• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 8,899 Views, 250 Comments

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy - Green Hills

An engagement at a floating crystal in the Pacific has left four U.S. Navy ships trapped in Equestria. While finding a way back, a certain enemy rebuilds her army to take on her new foes.

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Chapter 11: Redial (Part 1 - What Now?)

“Oh, what a shame,” Queen Chrysalis sighs while looking through the glowing green orb. “It would have been interesting if the humans just killed the princesses just like they did to her guards.” The Queen of the Hive walks away from the orb grasped firmly in its stand, and out of her medium-sized throne room into a tunnel lit up by large gems glowing bright green.

“Such a slow day,” she murmurs to herself and sighs again. “And here I thought the princesses would be executed right on the spot from those pesky humans. I guess legends aren’t always true.” She hears the pitter-patter of feet rushing from behind at the corner of her ear. A Changeling runs by and stops just as she turns around.

“You Highness,” it says in a high-pitched scratchy voice while bowing.

“Speak, my child.”

“The crystal has been heavily damaged from the so-called ships these humans have. It will be months for the lord to send in more of his crystals, or any of us to repair it.”

“Fear not, my dear. We already gathered enough information about their capabilities for the time being. What about the others?”

“Th-they are almost ready, my Queen. However, it will be a few months for them to be finished.”

“Good.” The queen starts walking down the endless tunnel, with her minion following beside. “Anything else I should know?”

“Um, not that I know of, Your Highness. Oh! Um, we have produced another five hundred Changelings in the past ten days.” They approach a dead end at the end of the tunnel; the wall blocking them is smooth stone. Chrysalis lights up her irregular horn, lighting up the wall around the edges. The wall slowly opens up, revealing a large glowing room in the same bright green, and the two enter.

“I suppose that counts,” the queen replies as the natural door closes. “Let’s see how they’re doing.”

LCpl. Kevin Brooke
2nd Battalion 1st Marines
Canterlot Castle, August 27th Day 5 01:45:09 AM

“Zeus One-two, this is One-three. How copy over?”

“One-three, this is One-two. We read you loud and clear. What’s the sitrep on that Search and Rescue, over?”

“One-two, mission successful. We got ourselves luckier to make a peace agreement between these horses and us. Anchorage is sending in an Osprey to your position in a few hours. Get yourselves ready.”

“Roger. What about you?”

“We’re staying behind. The princess allowed us to stay for the night until Anchorage brings in our commanders and the fourth POW to strengthen the peace and complete the trade.”

“Heh. Sound like the princess loves giving out the love.”

“You don’t know half of it. Get yourselves ready, Knight.”

“Roger. One-two out.”

Honeydew hands the radio to Carter, and shuffles his feet over to a chair close to a fireplace, where Cutup is sitting on another chair resting his feet on a coffee table. Carter places his radio back in the same spot on the desk littered with his laptop, a small antenna, and other electronics used for his communication and personal needs. He rubs his tired face while letting out a deep sigh of relief.

The circular room Princess Celestia offered us is as large as my parent’s living room, maybe a bit larger. On one side, is a king-size bed fitted with scarlet drapes. Several small table stands are placed on either side. To left of the bed, is a large window. A medium size bookshelf lies just to the left of the open window, with a large oval dining table with six chairs, Kicker sitting in one of them. On the opposite side of the room, is the fireplace with a painting depicting of two horses circling around a sun and a moon conjoined by halves. In front of the fireplace, is an oval-shaped coffee table with two large chairs sitting on both sides, and a large couch able to hold at least four of us without any gear, and with a couple inches of room to spare. Honeydew and Cutup switched them around to face the center of the room when we came in. Between the bed and fireplace, are two doors that lead to a small balcony, with an amazing view of the city of Canterlot, and possibly the valley below. The floor is carpeted in a light crimson patterned with grassy green vines stretching in every direction.

“Okay,” Carter yawns and stretches his arms. “SEAL Team is informed. God, I need some music.”

“Go get some shuteye, kiddo,” Honeydew says. “We all need it. Been a rough ride for all of us.” I settle Michaels down on the bed, the thick blankets creating an imprint the moment he sinks with an audible ‘poof’.

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Michaels remarks as he pulls off his boots and drops them over the side.

