• Member Since 9th Jan, 2012
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The readers ask the characters and author about Memoirs of a Reality Jumper. Future Q&A will also be here as additional chapters.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 80 )

So in conclusion, no they don't know how awesome hands are. Well Dash is a convert already I bet :pinkiesmile:.

Hahahaha, Coin's response was one of the better combinations of Red Herring and a couple of other logical fallacies I've seen in a bit.


ha! Fun and very enlightening read! Thanks for the Q&A:yay:

Thank you! Few interesting facts in there.
Looking forward to the next chapter! :rainbowdetermined2:

Hahaha, also if Alex hasn't had any meat for a while I hope he's getting ready for the joys of b12 deficiency!


As long as he eats cheese, eggs, and milk, he should be ok. That's assuming Equestrian diary products have B12... :twilightoops:


He better be sucking them down like crazy. Keep in mind while there is B12 in eggs there is also a factor that inhibits the absorption of B12 from them. Had a friend try going Vegetarian in college to get better eating habits so I learned a lot from him :rainbowlaugh:.

Meh it's a minor quibble. He really should add fish to his diet though.

As a side, if Dash and Alex wanted kids, could they just transform Alex into a pony for a weekend or something? I mean if Twilight can accidentally turn her parents into potted plants (:twilightblush:) and get them back with no problem then how about a temporary shape change that lets them procreate?

Geez Whooves, did you swallow your sonic screwdriver? It was just a simple question. Humans launched rockets into space about the same time they had technology comparable to Equestria (1942, Mr. Timelord). Relax.

Also, NOBODY HAD QUESTIONS FOR PINKIE PIE! Wheres the love for Pinkie? :pinkiesad2: WE'RE SORRY PINKIE! :raritydespair:

i bee first thumb up:pinkiehappy:

I can’t see Alex being too excited at the idea of my being bedded by some other stallion.

Do they not have sperm banks in Equestria? :rainbowderp::trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:


Might not have cryogenics yet. Magical Cryogenics. Myogenics?


I missed that too. I want to know about her relationships with the author.

I still don't feel safe asking very many questions, mostly because I know a lot of what is and what might happen in the future of the story and I don't want to ruin anything for the other people :twilightblush:

For Coins: How does it feel to have some inferior being hold your life in his hands and then not long after extend an olive branch of friendship for you? And are you going to take it or burn it like the unpleasant rug?

(Coins sneers, slowly shakes his head, and sighs, he doesn’t even look at you) As loath as I am to admit it, he has given me much to think about. Even before his justified apology, I was thinking about the value of, things, in my life versus the ponies in my life. After all, Princess Luna, in Her infinite wisdom, made him one of Her personal champions. He must has some positive characteristics, although I obviously lack the wisdom to see them. As for friendship, that is difficult to say. The habits of a lifetime are difficult to change, even if (he paused) even when one has begun to suspect they were mistaken. With the grace of the Princesses, friendship may be an option in the future, but for now, peace will have to do.

I notice Coins really doesn't want to discuss the whole incident, then again can you blame him?


Coins is definitely in the "I reject your reality and substitute my own" school of thought.

538492 Or just took a trip on Egypt's most favourite river. I think you should do one of these every 4 or 5 chapters, if you enjoyed it atleast.


You may have a point there.

On a related note, though: even if Alex were okay with the notion, I just don't see the apple-bucking Element of Loyalty going through with using a surrogate father. Unless, perhaps, she was Discorded once again.


Oh, sweet Celestia, I just gave someone an idea for a clopfic, didn't I? :facehoof:


So, you're saying that Coins is the pony equivalent of Adam Savage? :rainbowlaugh:

EDIT: On a related note, can anyone tell me how to get the comment I'm replying to to show up when I mouse over the link? It's not covered in the FAQ.

EDIT #2: Never mind. Looks like it's done automatically when the page is refreshed.


re. Coins is the pony equivalent of Adam Savage.

I certainly hope Mr. Savage is not that much of a dick. :twilightangry2:


It seems like the most logical idea. Since I doubt the princesses are going to want to start their own human breeding program just have Alex go native for a month or two and bam! Problem solved. We know that transformation magic is reversible and it becomes even more plausible when we know that Alex is pretty much Luna's pet project. To cement it, why can't he both adopt and have kids? The little chicken needs siblings!

Also come on man, you should know this by now. Rule 34, no exceptions.


As far as I can tell, Adam Savage is no dick. A bit of a screwball, but certainly no dick. Now if you were to ask his MythBusters co-host, Jamie Hyneman, that question, I'm sure you'd get a different response.


Oh, I'm quite aware of Rule 34. I just prefer not to "feed the beast," as it were, if I can help it.

EDIT: You know something? In retrospect, the joke that was previously here wasn't as funny as I thought it was when I posted it.

