pelayo and Lightning stare at each other for a moment, then break out into a laugh.

In the next room Commander Gaines, Lieutenant Martins, Staff Sergeant Alcatraz and Gunnery Sergeant Dunn watch the marine and Pegasus have their conversation on a small TV screen. Both the commander and lieutenant have shocked faces, while Dunn keeps his usual neutral expression.

“Huh,” Martins mumbles. “So they do talk.”

“Aye, sir,” Gunny replies crossing his arms.

“How many did you count out after the ambush?” Alcatraz asks.

“At least twenty or so. Probably more.”

“Any response from First Sarge?” lieutenant asks to Commander Gaines.

“My officer informed us they’re heading to the SEALs’ last known location. Hopefully, when our Ospreys are repaired, they can go in and extract them.” The group is interrupted when Pelayo and the Pegasus break out into another laugh as seen on the screen.

“You grew up in a farm as well?” the Pegasus surprisingly asks.

“Yep. Only a vegetable farm, though. We couldn’t keep up with the animals. But I have been taking care of horses back at a stable with my uncle.”

“Well, I guess you could say that’s neat. But hey, I used to grow up in a farm as well.”



“This’ll be a while,” Martins grunts.

“You just gotta’ have patience, sir,” Staff Sergeant Alcatraz remarks with a smirk. “What time is it?”

“I think almost eight in the morning,” Dunn guesses.

LCpl. Kevin Brooke
2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, U.S.M.C.
25 Miles from Ponyville, August 26th Day 4 07:24:20 AM

“Come on, little boy. Wake up. It’s time. Time to take him back. Time to take revenge. They took you’re friend, right? You know what you must do, Kevin. You know. For me, and your friend.”

Once again, another restless night occurred for me as my mind wanders into unknown areas deep within my head. Again, the same female voice talks in my head whenever I get the chance to go to sleep. Though, I never had trouble sleeping two nights ago, but it seems this voice has been nonstop speaking to me ever since we arrived into this strange land.

I look around in the dark train car, a hint of the morning sunlight breaking through each crack. I can make out the outlines of different things; sacks of wheat and hay, large crates of drinks and other foods, Banana Peel’s cart, and the other marines lying either on the floor or the cargo. As much as I want to get up and stretch, something heavy prevents me from doing so. I look down to see the little colt, Banana Seed, fast asleep on top of me. I let out a groan under the sound of the train traveling over the rails. Still, seeing a little pony like this relaxes me. His slow breathing rising and falling like a song playing at a slow harmonious beat. I can’t help but smile, and gently rub his dark yellow mane down to his soft ears.

“Cute, ain’t he?” the old voice of Banana Peel erupts to my right, almost making me jump out of my clothes. “Oops, sorry sonny. Didn’t know you were still asleep.”

“N-no, no. I just woke up. I’m good.” I start rubbing my waking eyes until I can see the old stallion standing there with his smile and chewing on a piece of hay.

“Can I ask you something, mister, uh…?”



“Brooke. That’s my last name.”

“Oh, why would your buddies call you by your last name.”

“There are a lot of people where I am from have the same first name. So, we call by our last names so we don’t mix each other up.”

“Oh, so why do every one of your species have the same first name?” I shrug.

“I don’t know. I’m really not an expert at names and all. You had a question, right?”

“O-oh! Yes. Uh, what was it? Oh! I don’t know why, but you look like a colt in my point of view.” I arch an eyebrow, literally confused by what the old stallion just called me.

“A what?”

“A colt, like a younger version of a stallion, like my grandson there sleepin’ on ya’.”

“Oh, uh, actually, I am a kid.”

“Really?” Banana Peel’s eyes shoot wide open. “You’re so big to be a… a… what was it you said?”


“Oh, is that what you say?”

“Well, in the military, yeah. If not, then you’re a teenager, or a young adult.”

“Oh! I get that reference! No wonder these colts and fillies use it all the time! So, uh, about this whole military thing you have in… are there more of you?”

“Yeah. Um, down at the beach, what was that forest called?”

“White Tail Forest.”

“Yeah. We have a few ships just like what you saw in the papers in Manhattan.”


“Uh, yeah. That.”

“Mind if I see them if we get back from our secret mission?” I stare at the old stallion, eyes sparkling with what my guess is excitement.

“Y-you do realize you’ll be seeing a lot, and I mean ‘a lot’ of marines and sailors like us, right?”

“Yeah, I know. I’m like my grandson. When I was a young colt, I always wanted to see what was beyond our land. Go away for adventures. That… until it was crushed under those six girls.”

“Girls? You mean, like, girls like us?”

“Oh, no. Six mares. They’re the Elements of Harmony.” I tilt my head to the side with a questionable look on my face.


“The Elements of Harmony. The six main elements to the magic of friendship.” I don’t know why, but I feel like this land is made up for some child-like story. Worse, I realize I’m giving Peel a disappointed look. “W-well technically, the Elements of Harmony is said to be the most powerful thing in the world. It’s what these girls used to defeat the Lord of Chaos and possibly saved Equestria many times as well.”

“Okay… so, why are you blaming that it crushed your dreams?” I scratch my head to piece together of what this old stallion is trying to say about this Elements of Harmony, and how it’s the most powerful thing in the world. Banana Peel lets out a sigh.

