• Published 10th May 2013
  • 5,611 Views, 154 Comments

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade - ssjgokillo

Rainbow Dash decides she wants a turn being Mare Do Well, but quickly discovers that Ponyville is nothing like the places depicted in comic books. If only there was some bad flank villain for her to fight.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade
Chapter 4: The New 42

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

We found our intrepid heroes making their way through the Everfree Forest, and I gotta be honest True Believer, I really wouldn’t want to be them right now.

The Everfree Forest was quiet. Neither Mare Do Well nor Twilight Sparkle felt like exchanging idle pleasantries as they made their way through the forest, not wanting to attract any more attention to themselves than they absolutely had to. Despite everything the two had already been through with their friends, the Everfree Forest made them nervous.

Twilight was feeling especially nervous, and was mentally kicking herself as she galloped towards Zecora’s house, Mare Do Well flying nearby. What had she been thinking? Taking the books and hiding them was fine, but endangering Spike? Putting him in the Everfree Forest in... the...?

Where was Spike? Why couldn’t she remember where Professor Nightshade had taken him? She was Professor Nightshade! Okay, there was no time to panic. She simply had to mentally retrace her steps. Found Rainbow Dash, before that she had been in the library “discovering” the theft, before that she was... she was in the library transforming into Professor Nightshade. What the hay? What was with the memory gap? She remembered everything else she’d ever done as Professor Nightshade, so what had changed?

She concentrated harder. She could see Nightshade taking Spike in the library, but the memories would start getting fuzzy after that.

“Uh-uh-uh, no spoilers Twilight!” Professor Nightshade’s voice rang throughout her head, causing her to wince. Had she done something to her memories while acting as Professor Nightshade? But why would she-

“You alright there Twi?” Mare Do Well’s concerned voice broke her out of her reverie. She looked over to see Mare Do Well hovering in the air. Apparently they had stopped moving while she was lost in thought.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Just nervous being in the forest, that’s all.” Twilight said. It wasn’t like it was a lie either. How could she not be nervous? And how could she endanger Spike and Rainbow Dash like this?

Twilight shook her head. There would be time to worry about that later. For now, she had to make sure nothing happened to Rainbow Dash or Spike. If anything did... she’d find a way to clone herself so that way she could kick Professor Nightshade’s flank.

Focusing on the task ahead, Twilight was slightly surprised to find that they had already made it to Zecora’s hut. Apparently she had been on autopilot for longer than she’d thought. No more time to waste. She walked up to Zecora’s door and knocked a hoof against it a couple times.

“In a moment, I’ll be by your side. Right now I am quite preoccupied.” Zecora called from inside her hut.

“Zecora? It’s Twilight. May I come in, it’s important.” Twilight said.

“Twilight of course you may enter, though I must ask that you curb your laughter.” Zecora replied. Twilight and Mare Do Well exchanged a look, with the latter simply shrugging. Twilight expressed a similar sentiment, but opened the door, the two of them walking into Zecora’s hut.

Inside things seemed to be normal. Zecora’s shelves were stocked with potions and ingredients, masks and other decor and knick knacks from her homeland scattered around. The only thing that spoiled this sense of normalcy was the cauldron steaming in the center of the room, that Zecora was currently sitting in.

Zecora, who was currently... well, black and white and red all over.

“Oh my gosh Zecora! Are you okay?” Twilight asked, rushing over to the cauldron. The heat coming from it wasn’t burning, but a comfortable temperature. Twilight realized that nopony was cooking Zecora, but that Zecora was taking a bath.

“I am fine Twilight and I will be frank, I believe I’m the victim of a silly prank.” Zecora said.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“My tale I’ll tell, but I must ask, who is your friend that is wearing a mask?” Zecora asked, pointing a hoof at Mare Do Well.

