• Published 10th May 2013
  • 5,611 Views, 154 Comments

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade - ssjgokillo

Rainbow Dash decides she wants a turn being Mare Do Well, but quickly discovers that Ponyville is nothing like the places depicted in comic books. If only there was some bad flank villain for her to fight.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade
Chapter 5: Age of Applecalypse

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

The town of Ponyville! Home to the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and more recently the Mysterious Mare Do Well, hero extraordinaire! Also the current target of the villainous Professor Nightshade, who we are assured actually has attained her Professorship.

Of course, nopony would ever expect that underneath her mask, the Mysterious Mare Do Well was actually mild mannered Rainbow Dash. That’s right True Believer! This unassuming pegasus dons the cape and hat of justice each night to protect her fair town.

How did such a ordinary pegasus become the terror that flaps in the night? It all began when she was just a filly. Her parents had taken her to see a play, but had disappeared after going to the bathroom during the intermission. That night, young Rainbow Dash swore that she would have her revenge on criminals, since obviously they had something to do with it. She spent years training herself in coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness, before she felt like she was ready.

“But before I begin avenging the mysterious disappearance of my parents, I’ll need a disguise!” Rainbow Dash said to herself one evening. “Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must become a creature of the night, purple, terrible...a...a...”

As if in answer, a huge duck wearing a purple Tando hat flew through the window. It was the sign she needed. Donning the cape, cowl, and hat, Rainbow Dash became this weird figure of the dark, the avenger of evil, the special new bulletin that interrupts your favorite show, the sticky piece of gum that sticks to the bottom of crime’s shoe, the Mysterious Mare Do Well!

Rainbow Dash’s eyes flew open, as her stomach gurgled angrily. “Ugggh, no more of Pinkie Pie’s hot sauce cupcakes before bed, they always give me the craziest dreams.” She mumbled, before snuggling back into her covers and trying to fall back asleep.


Mighty mare of mystery,

Champion of right,

Swoops out of the shadows,

Mare Do Well owns the night.

Somewhere some villain schemes,

But he's goin to a jail cell.

(3-2-1) Mare Do Well (When there's trouble you call MDW)

Mare Do Well (Let's get dangerous)

Mare Do Well (Mare Do, Mare Do Well!)

Cloud of smoke and she appears,

Master of surprise.

Who's that awesome mind behind

That shadowy disguise?

Nopony knows for sure,

Bad guys better say farewell.

'Cause here comes (Mare Do Well)

Look out! (When there's trouble you call MDW)

Mare Do Well (Let's get dangerous)

Mare Do Well(Better watch out, you bad colts)

Mare Do Well!


Rainbow Dash sighed grumpily as she flew over Ponyville. It had been almost a week since Twilight and her had rescued Spike. Rainbow Dash scoffed at that thought. All they had rescued Spike from was an all you can eat buffet.

Since then there hadn’t been a peep from Professor Nightshade. In fact, nothing much had happened in Ponyville. It was driving Rainbow Dash crazy! She had spent the first couple of days almost entirely in her Mare Do Well costume, just waiting for Professor Nightshade’s next scheme. It had her set on edge, and worst of all, it was for nothing.

She was itching to pay Nightshade back for humiliating her last time. She still couldn’t believe that one of those flower monsters had dropped her so easily. Then she was taken hostage. SHE, the ever amazing Rainbow Dash, was taken hostage by a talking apple.

The only bright thing to come out of the whole encounter was her front row seat to Twilight’s awesome display of magic. She had never seen anything like it. Sure, when Twilight had dealt with the Ursa Minor, that had been impressive. But it was more controlled, calm. The Twilight that Rainbow saw during the fight was.. primal. She literally exuded this amazing energy, like she could rip the sky open with a thought. And it was all to protect her! Not that she really needed to be protected, she probably could’ve escaped the apple-golem’s grasp eventually, but it still was nice to see Twilight go all super mage to save her.

Thinking about it, Rainbow tilted her wings and flew towards the Golden Oaks Library. She had said Twilight and her should hang out more, and she wasn’t doing anything right now. Why not see if Twilight wanted to hang out for a while. It was better than flying around aimlessly.

She landed in front of the library, and trotted up to the door. She almost knocked, before she remembered that the library was open during this time. It was so hard not to think of the building as Twilight’s home. Heck, before Twilight had come to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash hadn’t even known they’d had a library!

Walking inside, she saw Twilight sitting at the reading table, a book in front of her and scrolls laid out nearby, quills scratching away as she wrote with her magic.

“Heya Twi!” Rainbow Dash called out as she trotted into the library. The quills in Twilight’s magical grasp fell to the table as she lost her concentration. She looked up in surprise to see the rainbow maned pegasus walking in.

“Oh hello Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in, I was kind of in my “full-blown study mode” as Spike calls it.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof nonchalantly. “No biggie Twi. I was just coming to see if you wanted to hang out for a while, but I can leave if you’re busy.”

“Oh! No no, I could use a break actually.” Twilight said, giving Rainbow a smile. “What did you want to do?”

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before shrugging. “I dunno, we could go for a walk I guess, maybe grab some food.”