“Well, you see, I always wanted to be an adventurer. Go on to see these crazy and exciting places no pony has ever ventured to, just like in the books of Daring Do.”

“Daring Do?”

“But, alas, my father was the one who convinced me to follow in his steps to become a farmer. So, I did what I did.” I pick up my head, turning to the old stallion now leaning his head close to the ground filled with depression and regret. He also suffered like I did. He had a family, but they only wanted him to do what they want him to do. And so, he did just that.

“You remind me of myself,” I mutter and remove off my helmet, catching Peel’s attention. “My parents forced me to go a path I refused to take. And so, I dropped out of college and joined the Marines.” Banana Peel’s eyes widen, probably surprised about my short depressing past.

“Well, what did you want to be before?” It hit me, mentally. I lean back my head against the wall, and think for a while.

All this time, since I remember just a few years ago up until now, I never thought of what I wanted to become other than going against my parents’ will.

“You know, I never actually thought about that. You ever have that feeling where you work and study so hard, that you know… you never stop and think about something for once?” Banana Peel shakes his head.

“Well, I never been that way, but I think I know somepony who might be like that.”


“Twilight Sparkle. I usually see her when I’m in the marketplace on the weekends. She keeps a strict schedule and does nothing but sit in her library reading her books.” I let out a small chuckle just thinking about that.

“Well, that’s what I call one helluva nerd, then.” We both laugh at the small joke, when the train’s whistle echoes from outside.

“Rise and shine, marines!” Kicker calls stretching himself from the sacks of hay.

“Huh?” Lance Corporal Corey yawns. “What time is it?”

“Twenty to o’ eight hundred.” The train whistle goes off once more, now waking up Banana Seed still sleeping on me.

“Mornin’ pops,” the colt yawns, when we suddenly meet each other’s eyes. For a moment, it’s as if we’ve been staring for too long before Sergeant Stan breaks the silence.

“Well, aren’t you the babysitter.”

“Oh, shut up,” I reply as Banana Seed hops off and races over to the banana cart where Hanley quickly gets up.

“How long until we reach the village?” Kicker turns to Banana Peel.

“I’d say at least a half hour or more.”

“Well, that’ll give us some time debrief on our plan when we enter town.”

Ponyville Train Station 08:19:01 AM

“Alright, everyone in position?”


“Wait until they enter.”

The train slows down until it comes to a halt, the breaks squealing in the air. I lift up the cover of the sack I am hiding in, getting a view of Kicker and Stan hiding behind several crates on opposite sides of the closed door.

“Hey, Flasher! Go check that car over there! Check through every bag, crate, everything! We don’t want more of those monsters hiding like what happened back in Canterlot!” a voice calls out from outside, sounding like a male.

“You think he’s talking about us?” Hanley whispers next to me in a separate bag, but no one answers.

“Standby,” Kicker announces through COMS. The sound of clicks and squeaks coming from the door nearly jumps me out of the bag. Several seconds later, the door slides a third of a way open, letting in the bright morning sunlight throughout the interior. A guard steps in, levitating a clipboard surrounded by a light green aurora. As he steps further into the train car, the guard moves up to the other side and checks on a pile of sacks filled with possibly hay. I veer my eyes to First Sergeant slowly creeping out of his hiding spot, and dashes right towards the guard before he could even react. Both bodies slam into the wall, and Kicker throws a punch right at the guard’s face, knocking him out cold.

“Clear,” he whispers. Stan moves up and keeps an eye out on the door still ajar, while Banana Peel and his grandson come out of their hiding spot.

“Do you really think it was necessary to use such violence?” Peel asks with a concerned look.

“It’s either that, or the whole mission blows. Besides, he’s knocked out anyway.” Kicker searches the body, and pulls out a sheet a paper. “Bingo.”

“First Sarge, we gotta’ move. I count probably two or more heading over,” Stan informs as a bunch of voices are heard from outside approaching. The sergeant quickly moves himself to the cart and places himself in the sack, struggling for at least thirty seconds to fit in his backpack along with his light machine gun, while First Sarge hides the knocked out guard behind the cargo. Kicker hands Banana Peel the paper, and joins us hiding on the cart.

“Ow! Watch it,” Carter whispers loudly.

“Keep the three guards quiet,” Kicker says before finally settling almost above my head.

“Here we go, fellas,” Banana Peel says strapping himself to the cart.

I can feel the cart roll off the ramp and on to the rough road. The bright sunlight nearly blinds my eyes, and the sound of chattering fills my ears. They all sound friendly due to a lot of greetings and farewells. Even Banana Peel and Banana Seed says hello to some as they trot along the road.

“God, this horse smells,” Hanley complains, probably who is keeping one of the royal guards quiet as we move down the dirt road.

“Just shut up, man. Carter and I have the same thing,” Corey makes a comeback. “Except, mine smells like soap.” Eventually, Hanley finally shuts up.

“Hey! You!” a voice shouts. The cart immediately stops. “What are you doing here?!” I hold my breath, and prepare my rifle, readying the stock to smack into whoever opens the sack.

“O-oh, I was just on my way to head to the marketplace,” Banana Peel replies, as he is still startled from the yell.

“Do you have a warrant? Orders are that all imports must have a cleared warrant.”

“Y-yes, I do. Um, may I ask why?”

