• Published 26th Dec 2018
  • 35,358 Views, 1,732 Comments

The Human Pet - RushyFiction

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Chapter 53

"Ca-si-no." Eris read to herself slowly, standing in front of a neon-clad building. "Casino!" She had no idea what the word meant. Anon's memories usually provided her with all she needed to know about Earth terminology, but he had been unreliable lately, his mind blinking in and out. Eris tried not to think about it. She looked up again, admiring the flashy signs covering the building.

"You wanna play, hun?" A voice called out from the entrance. She was a beauty dressed as a bunny, and winked at Eris.

Eris blinked, and then remembered that she was masquerading as a man. "Yes, ma'am!" She shouted. "I like games. Do you play games here?"

The bunny girl smiled vacously, with no love or care behind her smile. "Yes, sir, we do! Any game you like, sir. Come on in! Here at Red Hot Love, we treat our customers well!"

Eris nodded politely, and followed the bunny girl inside. What a beautiful place! The carpets were luscious and multicoloured, the games looked exciting and everyone were so polite and inviting. The bunnies took Eris arm in arm, as if recognising her as a person of importance. "Welcome, sir! What would you like to play? Blackjack, poker, slot machines?"

"No, not slot machines. Those look cheap!" Eris said.

The bunnies agreed immediately. "No, not slot machines!" They sang, nuzzling up to Eris. "Nothing so cheap for our new favourite customer!"

They led her to a blackjack table, introducing the game to her. Eris grinned. She liked those girls. They were all so nice. "You're so lovely, I'll play what you pick!" The bunnies all lit up at that, and hung around. "Blackjack is the best game for a man like you, sir! Prestigious!" Eris was kissed on each cheek. She blushed. What was going on?

But Eris enjoyed being recognised so much, she couldn't. She learned the card game and learned it well, quickly earning twice the amount of money she'd brought into the casino. The bunnies praised her to no end, and provided her with a glass of champagne. On the house. "Here, sir, and if there's anything else you need..." they said provocatively, though the innuendo flew far above Eris' head.


Eris turned sharply, shocked by the use of her name. It was another woman, more mature than the docile bunnies. Dressed in a bright red corset and fishnets, she approached him, a smirk twisting her face. Eris felt shy and small in her presence. The woman clasped Eris' jaw. Her nails were painted red. "Yes, I know who you are. Discord comes here from time to time."

"Eep!" Eris squeaked, terribly afraid. The woman chuckled.

"You're so young. But in time, once you come to know the pleasures we have to offer, I'm sure you will be one of our favourite customers too. You live forever, after all. And your human is almost burnt to the end of his wick!"

Eris gritted her teeth, near tears. "He won't die! I won't let him die!"

"Oh, you'll forget him before long. It's easy to say all this now. But once you know how good his flesh feels..." She gave a malevolent grin, and left. Eris shook her head, wondering if the conversation even happened or if it took place in head. The casino was so mesmerising that she couldn't be sure.

The bunnies felt that she'd had enough of blackjack. "Our precious sir... !" They cooed childishly. "You deserve better games. Come with us." So she went with them. They took Eris to a beautiful cushioned room covered in red silk.

"I'm so confused." Eris whispered. "I want to go home now."

"But you are home!" The bunnies giggled. Their voices were high-pitched and annoyed. Eris felt a strong desire to swat them, to hurt them... but before she could do that, she felt an even stronger compulsion to cry. And she couldn't do that either. She feared either Anon or Luna would know how weak and tempted she was to claim the body that didn't belong to her. A whole life on Earth, with Anon's body... the bunnies knew how much she wanted it.

They kissed her cheeks. She blushed. "For luck." They whispered, and left the room. Eris was alone.

A man entered the room. He was dressed as a cowboy, and wore a holster with a revolver in it. The revolver's grip was made of priceless elephant bone. The cowboy drew his revolver and Eris cowered, expecting to be shot. Instead, he kneeled and proffered the weapon. "With this, you can slay Discord." He said, and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a painted target over where his heart beat. "You may kill me now."

Eris took the revolver, and felt its weight. He'd seen enough movies in Anon's mind to know how to use one. But to hold one was a whole different matter. Eris cocked the gun and aimed it at the cowboy, but felt an overwhelming sorrow that prevented her from firing. "I don't want to do it."

"It doesn't matter what you want." The cowboy said. "It is your destiny to give into your desires, no matter how much you ignore them. You are what you crave, not what you want. That's why you're here. Kill me."

"I want to play something else." Eris cried. "I want to play something else!"

The cowboy tutted. "How do you hope to kill Discord if you can't kill me?"

"Celestia?" Crimson Star asked, still cuddled up close to the Sun Princess under her wing.


"Could you destroy the Alicorn Amulet... for me?"

Celestia smiled. "Of course, Crimson." She levitated the Amulet from around her neck and tossed it into the flames in her fireplace. An additional spell turned the fires green. The two ponies watched the Amulet melt. Crimson thought he could almost hear screaming as its magic died. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Without your love close to me, I could never have found the strength to cast it away." She nudged Crimson with her snout. "And now you must go. There is so much to do, both for you and me."

Crimson shook his head, and smiled bravely. "Yes, your Majesty. I'll find Luna and the others, I promise!"

