• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 2,923 Views, 42 Comments

My Little Pony and Power Rangers - ZeldaTheSwordsman

  • ...

The Players Meet

My Little Pony & Power Rangers (working title)
Chapter 3: The Players Meet

AN: Kimberly (and everyone else on the gymnastics team) had to keep clammed up until it was basically over. Loose lips sink ships. One misstep could have blown either the original bust itself, or the interrogations and trials afterwards. Tommy for his part never forgot about Kim, even during the rebound thing with Kat, which is why that ultimately went nowhere. So this is mostly resuming something that was put on pause. (And no, I don't give a damn about the flash forward from Zeo's Christmas episode. There is no way that can be canon because Zordon is alive in that flash forward). On another note, there will be points in the story that I will mark with *Cue [insert song name here]* and *End Song* tags, to indicate what the musical accompaniment for the scene should be.

"...and after that we all went out for ice cream," said Twilight Sparkle. After Megan, Molly, and Danny had finished their story, Twilight Sparkle and her friends had been asked to share their adventures. "Ice cream is always good," said Lickety Split Jr. "Especially after an adventure like that. Shapeshifting love-stealers... ugh." She looked out the window. "Wow, is it evening already?" It was. Twilight Sparkle eyed the princesses. "Princess Celestia, didn't you say you and Luna would explain more about bookmarking the Power Rangers chapter this evening?"

Princess Celestia nodded. "I did. Luna, if you would?" The midnight blue alicorn spoke up. "There have been various omens pointing towards the rise of a new enemy that threatens Earth, Equestria, and Ponyland. I am afraid we have next to nothing in the way of details. But the Elements of Harmony just by themselves will not be adequate for fighting the coming battles. They are powerful, but the way that power can be used is limited. There are ways for this enemy to get around it. And, for that matter, steal or scatter them if they were removed from the vault. Celestia and I knew that this could happen someday. We also knew that one day the Elements would find individual bearers who could properly wield them. So we contacted a being known as Ninjor, and asked him to create morphers that would allow the Element Bearers to draw on the powers of their respective Elements to become Power Rangers." There was an audible gasp from everyone in the room but the Alicorns and the Cake twins (who proceeded to somewhat spoil the dramatic moment by giggling at everyone else's shocked faces).

"So, does that mean..." Rainbow Dash managed. "Yes," answered Princess Celestia. "You and the others shall become the Power Rangers Harmony. I had hoped the need would not arise, for it will place you all in a great deal of danger. But I know that you can do it. Ninjor is bringing the morphers to you this very evening. He should arrive at any moment now." Right on cue, a blue humanoid figure came surfing through the air towards the balcony on a cloud... only to smack into the wall. Princess Luna put her hoof to her face while Celestia chuckled. "He hasn't changed a bit, has he?" "Apparently not," said Luna in a deadpan voice. In response to the others' puzzled expressions, she said, "The Great Ninjor, for all his wisdom and fighting skill, can be something of a klutz. Do please help him in, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight Sparkle opened the balcony doors and telekinetically prodded Ninjor towards them. "Sorry about that," he said. "Now, where are the Element Bearers?" Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all raised their hooves, somewhat nervously in Fluttershy's case.

"Very well then." Ninjor looked around. "Usually, Ranger powers are bestowed in strongholds of command or fields of battle. Not in libraries. But it is fitting that you receive yours here, for here is where you began your first quest together. You triumphed over evil then, and have triumphed over it since then. And now you shall be armed to better continue the fight." He produced a black case with brass binding, and opened it to reveal six anklets with boxes on them. Five were silver, one was gold. Closer inspection revealed that each had a different Element symbol on it. "These are your Harmony Morphers. Once you put them on, you will be able to summon and dismiss them at will. To morph, touch the activator button and say your name, followed by the word 'Harmonize'. To demorph, focus on changing back and say 'Power Down'." He paused. "To be a Power Ranger is a great responsibility. You must be willing to risk your lives and endure horrendous hardships. You must never use your power for personal gain. And above all, you must work as a team and be able to count on each other no matter what. Are you ready for this?"

