• Published 25th May 2013
  • 2,517 Views, 108 Comments

Tenacious Dash - Hipster Cloudchaser

Applejack and Rainbow Dash start a rock band.

  • ...

Day Eleven - Emancipation

Applejack woke in a daze, rubbing the side of her head to make the room stop spinning. Memories of what happened last night were hazy at best, but she didn’t have to inspect the state of her coat to know the short of it.

Yawning and nuzzling back down to Rainbow’s neck, Applejack drifted off for a few more minutes before a knock on the door startled her awake.

Rainbow groaned, opening her eyes to a fuzzy world. She rubbed at one to gain some definition of the orange farmpony rising from the bed. Before she could protest, the door was thrown open, and Rainbow had to shield her eyes from the light that invaded.

“What’s up, y’all?” Applejack yawned. “Ain’t it a little early ta come visit?”

“Tell me about it,” Vinyl groaned, taking refuge in the shadow of the door. “But Tavi says we should leave early so we have time to settle in before the show.”

“And I wanted to make sure you’re still going to join us,” Octavia added.

“Uh, yeah, just hold on a sec,” Applejack said, approaching the bed to nudge Rainbow awake again.

“What now?” Rainbow growled.

Applejack placated the groggy pegasus with a kiss. “We should probably wash up ‘fore we head out. Ah’m gonna take mah shower now if ya’d wanna join me.”

Rainbow nodded, much too tired to think of doing anything other than cleaning.

“Rough night?” Octavia smiled.

Applejack chuckled. “Mighta been. Can’t really remember too well.”

“It’s only three!” Rainbow complained, getting a glance at the clock.

“We can sleep on the train,” Applejack promised.

Rainbow grumbled, nudging her way into the washroom.

Twilight woke in a cold sweat, whipping her head around the room. She sighed as her eyes settled on the clock, falling back onto her pillow and trying to fall back to sleep. But it was no use, as her mind stayed stubbornly awake.

Sighing, Twilight got up from bed, heading downstairs to make some tea and attempt to clear her mind. She knew there was nothing she could, or should, do, but she could not stop worrying about Spike.

As Twilight made her way down the stairs, Trixie lay awake on the guest bed, staring up at the ceiling. She debated renewing her anti-snoring spell, but decided against it. She could not keep her mind from wandering back to last night’s events.

They had been reading a short story before bed when Twilight fell asleep, leaning her head against Trixie’s shoulder. Trixie found herself fighting against a strong desire to offer the young Alicorn a kiss goodnight. She had extricated herself from Twilight’s blankets and cast her sleep spell to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid.

But now as she lowered her gaze to Twilight’s empty bed, Trixie found her limbs acting of their own accord. Against her better judgment, she made her way downstairs to take a seat across from a surprised Twilight.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t wake you did I?” Twilight worried.

Trixie shook her head. “No, I woke up before you did.”

Twilight frowned. “Are you alright?”

Trixie nodded after a brief hesitation. “I’m more concerned about you.”

Twilight sighed, lifting the tea kettle seconds before it would start to whistle. “I know you said I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop worrying about Spike. He’ll be crushed when Rarity tells him about Fluttershy.”

“That’s why you’ll be there for him,” Trixie reminded. “What more can a mother be asked to do?”

“It’s just really hard for me to sit here and do nothing,” Twilight said, levitating a second teacup to the table and pouring tea into each. “Usually there’s something I can do to make everything better, but this time I can’t.”

“Then perhaps the best thing to do would be to get your mind off of it,” Trixie suggested.

Twilight frowned. “Did you have something in mind?”

“Nothing you’re likely to agree to,” Trixie admitted.

Twilight nodded absently and took a sip of her tea, succeeding in nothing but scalding her tongue.

Trixie smirked. “Something that doesn’t involve injuring yourself.”

Twilight sighed. “I should probably go check up on Spike.”

“I’ll keep your tea warm for you,” Trixie called after her, wondering if she had done something wrong.

Being a slow riser, Rainbow had a tough time staying awake, even with hot water raining down on her. Applejack had to do most of the work, which suited her habits just fine. But by the time they dried off, Rainbow curled up in her towel and dozed off.

Chuckling, Applejack decided not to wake her, instead lifting her off the makeshift bed and onto her back, where Rainbow’s hooves wrapped around her neck as she nuzzled into Applejack’s soft mane.

Earning a couple of raised eyebrows at the sleeping pegasus draped across her withers as she stepped out, Applejack simply raised a hoof to her lips before retrieving her hat. “Ah’m just gonna write a quick note about where we went, then we can go.”

Thus, after a brief pause to affix a note to Applejack’s door, the three conscious ponies made their way off to the train station to catch the four o’clock train into Canterlot.

“Honestly, I thought Vinyl was bad about sleeping all the time,” Octavia remarked as they stepped out to the light of the moon.

“We… had a bit of a moment,” Applejack admitted. “Can’t really blame her for bein’ out like this.”

“Well, we’ll need our rest if we’re to survive the Canterlot night life,” Octavia supposed.

Applejack chuckled. “That much of a difference, huh?”

“It’s beautiful, I swear,” Vinyl chimed in. “One of the only things I miss about the old place.”

“Maybe you could show us around a bit,” Applejack suggested. “About all we’ve been to is the castle, the station and this one donut shop. And Ah remember ya sayin the arcade in Canterlot was a lot bigger ‘n the one here, Vinyl.”

“I should come with you if you’re gonna go exploring,” Vinyl cautioned. “You’d probably get lost in there.”

“That big?” Applejack cocked a brow.

“And then some,” Vinyl nodded. “There’s also this pretty cool casino over there. Nothing on Pegasus, but still pretty swanky.”

“But casinos are about all they have in Las Pegasus,” Octavia jested.

Vinyl shrugged. “They’ve got some nice restaurants, too.”

“So, we meetin’ anypony else or is it just gonna be us?” Applejack inquired.

“Should be just us,” Vinyl answered. “Punch came down with something, so Colgate’s taking care of her, and I know Bonnie’s busy today, so Strings probably won’t show.”

Octavia smirked. “It’s been a while since I last heard you call her that.”

Vinyl blushed. “Well, you said it was okay, right?”

Applejack cocked a brow. “What’s this now?”

“Vinyl issues nicknames as terms of endearment,” Octavia replied. “I always thought it was rather cute.”

“I dropped Lyra’s nickname when I got with Tavi,” Vinyl explained. “I didn’t want her to think I was still interested in her.”

Applejack frowned. “Wouldn’t that have been a lie, then?”

Vinyl sighed. “Yes and no. I mean, some part of me still felt for her, but most of me was way too focused on Tavi to notice.”

“And now that we’re steady, her mind is free to wander,” Octavia finished.

Vinyl nodded. “I just hope we can get through today without any drama for once.”

“I’m sure we’ll be alright if we just lay low until the show,” Octavia assured.

“Ponies givin’ ya trouble back in Canterlot?” Applejack guessed.

“Something like that,” Octavia skirted the issue.

Vinyl lifted her head. “Well, since it’s just us, I think we can get by for one day.”

Applejack noticed it first, but when Vinyl recognized a shape in the distance, she all but froze on the path. But as fate would have it, there would be no escaping this encounter.

“Hey, Scratch, been waiting for ya,” Lyra called, stepping away from the railing she had been leaning on.

Vinyl composed herself. “Strings, what are you doing here? I thought you said Bonnie was busy today.”

“Doesn’t mean I am,” Lyra quipped. “Things were getting a little boring, and Bonnie said she could handle the shop for today, so I figured I could tag along with you guys. Didn’t realize we’d be having company, though.”

Vinyl put a hoof to her forehead. “I know I’m not gonna be able to get rid of you, so could you at least promise not to make a scene?”

“We wouldn’t want to attract any… unwanted attention,” Octavia added.

Lyra chortled. “Lighten up, Tavs. It’s not like your parents can do anything to you anymore. You’re a free mare, aren’t you?”

Octavia grunted. “If we have to discuss this, can we please not do it in public?”

Lyra shrugged. “I always thought publicity made things more interesting, but whatever.”

Applejack shuffled her hooves, wondering what she had just gotten herself into.

Twilight returned to find Trixie waiting patiently at the table, sipping her tea.

“It’s alright to drink now, by the way,” Trixie said needlessly.

Twilight simply sank into her chair and draped her front half over the table. “Of all the responsibilities I have now, Spike is still the hardest one.”

Trixie offered a sad smile. “Unless you have some plans to offer yourself to him, there’s not much you can do.”

Twilight frowned, lifting herself off the table. “Trixie, that’s… He’s only nine! And I’m practically his mother!”

“I was just trying to lighten you up,” Trixie returned. “It hurts to watch you so torn up about this.”

“I’ve known him since the day he was born. How could I not be torn up about this?”

“You really need to get your mind off of it,” Trixie went on. “I know it sounds cruel, but the last thing Spike wants right now is to have to cheer you up. You’re the one who needs to offer him support, and you can’t do that as you are.”

Twilight winced. “But what if he comes asking me for advice?”

“Then you can tell him what you know, and not over-analyze what you shouldn’t,” Trixie answered. “If he wants your help, he’ll ask for it. Don’t try to force it on him.”

Twilight sighed. “No, you’re right. I just can’t stop thinking about how he must be feeling.”

“Then perhaps you should focus on what you’re feeling,” Trixie suggested.

Twilight frowned. “How I’m feeling about what?”

Trixie shrugged. “Whatever you can think of that doesn’t have to deal with Spike.”

Twilight hesitated. “You mean… you?”

“If I’m really the first thing you thought of, then sure. How do you feel about me?”

Twilight bit her lip. “Well, I um… It’s been great having somepony to talk magic with. And it’s always a plus when I can feel like I’m helping. But to be honest I don’t really know that much about you.”

Trixie chuckled. “If my life story is what I have to divulge to get your mind off it, then I suppose we’ll be here a while.”

Twilight smiled. “I don’t mind. Spike’s still sleeping pretty soundly. He shouldn’t be up for another three hours at the least.”

“Well, as I said before, I grew up in Manehatten,” Trixie began. “As a city of conformity, you can imagine how difficult it was for me. Hermaphroditism is quite a rare occurrence, and it kept me from fitting in almost anywhere. The only support I ever got was from my parents.”

“The other foals made me feel so weak and powerless; I couldn’t help but show them all I could be. When I got my cutie mark, I finally had something to draw attention to something other than my unusual genital arrangement; something that brought me praise and admiration instead of the usual ridicule. It was exhilarating; I felt like I had transcended to a higher level of existence, leaving all my problems behind.”

Trixie sighed. “But there was still the problem of exposure, and all the ponies in my neighborhood knew that I was different. When I set off to make it on my own, I needed a cover-up. That’s where my costume came in. Back when I was younger, the cape was long enough to protect me from most angles, and flashy enough for it to be the first thing a pony would notice about me.”

“Of course, when I learned of the concealment spell, it was no longer an issue, so I felt no need to elongate the cape as I got older. Instead, I put the extra fabric to another use; my hat,” Trixie grinned briefly. “I was received so well wherever I went, I guess my head got a little big. Your friends were actually the first ones to call me out on it. And you were the first to show me up.”

Twilight winced. “I’m sorry; I didn’t know it was that important to you. But you did have a way of rubbing it in ponies’ faces.”

“I realize that now, and I apologize for it,” Trixie assured. “But perhaps you could understand my frustration when word started to spread. It was like I was a foal all over again, except this time it was the very thing that kept me going that was haunting me. I felt like I’d never find my place in the world again.”

Twilight offered Trixie a comforting hoof. “It sounds like I have a lot to apologize for, too. I never meant to cause you any harm, or even to show you up. The town was in danger, I had no choice.”

“I’ve had more than enough revenge to no longer think anything of it,” Trixie admitted. “I don’t think I ever properly thanked you for getting that amulet away from me.”

Twilight smiled. “The town was in danger, I had no choice. But looking back on it, I’m glad I did, too.”

Trixie smiled back. “If only the ponies of Manehatten were as kind and accepting as you are.”

“Well you never have to deal with them again if you don’t want to,” Twilight consoled. “You’ll always have a place here in Ponyville, even if the locals will need a bit more time to get used to you. And nopony needs to know about your secret. But if you ask me, I think you’re pretty special.”

Trixie blushed. “Thanks, Twilight. It’s nice to know somepony approves.”

“Now if only Spike were so easy to please,” Twilight said, prompting a groan from Trixie.

Rainbow yawned and rubbed her eyes. Looking around, she found she was not at the Acres anymore. “Where are we?”

“On the train inta Canterlot,” Applejack said, giving Rainbow a good morning kiss. “Shouldn’t be too much longer.”

“Did you carry me all the way to the station?” Rainbow asked, cheeks reddening slightly.

Applejack chuckled. “Weren’t no trouble, sugarcube. Ya looked like ya needed it after last night.”

Rainbow blinked. “I’m actually not feeling too many effects of that anymore.”

“Ah meant before that,” Applejack amended. “You were bein’ too hard on yerself, Dash. Ah don’t need ya by my side every second of the day ta love ya.”

“Even if you only got a second each day to see me?” Rainbow pressed.

“Well Ah’d be sure ta make it the best damn second of both our days,” Applejack jested.

Rainbow smiled. “I’m gonna have to hold you to that.”

“Now, enough frettin’ the future. We got a fun day ahead of us.”

“Might be nice to have a welcome distraction for once,” Rainbow supposed.

Applejack nodded. “Help get our minds off things.”

“I told you not to say that name ever again!” Vinyl’s voice carried through the wall of their adjacent cabins.

Rainbow blinked. “Something going on?”

Applejack sighed. “Startin’ ta seem like we can’t ever catch a break, huh?”

Curious, Rainbow poked her head out of their bed car. Applejack could do nothing but follow along at a safe distance. When Rainbow nudged open the other cabin’s door, her wings flared out and a blush spread across her face. Applejack pulled even with Rainbow to see what had garnered such a reaction.

While Octavia was sheepishly twiddling her hooves off to the side, Vinyl and Lyra were locked in what looked to be a very heated make-out session. Octavia looked up when she heard the door creak, offering a nervous smile to their guests.

“Ah… guess this is some kinda reunion going on here?” Applejack ventured.

Vinyl broke away from Lyra a little late to avoid being seen by their guests. “Sorry, I just… had to get that off my chest.”

Octavia sighed in contentment as Vinyl sat down by her side and wrapped a hoof around her. “It’s alright, Vinyl. I did give you permission, after all.”

Vinyl smiled, giving Octavia a kiss that the cellist broke after a few seconds.

“I know where that mouth’s been, dear,” Octavia chuckled.

“You wanna go there, too?” Lyra piped up.

Vinyl took a pillow from the bed and threw it at the upstart. “Sorry about her. She’s kinda…”

“Overbearing?” Octavia suggested.

Vinyl blinked. “I was going to say excitable, but that actually works better. Once she gets worked up, it’s hard to bring her back down.”

Lyra frowned. “Sometimes I wonder if Bonnie’s the only mare who really gets me.”

“Oh yeah, you sure she’s not gonna get mad about that just now?” Vinyl asked.

Lyra cocked her head. “Mad about what?”

Vinyl quirked a brow. “We just made out.”

“Oh, that, pfft,” Lyra waved a hoof dismissively. “Bonnie’s cool. She knows all about how you’ve still got the hots for me.”

Vinyl’s eyed narrowed. “I do not!”

“Actually, Vinyl, dear, I do seem to recall us having a conversation about this,” Octavia brought up.

Vinyl turned to Octavia. “You’re not helping! Do you want to get through today with your flank intact or not?”

Lyra smirked. “I was gonna wait for dinner and a movie, but-“

“No,” Vinyl interrupted. “Just stop. I’m not getting in trouble with Bonnie again just because you’re… well, you.”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “You just want Bonnie in on it, too.”

“Eventually, yes, but right now. I had a great plan for me, Tavi, Dash and AJ to have a nice night together before you showed up,” Vinyl grumbled. “And you’re not gonna mess that up, got it?”

“Alright, alright, fine, I get it. Silly me for thinking it might be fun to have a night out with my ex-marefriend and her new mare,” Lyra sighed.

Vinyl groaned. “Don’t throw this back in my face, Strings. I know it’s short notice, but this was a standing offer.”

Lyra turned her eye to the pair who had intruded on her territory. “Never knew Dash meant more to you than I do.”

“Okay, this right here? This is what I can’t take.” Vinyl waited for Lyra to return her gaze. “This is why I stopped feeling it with you. You just won’t let anything die. There was a time back then when I thought I might have loved you, but then this happens. I don’t even know why I kept coming back. I mean, the sex was great and you were always up for anything, but you can be so damn frustrating sometimes, you know that?”

Lyra took a deep breath. “If you didn’t want me to come, you could have just said so.”

Vinyl bristled. “You know what? Fine. Get out of here. I’ll pay for your ride back if you want me to. Whatever I have to do for you to leave me alone.”

Lyra’s face fell. “Okay. Just… are we still cool?”

“Uh, yeah, I just want a nice night with no Strings attached,” Vinyl said, softening. “We still on for whenever Bonnie gets some free time?”

Lyra smiled. “Yeah, of course. I… sorry. Bonnie’s helping, but I guess I’m still not quite over you.”

Vinyl smiled back, placing a hoof on Lyra’s shoulder. “You don’t have to be. I’m not either. Nopony’s saying we’ve gotta stop.”

Lyra gave Vinyl’s hoof a squeeze as the train came to a stop. “You have fun tonight, okay?”

“Promise,” Vinyl returned, giving Lyra a quick kiss in farewell.

Once they had put a significant distance between themselves and the station, Vinyl visibly wilted.

“Sorry about all that,” Octavia spoke up. “Their relationship can get a little confusing sometimes, but I think it’s very cute.”

Vinyl’s lips twitched upwards as she leaned against Octavia.

“Has Lyra always been so…?” Rainbow queried.

“For as long as I’ve known her,” Octavia confirmed. “Though that’s not nearly as long as Vinyl has.”

Applejack chuckled. “Kinda puts things in perspective a bit, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow paused. “Kinda glad our thing isn’t as complicated as all that.”

Applejack gave Rainbow a nudge. “What do we gotta do ta get ya ta stop mopin’ about it? Go talk to one of them Wonderbolts?”

“That might be kinda nice,” Rainbow supposed. “Though I’m not sure how much help it’d be.”

“Never know ‘till ya try,” Applejack encouraged.

“I’m not really sure when the next time we’d get a chance is, though,” Rainbow admitted. “I’ve kinda been slipping on my dates since this all started.”

“Well, no need ta worry about it right now. Tonight’s gonna be all fun and games, y’hear?”

Rainbow smiled. “I hear.”

Scootaloo was reminded that they had forgotten to close the curtains last night in the worst way possible. She tried to fight it, but the sun was too strong, and her defeat was signaled by a yawn. Smiling as she noticed her fillyfriends resting their heads on her belly, she relaxed back onto her pillow to avoid disturbing them.

Out the window, the world looked more radiant than usual as she came to the realization that she would today be rejoining it. Unable to contain her eagerness, she roused Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, the latter naturally taking more effort to wake.

“What’s up, Scoot?” Sweetie Belle yawned.

“We get to go home today you guys!” Scootaloo cheered.

Sweetie Belle snapped to attention at once, beating Apple Bloom to her hooves and leaping off the bed.

“Where ya goin’, Belle?” Apple Bloom queried.

“To find a doctor so we can go home,” Sweetie Belle answered as if it should be obvious.

Scootaloo frowned. “You know I can just call the doctor with a button here, right?” Scootaloo made her way to the foot of the bed to inspect the labels on each button.

“Oh.” Sweetie Belle returned to the bed. “Well, can you tell him to bring a wheelchair so we don’t have to wait for him twice?”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t look like I have too many options here,” Scootaloo observed. “The other buttons are just the bed controls.”

“Well, what are ya waitin’ for, then?” Apple Bloom prompted.

Scootaloo shrugged, pressing the button to call Doctor Stable. Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long, and the doctor had the initiative to bring a wheelchair, as well as some unexpected company.

“Ready to go?” Carrot Top prompted.

Scootaloo smiled. “Hey Mom, hey Dad. And mare am I ever.”

“We’ve already signed all your release forms, so we can get going whenever you like,” Carrot Top informed.

“We got tons of muffins back home to make you feel better!” Derpy put in.

Rather than point out that muffins could not mend broken bones, Scootaloo approached her father and gave her a hug.

“Yay, hugs!” Derpy lifted Scootaloo in her forelegs and nuzzled her happily.

Carrot Top joined in to place a kiss on Scootaloo’s forehead. “There’s a lot that makes you special, Scootaloo. It just took you a little more time to realize it.”

Derpy placed Scootaloo gently in the wheelchair. “Now come on, the muffins won’t stay hot forever!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle offered smiles before they started off.

Derpy paused. “Wait, will they? I never waited long enough to find out. Maybe you could use them to keep warm in the winter! Like… muffinsulation.”

Carrot Top looked at her wife for a moment before bursting out in laughter. Derpy joined in after a few seconds, despite not knowing what she had done that was funny.

Scootaloo, being the only one of the crusaders to catch and understand the double entendre, groaned and used her hooves to hide her growing blush.

Apple Bloom frowned. “Ah don’t get it.”

“I thought it was kinda funny sounding,” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“It’s… not that,” Scootaloo murmured. “I’ll tell you guys later.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a glance and a shrug, looking forward to see the exit at long last. Apple Bloom was particularly enthusiastic about being outside again, while Sweetie Belle was just happy something was going on. Scootaloo felt herself getting weak at the thought of sleeping in her own bed again.

Derpy and Carrot Top were discussing the logistics of the heat stored and emitted by a well-baked muffin. Or more accurately, Carrot Top was talking about them while Derpy was thoroughly confused.

“Feels good to finally be out in the world again,” Scootaloo sighed, curling up on her father’s back to rest her limbs.

“So, is Pinkie really your cousin?” Rainbow brought up as they walked down the streets of Canterlot.

“Some kinda fourth cousin, removed however many times,” Applejack clarified.

Rainbow frowned, unable to get the strange picture out of her mind. “So not only did she grow up on a rock farm, she’s an apple now, too?”

“Of course I’m an apple, silly! A pink, party loving equine!”

Rainbow rounded on the pink, party loving equine. “Why are you here now? We’re not even in Ponyville anymore! What happened to yesterday, when AJ and I went on a date?”

Pinkie gasped. “You two went on a date yesterday? What a coincidence!”

Rainbow blinked. “Wait, you went out yesterday?”

“Ya weren’t out with that Pokey Pierce feller, were ya?” Applejack inquired.

Pinkie made a face. “What? No! Why would I date Pokey? He pops my balloons! Talk about an ungrateful partier.”

Rainbow cocked a brow. “So who were you on a date with?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t know him,” Pinkie blurted.

Applejack and Rainbow shared a glance.

Pinkie blushed. “Uh, I mean, nopony! I wasn’t on a date yesterday! No siree!”

“Uh huh, and the reason ya weren’t around wasn’t cause you were here in Canterlot, right?” Applejack probed.