Celestia looked down on him fondness. "I know you will. And meanwhile, I have my own task to perform... there is a soul out there who needs my help."

Eris had been thrown out of the casino, into the cold rain. She still held on to the revolver, however. The walk home was long, miserable and wet. Eris thought about her life, about her own wants and needs. Anon had put the needs of Equestria above his family, she realized. He'd waited too long to fix their problem. "If I'll get the chance... damn Equestria!" She thought. "I just want him safe... him and mother Luna. I don't care about anyone else."

She told this to Trixie as soon as she returned to their motel room, and was surprised that Trixie agreed. "The Scared and Lonely Trixie misses her family." The blue unicorn admitted. "Perhaps Eris can keep a secret?"

"Of course."

"Ever since becoming lost in this world, all Trixie has thought about is her mom and dad... and her grandpa too. Trixie thought he was a fool for losing his circus, but she may have been wrong. Perhaps he was only looking out for Trixie by helping to fight against the batponies and the Changelings. Perhaps he only cared about family. Trixie wants her family back very badly."

Eris picked the mare up and placed her down on her lap. "Well, I'm not family, but I hope this is better than nothing."

Trixie nuzzled into Eris' chest. "... only as long as the creature Eris tells no one that Trixie hugged her."

"I can only hope that I'll ever be in a position where I can be tempted to tell..." Eris stroked Trixie's cold, silky ears. She delighted in the unicorn's hums of enjoyment, almost desperate in their passion. No wonder dad loved looking after them. The ponies had a deep herd-like need to be loved and guided, which in turn gave Anon - and now his daughter - a sense of purpose they lacked before.

Eris ran her fingers through Trixie's mane and down her neck, and tightened their hug. "We're gonna find a way home... you and me, as a team. Yeah?"

Trixie mumbled something positive into Eris' shirt. Her horn lit up. Eris' eyes widened as she saw a glittering hand float in the air, shaped out of magical energy. "The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to give scritches too..." the unicorn mumbled with unusual shyness. The magical hand patted Eris' head, and scratched at her ears. Eris squeed. Maybe she wasn't so different from a pony.

"Is it true that you're a foal?" Trixie asked.

"Kinda." Eris laughed. "I didn't really exist until a year ago. But I've come a pretty long way since then."

Trixie was in silence for a while, though her magical hand kept patting Eris' head. "Then Trixie has made a... a mistake." She cringed at saying the word.

"What do you mean?"

"Trixie had thought that as a powerful alien, Eris should look after her in this world... but if Eris is truly a mere filly, then perhaps it is Trixie's responsibility to take charge."

Eris laughed off the idea. "Don't be silly. We're on Earth. The human world. You can't even leave the room."

"That's not what Trixie meant..." She paused again. Eris could see that Trixie was trying to find a part of herself that she'd never had to show before. "Trixie... I... would like for you to feel safe." The words came out very slowly. The mare avoided Eris' gaze, staring holes into the floor instead.

"It's okay... I have this." Eris showed Trixie the revolver. "We ARE safe now. With this, I can kill Discord before he can even think of a magic spell to stop me."

Trixie looked horrified. "Kill? Murder Discord?"

"What choice do we have?"

Eris began to feel uncomfortable, feeling as if Trixie was judging her. It was unfair. "It's my dad's life at stake... and our freedom! Discord is evil. We have to put him down! We have to! It's what they do in the movies..."

"Eris, the Great and Powerful Trixie cannot claim to know what a 'movie' is, but she has had some experience with dark deeds. Believe her when she says that once committed, they will never leave your soul. You can make up for them, redeem yourself, but they'll still be there. It's a part of you that's burned out forever."

Eris' commitment wavered, and she looked down on the revolver with confusion and fear. "But we don't have any other way out..."

"No, we don't. And Trixie is certainly as terrified and lost as you at this moment. But if she allows a younger filly to surrender herself to such behaviour... well, she could not call herself Great and Powerful." Trixie's ears flattened against her head, and she seemed very bashful all of a sudden. "If Trixie has learned anything from her encounter with the Alicorn Amulet, it is this - no good can ever come from giving up a part of yourself. Whatever end we shall face, we must do it as ourselves. Even if it means... facing Discord with no plan." She shuddered.

Eris hugged Trixie again, and the two held each other for a while, two creatures clinging on to each other in a world neither fully understood.

Comments ( 7 )
dzamie #1 · Saturday · · ·

Eris :D

Dan #2 · Saturday · · ·

Did Celestia get her fireplace as a gift from Ancalagon the Black?

Eris had been thrown out of the casino, into the cold rain. She still held on to the revolver, however. The walk home was long, miserable and wet. Eris thought about her life, about her own wants and needs. Anon had put the needs of Equestria above his family, she realized. He'd waited too long to fix their problem. "If I'll get the chance... damn Equestria!" She thought. "I just want him safe... him and mother Luna. I don't care about anyone else."

Did they rob Eris of her honest won money?

This chapter had me spinning! Celestia just destroyed the Amulett... Cadance will be smug what love can make one do over all odds ♡❤️:heart:

Interesting, so that's as far as she would go by herself;love had to help encourage the completion of the task...

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