• Published 27th May 2013
  • 888 Views, 52 Comments

Assist me!! Princess Luna! - Hallowedsoul

Princess Luna is given the reins for an Equestrian version of "Help me!! Professor Kokonoe!"

  • ...

Ch. 2: The Stubborn Pony


The lights dim as the curtain rises, revealing a room regally decorated in dark blue with a large bed covered in fine silk sheets, and an elegant wooden desk set up across from it. It appears to belong to some kind of royalty.

A spotlight shines down from above on an equine-like creature with a dark blue coat, a mane and tail that flow as if being blown by a calm breeze both of which also appear to have been taken straight out of the night sky, along with a pair of large wings on her side and a long horn on her head. The hair on her flank is black with a white crescent moon and a single white star on it and she is wearing an onyx tiara and neckpiece along with silver slippers on her hooves.

She looks straight ahead when the spotlight shines on her and smiles sweetly.

“Greetings, wayward foals.” She begins soothingly “I am known as Princess Luna; Raiser of the Moon and Ruler of Equestria alongside my sister, Princess Celestia.”

Luna glances around for a moment before returning her attention to the front.

“Though we are not physically present in Equestria at this time. We are merely projecting our room in the Royal Canterlot Castle into the Dreamscape.”

As if seeing this was met with confusion, she began to pace slowly in the room in a manner one would if giving a lecture, her head turned slightly to the front.

“To assist you in understanding, ‘tis a mysterious room; a room where you can do as you please.”

She stops and faces forward.

“In all honesty, ‘tis a sanctuary for the sad, wayward foals are unable to attain their true purpose in life; ‘tis an ‘Avalon’, so to speak.”

She begins to pace back slowly toward the center with a grimace on her face.

“If you are one of those fools who believes they do not require assistance, or who only wishes to discover hidden secrets, THEN BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE!” She stated, ending with an exclamation in the Royal Canterlot Voice and jabbing a hoof offstage.

She sighs and faces forward again.

“Wayward foal of the night, I grant you entry.”

And with that, she trots over to the left side of the room and sits upon a cushion, facing the other side. A moment later, an orange coated pony with a blonde mane and tail done up in braids enters, with a brown Stetson on her head.

“What in tarnation?” She asks in a thick country accent “Ah coulda sworn Ah was just in mah orchard, finishin’ up the last a’ the trees fer Apple-buckin’ Season. How in Equestria did Ah end up here?”

“Greetings, Applejack.” Luna says with a smile “’Tis good to see you once more.”

Applejack takes one look at Luna and gasps, dropping to the ground in a bow.

“Oh, um… it’s good ta see ya too, Yer Majesty.” Applejack replies hesitantly, though Luna only giggles.

“There is no reason to be so formal here, Applejack. At this moment I am not your Princess and you are not my subject; we are both equals, so please just call me ‘Luna’ for now.”

Applejack stands back up with a hesitant expression on her face.

“If ya say so, Pri-, Ah mean, Luna.” She says, then clears her throat “Uh, ya wouldn’ happen ta know why Ah’m here, wouldja?”

“You are here because you are in need of assistance.” Luna replied casually, though Applejack immediately turned her muzzle skyward.

“Well Ah thank ya kindly fer the offer, but Ah’m pretty certain Ah don’ need any help.” She said with a huff, causing Luna to give her a deadpanned expression.

“You would not be here if that were true, Applejack.” She said, though the cowpony turned stubbornly away.

“Nope, Ah’m positive Ah don’ need it, now couldja send me back to mah orchard? Mah apples ain’t gonna buck themselves.”

“Apologies, Applejack, but you cannot leave until you have received my aid.” Luna replied tersely, the cowpony thoroughly beginning to annoy her.

“Nnope.” She said, mimicking her brother’s manner of speech and causing Luna to growl in frustration.

“Applejack, please be reasonable.”

“Nnope, don’ need it.”


“Ah don’ need yer help and that’s final.” Applejack replied, sitting firmly on her haunches.

THOU SHALT ACCEPT OUR AID AND THOU SHALT LIKE IT, OR THOU CAN SPEND AN ETERNITY IN THIS PLACE, WE DO NOT PARTICULARLY CARE!” Luna roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing Applejack to cower on the ground holding her ears.

Luna gave an embarrassed cough, having already broken Kokonoe’s first rule regarding her use of the RCV. The professor was not going to be pleased.

