• Published 10th Feb 2012
  • 3,153 Views, 14 Comments

Mrs Rarity - Techogre

Why Spike and Rarity cannot be together, or can they?

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Chapter 1

Spike was nervous. He was wondering why Rarity had invited him for tea. She never invited just him for tea. He didn't even like tea. But, any chance to spend time with Rarity, especially alone with her, was welcome.

He was wearing the bow tie she had made for him and carried a small bunch of flowers. He didn't get very many bits in his stipend, so they were just daisies, not the red roses he wanted to give her. He noticed a few ponies glancing and smiling at him, almost like they were laughing at him. Well, it wouldn't be the first time, so he was kind of used to it.

He made his way to the Carousel Boutique, his mind wandering to recent events. He was still embarrassed about the whole dragon rampage incident. Luckily, nopony seemed to make the connection. According to the rumours, the Elements of Harmony stopped an unidentified dragon and banished it to the moon, a volcano, a distant land, and/or the sun. He was happy nopony was connecting the dots.

As he was getting closer to his destination, he remembered how, while he and Rarity were falling to their potential deaths, Rarity stopped him from speaking, and she had tears in her eyes. He could still remember the surprisingly soft hoof, touching his mouth. He could still remember her scent, the perfume she wore, never too much, just right. He still wasn't sure if she was crying from the wind, facing death, or what. He just didn't understand why she did that.

He was finally at Rarity's shop. The sign said it was closed. That was unusual, it was a weekday after all. He timidly knocked and waited, keeping his prized flowers behind his back.

Rarity called out, in her delicate voice, “Spike, my little gentlecolt, please come in.”

Spike gulped and let himself in. The sunlight streamed in through the windows, filling the room with beautiful sunshine. There was a small table, elegantly appointed. She had even put a small stool for him so he didn't have to stand to see her. Rarity was sitting daintily, with a warm smile. She was even wearing the heart-shaped fire-ruby jewel he had given her.

Spike shyly held the flowers out for her. “T-These are for you Rarity.” He cursed himself for such a poor gift. Rarity deserved only the finest roses, not these farcical weeds.

Rarity's face lit up with delight at the sight of the humble gift. Her horn glowed, and a vase, half full of water, hovered from the kitchen. With equal grace, she took the flowers, placed them in the vase, and placed them off to the side of the table, so they would not block their line of sight.

A silver plate with a lid, bathed in Rarity's horn glow, levitated from the kitchen and settled itself in front of Spike. The lid was removed to reveal a plate heaped with gems, all perfectly aged.

Spike stared at the pile and drooled. He couldn't help himself. But, and he was proud of this, he didn't shovel them into his mouth. He glanced up at Rarity, and the gems were instantly forgotten. She glowed in beauty and knew he could hear a choir of angels singing. He had never been this close to her in such a private setting before.

“Would you like some tea?” Rarity levitated the tea pot, waiting for Spike's answer.

“Yes please,” he managed. The aroma of the herbal tea filled the air, mixing with Rarity’s perfume, making the atmosphere even more perfect. Rarity poured herself a cup and took a sip. Satisfied the tea was perfect she smiled at Spike.

Spike braced himself then sighed to himself, 'Here comes the shoot down.'

“Spike, you are a dear friend. A very special friend. Yes, you are young,” Spike began to protest, but she held up her hoof, ”but dragons mature differently from ponies.” She paused, taking a sip of tea. “I shall be completely honest with you. At first, when I met you, I saw a baby dragon, an adorable child.” Again, Spike began to protest. “Please Spike, let me finish. As time has passed, I have seen a maturity well beyond your years, and I have grown truly fond of you. When we had the incident with the Diamond Dogs, I saw a dragon. A dragon ready to risk everything for me, well beyond the callings of friendship.”

Rarity had tears forming in her eyes. She took a sip of tea to compose herself and continued. “That, I think, was the tipping point. The emotions I felt confused me. A full-grown mare falling in love with a baby dragon. It was unheard of.” She paused for a moment, taking another sip of tea. “But, it may have been happening. I was so unsure.”

“At the Gala, I was desperate to find my prince charming. I knew he was by my side the whole time, yet, I thought I could find the same thing with Prince Blueblood, that overgrown snobbish foal. I'm so sorry,” she sniffed and blew her nose. “This is not going how I imagined it.”

“Then, there was the recent incident. When we were falling to our deaths, I realized I was more frightened of losing you than of dying.” Tears began flowing down her cheeks, “Oh Spike. I do care for you dearly, but it simply cannot be. You are too young. By the time you're of age, I will be an old mare.”

“I don't care Rarity! I'll wait! I'll wait until the universe burns itself to a cinder! I don't care if you're older than Granny Smith, I'll wait for you, I'll always love you.” Spike's expression was imploring, begging.