“That sounds good, just give me a second to let Spike know he’s in charge.” Twilight said, walking up the stairs to talk with the young dragon. Rainbow Dash waited, though she could already feel her wings twitch impatiently even though it had only been a few second.

Twilight walked back down smiling. “All set, shall we?” She asked, heading towards the door. Rainbow Dash followed after her, and together the two walked out onto the streets of Ponyville.

They walked in companionable silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the company. Well, Twilight walked. Rainbow Dash flew nearby.

“So, what have you been up to Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow shrugged as she flew. “Not much really. I spent the first couple days after we rescued Spike on full alert, but nothing’s been happening, and there’s been no peep from Professor Nightshade, so I’ve just been working and practicing my flying again.”

“Oh, practicing some stunts?” Twilight smiled at her as her eyes took on a far away look. Was she imagining Rainbow doing some stunts?

“Nah, actually I’ve been trying to improve my sudden acceleration and turning skills. Want to be able to dodge better so something like last time doesn’t happen again.”

“Oh...” Twilight trailed off.

“So what were you thinking about?” Rainbow asked, wondering what had caused her friend to start day dreaming.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow smiled. “When you asked if I had been practicing my stunts, you got this look in your eyes like you Pinkie Pie does whenever she starts thinking of those chimicherry things.”

“Oh ummm.... nothing, I was just letting my mind wander.” Twilight said, a blush gracing her face.

Twilight was blushing? This was too good, Rainbow had to know now. “Ah c’mon Twi, you can tell me!” Rainbow Dash said, flying down and poking Twilight in the side.

Twilight let out an adorable eep and jumped to the side, the blush on her face growing. “I.. I... Oh fine.” Twilight sighed, and took a deep breath, trying to will the blush off her face. “I was thinking that it would be fun to fly with you when you pull off some of your stunts.” Twilight said. She looked at the ground embarrassed.

Rainbow Dash had not been expecting that. While Twilight had calmed down quickly after she’d picked her up to fly her to the Diamond Dog fields, she hadn’t thought she’d particularly enjoyed it. Apparently she had been wrong.

“Wait... you mean you want to go flying with me?” Rainbow asked, trying to hide the excitement in her voice. Her only other friend with wings was Fluttershy, and she much preferred to keep her hooves planted firmly on the ground. She’d always wanted to share her sky with her friends, but they all always seemed so... grounded.

“Well.. yeah. I mean, it was scary at first, but once I got used to it, it was amazing! The wind, the speed, the view! I can see now why you’re always spending your time in the air!” Twilight said, smiling brightly at her friend.

Rainbow felt her cheeks heat up this time. People had often complimented her on her stunts, but the way Twilight talked about just her average flight made it sound like she’d performed a Sonic Rainboom.

“Well...” Rainbow began, trying to shake off her hesitancy. She’d never offered to do this for anypony before, and she was feeling uncharacteristically nervous, “Would you like to go for a flight?”

Twilight looked shocked for a moment, then her face beamed with happiness. “I’d love to!” She chirped, and Rainbow could see she was practically bouncing with excitement. Rainbow found herself mirroring Twilight’s excitement as she flew down, hovering over her friend.

“Alright, I’ll hold onto you just like last time okay?” Rainbow said. Twilight nodded, and Rainbow lowered herself down, gently wrapping her forehooves around Twilight’s barrel. Once she was sure of her grip, she pulled Twilight tightly against her. Then, smirking mischievously, Dash shot up into the air.

Twilight gave a scream of surprise, but it quickly turned into one of delight as she and Rainbow climbed into the air. Rainbow could feel Twilight’s heart hammering in her chest, but she was still smiling and squealing in excitement.

Deciding to push her limits, Rainbow Dash pulled up into a quick loop. It was a bit harder to do carrying Twilight, but it was totally worth it to hear Twilight cheer and laugh. She was having a blast! And if Rainbow Dash couldn’t even begin to pretend that she wasn’t.

They flew like that for what felt like hours, eventually making it over Ponyville Park. Rainbow really cut loose here, increasing the speed and closing the size of her loops. All the while Twilight was laughing, cheering, urging Rainbow to go faster.

After a while, Rainbow felt herself starting to get tired. She’d never carried another pony this long while flying, and certainly not while trying to do even the simplest of stunts. She was going to have to call it pretty quick, but she wanted to do one last thing before they went back down to the ground.

She leaned forward, placing her mouth next to Twilight’s ear. She was so excited, she didn’t even notice Twilight shiver as she breathed against her ear. “Twi... do you trust me?” Rainbow asked. She felt her own heart hammering in her chest as she looked at Twilight, waiting for an answer.

Twilight turned her head to look at Rainbow, and the smile she gave her made Rainbow’s cheeks light up once more. “Of course Rainbow.” Twilight said.

Rainbow nodded. “Okay then, get ready for the finale!” Rainbow said. Before Twilight could ask what she meant by that, Rainbow went into a steep dive. She dove just long enough to get a good burst of speed, before pulling up sharply, shooting up into the sky. As she pulled up, she loosened her grip on Twilight, and then flung her into the sky. Twilight gave a shriek of fright as she found herself flying through the air sans Rainbow. Rainbow watched her tumble through the air until she reached the peak of her ascent. Then, just as she began to fall back down, Rainbow swooped under her, catching her in her forehooves.