The Element Bearers all looked at each other, and saw in one another's faces not one sign of doubt. Even Fluttershy wore a look of steely determination. "Yes," they said as one. "Then take your morphers and morph for the first time." Each of the six chosen ponies slipped the anklet corresponding to their Element of Harmony onto their left foreleg. Fluttershy was surprised to see that the gold morpher was for her. Twilight Sparkle spoke. "Ready, girls?" "Ready!" they answered. "Then let's go!" As one, they touched their right front hooves to the activator buttons.

"Twilight Sparkle, Harmonize!" "Rarity, Harmonize!" "Applejack, Harmonize!" "Rainbow Dash, Harmonize!" "Pinkie Pie, Harmonize!" "Fluttershy, Harmonize!" There was a multicoloured flash of light. When it cleared, all six of them were clad in the spandex-like armor of Power Rangers. Their helmets all had visors shaped like their respective Elements, and silver sculpted mouths with what looked like a special hinge joint. And of course, each wore a different colour. Twilight Sparkle was red. Rarity was black. Applejack was yellow. Rainbow Dash was blue. Pinkie Pie was, of course, pink. And Fluttershy was gold. "Power Rangers Harmony!" they all shouted together, to applause and cheers from all.

After the cheering died down Ninjor spoke once more. "Well done, Rangers! But there is more. Each of you will command one of the six Harmony Zords. Twilight Sparkle, you will pilot the Alicorn Harmony Zord, inspired by the mentor who has guided you since childhood. Rarity, you will control the Tiger Harmony Zord, inspired by the ferocity of your cat Opalescence. Applejack, your Harmony Zord is the Wolf, inspired by your brave dog Winona. Rainbow Dash, the Tortoise Harmony Zord inspired by your tough and loyal pet Tank is yours. Pinkie Pie, you shall have of the Alligator Harmony Zord, inspired by your dear friend Gummy although unlike him, it has teeth. Together they form the Harmony Megazord. Finally, Fluttershy, to you goes the Dragon Harmony Zord, inspired by the fiery strength with which you defend your friends and your land. It has the strength to support the others in battle, and when needed it can join with the Harmony Megazord to create the Super Harmony Megazord. Remember, do not use the Zords if you don't need to. Doing so almost always causes more harm than good." The newly-minted Rangers nodded their assent. "You can demorph and get back to partying now," said Ninjor. "I'll be in touch. Until then, farewell. Good luck, Rangers." And with that, he stepped back outside, hopped onto his cloud, and flew away. "Goodbye!" "'Bye!" "Fare thee well, Ninjor." "Bye-bye funny blue guy!" (This last was from Pound Cake).

The Harmony Rangers powered down. Pinkie went down to get more snacks, Surprise following her. Luna and Celestia took Megan aside. "Dame Megan, I know that you cannot stand idly by while your friends are in danger. But what we said of the Elements of Harmony holds true for the Rainbow of Light: It is powerful indeed, but the coming threat will be able to avoid being directly targetable. The Rainbow may help in difficult battles, though you should exercise due restraint with it. Be ready to rely on that enchanted sword you claimed." A thought struck Celestia. She flew up and touched her horn to Megan's rifle, laying a simple enchantment upon it. "Just to be on the safe side," she said. Then her eyes widened. "Oh my, I nearly forgot. I must complete the setting of the sun."

With that, she reared up, raising her front hooves high, horn glowing brightly. The sky outside began to darken a bit more as she gently lowered herself down. As soon as Celestia's hooves hit the ground, Princess Luna reared up with her own horn aglow, and the trickle of moonlight seeping in became a bit more pronounced. Luna slowly and gently returned to a standing position, smiling.

Everyone but the Harmony Rangers sat there with their jaw hanging open. Hollywood recovered first. "That was amazing, your highnesses!" she said with a goofy grin on her face. Luna and Celestia stood there, looking radiant, and smiling warmly. "Thank you." "Indeed. You are most kind, young flutter. Please give our regards, and those of King Blackberry Bramble, to Rosedust."

Wind Whistler was the next to speak. "That was indeed an impressive display to behold," she said. "What I have read about this world and its ponies interests me. In my own world the ability of pegasi to manipulate weather, as well as full teleportation for unicorns, was sealed by an evil curse for many decades. The curse was only broken nineteen years ago by our queen, Majesty, and even over that span of time not all of us have fully adjusted. I myself have not been able to instinctually grasp the art as so many of my fellows have, and none of them have been able to explain it properly."