“Didn’t you hear? There has been a small battle scene close to White Tail Forest Beach involving one of the princesses and the aliens.”

“Oh! Like what you discovered at Sweet Apple Acres and Canterlot, correct?”

“Yes, now where’s your warrant?”

“I have it here.” I peek out through a small hole, seeing Banana Peel handing a guard the sheet of paper. The guard quickly scans the paper, then looks back up at the old stallion who has a nervous smile.

“This is not signed. Who gave this to you?” I curse in my head, knowing that this will not end well. Peel’s eyes dart left to right, a sweat drop appearing from the side of his head.

“O-oh, yeah. He told me his name. Uh, what was it?”

“I think it was Flasher, pops,” Banana Seed replies.

“Oh… him,” the guard says with a disappointed sigh and hands the paper back. “That rookie always forgets to sign these warrants whenever we do inspection. Okay, carry on.”

“Oh, thank you.”

The cart once again sets off, leaving the mass hoard that is surrounding the train station. I finally let go of my breath, realizing I have been holding it for a bit too long. During the ride, I overhear many different conversations, most of which are our own helos crashed in Sweet Apple Acres and Canterlot, or the ships in Manehattan.

“Hey, did you hear what happened in Canterlot?” I listen to one of the conversations as we slowly near a small group of friends.

“Yeah, didn’t Princess Luna and her guards finally catch one of those aliens and tried to escape?”

“Not only that, it tried to kill the Captain of the Royal Guards as well. Nopony ever does that! Were you there?”

“No, but Lyra was nonstop screaming that it came to her house. I think she said it was a human.”

“Ha! Oh Lyra and her little theories. Just like Twilight and her books. Wait, did she say it came into her house?”

“Yeah, she said it was keeping itself cool while kicking all the guards’ flanks with some stuff…” Sounds like Michaels to me. “They took it back to the castle…” The conversation ends as they fade away, but I got most of the information. No two ways about it was Michaels these girls were talking about.

“Psst, we’re almost there,” Banana Seed whispers tapping on one of the sacks.

“Got it,” Kicker replies in the same tone. I lost count how long I was in the same position since we got off the train. I still keep my guard up for anything that may find us.

“Hiya’ Banana Peel!” a voice calls out, this time, a female. Once again, the cart stops. “And hello to you too, Banana Seed.”

“Well, morning to you, Applejack. How’s the family doing after the incident?”

“They’re doing mighty fine, thanks. The Royal Guards are there surrounding the big metal object preventing anypony from looking. Except for us. Trying to figure out a way to move it. Where you off to with that amount of bananas?”

“Oh, I’m just delivering some to the marketplace then head over to Canterlot for a delivery.”

“Neat. I’m just heading over there now. Apparently, the princess sent me a letter to arrive there. So, I’ll see ya’.”

“Bye bye, Applejack.”

The cart starts rolling again. After a few more minutes it stops again, and we hear five ‘thumps’ against the cart. I open up the sack, letting in the fresh air enter my lungs. I take a look around our surroundings. We’re right beside a wooden fence, which leads to a large apple tree farm. Down the road behind us is an amazing view of the town, presumably Ponyville we are in.

“Oh my God!” Hanley gasps as he exits the bag. “Never thought I miss fresh air this much!”

“No time to relax, marines. We still have a job.” We hop ourselves over the fence, readying our stuff. “Peel, thanks a lot for the assist.”

“No problem, partner,” Banana Peel replies with a bright smile, as well as Banana Seed.

“Just roam around the village so you won’t get any suspicious looks. Meet us back here at twenty hundred hours.”

“Uh… what?”

“Eight o’clock at night.”

“Oh! Got ya’. Good luck, friends.”

“Bye, Mister Brooke!” Banana Seed says waving his hoof. I return the smile and wave back.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be back. You just behave, okay?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Corey, Hanley, Stan,” First Sarge calls quietly, as the cart pulls away and we scuttle behind a few large bushes several meters to our right. “Carry the horses. Carter, try to radio to the SEALs. Tell them our location.”

“Aye, First Sarge.”

“First Sarge,” Stan calls. “I think you should see something.”

“Carter, call it off.” Kicker crawls forward to the edge of the bush next to the sergeant.

“Twelve o’clock. Approximately fifty meters.” Stan didn’t even need to say the location, as it is seen as clear as a target through a riflescope. Just ahead, is a large group of royal guards surrounding what looks to be a CH-53 Sea Stallion. “I counted at least twenty guards. Maybe more. It’ll be impossible for us to get around without getting noticed.”

“We’ll just have to radio the team.” Kicker looks through his Optics scope, scanning the downed aircraft for any signs of the crew. “No sign of the crew. Not even the SEALS.”

“You think they’ve been captured?”

“That, or they bailed before the whole party showed up. Besides, Anchorage picked up their radio frequency last night.”

First Sergeant crawls back to his original position, while I keep my rifle pointed towards the main entrance of the farm.

“What do we do, First Sarge?” Carter asks. Before Kicker could reply, Corey taps his shoulder.

“First Sarge, tree house in the middle of an open field. At least three contacts coming out.” Kicker shifts over, and aims his light machine gun over to a small hut resting by the side of a tree several meters above ground in a small open field. Just by the side, are three small fillies; one dark orange, one white, and one yellow. All three of them are just having a conversation. First Sergeant points his scope around the surrounding area, spotting a forest

“It’s gonna be a bit difficult to get pass them through the tall grass,” Kicker explains, before a familiar voice calls out to our left.