Hurray, questions answered. No Rainbow I knew what I was doing when I wrote that question. If you know what I mean.

...So....Applejack is like a 'Pony' Ann...?

...I've heard this before. I know I've heard this before... Something about... Cowboys. And Equestrians....


Hmmm..... *peeeeeeers at you...* I C WAT U DID THAR.... C: :pinkiecrazy:


LOL That's so coo!. :ajbemused:

If Alex has the internet, can he look up his own story on fimfiction?

(Alex) How do you think I’m answering these questions? The author is just one in a series of sock puppet accounts I created from Equestria.
(Techogre) No I’m not. Stop messing with the readers.
(Alex) Quiet sock!
(Techogre) Yes sir!

Way to avoid time paradox!

How do we submiiiiiiiit questions?


Post them here. Also, the next time I do a Q&A, I'll spam out a new blog on the subject. :pinkiehappy:

Not like I follow blogs.


First and foremost, MONSIEUR ALEX! Hast thou, in thine travels, stumbled upon other worldhoppers? And what is the most NONHUMAN entity you have yet to encounter? Actually, break that question in two, nonhuman physically and nonhuman mentally.

Madame Twilight, how goes your research into the oddities of human technology? Given, say, infinite budget and a laboratory to yourself, how long would you predict a technological revolution in the land of EQUESTRIA?! Also, have you stumbled across anything particularly shocking on the course of your internet travels...?

DISCORD! I'd shake your talons but you're a statue! Speaking of which, what's your thoughts on the Alex thing? AND WHY WEREN'T THERE CHEESECAKE BUSHES, YOU SO CALLED FORCE OF CHAOS?!

Gilda! Wait, sorry, wrong fic.

MAC! Little big Mac. I find your stoic nature endearing. Do please riddle me this, what toys have you hidden in your room? Don't deny your collector status, the show can't get everything wrong can it?

While we're on the subject of Apples, MISS SMITH! Oh, um, sorry if I woke you. Just wondering, what's with the pink polka dots? Everything else in the jam making process makes sense, are you SURE it's not the paint that matters?

APPLE BLOOM! I believe you were the baseline measure for a system measuring cuteness, did you know that? But more importantly, what are your thoughts on Mister Alex's strange human practices?

Oy! You! Orange Mare! I can see you hiding Applejack, and don't worry, I won't ask you any relationship questions. I'll just ask you this instead: Who did you contract to repair that cottage? There, see, no questions about relationships.

Rainbow Sprint! Or was it Run? Vateva. You have a choice: TURN ALEX INTO A PONY, FOREVER DOOMING HIM TO REMAIN APART FROM HIS HOMEWORLD.... or LET HIM SPEND HIS LAST TEN MINUTES OF LIFE AWAY FROM YOU WITH HIS FAMILY. Also, yes, you can punch me for bringing this up. I shouldn't really, but... I'm a little bit evil.

FLIM! FLAM! Firstly you two are terrible businessponies, and I don't mean that ethically. I mean logically. Secondly, who amongst the cast would you go after romantically, why, how, and what will you pay me to not tell them?

...Fluttershy. See, I can be calm. But I must ask, out of the goodness of my heart, how you handled Alex's scar story.

Fair lady Rarity, with elegant styles and wondrous advice of romance, are you aware that your younger sister may be seeking the hoof of somepony Alex is considering adopting...? Or am I totally misinterpreting the situation?

Speaking of total misinterpretations... Mister Coins. Do you regret anything? Not just what we've seen, but anything you've done in your life?

Oh, you thought I forgot the Scoots? I could never forget the Scoots! And the Weaver wants to know what the Scoots thinks of the Equestrian system for dealing with foals who have been... mishandled. I understand it's a sensitive subject, but I'd like to know what an insider thinks.

Sweetie Bot--Belle, out of purely random curiosity, what did YOU think of Alex's technology?

Aaaaaaaaaaaand now for the premier party pony, Pinkie Pie! Firstly, is the Whooves you romance capable of the feats assigned by the fandom? And, well, this question comes not from me but from another: Why haven't you told Alex you know a way home for him?

((Oh and sock puppet, show the mane six Friendship is Witchcraft.))


Turning him into a pony for a day would make for either a very dramatic or very hilarious chapter. Just my thoughts. ;)

if you ever need another proof reader, I'm available 99% of the time :twilightsmile:

you missed half of my 2 part question... oh well there's always next time.
(It was what's the most technologically advanced and magically advanced realities you've been to)

:yay:! Too bad you mixed most of my questions in with somepony else.

I was actually kind of hoping my fifth question for Twilight would be taken out, but I guess that's what being slow on the button does for ya, eh?

And I was hoping Techogre would get my "Ace Swift" reference, but I guess I'll have to save it for a question for the next Q&A... :trollestia:

Wow, that sure was a big bundle of questions. Three cheers for technogre for putting in the hard work of answering them.