“Hey, it could’ve gone a lot worse, you know,” Cutup says, with on leg resting on an armrest while the rest of his body leans on the other. “They could’ve just taken us in and lock us in a cell.”

“Well, something tells me the princess doesn’t like that,” Kicker adds in.

“What’d you mean?”

“A few reasons. You know that guard?”

“You mean the fella with the black eye?” Michaels asks from the bed. “Yeah, I really got him good back in the carriage.”

“Yeah,” I reply. “He was a bit of an ass. Right Carter?” Carter nods as he plugs in his earphones to his MP3 player.

“Apparently, Princess Celestia doesn’t like when her guards boast out,” Kicker explains. “Another thing is how she explains to the other horses. Ever noticed that?”

“What? You mean she introduced those colorful ponies?” Honeydew asks. “They look more like kids, don’t you think? Or teenagers.”

“How do you even know what a horse looks like in its teenage years?” Carter asks.

“They’re tone of voice. Also, judging by their size, it’s actually ponies.”

“Oh, look who’s the expert now?”

“My mom worked at a stable. Continue, First Sarge.”

“Anyway, about this whole Elements of Harmony thing, you noticed it?” First Sarge continues after staring at the two arguing like businessmen for a moment.

“Who didn’t?” I reply almost sarcastically. “It was like, laughter, generosity, magic, and… what were the others?”

“Loyalty, honesty and kindness,” Michaels finishes. I place my M16, Remington-870P and forty-pound ILBE assault backpack on top of the dining table where Kicker’s M249 and Carter’s assault rifle rest next to each other. Relief finally starts settling into my shoulders, not to mention soreness seconds later.

“Yeah… that.”

“Sounds like it came out of some child’s head,” Cutup comments taking out his Beretta M9 and plays around with it. “So, what now?”

“I guess we wait,” Kicker replies. I pull out one of the chairs and plop down a couple meters from Kicker, kicking my feet up on the table next to my rifle. “We’ll just have to wait until morning.”

“When did command say until our bird comes?” Michaels tiredly asks.

“They said they’ll arrive early afternoon with Lieutenant Martins, Commander Gaines and others from our fleet, and even the last horse,” Carter explains reading off from his notepad.

Princess Celestia and her sister offered a room for us to stay in, even though we politely denied the offer since we had to return to our other guys hiding back in Ponyville. Still, she insisted we stay, and tomorrow we will talk more about us to better understand each other until our commanders arrive. One thing struck me though was the room we are staying in is right next door to the six ponies, or Elements of Harmony as Celestia explained before.

“I really don’t know why, though,” Carter says, putting me out of my train of thought. “I think I’ve seen the princess before.”

“Which one?” I ask.

“Celestia. I don’t know why, she looks so familiar.” Carter ponders for a minute while playing with his MP3. Then, a memory strikes my head.

“Wait, isn’t that, the um, the doll-thingy… your daughter gave it you, right?” Carter snaps his fingers, and digs into one of his pockets.

“Oh yeah! Now I remember!” As he digs deeper into his pocket, his face turns into puzzled look. “Wh-where is it?”


“I could’ve sworn it was here. I even felt it.”


Rainbow Dash hops off from the dining table after peeking through a hole that reveals the room the humans are staying in. The other five mares, baby dragon, two princesses and the lieutenant Pegasus all stare at her, desperate to hear what the cyan Pegasus has to say.

“Well?” Twilight asks rather hastily. “What are they doing?”

“Nothing really,” Rainbow shrugs. “Just talking about what to do next, and the other one was talking to this tin glowing box and other smaller boxes. I think it’s a box.”

“Hmm, did you hear what they were saying?” the night princess asks.

“Didn’t really catch it. All I heard is one-two, three-one… or two-one-three? A bunch of numbers and letters and explanation of what happened. No biggie.”

“It must be some sort of communication device!” Pinkie gasps excitedly. “Probably to aliens!”

“I highly doubt that,” Rarity objects lying on the couch by herself. “Besides, it still bugs me that the, uh, whatever they have on them is so ugly, except for what they used to cover their faces. I kinda’ liked the pattern.”

“It’s called clothing,” Twilight corrects the fashion mare. “And you heard what Mister Michaels said earlier during the questioning.”

“Didn’t he say it’s called standard shi—?”

