• Published 11th Feb 2012
  • 3,979 Views, 74 Comments

A tale of Dragonborn and colorful ponies - Branden Hew Troy

Skoruligr the Dovahkiin is bored, He's done it all in Skyrim, But his adventure isn't over yet..

  • ...

A Question for you all.

As is painfully obvious, this story has not been updated for over half a year. I am sure at least some of you are wondering why. I have not set this story to "on hiatus" because I want to continue it, I really do. However, when I started this story I was new to MLP fanfiction, and fanfiction in general, so I had not read many stories at all. What I did read typically was not very good, which lead me to believe that my story was vastly superior in every way to the vast majority of stories on this site, especially originality. A small part of me still believes this. But as I read more and more stories I discovered that the idea of " Botched experimental spell/Dragon Shout land a Human/Humaniod(s) in Equestria, start pony panic, get captured, and go on a quest to save the world from Discord." Is not very original at all.

There are some parts of the story that are very different than other stories, and I believe I did a good job writing a story with a unoriginal plot. I have the basic outline done for the Discord arc in the story, and I believe that it would still be a good story if I continued it, even if the basic idea of the plot is unoriginal, the execution will be very different. I can enjoy things made by others that are "okay", "decent", or just "good", but all my life I never settled for my creations being just "okay", I have always wanted to be one the best if the THE best at things, whether it be drawing, gaming, airsoft, or graphic design.

I have decided to swallow my pride and ask whether or not I should continue, and ask for suggestions on how to make the story more original. I want this story finished, too many things in my life I have left unfinished because I couldn't convince myself it is good enough for my name*, it is time I started lowering my standards(But not too much) or I will never get anything done.

So what are your thoughts? What do think of the story? Is it decent? Good? Excellent? What could I do that you have never seen done before?

Also, after Act 1 is done, I am going to beef it up a bit and do some revising so I can submit it to EQD, even though their pre-readers can be a very biased lot at times. I believe the pacing and dialog are not all they can be, It needs slower pacing and wittier dialog.

* Even though I am writing this story anonymously, as Branden Hew Troy is not even my real name, but rather an anagram.

Comments ( 30 )

It's nice to see writers now days asking for input from the readers. I say continue with the story, there are many readers out there with ideas that could make any story legendary. Also, once season three hits, i'm sure the MLP fandom will pick up once more. Keep goin and stay golden^^

story is good.
I liked it the way it went.

keep writing it, it was rather entertaining

Pretty good story, not the best, by far (No offense, but for the past 2 months I've had my favorites box cluttered by at least 900 updates of featured stories, so I have high standards), but still good. In terms of originality, I think you could add a lot of new things, but you should re write how they got to Equestria though. That need an original idea. (oh! oh! Use Dwemmer ruins, or maybe by successfully killing the adoring fan (Asumming he's been made immortal or something, and Akatosh submitted a sort of 'Divine Bounty', then after killing him, the killer gets automatically sent somewhere that equates to heaven (Ie:Equestria))

Also, maybe have it not be Discord. Or maybe making it so that Discord is actually protecting the ponies from some greater evil. Like Jygalag. Or cheese.

"MY GOD, IT'S ANOTHER CHEESE ATRANOCH, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Shouted a mare running hysterically, as the Dovahkiin stepped up, and prepared to take out the commander of Delectible Delights (The army).

1454613 Good suggestions, I probably will re-write how they got there. However I think someone has already wrote a story where Discord is the lesser evil trying spare ponies from the greater evil.

1454338>>1454348>>1454514 Thank you for the encouragement.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether the idea is original or not. If it has a bad execution, the entire story becomes shit! Having an original idea is just the icing on the cake.

Take a look at "Hands", by Andrew Joshua Talon. HiE, an incredibly generic and stale idea, and yet... Why is it so popular and one of my favorite stories here?
It's all about the execution. How is the idea, in the end, implemented? Are the characters deep? Is the humor/romance humorous/romantic? Does the story succeed in actually telling a story?
In "A tale of Dragonborn and colorful ponies"... yeah. It succeeded, in my opinion, in being one of the better Skyrim crossovers out there. I mean, I didn't see ALL of them, but I really liked Skoruligr and his faithful (?) companion, J'zargo!

...Now, if only you updated more often, huh?

MOAR J'ZARGO! :flutterrage:
Jzargo seems to have good lines, but seems a bit unwritten.
He should have some development or at least a few POV's. And kill Diamond tiara. J'zargo is the best character and should be in The Elder Scrolls VI: Elswyr.

What if, instead of trying to save the world he went and took over it instead?

I say its good, not perfect but I have never read a story I thought was perfect so don't take it personally its not you its me. Anyway I think you should continue the fic and finished it. It good and you should finished it.

We need some DovaSpike action!

I say keep it up, maybe mix things up here and there, but please don't stop.

1459277 A little tip if you want your story to have a few more views, it would also make it a little more original but people might overreact and thumb down or something.

You could kill off ponies, but not just "oh no they're dead" kind of thing I mean have maybe a background character (mane 6 ponies make bronies cry) die in a very sad way, it would turn this into a sad fic sure but if you execute it right it will be a VERY good chapter. I don't expect you to do this but it's just a suggestion.

1461054 It is planned for future acts to have more violent villains. While Discord is definitely evil with all the mind-rape and all, he does not kill. I have a good idea for the act II villain who will be more on the savage side.

You should really continue. And hey, maybe you can have Spike learn more of the Thu'um since he himself is a Dragon and all. That'd be sweet.

It seems pretty interesting, it's good not to see a "Dovahkiin has to kill a wizard. Oh no! The wizard sent him to equestria!" Because that happens WAY too often.

please make more chapters :twilightsmile:

Dovahkiin from trailer=N00bakiin

I say see it through.

1784691 J'zargo wears ebony armour and a black hood, Skoruligr wears a full set of steel plate because that is all a true nord will ever need. Both are crafted to (Legendary) status by Skoruligr.

All those other stories are SHIT under your BOOT, bro. Not worthy of life.

Keep writing.


I'm curious, but also scared. The description of the story hasn't told me enough as to if I'm going to hate it, does it have things I dislike, or will it be another story in my favourites?
Edit: Time to find out!

I love the story. You're right about the pacing and it needs more show not tell. But overall it's a good story.

The plot does not have to be original cause almost all stories comes down to one basic plot
Start change quest journey tragedy rise victory end

This is like Patreon, I support this because it has good potential, I say it to all incompleted stories but I really do.

Liked and Faved my man, please continue it.

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