Hip hip, huzza! Hip hip, huzza! Hip hip, huzza!



And now to make amends by working on Chapter 32 and helping a few authors with their stories. :twilightsmile:

Applejack rolls her eyes and sighs. She looks at you straight in the eye, in completely flat voice, “That’s my line.” Dash snickers and is

Looks like a non-finished sentence to me.

Awesome. These Q&As are always a great read. Thank you for taking the time and writing these! :twilightsmile:

Question well spent :pinkiehappy:
845380 I see you hinted to chapter 32 there :ajsmug:
WHY DO YOU TEASE US SO:twilightangry2: I kid:twilightblush:


Mostly it's the evil in my soul caused by unresolved childhood issues. If only my parents had bought me Transformers... :rainbowlaugh:

transformers. now stop evil teasers from harming fans.........:pinkiecrazy: GENIUS

Oh yeah, I sound a bit like Whoovsies, well the Doc and I know each other, or at least I know the Doctor. One does catch up to his thinking if following him long enough. :trollestia:
Loved this one, as I said before. Thanks again.

They watched Watership Down!? Why would you do that to ponies? Homeward Bound would have been a much better movie for them.
So i can feel the princess' power through the internet and it is calming...neat. Didn't know the internet could do that.

This was long! But great! Glad you had her correct me on putting Trixie, to be honest that was kind of on purpose...

But! That doesn't matter because you're working on the next chapter! :yay:

Anyway enough of that nonsense, I have to say that this Q & A was great!

looking back at the docs., we missed a few things on the first page ._.

Okay let's get this out of the way first: Rarity I need to hide in your boutique. See there was a fire that burned down an entire planet--don't worry nothing sapient or living was there, just a bunch of priceless art--and while I most certainly did not start the flame I was technically present and that gives the planet's owners enough reason to think that maybe I did cause it (I was actually trying to stop it, but I had no success). So if you see a black leather robe tailored for a human sulking around in your closets, that's me, and any mammoth zealous anthropoids come around asking, I am not here. I swear I'll make this up to you.

Ahem, so, er, Dashie! Kinda made a silly call there, last time, hope you don't hate me for it. Eeeeeeer is it possible that you have Quetzalcoatl blood? Or is that a stupid question?

Chrysalis, your invasion of Canterlot makes no tactical sense. If you feed purely on love, AND EVEN if that love has to be directed by another being, it would make much more sense to infiltrate orphanages and take over the foster care system to ensure maximum marriage capacity. Admit it, the only real reason you took the city over was because there was this certain pink alicorn that you thought you could turn into a food machine. That's all that makes sense to me.

Pinkie Pie.... wait, you're not the right Pinkie Pie, you're from MY fanfic! Get back into the proper universe! Sorry about that, sock puppet, you know how she can be...

Pinkie Pie, sorry about the confusion. Anywho if you're being observed by us, how can you tell who is doing the observing? Wouldn't the multitude of input signals blur into static... actually, that explains a lot. TWILIGHT WRITE THAT DOWN.

Hmmm, who else... OH YES AJ! I... wait, no, these are questions for the Pony POV AJ... no, no, no, that's not right, um.... okay, out on a limb here, what do you think of the Pony POV series?

Let's see--Oh yes! Fluttershy! Nyancat. That is all. I really wish there was more but I just realized I picked up the wrong notebook and I'm totally making these questions up as I go. Oh wait actually here's a bizarre idea: If you were a mother, which of your friends would be the child?

Lyra, are you aware Bonbon's a changeling and has always been a changeling?

Vinyl Scratch! Is... not here, dang. Er. Um. You two, human and pegasus! Make sure she plays at your reception and ask her from me what her relationship with Rarity is! On second thought, that's not an order. I don't have the authority to give either of you orders and I'm sorry.

Actually, Twilight, have you considered teaching Alex external magic? My comprehension of the subject is not limited, though obviously not to your standards; runes and wands and suchlike seem to be more used for channeling then direct casting.

Spike! Given that a pony and another creature are together romantically, what would you say if I told you that I am aware of... actually, before I ask you that, how old are you? And do you switch sexes at low temperature?

Okay, questions for the Alicorns, but before you answer: I know that the whole Aura Of Kindness thing is supposed to be reassuring but in my book it skirts dangerously close to brainwashing. And even though I don't technically have a brain--black leather robe and all that--I kinda like being me, so... yeah, could you not do that? Please? It's really scary, and not in the Nightmare Night sense. More the hunger of the hidden mind swimming in blood and agony sense. Please please please?


Soooooooooooo Cadance! Since I'm sure most humans are thinking it and I know that someone will ask after you got married to such a fine, well-toned, strong, big, handsome, powerful, chivalrous stallion like your Shining Armor.... how old are you anyway? ((Teehee I am evil))

Celestia, would you mind giving us the grim and dirty details.... OF YOUR LAUNDRY UPKEEP?!! Oh and how do you feel about the whole Pink Celestia and Trollestia things, be honest, people are watching.