“Hey, Applebloom!!” I turn my head left and spot Banana Seed rushing over to the trio.

“Hey, Banana Seed!” the yellow one waves. Kicker, Hanley and Stan watch the colt rush over, and they all start their conversation.

“Well, isn’t that adorable,” Stan remarks, when the four fillies start running back up where Banana Seed came from.

“Looks like the kid is distracting them. Good time for us to move.”

“Where to?” Hanley asks.

“I see a dense forest about fifty meters away. Keep low in the grass. The trees will prevent us from being spotted by the guards by the Stallion. Sergeant, take point. Brooke, you and I cover Corey, Hanley and Carter while they carry the guards.”

“Roger.” Carter, Corey and I turn around, still prone under the prickly bush. I take a deep breath and ready myself.

“Move. Now.” Stan crawls out first, then Corey, Hanley, Carter, myself, and Kicker. “Stay low, move swiftly.”

“This feels more like a spec ops,” Hanley whispers. I turn my head around to take a look at the CH-53 surrounded by guards, most of them blocked by the apple trees.

I feel my heart rate rise almost dramatically with every step I take, thinking if this is real or if I’m still asleep on the Anchorage, and wondering what might happen if we’re spotted. It doesn’t matter right now, and I shove the negative stuff out of my head. As we pass by our first checkpoint, the small tree house, we continue on to our next, the fence that leads to the dense forest just twenty meters ahead. It’s a big risk since we’ll be in the open but far away from the Royal Guards’ sight, but the color of the dry grass does not match our woodland camouflage uniforms. Still, it’s a greater risk to have Corey, Hanley and Carter carry the sleeping guards out in the open. It didn’t take that long since we were moving at a brisk pace through the tall grass that almost reach up to our waist if we were standing. We hug the side of the fence, hidden by bushes wrapping themselves over the wooden framing, and slowly kneel back up.

“Clear,” Stan whispers as he aims his M249 in the direction of the crash site.

“Okay,” Kicker whispers while taking a deep breath. “We’ll rest in the forest and try to contact the SEALs. Let’s move.” We all lift to our feet, hop over the fence at once, and kneel back down, Corey, Hanley and Carter settling down the guards.

“Anything?” I ask scanning the small open field through my Trijicon ACOG scope.

“Negative,” Kicker replies. “Let’s move.” Corey, Hanley and Carter lift up the guards and we start moving out.

Not even ten meters in the forest, three objects pop out from out of nowhere, taking us all by surprise, but we raise our weapons.

“Drop it!” Kicker yells. I fix my eyes on what just happened, until I realize I’m pointing my rifle at one of our guys. “Lower your weapons, marines. It’s SEALs.” The three SEALs lower theirs as well, before one of them walks up to the first sergeant.

“ ‘Bout damn time you guys showed up,” he says taking off his sunglasses. “We were starting to doubt you were coming.”

“We had some interference,” Kicker replies. “First Sergeant Keane, Two-one Bravo, First Platoon.”

“Chief Petty Officer Murphy, SEAL Team Five, Second Platoon. But call me Knight.” Knight leans to the side to see Corey, Hanley and Carter still have the guards over their shoulders. “You managed to get some?”

“We encountered them when we hit shore. You guys have shelter?”

“That we do. Follow us.” Knight signals to the other two SEALS, and we start making our way deeper into the forest.

We finally make it to a small campsite, or what Knight explained. From the looks of it, it’s just a large foxhole one meter deep and about seven meters in diameter, covered by several layers of thick branches being held by some vines and rope almost to our height above ground.

“Welcome to camp, marines,” Knight introduces as we step inside. In the far back, are a stack of five boxes, and two long seats taken from the Sea Stallion with a SEAL and a crew chief lying in each. Two more SEALs, each holding a light machine gun at the edge of the foxhole, gaze up at us.

“It’s about time we got rescued,” one of them remarks.

“Settle them down over there,” Knight points to the end of the foxhole just on the other side of the crates, and Corey, Hanley and Carter move the sleeping horses over.

“How many?” Kicker asks to Knight as he looks over at the two wounded. Knight lets out a sigh.

“Two wounded, five KIA. Two pilots, two of mine, and one crew chief. We were spinning out of control when we exited out of God-knows-what. All power was failing and died when we hit the ground. A day later, everything went back on.”

“That’s what happened to us. We came out of a portal. All power was gone until midnight.”

“How many went through the portal?”

“Four of us. Anchorage, Michael Murphy, Spruance, Princeton, and… half of the Kidd.”

“Jesus. So, what now?”

“Right now, one of ours got kidnapped by these fellas that my men dragged in. We think he’s taken to the capitol of this land.”

“Any idea what’s this place is called?”


“Well, that explains why the whole town is filled with colorful horses.”

“We’re setting off to the capitol by nightfall. Easiest to get in and get out.”

“Where’s the capitol?”

“Canterlot. Our friend said it’s about a forty-five minute train ride north to there, but security will be tight.”

“And if all else fails?”

“We’ll use these guards to make a trade. Plus, we have one more being interrogated back on the Anchorage.”

“Fair enough. Still, they won’t like it.”