“Rainbow!!” Taken almost by surprise by the abrupt shout from the five mares, Rainbow quickly shuts her mouth; her back arched like a strong wind is blowing against her.

“Anyway,” Celestia finally speaks after several seconds of silence, which felt like an hour. “We best get some sleep. We have an important day tomorrow.” The mares all nod their heads, and the Royal Sisters and Wind Strike leave the room.

The door closes with a ‘click’, leaving the mares and baby dragon to their own thoughts.

“Well, it did went smooth,” Rarity compliments.

“True to that,” Applejack agrees. “Though, that first human did scare me a bit.”

“Which one? They almost looked the same.”

“The, um… Brike? No. Broo-nee? Something like that, I forgot.”

“You mean Brooke?” Twilight corrects checking her notes she has written so far earlier today. “Yeah, Mister Michaels has been mentioning about him a few times. He said to never get him angry.”

“I don’t want to imagine,” Applejack mutters, and turns to Fluttershy sitting on the chair in her own thoughts with her rabbit sleeping next to her. “What do ya’ think about this, Flutters?” The butter-colored mare shakes her head, eyes wide like something frightened her.

“Uh, uh… what?” she asks quickly.

“What do you think about this whole ordeal?”

“Um… well, I uh… d-don’t know, really.”

“Let’s just get some sleep, girls,” Twilight says packing up her notes in her sack. The rest agrees, and start preparing to go to sleep.


I finish up writing in my journal after over two hours of no sleep, with a portable flashlight held in my left hand. It never occurred to me of why it happens; the sleepless patterns just started ever since we exited out of the portal. Even my eyes don’t feel tired, as well as my body. Maybe it was the large crystal structure we encountered earlier that is still bothering me. The towering structure standing as tall as the carrier USS Nimitz, possibly even taller. I still clearly see the crystal blowing up the USS Halsey with one shot of its supposed beam of light.

My body, finally free from my heavy IMTV and two-day ammo supply backpack when I stretch my arms to the ceiling. I feel a few pops emerging from my back. I shake my head, a chill running up my spine, and I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

“Kevin,” a voice whispers behind, almost an echo. Again, it’s the female voice. I quickly turn around and point my flashlight in the general direction, only to find the two SEALs fast asleep and the slowly dying fire behind. I swear I feel my heart skip several beats when I notice a glimpse of green flames erupting from the fireplace. “Kevin.” Again, the voice, but it’s coming from my left. I feel a small aching in my chest, like my ascending beating heart is about to burst.

“Kev?” the voice calls, this time, it’s Michaels. Relief finally settles in when I turn my head to see my best friend sitting up on his bed, but I still feel the shivering running up and down my spine. “You okay, buddy?” I can hear him getting off the bed with several creeks and ruffling from the bed sheets, though I dare not point my tiny flashlight in his direction. A hand gently settles on my left shoulder, relaxing my arms almost immediately.

“You alright, brother?” Michaels asks again more quietly.

“Y-yeah,” I nod, slowly catching my breath. I can feel Michaels’ eyes staring down at me with a look of concern. After what feels like an eternity of silence, he pats my shoulder.

“Come on, let’s go to the balcony.”

Michaels and I take a picture with our phones of the nighttime view of the city, or village I like to call since it nearly resembles one. The bright moon shines down like a giant spotlight, painting the ivory towers and large cottages in a surreal light blue color mixed with the fewest lights still glowing in the streets we see.

“Quite beautiful, isn’t it?” Michaels compliments on the view. I nod my head. “So, what’s been troubling you?” I pause for a moment and think. I’m pretty sure he won’t believe me when I tell him I’ve been hearing some voice I don’t know in my own head, plus my lack of sleep. Then again, he’s like a brother to me. I take a deep breath.

“I don’t know,” I reply, a fake smile appearing. “I’m pretty sure you won’t believe me.”

“Is it your parents again?” I shake my head.

“No, no. It’s… something else.” Michaels pats on my back, before changing it to a rub.

“Come on, brother. You know I’ve been noticing your lack of sleep ever since we came. Plus, that crystal shard you held—”

“Alright! I get it.” I let out a frustrated sigh and rub my eyes, defeated by my best friend’s explanation. He obviously knew what was going on, even after we arrived to this strange world, or dimension. Almost taken aback for a quick moment, Michaels, like a true friend would, stays right beside me, his hand still patting more softly on my back.

