
While on a secret mission against the Griffon Empire, Spitfire is separated from the rest of her squad. Alone in enemy territory with a jammed gun, Spitfire's chances of survival are slim. What happened next could only be described as Supernatural.

Written from Spitfire's point of view.

Inspired by the Sabaton song "Camouflage" from the album "The Last Stand."

EDIT: Read by yours truly: Link (YouTube)

Chapters (1)

On a still winter night Fluttershy finds herself delving into the Everfree Forest in search of the source of what's caused distress to her animal friends, and when she does she finds a most unsettling creature. It reminds her of a Changeling, but it's something else entirely, and something quite unfounded in her time.

Clearly the obvious course of action is to adopt it.

The cover art was made by me.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

With their band having been gaining more popularity each of the girls have been trying to branch out into social media more. Rainbow Dash has her sports and stunts videos, Rarity had her fashion channel and Sci-Twi had her tech channel and so Sunset Shimmer decided to start a gaming channel!

Embark on a series of one shots where Sunset plays various different games for various different reasons and has many different reactions. She will even bring in guest stars!

(Leave suggestions for who you want to see show up)

Chapters (3)

When Twilight Sparkle decides to try a new spell she has perfected, she successfully pulls a being from another universe into Equestria. That being coincidentally is a human...that human coincidentally is you. What at first just seems like an opportunity for first contact between two species soon becomes something much more when certain truths are brought to light...and everything you knew about your life is flipped onto its head.

NOTE: At times in this story, the main character's thought process will be shown as an inner monologue with his brain. BRAIN's dialogue will appear in this color of text.

Chapters (7)

There have been many close calls, regarding the times when Equestria was in danger. Villains who threatened the balance, and each time the Element bearers were called to stop them. However, each time they came to face such dangers, the threat from said villains was no longer present. Each and every time, said villains would say that they would rather live in peace, and not seek to disrupt everyone’s peaceful living. The reason? There was this old figure who appeared, and simply talked to them. And his words would be etched in their hearts for many years to come.

6/27/21: Thank you all!











Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle never thought she would ever be interested in teaching. Her entire existance was spent devoted to the study of magic (and the avoidance of making friends). But everything changed after she hosted a presentation at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the very same school she failed to enter as a foal.

Now she is in tiny Ponyville. A village just to the west of Canterlot. It's small, quiet, and unassuming, Twilight Sparkle is certain that it's the perfect place to learn how to teach. After all, nothing happens in small towns, right?

Unfortunately for Twilight, destiny works in strange ways, and the very fate of Equestria may depend on... Making friends?!

[ AU inspired by FallingRain22's piece, which is also the art for this pic for the time being http://fallingrain22.deviantart.com/art/AU-Mane-6-477312935 ]

(Made popular stories box on 7/18/15, thank you!)

(Edit 5/2020: Okay, last time I edit this description and then I'll let it be what it is. First and second chapter have been revised. Enjoy!)

Chapters (11)

Who knows what disaster is about to strike Ponyville and its innocent citizens? Who strikes fear in the heart of evildoers who bring harm to the quaint quirky town? The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well knows...

When Pinkie Pie decides to remain the sole Mare-Do-Well, her choice ends up having both positive and negative repercussions for herself and for her town. An ongoing series about her challenges in keeping both her regular life as well as her hero alter ego.

UPDATE: After a two-year hiatus, I have returned with the next chapter. To not keep the readers waiting, I have divided it into small sections and posting them as I finish. Due to obvious reasons with so many things that have happened in the canon universe of FiM, this story is now under "Alternate Universe". Some pieces of the current canon will be included but others will be left out. Please bear with me, yes?

Chapters (15)

Many millennia ago, Pokemon used to roam the world of Equestria freely. Then, one day, they simply vanished... One day, a crazed stallion decided to mess with something that should have been left alone. With Pokemon suddenly appearing in Equestria once more, how will Equestria cope with change, especially when the Pokemon appear to be more than what the myths said?

(Formerly known as "Faraway World of Our Dreams".)

This idea came to mind when I saw all of the Human-turned Pokemon in Equestria fics, and I thought, “Hey, maybe I can make a unique spin on it!” So that’s how this came to be. Hopefully, aside from a random twist here and there, you’ll enjoy a (relatively) realistic take on HiE as Pokemon. Will update sporadically, whenever I get ideas and have time to write.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Pokemon, nor do I own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They are owned by Nintendo and Hasbro respectively. I claim no credit, ownership, etc, and ask that you support the official shows.

Chapters (42)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself inside a cocoon in the throne room of Canterlot Palace along with her friends and many other ponies. She is thrust into a dream world by Chrysalis who is feeding on the feelings of love and friendship she and the others will experience in their alternate realities. In her dream, she finds Princess Celestia, who has been able to cross between dream worlds. Twilight and Celestia must now travel between dreams in order to awaken their friends and stop Chrysalis. However, some dreams are not as happy as they expected, and some secrets held in the subconscious may be better left unawoken.

Additional character tags: OC's, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon, Trixie, Zecora, Diamond Tiara, Snips, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Roseluck, Big Macintosh

Inspired by the fan video of an alternative ending of season 2. Click here to watch it!

Featured on Equestria Daily 9/14/2012.

Now a comic illustrated by Zoarvek! http://zoarvek.deviantart.com/gallery/48143295

"Sex" tag added on 10/12/2014 due to sexual themes here and there. It's not the focus of the story, but it's in there. For a more detailed explanation of why the tag was finally added, see the author's note on "Corruption Ch 10"

Old cover art here: http://i.imgur.com/Tgt974q.jpg
Full size: http://i.imgur.com/9uWAX.jpg

Chapters (56)

Twilight has a few things to say to Cadance before she marries Shining Armor. Namely, that she's terrible.

Written for the Cadance is a Terrible Mom 2021 competition .

Chapters (1)