“Oh, that’s the Mysterious Mare Do Well, she’s Ponyville’s protector, and I’m helping her track down a criminal called Professor Nightshade.” Twilight explained. Mare Do Well nodded her head in introduction to Zecora, but otherwise remained silent.

Zecora nodded, and shifted around in her cauldron bath. As she moved, Twilight could see some of the red in her fur washing away, mixing into the water.

“My tale is simple I was out and about, when I heard someone give an excited shout. Help was required, so I made all haste, but it seemed my effort was a waste. The clearing was empty, save for a book. I drew new to take a closer look. But when I opened it, I thought I might faint, for the blasted book covered me in paint!” Zecora motioned with her hoof, to the red stains in her fur. “The book was gone save a single page, which I almost destroyed in my rage.”

Twilight nodded. This sounded like the kind of thing she’d.. well, that Professor Nightshade would set up. “Zecora, can we see that page? I think it might have a clue that can help us track down Professor Nightshade.” She asked.

Zecora nodded, and pointed towards a table. “The page is on the table you see, though I confess it makes no sense to me.”

Twilight trotted over to the table, Mare Do Well following her. On the table was a simple piece of paper, with some red splotches of paint on the edges.

The page simply held what looked like a crude drawing of an alicorn kicking Mare Do well in the flank, and below that a drawing of a diamond, next to a collar with the word “Fido” written on it.


“Diamond Dogs!” Twilight groused as she and Mare Do Well ran through the Everfree Forest, “The Diamond Dog mines are on the other side of Ponyville from the Everfree Forest! That stupid Nightshade lied to us, and it’ll take us forever to get there now.”

After discovering the next clue, the pair had bid a hasty goodbye to Zecora, who seemed content to sit in her tub and wash the paint off.

Twilight’s mind was starting to imagine the possibilities, and she felt panic start to creep into her. The Diamond Dogs were not known to be gentle. Who knows what they could be doing to Spike right now.

She felt tears start to well up in her eyes, as her traitorous mind began imagining what could be happening to her number one assistant.

Twilight felt a pair of legs wrap around her barrel, and looked up to see Mare Do Well hovering over her. She looked questioningly at Mare Do Well, and then without warning, felt her hooves leave the ground as the two shot into the air.

Twilight shrieked as Mare Do Well flew her into the air. The panic she’d felt over Spike’s situation was now completely overriden with the panic of being carried through the air.

“Whoa! Easy there Twi! I got ya, I won’t drop ya.” Rainbow Dash said. It took Twilight a moment to place that, before she realized that Rainbow wasn’t talking in her gravelly Mare Do Well voice. She was talking in her normal voice, trying to sound reassuring.

“If I fly us there we’ll be there in no time, so just relax okay. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” Rainbow Dash said, pulling Twilight closer against her.

Twilight relaxed into Rainbow Dash’s grip, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She was okay. She’d be okay. Once she was calm, she opened her eyes and watched as the land below them flew by. It felt so much different than when she was flying with the wings generated by her wing spell. When she flew on her own, she felt nervous, having to keep track of so many things at once. It was fun, but nerve wracking until her hooves were on the ground.

Being carried by Rainbow Dash though, it felt wonderful. Rainbow was flying much faster than Twilight was even capable of going, and she knew this wasn’t even the fastest Rainbow could go. She could feel the wind flowing through her mane, sweeping through her fur. She could also feel the powerful beats of Rainbow Dash’s wings, sending a slight tremor through her body. Most of all though, she could feel Rainbow’s strong legs, wrapped protectively around her.

Twilight was almost disappointed when she saw the fields that led to the Diamond Dog’s caves come into view. All good things had to end however. Rainbow Dash slowly glided to the ground, hovering in place as she gently lowered Twilight to the ground.

Once Twilight was on her own hooves, Rainbow Dash landed next to her. “Uh, Twilight, doesn’t this look off to you?” She asked, her voice dropping back into Mare Do Well.