“Sorry, buddy.”

“It-it’s fine. Been a rough day ‘n all.” Without warning, Michaels leans in rather close to me, pressing our shoulders together.

“Just relax, man. Maybe all you need is a bed.”

“N-no. I’m not sleeping with you. I have the couch.” I smile back as I get back up from leaning on the stone railing, and head back inside. Before I could take a step inside, I turn back to Michaels still staring out at the sleeping city. “It’s good to have you back, brother.”

“No better friend.”

“No worse enemy.” I close the door behind as I step back into the bedroom. Still, something ponders at my mind.

Michaels continues to stare out over the city, gazing upon the bright blue moon he wishes he could watch forever. Shaking the thought out of his head, he digs into one of his pockets and pulls out his box of cigarettes. His face immediately turns to disappointment when he opens it.

“Damn. Empty again.”


Princess Celestia writes down on a sheet of paper, her tired eyes slowly starting to develop bags beneath. Finally finished with her report to be presented to the public in a couple days, the princess settles her quill held in her magic back into a small ink jar.

“Are you sure about this?” her younger sister asks worriedly sitting on Celestia’s bed. “You know the public will not like this when we tell them.”

“We all have our own opinions on things,” Celestia explains as she reviews over her paperwork. “Not everypony will agree to this. That’s one thing you must know about ruling. Not everypony likes us.”

“I understand, but what if, you know, the humans… refuse?” The sun princess turns her head to face her sister, a thin smile appearing.

“Sister, you asked for forgiveness from them. And you admitted you attacked them first. I merely stood and assisted you whenever you were stuck. And in the end, they forgave you.” Luna smiles back, a little hope shining through her glimmering eyes. Still, she sense a feeling of uncertainty from within. “Do not let this moment between us and a new species crumble. One of the humans said some of their tops leaders will be coming over in the afternoon, and maybe explain more about themselves.” Celestia seems pretty excited when she finishes her sentence. Even Luna can’t help but smile, seeing her older sister acting like her personal student when it comes to studying something new.

“I see,” is all she could reply. Then, something hits her head mentally. “Um, Tia?”


“Did you ever hear from Princess Cadance?” Almost in an instant, the sun princess dropped her smile to concern.

“No, not yet. But, be prepared. She may stop by to see her husband. It will be a shame she may not forgive the human who attacked Shining Armor.”

“She is the princess of love. I’m sure she has the heart to understand their reasons.” Princess Celestia only nods as she turns her head back and resumes her work.

08:32:34 AM

“Rise and shine, kiddo!” an almost scratchy voice enters my own ears, followed by a slap to the shoulder. I slowly open my drowsy eyes along with a loud moan that sounds like a cow, blindly greeted by the bright sunlight entering out room. I check my watch, only to find out it’s eight thirty-two in the morning. The sun is shining brighter than normal; usually at this time the sun would be just over the horizon. From the looks of the brightness, it feels like it’s midafternoon.

I slowly sit up from the most comfortable couch I ever slept on, rubbing my eyes while I hear ruffling from bags next to me. When my eyes finally adjust to the lighting, Honeydew hands me a water canteen.

“This’ll wake ya’ up,” he offers. I take the canteen without any second thoughts, and chug down its contents until there is a third of the water left.

“Thanks,” I reply wiping my mouth and handing back the nearly empty canteen. I turn to see Michaels putting on his boots, then to Carter still fast asleep on a makeshift bed made up of five of the dining chairs and a blanket next to his equipment.

“God, it’s bright,” I complain blocking most of the sun form my eyes. I look around the room, where the two SEALs are checking their gear, but I don’t see First Sergeant Keane. “Where’s First Sarge?”

“The princess wanted him to see her while you kiddies were out,” Honeydew explains while inspecting his Sig Sauer P226. “She’ll be sending us a letter anytime soon.” Just over the dining table where our weapons lie, the air starts to warp, and in a bright green flash of fire, a scroll appears and softly lands on one of the guns. We all stop what we are doing, staring at the piece of paper with surprised and confused faces.

“Guess that’s from her,” Michaels says, walking over to the table and unrolling the paper. As I approach my friend, he hands me the letter without even bothering to read, and walks back to his bed to strap on his holster and kneepads.

