The crusaders are having a sleep over with their friends, but is a dangerous pony around? And could these sweet little fillies end up victims of a terrible slusher? Based on the episode of the new adventures of Winnie the Pooh of the same name.

Chapters (1)

Sunburst has been entrusted with a secret, one so secret he had to Pinkie Promise to secrecy. Now he only has to keep the secret to himself until he is given permission to share it. The problem is the secret might affect Silver Spoon, and since she lives in the same town he now works in, it's hard to avoid her. What did the book stallion get himself into? And most importantly, will he have a major headache when everything is over?

For the Season 10 Bingo contest.

Edited by EverfreePony

Chapters (1)

School sucks, we all know it, but it's not school that makes it suck so much. It's the bullies that go to it. Scootaloo, knows this all too well. What happens when she finally breaks?

Silver Spoon, that stuck up brat that everyone hates, well almost everyone. That bully in the schoolyard, the rich, smart filly. After Diamond takes it to far, Silver is forced to pick sides, her best friend, or the ones she has picked on for so long.

Chapters (1)

(short story). After Lorcan's defeat, DT is now forced to accept that the Elements of Harmony exist and are not a old pony's legend.

Chapters (1)

Locks key meets the cmc and go on different quests to earn her cutie mark, which may be a little hard considering she's a changling O.o

Chapters (11)

A short story. After learning of Diamond Tiara's recent change of heart, Brave Heart comes to town, hoping to apologize to her again and hoping that she'll find it in her heart to forgive him this time after the way he treated her. Will the former bully forgive the Trottish warrior? Or will Maxin Talos get in the way?

Chapters (1)

Set during the events of “Flight to the Finish”, Diamond Tiara has pushed Apple Bloom far enough by making fun her friend, Scootaloo, for her inability to fly. To settle the score, Apple Bloom decides to come up with a prank that Diamond Tiara would never forget. Unfortunately, she would soon have to realize that actions can have severe consequences and that there are other ways to solve problems.

This is a “what if” story, where instead of just trying to help cheer Scootaloo up, Apple Bloom decides to get revenge on Diamond Tiara to teach her a lesson about bullying.

Warning: This story contains several serious accidents involving the runs! Read at your own risk!

Rated PG-13 for gross humor.

Chapters (4)

Everypony loves a nice snow day, especially the fillies and colts who miss a day of school because of the snow. But when days turn to weeks, and the snow doesn't stop falling, Ponyville is facing an endless winter. The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to find out what's wrong, and why the snow keeps falling with no signs of letting up. Can the Cutie Mark Crusaders discover the root of the problem before Ponyville freezes over completely? Let's find out in this adventure!

Proofread by Charlie_K

Chapters (2)

Somehow, someway he made it to Equestria. Meeting familiar faces we all know and love, will Anon be able to bring justice to Equestria? Or will he die trying?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Quest for Harmony

The Elements of Harmony and their friends are enjoying their new lives in the Mainland and Dipper was attended to the Wonderbolts Academy, where they teach kids and teens how to fight and made new friends. But one day after Dipper had an argument with one of the students, a ball of blue light flew from his hand to a lamp. And he talks to the others about it. That's when a triangular demon named Bill Cipher, who has a plan to destroy all wizards and witches, takes King Meep away. The travelers soon meet up with Dipper's two friends. Silver Spoon, Gumball Watterson, and their mentor, Pixal, who are actually wizards and witches on a quest to look for the most powerful wizard of all, the Pine Tree, which can control the power of the Elements of Harmony.

Chapters (11)