“Either that, or we develop another enemy we don’t even understand. Literally.” Knight shrugs, when another SEAL stands up and walks to the group. He has a small brown beard with thick curly hair when he takes off his ballistic helmet.

“So you grunts have a plan?” he asks to First Sarge. “Senior Chief Petty Officer Riley. Papa.”

“First Sarge Keane.”

“Ah, I heard of you back in those days.”

“Don’t. Say. It.” I notice First Sarge’s tone in voice suddenly changed into a threat when he stared deeply into the SEAL's sunglasses. “Right now, our only objective is to rescue our marine.”

“And where would he or she be?” Papa asks.

“Don’t know. But our friend said he’s held up in Canterlot, possibly in a dungeon.”

“Now that’s a risk taker,” Knight butts in. “If there’s a dungeon, then there’s a castle. That means heavy security. It’ll be impossible to get in. What do you expect to do? Knock on their front door?” First Sergeant hesitates for a moment, then turns his head to the three royal guards.

“Yeah. That’s what we’ll do.”

“What?!” Carter exclaims standing back up. “You expect us to go straight to the castle willy-nilly and knock on their door?! For all we know, we might be killed on the spot!”

“It’s a risk, I know. But we can’t just barge in without knowing what we are dealing.”

“What about air support?” Knight asks.

“Our birds are still damaged and it’ll take a couple days for repairs. Plus, we don’t have any fighters.”

“So… we just waltz right in and ask politely?” Carter asks, almost freaking out from the idea.

“Not entirely,” Kicker replies rubbing his chin. We all turn our heads at each other with a baffled look on our faces. Judging by First Sarge’s reply, it’ll be a hefty mission.

I stand in an open field just outside of the forest, peering through my binoculars over at a tall mountain with a castle sitting on the side through a light cloud cover at a distance. It must Canterlot to my guess. But, I must admit, it is beautiful to view it from here.

“Anything?” Carter asks walking up behind me. I shake my head.

“No, but there is a beautiful view of a castle on a mountain. I’m guessing it might be Canterlot.” I hand the corporal the binocs and he takes a good look at the view.

“Well, it does look like the one on the map.” He hands it back to me.

“Anything from Pelayo?”

“Yep. He managed to get a few intel from the horse we captured.”


“Same thing as we found out from Peel.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll get Michaels back.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” I let down the binoculars down and turn around, facing Carter half painted in the bright orange sun. “I’m worried about if they will never let him go. Or if they killed him.” Carter takes a step closer, putting his hand on my shoulder.

“Well, if they did. You know what to do?” I think about what I might do if that were to occur. But doing that just makes me smile for no reason.

“What? Shove my boot up their royal ass?”

“That, or a bullet.” We both chuckle out loud at the idea.

The plan has been informed to the USS Anchorage, and they say the Ospreys will be operational again hopefully late tonight, and pick us up by the exact location near the apple farm. Now, all we have to do is wait until nightfall, and execute our cheesy-made plan. Basically, Carter and I will try and make negotiations between whomever these Royal Sisters are, and give the go-ahead to Kicker and two SEALs to bring the royal guards for a trade with Michaels. Still, I don’t know why Kicker and the two SEALs have to wait outside and Carter and I just waltz in and make negotiations, but something tells me he’s been through something like this before. Still, we have SEALs, so it shouldn’t be a problem if something goes bad. They can always make themselves an entrance.

I check my watch the moment the sun starts to descend. It’s ten minutes to eight o’clock, and I start packing up my things. Again, thoughts start swarming around in my head of what might happen. Could Michaels be dead? Wounded? Tortured and experimented? The only way to find out is go to Canterlot and see it for myself, and pray everything goes to plan.

“Everyone ready?” Kicker asks standing back up.

“Hooyah,” Chief Petty Officer Thompson replies, nickname Honeydew, due to his light orange beard and a drawing of a Viking on the back of his ballistic helmet. He and Petty Officer First Class Blake, Cutup, ready themselves up, along with Carter and myself.

“Remember, keep the radio pointed at least twenty degrees. That’s where you get the best connection,” the corporal explains.

“Check,” one of the SEALs, York, gives a thumb’s up. I turn to the three royal guards, all have duck tape to their mouths and their legs tied with rope. The three horses start muffling and struggling as Kicker walks up to them.

“Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy okay?” he says, one of them, a Pegasus, calming down. The other two unicorns ignore First Sarge’s order continue to struggle. “Hey!” The two unicorns finally stop, taken completely by surprise at Kicker’s yell. “I’m going to tell you this one time. We are going to take you to Canterlot for a trade with one of our boys, and you three. So, if you ever so much as to do any smartass moves on us, I promise you your head will be off your shoulders before you even blink. Understand?” The three horses gaze at the war veteran, eyes filled with fear. “Understand?!” Without a second to lose, the three nod their heads in consent.

“Remind me to never piss you off, First Sarge,” Knight says as Kicker stands back up.

“We’ll be fine. Let’s just move.”

The sun has almost fully set, and we wait behind a bush close to the fence of where Banana Peel last dropped us off. I check my watch; it’s ten minutes past eight.

“He’s ten minutes late,” Carter whispers.