Luna... Abacus. Yes or no. Also, given that the Element Bearers are mortal, are you prepared on the offchance Discord breaks out after they die?

Discord! No seriously, Discord, you are not chaotic. I know a robot who's more chaotic then you are. Inferno Optic, Netcop of the Bong, Captain of the Retinal Chamoix la S.O.S. Look her up I dare you.

Elements of Harmony! No, not you ponies. I'm talking to the gems. Elements, are you one entity in six or six entities in synthesis?


Oh yeah! Mac! Here's a drink that's TOTALLY NOT LACED WITH POISON JOAK! ....no, you're right, it would be a sucky prank. Um. Jump in the blue flowers maybe?

Apple Bloom, Merida. Merida, Apple Bloom. Don't ask how I got a Pixar character here, suffice it to say I'm still paying for it.

Sweetie bot! Belle. What are your thoughts on, oh, cybernetics?

Granny Smith! I know this might be a bit of a personal question to be asking, and maybe out of context, but I do so want to hear of the patriarch of the Apple clan, hmm?

Cupcake! Carrot Cake! Pumpkin Cake! Pound Cake! How do YOU FOUR feel about the strange biped wandering Ponyville?

Also, to miss Beatrix AKA The Grrreat and Powerrful Trrrrrrixie AKA Sethisto's fave, are you aware that there are a number of ponies in Ponyville that have taken to dying their fur blue? It's true, the internet has photographic evidence! You have stalkers who want to be you! You are truly the epitome of success.

Flim and Flam, I hate to say this, but Lotus and Aloe found the transcripts of the last Q&A. They came to talk to me first though. And I will not tell you what they said to me. Nor will I tell you that they are behind you at this very moment.

Cheerilee! Um. Wait, were you even in this fic... actually, who cares. YOU ARE NOW RAINBOW DASH'S BRIDLEMAID or whatever. Yes I know that technically that's her choice and not mine, but seriously I think you should be given that you teach the Scoots and the Scoots is obviously going to be... what's the pony equivalent of ringbearer?

Speaking of the Scoots, the Weaver is wanting to know if the Scoots has perhaps considered taking up extreme roller blading. A pegasus compatriot of the Weaver gave it up when she got married, but she did tell me it was an awesome thrill ride.

Let's see, checklist, checklist, checklist... Wait, Gilda. Hmm. Gilda... are... you doing okay? Cause after that thing with the security guards I'm seriously worried.

DIAMOND TIARA! YOU.... wait, no, wrong Diamond again. I have got to stop reading so many fics!

I will try to explain jumping, worlds and other stuff based on my own weird theory.

First let me explain how worlds work. Imagine a bucket full of tennis balls. Now imagine a endless space filled with three-dimensional balls. Each of them contains a world(or reality's how Alex calls them). A ball can also contain multiple dimensions if the creator imagines them. Any living thing that has imagination can create a world.

If the worlds touch massive changes can appear, like the collapse of time and space itself. To prevent them from touching the Void exists. It is like an oil. The Void is being generated by the thoughts of living beings.

Jumping. It is a genetical trait that is being inherited from ancestors. To have it an Angel has to be one of your ancestors.

Angels are a race that are living in the Void. They have built fortresses in the open Void. Thanks to their unique genetics they are able to consume pure energy itself, thus they don't need food, although they can consume usual food too. They can travel through worlds because of the talent to rezonate at the right frequency. Each world has its own frequency. Angels are born when a world is destroyed, and if the human has the right potentional.

It happens because if an Angel accidentally travels to his world, he would instantly age to his actual age. Angels are immortal because their cells are being held together by the Void energy.

Jumpers can rezonate too. Alex has a unique mutation so he jumps randomly. A normal human would've died in Equestria much sooner because they wouldn't be able to store energy at all. Angels can use any type of magic they have encountered because they instantly absorb it(thus Alex can use magic too if he would have acces to a energy source). Oh, and Angels can mate with any type of species although tests would show that they can't. Their children would have the form of the species, but the abilities of an Angel(So, yes Alex can have children with RD ). And Alex passed out when he arrived in
Equestria because the frequence was very different from the last worlds.

And Alex, do you have a relative that gone missing while his wife/girlfriend was pregnant?

Does the stuff sound logical?:rainbowderp:

Actually I have a question for our esteemed author: Are you planning on having your protagonist talk to Ann again? I mean after she talked to Fluttershy she kinda fell into obscurity.

If you want you ac check out human magic that is not a terrible song...http://www.mytelekinesis.com/
All sorts of things Alex could try in there,such as aerokinesis and atmokinesis to help Dash with weather patrol...

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