Pinkie grinned nervously. “I was in Ponyville yesterday morning. Just ask Fluttershy and Rarity!”

Applejack paused. “Wait, Fluttershy and Rarity?”

“Yeah, it was their spa day yesterday,” Pinkie responded immediately, grateful for the shift in topic. “I tell you, though, they were acting pretty weird. They wouldn’t even tell me what was going on!”

Rainbow offered Applejack a comforting hoof as the farmer’s face fell. “I’m sure everything’s alright, AJ. Weren’t we just talking about worrying?”

Applejack took a deep breath and donned a shaky smile. “Yeah. Besides, Rarity wouldn’t cheat, would she?”

Rainbow lifted her gaze. “It didn’t look like they were-“

Pinkie had apparently taken her leave.

Rainbow groaned in frustration. “Remind me to wring her neck next time we see her.”

“Ain’t that a little harsh, sugarcube?” Applejack asked gently. “Weren’t her fault she saw somethin’ she shouldn’a.”

Rainbow sighed. “No, but she never told us who she was going out with.”

Applejack quirked a brow. “Why does that matter now?”

“Might have been a welcome distraction,” Rainbow huffed, walking off to catch up with the group.

Applejack hesitated before following. Rainbow’s problems were far more real than a simple misunderstanding.

Octavia noticed the two stragglers rejoin the main group. “Something happen?”

“Nothin’ worth talkin’ about,” Applejack returned, gaze fixed on Rainbow.

It took a minute for Rainbow to understand the sentiment, but when she did, she relaxed against Applejack’s shoulder as they walked.

Applejack smiled, glancing back briefly. “That’s more like it.”

Rainbow placed a kiss on Applejack’s ear before straightening. The giggle that touch elicited from Applejack made Vinyl glance back at last.

“Finally ready to come back to us, Scratch?” Rainbow prompted.

Vinyl sighed. “Guess so.”

Rainbow turned her eyes back to the path, noticing their only possible destination. If the exterior was any indication, this was a very expensive hotel. In fact, with the garden, hedge maze, fountain and cobblestone walkway, it looked more like a mansion than a hotel. “Are you sure this is the right place?”

“I’ve never been here myself,” Octavia admitted. “Must have been something I missed.”

“Needed a place to go for sex n’ stuff,” Vinyl explained, nudging open the double doors with her nose.

As much of a spectacle the outside of the hotel was, the inside was something else entirely. High walls of marble that stretched all the way to the ceiling gave a sense of enormity, while arches far overhead supported a glass ceiling allowed the room to be lit naturally.

The front half of the elongated foyer was adorned with plush furniture, while the reception desk was near the far wall on an elevated platform. In the center of the room, an enormous evergreen tree was surrounded by a gold railing.

Three spiral staircases on both sides of the hall offered easy access to and from the rooms on five floors. Walkways extended from each level, connecting each of the five archways per floor that led to what could only be luxury suites.

“Is there even a penthouse in this place?” Rainbow wondered.

Vinyl shrugged. “Just got one of Mom and Dad’s old suites.”

“Vinyl Scratch,” the receptionist marveled. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here. And I see you’ve brought guests.”

Octavia smiled. “Octavia Melody. Vinyl’s feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. Some kind of withdrawal symptom, I suppose.”

The receptionist blinked. “Withdrawal from what, might I ask?”

“Strings,” Vinyl answered simply.

The receptionist gained a twinkle in her eye. “Still wrapped up with her, I assume?”

“Not exactly,” Octavia chuckled. “Vinyl cut ties with Lyra to chase after me. We’ve been happy together for almost two months now. Lyra’s just now coming back into her life.”

“Well, it sounds complicated, so I won’t pry,” the receptionist stepped back. “Here’s the key to the suite.”

Octavia accepted it in place of Vinyl with a nod. “Lead the way, dear.”

Vinyl grabbed the key from Octavia’s hoof in her mouth and ascended the stairs to the third floor. After pausing to count the hallways, Vinyl continued on down the second of five. Vinyl halted briefly to collect herself when they came to the door. With a quick twist, the interior was laid bare.

Before them was a cozy living space, with a kitchen off to one side. Doors at the far end of the room led to the suite’s washroom and bed chambers. In all, it looked more like a fancy apartment than a hotel room.

“Feel free to explore,” Vinyl offered, shuffling her hooves toward the bedroom. “I’m gonna go take a nap.”

After the door swung closed, Rainbow spoke up. “I think you were pretty spot on with that withdrawal thing.”

“Addiction is never a healthy thing,” Octavia sighed before following Vinyl into the bedroom.

Rainbow heaved a great sigh, taking a seat on the couch. “Not exactly how I expected today was gonna start.”

Applejack nodded, sitting down beside Rainbow. “Haven’t even had breakfast yet. Think there’s any place ta eat around here?”

“Should be. Seems like a pretty up-scale place.” Rainbow looked to the closed bedroom door. “I don’t know if we should be wandering around without the key, though.”

“Vinyl said we were welcome to explore,” Applejack pointed out.

“I think she meant around the suite,” Rainbow countered.

Applejack shrugged. “Not sure how long we’re gonna be sittin’ around here.”

Octavia emerged from the bedroom with a sigh.

“Everythin’ alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked gently.

Octavia nodded. “Yeah, I just had to talk her down. She was worried I was getting jealous.”

Rainbow cocked her head. “That’s all?”

“No, she was also pretty disappointed she had to make Lyra leave,” Octavia let on. “Though in all honesty I’m not sure I’d be ready for how a night like that might end. I’d feel a lot more comfortable if Bon Bon were around.”

“She the jealous type?” Applejack guessed.

Octavia shook her head. “Not particularly, no. Though she can get a little protective at times. I just wouldn’t want to slight her in any way; for personal reasons, not for fear of any backlash.”

“Ah hear ya.” Applejack paused. “She gonna be out long?”

“It’s always hard to tell with her,” Octavia admitted. “I’d rather wait here for her, but I got the key from her if you’d want to get some breakfast.”

Applejack turned to Rainbow, who hesitated. “I don’t know. I’m not really that hungry yet, and Scratch probably will be when she wakes up, so…”

“Any place ya wanna check out, then?” Applejack offered.

Rainbow shrugged. “Wouldn’t know where to go without a guide, and I don’t really feel like exploring right now.” Rainbow’s head fell across Applejack’s withers. “I’d rather just hang out around here. This couch is practically a cloud.”

“And mah flank’s a good pillow, huh?” Applejack jested.

Rainbow responded by turning her head and giving Applejack’s cutie mark a lick. “Tasty, too.”

Applejack blushed, shivering at the contact.

Octavia chuckled, turning on the television to help pass the time.

“You think they get any of those fancy channels here?” Applejack asked.

“You mean cable?” Octavia guessed. “I would assume so. Why?”

Applejack shrugged. “Apple Bloom wants us ta get it so she can watch more things when she’s got the girls over. Kinda thought it was a little silly ta spend so much on it.”

“It’s actually not too expensive anymore.” Octavia browsed through the channels. “Especially if Apple Bloom can do the set-up herself. You’ve got some excess income since Rainbow started working at the farm, don’t you?”

Applejack hesitated. “Ah’d hate ta take her money fer somethin’ like that.”

“Eh, it’s fine. I should be getting my first bigger paycheck soon anyway,” Rainbow offered. “Not really sure what it’d get us, though.”

Octavia blinked as she discovered a relevant channel. “There’s a Wonderbolts channel.”

“Dammit, Applejack, you are taking my money,” Rainbow insisted.

Applejack chuckled. “Alright, Ah’ll see what Ah can do.”

“You could use it to catch some of my shows you can’t make it to!” Rainbow grinned briefly. “I mean, if that’s what I end up choosing, anyway.”

“Yer startin’ ta sound like Fluttershy, Rainbow,” Applejack quipped. “It’s scarin’ me.”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. “Sorry.”

“Looks like they’re getting ready for the show today,” Octavia observed.

Rainbow perked up. “Where?”

Octavia hesitated. “Canterlot. The one Vinyl and I are playing the after-party for.”

Trixie sighed, collapsing onto the couch. “So there’s really nothing I can do to get you to stop worrying, is there?”

Twilight shook her head defiantly.

“Well, there’s always been one kind of thing that’s helped me get my mind off of anything,” Trixie suggested. “And I happen to be a purveyor of such wares.”

Twilight blushed. “Ah, I uh, no, that’s…. that’s okay. I would… feel weird asking you for that.”

Trixie frowned. “Why’s that?”

Twilight hesitated. “Well, you’ve just told me so much about you, and, well…”

“You’re wondering if the real thing is better,” Trixie ventured.

“N-no! That- no!” Twilight’s cheeks were ablaze. “I was just saying that, well, I haven’t really told you too much about me, and-“

“It’s alright, Twilight; I don’t mind,” Trixie interrupted.

Twilight averted her gaze. “What I mean to say is… You’ve shown me you can be sweet, and you’re wonderful to talk to, but… I’m really not up for a relationship right now. You’re great, and I think I kind of like you, but I don’t want Spike getting the wrong idea.”

“Oh, I see,” Trixie chuckled nervously. “I um, I’m sorry if I came on a little strong just now.”

Twilight giggled. “It’s alright, Trixie; I don’t mind. Just… not right now. I’ll give it some thought when we have Spike back to his normal self again.”

Trixie sighed. “It’s going to take even more than that to distract you, huh?”

A creak from upstairs caught Twilight’s ear. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”

A quick glance around the room confused Twilight, as Spike’s bed was empty and there was no immediate sign of him. A second look drew her attention to the balcony, the door to which was wide open.

Making her approach and knocking on the open door so as not to startle the young dragon, Twilight came to sit beside Spike wordlessly.

Spike sighed, leaning his head against Twilight’s shoulder. “What am I supposed to do now? Rarity was my everything, and now somepony else has beaten me to her just because I’m too young to satisfy her.”

Twilight frowned. “Spike, you know it isn’t as simple as that.”

“Isn’t it, though?” Spike challenged. “That was the only excuse she ever gave me, and now she expects me to just forget about her because she’s got the wrong junk?”

“Have you tried to tell her that you don’t mind that part about her?” Twilight suggested.

Spike scoffed. “No. I know what she’d say to me anyway. That I’m too young to take such a big life decision so lightly.”

“Well, maybe you are.”

Spike bristled. “Don’t you get that it’s not important to me? I could happily die a virgin if it meant I could be with her. Love isn’t all about sex.”

“No, but it can be an important part of a relationship,” Twilight pointed out.

“And I’d be happy to give that to her if it was what she wanted,” Spike countered. “Even if she had to get that from somepony else, I wouldn’t care! Just to know that she’d always come back to me, I… I’d do anything.”

Twilight felt a pain deep in her heart as Spike buried his face in her chest and started to cry. She turned her gaze helplessly to the mare who had been silently watching.

Trixie walked over to sit on the other side of the wailing dragon. “Hey, Spike, it’s okay. You’re missing out on the big picture here.”

Spike turned a wary eye to the mare who had given Twilight so much trouble.

“I know I’m probably not the best pony to give advice, but maybe there’s something you’re overlooking here,” Trixie suggested. “There has to be somepony you can turn to. Be it a friend or anypony else your age.”

Spike wiped his eyes. “You’re telling me I should just go replace her with somepony I don’t even know?”

“No, but perhaps now that Rarity won’t be ruling your life, you could try to live a life someone your age should,” Trixie amended. “I know it might seem hopeless, but there are other wonderful ponies out there. I’m not saying you should forget about or replace her, and it will take time for those wounds to heal. But if you use that time to make a special friend, perhaps you’ll come out of it with something you didn’t expect.”

“But there isn’t anypony else,” Spike lamented.

“It’s far from too late to find somepony,” Trixie smiled. “You just have to know the right place to look.”

Spike hesitated. “I guess I could try making friends of my own. Between helping Twilight and chasing after Rarity, I’ve never really had too much time for myself.”

“You can take all the time you need, Spike,” Twilight promised. “All I want is to see you happy again, no matter what that takes.”

A small smile played across Spike’s lips. “Thanks, you guys.”

“And who knows, maybe Twilight will be going steady soon, too,” Trixie jested.

Spike chuckled. “You keep working on that.”

Twilight cocked a brow. “You mean you’re not upset about Trixie coming into my life?”

“I’m a hopeless romantic, not selfish,” Spike poked fun at himself. “Nah, it’s been kinda nice to see you enjoying yourself. It’s been a long time coming if you ask me.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, Spike.”

“But since you got me started on this, I’m not leaving ‘till I see you two kiss,” Spike smirked.

Twilight and Trixie both blushed. “I- Spike, I’m not sure I-“

“You’re not fooling anypony, Twilight,” Spike laughed. “I know you want to.”

“B-but Spike, I’ve never kissed anypony before!” Twilight fretted.

Trixie smiled shyly. “Neither have I.”

Twilight paused, turning her gaze slowly on Trixie. “I… really?”

“Such is the life of a traveling entertainer,” Trixie admitted. “Bringing happiness to other ponies without truly knowing it yourself.”

“And you really think I’m the pony to give that to you?” Twilight ventured.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Trixie teased.

Twilight, blushing heavily, found her head moving as by its own accord. Before she could understand what was happening, she felt a soft touch against her lips and threw all her worries off the balcony.

With a self-satisfied smile, Spike took his leave, lest he stop them from acting on their desires.

As soon as Twilight’s mind registered what she was doing, her eyes widened as she retreated with a gasp.

Trixie frowned, wiping the excess saliva from her lips. “Was I going too fast?”

“No, I…” Twilight looked around to find that Spike was no longer present. “I just… got a little carried away. Not to say that I didn’t enjoy it, but…”

Trixie smirked. “What would you say to a date tonight to get rid of some of that uncertainty?”

Twilight hesitated, cheeks reddening again. “I… I don’t know, Trixie. I mean, you’re great and all, but-“

Trixie bristled. “But what, Twilight? We helped Spike, and you said after we did that you’d give it some thought. Now do you like me or not? A clear answer is all I want.”

“Well, of course I like you, but-“

Trixie huffed upon hearing the treacherous word again. “It’s because I’m not a stallion, isn’t it? You don’t want to make a statement as an openly homosexual princess so soon after your coronation, right?”

Twilight frowned. “Trixie, I-“

“I know it’s not entirely homosexual, but to all outward appearances I’m simply a mare,” Trixie interrupted. “And it would be far too much trouble and embarrassment to explain how I’m actually a hermaphrodite. Not to mention how I might react to such a public breach of privacy. I could run away from Manehattan just fine, but all of Equestria?”

“Trixie, just shut up and listen to me!” Twilight burst out, shocking Trixie into silence. “Now I don’t know how much you know about how these things work, but not everypony’s ready to jump into a relationship at the drop of a hat. What’s happened these last few days is an anomaly, we’ve been over that. I’ve never had romantic or sexual feelings for anypony before, so I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now. What I do know is that you’ve been a great friend these past few days, and I’m feeling closer to you each day.”

Twilight paused, considering her next words carefully. “But if I wasn’t at all interested, I would have just said no. I think I’d like to go out with you, but I don’t want it to be something I’ll regret later. So how about we just pretend this never happened, and have a nice, relaxing day to ourselves?”

Trixie smiled hopefully. “You mean, just the two of us?”

“Whatever you want, Trixie,” Twilight promised. “Just please don’t push me anymore? I’ll let you know when I’m ready, but until then…”

Trixie took a deep breath. “Alright, I suppose I can live with that.”

“It’s better than a no, isn’t it?” Twilight consoled.

Trixie’s smile returned. “I suppose it is, yes.”

“Scratch, wake up, dammit!” Rainbow growled, shaking the sleeping unicorn violently.

Vinyl blinked her eyes open. “What?”

“Why didn’t you tell me your show was gonna host the Wonderbolts?” Rainbow demanded.

Vinyl frowned, lifting herself off her pillow. “I thought you’d be psyched. Wanted to keep it a surprise.”

Rainbow sighed heavily. “You’ve put me in a real bad spot, you know that?”

Vinyl tilted her head. “Why?”

“Because the Wonderbolts recruited me and they’re expecting a response by the end of the month!” Rainbow revealed. “If I show up to that party, they’ll be expecting an answer.”

“Then why don’t you give them one?” Vinyl ventured.

“I need more time!” Rainbow insisted.

Vinyl’s face settled on a look of confusion. “I kinda thought you’d be throwing yourself at them once this came up.”

Rainbow groaned. “Don’t you get it? This is a life-changing decision. If I want to be a Wonderbolt, this is my one chance to go for it. But if I do, I’ll be leaving AJ behind for ten years!”

“Can’t she just go with you?” Vinyl suggested.

“She’s got her farm to worry about. I can’t take that away from her,” Rainbow shot down.

“And you have your life-long dream in front of you,” Applejack put in. “Ah can’t take that away from you, neither.”

“It sounds like you’ve met a crossroads, then,” Octavia spoke. “Perhaps it would be in your best interests to put your romance on hold for now.”

“For ten years?” Rainbow countered. “How the hell am I gonna come back when I’m almost thirty and expect Applejack to still be there for me? How am I gonna deal with being alone in the prime of my life?”

“You could always appeal to them,” Vinyl suggested.

Rainbow paused. “What?”

“You know, compromise,” Vinyl clarified. “I’ve had a few run-ins with Spitfire before. She’s kind of a hot-head, but she’s got a good side like anypony else.”

Rainbow scoffed. “What, so I go down as Equestria’s first special needs Wonderbolt?”

“Now hold on just a minute, Rainbow,” Applejack cut in. “Don’t go writin’ this off just yet. There might be somethin’ to it. You were the first pony ta pull off a Sonic Rainboom, weren’t ya?”

Rainbow frowned. “That’s completely different.”

“Ah’m just sayin’ ya’ve already got a knack fer bein’ the first to do things,” Applejack clarified.

Rainbow’s frown deepened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“That you’re fast enough ta make this work,” Applejack went on. “We talked about it last night, didn’t we? You can go off and do yer thing with the Wonderbolts, while Ah hold down the farm, and we can meet up at night.”

“If I fly until my wings fall off, maybe,” Rainbow snorted. “Do you know how far the Wonderbolts tour normally? Manehattan, Las Pegasus, Vanhoover, Baltimare, the Crystal Empire... And that’s not even talking about the special shows they do internationally. Any given day I could be halfway across the world!”

“Ya sounded a whole lot more confident last night.”

“Well, I had all these sappy thoughts in my head, and now I’ve had time to think about it,” Rainbow defended.

“So yer sayin’ ya ain’t mare enough ta manage it?” Applejack challenged.

“Alright, fine, we’ll talk to her,” Rainbow relented. “Just don’t blame me when it blows up in our faces.”

Applejack frowned. “Do you want this ta work or not?”

“What? Of course I want it to work, but it’s just not that easy,” Rainbow insisted.

“Well it ain’t gonna work if we don’t even try!”

Rainbow took a deep breath. “I never said I wasn’t gonna try, AJ. I just don’t wanna get too high up on this so it doesn’t hurt even more if we don’t make it.”

“And Ah told ya it don’t need ta be perfect,” Applejack reminded. “Like ya said, ya could be anywhere any day outta the week, but that don’t mean yer never gonna be close ta home. Besides, the normal tour is more days outta the year than those big trips anyhow, ain’t it?”

“Well, yeah, but with all the customs and international policies and all that crap, I might get hung up for a week each trip,” Rainbow warned.

“Ah’m sure it ain’t as bad as all that. That’s what ya’ve got the management fer, right? So they can take care o’ all that for ya? Besides, we were talkin’ about compromise anyhow, weren’t we? Would it really be so bad ta miss out on the odd trip out to the Griffin kingdom er wherever?”

“If we get her to listen, I guess,” Rainbow supposed.

Applejack smiled. “Right, and there ain’t no harm in tryin’, is there?”

Rainbow took a steadying breath and nodded. “Yeah, we can get through this. Just might need a little help, is all.”

Applejack gave Rainbow a kiss on the cheek. “There ya go, now yer startin’ ta sound like the Rainbow Ah love.”

Rainbow blushed, giving Applejack a little shove. “Cut that out.”

“Don’t wanna,” Applejack defied, giving Rainbow another kiss on the nose. But Rainbow was ready this time, and caught Applejack’s head with her hooves before she could retreat and held it against her chest.

“Ha! Nowhere to go now, AJ,” Rainbow grinned victoriously.

Applejack was much craftier than Rainbow gave her credit for, though, and with a devious smirk, Applejack snuck through the headlock and placed her lips against the underside of Rainbow’s chin.

Rainbow lost her grip in response to the unexpected gesture, fighting against a giggle. It was then that Applejack made her escape and asserted her dominance by pinning Rainbow to the floor and assaulting the pegasus in all manner of pecks and kisses.

“No!” Rainbow half-cried, half-giggled out, squirming against the superior grip of the farmer. “I’ll get you back for this, AJ!”

Applejack nickered into Rainbow’s neck, working a blush into Rainbow’s cheeks. Rainbow was helpless to contain her squeals as Applejack nipped her ear. But Applejack was careless with the distribution of her limbs. If Rainbow angled her hips just right, she could-

“If this is a sappy moment for you two, I can’t wait to see what the sex is like,” Vinyl snickered, earning a smack from Octavia.

Applejack scrambled off of Rainbow, who hastily righted herself and flattened her mane, flashing a nervous smile.

Octavia chuckled at the display before turning to Vinyl. “So I assume you’re feeling better now?”

Vinyl rubbed her cheek tenderly. “Not after that! Are you trying to break my face?”

“I’m taking that as a yes,” Octavia nodded.

“Yes you are or yes…” Vinyl’s face scrunched uncertainly. “Never mind. But yeah, it’s always been like that. She’s like crack to me; I know she’s not good for me, but I keep going back, and I miss her when she leaves.”

Octavia chuckled at Vinyl’s analogy. “As long as you know it’s not healthy.”

Vinyl waved a hoof dismissively.

“So, can we get breakfast now?” Rainbow suggested. “I was lying, I’m actually really hungry. I just didn’t want to leave Scratch behind.”

Applejack chuckled. “Aw, how cute.”

“You know she would have complained!” Rainbow insisted.

“Yeah, probably,” Vinyl admitted.

“See?” Rainbow grinned.

“Still cute that you’d think of me, though,” Vinyl teased.

Rainbow grunted, purposely letting her tail smack against Applejack’s flank as she spun around and skulked away.

Rarity sat in her kitchen, staring into her coffee cup. Every time she tried to take a sip, her throat clenched and made swallowing painful. But on a morning like this, she needed every bit of motivation she could get.

Sighing, she looked instead up at the ceiling. If there was one pony she wanted to see right now it would be Twilight. Her advice could prove invaluable to her inevitable heart to heart with Spike. But there was no way she could manage that in her situation. She could only hope she’d be afforded enough time to collect herself before she encountered the young dragon again.

Perhaps she was making more of it than she should. After all, Spike seemed to take it well enough the first time. But then again, if monogamy was not an issue to her, then would Spike feel slighted by not being allowed to partake?