Twilight wrapped her own forehooves around Rainbow’s neck, and tucked her head into her chest. Rainbow could feel her trembling violently, and was almost afraid that she went too far, until Twilight looked back up at her, and Rainbow suddenly found her heart stuck in her throat.

Twilight’s eyes were wide with fear and excitement. Her cheeks were flushed, and her chest heaved with heavy breathing. But her smile... her smile was something else. It was part excitement, part trust, and part something Rainbow couldn’t place, but made her feel warm inside.

“Rainbow! That was amazing!” Twilight said once her breathing began to get under control. She playfully poked Rainbow in her chest. “But if you ever do that to me again I’ll turn you into a turtle.”

“Tortoise.” Rainbow replied absentmindedly, enjoying the feeling of warmth Twilight was giving her.

Twilight laughed, and the two stared at each other. They were looking in each other’s eyes, staring deeply, as if they held the answer to some important question that hadn’t even been asked yet.

Then, Rainbow’s stomach rumbled loudly. The two mares snapped out of their trance, this time looking at each other sheepishly. Rainbow started laughing, quietly at first, but getting louder with each passing moment. And Twilight was laughing right along with her.

“Sorry, guess I worked up an appetite.” Rainbow said, though her blush had nothing to do with the noises her stomach was making.

Twilight nodded, smiling gently at her. “I could only imagine. Come on, let’s land and head back into town, I’ll treat you to lunch. It’s the least I could do.” She said.

Rainbow nodded, and lowered the two to the ground. Once Twilight was on the ground, they caught each other’s eyes once again. Twilight’s stomach gave a grumble this time, and she looked away blushing. Rainbow laughed, and Twilight giggled. Together, the two mares headed into town to find some food, and each individually to think about the moment they’d just experienced together.


Twilight smiled happily as Rainbow walked her back home. After a lunch at the local cafe, they’d returned to the park where Rainbow had asked Twilight for a demonstration of her magic. It was the first time anypony other than her parents, Spike, or Princess Celestia expressed any interest in the spells she actually knew. She knew all her friends were proud of her magical ability, but they never seemed to care what she had actually studied.

Rainbow however was very interested. She asked for demonstrations, asked how hard some spells were to learn, and always looked impressed by Twilight’s answers. She shared her own experiences with learning difficult tricks, how many hours she put into practice to be able to pull them off.

Before they realized it, the sun had begun to set. They reluctantly agreed to call it a day, but Rainbow insisted on walking Twilight back to her home. And if Twilight was being honest with herself, she really didn’t want to decline Rainbow’s offer.

“Seriously Twilight, you’re amazing! I didn’t even know you could do half those things with magic!” Rainbow said. Twilight could feel her cheeks heat up in another blush, but it had been happening all throughout the afternoon as Rainbow Dash continued to compliment her skills.

All too soon, they found themselves back at the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight stomped down her feeling of disappointment, and faced Rainbow with a smile. “Thanks for today Rainbow, it was the most fun I’ve had in a while.” She said.

“Heh, no problem Twi, honestly I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.” Rainbow said, her smile matching Twilight’s. “Honestly, I think the best thing that could have happened to this town was you moving here. It’s like, you make the entire town 20% cooler just by being here.”

Twilight felt her blush light up her whole face at that. “Th-thanks Rainbow Dash. I-I’m glad I moved her too, just to have met you...” Twilight started drifting off with a smile, before she cleared her head with a shake, “..and the rest of the girls! You’re all the greatest.”

A nervous silence descended between the two, as they begun looking everywhere but at each other. “W-Well, I should probably head home.” Rainbow said. “I’ve gotta move some rain clouds over Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah... I should probably hit the hay soon too, need to finish up that book...” Twilight trailed off, for once her mind not thinking about the knowledge hidden beneath the cover of a book.

“Sooo... I’ll see you later then. G’night Twi!” Rainbow Dash said before she launched herself into the sky, flying towards her cloud house.

Twilight watched as the pegasus streaked into the sky, idly noting that it was a twilight sky she was flying in. She had a dopey smile on her face, as she turned and walked back into the library.

That night, Twilight dreamed of endless skies and blue feathers (and of ducks wearing purple hats, but she blamed that one on the hot sauce cupcake Pinkie Pie had forced her to try).

Author's Note:

Worry not True Believers, action returns in the next installment of Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade, but even heroes deserve a break! But we all know that no villain can stay quiet for long. What exactly is Professor Nightshade planning? And who is this young foal fighting beside the Mysterious Mare Do Well? Find out next time, same Mare Do Well time, same Mare Do Well channel.

Props go out to DC for Batman, and Disney for Darkwing Duck in this chapter. God I miss that show.

So, finally get a little bit of Twidash in this... you know, the fic I'm writing for a Twidash contest... sometimes I wonder about myself.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed, and thanks to everyone for all your comments and support, I'm glad you're all enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it!