"Oh, I think I can help you with that," offered Fluttershy. "You have to focus. Focus on the water in the air. Focus on the image of it being pushed by your legs as they go through the motions. Focus on it forming a cloud. Then to make it rain, strike the cloud with your hooves while focusing on rain coming out. The same goes for other precipitation as well as lightning, though you'll have to gather rocks if you want to make hail." The butterscotch pegasus paused. "Um, at least I think that's it."

That description had made sense to Wind Whistler. "Thank you for the advice Fluttershy," she said. "That sounds like it would work. I shall attempt it now. Twilight Sparkle, it would probably be prudent to magically waterproof the area if you haven't already." The lavender unicorn nodded. Her horn, and every surface and object within a ten-foot radius of Wind Whistler, glowed for a short moment. "Thank you." "No problem," said Twilight Sparkle. "Thank you for suggesting it."

Wind Whistler concentrated. She focused her mind on the image of the water molecules scattered throughout the air in the library. She pictured them moving as she made inward sweeping movements with her forelegs. Pictured the molecules bonding, coming together, being shaped into a cloud as one might shape snow. Soon she had produced a small, but satisfactory little cloud. The powder blue pegasus nodded to herself, then proceeded to strike the cloud with her forelegs, focusing on tiny trickles of rain pouring out at precise locations. She struck the cloud again, this time focusing on a tiny bolt of lightning, which she aimed at the library's magical lightning rod. Finally, she turned around and bucked the cloud with her hindlegs, focusing on the molecular bonds shattering and the moisture being scattered thinly. The cloud dissipated. She smiled; that had felt quite satisfying.

Rainbow Dash drifted over to Wind Whistler. "Not bad, especially for your first cloud. I hate to say it, but you might become as good a weatherpony as me some day. Of course, you don't stand a chance of being as good a flier. Nopony does, I'm the best flyer there is." At that, Firefly's head shot up. "Oh really?" she challenged. "You want to back that up kiddo?" "Hah!" said Rainbow Dash. "You wanna race then? You're on!" "Name the course," Firefly said hotly. "Ghastly Gorge" replied Rainbow Dash. "Or are you too scared by the very name of it?" "You wish," retorted Firefly. "Danger is my life. Let's go!" Both Pegasi made to fly off to Ghastly Gorge, only to jerk to a halt before they'd gone a foot. Princess Celestia was restraining the two of them with her magic. She shook her head disapprovingly.

"Don't. The Gorge is even more dangerous at night than it is during the day. I don't want either of you taking stupid risks like that, and neither do your friends." Firefly and Rainbow Dash both blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry guys." "That's better," Celestia said, releasing her grip on them. "Does anyone else have any announcements they'd like to make?" she asked. "It's getting late, so now would be a good time." Molly raised her hand. "I do. In a couple days, I'm attending a reunion party for the Teen Ambassadors in Angel Grove. I wanted to extend you guys an invitation. Earth gets a decent amount of tourist traffic from elsewhere so it's not like people will panic or anything." Rarity's eyes lit up like a pinball table when somebody won a free play. Her mouth spread into a wide, open-mouthed smile. "I would love to!" she said. "Count me in too, sugarcube," said Applejack. "I would love to visit your world," said Twilight Sparkle. "Yeah, that would be awesome!" put in Rainbow Dash. "See a whole new world? Go to a big party?! I wanna go! I wanna go! Oh yesyesyeyes!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly. "Um, I don't know" said Fluttershy uncertainly. "It sounds nice. But are you really sure it would be alright?"

Megan and Molly nodded. "I promise it will be fine," Megan said. "Some of the ambassadors would love to meet you." "Oh... okay then." "I wanna go too!" said Hollywood, zooming around the room. "Visiting Angel Grove sounds great! And I might even get a chance to go see the place I was named after." Firefly and Wind Whistler quickly voiced their assent, as did Sundance, Sundance Jr., both Spikes, Fizzy, Heart Throb, Gusty, Lofty, Medley, and Ribbon. The rest of the Ponyland ponies politely declined, saying they wanted to spend a longer continuous period in Equestria.