Rarity groaned into her mug, wishing at least that she could drown its contents. Steeling herself, she brought it to her lips and forced the dark liquid down. Her effort awarded her a small boost of energy in addition to a sore, burning throat.

A sniffle produced a wetter sound than expected, goading Rarity wipe her nose with a tissue. Were this any other day, she might have worried she was coming down with the flu. But she knew this feeling all too well to mistake it.

For once, Rarity was thankful she had not applied any mascara.

As the first few tears began to fall, a knock sounded from her door. In a brief panic, she realized that the boutique was normally open at this hour. But the rational part of her brain reminded her that customers usually just showed themselves in.

Still a little wary, Rarity remained where she was, hopeful that whoever it was might go away if they didn’t get an immediate response. That hope was crushed as the knocking resumed, forcing her to her hooves.

Despite feeling significantly less than presentable, Rarity cracked the door open to peek out. But no face met her eyes, nor did any sound touch her ears. Disgruntled, Rarity was about to close the door, until the downward motion of her head as she pulled away locked her eyes with an intruder significantly scalier than anticipated.

Rarity stiffened. “Oh, Spike, I didn’t expect you to…”

Spike cocked a brow. “Didn’t expect me to what?”

Rarity shook her head. “Never mind.”

Spike’s claw caught the door before it could swing closed. “Are you… feeling alright, Rarity? You’re not wearing any make-up.”

Rarity sighed, resigning herself to the confrontation. “Spike… why are you here?”

Spike blinked. “What do you mean? We were supposed to spend some time together today, remember? After your spa day with Fluttershy?”

Rarity could not stop herself from wincing at the sound of Fluttershy’s name. “Why, yes, of course!” She tried to play off, hoping Spike wouldn’t notice.

But if Spike hadn’t noticed the wince, he’d certainly noticed the abrupt and unconvincing about-face, and the clearly feigned happiness in her voice. And considering this was the dragon who’d spent the last three years obsessing over every little detail of her, Rarity didn’t even know why she bothered to try.

“Rarity, I thought we promised we were done with the secrets,” Spike accused. “What are you trying to hide from me this time?”

Rarity sagged onto her couch, knowing that any further denial would hurt her cause at this point. “I… seem to have gotten myself into a bit of a… romantic predicament with Fluttershy.”

“Oh,” Spike replied, pausing for a moment before climbing up onto Rarity’s couch beside her. “Fluttershy, huh? What about Big Macintosh?”

Rarity hesitated. “It’s only as big of a problem as you make it.”

Spike frowned. “You mean you’re not even gonna tell him?”

“What? Oh, heavens no!” Rarity quickly amended. “I simply meant that there are times when certain boundaries can get in the way of…”

Spike cocked a brow as Rarity trailed off. “Go on…”

Rarity bit her lip. “Well, polyamory isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

Spike’s lower brow rose to meet the other. “Come again?”

Rarity sighed. “I’m in the process of courting Fluttershy in an attempt to form a happy relationship with both her and Mac.”

“So you shrug off my advances because you were already committed, and then you go hook up with Fluttershy just like that?” Spike demanded. “What’s she got that I don’t?”

“The ability to accept me for who I am, and to understand that I’m not a perfect pony,” Rarity affirmed. “She’s also much closer to my age, and therefore a more suitable partner.”

“You really think I care that you’ve got the wrong parts?” Spike ranted. “You think I’d just throw all my feelings out the window because of something I never even took time to consider? I love you for who you are. Why would a dick change that?”

“It shouldn’t,” Rarity agreed. “But it’s not your decision to make, Spike.”

“I’m not even sure you care anymore,” Spike continued, pacing in circles. “I know I’m a little younger than you, but why is that where you draw the line? It’s not like I’m gonna be young forever.”

“Spike, there are laws against such a relationship,” Rarity reminded. “And you still have four years before you’re legal. I don’t want a love that’s criminal, a love that I’d have to keep secret. And there are certain needs I have that you just can’t fill.”

“Right, because my dick’s not big enough,” Spike surmised.

“I’d prefer if you’d refrain from such crude language, Spike,” Rarity frowned.

Spike scoffed. “Because it’s true, right? Fluttershy doesn’t even have one and you let her in.”

“Exactly,” Rarity nodded, giving Spike pause. “I didn’t mean sexual needs, Spike. I meant from a more romantic sense, like taking me out to dinner or to see a movie; things that would get me in trouble if I did them with you.”

“Well you’ve already got Fluttershy and Big Macintosh for that, so why would you need it from me?” Spike pressed. “I don’t care if you go out without me, I don’t care if you have sex with other ponies. All I want is for you to love me when you come home. I don’t care if nopony ever knows, because you’re still the only pony I’ve ever felt for this way.”

“That doesn’t mean there won’t be others,” Rarity offered.

“After all that you’re still turning me away?”

Rarity sighed. “Spike, even if any of that could work, I wouldn’t feel right accepting it. More than the law, it would go against my own morals, and that’s something nothing can hide from.”

Spike’s face fell. “I don’t want this to be the end, Rarity.”

“It won’t be,” Rarity promised. “You’ll always be my little Spikey-wikey.”

Spike frowned. “Because that’s gotten me so far.”

“So our friendship has meant nothing to you?” Rarity countered.

“I thought we had something, Rarity,” Spike defended.

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “That’s really all you’ve ever cared about?”

“You’ve been leading me on for three years!” Spike shot back.

“My love for you has never been anything more than platonic.”

“Well you did a hell of a job conveying that!”

Rarity looked away, face hardening. “I think you should leave, Spike.”

“Fine!” Spike got up and stormed out the door.

Rarity sighed, feeling regret welling up within her. Right now she wanted nothing more than to sink into Fluttershy’s gentle hooves and forget her worries. Waiting a few more moments to ensure she didn’t run into Spike along the road, Rarity acted on her impulse and started to make her way over to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“So, where exactly are we going?” Rainbow questioned as Vinyl led the way down to the lobby.

“Just another thing that makes this place great,” Vinyl answered smoothly.

“It ain’t too far, is it?” Applejack picked up.

Vinyl frowned, stopping briefly to look at Applejack. “Uh, no? This place isn’t really all that big.”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah guess it’s no Manehattan, but it’s still bigger ‘n Ponyville.”

Vinyl’s face scrunched in bafflement as she looked around the lobby. “Are you high or something?”

Rainbow snickered at that, while Applejack just looked more confused.

“I do believe I’ve lost track of the conversation,” Octavia admitted. “What exactly are you talking about now?”

“Well, apparently Applejack’s convinced all of Ponyville can fit in this one hotel,” Vinyl began.

“Wait, we were just talkin’ about the hotel?” Applejack interrupted.

Vinyl blinked. “Uh, yeah. What else would ‘this place’ mean?”

“Ah thought you meant all of Canterlot,” Applejack defended. “You weren’t exactly bein’ specific. How was I supposed ta know there was a restaurant in here?”

“Eh, it’s more like a food court,” Vinyl clarified.

A frown returned to Rainbow’s face. “Wait, why didn’t you tell us there was a food court in here?”

“Because you would have gone without me,” Vinyl smirked.

“I’m not-“ Rainbow began to refute, but cut herself short. “Actually, yeah, I probably would have.”

“Ah woulda stopped ya,” Applejack challenged.

Rainbow scoffed. “You really think you can stand between me and food?”

“Ah, yes, a forbidden love I know all too well,” Octavia hummed.

Applejack chuckled, prompting a quick eye-roll from Rainbow. At least until Vinyl threw open the double doors and the aroma of freshly baked goods hit Rainbow’s nostrils. Applejack barely reacted fast enough to catch the tip of Rainbow’s tail in her teeth.

“Dammit, AJ, I’m hungry!” Rainbow complained, fighting against Applejack’s vice grip.

“Ah am, too,” Applejack reminded through the tail in her mouth. “But this is a nice place, Rainbow.”

“They don’t really care too much about manners around here,” Vinyl mentioned. “I mean, why else would I still be allowed in, right?”

Applejack groaned, releasing Rainbow’s tail from her teeth. No sooner than she had done so, Rainbow compiled a tray stacked with all sorts of assorted foods.

Rainbow paused mid-transit to a vacant table as she felt a number of eyes on her. “Wait, the stuff here’s free, right?”

Vinyl sighed, walking up to a traumatized baker and showing her key card. “She’s with me; just put it on my tab, alright?”

The baker nodded slowly, grateful that Vinyl was such an easily recognizable pony even after almost a year since he had last seen her around.

Satisfied, Vinyl made her way over to the table that Rainbow had claimed to find almost half of the food already gone. “Uh, aren’t you gonna save any for me?”

Rainbow frowned, swallowing her mouthful. “I didn’t know we were sharing.”

Vinyl sighed, snatching a cinnamon bun from Rainbow’s still-formidable pyramid. “So, anything else happen while I was asleep?”

Rainbow shrugged. “Me and AJ decided we’re gonna get cable.”

“All it took was findin’ out there was a Wonderbolts channel,” Applejack supplied.

Vinyl frowned, turning to Octavia. “So that’s how that came up, huh?”

“I honestly didn’t know it existed!” Octavia defended. “All the channels I usually watch are lower numbers. I didn’t even know there were a hundred channels.”

“The Wonderbolts channel is only thirty-six in Canterlot,” Vinyl pointed out. “And you’re not usually one to exaggerate.”

Octavia sighed. “Alright, I knew the highest channel was one hundred two, but only because I hit down too many times trying to get to channel two. I don’t even remember what it was.”

Vinyl grinned. “The Playcolt channel.”

Octavia frowned. “You would know that.”

Applejack blinked. “Never took Vinyl as one fer foals.”

“What?” Vinyl cocked her head so far it looked like it might fall off. “Now I have no idea how that came up, but I’ll have you know that-“

“I think she misunderstood what we’re talking about.” Rainbow interrupted. “Playcolt’s a dirty magazine, AJ. You know, like pornography?”

Applejack recoiled. “Yer kiddin’?”

Rainbow shook her head.

“But… why?” Applejack fumbled. “Ah mean, Ah get that some ponies get a kick outta seein’ other ponies private bits, but… Playcolt? That sounds like some kinda foal’s show. And why would it have a channel if it’s just a magazine?”

“Videos are usually more exciting than pictures,” Rainbow chortled.

Applejack paused before taking a stab at it. “So it’s just a bunch ’a stallions showin’ off their private areas?”

Vinyl laughed at Applejack’s innocence.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at Vinyl’s outburst. “Nah, it’s called Playcolt because it’s intended for a male audience or something. So it’s all mares and no stallions. Why else would I know about it?”

“A playcolt is a stallion who chooses a life of pleasure without any of the attachments of a traditional romance.” Octavia put in.

Rainbow blinked. “Oh, so kinda like I was thinking before this whole thing with AJ.”

“But why in Equestria would ponies go around doin’ all that in public?” Applejack went on. “Ain’t they got better things ta do than embarrass themselves like that?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I dunno. It’s pretty good for figuring out if you like mares or stallions, at least. And it’s not all vag anyway. They’re usually pretty good about teasing. But they don’t take the pictures in public. That’d just be weird.”

“Well, ain’t it pretty much the same thing if anypony who picks up the magazine can see it?” Applejack challenged.

“I’m not defending it, AJ,” Rainbow placated. “The real thing’s way better.”

Applejack sighed. “Just can’t imagine what’d happen if somethin’ like that got in some little filly er colt’s hooves.”

“You’d get about half our generation,” Vinyl put in. “Colts more than fillies though. We already know what our own parts look like, after all. And there’s not really any equivalent for stallion bits.”

“I got all the stallion junk I needed from going to Wonderbolt shows,” Rainbow shuddered.

“More like Wonderballs, right?” Vinyl jested.

Rainbow groaned. “Too far.”

Vinyl shrugged. “Just saying. I mean, they’ve gotta make those suits tight so they don’t dangle out, right?”

“Vinyl, just shut up and eat,” Octavia came to the rescue.

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

Fluttershy hummed a tune to herself as she flew around her cottage delivering food to all of her little animal friends. They all seemed to appreciate the return to normalcy, though none were as relieved as Angel.

“I know you worked hard the last couple days, Angel bunny, so I’ve got a little surprise for you,” Fluttershy revealed, reaching into the fridge to produce a freshly prepared bowl of Angel’s favorite salad.

Angel happily devoured his treat, even going so far as to look grateful for once.

Fluttershy sighed wistfully, venturing outside to tend to her other critters. A smile came to her face as she noticed Rarity on her way down the road.

Forgetting her responsibilities for a moment, Fluttershy approached Rarity and wrapped her in a hug. Her lips were inches away from Rarity’s cheek when she remembered Rarity’s words from yesterday and pulled back sheepishly. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just happy to see you. What are you doing out here so early?”

Rarity sighed. “Forget what I said yesterday, Fluttershy. Don’t hold yourself back. I could really use the support right now.”

Fluttershy frowned, giving Rarity a gentle kiss on the cheek. “What’s wrong?”

“I just had a run-in with Spike,” Rarity admitted. “I’m not sure if I’ll be seeing him again for quite a while.”

“Don’t say that,” Fluttershy soothed. “Spike cares a lot about you. Letting him down gently is the only thing you could have done.”

Rarity groaned. “It was all going so well before I just had to coddle him. We were just going to spend a little time apart to give him some time to heal. I can’t imagine how many painful memories I brought up with just one word.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Spikey-wikey?”

Rarity nodded shamefully.

“Well, as long as he knows to stop chasing you and move on, there’s hope for him to come around some day,” Fluttershy assured. “He’s a very sweet dragon, and any little filly would be lucky to have him.”

“And I hoped to help him through that process, but it seems I underestimated the strength of his attachment,” Rarity despaired. “Perhaps it is for the best that we part, but as strange as it sounds, I think I’m going to miss his infatuation.”

“It almost feels wrong to think he might start fawning over somepony else, huh?” Fluttershy prompted.

Rarity winced. “There’s a limit to the amount of love anypony can endure, and I cannot justify a relationship with somepony half my age. And I’m already in deep enough as it is with you and Mac.”

“I know it’s hard to turn him away because of something that sounds so simple, but it’s better than leading him on any further,” Fluttershy consoled.

Rarity sighed. “I just want to curl up with you on the couch for a while if that’s alright.”

Fluttershy smiled. “It’s no trouble at all. Just let me feed the rest of my animals and I’ll be right in to make us some tea.”

Rarity smiled back. “Would you mind if I watched?”

“Oh, um, I guess not,” Fluttershy supposed. “Any particular reason?”

“I just love to see you use those beautiful wings of yours. I’ve always been a little jealous how gorgeous you can be without even trying.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, Rarity. I’m not anywhere near as beautiful as you are.”

Rarity chuckled. “Perhaps we should continue this debate after your little friends are taken care of. Celestia knows how long I could keep going.”

“Well I hope looking is enough for now, then,” Fluttershy giggled.

As Rarity watched Fluttershy move about so gracefully, she felt strangely at peace. Despite the less-than-stellar start to her day, it didn’t seem so bad when she knew that she had a dear friend’s unconditional love to help her through.

“Um, Rarity?”

Rarity blinked, coming out of her daze to see Fluttershy looking at her with a blush on her face. “What’s the matter, darling?”

Fluttershy gulped. “Uh, you forgot your um…”

Rarity tilted her head, following Fluttershy’s gaze. “Oh! I’m terribly sorry, I must have been, uh…”

Fluttershy smiled shyly. “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I actually kind of like it when you stare at me.”

Rarity blushed. “It’s hard to resist when you’ve got such a hypnotic body.”

“Well, I’m done feeding my animals,” Fluttershy ventured, “was there something else you wanted to do besides cuddle on the couch?”

“I-I’m alright, thank you,” Rarity shied away. “I wouldn’t want to… Besides, it’s much too early to…”

Fluttershy laughed, a sound that instantly calmed Rarity. “I’m just teasing. You always seem to do it so well, so maybe I wanted a little revenge this time.”

“I assure you I don’t mean to,” Rarity defended.

“Just like I’m sure you don’t mean to leave yourself hanging out like that,” Fluttershy took another playful jab.

Rarity quickly covered herself, grinning apologetically while embarrassment tinted her cheeks. Her horn it up as she prepared to cast the spell that would save her further awkwardness. Fluttershy, however, made an unexpected advance, effectively disrupting Rarity’s magic with a kiss on her horn.

“Don’t,” Fluttershy insisted. “If we’re going to cuddle, I’d like to see all of you, if that’s alright.”

Rarity calmed herself with a deep breath before nodding. “Just… please don’t do anything rash. We haven’t even been on a proper date yet.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Well, we did agree on one tonight, didn’t we?”

Rarity nodded. “Though I must say, I certainly wasn’t expecting you to be so forward.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just…” Fluttershy sighed. “When I first, you know, found out, I… Well, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for the longest time. I know you said it shouldn’t change anything between us, but…”

“I can’t say I didn’t wonder where we stood for a while after that, either,” Rarity admitted. “I also couldn’t help but think how it might have gone differently if I had the proper set.”

Fluttershy blushed. “I don’t think it would have changed anything. I love you, Rarity, not your penis. I mean… not to say that I don’t love that, too, but um…”

Rarity chuckled. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation inside.”

Fluttershy nodded, peeling her eyes away from Rarity to lead the way to a more proper environment for such talk. With Rarity making herself comfortable on the couch, Fluttershy used the distraction of tea to calm her nervous mind, while Rarity was happy to use the intermission to suppress her own desires.

Angel raised an eyebrow at the quiet one’s unusually flustered appearance. A quick glance into the den, however, connected the dots in his mind. Sighing heavily at what the day and subsequent night were sure to bring, he found himself wishing that they would away to the fussy one’s abode. Or at the very least that he could convene with Opalescence to discuss revenge tactics.

Once the tea kettle had been set on the stove, Fluttershy sauntered back into the den on lighter hooves than usual. Rarity noticed this with a smile, making a space for Fluttershy to sit on the couch. Fluttershy happily nestled into Rarity’s embrace with a sigh of contentment.

“I don’t suppose you’ve had breakfast yet, have you?” Rarity ventured.

“Oh, no, I always make sure to feed my animals before myself,” Fluttershy assured. “Why do you ask?”

Rarity hesitated. “Well, I’d hate to make you get up again, but I am starting to feel rather hungry.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Good thing I decided to put the biscuits in, too.”

Rarity smiled back, showing her appreciation for Fluttershy’s initiative with a nuzzle. Lifting the television remote from the coffee table, Rarity turned on the morning news for a little added ambiance.

One of the headlines quickly caught Fluttershy’s eye. “The Wonderbolts are performing today in Canterlot? You don’t think Rainbow’s going to drag Applejack along to that, do you?”

Rarity chuckled. “You never know with those two.”

“C’mon, you guys, we’ve still got plenty of time to explore before the Wonderbolts show,” Rainbow urged, practically dancing in the air at the front of the pack.

“So yer wantin’ ta go after all, huh?” Applejack inferred.

Rainbow paused mid-air. “Well, yeah. I just don’t want them to see me.”

Applejack chuckled. “Unless Vinyl knows some kinda invisibility spell, Ah don’t see how that’s gonna work.”

“I could hide under you,” Rainbow suggested.

Applejack cocked a brow. “Then ya wouldn’t be able ta see anythin’.”

Rainbow’s face scrunched up in thought. “Okay, how about if I just wear your hat? I’ll be harder to recognize without my mane showing.”

Applejack frowned. “You know how Ah feel about ponies messin’ with mah hat.”

“But I’m me,” Rainbow pleaded. “Come on, just this once?”

Applejack sighed, lifting her hat off her head and tossing it to Rainbow. “Just this once, ya hear?”

Rainbow grinned, happily gathering up her mane and securing it atop her head. “You know, this thing is a lot roomier than I thought it was.”

“Don’t you dare lose it,” Applejack warned.

Rainbow smiled, nuzzling Applejack’s cheek. “Come on, you know you can trust me, right?”

Applejack smiled back and nodded.

“So, where did you guys wanna go first?” Vinyl asked, joining the group in front of the hotel clad in her protective hoodie and trademark shades.

“Finally!” Rainbow cheered.

“What’s with the get-up?” Applejack questioned.

Vinyl squirmed briefly before drawing the hood over her head. “It’s to help me deal with the sun. I’m an albino, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

Applejack blinked. “A what now?”

“It means that her body cannot produce melanin, which is what colors the skin and coat in ponies,” Octavia explained. “The lack of it also means she’s more sensitive to sunlight, and at a constant risk of sunburn.”

“Then what about her mane, or her eyes?” Rainbow picked up.

“I dye my mane and tail,” Vinyl replied. “Kinda boring to have a white mane on a white coat, so I decided to make it cool.”

“It’s a bit garish, but it has grown on me over the years,” Octavia admitted. “Certainly eye-catching. And about those, her eyes appear red because the lack of melanin renders her irises transparent, so the red you see is from the blood cells in her retinas. It also causes problems with her vision, as melanin plays a role in the development of the eyes. Her sunglasses are specially made to alleviate those problems, which is why she rarely takes them off.”

“So basically I look cool because I have to,” Vinyl added.

Rainbow blinked. “Maybe something got messed up somewhere down the line and I got all your color on top of mine.”

Applejack looked at Rainbow dubiously. “Ah kinda figured ya got it from yer pa.”

Octavia frowned. “I suppose your unusual coloration could be due to some strange variation of melanism, though I highly doubt it’s related to Vinyl’s albinism.”

“I don’t even like melons,” Rainbow revealed. “But if they’re what make you colorful, you should probably get Vinyl to eat some. You said they’d help with her eyes, too, right?”

Octavia’s face met her hoof. “I take it you didn’t understand a word of what I said.”

“Of course I understood you, I just have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rainbow defended.

Octavia sighed. “Perhaps we should get going, lest we spend all day here explaining the difference between melons and melanin.”

Vinyl blinked. “Oh yeah, we were gonna show you guys around.”

Octavia nodded. “Come along then, you two. There are plenty of interesting destinations around here.”

“They’re all a lot cooler at night, though,” Vinyl quipped.

Octavia rolled her eyes. “You just like the neon lights.”

Vinyl’s eye twitched behind the dark glass of her shades. “I’ll just pretend you didn’t say that.”

Octavia cocked a brow while looks of confusion played across the faces of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“You know we’re probably going to run into him at the awards ceremony,” Octavia pointed out.

“Just… don’t talk about him,” Vinyl grunted.

While Vinyl took a moment to quietly fume, Octavia dropped back to whisper an explanation. “Neon Lights is the name of Vinyl’s brother. They’re not on the best of terms.”

Rainbow frowned. “Never heard of him.”

“Not many have,” Octavia returned. “He fancies himself a DJ – a better one than Vinyl, at that – but he’s rather unremarkable. And no amount of talent would excuse his horrid personality.”

“Ah’m sure he ain’t all that bad,” Applejack assured.

Octavia frowned. “He faked an illness for three weeks so their parents would cover his ‘medical bills’. He spent it all on booze.”

Applejack could offer no rebuttal.

“Was that what we heard Vinyl yelling about on the train?” Rainbow wondered.

