• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 2,925 Views, 42 Comments

My Little Pony and Power Rangers - ZeldaTheSwordsman

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Setting the Stage

My Little Pony & Power Rangers (working title)
Chapter 1: Setting the stage

The wind whistled quietly through the grass of a small farm. A pony who was now getting on in years, quite old for a pony in fact, slept peacefully in the stable dreaming of his best runs and jumps. A young woman with blonde hair stood on the farmhouse balcony, gazing at the night sky. It was peaceful, relaxing. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned around to find her older sister standing behind her. "Oh. Hi," she said. "I was just..." "Thinking about them?" her sister finished for her. "Yeah. I miss them, we haven't heard from them in a while." "Don't worry. I'm sure they're alright. They've probably just been busy like we have." "I guess you're right Megan." "Come on Molly, let's settle down for tonight. We'll need to be well-rested for tomorrow."

Meanwhile in Reefside, Oregon a certain science teacher was checking his mailbox one last time before going home for the night. He found a somewhat dirty white envelope with no return address, only a postmark. A very familiar postmark. "Angel Grove...". The teacher opened the envelope to find a typed letter. It was short and to the point: Meet me at the Youth Center as soon as you can, I'll be in town for at least as long as it takes. I have something very important to tell you. Something I've waited a long time to be able to tell you. You will know me when you see me. The teacher felt his heart speed up slightly. Whoever it was that sent this obviously knew him. Could it be...?

He pocketed the letter, locked up the classroom, and drove home. There were some things he needed to grab before he left, just in case. He entered the secret rooms below his house and retrieved a black wrist-bracelet shaped like a dinosaur's head along with the matching key. He also dug out a silver wristwatch-like device and a small lockbox with two strange symbols on it. He stuffed these into his jacket, left a note for Conner and the others, locked up the lab, and threw a cooler into the car. "Angel Grove, here I come," said Dr. Tommy Oliver as he drove off for his old hometown.

Far away, over space-time boundaries, on another world in another universe, a purple Unicorn Pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle was up late studying a book on alternate universes that her mentor had sent her. Two had caught her interest in particular. One was the world containing Ponyland, populated by Little Ponies like Equestria was. Some of the more famous ones reminded her of herself and her friends. One even had a similar name to hers -Twilight- and bore an uncanny resemblance to her mother. Twilight, along with a pink Pegasus named Firefly (who reminded her of Rainbow Dash), an earth pony named Applejack (who looked almost exactly like her friend by the same name would if she untied her hair - the only difference was she had more apples in her Cutie Mark), another Earth Pony named Bowtie, and their human ally Megan had killed an evil Centaur warlord named Tirac, who had attempted to do the same thing Nightmare Moon had and bring about Nighttime Eternal, or as he had called it, "The Night that Never Ends". While these ponies had left to seek adventure elsewhere, Megan had been brought in to help with several more crises, such as a Witchweed addict named Katrina and two attacks by a trio of witches (one of which had involved Smooze - Twilight Sparkle shuddered at the very thought of the legendary monstrous sludge.) Like most of these worlds, it was similar to the Everfree Forest: Climactic forces didn't need the guidance and drive of Pegasi to not die, animals were all independent to a degree, and even the sun and moon rose and set on their own. To Twilight this was bizarre indeed, but she could see something of a benefit to it.

The other universe to catch her attention was the one with the particular version of the planet Earth that Megan called home. Beginning in the year 1993 (by their most common calendar), Earth had fallen under attack by a succession of evil forces, most of which were from other planets in the same universe. The first was a wicked witch named Rita Repulsa. To defend Earth against a threat its military forces could not handle, a wizard named Zordon recruited a group of five high school students to serve as superheroes called Power Rangers. In the years since, Earth had faced threats ranging from various alien invasions to demons attempting conquest to crazed scientists to evil spirits, and many teams of Power Rangers had been formed. Twilight Sparkle, intrigued, turned to the bookshelves to see what information the books had to offer on Power Rangers.

It proved quite fascinating. Morphers, Zords (and their combined forms, Megazords), various kinds of power sources for the Ranger powers. And... She got the feeling that Princess Celestia had had more than her entertainment in mind when she sent that book. She wrote a letter asking Celestia if she was planning anything, and set it aside to send in the morning. Then she went to sleep.

At the same time as all this was happening, in Ponyland a white pony with a pink mane was thinking of her friends Megan, Molly, and Danny, remembering their adventures together and the good times they'd had. Wondering how Megan's pony TJ was doing - ponies of Megan's world didn't live as long as the Little Ponies did, after all. She was so absorbed in these thoughts that she didn't notice the blue pegasus with the pink mane walking up to her. "Hello, Sundance." "Eep! Oh, hi Wind Whistler. I was just..." "Thinking of Megan and company, right?" Wind Whistler finished for her. "Yeah. We should invite them over again, it's been too long since we last saw them," Sundance said. "I know," Wind Whistler told her. "In fact, I came to tell you that I discovered something they should see. It's a nexus of gateways to other worlds, similar to the door to the Land of Legends, but not exactly like it. Passage through them will not risk causing damage to the worlds on either side. I hypothesize that one of them leads to another world of Little Ponies."

Sundance was thrilled at the prospect of another adventure, especially since Megan and her siblings would be joining them. "That's great! Do we get them now, or wait 'til morning?" "We wait until morning of course. They will need to be well-rested, and so will everyone else who is going," answered Wind Whistler. "Including us. I don't know about you, but I am particularly tired after flying all the way over to Firefly's home to tell her and her friends. They're going to meet us at the nexus tomorrow." "Really? That's great!" "Indeed it is. Come now, let's get some sleep so that we'll be ready on time." "Has anyone told Megan yet?" Sundance asked, the thought having suddenly occurred to her. "Not yet," said Wind Whistler, pleased at her friend seeing that this would logically be a necessary step, "But Ribbon's about to." Ribbon was a unicorn gifted in telepathy, and as such could contact others mentally be they awake or asleep.

On a faraway planet, deep in the heart of the Desert of Despair, a mysterious blue man with a metal body lay snoring, until something awoke him. That something was a teleported scroll case landing on his head. He shook himself awake and opened it - it was from somebody he recognized but had not heard from in a long time. They were asking him if he had finished the first part of a certain project, and to bring said project to their domain as soon as possible. Ninjor thought for a moment, then slapped his forehead in recognition. Of course! That project. He had indeed finished that first part of the project and had the basic framework completed for the second. And now with the basic evaluation of his client's recruits he could finish it. He quickly wrote a reply and teleported it to the client.

As Megan, Molly, and Danny lay asleep in their beds they heard a familiar voice in their heads. {"Hello? Can you here me?"} {"Ribbon? Is that you?"} {"Yes. I have important news we discovered a nexus of doors to other worlds. Wind Whistler says one of them probably goes to another world where ponies like us live. Anyway, we want you to come along and check it out with us. North Star, Wind Whistler, and Firefly will be coming tomorrow to pick you up, if that would be okay."} The three humans were delighted by the prospect. {"Of course it is,"} answered Megan. {"We're not going to be busy tomorrow, and we haven't seen you in a while. We've missed you."} {"Alright. See you tomorrow then."}