After suffering from a recurring nightmare, Sunset Shimmer decides to go back to Equestria. There, she discovers that Twilight has been having similar dreams and that a mysterious dark force is at work in Equestria. Sunset, Twilight, and her friends are sent on a mission with the goal of bringing harmony to Equestria once and for all. (Human tag included solely for first chapter; pony all the way after that) (Light SunLight in later chapters)

Chapters (12)

Even though they live on a planet completely devoid of magic, it turns out humans are naturally gifted in it. Or at least this one is. Anonymous has lived in the castle for a while now and somehow found out he can do magic. Luna offered to take him as her student and Celestia agreed, thinking it would help her sister come out of her shell a bit. Celestia regrets that decision.

At least she can't complain that things are boring.


Story is from Celestia's POV. Tags will be added as needed.

Anthology where Anon learns a new spell every week (in universe) and does something stupid with it.

If you think of any spells you'd like Anon to learn, feel free to leave a comment or PM me.

Chapters (2)

When a guy with a British accent walks into your backyard and wants to talk about ponies just walk away and lock the door behind you. Among all things to remember is if someone asks if you want to go to Equestria choose your words very carefully more than likely you won't get exactly what you asked for.

This is a part of the story universe called "Chess Game of the Gods", which took its' start in "The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog" which was continued upon by Blackwing in his story "Griffin the Griffin", and now the whole planet is a playing board for some easily amused deities.
Contains Anubite goodness

Chapters (15)

Sometimes, you really can go out into the desert and find yourself with the help of a bag of mushrooms and some ponies. Sometimes, you're better off not knowing.

Recommended by Seattle's Angels, The Royal Guard, Titanium Dragon, & Paul Asaran. Includes drug use and cussing.

Chapters (3)

After a mishap during spell practice, one unlucky pony is sent to another world.

A place where dinosaurs rule the world...

(Jurassic Park rights belong to Michael Crichton and Universal Studios)

Chapters (11)

When "best friends" Matt and Pat find another cardboard box that sends them into a different universe, they are suddenly thrust into Equestria and must discover a way out without getting themselves killed in the process. Will Matt be more stupid than usual? Will Pat piss off everyone in Equestria? Will their friendship survive unscathed? Will the next episode of TBFT be uploaded in time? Will this gag ever end? Probably not!

Two Best Friends Play crossover with MLP. If you haven't seen these guys before, go watch them. Watch them all. Watch them or I'll eat you.

My very first fic, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Chapters (12)

The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.
The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't spoil the good things, or make them unimportant.
When the opportunity to care for a small, blue alicorn arises, I give her the kindness that everyone and everything deserves.
After all, the loneliest people are the kindest...

Link to sequel: The Worlds End

(This is my first ever fanfic. I don't think my own writing skills are any good, but I want to try contributing something somewhat good to the fandom.)

Edit: Many months after I initially posted this story, I never thought it would get this popular. To date my first story is the biggest, statistics wise, and it even made the features box on the front page! Thanks to all the viewers and followers <3

Chapters (16)

In unknown circumstances, Ichigo's inner Hollow (in its Vasto Lorde form) has found it's way to Equestria (thankfully, with sentience). Couple this with the fact he's got some memory loss, and Equestria could be in some serious strife. As if he wasn't dangerous enough...

*I've taken this story up at the permission of Bradledew Ender, so I'm thanking him for giving me something of a plot to work with.

*Thanks, and all credit, to the unknown person for making this picture, even if they don't know about it.

Also, tags will be added as the story goes. Or removed, whichever happens.

Chapters (17)

( yep this entire slop is getting a re write of a few earlier chapters )

Hello. My name is Anninnicus. Anninnicus Ravenfury... It's a name I came up with on my own, truthfully... My real name is... Chirp.. And that name was given to me by, well... everypony.

It started with my adoptive mother, Lovely Lights. And I suppose my name change never went through, and I also suppose I'm far too lazy to do it again.

It's totally contradictory thinking, yes, bad name, want to change it... and too lazy to change it. That's just how I function. I'm perfectly fine with it, even if I have to cringe every time someone tries to use "Chirp" to refer to me.

I can expect you all are here to hear all the stories of the War, and my... 'excursions' following it's end.

However, I'd rather talk about the most joyful years of my life, as it was only after the war ended that I became even remotely relevant in this world.

I'd much rather talk about my life... before the war...

If you really want to hear stories of the war, I'd recommend you to... well.... I don't know if she'd want to talk about it either. I'll send you her way afterwards, if you stick around long enough.

(Random and comedy tags for.... just trust me on it.

Alternate universe tag will come up much later, but it's due to the fact I've merged it with another series I'm planning on making.... At some point.
As it stands, I'm not using the official Mlp map, so that's the tag at work for now.

Chapters (17)

There are an innumerable amount of worlds Sunset could have been sent to. Fewer where she kept her magic. Even fewer that have others with powers. In fact there's full teams of heroes and villains in this world. But Sunset's never really been much of a team player. She stayed on her own, under the radar as she built herself up from nothing.

One night though, things go wrong and she starts attracting attention.

Chapters (9)