"Can we go too?" asked Scootaloo. "Yeah," said Sweetie Belle. "Maybe that way we can earn our Cutie Marks!" "Please?" asked Apple Bloom, putting on her best puppy-dog eyes. Megan said, "You're still foals. You'll have to ask your parents or guardians if it's alright." "Aww," said the Crusaders dejectedly. "Please Princesses, can't you give us permission?"

Luna and Celestia shook their heads. "No, children," said Celestia softly. "That wouldn't be right. However, I will go with you when you ask to vouch for Megan." "Yay!" the three fillies cheered, brightening instantly. Ember had to stifle a giggle; in some ways the three reminded her of herself when she was young.. Applejack spoke next. "Well, s'alright with me if'n Apple Bloom goes, 'specially since Ah'm going too. Ah'm responsible for her 'n' all." Apple Bloom broke into the biggest grin she'd ever worn, jumped up, and hugged her elder sister tightly.

Danny yawned. "Man, I'm tired," he said. Like coughs, yawns are catching. All it takes is one person yawning to make it register in the minds of those around them that it's late and they're tired. Soon enough the others began yawning. "Oh my goodness!" said Fluttershy, realizing a slight problem.. "Where will you all sleep?"

"We had planned to camp just outside of town," said Megan. "I know it's -" "Oh, no, no, no my dear," Rarity interrupted. "That won't do at all. I will accommodate as many of you as I can at Carousel Boutique, the guest bedroom is big." "And, um... I've got a spare room at my house," said Fluttershy. "There's plenty of spare bedrooms up at Sweet Apple Acres," added Applejack. "We should be able to hold y'all between us." "And I've got a couple spare beds here at the library if anyone would care to spend the night with me," said Twilight Sparkle.

"Thank you," said Twilight. "That's very generous and kind of you, dear." Twilight Sparkle blushed. "Is something bothering you?" Twilight asked, concerned. "I- it's nothing, really," said Twilight Sparkle. "It's just, well, you look a lot like my mom." She produced a photograph, and Twilight saw that she did indeed look a great deal like the younger unicorn's mother. "Oh dear," she said. "I'm sorry." "No, it's alright. It's not your fault, and I think saying it helped. So, um, who's staying where?"

"I'd like to stay here with you, Twilight Sparkle," Megan said. "I enjoy your company." "I'm sticking with you," said Firefly. "I will remain with you as well," Wind Whistler said. Megan snorted. "You two... It's like you're my honor guard or something." "We love you, kiddo," Firefly explained. "You're a great friend, and we want to be there by your side." "I'm staying here too," said Sundance. "As am I," Skydancer added. "Okay then, I'm full as far as beds go," said Twilight Sparkle. The others divided up. Hollywood, Lily, and Ember decided to stay with Fluttershy. Twilight, Molly, Sparkler, Buttons, Bowtie, and Heart Throb agreed to spend the night with Rarity. Medley, Danny, and the rest wished to stay with Applejack. "Well, now that that's settled some of us should be getting home," said Rarity, eying the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Cake twins. Pinkie Pie gasped. "You're right! Come on Pound and Pumpkin, it's time for bed." "Aww." "Want stay! Want stay with new friends!" "Like Megan!" they protested.

Megan knew how to handle this. She smiled at the young unicorn and pegasus, and said "Tell you what, I'll help Pinkie walk you home. And you'll see me again tomorrow." "Okay," the twins conceded. Megan winked at Pinkie Pie, who smiled back. "Goodbye, little ones," said Celestia. "Fare thee well, and sleep soundly, children," Luna told them. They made their way down the stairs, out the door, and back to Sugarcube Corner under the darkening sky. "There you are," said Cup Cake upon seeing them. "Just in time for bed. Did you have a good time?" "Yeah!" "It was great, mommy!" said Pound and Pumpkin respectively. "We heard cool stories, and princesses were there, and we saw them set the sun and raise the moon!" "My goodness! Did you really?" asked Mrs. Cake. "Uh-huh!" said Pinkie. "They came to say hi to the visiting ponies, and they stayed so long they had to do that part of their jobs at the library. It wasn't fancy like at the celebrations but it was still awesome. Well, goodbye and goodnight Megan."