Octavia sighed. “Yes, it was. During Lyra’s first encounter with Neon, she accused him of being Vinyl’s secret coltfriend. Vinyl’s never quite forgiven her for that.”

“I wouldn’t, either,” Rainbow added. “I can think of a couple of ponies like that in Ponyville. Wouldn’t be caught dead with either of them.”

“You about done talking behind my back?” Vinyl grumbled.

Octavia offered Vinyl an apologetic nuzzle. “Sorry, Vinyl. I felt they had a right to know. They are going to be sharing a bed with us tonight, aren’t they?”

Vinyl’s face slowly cracked into a smile.

“Now, was there anywhere in particular you had in mind?” Octavia queried.

“I wanted to check out the arcade,” Rainbow replied.

Vinyl nodded. “That doesn’t really get too much cooler at night. We definitely have to wait ‘til night before we hit the casino, though. It’s a totally different place all lit up. You guys are eighteen, right?”

“Just this year,” Applejack confirmed. “Haven’t really gone anywhere special yet, though. Not like when Rainbow took her first drink of hard cider. That was some kinda party.”

Rainbow grinned. “Just when I thought cider couldn’t get any better, right?”

“Coulda done without all the flirtin’, though,” Applejack chuckled.

Rainbow blinked. “Wait, I flirted with you back then? And I don’t even remember it?”

“You must have been wasted,” Vinyl lauded. “I’m pretty sure I’d remember if I got rowdy with Tavi.”

“Kinda thought it was just the cider talkin’ back then,” Applejack admitted. “Took ya two years ta prove me wrong.”

Vinyl blinked. “Wait, two years?”

“Uh, yeah?” Applejack cocked her head.

“You’re telling me the drinking age in Ponyville is sixteen?” Vinyl demanded.

“Isn’t it in Canterlot?” Rainbow asked.

Vinyl groaned. “No, I had to wait. It’s seventeen in Canterlot. If I had known Ponyville was so cool, I swear…”

“That seems kinda silly,” Applejack mused. “You can have sex at sixteen, you can drink at seventeen, and ya can gamble at eighteen?”

“You can have sex at sixteen, too?” Vinyl burst. “I freaking hate this place.”

“Well, you can technically have sex any time you want. You just won’t get in trouble for it if you’re over sixteen,” Rainbow mentioned.

“Ah whatever, at least it’s not Manehatten,” Vinyl supposed. “They make you wait ‘til you’re eighteen before you can have sex, and twenty-one until you can drink and gamble. I don’t think I could take waiting another two years for booze.”

“Guess I picked the right place to move, then,” Rainbow jested. “I mean, a casino would be nice, but cider’s way better. Me and AJ have already done plenty of gambling anyway; just for bragging rights and not money.”

“Don’t think there are any racing games at a casino, sugarcube,” Applejack chortled.

“They’ve got some of those at the arcade, though,” Rainbow grinned.

“You play any of those?” Vinyl inquired.

Rainbow shrugged. “Eh, not really. I mean, I can do that every day in real life. It’s not every day I can fight a pack of timberwolves or a horde of changelings, though.”

“Can’t always count on farm work ta be too excitin’,” Applejack added.

“And that’s why we’re branching out,” Rainbow finished.

“Ah, so you really are an apple if you’re branching out, right?” Vinyl grinned.

Octavia blinked. “Vinyl, apples don’t have branches.”

Vinyl frowned. “Wait, what?”

“The trees have branches, not the fruit,” Octavia explained.

“Then what about those little things on the top?”

Octavia chuckled. “Those are stems, Vinyl.”

Vinyl paused, thinking for a moment. “So, Rainbow’s a tree, then?”

“If ya asked her, she’d say it’s Fluttershy who’s a tree,” Applejack snickered.

Rainbow frowned, brandishing a hoof but unable to bring herself to do anything but place it atop Applejack’s head and give her mane a ruffle. “Hey, what happened to your hat?”

Applejack cocked a brow. “Didn’t we just go over this?”

Rainbow blinked. “Oh yeah, I’m wearing it now.” Zoning out for a few seconds, Rainbow then realized that her hoof was still moving atop Applejack’s head. “Wait, is it okay if I do this?”

Applejack rolled her eyes and brushed Rainbow’s hoof off her head. “Don’t go gettin’ used to it.”

Rainbow smirked. “Better watch out, AJ. I’ve got topping rights now.”

Rainbow laughed and stuck her tongue out as she dodged Applejack’s hoof seeking to reclaim her symbol of dominance.

“It was just a joke, gosh,” Rainbow sniggered. “We’re still gonna fight for it.”

Applejack put a hoof to her head and sighed helplessly as Vinyl joined in the deprecating mirth.

Rainbow nudged Applejack in the ribs. “Lighten up, Apples. It’s not like we have to use the top and bottom system, right?”

“No, but Ah’d appreciate it if we didn’t talk about this in public,” Applejack hinted.

Rainbow blinked. “Oh yeah. Hey, did you see if we got any looks?”

Applejack shoved Rainbow lightly, unable to stay mad for long. “Let’s just get on over to the arcade already.”

Scootaloo sighed, happily leaping up onto her own bed again. Upon doing so, she noticed that a fresh plate of muffins had been set on her nightstand.

“Alright, so now that we’re out of the hospital, what do y’all wanna do?” Apple Bloom prompted.

Scootaloo shrugged, picking a muffin off the plate and turning to Sweetie Belle. “Got any ideas, Belle?”

Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her chin, sticking her tongue out in intense thought. “Hm… You know, since we have our cutie marks now, some of the things we’d normally do seem a little silly.”

“That a muffin ya got there, Scoot?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Dad did promise them, right?” Scootaloo grinned. “There’s one for each of us.”

Sweetie Belle carefully levitated the plate off of the nightstand. When her magic inevitably failed her, the plate was thankfully close enough to the ground to avoid shattering. She opted to use her mouth to claim her reward.

“You could have just come up here, you know,” Scootaloo mentioned.

Sweetie Belle shrugged, dropping the muffin into her hooves. “I think I’m more comfortable lifting a plate than myself.”

“Ah think she meant just jumpin’ up,” Apple Bloom chuckled, grabbing her own muffin and joining Scootaloo on the bed.

Sweetie Belle blinked. “Oh yeah.”

Scootaloo cocked a brow as Sweetie Belle took a bite of her muffin while staying put on the floor. “So, are you coming up or not?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry,” Sweetie Belle snapped out of her temporary daze and hopped up to join her friends.

Scootaloo watched in horror as a yellow-green glow enveloped the plate on the floor. Dropping her muffin, she slid off the bed to snatch the plate before it could raise too far off the ground. “Uh, let me get that.”

With Scootaloo’s timely intervention, the delicate piece of tableware was returned safely to the nightstand. And more importantly, she-

“Welcome home, Scoot!”

The sudden shout made Scootaloo jump and lose her grip on the plate, which crashed down onto the hard floor. Scootaloo rounded on the intruder and barked, “Dammit, Dinky, look what you made me do!”

Dinky blinked. “Oh, sorry.”

Derpy appeared at the doorway. “I heard an explosion!”

“It’s just a plate, Dad,” Scootaloo indicated the mess of sharp pieces on the floor.

Before everypony’s eyes, the shattered plate was enveloped by a yellow glow. Scootaloo turned a frightened eye to Sweetie Belle, who cocked her head. Sighing in relief as she noticed that Sweetie Belle’s horn was not active, she returned her gaze to the plate.

“Wait, what?” Scootaloo balked. The plate had been miraculously restored in the time she had been distracted. “How did you do that?”

“I didn’t do anything.” Sweetie Belle pointed to Dinky, whose horn was just losing its glow. “Dinky did that.”

Scootaloo frowned. “Since when can you fix plates, Dink?”

“It’s not like I did nothing when you were away,” Dinky giggled.

“Ya do good work, Dinky,” Apple Bloom praised.

Dinky grinned. “Thanks, Apple Bloom. Somepony’s gotta clean up around here, with all the shenanigans Mom gets into.”

Apple Bloom blinked. “Wait, Carrot Top’s getting inta trouble now?”

Dinky frowned in confusion. “Uh, no?”

“My dad’s her mom, remember?” Scootaloo pointed out.

Apple Bloom groaned. “Why does yer family have ta be so confusing, Scoot? Can’t just one of them be the mom and the other be the dad?”

“If they were a mare and a stallion, sure, but they’re both mares, so it’s different,” Scootaloo shrugged. “Besides, this way it’s fair. Both of them get to be mom to one of us and dad to the other. And technically, Derpy is my dad, the same way Carrot Top is technically hers. So, I guess maybe I’m just used to it by now.”

“It’s not really all that confusing,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I mean, they’re just mystery parents, right?”

Scootaloo’s face scrunched uncertainly. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

Sweetie Belle grinned triumphantly while Apple Bloom propped her head up on a hoof and wondered when she had been intellectually bested by her fellow crusader.

“So… you gonna eat those?” Derpy prompted.

Dinky turned around. “Mom? When did you get back?”

Derpy frowned, looking over her shoulder. “I’m not that fat am I?”

“I… what?” Dinky shook her head. “No, Mom, you’re not fat.”

Derpy did not look convinced. “Maybe I should cut back. I’m gonna go ask Carrot.”

As the door swung shut behind Derpy, Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo. “Yer mom, er, dad, feelin’ alright?”

Scootaloo waved a hoof. “She’s always like that. You kinda get used to it. Sorta like Pinkie Pie.”

“She never left, by the way,” Sweetie Belle mentioned. “Kinda surprised you didn’t notice.”

Dinky nodded distractedly. “I should probably go make sure nothing’s happening downstairs. I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid!”

Scootaloo smiled. “Don’t worry about me, I learned my lesson.”

“We’ll make sure o’ that,” Apple Bloom added.

Dinky chuckled, showing herself out and leaving the Crusaders to their muffins.

Scootaloo sighed, stretching out on her bed. Even if she still had casts on her wings, it was good to be home. She did feel a little bad that they’d spent so much time at her house, but Sweetie Belle’s was the next in the rotation, and whenever Scootaloo asked, Sweetie Belle would insist against it.

Apple Bloom was enjoying her time away from home, too. Apparently five ponies in the house was just that many more than three. So for better or worse, they’d be spending a bit more time on the carrot farm.

The door swung open, and in walked Dinky, who sighed. “Sorry about that.”

Scootaloo rolled over onto her side to greet Dinky, “Is Dad alright?”

Dinky nodded, “Yeah, she’s fine. Dad talked her down by telling her carrots would help.”

Apple Bloom frowned, glancing over to Sweetie Belle.

“Okay, that is getting a little confusing,” Sweetie Belle admitted.

Scootaloo shrugged. “So, anyway, anything happen while we were gone?”

Dinky seemed to sag slightly. “Rumble’s been kinda on edge lately. Things haven’t been going too well at home.”

Scootaloo frowned. “Like what?”

Dinky hesitated, not wanting to trouble her sister’s friends, but it seemed like she had their attention anyway. “Well, Thunderlane just got dumped pretty hard. Blossomforth just got fed up, I guess.”

“I thought you said she didn’t care about what happened,” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“Apparently she did,” Dinky said, sounding as lost as any of them. “I guess it just took a little while for it to hit her that he cheated, or something.”

“Why, though?” Scootaloo wondered. “Doesn’t he normally do stuff like this anyway?”

“Hitting on other mares, yeah, but nothing that bad,” Dinky clarified. “Maybe Blossomforth wasn’t expecting it to go that far. But whatever happened there, it’s not the bad part. Rumble came over with a black eye yesterday. He said it was an accident, but I really doubt it.”

Scootaloo winced. “Ouch, that sounds pretty rough. You’re thinking that Thunderlane hit him?”

“This Thunderlane guy sounds like a big bully,” Apple Bloom observed.

“Bully or not, they’re still brothers,” Dinky sighed. “It’d be a tough even if he wasn’t a drunk.”

“But then none o’ that woulda happened, right?” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Maybe, but there’s no going back now,” Dinky lamented. “And there’s more to it than even that. Cloudchaser used to watch Rumble when Thunderlane went out drinking, so now he’s stuck at home those nights. There really isn’t a way it could have played out worse than it did.”

Scootaloo went rigid. “Cloudchaser wasn’t in heat, was she?”

Dinky cringed. “Oh, Celestia I hope not. But Rumble hasn’t seen her since, so there’s no real way to know right now.”

“We ran into her not too long ago and she didn’t really seem that broken up about it,” Sweetie Belle offered. “So maybe it’s not really as bad as we think?”

Dinky nodded. “We can only hope so. She can come on a little strong sometimes, but Cloudchaser’s a good mare.”

“No word from her sister, either, I’m guessing?” Scootaloo prompted.

Dinky shook her head. “Nothing at all. I know it’s not really my place, but I can’t help wanting to reach out. From all Rumble’s talked about her, I almost feel like I know her myself, you know?”

“You never ran into her before, all those times you’ve gone to Rumble’s house?” Scootaloo pressed.

“Nothing more than a few words here and there,” Dinky amended. “I’m pretty sure all she knows me as is Rumble’s fillyfriend, though.”

“Still better than Rumble’s fillyfriend’s twin sister, right?” Scootaloo encouraged.

Dinky cracked a smile. “I guess, but it still wouldn’t feel right. Maybe Rumble will want to go talk to her soon, but I’m not gonna be the one to suggest it.”

Scootaloo chuckled, giving her sister a light punch in the shoulder. “You’re too soft sometimes, Dink. If you don’t do something soon, Rumble will probably think he owns you.”

Dinky blushed, about to say something before Scootaloo cut her off.

“Not like that!” Scootaloo insisted. “Luna, maybe it’s already happened.”

Apple Bloom shared a glance with Sweetie Belle, who shrugged. It really started to hit the farm filly that she knew next to nothing about Scootaloo’s personal life. Sweetie Belle at least had known her for a few years before she’d run away.

The touch of a hoof stopped Apple Bloom’s inner musings before they could become self-deprecating, and she looked up to see that it belonged to Scootaloo. Apple Bloom gave her a smile, which seemed to satisfy the pegasus as that hoof moved to wrap around her side and pull her closer. Apple Bloom was content to lean against Scootaloo as she conversed with her sister. Maybe she didn’t know much now, but there would be plenty of time to learn.

“Here we are,” Vinyl said needlessly as they approached the arcade.

Rainbow regarded the face of the establishment with reverence. From what she could see, it was stylized to look like it was made of gold, and shaped like some sort of magic box chest, with a fake keyhole above the bold lettering. It looked like the kind of thing you would keep your most awesome prized possessions in, giving the appearance of being top secret despite being open to the public.

However she could ramble about it, there was one word that surfaced in Rainbow’s mind. “Is everything in Canterlot this awesome?”

Vinyl chuckled. “Wait ‘til you see the casino. It’s got this massive fountain out front, waterfalls on the face feeding down to a big moat with this elegant as buck bridge over it… This little game box has nothing on it.”

Octavia shook her head slowly as they made their way inside.

If the exterior of the arcade wasn’t eye-catching enough, the interior screamed fun in a way rivaled only by Pinkie Pie, and in a far more tolerable manner. Because upon further investigation, it turned out this was far more than just an arcade. Just how much more was something Rainbow Dash was all too eager to find out.

“Ye’re not runnin’ off again, ya hear?” Applejack asserted. “We came here ta have fun together.”

“I could carry you,” Rainbow offered.

Applejack frowned. “No.”

Rainbow pouted, landing at Applejack’s insistence. “Well how else are we supposed to get around this crowd?”

“This is nothing,” Vinyl scoffed. “Try taking to the streets of Manehattan at rush hour without wings.”

“Or enough competency with magic to be able to perform a teleportation spell,” Octavia added.

Vinyl rounded on Octavia and pointed an accusing hoof at her. “Hey, you get yourself a horn and try magic sometime. It’s harder than it looks.”

“Yes, I’m sure any kind of cheap imitation would be about as functional as yours,” Octavia teased.

Vinyl frowned, using her outstretched hoof to smack Octavia lightly in retribution. “I can levitate records and work a turntable, that’s all that matters.”

Octavia chuckled despite the abuse. “And here I thought being a DJ took a backseat to other activities.”

“Well, a lot of cool stuff ends with J,” Vinyl defended. “Like, BJ, or uh…”

“AJ,” Rainbow added.

Applejack smiled. “Sweet of ya ta think of me.”

“We are talking about cool stuff, right?” Rainbow pointed out. “Why wouldn’t I think of you?”

“You know, we do have the technology to give AJ a BJ while she DJs,” Vinyl chimed in. “Now if only CJ was a thing.”

“You work on that while the rest of us do what we came here to,” Octavia jested.

Vinyl blinked, remembering where they were. “Right, let’s get moving before some foal asks what a BJ is.”

Octavia smirked as they weaved through the crowd. “I thought you were in favor of starting them young.”

“Not when their parents get on my case about it,” Vinyl shot back over her shoulder. “Believe me, in a world without consequences, there’d be no legal age.”

Once they were safely on the other side, Vinyl stopped for a breather.

“So, why is everypony going that way when the game room is in here?” Rainbow struck up.

“Like I said, there’s more than just an arcade in here,” Vinyl explained. “Plus, I bet you about half of those ponies either don’t know where they’re going or can’t get out of the crowd.”

“It helps for not being noticed,” Octavia added. “Kind of like Vinyl’s hoodie, I suppose.”

Vinyl looked up to her forehead. “Oh yeah, I can probably lose the hood now.”

As Vinyl shook out her mane to its normal shape, she thought she heard a gasp nearby. Before she knew what was going on, a crowd had gathered around them.

“Oh my gosh, it’s DJ Pon-3!” One of them exclaimed.

Vinyl froze, casting a wary eye at the ponies around her. “Oh Luna, not again.”

“Mare, I wish I got this much attention,” Rainbow envied. “You’d think a pegasus who can do a Sonic Rainboom on command would be some kind of celebrity.”

“Ah’m sure you would if ponies knew about ya,” Applejack assured, conveniently forgetting the ponies closing in around them from all sides for a moment. “So, this happen often?”

In place of an answer, Applejack crashed against a wall, which was odd considering that none of them were moving. Before she could regain her bearings, a weight fell atop her, which at a glance revealed itself to be Rainbow.

“Okay, I think we’re safe here,” Vinyl whispered.

Applejack frowned. “Safe where, exactly?”

Offering a quick apology, Rainbow got up off of Applejack, who regained her sight now that her face was not covered by multi-colored strands of hair.

Applejack’s frown deepened at what she saw. “When exactly did we get to the bathroom?”

“We’re lucky it’s empty,” Octavia chided. “I would ask you to warn us the next time you endanger our lives like that, but I know you wouldn’t listen.”

“Wait, what’s going on?” Rainbow queried.

“Just getting some practice in is all,” Vinyl answered smoothly.

“Vinyl decided the best course of action was to miraculously teleport us to a vacant bathroom,” Octavia explained.

Vinyl frowned. “I was expecting a thank you. And I could do without the ridicule, thanks.”

Octavia took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, and thank you.”

“I thought you said you couldn’t do a teleport spell,” Rainbow mentioned.

“I can when it’s important,” Vinyl boasted. “Some kinda unicorn adrenaline thing.”

“Though I’d appreciate a more relaxing experience,” Octavia mumbled.

Vinyl pulled her hood back up over her head. “Happy?”

“In this unique situation, yes,” Octavia nodded.

Vinyl sighed, sagging against a wall. “I tell you, though; magic takes a lot out of you.”

“So does everythin’ else that’s been goin’ on,” Applejack put in.

“But we just gotta push on through it, right?” Rainbow added. “What was that one word Twilight used? Antenna, or… something.”

“Tenacity?” Octavia suggested.

“Yeah, that was it. We’ve just gotta be tenacious,” Rainbow declared. “Or, wait, that is a word, right?”

Octavia nodded, smiling in amusement. “Yes, that is a valid form of the word.”

“Okay, good, ‘cause that sounds kinda cool.” Rainbow thought for a moment. “You know, maybe I should make that one of my middle names; Rainbow Tenacious Dash.”

“Never understood why ya’d need so many,” Applejack mused.

“Maybe she should have one for each color in her hair, so it’s like the different colors of the rainbow are split personalities that are awakened when you say their names,” Vinyl rambled.

“Let us know when the movie comes out,” Applejack quipped.

“I should get it directed by George Moocas,” Vinyl snickered.

Rainbow smirked. “He’d be down with the colors, at least.”

“Don’t forget the lasers and stuff, those are the most important,” Vinyl admonished. “Can’t have Star Ponies without lasers.”

“So, are we just gonna go back to the hotel or did you have some kind of plan?” Rainbow prompted.

“Well, the show’s not until seven, so we’ve still got like five hours to kill,” Vinyl said after glancing up at the clock that was hanging on the wall. “I don’t know if they got a good look at you guys, but I should look pretty anonymous like this.”

“Just so long as we come up with some sort of non-magical escape plan,” Octavia warned.

“Hey, I wasn’t even trying to do anything,” Vinyl defended. “It just sorta happened.”

Octavia chuckled. “I wasn’t condemning you, Vinyl.”

“So what’s this Star Ponies thing you were talkin’ about?” Applejack asked. “And what did ya call the guy? George Mucus?”

“Ha!” Vinyl laughed.

Rainbow cocked her head. “You mean you never went to go see it?”

“Well, no,” Applejack admitted. “Ah’ve never really been to any movies before.”

Rainbow blinked. “You mean like, not even when you were a filly? I mean, I know you never wanted to come with me to see things, but I thought you just didn’t like the same movies I did. You’ve really never even been to one?”

Applejack shook her head. “Never really spoke ta me, Ah guess.”

“Well now I’m not taking no for an answer anymore!” Rainbow burst out. “I’m pretty sure it’s still in theaters somewhere. But even if it’s not, you’ve gotta see something. You can’t just never go to the movies, AJ.”

“The theater around here is usually pretty good at keeping the hits showing for a while longer than other places,” Vinyl mentioned. “Besides, Star Ponies is like, the most important movie in the history of ever.”

“There’s a couple hours right there,” Rainbow grinned. “Come on, AJ, it’ll be fun!”

Applejack hesitated. “Ah guess it’d be somethin’ ta do, at least. Pretty sure we’re not gonna be spendin’ five hours here.”

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered. “Plus, I already know all the good parts, so we can just make out in between. Because that’s what you do when you take a date to a movie, right?”

“That’s what Strings and I always did,” Vinyl agreed. “What do you think, Tavi? Think you can stick it out for an action movie this once?”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “I’ll try, though it doesn’t sound like I’m being given a choice. Just know that I’m not going to hold back.”

Vinyl grinned. “I figure I’ve got a way to shut you up now.”

Octavia chortled, swatting a hoof at Vinyl. “What makes you think I’ll cooperate?”

“I’m hot, duh,” Vinyl deflected.

Octavia sighed helplessly.

“I’ll just swing over by the theater to check,” Vinyl offered. “It’s not too far, and you shouldn’t get too much attention with me gone. So you guys can go get started without me, I’ll be right back.” Vinyl slipped out of the bathroom and back into the crowd of partly-lost ponies.