Twilight looked around the field, and immediately noticed what was wrong. There were no holes. Last time they had been here, the entire field had been ridden with holes that lead to the network of caverns the Diamond Dogs had mined. Now however there were no holes, just a flat plane of land.

As if in answer to Twilight’s unspoken question, the ground beneath the pair began to tremble. Twilight and Mare Do Well braced themselves as the ground shook, trying to keep on their hooves. Cracking noises could be heard from all around them as the ground started splitting open. All around them, apple-golems and flower monsters began climbing out of the ground. They were surrounded, the fruit and flora monsters glaring angrily at them.

Mare Do Well inched closer to Twilight. “No worries Twi, we can take these guys. The flowers wash away with water, and you just gotta hit the apples really hard and they’ll turn back into regular apples.” She whispered.

Twilight nodded, eyeing the creatures wearily. How had Professor Nightshade expected Mared Do Well to handle all these things on her own? “I’ll handle the flowers, I can summon jets of water to deal with them.” Twilight whispered back.

Mare Do Well nodded, and the two continued to watch the creatures before them, not wanting to make the first move.

Finally, one of the apple-golems seemed to lose its patience. “Get da ponies!” It yelled, and the other apple-golems and flowered roared n agreement, charging towards the two ponies.

As the creatures rushed them, Twilight had an idea. “Mare Do Well, get in the sky!” She said. Mare Do Well looked at her for just a moment, before launching herself into the sky. As soon as Mare Do Well had left the ground, Twilight channeled magic into her horn, and began whipping her head around in a circle. On the third circle, a jet of water extended from her horn, whipping around and knocking the charging creatures back, and washing away a few of the closest flower creatures.

Twilight smiled in success, and focused on water spouting from her horn. It coalesced into four globes of water, which hovered around Twilight. She flicked her horn towards one of the flower creatures, and one of the globes of water rushed forward. The globe of water hit the flower creature dead on, washing it away into a puddle of paint.

Twilight heard Mare Do Well cheer in triumph as Twilight launched more water orbs at the flower creatures. Soon enough the flower creatures realized that Twilight could destroy them instantly, and began hiding behind the apple-golems.

Mare Do Well took this as her cue to join in. She flew towards one of the apple-golems, kicking it up into the air. She kicked it again and again, rising higher into the air with each kick, before flying above it and punching it towards the ground. It sailed towards the ground even as Twilight launched a globe of water at the flower monster that had been hiding behind it. With a splash and a boom, both creatures were taken care of.

The battle was almost completely one-sided. It seemed that the other apple-golems and flower monsters couldn’t decide on which of the two was the greatest threat, the water slinging unicorn, or the blazing fast pegasus. Together they were the perfect team for stopping Professor Nightshade’s creations.

Like all good things however, it couldn’t last forever. One of the flower creatures finally struck out, vines whipping against Mare Do Well as she flew towards the apple-golem it was hiding behind. Mare Do Well gasped in surprise as she came crashing to the ground, sliding to a stop before the apple-golem. The apple-golem wasted no time, quickly grabbing the pegasus in it’s large hands.

“Stop water pony! Stop or I break this one!” The apple-golem called out. It squeezed Mare Do Well between its giant hands to emphasize its point, causing Mare Do Well to cry out in pain.

Twilight gasped in surprise, before narrowing her eyes at the apple-golem. “Let her go right now!” Twilight scream.

The apple-golem laughed menacingly. “No, you lay down and turn magic off, or I crush pony!” He said. He gave Mare Do Well another, harder squeeze. This time when Mare Do Well cried out, she couldn’t maintain her voice, crying out in Rainbow Dash’s voice instead.

Twilight’s eyes widened, not in shock, but in fury. These things, the things she had created, were hurting her friend. Nopony, or apple-golem, hurt her friends. She felt her magic surge violently, a feeling she hadn’t felt since the day she got her cutie mark.