"Megan? Who's-" The blue Earth Pony registered the human's presence for the first time. "Oh m-m-my! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. You came with the visiting ponies, didn't you?" "Yes," said Megan. "This is a wonderful town. And you have two very wonderful children. Or should I say three?" she asked, shooting a knowing glance at Pinkie. Cup Cake smiled and nodded. "Thank you," she said. Pinkie may not have been born unto them, but Cup and Carrot Cake still thought of her as a daughter. "Sorry if I sound nervous, it's just, well, up until now I've only seen humans in books. But if the Princesses trust you, that's good enough for me. Have a nice night, Megan."

Megan returned to the library in time to say goodbye and goodnight to the others. Luna and Celestia approached her once more. "Sleep well, Dame Megan. You a busy day of preparation and travel ahead of you." "Yes, don't stay up too late enjoying my sister's night." "I won't," said Megan. "I know better than that. I'll see you in the morning." "And we you. 'Til then, good night!"

"Wait!" called out Twilight Sparkle, as a thought hit her belatedly. "Does... Does my brother know about this?" "He does," said Celestia. "He was against it at first, but Cadence pointed out that you were going to fight whatever was coming Power Ranger or not he relented. He's very proud of you." With that, the two alicorns spread their wings and took off, flying up above the top of the library before teleporting away back to Canterlot.

Megan yawned again, and stepped inside the library. She asked Twilight Sparkle if there was a place where she could change in private, and the lavender unicorn directed her to a small anteroom. Megan changed into her pajamas and crawled into one of the spare beds. Firefly and Wind Whistler crawled in on either side of her, each laying a wing over her. Sundance and Skydancer climbed into the other bed. They said goodnight to one another and were soon fast asleep.

That same evening in Angel Grove, Tommy and Kimberly had decided that a good way to get their relationship back in gear would be a dinner date and had gone out for pizza. They were making their way back to the hotel area when their night decided to get interesting. They heard someone shout "There she is! She's the one who nailed the boss!" A group of men armed with knives stepped around the corner. Kimberly recognized the leader. He was one of the top lieutenants of the drug operation she and her fellow gymnasts had taken down, and the only one who had managed to escape. He sneered. "You and those other broads really messed things up for me. You especially. And now, you're gonna pay." Kimberly snorted. "That's real rich, coming from an asshole like you. You deserve every bit of pain you've suffered and more." The man snarled. "Get 'em!"

*Cue "Combat" by Ron Wasserman*

Tommy and Kimberly instinctively fell into step, taking fighting stances. The words "May I have this dance?" sprang to Tommy's lips almost unbidden. "You may," was Kimberly's reply. Old reflexes came back into play as they met the attackers head on. Tommy knocked one man's knife away, and with a "Si-Uah!" delivered a spinning kick to his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Kimberly backflipped out of the way of a flanking attack from two of the thugs, kicking the one who had been coming up behind her on the top of the head in the process and causing the other two to crash into each other, letting her clap their skulls together. She backhanded another under the chin, taking him out of the fight. The leader pulled out a muffled pistol, and fired a shot at Kimberly, but she dodged. She and Tommy retaliated by simultaneously punching the man in the head, followed by a double kick to the groin and another to the gut. Tommy then disarmed the man and bent the gun's barrel with his bare hands. Still the gangster pressed the assault. He actually managed to shove Tommy aside.

Unfortunately for him, Kimberly was still more skillful, and had years of frustration to vent. She stomped his toes hard, and started pounding him and chewing him out at the same time. "Thanks to you-" punch "-and your stupid boss-" -punch- "-I had to lie-" punch "-to a man I loved-" punch "-and fought beside-" punch "-about falling out of love-" punch "-with him-" punch "-because you assholes-" punch "-just had to stoop-" punch "-as low as the likes-" punch "-of Rita Repulsa." She stopped punching the man, who was now sore and bruised, but still conscious. Though doubtless he wished otherwise.
*End song*