“Well, I guess we could find something to do while we wait for her,” Rainbow supposed. “You ever been to an arcade, Tavi?”

“Do we have to do this right now?” Trixie complained as Twilight led her through Ponyville.

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” Twilight pointed out. “But you’re the reason I’m doing this in the first place.”

Trixie sighed. “And here I was thinking today was going to be relaxing.”

“It will be, I promise,” Twilight smiled. “I just have some things I need to take care of first.”

A short trip to Carousel Boutique revealed it to be empty, however. Twilight searched the house, but the only creature she encountered was Opal, curled up on Rarity’s bed.

“That’s weird,” Twilight said as she emerged from the boutique. “I guess she forgot to lock her door.”

“So does that mean we can go back now?” Trixie asked hopefully.

Twilight smirked. “Oh, no, I’ve still got plenty of places to check.”

Trixie sighed as she was lead down the road again. “The great and powerful Trixie never had to deal with this.”

“She also didn’t have any friends, remember?” Twilight teased.

Trixie frowned, wondering if this friendship thing was worth all this. But when Twilight laughed at the face she was making, she felt a smile touch her lips. Maybe not friendship, but this budding relationship certainly was.

Was it a relationship, though? Trixie was rather uncertain where exactly she stood with Twilight at the moment. Sure, they had kissed, but only at Spike’s insistence. Was Twilight just sugarcoating a no, or was she seriously considering the proposal? Was this the way relationships were supposed to start, or was she destined to be just a friend forever? How long was she supposed to wait for her answer? What-

The sound of a hoof rapping against a solid wooden object shocked Trixie from her stupor. She looked up to see that they stood in front of Fluttershy’s cottage. Silently berating herself for letting her mind wander during a perfect opportunity for conversation, Trixie smiled at a glance from Twilight.

Fluttershy came to the door, but only her head poked out.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Twilight greeted, seeing Fluttershy relax. “Sorry to bother you again, I was just wondering if Rarity was here.”

“Oh, um…” Fluttershy hesitated, pulling her head from the door and closing it.

Trixie frowned, wondering if they had been dismissed, but Twilight stayed put. A few moments later, Rarity’s head poked out of the door.

“Yes, what is it, Twilight?” Rarity queried.

“Can we come in?” Twilight requested. “I wanted to talk to you about Spike.”

“Ah, yes, Spike came by the boutique earlier,” Rarity admitted. “I do wish it could have gone better.”

Twilight hesitated, fearful of what Rarity meant. But her question went unanswered as Rarity’s head retreated.

“Is this normal?” Trixie asked dubiously.

“Not exactly, no,” Twilight admitted. “Did Rarity look a little hot in the face to you?”

Trixie opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted as Fluttershy opened the door for them like a normal pony.

“Is everything okay in there?” Twilight prompted.

“Oh, yes, everything’s fine, we just um…” Fluttershy hesitated. “Uh, come on in, I’ve got tea and biscuits in the oven.”

Trixie blinked. “Is that some sort of innuendo?”

Fluttershy blushed. “No, it means that…”

Before Twilight or Trixie noticed anything had changed, they found themselves in a heap on Fluttershy’s doormat, the door firmly closed behind them.

Trixie shook her head to regain her bearings. “If that was over the line, you could have just said so.”

“I’m sorry, that was my fault,” Rarity apologized. “I forgot to conceal myself this morning, and Fluttershy and I were just here on the couch…”

Twilight and Trixie shared a glance.

“A-anyway… I told him about Fluttershy, and from there he started to get rather hostile,” Rarity revealed after a pause. “I tried to get him to see reason, but in the end I had to tell him to leave.”

Twilight sighed. “I guess that would be for the best.”

“It was no easy thing to do, I assure you,” Rarity added. “I actually came to Fluttershy here for support.”

“And there isn’t any resentment between you two, I hope?” Twilight broached.

Rarity hesitated long enough for Twilight to get her answer.

Twilight frowned. “Well, I hope he didn’t get the wrong idea, at least?”

Rarity blinked, brow rising. “And what exactly would that wrong idea be?”

Twilight flinched. “Oh, uh, well, I was just thinking that, you know, because you’re being so… generous with your affections, I didn’t want Spike to think it was anything against him as a dragon.”

Rarity closed her eyes briefly in a moment of reflection. “He’s simply much too young for me to consider, Twilight. Not to say that I haven’t anyway on occasion. But if he were just a bit older, I might in fact be in very different company right now.”

Fluttershy frowned, slightly hurt.

“Though it’s hard to say I regret that,” Rarity smiled, giving Fluttershy a nuzzle. “Spike is a wonderful friend, but to think he might have come between the two of us…”

“I think you mean three of us,” Fluttershy giggled.

Rarity smirked. “He’s not here right now, though, is he? And he won’t be tonight, or when we wake up in each other’s hooves…”

Fluttershy blushed, hiding behind a lock of her mane.

“You mean to say you’re going on a date tonight?” Trixie spoke up.

Rarity nodded. “Fluttershy and I have a lot of catching up to do before we can bring Mac back into the picture. Why do you ask?”

“No reason, really,” Twilight cut in, blushing slightly. “She’s just curious.”

Trixie grinned. “Now Twilight, it would hardly be proper not to share our own stories now, would it?”

“I’m the expert on friendship and I said no!” Twilight insisted.

Rarity blinked. “Don’t leave us to make assumptions, girls.”

“Twilight and I were going to have a relaxing day together while she considers my own proposal of a date,” Trixie answered before Twilight could speak.

Twilight glowered. “What did I say about pushing me, Trixie?”

Rarity’s eyes twinkled. “There’s no reason to be ashamed, Twilight. You’re simply exploring your options.”

Twilight shot a glare at Rarity. “We’re not discussing this. I’m going to make my own decision, and I’m going to do it without any outside influences.”

Rarity shrunk back at Twilight’s unexpected outburst. “Are you feeling alright, darling?”

Twilight sighed, forcing herself to relax. “Yes, I’m… I’m sorry I snapped at you, it’s just… I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, alright? I don’t even know why I came to talk to you about this today. This was supposed to be a relaxing day with just me and Trixie, not worrying about what may or may not be developing between us, or what Spike’s going through right now. But silly me, I just had to bring up both at the same time.”

Trixie offered a consoling hoof, which Twilight accepted without complaint. Rarity and Fluttershy shared a concerned glance, but remained silent through the exchange.

Twilight gathered herself. “I’m sorry for interrupting your intimacy. We’ll be going now.”

Rarity frowned, while Fluttershy averted her gaze embarrassedly. “It wasn’t like that, Twilight.”

“Whatever you want to tell yourself, Rarity,” Twilight returned half-heartedly before the door swung shut behind her.

Rarity sighed, turning to Fluttershy. “I suppose it was wrong of me to forget Twilight in all this.”

Fluttershy offered Rarity a comforting nuzzle. “Don’t say that, Rarity. You couldn’t have known there was anything going on.”

“Are the tea and biscuits almost ready yet?” Rarity asked, not wanting to dwell on the topic. A high-pitched whistle coming from the kitchen answered her question sufficiently.

Fluttershy sighed as Rarity retreated to the kitchen. Was it too much to ask for some normal alone time with her best friend?

Making her way back to the arcade with four tickets in her pocket, Vinyl took a moment to think about where the day was headed. There was little doubt in her mind how she wanted it to end, but was Octavia only going along with it to please her?

Vinyl scoffed at the stupid thought. Octavia would never have agreed to anything like this without her. But was it something they could enjoy together or something Octavia would have to suffer through? Vinyl began to worry it was the latter, but simply decided to ask that question when it became appropriate.

More than that, though, was Octavia only friends with Applejack and Rainbow Dash because Vinyl was, or was it more legitimate than that? And what about Lyra? Would Octavia come to resent her for the time they’d spent together? Was there some way to show that she could remain faithful?

Vinyl shook her head to shoo her internal doubters. Applejack and Rainbow Dash weren’t just friends, and they weren’t just going to be their first guests. They were also a stepping stone to gain Octavia’s trust, and with any luck, it would all work out perfectly. Maybe they’d even become regular partners.

The first impression was always the most important, and Vinyl couldn’t think of a better pair to make that with. It had only been a year since they’d met, but it somehow felt a lot longer than that. Vinyl supposed that was how it was with all good friends. But the one thing that was for certain was that tonight was going to be one to remember.

The crowd inside the arcade had thinned a bit since she had left, making navigation quite a bit easier. She didn’t know what she expected to see upon entering the arcade, but what she did put a smile on her face.

Octavia was hunched over a pinball machine, tongue stuck out in concentration, while Applejack and Rainbow watched from a safe distance. Rainbow looked up to spot her, waving a hoof before placing it over her lips.

Vinyl sauntered up behind Octavia, unable to resist such a perfect opportunity. In a shamelessly risqué advance, Vinyl lifted herself up onto Octavia’s withers, causing the helpless cellist’s face to burn.

Vinyl hummed as she watched Octavia play, thoroughly impressed. Octavia was actually really good for her first time playing pinball. Vinyl gave Octavia’s ear a quick nibble before dismounting to let her play in peace.

Octavia’s constitution was put to the test as she tried to shake off Vinyl’s greeting, and she fared quite admirably. But her mind inevitably got the better of her and before she knew it she was looking at an empty rack.

“Dammit, Vinyl, you knew that was going to happen,” Octavia said through a mutinous smile, trying her best to sound angry.

Vinyl shrugged. “Hey, that’s what happens when you let me go off on my own knowing there are a couple of fine mares staying behind to keep you company.”

“Well these fine mares take offense to that remark,” Rainbow smirked. “I think we know better than to make a move on your girl when you’re not around.”

“Or in a public place with foals runnin’ around,” Applejack quipped.

Vinyl waved a hoof dismissively. “Like they’ve never seen their parents do that, am I right?”

Octavia bonked her marefriend lightly on the head. “Am I to take that as a marriage proposal?”

“All in due time, Tavi babe,” Vinyl replied silkily.

Octavia rolled her eyes at Vinyl’s all-too-lovable antics. “Well, now that you’re back, perhaps we could do something that involves all four of us.”

Vinyl grinned. “You mean like foreplay?”

Octavia lifted her hoof to smack her own face, but thought better of it and instead smacked Vinyl’s.

“Ow, hey, it wasn’t that bad, was it?” Vinyl complained, rubbing her nose.

` “You know what I meant, Vinyl,” Octavia chided. “Unless there aren’t any games around here compatible with four ponies?”

“There’s always Hooflet,” Rainbow suggested.

Vinyl thought for a moment, then shrugged. “Sure, why not. Haven’t played that in a while. And hey, maybe we could use it to break Tavi into the whole action scene, eh?”

Octavia frowned, but offered no comment as she followed the group into the maze of arcade machines.

“I call dibs on the pegasus,” Rainbow declared.

“Earth pony’s the one Ah know,” Applejack added.

“And the unicorn’s the only one I’ll ever play,” Vinyl finished. “So I guess that leaves Tavi as the donkey.”

Octavia cocked a brow. “Can there not be two earth ponies?”

“Doesn’t work that way,” Vinyl denied. “Besides, the donkey’s really beefy so you’ll have a hard time dying.”

“Lovely,” Octavia quipped.

“Here’s one,“ Vinyl observed, walking up to a machine with a bit slot and a basin.

“This is an arcade machine?“ Octavia asked dubiously.

Vinyl snorted. “No, this is just the thing we need to get tokens.“

Octavia watched as Vinyl inserted several bits into the slot up top. The machine rattled for a moment before sending a cascade of tokens into the basin at the bottom. Vinyl gathered them into piles and evenly distributed them to their guests

“You use this machine to exchange bits for a currency only used by arcade machines?" Octavia gathered.

“Equestria’s the only country that uses bits,“ Vinyl reminded. “Makes it easier if you don't have to make special consoles depending on where it gets sold.“

“Yeah, let's just get on over to the consoles already,“ Rainbow goaded.

Vinyl placated the impatient pegasus with a nod, starting off through the sea of arcade machines to where the Hooflet consoles were located. Once they arrived at one, Rainbow wasted no time inserting her tokens into the fourth slot, barely able to stop herself from hitting the magic button on impulse.

Vinyl helped Octavia feed the frustratingly small discs into the second slot before placing her own into the second. Applejack took up her place at the first set of controls and waited for somepony to start, which Rainbow did immediately.

A dungeon appeared on the screen before them with four sprites representing their characters. Rainbow's pegasus started off down the screen toward a black box, disappearing the instant she walked over it. Applejack's earth pony followed close behind, followed by Vinyl's unicorn.

“I don’t understand,” Octavia stated.

“You use the stick there to move and you’ve got two buttons next to it. One’s to attack, the other’s to use magic, but you need a potion for that,” Vinyl explained. “We’ll be finding those all over, but only use them when we’re getting swarmed, ‘cause they clear the whole screen.”

Octavia nodded, getting a feel for the joystick before joining the others in the black box they’d disappeared into. “So what, we just shoot things and traverse this maze?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” Vinyl affirmed.

“Donkey shot the food,” the game droned.

Vinyl face-hoofed, “Not the food; you eat that, not shoot it.”

“But there’s no button to eat,” Octavia observed.

“You don’t press a button, you just walk over it.”

Octavia frowned. “That’s hardly realistic.”

“Are you guys coming? Time is health, you know,” Rainbow spoke up, standing at the end of the now monster-free level with Applejack.

“Calm down, it’s the first level. And you have more health than us anyway,” Vinyl returned.

“Not my fault you’re too slow to keep up,” Rainbow taunted.

Vinyl sighed. Octavia would have to learn on the go.

“So much for today being relaxing,” Trixie remarked dryly as she plopped down on the guest bed.

Twilight sighed, still trying to gather herself as she made her way up the stairs. “I just… need a minute. I made you a promise, and I’m not about to break it.”

Trixie propped her head up on a hoof to watch Twilight. “I was just teasing, you know. I didn’t mean to upset you. You told me I should be more comfortable around you.”

Twilight sat down on the edge of her bed. “I know I did, but there are some things I’m just not comfortable discussing, and I’d appreciate it if you’d respect that. I told you I’d let you know when I’m ready.”

Trixie frowned, letting her head fall back to the mattress. “Ready to talk about it or to do something?”

“We already talked about it, and I’ve said all I’m going to,” Twilight reminded pointedly. “And the more you bring it up, the longer it’s gonna take me to come up with an answer.”

“So I’m supposed to be ready to pick up and go whenever you feel like it?” Trixie gathered.

Twilight cocked a brow. “It didn’t sound to me like that was going to be a problem.”

“I don’t like not knowing things,” Trixie admitted. “Especially when it’s something important.”

“Well you know all I do,” Twilight reiterated. “And so far that’s nothing.”

Trixie huffed, rolling over to face away from Twilight. “Whatever, just do what you need to do so we can get on with that relaxation you promised me.”

Twilight raised herself off the bed and made her way over to the balcony. She wasn’t entirely sure she liked the tone Trixie was starting to use, but decided against bringing it up. Whatever rough patches there were could be cleared up once she got her head straight.

Trixie started to regret ever bringing it up. If she couldn’t even talk to Twilight, how was she supposed to be anything more than a friend to her? Maybe Twilight wasn’t trying to push her away, but that’s what it was starting to feel like.

Sighing, Trixie got to her hooves and joined Twilight out on the balcony. “Do you like me, Twilight?”

Twilight frowned, “Trixie, I said-“

“Be honest with me Twilight,” Trixie insisted. “Do you like me, or should I move on?”

“Move on?” Twilight picked out. “Trixie, you’ve barely given me any time to think.”

“What’s there to think about?” Trixie pressed. “Do you like me or not?”

Twilight paused. “I’m not sure how to answer that right now.”

Trixie sighed. “Well, do you like being around me?”

“Generally, yes, but lately you’ve been acting strangely, and I’m not sure if I like this new you,” Twilight revealed.

Trixie cast her head down. “Oh. Do you like… talking to me?”

“When you’re not jumping down my throat,” Twilight grumbled.

Trixie’s lower lip began to quiver. “Do you like anything about me?”

Twilight huffed. “If you’d just buck off for one second so I could think! Now I don’t know what kind of ideas you’ve been getting about how things work around here, but-“ Twilight cut herself off as she noticed Trixie was on the verge of tears.

“Well, if that’s how you really feel…” Trixie trembled.

Twilight placed a hoof gently on Trixie’s shoulder. “Trixie, no, I didn’t mean that. It’s just that you’ve been smothering me the last couple of hours when I told you I needed space. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, or that I don’t value your opinion, but this is something I need to figure out for myself.”

Trixie nodded hesitantly.

“Now how about you tell me what’s going on?” Twilight suggested. “Ever since Spike made us kiss, you’ve been all over the place. Are you okay?”

Trixie took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “Remember when you asked me if I’d been harboring feelings for somepony?”

Twilight simply nodded, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

“Well, it’s… I still don’t know how to answer that. I mean, there was a point in my life when I hated everything about you. Back then I was certain there was no way I could view you as anything but the pony who ruined my life. But then, to forgive me after all I’d done to you…

“It’s safe to say you were definitely my rival before, but then, I… I didn’t know what to think of you anymore. But whatever it is I felt, or whatever I feel now, I can proudly say that you became my inspiration from that day forward. I wanted to be more like you, so accepting and kind, not at all like the judgmental ponies from my foalhood.”

Trixie sighed. “This is starting to sound stupid even to me. It’s the same kind of bond you share with Princess Celestia, right? Purely platonic without any chance of becoming anything else. But I’ve never had the chance to dream before, you know? There was never anypony who cared at all about me. And any who might couldn’t see past what an abomination I am. Maybe it’s stupid to get so attached to the first pony I connect with, but after so long…”

“But now I’m just rambling,” Trixie realized. “I’ll just head on home and give you some space to think.”

But as Trixie made to stand up, Twilight’s hoof shot out to grab hers. Trixie looked back over her shoulder, more confused than hopeful.

“I guess I didn’t realize I meant that much to you,” Twilight admitted sheepishly. “I’ve never really been one for romance. That’s more Rarity’s thing. But I guess Fluttershy’s got her in a similar situation. And she’s not holding back even when she’s got Big Macintosh to worry about. I guess that’s what trust will do for you, huh?”

Trixie smiled hopefully.

“I guess it’s not right to say I’m not ready. I mean, I’m gonna be nineteen soon and I’ve got less dating experience than some twelve year olds,” Twilight supposed. “It’s just so soon after the whole town started up like this, so it almost feels like I shouldn’t, but…”

“But what?” Trixie prompted.

Twilight chuckled. “You’re insatiable.”

“Can you really blame me?” Trixie quipped.

“No, I guess not,” Twilight admitted.

“You’ve been doing a lot of that recently,” Trixie pointed out.

“I guess I have,” Twilight answered, prompting a laugh from Trixie. “But I’d still like a little more time before I commit. And I did promise you a day of relaxing and not worrying about all this, didn’t I?”

Trixie nodded with a smile. “That you did.”

“So, what time’s the movie?” Rainbow struck up after Octavia vented upon shooting another potion.

Vinyl grinned. “Four twenty.”

Rainbow craned her neck to find a clock to check the current time. “Okay, so that gives us a couple hours to kill. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting pretty hungry.”

Instead of answering, Vinyl sighed in exasperation. “Oh come on, not even you, Dash?”

Rainbow frowned at the strange wording. “Uh, yeah, I’ve got a big appetite.”

Vinyl folded her hooves and looked away, grumbling. “Strings would have gotten it.”

“Well, when Rainbow’s hungry there’s not much you can do about it,” Applejack supposed. “You comin’, Octavia?”

“Wait, I have to kill this damned generator!” Octavia protested, locked in a seemingly-endless duel with a stream of enemies that would not give an inch.

Vinyl rolled her eyes, coming to Octavia’s rescue by coming from the other side to divert the flow of enemies into two waves so the strangely-fanatical cellist could finish the deed.

“Alright, let’s get going, then. There’s a food court in here we can eat at,” Vinyl said, leading the way through the maze until she realized that Octavia was not with them.

Vinyl turned around to find Octavia still engrossed in the game, having even taken the initiative to move all of their characters to the next level so she could keep playing. Vinyl sighed, wrapping Octavia’s midsection in her magical grip and attempting to pry her from the machine.

“No, wait, we’re almost at the end!” Octavia protested, clinging to the joystick for dear life.

“There is no end, Tavi,” Vinyl grunted, engaging her hooves as well as her horn. “When you get to the last level it just starts over again.”

Octavia blinked, loosening her death grip. She had just enough time to say, “Oh,” before she was wrenched violently away from the machine, sandwiching Vinyl painfully between herself and the next row of consoles, which just so happened to be bolted to the floor.

Octavia stepped away carefully, turning a concerned eye to the battered DJ. “Are you alright, dear?”

Vinyl shook herself to regain her composure. “Remind me to never take you to an arcade again.”

Octavia chuckled sheepishly, helping Vinyl back to where Applejack and Rainbow Dash were waiting for them, the latter of whom could not seem to stop snickering.

Vinyl gave Rainbow a smack in retribution. “Shut up and round us up some food.”

Rainbow frowned. “Hey, I am not a service mare. Besides, I don’t even know where the place is. That’s kinda why we need you to lead the way. So if anything, you’re the service mare.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Vinyl returned. “So, Tavi, you think you’re up for watching somepony else fight stuff now?”

“Something about pixilation makes it more tolerable,” Octavia stated. “I’m to take it these will be actual ponies, correct?”

“Of course, it would look weird otherwise,” Vinyl pointed out. “Besides, it’s not like there’s any gore or anything. It’s only PG-13, so it’s a pretty good starting point for breaking somepony into the whole action thing. In addition to being totally awesome, with all sorts of special effects and futuristic technology, and in space!”

“When have I ever expressed interest in your technological fantasies?” Octavia shot down.

Vinyl shrunk. “You don’t have to be so honest about it.”

Octavia smiled, nuzzling Vinyl apologetically. “You know I try.”

Vinyl nodded, ears perking back up. “Alright let’s go…” Vinyl trailed off as she noticed her party was missing one member. “Uh, where…?”

“She got impatient, said she was gonna go find it on her own,” Applejack answered easily.

Vinyl narrowed her eyes. “And you didn’t stop her why?”

Applejack shrugged. “She’s got a good nose fer food. She’s probably there waitin’ fer us right now.”

Vinyl sighed, striking up the path to the food court. “Well, I hope you’re right, because I’m not gonna go looking for her.”

“Wouldn’t have to, Ah’m more n’ capable of findin’ her myself,” Applejack pointed out. “Not like this doesn’t happen dang near every day as it is.”

“I don’t care how good the sex is, you couldn’t pay me to put up with this on a regular basis,” Vinyl grunted.

Applejack chortled. “Good thing Ah’m the one courtin’ her, then. You should be grateful we’re lettin’ you skip the first couple steps. Just don’t go gettin’ used to it.”

Vinyl frowned in disappointment. “You mean this is just gonna be a one-time thing?”

“We’ll see how it goes,” Applejack assured despite a hint of exasperation.

