
This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Scrappers

You get a call from Sour Sweet in the middle of the night ordering you to get over to her house right away. Expecting late-night snuggles, you instead end up with pillow talk concerning the state of your relationship up to this point as well as its future.

Cover Art by Kul

(Sex tag for off-screen fun times)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Motherhood

After Sweetie Belle agrees to go out with Button Mash, Sour Sweet is asked by the Crusaders to tell them the story of how her romance with you all started... and they won't be satisfied with just, "I was a b*tch and ruined the whole thing. The End.

(My second featured story! - 4/8/16)

Chapters (3)

Anon decides, despite every bit of logical sense, to boop an angelic pony after exploiting her for chores. This could only end well.

After all, boredom is overrated, and the temptation to boop a cute angel pony is too great! Who cares if you could potentially be smited by pony-God, right?

Now if only you weren't literally being sized up by God himself... And said angel is trying to convince him why you should marry.


Art stolen by Badumsquish. Give their adorable art some love~
Also obviously the angel pony is theirs, lmao, hope they enjoy the story

Oh hey, in featured on release day again!

Here's me quietly shilling my Ko-fi, shhh.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Pinkie Pie's Promise

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Twilight Sparkle: the student of the princesses, a princess in her own right, and brimming with stunning capability. She's also awkward, nerdy, and obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge. Not to mention cuter than any other mare in Ponyville!

Trouble is, you don't know how to initiate a relationship with her. Maybe there's a book that can help. Maybe...she can help.

Chapters (1)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

It's been some time since you last had your chambers cleaned. Luckily for you, the maid is all too willing to take care of everything tonight.

Just in case it isn't already painfully obvious, this is a parody/spoof of the book, The Lusty Argonian Maid which can be found in various Elder Scrolls video games.

New, unique chapters will be added overtime, but let it be known that Act IV, Scene III, and Act VII, Scene II are the ones that actually follow the books found within the various Elder Scrolls video games.

Chapters (3)

Caramel decides to take Anon out drinking. It doesn't quite work out. A bittersweet look at a more grounded RGRE.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

You wake up in a land where magic is real and sapient ponies have built a civilisation. Being from a different universe, you have no understanding of their language or laws, but you're happy to have found yourself in the friendliest town there is. Good luck building a new life as their favourite... monkey thing.

Chapters (53)

This story is a sequel to Apple of Her Eye

The first night in Equestria is uneasy. It is restless. You quiver in your sleep. You've been separated from everyone you've ever known, your future looks grim, and you're not sure if you can do anything. You're small. Insignificant.

But someone, very likely an angel, comes into your dreams to say that's just not true. And in each other, you and Luna see more than just friends. Maybe you see... hope.

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Audio Reading by Agent Fluffy

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Anon Buys the Everfree Forest

Anon is here and still very much on his bullshit. While he now has the run of his expansive property, not only does he have to assure his sovereign soil receives proper international recognition, he now has a flock of citizens seeking his guidance, expertise, and wisdom.

Ah well, one out of three isn't so bad, right?

Art is once again by me, lol.

Chapters (3)