The commotion, and the shot in particular, had attracted the attention of a two-car police patrol. The officers stepped out and arrested the groaning, breathless thugs. "Are you alright, sir and madam?" asked one of them. "We're fine," Tommy assured them. "Are you gonna need us to come down to the station?" "No. Not right now, at any rate. Please provide me with your contact details so that we can call you if necessary." Tommy and Kimberly handed the officer cards with their names and cell phone numbers. "Thank you. Why did they attack you? Do you know?" "I do," said Kimberly. "I played a crucial role in the takedown of a big illegal drug operation, and I stopped the boss from escaping. These are apparently some of the few stragglers we missed." The officer's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh! You're that Kimberly! I followed that case, you did the world a big service there. Rest assured I'll put these would-be assassins under lock and key. You have a safe rest of the night." With that, the cops drove off back to the station, taking the thugs with them.

Tommy and Kimberly just stood there looking at each other for a while. After the initial rush from their reunion had worn off, they'd been fumbling through the rest of the day. It was awkward being around each other after the years out of contact and the means by which their contact had been cut off. The dinner date had been alright, but it didn't help as much as they'd hoped. The battle, though, that had been invigorating. It had been like old times, with the upside of their opponents going down easily (except for the leader, though he was still easier than the average monster). The heat of the fight had melted the ice between them considerably. "So, uh, where are you staying?" asked Tommy. "The Angel Grove Arms," Kimberly answered. "You?" "The Super 8. You think you might be attacked again?" "Nah, we got them all and that was too half-assed for them to have backup placed or anything. If you want to walk me back though, that's fine." They walked hand-in-hand to the entrance of the Angel Grove Arms. "Well, goodnight Tommy." "Goodnight, Kim. See you tomorrow?" "Totally. Let's meet at Ernie's for lunch, if we're lucky we'll run into the others there."

The following morning in Equestria, Megan found herself being nudged awake by Firefly. "Rise and shine, kiddo. Hurry up and get dressed, Spike's making pancakes -Twilight's Spike, that is, not ours." Megan slid out of the bed, and went to change into fresh clothes (aside from her vest and boots). She made her way to the dining room, arriving just as Spike brought the last pancakes to the table. As she sat down, the young dragon got a good look at the boots and vest she wore, which he hadn't really paid attention to the previous day. "Nice duds," he said. "Are those cast-off dragonskin?" Megan nodded. "Yes. It's tough, and it doesn't burn easily. We had a hell of a time sewing it." "I can imagine," said Spike. "Well, everything's on the table now. Dig in!"

After cleaning up breakfast they grabbed their gear, locked up the library, and went to Carousel Boutique, which had been agreed upon as the rendezvous point. Sundance knocked on the door, which was opened by Molly, who was wearing a beautiful new dress. It was pale blue, with pale green trim. "My first time making a dress for a human," said Rarity. "I think it turned out well, don't you? I also made a jacket for your brother, I hope he likes it. I wanted to do dresses for the others, but they said that would make them overdressed for the occasion. I did make them new tail ribbons though." At a second look, Megan could see the difference. The new ribbons had a thin inner stripe of a slightly lighter or slightly darker colour. "I couldn't think of a dress for you, but luckily your sister brought along something I was able to restore and resize." With that, Rarity levitated out a familiar red, white, and pink dress.

Megan reached out and took it, feeling the familiar fabric in her hands. Rarity had done an excellent job. She couldn't spot or feel the expansion seams, nor any difference in the fabric used, and the dress looked as good as it had when she wore it at the dressup party they'd held after Katrina's redemption. Without a word she went to the changing area and put it on, slipping her other clothes into her bag. She stepped out, and was greeted with various signs of approval. "My dear," said Rarity, "You're dressed like a dream." Megan chuckled at Rarity's choice of words; it had been what the Sea Ponies had sung at that party. "Thank you, Rarity," she said, bending down and hugging the white unicorn. Then she hugged Molly. "And thank you for bringing it, Molly." "You're welcome, sis."

There was another knock at the door. "It's us, open up," said the voice of the Spike from Ponyland. Rarity opened the door with her magic and let them in. She began tying her new tail ribbons onto the others, starting with the Applejacks. Blue for the one from Ponyland, red for her friend. After tying on the last ribbon, she then proceeded to slip Danny's new jacket onto him. It was brown and matched the rest of his outfit well. He admired himself in the mirror for a bit. "So... we're just waiting on the Princesses and maybe the other Crusaders, right?" "Yep," answered Molly. The Princesses had promised to bring chariots, which would make getting the non-flying ponies over the rainbow much easier. There was a brilliant flash of light outside. "That'll be them. Let's not keep 'em waiting, guys."