Vinyl grinned, lapsing into a prideful silence as she marched the two level-headed mares behind her to the place they would hopefully reconvene with the fourth, not so level-headed member of their group.

And sure enough, Rainbow was in Vinyl’s face within moments of coming into sight of their destination. “There you are! What took you so long? I could’ve already eaten by now if I remembered I didn’t have any money.”

Octavia cocked a brow. “Why would not having money help you eat?”

“Because I would have snagged one of your wallets, of course,” Rainbow explained as though she had been doing nothing but brooding on her missed opportunity.

“But then ya woulda missed out on eatin’ with me,” Applejack smirked.

Rainbow blinked. “Okay, good point. Now let’s go, I’m hungry!”

Applejack chuckled, following along with a bounce in her step.

Vinyl stayed back, questioning her choice in suitors, until Octavia’s flank bumping into her own brought her back to Equestria with a smile.

“Hurry up or we might lose them,” Octavia jested.

If Vinyl knew one thing, it was that she could follow that tail around all day.

“Can you believe the kind of food they have here?” Rainbow marveled, going through the line with Applejack.

Well, and that Canterlot food was something she didn’t realize she missed so much. Vinyl grabbed herself a tray and got into line behind them, grateful her income was more than sufficient to splurge every once in a while. Octavia was eyeing a more moderately sized meal to balance things out anyway.

Once they were all gathered at a table with their varied trays, Applejack struck up a conversation. “So, what exactly is this movie about?”

“It’s about space, fighting, shiny things, laser beams, amazingness,” Vinyl listed. “What more do you want?”

“Yeah, Ah got that much, but Ah mean, does it got a story er anythin’?” Applejack ventured. “You know, characters, morals, a plot…”

“We already got plenty of plot at this table,” Vinyl grinned.

“So Ah’m not gettin’ anywhere, am Ah?” Applejack inferred.

Vinyl scoffed. “I’m not gonna spoil the movie. That just takes the fun out of it.”

Applejack turned to Rainbow, who shrugged.

“She does have a point,” Rainbow admitted.

Applejack sighed. “Well, is there anythin’ at all ya can tell me without spoilin’ the movie, then?”

“It’s rated PG-13,” Vinyl mentioned.

Applejack frowned. “The hay’s that mean?”

“I dunno, never really knew what it stood for. All I know is that you’re supposed to either be over thirteen or have somepony over thirteen with you to watch it,” Vinyl elaborated.

Applejack hummed. “Seems kinda specific. Like somethin’ Apple Bloom would complain about.”

“Ha, that’s right; she’s only twelve, right?” Vinyl snickered.

“Gettin’ ta be that age, yeah,” Applejack sighed. “We… gave her a bit of a talk already, but Ah’m not sure how long that’s gonna keep ‘er satisfied.”

“Just be glad she’ll be complaining about PG-13 movies and not R movies,” Octavia mentioned.

“What‘re those?” Applejack asked a bit hesitantly.

“The step above PG-13,” Vinyl continued. “That’s where things start to get interesting. With real violence, blood and stuff, and even some sex sometimes. Though they never really give you too good a show of it. I kinda wish Star Ponies was R, but it’s fine as it is, I guess. Better to have a cool, futuristic scene than some boring straight sex scene where they don’t even show you the bits.”

“Gotta delve into some of the X stuff if you want some of that,” Rainbow added.

“And… what’s X?” Applejack asked sheepishly.

Vinyl threw back her head to let out a short laugh. “You really are clueless, aren’t you?”

“Hey! Ain’t mah fault Ah never went to a movie before,” Applejack protested.

“X is like, the step between R and a porno,” Rainbow explained. “Still with enough of a story to feel like an actual movie, but with more than a little bit of a focus on sex.”

“And they don’t tease you by hiding the bits, either,” Vinyl picked up. “Never really seen one that was all that interesting, though. I mean, like, in terms of action and stuff. Non-sexual action, anyway. So it’s kind of a compromise there.”

“I thought Life of a Fillyfooler was kinda cool in its own way,” Rainbow debated. “Plus, the action’s right there in the title.”

Applejack frowned. “You’ve been to one o’ those before?”

Rainbow glanced at Applejack. “Uh, maybe?”

“It’s not like it’s any worse than Playcolt,” Vinyl supported. “But yeah, I guess that one was kinda deep. I mean, when I wasn’t too focused on the sex to care about the story, anyway.”

“Well, obviously the sex was one of the best parts,” Rainbow agreed. “But it’s kinda nice to see something a little more out there from Applewood, you know?”

“I hear you there, Dash. But anyway, the big difference is that they’ll let kids go to R movies with their parents, but you can’t go to an X movie unless you’re legal,” Vinyl concluded.

“So basically, R is a warning, X is a requirement,” Rainbow wrapped up.

“The PG in PG-13 stands for parental guidance, by the way,” Octavia mentioned.

“Ah, that makes sense,” Vinyl nodded. “But what do R and X stand for, then?”

“R stands for restricted, but I’m not actually sure X is an abbreviation,” Octavia continued. “My best guess would be extreme, though that doesn’t actually start with an X.”

Vinyl nodded. “That starts with an E, right?”

“Indeed it does,” Octavia confirmed, sounding pleased.

“Just like every, enemy, energy, any and other stuff,” Vinyl assumed.

“No, any doesn’t start with an E,” Octavia corrected.

Vinyl frowned. “Then what the hell does it start with?”

“It starts with an A.”

“An A?” Vinyl’s face scrunched in confusion. “Is there some kind of dumb rule where E and A sound the same if they’re at the beginning of a word or something? What makes the ‘ah’ sound, then, an O?”

“Not in most cases, but it can occasionally,” Octavia explained.

Vinyl balked. “So if a vowel can make whatever the hell sound it wants, then what’s the point of having them all? And how are you supposed to know which vowel makes what sound when?”

Octavia shrugged again. “Equestrian has taken words from a lot of different languages, so the way it’s written is obviously going to suffer. Or perhaps the way it’s pronounced, depending on how you look at it.”

“It doesn’t make any sense!” Vinyl complained. “Why can’t it be like Germane where every letter has its own sound and not just steal other letters sounds? Who even thought that would be a good idea in the first place?”

“Well, to be fair, Vinyl, the same could be said of articles in Germane,” Octavia countered. “Having the universal article ‘the’ and the simple rule of whether to use ‘a’ or ‘an’ is much easier than having every word have its own article that isn’t hinted at in any way.”

“There’s only three articles, just like in Equestrian,” Vinyl defended.

Octavia scoffed. “More like three variations of each, and then some. Even the possessives have variations depending on the noun.”

“Uh, what are you guys talking about?” Rainbow interrupted, completely lost.

“Equestrian’s my second language,” Vinyl explained. “What, did you think I was just stupid or something?”

Rainbow shared a glance with Applejack. Did they really know so little about these two?

“That’s hardly an excuse for you, Vinyl,” Octavia disarmed. “You barely had a grasp on your first language by the time we met.”

“Well, I still grew up around Germane,” Vinyl insisted. “Equestrian didn’t really come into play until I met you.”

“And I imagine your mother merely wanted the language to stick with you,” Octavia hypothesized. “It’s easier to retain knowledge from a young age. And seeing as how we both grew up in Canterlot, it would make sense for you to pick up some Equestrian on your own. Even if you do still need a little help now and again.”

”So wait, you’re saying Tavi taught you Equestrian and not your dad?” Rainbow inferred.

“My dad wasn’t really around enough to teach me too much, and my mom usually spoke Germane around the house anyway,” Vinyl extrapolated. “So yeah, apart from what I picked up when Dad was around, I learned everything I know about Equestrian from Tavi.”

Applejack hummed. “So, that why you say ‘Tah-vee’ and not ‘Tay-vee’?”

Vinyl frowned. “What?”

Octavia brightened. “Actually, that is quite possible. I’d never really thought too much of it before, but you do pronounce it differently than the segment of my name you take it from. Perhaps when you devised my nickname, it was early enough to be influenced by Germane pronunciation rather than Equestrian.”

Vinyl’s frown deepened. “What?”

Octavia chuckled. “Oh, just thinking aloud, I suppose. It’s an interesting thought, if nothing else. Though I do believe I’ve taken a bit of an extra shine to my nickname now.”

“Don’t think Ah’ve ever heard ya speak any Germane, Vinyl,” Applejack struck up.

“Well, the only pony I really know who speaks it is my mom, so I guess I’ve just never had much reason to around you guys.” Vinyl shrugged. “I mean, it gets kinda confusing when my mom pops in and Tavi’s around. But she’s picked up a bit here and there.”

“Nothing to really speak of,” Octavia insisted, blushing at Vinyl’s praise. “I don’t think I could even form a coherent sentence.”

“Always gotta start somewhere, Tavi,” Vinyl smiled.

Octavia smiled back before busying herself with her food in an attempt to hide the rising heat of embarrassment in her cheeks.

Spike sighed, coming to a halt before the library he called home. He’d been wandering aimlessly around Ponyville in the hours since his confrontation with Rarity, but now he was getting hungry.

Showing himself in, he was greeted by Twilight, who had been sharing some companionable silence with Trixie. “Spike! There you are. I was starting to get a little worried. How are you feeling?”

“Betrayed,” Spike answered. “I was just going over to spend some time with her and hopefully talk about finding a friend closer to my age. But then she decided to drop a bomb like that on me, and now I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, what’s stopping you from continuing your friend search on your own?” Trixie queried.

“I don’t really know how to make friends on my own,” Spike admitted. “And I started getting hungry.”

“It is about lunchtime now, and you never even had breakfast,” Twilight pointed out. “Did you want to go out to eat?”

“Here is fine,” Spike assured. “I think I’ve done enough walking for now.”

“You know you don’t have to be alone, right?” Twilight offered. “We can help you through this if you’re feeling lost.”

“I guess it would be nice to know where to start,” Spike supposed.

“Well, is there anypony in town you like already, or would like to know more about, or even that you think is cute?” Twilight prompted.

Spike blushed. “If I tell you who I’m thinking about, do you promise you won’t laugh?”

Twilight blinked. “Of course. I didn’t realize you already had somepony in mind.”

Spike took a deep breath. “Pipsqueak.”

Twilight blinked again. “Pipsqueak is a colt.”

“I know, but he’s always so nice, and he was born outside of Ponyville like me, and he always likes to try new things. Not to mention his speckled coat…”

“I… don’t understand. When did you become gay?”

“To be honest, I see your parts every day and I’ve never really thought they were all that special,” Spike revealed, causing Twilight to cover herself with her tail self-consciously. “And, well, when Rarity showed me hers…”

“You liked it enough to place it higher than the charms of a filly?” Trixie surmised.

Spike nodded bashfully. “I know it’s not something I should be thinking about at my age, but sex is gonna become a part of my life someday. I’d hate to be unsatisfied with a filly when I get older, and my chances of finding somepony like Rarity are close to zero. And I already kinda know him. And he’s really cute.”

“Well, as long as you’re sure…” Twilight supposed.

“I’m sure,” Spike stated confidently.

“What do you think of that, Twilight? Spike seems to know what he wants and he’s less than half your age,” Trixie goaded.

Twilight sighed. “If I agree to go on a date with you tomorrow will you stop bringing this up?”

“I suppose those are agreeable terms,” Trixie accepted.

Twilight smiled. “Good. Now, we have to raise Spike’s confidence so he can win himself a coltfriend.”

“I think I’ve picked up a thing or two already,” Spike teased.

Twilight groaned. “Now look what you’ve done, Trixie.”

“I’d say our little dragon’s well on his way already,” Trixie snickered.

“Don’t listen to Trixie, Spike. The last thing you want to do is come on too strong,” Twilight coached. “Make sure he likes you before you do anything. Be his friend for a while, talk to him, get to know him and let him get to know you. Find your common ground and expand upon it. And then when you feel like you understand each other, that’s when you make your move, not before. Got it?”

Spike nodded in understanding.

“And don’t seem too obvious. If it turns out he’s already with somepony, that’s no reason to give up. At your age, relationships aren’t too common, and most don’t last very long. Just stay available, stay interested, and stay focused.”

“Okay, but how do I do all that?” Spike inquired.

Twilight sighed. This was going to be a long day.

Vinyl stretched and got up from her seat. “Alright, we should probably head on over to the theater pretty soon.”

Applejack frowned, looking up to the clock. “You said it ain’t ‘till four somethin’, right? We still got about an hour.”

“Yeah, but you never know about those snack lines,” Vinyl saged.

Octavia cocked a brow. “Vinyl, we just ate.”

“Like an hour ago or something!” Vinyl defended. “Besides, you can’t just go to the movies and not have popcorn. It’s against the rules!”

Applejack blinked. “There’s rules fer goin’ ta see a movie?”

“Don’t mind her, she’s just being silly,” Octavia returned. “A bit of Lyra’s influence, perhaps.”

Vinyl narrowed her eyes. “If you’ve got a problem with Strings, just say it.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “There’s no arguing with this one, so you’d best come along. Besides, a bit of monotony can balance out a day full of excitement.”

Rainbow shrugged as they started off. “I guess so. Kinda seems pretty full-booked, actually. You think we’ll be able to fit in any kind of real trip to the casino?”

Vinyl frowned. “Well, maybe not. But it’s not like this is the only time we’re gonna be in Canterlot, right? We could just save that for one of the nights before the CMAs.”

“Yer plannin’ ta stay more ‘n one?” Applejack inquired.

Vinyl blinked. “Well, yeah, why not? It’s nice to get back into the Canterlot night life every now and then. Maybe give fans a chance to pester us before it’d be too close to the show.”

“You hate that just as much as I do,” Octavia pointed out.

“Would you rather have them at our necks right before the show, then?” Vinyl challenged. “It’s all about breathing room here.”

Octavia scrutinized Vinyl. “I suppose, but if that’s the case, then why did you flee earlier?”

“Because we were in the middle of something,” Vinyl explained. “And there’ll be less to do, since we’ll have already done a whole lot, so why not use the time wisely?”

Octavia hummed, impressed. “You surprise me sometimes, Vinyl.”

Vinyl grinned. “Come on, Tavi, you’ve gotta give me some credit.”

“If you keep this up, perhaps,” Octavia supposed. “But for now, let’s just worry about the day ahead of us, hm?”

“And the popcorn!” Vinyl added.

“She’s kinda right, though,” Rainbow put in. “Movies just aren’t the same without popcorn.”

“One for each couple to share, then, I suppose,” Octavia concluded. “And whatever else Vinyl will end up gorging upon.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get all the snacks sorted out before the movie,” Vinyl promised. “I don’t want you missing out on any of this one.”

“How very generous of you,” Octavia sarcastically replied.

Vinyl grinned. “Not making any promises about keeping my mouth clean for any make-outs, though.”

“Why do you think I’m not letting you go off on your own?” Octavia smirked. “If I can’t stop you, the least I can do is control the quality.”

“Don’t do it, it’s a trick!” Rainbow cut in. “She’s gonna steal it out of your mouth, just like AJ did with that apple!”

Applejack snorted in amusement. “Ah could do that again at any time. Anything in yer mouth is fair game, right?”

Rainbow hesitated, suddenly fearful. “You’re not gonna go for my teeth next, are you?”

Applejack paused mid-stride to give Rainbow a look of confusion, distaste, and uncertainty.

“What? I can’t eat without those,” Rainbow pointed out.

Applejack shook her head before making up the small distance she had lost, completely at a loss for a suitable response. But when she felt Rainbow’s wing fall across her withers, Applejack just sighed and leaned into the embrace, instantly forgetting what had caused her momentary distress.

“Are you coming?” Vinyl’s voice cut through their thoughts.

Rainbow and Applejack looked up to see Vinyl waving from the entrance of the movie theater some distance away. Sheepishly, Rainbow retracted her wing and caught up with the group, leaving Applejack feeling strangely vulnerable. But a glance back from Rainbow perked Applejack up again, and she followed along with a smile, completely oblivious to the inner machinations at work.

“You okay, AJ?” Rainbow chuckled. “I didn’t think my teeth meant that much to you.”

Applejack gave Rainbow a playful shove to show her recovery from her brief mental lapse. “You sure you’re not taking weirdness lessons from Pinkie?”

“It was just a joke, gosh,” Rainbow muttered, cheeks tinting slightly. “You’re the one related to her.”

“Distantly,” Applejack mentioned.

“Still more than I can say,” Rainbow shot back.

Octavia coughed, drawing Applejack and Rainbow’s attention away from their silly debate. “I do believe Vinyl’s gone and wandered off. The doors won’t open for another half hour, but I have your tickets here in case we get separated.”

Applejack blinked, eyeing the front of the theater. “It ain’t that big, is it?”

“Not really. I was more thinking if you got bored waiting around, you could go off on your own somewhere,” Octavia smirked. “I imagine you’ll be picking out the seats, if prior experiences are anything to go by.”

Rainbow thought for a moment. “I don’t know, sex in a movie theater sounds kinda risky.”

Octavia chuckled. “Not what I meant, but if that’s your plan…”

Rainbow looked to Applejack for input, who cocked a brow and shook her head. “Nah, we’ll probably just wander around and check out some movie posters or something.”

Octavia nodded before starting off in search for Vinyl.

Applejack gained a smirk as Octavia departed. “You know, if ya wanted a more open space, we could always go somewhere a little safer, like the barn.”

Rainbow grinned. “You wouldn’t be afraid of somepony coming in?”

“Not in the middle of the night,” Applejack amended.

Rainbow shrugged. “Guess not. Still, you gotta admit it would be kinda hot.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and led Rainbow down the hall. “So, what’s all this yer gettin’ me into? Ah’m not gonna regret it, am Ah?”

“Just showing you the world, babe,” Rainbow assured. “Music’s changing, movies are getting more awesome, arcades are amazing…”

Applejack cocked a brow. “And apples are the same as ever, huh?”

Rainbow frowned. “Uh, I guess so. Why, is that a bad thing?”

Heartened that Rainbow did not understand her train of thought, Applejack merely chuckled. “Gotta have somethin’ ta rely on in this crazy new world.”

Rainbow smiled at that. “I guess I’m kind of glad mine’s a pony and not a fruit.”

Applejack winked and bumped her flank against Rainbow’s. “Not gettin’ soft on me, are ya?”

Compulsively, Rainbow extended a wing across Applejack’s back and pulled her closer. “Nah, I just figure if I dump all the sap on you, I won’t have any left to show anypony else.”

Applejack smirked. “You do realize we’re in public, don’t ya?”

“Movie theaters don’t count,” Rainbow deflected. “Besides, this is Canterlot, and we’re both mares, so it’s like we’re rebelling against the social norm, you know?”

“Sounds like you put an awful lot of thought inta this,” Applejack commented.

“More like I just don’t give enough of a crap about ponies around here,” Rainbow clarified. “All the cool ponies are with us back in Ponyville and up in Cloudsdale.”

Applejack nodded, taking a look down at their tickets idly. “Well, we still got a bit of time before the movie starts. Anythin’ else ya might want to rebel against?”

Rainbow paused mid-stride. “Are you offering a public make-out session?”

“Wouldn’t hurt to get warmed up, would it?” Applejack pointed out.

Rainbow needed no further coaxing to pin Applejack to the wall and smother her in an eye-catching display of affection in blatant disregard to anypony who happened to walk by. And even more so to any unsavory comments that reached her ears.

Applejack was content to let Rainbow’s hooves wander, and even found her own attempting to grasp onto something. That something soon became a pair of soft, feathery appendages growing out of Rainbow’s back. Her wings.

Rainbow crooned as Applejack began to play with her primaries, reaching her hooves further down Applejack’s back to return the favor. Applejack gasped as Rainbow’s hoof hooked around her tail. Pushing her away without giving Rainbow any time to react, Applejack retreated into a nearby alcove.

Blinking in confusion, Rainbow followed. “What was that about?”

Applejack sighed, punching her hoof against her forehead. “Ya can’t just go feelin’ me up like that in a public place, Dash.”

“I was just gonna play with your dock, AJ,” Rainbow assured. “Pretty much the same thing you were doing to me.”

“How is that the same?” Applejack shot back in a more hushed tone. “And keep yer voice down.”

Rainbow frowned, lowering her voice. “They’re wings, AJ. They have to be kinda sensitive to be able to feel the subtle changes in wind currents. You know, the same way horns are for unicorns, and docks are for earth ponies? I swear though, you keep yours pretty buried in there, don’t you?”

Applejack blinked, a blush slowly rising to her cheeks. “So… yer sayin’ what I did just then was like if…”

“Like if I was a unicorn and you started stroking my horn, or if I was an earth pony and you went combing through my tail for my dock,” Rainbow confirmed, feeling a little bemused that she had to explain this. “Do you really know that little about pegasi?”

“W-well, why would Ah need ta know about that kinda stuff anyway?” Applejack defended. “Ain’t like a pegasus ever so much as showed up around the farm ‘fore you did. An’… we never really…”

Applejack coughed. “Only things Ah’ve ever really learned about pegasi ‘re from what you’ve told me when you weren’t goin’ off about the Wonderbolts.”

“That’s not really that much,” Rainbow supposed.

“Actually, come ta think of it, how come you know so much about earth pony culture anyhow?” Applejack probed.

“Uh, same way you do?” Rainbow answered slowly.

“You mean you… actually listened all those times?” Applejack inferred.

“Yeah, of course. I mean, if it’s important to you, the least I could do is listen,” Rainbow affirmed, not sure is she should be offended or not.

Applejack smiled. “So you’ve been a big softie all along, then?”

“I never said I enjoyed it,” Rainbow insisted, crossing her forelegs and turning her head to try to conceal the redness in her cheeks.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you’ll always be mah big, strong mare. Just nice to know ya care so much.”

“Well, we need to get you educated about the finer points of a pegasus,” Rainbow went off, hoping a shift in topic could preserve some of her dignity.

Applejack knew her far too well than to be fooled, but played along nonetheless. “Any secret love rituals Ah should know about?”

Rainbow tensed. “Dammit, AJ, let’s just go find the stupid theater.”

Applejack chuckled, following Rainbow as she stomped down the hall. “Y’know Ah’m the one with the tickets, right?”

Rainbow groaned, turning around to take her ticket out of Applejack’s extended hoof, missing entirely the mischievous glint in Applejack’s eye.

Applejack waited until Rainbow had taken a good number of steps away before letting her in on another piece of information. “And the theater’s right here, by the way.”

Rainbow collapsed to the floor. “That’s it, I’m just… I’m done.” She rolled over onto her back to splay her limbs out dramatically.

Applejack could not contain another laugh at the sight. Sauntering over to stand above the fallen mare, Applejack leaned her head down to whisper in Rainbow’s ear. “You’re real cute when you’re embarrassed.”

Rainbow frowned, turning her head away, but not before Applejack snuck in a kiss on her nose. But at last, it seemed like she was going to be left to play out her death scene in peace.

At least until she noticed a distinct lack of paper against her hoof. Sitting up, Rainbow searched the ground around her to no avail. “Where the hell’s my…”

“Y’mean this ‘un?” Applejack’s slightly-muffled voice sounded behind the confused pegasus.

