When you must wear diapers practically all the time, you not only learn how to endure critics' constant gaze and ponies calling you weird names, you also learn tons of interesting things about the different diaper brands, how much they hold, which size is better for any kind of pony’s body, how strong are the tapes or which designs and colors are available. That makes Sugar Pad, a kind mare who only two years ago moved to Ponyville, the perfect candidate for this job in front of the Diapers & Powders subsidiary in this small town. But in an unusual specialized store, interesting things could happen, unusual clients with unusual needs and likes, clients who really don’t want to be in there but really need it, and tons of different situations to take part of. That’s what Sugar Pad must do every day in this job.

Once again thanks to my good friend Squigges for being the editor of my story and helping me to improve my writing every day.

Warning: This story is strongly related with diapers and contain few scenes of diaper usage, please avoid reading it if you consider those topics weird.

Chapters (1)

In many ways, Mr. Cake has become accustomed to Ponyville's eccentricities. You can't expect to run a business in this town without dealing with some oddity now and again, especially when the usual epicenter of weirdness is bunking in your attic. And so he thought he was ready for anything anypony had to kick at him.

And then he changed a diaper. In public. A simple action, really. And how was he supposed to know just how much insanity that would set off?

But to be fair, he also had no way of knowing it was still Crackfic Week.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Warning: This story contains diapers, diaper usage, humiliation, and AB/DL themes. If these do not appeal to you, then please do not read any further.

Light Ponami come into contact with an odd book that allows him to make other ponies incontinent, what he plans to do with this is something nopony can comprehend.

This was a bad idea that formed in the depths of my own hell #crinkleponies.

Art and edited by Lphooves, and #crinkleponies approved here it is.

Chapters (4)

An felt like an average day in Ponyville, that was until a mysterious enchanted diaper bag appeared unleashing magical baby items upon the Elements. How will they cope? Will they like it. And who unleashed this magic power. Here's a hint, it wasn't Discord.

Full cover
Co-Writer: Foal Star
Teen mostly for the adult foal themes but rather light.

Chapters (7)

Warning: This story contains diapers, diaper usage, sexual themes, and AB/DL themes. If these do not appeal to you, then please do not read any further.

The Canterlot Diaper Club, restricted to the elite. What occurs behind its doors is something special. Tonight a well known stallion pays a visit to this club. As he traverses the walls of this establishment he submits himself to the truth of his character, as taboo as that may be.

Once again I tricked a drunk Lphooves into drawing diaper art,
sadly I forgot I had also agreed to write something on it...
So go and harass the sober guy here.

I want to thank all of crinkleponies for editing.
And making me question why the hell I keep agreeing to doing this stuff.

Chapters (1)

With Cheerilee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Big Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, drawing, and diapers.

Contains diapers, diaper usage, adults wearing diapers, and teacher/student role playing. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (5)

Twilight goes over to Rarity to ask her a favor. She's afraid Rarity won't do what Twilight asks. Will Rarity not mind what Twilight confesses to her?

Chapters (1)

Spike really should have known better than to let his curiosity get the better of him. It’s too bad it just happened to be Starlight's diary that he peeked into. Embarrassment soon followed the little ‘baby’ dragon as punishment.

Light baby themes but mostly cute and cuddly

Chapters (1)

When the Mane Six are out of town saving Equestria, the Cakes ask Discord as a last resort to babysit the twins. When you have Discord around, you of course never know what will happen.

Thank you for reading. I took a break from my other story to write this and I hope you find it funny.

Chapters (3)

This story was inspired by the videogame Papers, please launched in 2013 and the story Padded Empire written by Soft ColorWaltz, where was taken the main location of the story. This story doesn't contain communists or war elements or references like the videogame, and the story adds its our elements about the location which weren't mentioned in the original Padded Empire story. The story is also pretty afar from the events of the original one. Nevertheless, the story contains strong references to diapers and diaper usage and it is not suggested for people who doesn't like this topic.

With the pass of time the Padded Empire has been converted in an important tourism and business attractive for tons of ponies, including those ones who want to live their fantasies. That's why the border guards must protect their land from any kind of evil creature who would like to disrupt their society and violate the law, but maybe the most important, try to introduce fakes of the most famous diaper brands to make the economy crash. Would they be able to do that?

Chapters (1)