Sure enough, standing outside the boutique were Luna and Celestia, a third Alicorn who Megan supposed must be Princess Cadence, a white-coated Unicorn guard who had to be Shining Armor, two female Pegasus guards (one Celestia's, one Luna's), and three chariots. Shining Armor eyed Megan, sizing her up. "You must be Megan," he said. "I'm Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard. I'm honored to meet you and your friends." Megan thanked him, and bowed.

Princess Cadence approached next. "So you're the human who I've heard could give me a run for the title of 'Best foal-sitter in the history of foal-sitters'," she said with a grin. "I know the others will be in good company. I don't think any trouble stands a chance."

"Hey, don't leave without us!" shouted Scootaloo. She and Sweetie Belle cantered up to the group. Celestia smiled at the others. "Their parents said yes, so they're coming along. Try to keep them from getting into too much trouble. I am sending these two guards along with you, both as added protection and to make sure each chariot has two pegasi." The guards stepped forward. The Day one introduced herself as Corporal Dart while the Night one introduced herself as Sergeant Drizzle. "Pleasure to meet you," said Drizzle. Noticing the odd looks she was getting, she explained, "The bat wings are part of being in the Night Guard. They help when you're flying in the dark." "I surmised as much," said Wind Whistler. "I can see how they would be quite useful." Drizzle grinned. "Nice. Well, enough chit-chat, we haven't got all day. Who's pulling chariots?" Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Medley, and Lofty raised their hooves. "Right, let's divide into teams then. Dash, Fluttershy, I know how well you two work as a team, so you're together. You- greeny- you're Medley, right?" Medley nodded. "You're with me. And you... Lofty, correct?" "Correct." "Right. You're with Dart. Alrighty, let's get hitched up!" In a few short moments each of the two-pegasus teams was hitched to a chariot. "Humans, mount up! Everypony else, get aboard!" Megan, Danny, and Molly swung themselves onto the backs of Firefly, Wind Whistler, and Heart Throb respectively. The other ponies piled into the chariots. "Take care of yourself, Twily." said Shining Armor "Corporal, Sergeant, look after them. If anything happens to them on your watch-" "-You'll make us wish Celestia banished us to the moon? We get it already, cap. You've only told us fifty times," interrupted Drizzle. "All set?" The others voiced their affirmation. "Then let's go!"

"Good luck, everyone," said Princess Celestia. "May the Power protect you," added Luna.

The chariot teams charged forward, picking up speed and lifting into the sky. The separate Pegasi kicked off and followed them, with the two Flutter Ponies taking vanguard and rearguard. They flew over the town and over the woods and into the mountain ledges where the gate lay. They touched back down to pass through, before dashing into the air once more on the other side. They flew over Ponyland, past Dream Castle, past Paradise Estate, towards the rainbow. "Here we go!" said Megan. They crossed over in a beautiful perpendicular arc, transitioning from the sky above Ponyland to the sky of Earth. They flew onward still, over the United States of America, admiring the sights both natural and human-built. At last Angel Grove hove into view. They circled lower and lower. A helicopter moved in and started flying parallel with them. Molly pulled out her ambassador ID and showed it to them, having Heart Throb fly close so they could get a proper look at it. Once they acknowledged it she gave the thumbs up and the chopper pulled away, satisfied that the flying, multicolour ponies were non-hostiles. "Land at the Youth Center," said Molly, pointing to a specific building with decent-size parking lots front and back.

The three teams gracefully brought their chariots to smooth landings in the lot, and towed them into some of the larger parking spaces. "Well done for your first time, Medley and Lofty," said Drizzle. The Pegasi unhitched themselves and the others disembarked. Hollywood looked around. "So this is Angel Grove, huh? Nice place," she said. "Aw yeah!" said Rainbow Dash. "I'm liking this!" "Well everyone," said Rarity, "Shall we go inside? The sign says there's a snack bar inside, and I am positively famished after that long ride. I imagine the pegasi among us are even hungrier." There was a murmur of agreement, and the group stepped through the doors.