Rainbow turned her head to see that Applejack had both of their tickets firmly grasped between her teeth. “Luna bucking dammit, AJ!”

Applejack retreated into the alcove before the theater door, if only to prolong this precious moment. What she didn’t anticipate, however, was the door to swinging inwards when she attempted to brace herself against it, leaving her to tumble backwards. The floor below was carpeted, but the impact was still enough to jar the tickets free of her mouth. Seizing the moment, Rainbow pounced on Applejack, thrusting her head down to grasp one of the fallen tickets where it lay between Applejack’s head and shoulder.

“Contain your enthusiasm, ladies,” Vinyl teased from behind the two combatants. “The movie hasn’t even started yet.”

Rainbow snorted, mouthing the slightly-chewed tickets over to the booth behind which stood a very confused stallion. Once her mouth was free, Rainbow got straight to the point. “Buck you, Scratch.”

“That’s what I’m counting on,” Vinyl snickered, adding the other two tickets to the pile.

“You could at least help me carry some of this, Vinyl,” Octavia chided, fumbling with an obscene amount of candy boxes.

Vinyl rolled her eyes, taking the topmost box from atop the tower between her teeth.

“Oh, thank you, that helps so much,” Octavia quipped.

“’S what I’m here for,” Vinyl grinned around the box in her mouth.

Applejack came to Octavia’s rescue, shouldering most of the load herself as they found their way to the seats Vinyl had already picked out. After all this, she could only hope the movie would be half as exciting.

Cloudchaser slumped forward onto the table she was sharing with her sister. Flitter had insisted that they eat out, feeling that they’d been spending too much time around the house lately. Flitter was of course justified in thinking so, but even if Cloudchaser didn’t say no, it didn’t mean she was entirely comfortable with it.

“Cloud, are you sure you’re okay?” Flitter broached. “You’ve barely touched your food.”

Cloudchaser sighed, straightening up again and taking a few bites from her plate in an attempt to humor her sister.

“It’s not like this is something we didn’t do regularly before all this,” Flitter went on. “What’s really so different this time?”

“Can we please not talk about this here?” Cloudchaser rebutted.

Flitter frowned. “Could you at least tell me what you’re worrying about? Is it me? Is it your promotion? Is it Thunderlane?”

“I don’t want to talk about Thunderlane,” Cloudchaser grunted.

“He’s not going to show up just because we’re talking about him,” Flitter goaded.

Cloudchaser scoffed. “You’re not the one who has to deal with him. I really thought I could just walk away and have him out of my life, but then I got that stupid promotion and now I have to order him around. Do you know how frustrating it is to have to keep him around? To not have the authority to just drop him from the team?”

“Maybe I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care,” Flitter assured. “I’m always here for you, whatever you need me for.”

Cloudchaser turned away, just in time to see a certain white pegasus headed towards their table.

“Oh great, here comes the devil’s concubine herself,” Cloudchaser spat. “No doubt Thunderlane’s just around the corner, come to torture me some more.”

Blossomforth stood unflinching, accepting the ridicule. “I’m here alone, and I’m not here to antagonize you. I saw you across the street and figured you might want to know that I kicked Thunderlane’s sorry ass to the curb.”

“Yeah, sure, and you’ll go crawling back to him in a week when you realize you’ve got nopony to buck, just like last time,” Cloudchaser sneered.

Blossomforth sighed. “What Thunderlane did to you was terrible, and I apologize for that, but it affected me as well. The entire reason I left him the first time was because I was afraid he would cheat. And for a while after it happened, it didn’t feel real.”

Blossomforth looked up to see that she had Cloudchaser’s begrudging attention. “I know it was wrong of me, but I tried to ignore it at first. I’ve been around the block a few times, myself, after all. But I made sure I never hurt anypony with any false promises, and what happened was always consensual.”

“Thunderlane was the first to tie me down for any amount of time. I always felt we understood each other. But it turns out he was just a jerk all along and it took me so long to figure that out I let somepony get hurt with me. Part of me knew this was bound to happen someday, but I was too stupid to do anything about it.”

Blossomforth paused. “Call me what you want, a whore, a slut, a bimbo… but one thing I never want to be called again is Thunderlane’s wench.”

Cloudchaser grumbled, glancing over to Flitter, who was absorbing the encounter in silence. “Alright, I guess I can respect that. Celestia knows I want nothing to do with that dick anymore. So what do you want?”

Blossomforth fumbled for words, not expecting such a measured response. “I just wanted to see how you were holding up. I know he meant a lot to you.”

Cloudchaser snorted. “Don’t try to matronize me; I can take care of myself. Besides, I’ve got the best support in the world already.”

Blossomforth caught the flick of Cloudchaser’s eyes with a smile. The bond of a sister was one she had never known, but she could imagine it was like that of a close friend. Little did she know how deep this particular sibling bond actually went.

“Besides, without Thunderlane holding you back, it’ll be easier to find a lot more stallions to bed,” Cloudchaser supposed. “You’ve probably scoped out every dick in town by now, you’re practically an expert on it. Can’t imagine he ranked very high on that scale.”

“It’ll take some detective work to see which ones are still available.” Blossomforth winked

Cloudchaser relaxed at Blossomforth’s friendly tone. “Don’t happen to have any favorites, do you?”

“It wouldn’t be in my best interests to share that knowledge with my competition,” Blossomforth smirked.

Cloudchaser rolled her eyes. “Please, I’m done with stallions.”

Blossomforth cocked a brow. “Really? Well, now you’ve got me interested.”

Cloudchaser froze at the unexpected advance. “Uh, well, that’s, uh…”

“Aw come on, don’t go telling me you’re already spoken for,” Blossomforth prompted.

“As a matter of fact, she is,” Flitter cut in, jealousy getting the better of her.

Cloudchaser turned a panicked eye to Flitter, all hope fading as she looked into her eyes. She could only hope Blossomforth would leave it at that.

But Blossomforth had her own agenda. “And I suppose her sister is the resident expert about her sex life?”

“She didn’t even have a sex life before Thunderlane,” Flitter revealed.

Cloudchaser felt the color drain from her face as she was thrown so readily under the bus.

“Then perhaps she’d be more accepting of a mare’s touch,” Blossomforth challenged.

Flitter grinned cockily. “As a matter of fact, she was.”

Cloudchaser shrunk into herself, trying her hardest to disappear. Oh please, no. Not like this, not like this.

“Oh, and I suppose you were there to deduce that?” Blossomforth egged.

Flitter laughed. “There? Please, I was the one-“

Cloudchaser’s hoof shot out to cover Flitter’s mouth, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and all she could do was wait for the inevitable.

Blossomforth was silent for a few moments. Probably too disgusted for words, Cloudchaser surmised. It was only a matter of time now before word spread, and they became social outcasts, forced to skip town and start a new life. Any second now, she’d hear the hoofsteps of Blossomforth running through the town, yelling for all to hear.

“That’s…” Blossomforth stuttered, cheeks flushed. “That’s actually kinda… hot.”

What? Cloudchaser raised her head to see Blossomforth staring at Flitter intently, licking her lips as it seemed like she was holding back a million different words.

“Did you, like, use your hooves?” Blossomforth pried.

Cloudchaser grabbed Flitter’s hoof and tried to make a break for it, but found her sister glued to the spot.

Flitter turned to Cloudchaser, giggling at the look on her face. “I think Cloud’s getting a little embarrassed. How about we find someplace a little more private to discuss this?”

Blossomforth grinned. “I like the sound of that.”

Cloudchaser sagged. It was better than talking out in the open, at least. But the pace they set off at was torturously slow, and any input she might have had about it was ignored. The only thing she could do was hide between the two chatting mares in the hopes that ponies would forget she existed.

“I never knew you had any interest in mares,” Flitter began as they set off in the direction of home.

Blossomforth chuckled. “I’m a yoga instructor; I live for the stretch. Have you seen how thick hooves are? Makes me weak just thinking about it.”

“Is that why you’re always in search of so many stallions?” Flitter gathered.

Blossomforth nodded. “But sex is when I want to wind down after teaching a whole group of ponies. Dealing with so many stallions loses its majesty pretty quick.”

“So Thunderlane gave you what you wanted all by himself?”

Blossomforth snorted. “Please, show me a stallion that gives a crap about what the mare feels. Thunderlane was no different.”

Flitter frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

“All stallions care about is their dicks,” Blossomforth explained. “They’ll put it wherever you want them to, but that’s about it. But with a mare I could just reciprocate and have them be satisfied with that.”

“That sounds way too intense for me,” Flitter giggled.

“You two should come to my yoga classes. I can show you the real limits of your body and how good it feels to push them. I’d even let you stay after class for some personal tutoring.”

Flitter blushed. “Oh, I don’t know…”

Blossomforth adopted a hopeful grin as they came to the pegasus twins’ house. “How about I give you a little demonstration?”

Flitter looked to Cloudchaser expectantly.

Cloudchaser turned to Blossomforth. “Do you really not mind, or are you just looking for some action?”

Blossomforth frowned at the cryptic question. “Do I not mind what?”

Cloudchaser sighed. “You know, about me and Flitter.”

“It’s not my place to judge, but as long as you care about each other I don’t see any problem with it.”

“Well, thanks. That means a lot coming from you.” Cloudchaser smiled.

Blossomforth tilted her head. “I don’t understand.”

“We were born in Cloudsdale,” Flitter explained. “We only moved here to Ponyville a few years ago. Ponies think differently up there about… incestual relations.”

“When Flitter blabbed I was worried you were gonna go shout it from the rooftops and chase us out of town,” Cloudchaser admitted. “Especially considering our history.”

“Oh, well, you’re welcome then, I guess,” Blossomforth replied.

“I’m still adjusting to being in a relationship with my sister, but you’ve really helped me along,” Cloudchaser went on. “You mentioned your yoga class. When do you meet?”

Blossomforth held up a hoof and reached behind her with the other. After a few moments, she produced what looked to be a business card, albeit a good deal thicker and suspiciously devoid of any sharp edges.

“You aren’t wearing any saddlebags,” Flitter recalled.

Blossomforth nodded. “This is true.”

“I don’t want to know,” Cloudchaser put in before Flitter could question further. “But thanks; we’ll try to drop in some time. And maybe someday you can teach us a thing or two.”

Blossomforth grinned. “I look forward to it.”

“But for now, let’s keep this platonic,” Cloudchaser added.

Blossomforth frowned. “I’ve never had a friend who didn’t want to have sex before, but alright.”

Flitter giggled. “Believe me; we’re very different from the colts you hang around with.”

“Well, I should get going, then. I’m feeling pretty horny,” Blossomforth bade, making her way to the door.

“We didn’t need to know that,” Cloudchaser called after her.

Blossomforth paused before the door, looking back to flash an apologetic smile at her new, platonic friends. And with that, the twins were left to themselves, though one of them was in much higher spirits than she had been.

“So, are you ready to go public now?” Flitter asked hopefully.

Cloudchaser frowned. “Don’t push it.”

As the credits began to roll, Applejack started to clap her hooves together, only to stop and feel a little sheepish when nopony else joined in.

Vinyl cringed and held an empty candy box in front of her to shield herself from the sudden explosion of light that always followed the end of movies, but it was a losing battle as the light sources proved too many to be blocked by Vinyl’s flimsy defense.

“Yeah, everypony’s already seen this thing like a hundred times,” Rainbow snickered. “This is like its fourth or fifth trip through the theaters.”

“Well, Ah figured it’d be like a play er somethin’, where ya give a round of applause at the end of it,” Applejack defended.

“Applejack, it’s a screen. It can’t hear you,” Rainbow teased.

“I don’t believe the purpose of this little escapade was to harass your marefriend,” Octavia cut in. “Now if you wouldn’t mind moving, Vinyl’s created quite a mess.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes and pulled Octavia along with the group. “That’s what the staff is for, Tavi. We’ve only got half an hour to get over to the stadium, remember?”

Octavia sighed, grudgingly allowing herself to be led away.

“So, Applejack, what’d you think? Pretty awesome stuff, huh?” Vinyl prompted.

“How long did it take them to build all that stuff?” Applejack wondered.

Vinyl frowned. “They didn’t build anything. None of that was real; it was all just computer animation.”

Applejack cocked a brow. “Even them shiny swords they were usin’?”

“Lightsabers,” Vinyl corrected. “And not if I have anything to say about it. I could totally figure something out; those things are way too cool to be fake. I mean, come on, that sound they make is awesome. It’s like a… wub.”

“You’re about to start one of your tangents again aren’t you?” Octavia remarked dryly.

Vinyl continued, ignoring Octavia’s comment. “And they look awesome, too! You could make them different colors and stuff, so that when you’re flinging them around, you get a cool sound and a light show.”

Rainbow shrugged. “I guess I could see that.”

“Just imagine if you put one on like a string, and then you had Applejack twirl it around like a lasso,” Vinyl gushed. “There’s so many possibilities, you guys! I’ve gotta make this happen.”

“I’m sure there are copyrights in place already, dear,” Octavia shot down.

Vinyl frowned. “I didn’t mean like, rip them off completely. Just, you know, the idea. And it’s not like we could even make that stuff anyway. I meant that you could just like put some glowy thing in some kind of a stick, and then have it make noise when you swing it around.”

“Actually, that second part might not be so easy, actually,” Vinyl amended. “And if there’d be like, a million people with them, it’d probably sound weird with all of them overlapping.”

“Okay, so, you take the glow sticks, and have those, and do something else with the sound. Like… music!”

“And you’re really expecting this to catch on, now?” Octavia challenged.

Vinyl affixed her marefriend with an unamused stare. “Shut up, it’s awesome and you know it.”

“Remind me to buy earplugs when we get back to Ponyville,” Octavia quipped.

They arrived at the stadium a few minutes early; affording time to buy snacks, but Rainbow insisted they find their seats first.

“So, where are our seats?” Rainbow asked. “Please tell me we’re in the first row.”

Vinyl snickered. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Dash. I’m afraid we’re a bit higher up than that.”

Rainbow pouted. “But you’ve got like a million bits or something! How come we have to sit in the cheap seats?”

“I never said anything about cheap seats,” Vinyl grinned.

Rainbow sighed as they passed by yet another section. By this point it would have surely been easier to fly straight across the stadium to reach their destination. And back here their view would be blocked by the box seats. At least there were a lot of food stands around.

Rainbow paused. “Wait a minute. You’re pulling my leg, right?”

Vinyl stopped in front of the door of one of the private suites. “Not until tonight, Dash.”

Rainbow’s eyes threatened to burst from their sockets as Vinyl made a show of reaching into her saddlebags and producing a key, which she brandished dramatically before using it to unlock the door to their seats.

“You are a god.” Rainbow intoned reverently.

“Are you gonna go in or just sweet-talk me all day?” Vinyl teased.

Rainbow needed no further coaxing, bowling past Vinyl in her haste to experience the interior of the room.

“We’ll join you in a bit,” Vinyl called. “Gotta make a quick trip around the food court first.”

“Ah don’t think she’s goin’ anywhere fer a while,” Applejack assured with a smile.

Vinyl nodded and shut the door.

Rainbow walked to her seat and double-checked to make sure not a single strand of hair was leaking from under her borrowed hat. In a private box, she wouldn’t have as many other ponies to hide behind, so she needed to be sure to look as anonymous as possible.

Applejack chuckled. “Never seen ya fuss over somethin’ quite so much before.”

“We can’t let her know I’m here,” Rainbow muttered.

Applejack cocked a brow. “Her?”

“Spitfire,” Rainbow reminded, tucking her tail between her legs and sitting upon it.

Applejack frowned at the name. “Wasn’t she one of the ponies you saved a couple years back at the Young Flyer’s Competition?”

“What about it?” Rainbow returned once she was as comfortable as she was going to get.

“Well, shouldn’t she owe you a favor, then?” Applejack wondered.

Rainbow snorted. “I doubt she even remembers. How would that help us, anyway?”

“You could ask her to make some sorta exception for us,” Applejack suggested.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “We’ve been over this already, AJ. I don’t want any notes next to my name in the history books other than best Wonderbolt ever.”

“Right, but didn’t all the great Wonderbolts make some sort of big change that affected the whole future of the team?” Applejack pointed out. “If you wanna make yourself stand out as somepony important, ye’re gonna have to do somethin’ bigger ‘n bein’ the captain.”

Rainbow frowned. “Are you saying I’m not good enough to be awesome all on my own?”

“Ye’re not on yer own, Rainbow,” Applejack pressed. “Ah’m right here with ya, and we gotta do somethin’ ta keep it that way. And if that ain’t somethin’ that’s possible right now, then we gotta make it possible ourselves. Wouldn’t that be somethin’ ta put in the history books?”

Rainbow sighed. “We can keep telling ourselves that, but what if it doesn’t work out? Then we’d have done all that trying for nothing, instead of just being happy that we’re together now.”

Applejack closed her eyes. “Can’t say Ah’m a fan of that tone ye’re takin’.”

“We started a band almost two weeks ago and we still don’t know how to play our instruments,” Rainbow lamented. “Saying that other things got in the way is just an excuse. If that’s how things are going to be with us, how can we say that we’re ready for this?”

Applejack took a deep breath and opened her eyes. “We know how to get things done. Me and Mac have run the whole Sweet Apple Acres on our own fer eight long years, and the only time we ever needed help was when Mac got hurt. You’ve been on yer own fer four years and you worked yer way up to head of the Ponyville weather team in less than one. Just recently we worked out a deal to get you workin’ a solo weather job fer Sweet Apple Acres in just one day and even got you a pay raise out of it. And now we’re on the road to a whole new line of work with some of the best connections in the business without missin’ a beat on our current jobs. The Wonderbolts are just another domino in the line, sugarcube. Ah guarantee it.”

Rainbow slowly began to relax as she absorbed Applejack’s supportive rant. “Remind me how you were single all these years.”

Applejack chuckled warmly. “Ah guess nopony came by what caught mah interest.”

Rainbow leaned against the farmer, smiling as Applejack’s hoof extended around her shoulders to pull her closer.

“We’re back, bitches!” Vinyl proclaimed levitating what had to be every food item the stadium offered, some of which already had bites taken out of them. “I see you two have already gotten started without us.”

Rainbow stuck her tongue out in defiance.

Applejack eyed Vinyl’s massive dinner. “How in the hay do you eat so much and not get fat?”

Vinyl smirked. “You’ve never been to one of my shows before, have you?”

Applejack frowned. “Ah can’t say Ah have, no.”

“Then you’ll get your answer soon,” Vinyl replied. “Now, let’s kick back and watch some awesome action.”

On cue, the Wonderbolts began their airshow. Their skillful flying gave Applejack a sense of majesty, akin to what she felt whenever Rainbow showed off her own talents. It was easy to imagine Rainbow among the performing pegasi, but a bit harder to imagine Rainbow gone from her side.

Sensing Applejack’s discomfort, Rainbow extended a wing around the farmer to pull her close. “We’re in this together, AJ,” Rainbow murmured. “You’re too important to leave behind.”

Applejack exhaled, nodding more to herself than to Rainbow, and nuzzled into her embrace. More than near any place else, Applejack felt safe at Rainbow’s side. It was a comfort she never wanted to lose, and with any luck she would never have to.

“Are you ready to go now?” Fluttershy asked as the clock struck seven.

“I suppose so,” Rarity relented, allowing Fluttershy to stand.

Fluttershy escaped Rarity’s embrace and helped her marefriend to her hooves. Rarity was reluctant to go out without any make-up, but Fluttershy assured her that she looked fine. Rarity insisted that they make a trip over to the boutique so she could grab her purse, however, which Fluttershy accepted.

“Was there some place you had in mind?” Fluttershy asked as they left her cottage.

“Horté’s Cuisine,” Rarity divulged. “I took Mac there, and I will do the same for you.”

Fluttershy frowned. “But isn’t that place really expensive? And I think we’d need a reservation.”

“I have connections with the owner,” Rarity assured. “And money is no issue.”

Fluttershy sighed, knowing it would be an argument she couldn’t win. So instead, she remained quiet until they came to the town square, where they happened upon a familiar face.

“Fluttershy!” Cheerilee greeted. “I haven’t seen you around in a few days. What are you up to?”

Fluttershy hesitated. “Oh, um, well, Rarity and I were just…”

Rarity nodded in encouragement.

Fluttershy sighed. “We were heading out to go on a date.”

Cheerilee frowned. “I thought Rarity was with Big Mac.”

“She is, but we’re all open to polyamory,” Fluttershy explained.

Cheerilee perked up. “Oh, then I don’t suppose I could join you girls?”

Fluttershy bit her lip. “Well, the thing is, Rarity and I were taking some time to ourselves to catch up to where Rarity left off with Mac. And I’m not really sure I’d be comfortable with another mare.”

Cheerilee cocked her head. “Rarity is a mare, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Well, yes, but she’s a trans mare,” Fluttershy divulged. “Meaning she was born a colt and still has a penis.”

Cheerilee’s eyes widened. “She does?”

Rarity nodded.

“And you’ve… seen it?” Cheerilee pried.

“Several times, yes,” Fluttershy affirmed.

“And you’re sure there’s no way I could be a part of this?” Cheerilee despaired.

“Well, a foursome would involve Mac…” Fluttershy reminded.

“We’ve already made up,” Cheerilee assured. “And if you’re already involved with a trans mare, is a biological mare really that much of a difference?”

Cheerilee made a compelling argument, one that Fluttershy didn’t know how to handle. The goodness in her heart told her that Cheerilee deserved a shot, but she didn’t know what Rarity would think of such a thing.

“Well, I guess we could give it a try,” Fluttershy relented. “If Rarity’s okay with it, I mean.”

“If you would allow Fluttershy and I this night, I would have no problems with allowing you two to explore an expansion to our romance,” Rarity proposed.

Cheerilee grinned. “Wonderful! I’ll leave you two girls to it, then. See you tomorrow, Fluttershy!”

Rarity turned to Fluttershy as Cheerilee departed. “I thought you told me that Cheerilee was just a friend.”

“So did I, but I couldn’t just turn her away,” Fluttershy defended. “Besides, four isn’t so much more than three, is it?”

“I suppose not. But we should be going if we want to have any time before bed.”

“Do you think Mac will mind?” Fluttershy worried.

“We’ll talk to him tomorrow, dear. Tonight is about us.”

Fluttershy sighed and nodded.

“Is something the matter?” Rarity pried.

Fluttershy cast her head down. “I just feel like we’re being unfair to Mac. I know you say you want to take this slow, but how long is that going to take?”

Rarity frowned. “I know you’re eager, darling, but…”

“I know you want it as much as I do,” Fluttershy ventured. “I know you want this to be special, but who’s to say sex would ruin that?”

“Nothing but the idealistic romance novels of my foalhood, I suppose,” Rarity admitted. “If it would really mean so much to you, I suppose I’d be a fool to deny you.”

“So can’t we forget all this silly courtship and mate like the animals we are?” Fluttershy requested.

“If you’d humor me with this one night of romance, it would mean a lot to me,” Rarity returned.