“That’s old horses for ya’,” I comment. I turn to one of the unicorns, trembling enough to make the branches start moving. I nudge at him to get his attention. “Hey buddy, relax okay?” the unicorn nods and takes a deep breath through his nostrils.

“I see him. Twenty meters,” Kicker says.

Banana Peel rolls up next to us, and we move out.

“What took you so long?” Kicker says to the old stallion. “We specifically said eight o’clock sharp.”

“Sorry, had to pick up my grandson at the Apple family. Who’re they?”

“Peel, this is Honeydew and Cutup. Navy SEALs.” I lift up one of the guards on the cart, and push him under a sack where I’ll be laying in.

“Good luck with that fella, Brooke,” Carter says with a hint of a tease in his voice.

“Well, at least he smells like soap than shit,” I reply back before covering myself up.

“Marines, let’s move out,” Kicker orders softly. The whole cart rattles around as the rest buries themselves in the large sacks, blending in with the three other bags filled with bananas.

“We’re moving,” Banana Seed whispers, and the cart start rolling.

The ride to the train station seems shorter than I thought; maybe I’ve been occupying myself by keeping this guard silent and still, or that the town is less busy during the early night. I don’t know and neither does my team. The train whistles loudly not too far away.

“All aboard!!” the train conductor yells, I presume. I feel the guard pressed against me starting to breathe heavily, almost panicking. I slowly start petting the soft mane.

“You’re doing a good job, buddy. Just stay calm.” The stallion muffles something as the cart moves up the ramp, and halts to a stop after several adjustments when inside the train car. Five kicks hit the side, and the door shuts seconds later.

“Let’s move,” Kicker says. I open up the sack, and escape out into the dark car. After much struggling to get out, the rest of the team hops off the cart, and gather around in the open center the moment the train starts to move.

“What’s next, First Sarge?” Honeydew asks as Carter, Cutup and I settle the horses down against several sacks filled with hay. Kicker unrolls the map of Equestria on the ground, and points to the capitol.

“The train ride is about forty-five minutes to Canterlot. When we get there, we can get pass by security with the help of Banana Peel and make out way to the main entrance.”

“Isn’t there another way in?” I ask with a hint of anxiety in my tone. “I think the moment we get there they’ll just kill us on the spot.”

“Heh, like a bunch of large knives and sticks will stop us,” Cutup jokes.

“No,” Carter shakes his head. “Ever seen what those unicorns are capable of? They ambushed us, and knocked out three of our men.” There is a silence in the car, when Banana Peel begins to speak.

“Well, ya’ know, we can always hide in the alleyways. And I know a certain pony who can help you.”

“Oh God,” I mumble.

“No, no, no. She’s a friendly one. I always see her with her friend, Bon Bon.”

“Bon Bon?” Honeydew asks curiously.

“Who is this pony you speak of, anyway?” Kicker asks.

“Her name is Lyra. She’s this huge fan of you and your kind. Boy, you should’ve seen Bon Bon’s face whenever Lyra gets in to those.”

“She knows humans exists?” I ask.

“Not know. Believe. But, since you do exist, maybe she can help you out.”

“I don’t know,” Cutup says with a tone of distrust. “Is it really necessary to have other horses—”


“W-whatever… I still don’t know about it. For all we know, she could call for help and we’re all screwed.”

“We need as much intel as we need if we are to rescue Michaels. And we still don’t know much about this land. So the only way to do it is gain trust from the locals. Understand?” We all nod our heads. “Good. We do what we can to get our boy out of there.”

21:52:39 PM

The train halts to a stop, and the doors open several minutes later. Banana Peel drags the cart out of the train car into the bustling crowd, though less intense than when we first arrived at Ponyville. Somehow, the name still bothers me.

“Halt!” a voice, probably a guard calls out. Peel stops in his tracks, and both him and the guard start talking I can barely make out due to the loud crowd. The unicorn pressed against me starts squirming around. I wrap my arm around its waist and clamp the other around its taped muzzle.

“You know, I really hate to do this,” I whisper. “If you do any smartass moves, I will break your neck.” The unicorn winces, but complies by nodding his head. “But I promise you, we will let you go unharmed if you listen to us.” I put more emphasis on the last five words, and the horse nods his head.

“Okay, carry on,” the guard says from outside. The cart begins to move, and the crowd slowly dies the farther we become.

Five kicks to the side of the cart almost jumped my heart. I slowly open the sack, being welcomed by a smell of different fruits and pastries coming from the open windows. I look around to see we’re in an alleyway, though one side looks to be sealed off. I hop off the cart with the unicorn next to me, while the rest exit the bags. Banana Peel is at a door of one of the large cottages. After three knocks, the door opens almost instantly, and a mint-green colored unicorn appears.

“Hello, Banana Peel,” the unicorn greets.

“Hey, Lyra. We, um, need your help on something.” The unicorn, presumably Lyra, turns her head; the first thing she sees is I checking on my rifle. The moment we make eye contact, her mouth seems to dislocate and drop.

“N-now, now, Lyra,” Peel tries to calm her down. “I-I know this is a bit much, but, hear me out one thi—” Like a flash of lightning, Lyra races towards me, wrapping herself around my leg, nearly knocking me back into a garbage can. I swear that unicorn was going to kill me at first, or at least scream at the top of her lungs. I look down at the unicorn, trying to process what just happened. She looks back up, eyes glistening like gems.