“My apologies, Applejack, I did not mean to lose my temper.” Luna said apologetically just as the cowpony stood back up, still rubbing at her ears.

“It’s alright, Luna. Ah suppose if Ah ain’t got any other choice, Ah might as well listen to what ya gotta say.” Applejack replied, giving Luna her undivided attention.

“I am glad we have reached an understanding.” Luna said with a sweet smile “But before I can give you aid, please tell me what you were doing before you came here.”

“Well, Big Macintosh hurt his back a couple a' days ago just before the start a’ Apple-buckin’ Season an’ so Ah decided to buck the entire harvest mahself, while also helpin’ out mah friends with stuff Ah’d promised to help ‘em with.” Applejack said, putting a hoof to her chin in thought “The very last thing Ah remember is buckin’ one a’ the few trees remainin’ in the harvest when Ah guess Ah fell asleep.”

“I see…” Luna said, a pair of reading glasses on her muzzle and using her magic to levitate a pen and a pad of paper, which she was writing on “And have you been getting any sleep since you started the harvest?”

“Ain’t got time, Luna.” Applejack replied with a shake of her head “Without Big Mac ta help me with Apple-buckin’, Ah gotta get the whole harvest mahself ‘afore the apples go bad in their trees or the critters git at ‘em.”

“And who said you had to get the entire harvest yourself? Surely the other Element Bearers would have offered their assistance in the matter.” Luna asked, Spocking her eyebrow.

“Ah told Big Mac that Ah could bring in the entire harvest mahself an’ that’s exactly what Ah’m gonna do; Ah don’t need any help.” Applejack said with an obstinate huff.

“Are you certain about that, Applejack?” Luna asked, her eyebrow still quirked.

“Ya sayin’ mah mouth’s makin’ promises mah legs can’ keep?” Applejack replied with a deadpan stare.

“In Laypony’s terms, yes, that’s exactly what I am saying.”

“Well, yer wrong.” Applejack stated with a defiant snort. Luna sighed and set her pen and paper aside.

“Well then, I now have some advice for you. Would you care to hear it?”

“Do Ah actually got a choice?”

“Not really.” Luna replied cheerfully “To put it simply, you are doing far too much to be healthy and you have reached your limit. When you wake up, I suggest you ask somepony for help.”

“Princess, Ah’ve made up mah mind about this and Ah ain’t plannin’ on changin’ it.” Applejack stated with finality “Now if we’re finished here, can Ah leave? Ah’m almost done with the harvest.”

“Of course, Applejack.” Luna said tersely, but then gave her a sweet smile “Though I am fairly certain you are not as close to being done as you think you are.”

“And what’s that supposed ta mean?”

“You shall see.” Luna replied with a giggle “Farewell, Applejack!”

“See ya ‘round, Princess.” Applejack said before turning and trotting back the way she came, with the sound of a door opening and closing coming from out of sight not long after. Luna sat in silence for a moment before sighing and gritting her teeth.

“Stubborn mule…” She muttered irritably as the lights dimmed and the curtain fell, signifying the end of the broadcast.

Author's Note:

Sorry, almost forgot the notes.
Anyway, I apologize if these are comin' out a little slow, like I said previously I'm workin' on several projects at once. Again, I'm not gonna forget about this story and I'm actively thinking about what the next chapter will be. I'm sure it'll be fun though, and don't worry Kokonoe will return.

But before that, I thought I'd give y'all a sneak peek at one of my active projects. It's still a work in progress, but here ya go!

First to awaken is Water’s Champion, a frozen heart lost deep unto time
Only faithful companions and caring words shall melt her diamond rime.

Flaring brightly is Fire’s Champion, in the darkness his soul will shine
Neither blackest heart nor deepest shadow shall cross the shield’s line.

Following calmly is a soaring heart, both lofty and kind, Wind’s Champion is he
Imprisoned within loss and despair, his wings yearn to be free.

Lastly, the Champion of Earth lies trapped by the specter of her fear
With firm conviction and unwavering resolve, her choice is made clear.

I know it's probably not the best thing you've ever read, but I thought I might show ya anyway. Like I said, it's a work in progress and it will be a while before you see the story connected to it. In the meantime, enjoy "Assist me!! Princess Luna!"

Wub wub wub
*Edited for some minor errors, like one of Luna's RCV parts wasn't bold and a word was incorrectly used in place of another. Sorry, my monkeys are a little dull today!:twilightblush: