• Published 15th May 2013
  • 2,397 Views, 92 Comments

Shipping Grab Bag - Jondor

Variety is the Spice of Life. 15 prompts, 15 Mane 6 x Mane 6 ships. Are you a bad enough dude to read them all? (10 of 15 done, teen sex tag included for a couple steamy chapters, nothing explicit.)

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A Reunion (ApplePie)

The day was finally here. Sweet Apple Acres was decorated to the nines for the wedding reception. Everywhere you looked, apple pies floated by on blue and yellow balloons, just above everypony’s heads. The decorations were all Pinkie’s idea, of course.

Reds, oranges, yellows and greens interspersed with browns, greys, tans and blues as the two families mingled together. There was the occasional pegasus or unicorn and an alicorn or two, but by and large, the party consisted of earth ponies. Apples, oranges and a few other fruits and vegetables mingled with rocks, gems and tools on the multi-colored flanks.

Seated in rocking chairs under an awning were two elderly grandmothers, reuniting after many years. Their manes were now snow white, the colors long gone. Their coats were dulled, the youthful vibrance gone, but they still retained much of their original hues; sour apple green for the Apple family and raspberry red for the Pie clan.

“Been a long time, Ginger.” ‘Granny’ Berry Pie said in her quavery voice as she watched all the younger ponies talking, dancing and congratulating the newlyweds. “Haven’t seen ya since ya changed your name. Never could figure out why, you get tired of being Ginger Gold?”

“Naw. Did it on accounta Mac an’ this here apple on my flank.” Granny Smith née Ginger Gold slapped her backside with a hoof. “Most folks can’t tell one green apple from another, but it always was an embarrassment to the family that they named me for the wrong apple.

“When Mac came around an’ I finally became a grandmother, I took up my right name. Wasn’t until we lost Red an’ Clementine that I understood why...” Berry put a consoling hoof on her shoulder as Granny Smith bowed her head. “But that ain’t what today’s about.” She looked up and smiled, watching Pinkie Pie nuzzle against her granddaughter. “Today’s about our youngsters. Why, I remember seein’ the moment they fell in love.”

“No kidding. Well, don’t go hoggin’ all the juicy gossip now.” Berry Pie laughed.

“Hold yer horses an’ I’ll tell ya. It was right after the whole town started goin’ all topsy-turvy on accounta that little purple unicorn filly there.” Granny Smith pointed across the field toward Twilight Sparkle.

“That ain’t no unicorn, that there’s a pegasus.”

“Look closer. She’s got a horn, ain’t she? Anyway, she got them wings later on.” Granny Smith took a sip of cider to moisten her palette. “So anyway, the whole town’s in a right state, my AJ’s nowhere to be found, but yer Pinkie’s right here on the farm, sportin’ the ‘Acres apples on her flank, hair all straight, lookin sad as a month o’ Mondays, and makin’ a right mess o’ things. Can’t guess what ponies do on a rock farm, but it ain’t nothin’ like applebuckin’ or plowin’ fields or anythin’ that goes on ‘round here.

“Whole thing felt outta place an’ Mac was fixin’ ta step in, but ‘Magic is as Magic does’ as I always say, so I turns ta him and says ‘Don’t y’all fret none, young’un. Yer sister’ll be back any time now an’ set things ta rights.’

“Now, I started ta get a mite worried myself come next mornin’, trees all barren, crops spoiled, an’ the barn fixin’ ta fall over again. But it weren’t long afore my AJ showed up with all her little friends an’ magicked everythin’ right back ta normal. Fer some reason she was sportin’ three jewels on her flank. Pretty things, but ain’t prettier than her apples. Lucky thing she got ‘em back soon enough.

“I was watchin’ ‘em the whole time. Yer Pinkie’s tryin’ her best ta fix this gutter pipe that’s always fallin’ down an’ she ain’t havin’ no luck, but my AJ sets it right in place like she always does an’ gives that little filly this smile that’s just pure love an’ nothin’ else. Not sure AJ knew rightly herself yet, yer Pinkie was the one that came a courtin’ her a few days later, but I knew. Right from that there smile, I knew.” Granny Smith took another long draught of cider.

“Well, that’s a tale no doubt. An’ you say it was my Pinkie that came a courtin’?” Berry Pie whistled appreciatively.

“Yes, ma’am. Weren’t three days later, yer Pinkie shows up bright an’ early wantin’ to learn ta buck apple trees proper an’ them kids spent the whole day together out in the fields. Next I see ‘em is evenin’ time, bakin’ apple pies in the kitchen. Weren’t until they had a whole dozen that my AJ caught on.” Granny Smith smirked at her companion. “Sound familiar?”

Berry Pie snorted and laughed. “Least you caught on quicker, only took six apple berry tarts ta make my meanin’ clear.” The old mare watched the happy couple share a kiss for the camera. “Them kids is lucky. Frontier life ain’t built fer what they got. If’n we hadn’t needed stallions ta get our families goin’, things mighta been different.”

Granny Smith sighed wistfully. “Real lucky. That little purple wingicorn filly is powerful good with magic an’ I hear tell she’s whippin’ up a spell fer married mares. We may have little apple pies runnin’ around afore too long.”

“Might have some the old fashioned way too, take a gander at yer Mac.” Berry Pie pointed to where the big red stallion was busy turning a deeper shade of red, being nuzzled on both sides by Inkie and Blinkie Pie. “Reckon he’s stallion enough ta stand up ta twins? Ain't no separating those two.”

Granny smith barked with laughter. “Might be stallion enough in body, but Mac’s a gentle soul. Goes all ta pieces ‘round eager mares. Well, I wish him the best o’ luck.”

“Oooh, oooh, Applejack, you haven’t met my Granny Pie yet. Remember when we were in the Everfree forest with all those big scary trees and I went all ‘Nyeh! Whoo! Bleh!’ and started singing and laughing and everyone was like ‘Oh my gosh, this show’s gonna have songs!’? This is my Granny Pie who taught me to laugh and be happy and convinced me to move in with the Cakes!” Pinkie rambled off as she and Applejack approached their grandmothers.

“Calm down, sugarpie. Remember ta breathe.” AJ chuckled before she turned and curtsied to Berry Pie. “Pleased ta meetcha at long last. Gettin’ acquainted with my Granny Smith?”

“Just catchin’ up with an old friend. Yer Granny Smith an’ I’ve been friends ever since my family moved ta Ponyville.” Berry Pie smiled. “You take good care of my granddaughter now, excitable little filly she is, you’re gonna have yer hooves full.”

Applejack smiled, looking happily at a poofy expanse of curly pink mane as Pinkie’s attention had been grabbed by something else for the moment. “Don’t I know it? Still, I wouldn’t trade Pinkie fer all the bits in the world.”

“Oooh, oooh, Applejack! Come meet the sisters before they run off with Big Mac!” Pinkie was already trying to drag Applejack away toward her next target.

“Heh, sorry Granny—Grannies. Pinkie’s all worked up today, reckon she’ll calm down sooner or later.” Applejack apologized as she was dragged off.

“Reckon so young’un. Yer granny’ll keep me company just fine, you go have fun.” Berry waved and turned back to Granny Smith. “Reckon yer Applejack’s ‘bout the luckiest filly in all Equestria.”

“Nah, second luckiest, just after yer Pinkie Pie.” Granny Smith grinned back.

“Call it a draw?”

“Reckon so.”

Author's Note:

If some of this seems a bit familiar, that's because it is. TheLastBrunnenG is an awesome writer and you should go read his stuff. I like the idea that Granny Pie and Granny Smith had a fling back in the early days of Ponyville. It's certainly a more creative spin than the homophobic Apple family cliche.