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” she squeals. “I knew there would be more of you!”

“Looks like you got a fan, Brooke,” Carter comments. Lyra gasps when she spots the rest of the squad, and races over to one of the SEALs.

“There’s more of you!” she says eagerly. “I knew it! Oh, I'm so gonna rub this when Bon Bon sees this!”

“Um, Lyra?” Banana Peel calls, still standing by the open door.

“O-oh, um, yeah.” She slowly settles herself, her cheeks flushed pure red as she backs away from Cutup.

“So, let me try again,” Lyra says taking a good look at Carter and I. Banana Seed, her, and us sit on small chairs in her open kitchen. Kicker, the two SEALs and Banana Peel goes out the plan one more time in the living room with a map of Canterlot sitting on a coffee table.

“Carine?” Lyra points to Carter.

“Carter,” he corrects the third time.

“And Brooke!” I nod my head. Her eyes widen again and a smile appears. “Wow… this is so cool! I finally get to see more of you! Do you even know how many ponies never believed me when I said you guys exist?!”

“If only we knew,” Carter mutters sarcastically.

“I have like, so many questions to ask you! Does your kind use magic?! Do they? Do they?” She starts jumping up and down in her seat full of energy like a child who just eaten a whole pack of sugar.

“Um, no… we don’t,” Carter replies with an awkward expression on his face. “We use technology.”

“Ooh, interesting.” Lyra pulls out a notebook out from behind and scribbles down a few notes with a floating pencil surrounded by a green aurora. I should be used to seeing this after Banana Peel explained to us about unicorns using magic, but it still bothers my mind like I’m some chimp using a smartphone.

“Mmph!” one of the guards muffles under his taped mouth, catching our attention.

“What do you want?” Carter asks turning to the three tied up guards. The Pegasus muffles something again. “Can’t hear ya’ buddy. We taped up your mouths.”

“Why do you have them again?” Lyra asks staring at the three guards.

“We’ll be using them to make a trade for one of ours.”

“Oh, that Michell-something?”

“Michaels,” I correct.

“Hey, Lyra!” Kicker calls, waving his hand for her to come over. The mint-green unicorn complies and approaches the small group sitting around the coffee table, leaving Carter and I with Banana Seed and the three guards.

“We’ll find him,” Carter says, trying to comfort me. But, the moment he finished, I drop my bury my face in my hands and let out a sigh. Once again, my mind races to images of what they might do to Michaels.

“Brooke,” Carter says, and I lift up my head. He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Michaels is a tough guy.”

“Yeah! We’ll find your brother!” Banana Seed says cheerfully, placing a hoof on my other shoulder. After a moment of silence, the three of us break into a laugh. I rub the colt's soft hair.

“You’re a real help there, kiddo,” I reply still trying to control my laugh.

“Really?” Seed asks with an eager grin appearing.

“No doubt about it,” Carter replies. “You’ve been one heck of a marine to us.”

“Sweet! Uh, what’s a marine again?”

“Us. We are marines, soldiers.” Carter salutes, and Seed does the same back. “Aye, sir.”

“Aye!” Both Carter and I laugh again. Though I hate to say this, I do enjoy having a conversation with a friendly pony. Hopefully, whoever these princesses are, are good negotiators like what Lyra said.

22:53:19 PM

Kicker peers through the binoculars at the castle wall, approximately eighty meters just down a small slope and across a river. He spots at least ten guards on the wall, with several more Pegasi flying above, two by the bridge, and two more at the main gate. He packs up his binocs and hides behind the bush, turning back to us.

“And?” Honeydew asks.

“Castle is a bit bigger than I thought.”

“Well, it does belong to the Royal Sisters,” Banana Peel replies.

“Yeah, we get it the first ten times you said that,” Carter points out.

“Settle down, you two,” Kicker bumps in. “Okay, everyone knows the plan?” We all nod our heads. “Okay. Carter, Brooke, you two move up to the main gate, most of the guards will be occupied while Honeydew, Cutup and I sneak over the wall and wait for your go.”

“Can I come?” Banana Seed asks, eager for an adventure. Carter moves over next to the colt and pats his head.

“Sorry, kid. This one’s too dangerous for you.”

“Wh-what?” Banana Seed’s pupils grow large enough for the marine to see his own reflection.

“Sorry. This mission, you need to be trained like us. Plus, the princess might think we kidnapped you as well.”

“He does have a good point,” I agree. Seed lowers his head in disappointment, and sighs.

“Hey, you’ve been a great little marine to us. And don’t worry. We won’t hurt the princesses.”

“Okay…” Banana Seed gives away a small smile from Carter’s appreciation, before moving back to Banana Peel sitting behind us.

“Alright,” Kicker begins. “Lyra, you think you can help us get over the wall?”

“H-help?” Lyra stutters, almost shocked at First Sarge’s offer. “Oh! Please, please, please, please, please!” She moves up almost an inch away from Kicker’s face in a swift motion, taking him almost by surprise.

“O-okay, okay.” Kicker shoves the excited unicorn off, and turns back to us. “We’ll keep radio contact. You boys ready?”

“Oorah,” Carter replies readying his M16. I take a deep breath, taking a glance at my rifle, and nod.

“Don’t worry, Brooke. We’ll get Michaels back. No matter what.”