Rarity got up, walked beside Spike, and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. “I'm so sorry, Spike.” Tears cascaded down her cheeks, conflicting emotions burning in her heart.

Spike looked at her for a long time. Finally, he said, "I think I understand, but, I will always love you. And the day, no, the minute I have reached the age of majority, I will return, my lady.”

Rarity was an old mare, but still in decent health, and still stunning. She had had a long wonderful career, and the name Rarity was recognized everywhere. She was proud of her achievements but never overbearing. In her later years, she spent time, talent, and much of her considerable fortune promoting new designers, giving them opportunities she never had.

Rarity had never married, never finding the right stallion. Oh, she had seen many and even loved a few, but, in her heart, there was always something missing, they were never 'the one'. She no longer turned the heads of younger stallions, but it no longer bothered her. She had been alone for many years. She had lost touch with the girls once they passed the elements of harmony to the next younger generation. She never felt compelled to contact them, choosing simply to relive their adventures in her mind.

It was a warm summer night and the doors to her balcony were slightly open, letting the lovely night air in. Rarity was not asleep, just staring at the ceiling, thinking about the past, thinking about missed opportunities, and ruing on past regrets. Of all her regrets, Spike was the one she lamented the most. Soon after the passing of the elements, Spike left to join his fellow dragons.

He was the one person who always believed in her, who was always there. He had loved her no matter how shoddily she had treated him. A pin cushion. She had actually allowed herself to use him as a pin cushion. She had dropped the subject of his crush after their tea. She behaved as if it had never happened. She told herself it was for his benefit. That she generously sacrificed her feelings for his sake. The truth was far more selfish. She simply did not want to be known as the mare who had rendezvous with juvenile dragons. Oh, how she rued that stupid, selfish decision. If she could go back in time and embrace him, tell him how much she loved him, she would sacrifice everything to have him now.

But, she had thought these thoughts many times, and if wishes were stars, the night would be bright as day. Why did she torture herself like this? She should be generous with herself. Why did she selfishly wallow in self-pity? She was sure Spike was out there, somewhere, happy. That should be enough.

'No doubt, he had forgotten all about me, as he should,' Rarity thought. A tear stained her perfect cheek.

As she was slipping into sleep, a gush of wind blew the doors open. Sighing, Rarity made her way to the doors to close them. When she got to the door, just outside her balcony, was a dragon. Purple scales glistened in the moonlight and green spikes shimmered.

A voice of iron and stone and fire gently spoke, “I have returned, my lady.”

Comments ( 13 )

I have this to say: Dawwwwwwwwwww. Good story

She had had a long wonderful carrier, and the name Rarity was recognized everywhere.

You want 'career' there mate. Otherwise it was an interesting read.

Silly spelling erors make me sad :fluttercry:. and embarrassed.:facehoof:

All fixed!

Aww... I saw "banished it to the moon, a volcano, a distant land" and was hoping for the joke that never came...'or a volcano in a distant land on the moon.'

But I should probably finish reading now. :moustache:

Nn... ok dieing should be dying, and I'll explain why...
For a long time I assumed dieing was simply pidgin English, but in fact it is a proper word, however, it does not relate to the cessation of life. It actually means the cutting of a materials with an object called a die.
Dying refers to life ending.

Aside from that, it was perhaps too brief... Though luckily yours ended differently from the one I started writing just previous to reading this... :duck:
Ah irony that I would find an older story so startlingly similar to my own work in progress... Maybe the world only has a finite number of ideas after all.

Very nice, very cute in the end!

225489 Heh, you're telling me. I've found four or five fics that cover most of what I wanted to with the one I just started writing. I have a few original pieces. but you're right, we're running out of truly original ideas you and me :rainbowderp:

265764 Well I think I lucked out with my newest idea, it seems to be the first time it's been done... now I just have to squeeze enough filler out of my less than magical pen and hope I don't throw the pacing off to a horrible degree.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised when out of nowhere, someone gave me a rather fantastic review on something I wrote on FFN years and years ago when I was still HORRIBLE at it. So I now know I'm not a terrible conceptualist at the least.

The irony is that I know my current project will never be as good or long as I intend it, so I'm actually planning on requesting someone to rewrite it better when I'm done :facehoof:

265804 Heh, I know that feeling too. Well, the rewriting one. I've got a novel trilogy on my mind, but I can't summon the mental fortitude to write it, so I've been thinking of having someone write it for me, with me just explaining the universe and a few key points.


Thanks! I missed it. All fixed. :pinkiehappy:

wow... loyal to the end

That left me feeling bitter sweet. Very good. :pinkiesmile:

*salutes the Spike* LIKE A BAWSS. >:C

Bitter sweet, She was :raritydespair: he was:moustache: time always wins.:facehoof:

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