The creatures watched in shock as light shone out of Twilight’s eyes. She floated into the air, white light radiating from her body. All around her rocks and stones began levitating, swirling around her as though caught in a gravitational pull. Twilight spread her forehooves, and the gloves of water that had been floating around her began to multiply. Soon the air all around Twilight was filled with water and rocks.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, and her magic cracked forth like thunder, streaking towards the apple-golem that held Mare Do Well. The moment in came in contact with the apple-golem, there was a bright flash, and Mare Do Well was dropped to the ground, as the apple-golem dissolved into nothingness.

Twilight then clapped her forehooves together. At that signal, the rocks and globes of water exploded away from her. Each globe of water rocketed towards one of the flower creatures, bending around the apple-golems that stood protectively in front of them. Each of the rocks meanwhile, flew towards the apple-golems, whistling through the air as they went.

It was over within moments. Mare Do Well stared wide eyed as all around her flower creatures dissolved into paint and apples fell to the ground. Once they were all gone, Twilight lowered to the ground, and the light around her faded away.

As she was lowering towards the ground, she heard a voice angrily pouting in her head. “No no no! You cheated! You’re a big cheater! You weren’t supposed to do all the work! CHEATER!” Professor Nightshade’s voice echoed throughout her mind.

Once she was on the ground, Twilight staggered forward. Mare Do Well was by her side in a flash, pressing up against her to keep her up.

“Uhhhhh, my head,” Twilight moaned, bringing a hoof up to massage her head, “what happened?”

“Twilight... that... was.... AWESOME!” Rainbow Dash said. “You totally just went all magic on those guys! Oh my gosh, I didn’t even know you could do that. It was amazing!” Rainbow Dash was grinning behind her mask, beyond impressed with the display her friend had just put on.

“Uh, thanks Mare Do Well, but can you tune the volume down a bit?” Twilight asked as she massaged her forehead. Mare Do Well smiled sheepishly (not that Twilight could see it) and nodded her head.

“Sorry about that Twi, that was just so amazing.” Rainbow Dash said in a normal volume. “I mean, I knew you were great with magic, but that was something else. I’ve never seen you be so...awesome before!”

Twilight smiled, blushing lightly at the praise. It was so strange to her Rainbow Dash gushing over something that wasn’t her own skills or the Wonderbolts. Twilight wasn’t sure that a higher form of praise existed in Equestria.

Still though, there were more important things to be done than basking in the praise of her friend. “Come on Mare Do Well, we need to get down into the Diamond Dog’s caves and find Spike.” Twilight said, taking a tentative step forward. Her legs still felt a little wobbly, but she didn’t fall down.

Mare Do Well was by her side again, pressing against her and helping keep her steady. Twilight smiled in thanks, and the two walked over to one of the holes the apple-golems had burst out of. It sloped down into the darkness underground, just like when they had been here to save Rarity. Twilight and Mare Do Well looked at each other and nodded in sync, before jumping into the hole.


Twilight and Mare Do Well had only been wandering around the caverns for a few moments before they found a Diamond Dog. It was a scruffy black furred Diamond Dog, wearing a grey vest. Twilight and Mare Do Well readied themselves for a fight, but the Diamond Dog seemed happy to see them.

“Oh! You ponies! Come quick, we supposed to take ponies to master Spike!” It said.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in confusion. “Master Spike?” They said.

The Diamond Dog led them through the caverns, traversing the tunnels with ease. After a few minutes of walking, they found themselves in a larger cavern with high ceilings. In the middle of the cavern, laying on a pillow and surrounded by gems, was Spike, groaning as he held his distended belly.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out happily, rushing towards her friend.

“Twi?” Spike groaned out groggily. He gasped as Twilight lifted him up and hugged him against her, squeezing him hard.

“Oh Spike, I was so worried about you!” Twilight said, tears of happiness flowing down her face.

“Worried? Why were you worried about me Twilight? Didn’t you get the letter I sent?” Spike asked in confusion. Before Twilight could answer, Spike burped in her ear, causing her to drop him.

