• Published 15th May 2013
  • 2,397 Views, 92 Comments

Shipping Grab Bag - Jondor

Variety is the Spice of Life. 15 prompts, 15 Mane 6 x Mane 6 ships. Are you a bad enough dude to read them all? (10 of 15 done, teen sex tag included for a couple steamy chapters, nothing explicit.)

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A Night (RariDash)

The moon held its silent vigil high in the sky over Ponyville. Aside from some owls and bats, the entire town lay asleep in their beds, except two ponies. Rarity stood just outside the doorway of the Carousel Boutique, sipping a mug of black coffee and enjoying the night sky during a short break from her work. Across the backdrop of stars, a muted rainbow contrail glinted in the moonlight as it painted itself in the wake of the only other pony who was not in bed. A smile curled Rarity’s lips as she called out.

“Good evening, Rainbow! I didn’t expect to see anypony else awake at this hour.”

The contrail looped around and headed for the doorstep. Rainbow Dash landed with the uncharacteristic quiet grace of a housecat.

“Hey, Rarity. I could say the same thing. Working on a big order or something?”

“Mmm, yes. Two dozen suits for a group of stallions performing at this year’s Canterlot Theater Trotty Awards ceremony. I’m just taking a short break before I finish the accessories and final tailoring.” Rarity sipped some more of her coffee, wincing slightly at the strong taste. “How about yourself, darling? What has Ponyville’s resident daredevil up and about at this hour?”

“Eh, nothing that exciting. I just napped too long this afternoon and I can’t get to sleep. Thought maybe a few laps in the air might wear me out.”

“Any luck?”

“Nah, I’ve been flying in circles for an hour, still wide awake.” Rainbow huffed.

Rarity sized up her friend, reviewed some measurements in her head, and let her gaze linger over Dash a little more just for fun. “I don’t suppose you’d like to lend me a hoof?”

“Uh, hello? Rarity, it’s me, Rainbow Dash. I don’t know the first thing about sewing.”

“Not that kind of help, darling. I was thinking more along the lines of modelling the outfits for me while I check the fit. You come close enough to the measurements I was given.”

“So, you want to bore me to sleep dressing me up in a bunch of girly fashions, then?” Dash quirked an eyebrow.

Rarity couldn’t suppress a chuckle. “Firstly, if you’ll recall, I’m working on clothing for a group of stallions, that hardly qualifies as girly. Secondly, I thought you were trying to get to sleep.”

Rainbow opened and closed her mouth a couple times in bewilderment before uttering a single “Oh.”

Rarity chuckled some more and finished her coffee before turning to canter inside. “Coming inside, Rainbow Dash? If so, do be a dear and close your mouth before any bats decide to take up residence, pretty please~”

Dash blushed, clamped her jaw shut and trotted inside. She huffed a little at Rarity’s insistence that she shower before playing the part of a living ponnequin, but did as she was told. While she was upstairs, Rarity lowered the lights to a more intimate level. Hardly practical for work, but she had her horn at her disposal as well as other intentions in mind.

Rainbow Dash stood still as Rarity dressed her in suit after suit, not feeling the least bit guilty at trying to be bored. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working quite the way she wanted. “Ugh. Rarity, this isn’t putting me to sleep, how many more do you have to do?”

“Just one more, darling. The rest are copies and I can use the completed suits as a pattern. I have some wine handy once we’re done here, that should help matters.”

Dash nodded and resigned herself to being outfitted once more. Rarity had been working quietly the entire time, but took her chance now that the pieces were all set on the board.

“You know, Dash, I’ve always said you are a beautiful mare, but I’m surprised to find you make quite a dashing stallion as well.”

“Huh?” About the level of eloquence one would expect of Rainbow Dash, but as Rarity so painfully learned after the Blueblood incident, poise and grace alone do not a healthy partnership make.

“Look in the mirror and see for yourself, darling.” Rarity’s horn lit up as she scooted a full length mirror over and bathed Dash in a magical spotlight.

“Yeah, I do look pretty cool, don’t I?” Dash posed for herself in the mirror, admiring her reflection.

“Yes, it must be the way you keep yourself in shape, that sleek, lean physique, muscular, but still trim. Very attractive.” Rarity allowed her hooves to roam down Dash’s barrel under the pretense of smoothing the suit, but her touch lingered long enough that even Dash could pick up on the innuendo.

“Uh, Rarity? Are you hitting on me?”

Rarity paused, considering her response. “Would it offend you if I was?”

“Well, no I guess not. Lots of ponies hit on me, I’m just that awesome, but I don’t get why somepony like you would be hitting on somepony like me.”

Rarity answered as she carefully undressed Dash, letting her hooves linger more than was strictly necessary. “Because, despite your sometimes brutish nature, you are far, far more tolerable and sociable than certain supposedly noble stallions who shall remain nameless.” Rarity’s tone turned a bit icy and Dash chuckled, but she reigned it in as she continued, still undressing Rainbow.

“You’re a driven, successful mare like myself. You strive for perfection in your aerial routines just as I do in my couture. You understand the desire to reach for your goals with your whole heart.” Rarity grinned as she finished undressing Dash, letting her hoof trail across the lightning cutie mark. “And you have a most attractive flank.”

Dash grinned over her shoulder. “Yeah, my flank is pretty popular.”

Rarity carefully folded the suit away and beckoned Rainbow over to the sofa, her horn glowing as she magicked over a bottle of wine and two glasses. “I believe I promised some wine to help you get to sleep.” Rarity grinned as she poured two glasses.

Dash took hers and drained half of it after a toast. “I think I’m okay with being awake a while longer.” Dash said as a predatory grin spread across her face. Rarity moved both wine glasses to a safe distance and thanked Celestia she was not the least bit tired.