“And then we could mate when we get home?” Fluttershy hoped.

“Tomorrow,” Rarity compromised.

Fluttershy thought for a moment. “Deal.”

Rarity smiled. “Now come along. I’m feeling rather famished.”

Fluttershy nodded, contentedly following. It seemed unnecessary to her, especially when considering how long they’d known each other, but if it made Rarity happy she couldn’t say no. She only worried the unicorn wouldn’t spend too much on her.

After a stop at Carousel Boutique, the restaurant wasn’t a far walk from the town square, and rightfully so. Few could afford to dine at Horté’s Cuisine regularly, but even those that couldn’t enjoyed the atmosphere. Sophistication wasn’t something Ponyville prided itself on, but diversity certainly was. There wasn’t much you couldn’t find in their quaint little town, and that list was growing shorter each day.

Rarity strode through the door of the establishment with an air of confidence. And as coincidence would have it, she found the same stallion at the booth as she had in her previous trip.

“Madame Rarity, back so soon?” The colt greeted. “And I see you’ve brought a new flame.”

“I’ll spare you the details, but she is an addition and not a replacement,” Rarity divulged.

The colt nodded. “But of course. I would not expect a mare of your stature to have such boundaries. If you would follow me to your table, we can seat you immediately.”

Fluttershy shared a glance with Rarity as they were lead to what must have been the most elegant table in the restaurant. She hadn’t realized the fashionista had garnered such a reputation among the staff here.

“A waiter will be with you shortly,” their escort bade with a small bow.

Rarity nodded to him, waiting until he departed before turning to Fluttershy. “I helped design this place myself. Needless to say I’m entitled to special treatment from the employees.”

“Is this a private booth?” Fluttershy wondered.

“My very own,” Rarity affirmed.

Fluttershy was not given much time to marvel as a waiter arrived to take beverage orders. Rarity wasted no time in ordering one of the most expensive wines they had to offer. She already had her entrée already in mind, but refrained from placing the order in respect to Fluttershy’s decision.

“My goodness, Rarity, you didn’t have to do that,” Fluttershy whispered in awe as the waiter bowed out.

“Nonsense, I won’t have anything but the best for you, darling,” Rarity coddled.

Fluttershy shifted uncomfortably, hoping that Rarity would leave it at that. Looking through the menu for some less extravagant options and finding few, she decided on a fruit salad to spare the unicorn greater expenses.

“Pick anything you like, my dear. It’s my treat,” Rarity encouraged.

“It’s fine, Rarity,” Fluttershy assured.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer something more… filling?”

“I’m sure.”

“Price is no issue, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy sighed. “I know, but I’m just not comfortable with you spending so much on me.”

“But there are so many exotic dishes they have to offer here. You can have fruit any day, but when was the last time you had a nice pasta meal?”

“Please just drop it.”

“If I ordered a pasta dish, would you have some?”

“I… okay, just please don’t pull out any more surprises.”

Rarity nodded. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Fluttershy. I just want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself as well as your animal friends.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I appreciate your concern, but I don’t need as much as somepony like Mac.”

Rarity blinked. “Why, yes, of course you don’t… I apologize.”

Fluttershy giggled. “See? You’re thinking about him, too.”

Rarity blushed, not opening her mouth for fear of embarrassing herself further.

“Your wine, madams,” the waiter announced, startling the distracted mares.

“Uh, yes, thank you,” Rarity fumbled.

“Have you decided on your meals or would you like more time?”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Yes, a fruit salad for my friend, and I’ll have the Fettuccine Alneighdo.”

The waiter jotted down their order and absconded in respectful silence.

Rarity took a deep breath, still trying to compose herself.

“Oh, so I’m just your friend now, hm?” Fluttershy teased.

“Remind me never to take you anywhere again,” Rarity quipped.

“It’s actually kinda nice going out to a restaurant but still having our own private booth,” Fluttershy related. “It’s almost like we’re not really in public.”

“If only I could share your sentiment,” Rarity lamented.

“Well, you’ve got all night to try.”

Rarity sighed, wondering why she thought it would be a good idea to bring Fluttershy here. She had a very different idea of romance, and certainly made Rarity’s seem silly, even to herself.

Fluttershy frowned. “I’m sorry, was that too much?”

“Not at all, dear,” Rarity assured. “I’m just wondering how two so similar ponies can be so different.”

“It’s not like I don’t get where you’re coming from,” Fluttershy returned. “Everypony dreams of having the perfect mate and taking them to all the places they want to go. But I don’t really need all these expensive things to know that I’m loved. A winter’s night spent cuddling by the fire, a walk through the park in springtime when all the flowers are blooming, or even just a little tenderness before bed; those are the kind of things that make me feel special.”

Rarity turned her gaze inward, realizing she’d been going at this the wrong way.

“But a nice dinner with a pony I love can be just as special,” Fluttershy added.

Rarity smiled at that. “And I love you for going along with this.”

“And that’s all I need,” Fluttershy reminded, reaching out to nuzzle her marefriend.

Their meal was eaten in companionable silence, save for a few giggles whenever one of them worked up the courage to sneak a kiss on the other’s cheek. Prejudice was hard to come by in Ponyville, so neither party had any reason to hide their affection other than the inevitable revenge of their partner.

Despite ordering separate meals, the two mares found themselves eating as much off their date’s plate as their own, especially when the opportunity arose to bump noses accidentally on purpose. They were not the most refined exchanges, but Rarity had a hard time complaining nonetheless.

But as their meals shrank, their passion grew, leading Fluttershy to wonder if their agreement from earlier was still in effect. Trying her hardest not to lock lips with the unicorn right there as their last bite was consumed, Fluttershy was surprised to find Rarity instigate in her place.

Fluttershy accepted the request eagerly, tasting the odd mix of fruit and cheese on Rarity’s tongue as they danced, but Rarity broke away before the kiss could get too heated.

At Fluttershy’s disappointed frown, Rarity leaned in to whisper in her ear, “There’ll be plenty of time for that tomorrow.”

Fluttershy blushed at the thought of what the morning would bring. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t still kiss, right?”

“No, but I’d rather get back to your cottage before we continue with that,” Rarity teased.

Fluttershy huffed, “Well let’s just pay and get out of here, then.”

Rarity nodded, signaling the next waiter that walked by. A quick exchange of bits and they were free to go, though Fluttershy decided that Rarity needn’t use her hooves, dragging her out the door and into the night sky.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing? Put me down!” Rarity protested as her hooves left the ground.

“It’s okay, you’ve not that heavy,” Fluttershy assured.

“You realize I’ve not recast my concealment spell,” Rarity reminded.

Fluttershy nearly fell out of the air in shock, but remained in control long enough to place Rarity back on the ground. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”

Rarity lilted. “It’s alright, Fluttershy. It’s much too dark to make it out anyway.”

Fluttershy sighed in relief.

“Though I would appreciate a little warning next time,” Rarity requested.

Fluttershy nodded, too embarrassed to form words at the moment.

Rarity giggled. “It’s nice to have you on the defensive for once tonight.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, reminding herself that Rarity would protest if she pounced before they made it home. “Tonight was actually kinda nice. I don’t think I’d be opposed to doing it again.”

Rarity snorted. “After the way you behaved? You’re never coming back here again.”

Fluttershy sagged, not expecting to be scolded for enjoying Rarity’s side of romance.

“I was only joking, darling,” Rarity amended upon seeing Fluttershy’s reaction.

“Oh, good,” Fluttershy said, a smile returning to her face.

“That’s better,” Rarity approved, smiling back.

Fluttershy extended a wing over Rarity’s back and pulled her closer, subtly brushing the tips across her cutie mark. Rarity had read enough romance novels to understand the gesture, melting into Fluttershy’s embrace with a big, dopey grin on her face.

The walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage seemed to be over in an instant, but Rarity had no intentions of escaping her feathery blanket. Fluttershy unlocked the door with her other wing, letting them inside to climb up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Rarity was asleep in a matter of seconds, denying Fluttershy any hope of anything further. But her own eyelids were beginning to droop as well, and with a kiss beneath the base of Rarity’s horn, Fluttershy snuggled in and closed her eyes.

As the four mares left the arena after the show had ended, Rainbow found herself on edge with no way to conceal her colorful tail. “Are you sure we’re not gonna run into Spitfire on the way over? Or when we’re there?”

Vinyl rolled her eyes, though the gesture went unseen as she spearheaded the pack. “Would you just relax? I’ve got years of experience sneaking into my own shows. Just stick with me and nopony will know we’re there.”

Octavia snorted. “Yes, for all of five seconds before you announce yourself.”

“Don’t hate, Tavi.”

Octavia shook her head helplessly. “I suggest the two of you head for the bar if you wish to go unnoticed. Rainbow looks like she could use a good drink anyway.”

Rainbow perked up. “Do they have cider?”

“Of course they have cider, what are you, twelve?” Vinyl accused.

“Hey, don’t blame me, it’s Applejack’s fault I like it so much,” Rainbow defended.

“That seems to be the case for many things,” Octavia noted.

Ignoring Rainbow’s foolish obsession with cider for the moment, Applejack brought up, “What kind of entrance should we be expectin’ here? Ah’m not exactly eager to get a criminal record.”

Vinyl snickered. “We’re the headlining act and you’re our guests. It’s not a crime to prefer using the back door.”

Octavia smirked. “If it were, I dare say Vinyl would be incarcerated for life.”

“Tavi, I swear to Celestia if you weren’t so hot I would kill you,” Vinyl snapped.

Rainbow caught on quickly. “So that’s why you’re having so much trouble getting action, huh?”

“I came out here to have a good time, and honestly I’m feeling attacked right now,” Vinyl stated. “Now if we could please leave my sexual preferences out of this until tonight I think we’ll all have a better time.”

Applejack frowned at the mention of sex. “Ah feel like Ah missed a chapter here.”

“Back door is another word for butt, AJ,” Rainbow explained.

Applejack blinked as heat began to suffuse her cheeks. “Uh, thanks, Ah guess.”

Rainbow cackled at Applejack’s obliviousness while the farmer began to question her terminology.

Exceptionally bright lights in the ever-decreasing distance distracted the two uninitiated mares from the situation, leaving both wondering how exactly they were supposed to get inside such a well-lit establishment without being noticed.

Vinyl strode past the front door confidently, flipping her hood up briefly to disarm the security and slipped down an inconspicuous alleyway. This was clearly a venue she had played before, as there was very little chance this alternate entryway would be noticed without the knowledge of its existence.

“I bet you thought I wasn’t being serious,” Vinyl gathered from her guests’ bewilderment.

“I think I understand why you wear shades now,” Rainbow quipped, placing Applejack’s hat back atop her head after using it to ward off the glare. “It’s not as bad inside, is it?”

Vinyl shrugged. “It depends what you mean by bad.”

“The bar is to the left,” Octavia informed. “Don’t worry about bumping into anypony. It’s a dancefloor, so it’s to be expected.”

Suddenly much less confident, Rainbow attempted to protest, but was blinded by the neon light show inside as Vinyl opened the door.

In a better state of mind to deal with the visual assault, Applejack escorted Rainbow through the throng of ponies, barely able to achieve a safe distance before Vinyl burst out her greeting.

“You bitches ready to party?” Vinyl roared over the music, drawing all eyes in the club to her as she shed her protective clothing. The response was nothing short of deafening, and Vinyl wasted no time charging up to the stage, not even looking back to make sure Octavia was keeping up as she knew she would be.

It was becoming a familiar ritual to the once-refined cellist, as Vinyl’s method of DJing hardly allowed her room to feel out of place. She only hoped Vinyl never intended to make it more sexualized than it already was, and that she had the decency not to incorporate some of her more recent inventions into their shows.

Across the room, Rainbow and Applejack were safely situated at the bar. With Vinyl’s showmareship it had been easy to avoid detection. Rainbow was all too eager to climb up onto one of the barstools and tuck her tail beneath herself. She began to relax once she had her anonymity secured, but she still felt on edge.

Unsurprisingly, Rainbow ordered a mug of hard cider, both to help calm her nerves and because it was cider. Applejack refrained from partaking; knowing anything she ordered would merely be stolen from her before she could finish it.

“Feelin’ alright there, Rainbow?” Applejack prompted.

“Hopefully once I get some cider in me,” Rainbow muttered.

As soon as the mug was placed in front of her, Rainbow lifted it to her lips and took several gulps of the frothy liquid, stopping only when she needed to breathe.

“That’s the good stuff,” Rainbow remarked, wobbling slightly until she collided with Applejack, who was grateful for the closeness.

“Startin’ to feel better now?” Applejack assumed.

Rainbow shifted uncomfortably, unwittingly freeing her tail from under her in the process. The cider should have been relaxing, but she felt strangely vulnerable without a pane of glass between her and Spitfire.

Rainbow sighed, taking another drink from her mug. All they had to do was lay low and they’d escape the day without any confrontations. Not that she was afraid of one, of course, but it would be a lot easier if-

“Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow jumped as her name was called. She pried her gaze away from Applejack to see…

“Hey, recruit. Didn’t see you in the crowd.” Spitfire greeted. “You come to give us the good word?”

Rainbow hesitated, looking to Applejack for support. “Actually, about that…”

“Who’s your friend here? Seems like more of a down to earth type than I expected to see you with,” Spitfire probed.

“Ah’m Applejack,” Applejack held out a hoof. “Rainbow’s best friend, and more recently, marefriend.”

Rainbow winced at Applejack’s brash assertion, turning a fearful eye to Spitfire.

Spitfire smirked. “I always knew you were a fillyfooler, recruit. Kinda got the idea when you had your eyes glued to me in the locker room that day you won with us a couple years ago.”

Rainbow shifted as she felt Applejack’s eyes upon her. She made a placating gesture in her marefriend’s direction before rounding on Spitfire. “You got a problem with that?”

Spitfire grinned. “I go both ways, myself. Looks to me like this is more than a fling, though. It’ll be a shame to have to break such a cute couple up.”

“Ya make it sound like it’s yer decision,” Applejack challenged.

Spitfire turned to fix Applejack with an unnerving stare. “It is my decision; my word’s tops. If you can’t handle that, you don’t belong here.”

Rainbow snorted. “How many times to I have to save your ass before I get some respect? If you’ve got a problem with my marefriend, you’ve got a problem with me. Take it or leave it.”

“Are you challenging my position, recruit?” Spitfire demanded.

“And what if I am?” Rainbow snarled. “You know, sometimes I wonder how the Wonderbolts function when their captain’s such a bitch.”

“Rainbow, Ah-“

“Stay outta this, AJ,” Rainbow cut off. “If you wanna watch these wings fly on by, then be my guest. I’ve got better things to do.”

Spitfire waited to see if Rainbow had anything else to say. When nothing was forthcoming, she grunted. “You’ve got some serious balls, kid. Half the team wouldn’t have the courage to stand up to me like that. Make sure it stays that way before I dock you for insubordination. I’ll be watching you, Rainbow Dash. Show me that she won’t hold you back and I might just have to rethink my stance.”

Rainbow saluted casually. “Just doing what I have to, sir. You stick up for what’s important to you, and so do I.”

Spitfire frowned at Rainbow. “I’ll keep that in mind. Dismissed.”

Applejack moved quickly to save Rainbow from falling face-first into her mug of cider. “You alright, sugarcube?”

Rainbow turned her head to reveal the smile that was spreading across her face. “Yeah. I think I’m gonna be fine. Not quite the way I wanted it to go, but damn did that feel good.”

Applejack smiled back, licking off the drop of cider that had come into contact with Rainbow’s nose. “Told ya so, Dashie.”

“Maybe I should start listening more, then,” Rainbow chuckled.

Applejack chuckled along as Rainbow leaned against her happily, taking a swig of her cider. “So, what was that bit about you checkin’ her out in the locker room?”

“It’s not like I didn’t know what I liked back then, AJ,” Rainbow pointed out. “Besides, she’s got a pretty hot body, even if her attitude isn’t all there. Didn’t really know about it back then, though. And I was checking you out back then, too. Just got more experience hiding it is all.”

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s attempted flattery. “To think Ah believed that nappin’ excuse when you were actually watchin’ me up in those trees.”

“Hey, there were some times when I was actually napping,” Rainbow defended. “Why else do you think I brought a pillow and blanket?”

Applejack blinked. “You weren’t… cloppin’ up there, were ya?”

Rainbow grinned a little too widely. “What, and risk missing a glimpse under your tail?”

Applejack blushed heavily, reaching up in an attempt to pull her hat down over her eyes, only to remember than Rainbow was still wearing it. But before she could snatch it from the grinning pegasus’ head, Rainbow held it up out of Applejack’s reach.

“Dammit, Rainbow, give it back!” Applejack demanded.

Rainbow, however, leaned in to give Applejack a kiss while she placed the hat upon its rightful head. Pulling back from the contact with a more genuine smile, Rainbow tipped Applejack’s hat backward. “You look cute when you blush.”

Applejack blinked, blush subsiding slightly. “Pardon?”

“Nothing, I-“ Rainbow sighed and turned away. “Forget it.”

Applejack put a hoof on Rainbow’s cheek and forced her to look back. “What if Ah don’t wanna? Ain’t like ya ta be sappy like that without a reason.”

Rainbow blushed. “Well, maybe I couldn’t help it this time.”

Applejack smiled, giving Rainbow a peck on the nose. “You look cute when ya blush, too.”

Rainbow reached down to her mug the instant Applejack let her go, taking a swig to try to preserve some of her dignity. “Quit doing this to me, AJ.”

“Quit doin’ what?” Applejack chuckled.

Rainbow frowned, muttering, “Making me love you.”

Applejack smirked. “No can do, sugarcube.”

“So, how’s it going over-“

“You didn’t hear that!” Rainbow interrupted, spinning around to fix Vinyl with a firm stare.

Vinyl blinked. “Uh, okay. I just figured we’d come over to hang out with you after our set, but…”

Applejack sniggered. “Don’t mind Rainbow, she’s just bein’ silly.”

Rainbow grunted, folding her hooves against her chest.

“Ah think Spitfire’s sent her fer a loop,” Applejack mentioned.

Vinyl’s short-lived smile faded. “Wait, Spitfire came by? And you didn’t call me over?”

“I think I got my point through her thick skull,” Rainbow bragged.

Vinyl sighed, covering her face with a hoof. “That’s not how you get her to listen, Dash. Back-talk just pisses her off.”

“She said all I had to do was prove that Applejack wouldn’t get in the way of me being a Wonderbolt for her to reconsider,” Rainbow harped.

“Did she specifically say that she’d let you in and keep Applejack?” Vinyl pressed.

Rainbow frowned. “Well, no, not exactly…”

“Then you just got her angry for no reason!” Vinyl threw her hooves up in exasperation. “You’ve gotta play to her good side if you want to make any kind of headway. Once you tick her off, it’s impossible to get her to calm down without giving her time to cool off.”

“So, what are ya sayin’ exactly?” Applejack asked hesitantly.

Vinyl took a deep breath. “You’ve got yourself in a tight spot, Rainbow, and I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to get you out. It might have sounded like she was giving you a vote of confidence, but she wasn’t. Think about what she said, anything at all that could have been a threat.”

“Well, she did say she might dock me for insubordination right before that,” Rainbow admitted.

“Then that’s what she was referring to when she said she’d reconsider,” Vinyl groaned. “It wasn’t a compromise, it was a challenge. In her eyes, if you don’t have the heart to leave Applejack behind, you’re not fit to be a Wonderbolt.”

Applejack’s face went pale. “Beg pardon?”

“You’ve put yourself on a bad route, Rainbow,” Vinyl chided. “This is exactly why I didn’t want you to do this without me. But now it’s probably gonna be better if I don’t get involved directly. I could have helped you work yourself into her good graces, but now you’re gonna have to do the impossible; break through the front door.”

Rainbow shared a panicked glance with Applejack. “So you’re telling me I’ve got no chance anymore?”

Vinyl smirked. “They used to say the Sonic Rainboom was impossible, too, right? If anypony can do it, it’s you. Just gotta make a plan to break that heart of steel and give it your best shot. And what better way to break steel than with metal?”

Octavia cocked a brow, making a mental note to discuss this with Vinyl in the morning.

Rainbow took a deep breath. “Well, we’ve got three weeks. Think that’s gonna be enough time?”

“Only if I’ve got your undivided attention,” Vinyl prefaced.

Rainbow turned to Applejack. “You think the Acres will be okay without us ‘till then?”

Applejack sighed, holding her head in her hooves. “You sure about this, Rainbow? Sounds like a long-shot. Wouldn’t it be easier ta just call it quits?”

“Of course it’d be easier,” Rainbow replied. “But I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t put up a good fight. So, are you gonna stand there with me, or am I on my own?”

Applejack cracked a smile. “Shucks, Rainbow, you know Ah’ve always got yer back. But we might have ta call in a couple favors.”

“Whatever it takes, AJ,” Rainbow affirmed.

Applejack reached out to give Rainbow a tender kiss. “Then count me in, partner.”

“You were talking about being tenacious before, right Dash?” Vinyl reminded. “Well, you know what that sounds like to me? An awesome name for a band.”

Rainbow grinned. “Now more than ever, right?”

“When ya first came ta me with this whole idea… Well, Ah had no idea this is how it’d turn out,” Applejack mused.

“But that’s what makes it exciting,” Rainbow pointed out. “You never know what’s gonna happen next!”

“I think I’ve got an idea for something we can do after this set,” Vinyl mentioned. “We’ll call it our first ever collaboration.”

“I’m surprised you even know what that means, dear,” Octavia said, walking up behind her marefriend.

Applejack blushed, rubbing the back of her head. “Well, Ah guess it would be nice ta blow off all this steam.”

“Only one thing to decide now,” Rainbow began, drawing attention to her next words. “Who’s gonna wear the hat?”


Cheerilee beamed, falling back onto her bed with a satisfied sigh. Tomorrow she would have her chance, and she didn’t intend to blow it.

“You’ll be mine soon, Fluttershy,” Cheerilee said to herself. “Even if I had to share you with Discord, it would all be worth it.

Author's Note:

We back bby

Comments ( 6 )

So. That's a lot of stuff that just happened. Spike's kind of an asshole. Spitfire's an asshole.

Everyone seems to have a basketful of problems in communication every time we glance back their way.

“Don’t listen to Trixie, Spike. The last thing you want to do is come on too strong,” Twilight coached. “Make sure he likes you before you do anything. Be his friend for a while, talk to him, get to know him and let him get to know you. Find your common ground and expand upon it. And then when you feel like you understand each other, that’s when you make your move, not before. Got it?”

Twilight gives terrible, terrible advice.

I need a .gif representation of Drive-By Cheerilee, stat.

5925028 No one ever said romance was her strong suit :derpytongue2:

5925020 Yeah, there's still a lot of stuff that needs to be worked out. I'm only a third of the way through the story after all.

A new chapter, yay! I can't wait to read it tomorrow! :yay::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

Omg i couldn't believe it's true, but you're back with an update =) I really enjoy reading this story since the beginning. It's not that often that I get to read so much (good) dialogue with so much cute details and stuff. :)

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