“Letter? Spike what are you talking about? And what happened, how did you end up here?” Twilight asked.

“Well...” Spike began.


“Want to play a game widdle dwagon?” The strange mare singsonged to him. The grin on her face was a little creepy, but honestly he’d seen Twilight smile creepier when homework was involved.

“Uh, I guess?” He said uncertainly. He still wasn’t quite sure what was going on here.

“Oh goody! I love games. Let’s play rock, paper, scissors. If you win, I’ll treat you to all the gems you can eat.” The mare said.

“Uh, and what happens if you win?” Spike asked.

“Oh I’ll think of something.” The mare replied, flashing him another one of those creepy grins.

“Uh, alright then.” Spike said. He held out his claw in a rock position, and the mare did the same. At once, they lifted their claw/hoof up and down in time, chanting “Rock, paper, scissors!”

Spike held out his claw flat, choosing paper. The mare held her hoof out... in the exact same shape. Spike never understood why any ponies chose to play this game. They could only ever chose rock after all.

The mare looked in shock at the outcome, as Spike’s mighty paper decimated her flimsy rock. She pouted for a moment, before sitting on her haunches and crossing her forelegs over her chest, pouting. “Fine, you win.” She said, sounding like a little filly.

“Great! So where’s those gems?” Spike asked, almost drooling in anticipation.

The mare sighed. “Yes yes, a deals a deal.” Her horn flared to life, and with a pop both of them disappeared, only to reappear in dark caves.

Spike’s eyes widened in shock and fear as he recognized where he was. These were the Diamond Dog’s caves, he had come here when Rarity had been kidnapped by Diamond Dogs hoping to exploit her gem finding spell.

Before he could move, Diamond Dogs surrounded him and the strange mare.

“Pony and dragon come to our caves! Now you work for us!” One of the Diamond Dogs said, grinning evily at the two.

“I don’t think so you mangy mutts.” The mare snarled out. She turned and looked at Spike smiling, although still creepily, at him. “Widdle baby dwagon, close your eyes for a second okay?” She commanded. Seriously, even though she phrased it like a request, Spike could sense the tone underneath it. Without even thinking about it, his eyes slammed shut.

From behind his closed eyes, he could “see” a flash of light, and hear the Diamond Dogs whimper in surprise and fear. He wanted to see what had happened, but decided to keep his eyes closed until he was told otherwise.

“Alright you mangy mutts! You work for this baby dragon now! My “friends” here will help you mine gems, but widdle baby dragon here gets to eat as much as he wants, do you understand me?” The mare called out. Her voice was almost like Luna’s, when the Princess of the Night was using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Yes! Yes mean pony! We follow dragon’s orders!” The Diamond Dog that had first spoken to them said.

Spike finally opened his eyes, which quickly widened in shock. All around the cavern were these strange red creatures that looked similar to the Diamond Dogs, and what seemed to be monstrous flowers. The red creatures were cracking their knuckles threateningly at the Diamond Dogs, some of whom were whimpering in fear.

The mare turned and smiled at Spike, who this time was not able to repress a shudder at the creepy grin. “There you go widdle baby dwagon.” The mare cooed at him again, “All the gems you can eat.”

Spike looked away nervously. “Uhhh, thanks, this is great, but I didn’t let my friend know I was going to be gone, so I should probably get back home so she doesn’t worry.” He said.

“Oh don’t worry, I’ll write a letter to let her know you’re down here, and you can send it to her.” The mare said.

Spike was about to argue, but a Diamond Dog had just pushed a cart full of gems forward and dumped it at his feet. Spikes stomach gave a loud grumble, and he felt himself drooling at the sight.

“Uh yeah, that sounds good!” Spike said, unable to take his eyes off the pile of gems.

The mare’s horn flared with green light, causing a scroll and quill to appear. She quickly scratched out a message, and rolled it up and sealed it.