Dear humans,

I have sent this letter to let you know that your friend Michaels is no longer a prisoner of the Equestrian government, since it was a misunderstanding action between nations. To prevent any further chaos across Equestria between us and you, I will be making a statement in Ponyville in two days, and I want you all to be present along with your leaders.

Also, we will return your friend’s weapon when we set off, after much convincing with our followers. You squad leader, as of now, is with me discussing on terms between your and our nation until your leaders arrive, as well as your friend’s debut. Until then, my loyal student and her friends will be accompanying you all throughout most of the castle.

Once again, the Royal Sisters welcome you to Equestria.

Best of wishes,

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna

I hand the letter to Cutup who is already standing rather close to me to get a look. Honeydew joins as I walk back to Michaels. I still have some disbelief that he tried to kill whoever the Captain of the Royal Guard is, but another part of me wants to believe it.

“They’ll be giving your rifle back in a couple days,” I say.

“Finally,” Michaels replies with a breath of relief. “I was wondering when they’d be giving back Kayla.” I tilt my head to the side a bit confused at the name.


“My ‘14. After my sister.”

“I didn’t know you have a sister.” Michaels shoots his head at me, a somewhat baffled and shocked look on his face for a quick moment.

“Y-yeah. I thought I told you.” I shake my head. “Oh. Well, yeah. She’s my sis.”

“Is she hot?” Cutup asks. The only response he gets is a glare from Michaels and I.

“What’s going on?” Carter groans, slowly coming out of his slumber. “Is it afternoon?”

“Not really,” Honeydew replies after finishing the letter as the corporal sits up.

“God, it’s so bright. Should’ve left the curtains closed.”

“Hey, it’s like that when you’re in Afghanistan during the summer."

“So what now?” Carter asks turning on his equipment, after a few minutes of complete silence in the room.

“First, contact the Anchorage. Maybe later, we can head over to get breakfast.”

“Sounds good enough for me,” Michaels replies walking over to the pile of gear and grabs his vest. I take a quick look at Michaels. He seems rather chill ever since he came back to us. Usually, he is a little shaken up after such great events, like how we exited the portal. Now that he is back from whatever these ponies did to him, he acts like nothing has ever happened to him.


Princess Celestia takes another sip from her tea held in her magical grasp, emptying the cup while her sister sitting next to her watches First Sergeant Keane finishes his breakfast; a small stack of pancakes with syrup and two eggs, an almost traditional American breakfast the marine describes to the princesses.

“So,” Celestia resumes her conversation to Keane. “How about you explain more about yourself. We already discussed a lot about ourselves.” Keane puts down his utensils back on his now empty plate, giving himself time to gather his thoughts.

“There’s really not much to describe about me.”

“Surely, there must be something about yourself that’s unique. We all have something unique.”

“Well, I am a war veteran. Going back… well, was going back to my second tour with a bunch of freshies until we somehow got stuck here.” The two princesses’ expressions change to a slight surprise.

“I see. Now, since you are soldiers, what do you do exactly?”

“Our military branch is comprised into five main parts; Air Force, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines. Each part is separated into many different groups, some of the are special ops, while rest are infantry and armored groups.”

“Well, interesting.” The sun princess takes another sip while trying to comprehend all the explanations the marine gives, only to realize her cup is still empty, but continues to do so. “Why so many groups?” Keane just shrugs.

“We have a pretty big country, but our government is slightly more focused on military than society. Don’t ask about that.” Princess Celestia wants to ask another question as to why the marine’s country is more focused on military than its citizens, until the door beside them bursts open, and a brown stallion guard rushes in.

“Your Highness!” The two princesses and marine turn their heads in the direction. “Princess Cadance has arrived and would like to see you.”

“I see,” Celestia replies, and turns her head back to Keane. “I apologize for this short meeting, but I must attend to something important.”

“I understand, Your Highness,” Keane replies waving his hand. The sun princess bows her head and walks out the room, leaving Princess Luna and the marine alone in the large dining room.

“So,” Luna begins rather hesitantly. “What about yourself?” First Sergeant lifts his head up to the night princess, almost unable to pick up what she said.

“I’m sorry?”