As they were entering an old red Land Rover pulled into the lot and parked. Out of it stepped five people. A dark-haired man in a red tank top and white slacks, a dark-haired half-Vietnamese woman in a yellow T-shirt and a matching skirt, an African-American man with dreadlocks in blue jeans and a pinstriped black shirt, a blond man in a white T-shirt with blue stripes and blue jeans, and an alien (specifically, Aquitian) woman dressed in current women's clothing from her planet. They followed the others into the Youth Center.

Inside, Tommy and Kimberly were enjoying a large fruit salad when they were greeted by a somewhat surprising sight. Into the Youth Center stepped a mixed party of humans and talking multicoloured ponies of varying species. Ernie looked up in mild surprise. "Is that Megan, Molly, and Danny from the peace conference? Welcome to Angel Grove! And a warm welcome to your friends too."

This was cut short by the next people to enter. Kimberly and Tommy broke into big smiles as they saw Jason, Trini, Zack, Billy, and Billy's wife Cestria walk in. Kimberly ran up and hugged Trini. "It's good to see you again." "It's good to see you too, Kim," said Trini. "I see you've told Tommy already; that's great!" "Told Tommy what?" asked Billy, puzzled. "The Dear John was a lie," said Kim. "The gymnastics team got recruited to help bust a drug operation, everybody with a long-distance boyfriend had to send one because we had to cut outside contact."

"Did you know, Jason?" Tommy asked his old friend. "I'm afraid so," said Jason. "We knew 'cause we had clearance, but we couldn't tell anyone in case it messed things up. Kinda like that mission you and the other Zeo Rangers went on after finding replacement Turbo Rangers," explained Zack. Tommy nodded slowly, his brief surge of anger draining. He understood. "Yo Danny, is that you?" Zack asked, recognizing the man who had come in with the ponies. "Sure is," said Danny. "How've you been, Zack?" "Things have been alright. So, are those ponies friends of you and your sisters or what?" "Yeah. You might actually have seen some of the flying ones dropping in to meet us back when we were actively serving." "Cool!" said Zack. "Wanna introduce us?" "Sure," said Danny. And soon introductions were being made all around.

Drizzle took Jason aside. "You and your friends are warriors," she said. It wasn't a question. "I can tell. I don't know how much store you set by omens, but according to some reliable ones there's a war coming. It's gonna affect the worlds where Little Ponies live, and yours too. Be ready." "I will," said Jason. "I've been getting that feeling myself, all of us have. Billy's been working on some things that may help." "Good. And good luck to you." "Likewise."

Trini looked at the ponies, pondering. Something about six of them -Twilight Sparkle, the Applejack with a hat, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie- seemed familiar even though she'd never met them before. Could it be? she wondered.

Heart Throb trotted up to Tommy and Kimberly. "I heard you two recently got back together after years of being unwillingly separated. How romantic!" Both humans blushed a bit. "Heart Throb," said Wind Whistler, "If you truly wish for their love to go well, it would be more logical not to but in like that." It was Heart Throb's turn to blush. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that," said the pink pegasus, backing off.

All in all, things were going quite well in Angel Grove. In Ponyland, however, all was not well, even though it seemed to be. In a cave at the barricaded-in Volcano of Gloom, a figure hidden by a cloak cackled quietly with delight. The reason for the cackling was that the figure had just put the finishing touches on a stealthy magical flying machine. The figure started up the machine and flew out of the cave, sneaking over the barricade. It flew over Ponyland to the Rainbow, crossing over to Earth. There, the machines magic really kicked in, letting it fly to the moon very quickly. The figure landed outside the abandoned palace of the former Rita Repulsa, and crept inside. It stole through the deserted halls, until it came to a secret door that led to a hidden storage room. This was what it had read about, what it was looking for. Inside was Rita's backup staff, some copies of her old spell books, and enough spare parts to build whole new Monster-Matics. The figure grabbed the staff, leafed through the books to find the right spell, and teleported itself, the books, and the parts back to the volcano. Once there, Hydia pulled the hood down. "Soon," she said. "Soon I'll make those ponies and their stupid friends pay!"

To be continued...