Carter and I move out of the small forest patch, and on to the stone path that leads to the main gate of the castle. Both of us have our shemaghs covering our mouths and noses, the only thing standing out are our eyes. My heart suddenly starts racing. We’re finally doing it. What happens if it doesn’t work? What if they attack first like back at the beach? Do we retaliate? Thoughts of unpredictable images flash through my head, putting me in my own state of trance. Then, my mind immediately switches to Michaels again. What if he’s dead? What if they provided unethical experiments on him? Or tortured him? As if someone just lit a match inside, my thought changes from worry and nervousness, to hatred in just a split second.

“H-hey! You!” a voice shouts, forcing me to exit my trance. Before I know it, Carter and I stop just three meters from two guards at the entrance of the bridge. “Freeze!”

"You got guards heading your way, boys,” Kicker advises over COMS.

“Just keep your cool, Brooke,” Carter leans and whispers close to my ear. “Let me do most of the talking.” Before we know it, we were surrounded by at least ten or more guards pointing spears directly at us. A grey unicorn guard walks up, almost stumbling over the moment he sees us towering over like giants.

“Wh-what business do you have?” he speaks almost nervously. I veer my eyes to the other guards aiming their weapons, all have a mixed look of despise and fear.

“We have come to talk to your leader,” Carter replies confidently.

“What makes you think such foul creatures like you want to talk to our princesses?” The moment he said that, my fingers yearned to pull the trigger and eradicate all these guards. Luckily, I put the safety on my gun before we left.

“We want our friend back,” Carter replies. The stallion flinches a little, as if he is hiding something. “We know you have him. And we want him back.” The guard continues to glare at us, without moving a muscle.

“You know,” Carter suggests. “We were planning on having a ‘peaceful’ negotiation with your leaders to get our buddy back. Since you’re not, we’ll just have to do it the violent way.” Carter cocks back his M16, forcing all the guards to point their weapons closer to our heads. I slowly raise my rifle close to my chest, thumb on the safety mechanism and finger on the trigger.

“V-very well,” the guard finally replies. My body relaxes, lowering my rifle slightly, and we start moving simultaneously. “Open the gate!”

“You’re doing great, boys,” Kicker says over the radio. “We’re just about to reach the wall. Most of the guards are diverted to your position.”

I still feel the urge to unleash hell upon these horses. Why hasn’t it subsided? I don’t know. Could it be from the ambush? Like it has a mind of its own, my finger constantly taps against the locked trigger as we move through the open gates, into an almost large open fancy garden. Guards stop of what they are doing to take a glance at us being escorted to a large set of doors, probably the castle entrance.

“Now that’s one helluva door,” Carter quietly remarks.

“Silence!” the unicorn represses turning around glaring at us.

The large doors open wide, and we move in the lit up main hallway. My eyes adjust to the brightness as we move in. We stroll down a red carpet running all the way to the other end of the hallway, stopping before two thrones. I give myself a chance to look at our surroundings. At each side of the red carpet, are large marble pillars with a guard placed in between. I turn to the right to the windows and stained-glass art. My eyes catch one of them, depicting a picture of two horses circling around what looks like a mutated dragon.

“Stop right there,” the grey unicorn orders. My head kicks back to the present, and we both stop with the other guards still surrounding us. The grey stallion moves up until he is two feet away, eyeing on me. “We’ll be getting the princesses. So, don’t you even think about going anywhere or we will put you down on the spot. Like what our princess should have done back at the beach to you menacing monsters.” Carter and I remain silent as the guard walks away and talks to another, and rushes off to another set of doors to the left.

“Brooke, Carter, if you can hear us, we’re over the wall and waiting for your signal. Keep your COMS on. Out.” Carter and I look at each other, and nod. Some of the guards surrounding us point their spears a foot away from our heads.

It’s been several minutes, probably more, and my adrenaline still would not calm down. Once again, my thoughts are shrouded with images to see guards pulling Michaels through that door, battered and defeated like he already went through hellish torture. I clench my free hand into a fist, until the door opens. Carter and I turn our heads to see two large horses, one white and one dark blue, and two other guards. To my guess, they must be the Royal Sisters judging by the crowns they wear and the ethereal mane flowing like water. But, I don’t see Michaels. My heart races faster as the four horses move up to their thrones. I notice the two large horses have both wings and a horn. Once the horses have settled in their seats, a Pegasus guard with a bruised eye moves next to white horse. I take a good look at both of them. The dark blue one seems to have a frightened look on its face, as if it has stage fright.

“Stand down, guards,” the white horse says calmly. Its voice is female, though it doesn’t surprise me. Carter and I glance at the guards raising their weapons and step back, giving us a little more space. “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of the land Equestria. And this is my sister, Princess Luna, also co-ruler of Equestria. What brings you and your kind here?” A silence builds up in the room. So these are the Royal Sisters. A thought rings in my head, like something just entered my mind and replaces almost everything with hate and revenge. If they dare hurt or even kill the only person that I consider my own family, then they better pray what they know what they are doing. I turn to Carter, just to realize he too has been staring at me for a while. Before he could let himself speak, I take a step up, and just spurt it out without even taking a second thought.

“Where is he?”

Author's Note:


"Aude Et Effice" (Latin for 'Dare and Do') is a motto for Arleigh Burke-class USS Hopper (DDG-70).