“Here you go widdle baby dwagon,” She said, “Now I have to go. You enjoy your prize!” With that, the mare disappeared in a flash of green light, leaving Spike alone with the strange creatures, the Diamond Dogs, and slowly growing pile of gems.


“Then I told the Diamond Dogs to be on the lookout for you, and to bring you here once you arrived.” Spike said, finishing his story.

Mare Do Well and Twilight glanced at each other, each thinking different things. Mare Do Well was clearly fuming over Professor Nightshade’s actions, whereas Twilight was worried. Professor Nightshade had somehow kept her from remembering any of this, the personality she had created was strong enough to actually block her memories. Not only that, but earlier, after she had defeated Nightshade’s minions, she’d heard Nightshade chastise her for “cheating”.

“Uh Spike, you wouldn’t happen to know what that mare did with all the books in the library would you?” Twilight asked, noticing finally that there wasn’t any sign of the books.

“What? No, she didn’t do anything with the books. Are you saying they’re gone?!” Spike said, panic starting to creep into his voice.

Twilight sighed, and nuzzled against him. “It’s alright Spike, I’m just glad you’re safe. Let’s go home.” Twilight said. She pulled Mare Do Well closer to her, and cast her teleportation spell. With a pop, the trio was gone, leaving a confused group of Diamond Dogs behind.

“Ponies.. nothing but trouble!” One of the Diamond Dogs groused.


Twilight, Spike, and Mare Do Well appeared in the library in a flash of lavender light. They blinked to clear the light from their eyes, and shook their heads to shake off the disorienting feeling teleportation sometimes caused.

“Uh, Twi, what books are supposed to be missing?” Spike asked, looking around the library.

Twilight opened her mouth, before snapping it shut. All throughout the library, the shelves were lined with books, all properly placed. When she had been here earlier they were all missing... that was part of the plan she came up with before “becoming” Professor Nightshade, but she never brought them back. She’d been with Mare Do Well the entire time! How was this even possible?

“UGH! It’s like she’s just messing with us! This whole thing was just a big waste of time!” Mare Do Well groaned, glaring at the books as though they had caused this offense.

“I... I’m sorry Rai-...Mare Do Well. I don’t even-” Twilight began apologizing, but Mare Do Well held up her hoof.

“It’s not your fault Twi, this Professor Nightshade is just messed up in the head.” She sighed, before looking out the window. The sun was beginning to set, casting its glow across the sky into beautiful colors. “I’m gonna head home. I have a shift with the weather patrol in the morning.” She said.

“Alright, thanks again for all your help!” Twilight said, walking with Mare Do Well to the door of the library.

“Ah it was nothing. Besides, you did most of the work yourself! Seriously Twi, you kicked some serious flank back there. We really need to hang out more!” Mare Do Well said.

Twilight smiled brightly at that. “I’d love that. Take care of yourself alright?” She said.

Mare Do Well nodded, and once the door was open shot through and up into the sky. Twilight watched her go for a moment, before shutting the door and heading back into the library.

Obviously something was wrong. Was she too into the Professor Nightshade persona? Or had she made her too real? Either way, she’d be steering clear of it for a while. It’s not like Batmare crossed paths with the Fool every day right?

Yep, a few days of normalcy would do her some good, maybe then she could ignore the evil laugh she swore she could hear in the back of her mind.

Author's Note:

Is Twilight loosing her marbles? Could Pinkie Pie find those lost marbles? Why hasn't Doctor Whooves stepped in to help with all this? Will anypony discover that Rarity's greatest weakness is the color yellow? Find out next time, same Mare Do Well time, same Mare Do Well channel.

Whew, that chapter was a doozy. If you thought that the part with Zecora was subpar, join the club! All I can say is, I do not have a future career as a rapper.

I do have one question for your fine readers out there. How are the action scenes? Bland? Too much? Just right? I've never really written them before, so I'm curious on what I could improve on.