“What about you? You rarely said a lot about yourself and explained mostly about your, um, ‘marines’ and their purposes during our conversation. Let alone your ships that arrived in Manehattan and White Tail Forest.” Keane leans back in his chair, resting his head on his arm and thinks for a while.

“W-well, it’s almost difficult to explain.” His concentrated look turns to a frown.

“I understand. You don’t need to pressure yourself.” First Sergeant looks back up to the princess with a comforting smile. “It’s tough being a soldier, isn’t it?”

“Heh, I guess you could say that.”


Twilight Sparkle opens the door after she and her friends heard three knocks, only to find Princess Celestia and Cadance along with a guard.

“Princess!” Twilight exclaims, quickly bowing.

“Good morning Twilight,” the sun princess greets. “How did you sleep?”

“Quite well.” The rest of her friends in the background slowly waking nod their heads. When the lavender unicorn lifts up her head, that’s when she notices her exhausted friend, Cadance. “O-oh! Cadance!” Twilight quickly brightens up a smile. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you!”

“It’s all right Twilight,” the princess of love replies with a giggle. “I’m sorry I came here without any notice. I just had to see my husband.”

“Sh-Shining Armor?” Twilight’s expression immediately changes to anxiety. “W-well—”

“Your husband is fine. He is recovering in the infirmary,” Celestia explains, a loud sigh of relief coming from Princess Cadance. She turns her head back to her student. “Twilight, I’m sure you have received my letter, correct?” Twilight nods her head instinctively.

“Y-yes. I already discussed it with my friends. Th-they seem a little… um, how should I put it?”

“I understand, Twilight. But, please. From what their squad leader told me, we almost faced a major conflict between another nation.” Twilight’s eyes nearly shoot wide in shock; the same goes to the rest of her friends, except for Pinkie Pie, who is too busy being distracted by making a set of balloons.

“A-another nation?!” Twilight shouts in disbelief. “Y-you mean…?”

“From what Mister Keane told me, they are from a country we do not know, nor have we heard of. That’s why I’m asking you to present yourselves before their leaders arrive. Make them feel comfortable around before we set off to Ponyville. Mister Keane would also like to head over to Manehattan to see the other ships he claims to be part of his nation as well.”

“B-but, but… but… H-how did they get here in the first place?”

“That’s what either my sister or I will be finding out soon when their leaders arrive. Now, please look after our guests. I told them they are in your hooves for now until later today.”

“Y-yes, princess.”

Twilight closes the door as the princesses leave with their escort, leaving the six mares and baby dragon alone in a deep thought.

“I have a feeling this will not end well,” Rainbow complains.

“I hate to say this, but I’m gonna’ have to agree with Rainbow here, sugarcube,” Applejack replies. Twilight lets out a sigh. It’s been hefty and stressful to her, her friends, and the princesses for the past few days. Not to mention the unforgettable time while they were at the beach. Then again, they did come to an agreement last night and were introduced rather hastily.

“We just haven’t learned about our new friends,” Pinkie says blowing up another balloon. “Just like what the princess said; we just approached on the wrong path.”

“Pfft, easy for you to say,” Rainbow scoffs, before Rarity slaps her on the back of her head. “Ow! Would you quit doing that?!” The marshmallow-colored mare turns her head away, pouting her lips. Again, Spike slaps Rainbow from the opposite side.

“Well, Pinkie does have a point,” Applejack says. “We all just got on the wrong path.” Twilight takes a deep sigh, and gathers her thoughts until she comes with a solution.

“Yeah! What do you guys think?” Pinkie says cheerfully. Applejack turns her head to look at over thirty different balloons clustered together tied to a chair Pinkie made.

“Looks pretty nice, I guess,” she replies.

“No, you silly! I wasn’t talking to you!” Twilight turns her head to see the pink mare staring at a blank space.

“Um, who are talking to then?” she asks.

“I don’t know,” Pinkie shrugs with her usual smile covering half of her face. “Something about those who are reading us.”

“What?!” Rarity screams, fearing the humans might be spying on them, and quickly covers herself up in her blanket.

“Oh no, it’s not the humans,” Pinkie explains waving a hoof. “It’s a fourth wall thing.” The rest stare at the Pinkie with an utter confused look, all thinking of the same thing in their heads. Typical Pinkie Pie.