• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,910 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Edits done by Clayton The Hunter, and Halusm.



Hours had ticked by as question after question was asked, and Danny had half a mind in using his possessive suggestion to speed up the whole process.

He didn't, of course. But the whole ordeal had him nervous. It was as if the walls were closing in on him, just as he was about to start a new chapter in his miserable life.

Fortunately for him, the interrogation went without a problem. And in no time at all, he was told he could go, and he didn't waste any time doing so.

Of course he needed information and directions as to where he had to go, so the guard he was with pointed him to the information kiosk at the entrance of the facility.

Finding the kiosk was easy enough, getting the information he needed, not so much. The stallion there had heard of the 'ghost' attack, and was more than a little nervous; constantly looking behind and around him, never focusing on Danny for an extended amount of time.

''Sir, please. Can you give me some directions to where I need to go?'' Danny asked, again, getting rather frustrated by the pony's behavior.

''Ye- yes sur- What was that!?'' he yelped, head snapping to his right, a trembling hoof pointing towards a dark form in the corner.

''That’s just the shadow of the plant standing there. The same shadow you screamed at the last three times," Danny said through gritted teeth, his frustration clearly noticeable.

''Right, right. So, what was it that I can help you with?'' he asked as he continued to shift his gaze all around.

Danny let out a deep groan before answering again. ''I just need some directions and information,'' he repeated himself once more. ''I need to know how to get to Ponyville and where I need to go to register for citizenship there.''

''Right, why didn't you just say so?'' The stallion replied and Danny's left eye twitched.

Danny took a deep breath and counted to ten before continuing. ''I did tell you, but you were being too busy freaking out over the same thing over and over again. So, please. Could you just answer my questions?''

''Yes, of course,'' the pony answered, his eyes shifting from left to right, and back again ''To get to Ponyville you need to take the train. The town is located in the valley at the foot of the mountain. It isn't a long ride; being only an hour long trip, and information about the town itself can be found at the statio-... What's that?'' He yelped again.

''Same shadow, again,'' Danny sighed out.

''Right, I see,'' the stallion murmured while keeping a suspicious eye on the plant and its shadow. Danny, in turn, rolled his eyes. ''The registration for citizenship can be done by the mayor of the village. I believe her name is Mayor Mare, if I'm not mistaken,'' the stallion gave a quick glance at the plant, then reached in a drawer and pulled out a small folder. ''Take this, it’s a small travel guide and has the basic information for you to find your way around the city. It also has the time of departure of all the trains.''

Danny, glad that he finally was making some progress, happily accepted the folder and thanked the stallion. Or he would have, had the pony not freaked out over the plant yet again.

Waving it off, Danny walked to the exit. An automated system opened the doors for him, sending a cool mountain breeze in. This made the plant wave in the wind, and the stallion shrieked for the umpteenth time that day.

Releasing out a loud sigh, Danny shook his head as he walked outside. “That guy needs to grow a pair,'' he muttered as he opened the guide, looking for the directions towards the train station.


The Ghost Zone, a weird place to be, at least for non-ghosts.

Free floating chunks of land drifting around in a dark green void. Doorways to other dimensions floating around through it all. And many other weird things, often difficult to understand, let alone explain, could be found in there. It's no wonder the many ghosts living here try to keep things as familiar as they can. Little things that makes them feel at home in this otherwise weird realm. Johnny Thirteen had his bike. Skulker his hunting grounds and weapons. Technus his technology. Ember her guitar, and the Box Ghost his boxes.

Of course they all need some time off to cool down every now and then, and to get a stiff drink as well. Therefore it wasn't much of a surprise that, in the more darker places of the Zone, you could find a shady bar.

And as of late, these locations had become the place where ghosts go to drown their misery of another failed haunting.

It has become increasingly more difficult for ghosts to go to the mortal realm and do their thing, ever since that ghost brat, Danny Phantom, put a target on all their heads. The local authorities all carried some kind of anti-ghost weapon, and were quick to respond. Which often meant: Shoot first, ask questions never. And that wasn't even mentioning the ghost shields that could be found around all the major cities. Luckily they didn't yet know about the natural ghost portals, or they couldn't get in at all.

Skulker sighed out tiredly, carelessly putting his glass down on the table with a heavy thud. ''I'm getting restless,'' he said to the other ghost sitting with him. ''I haven't had a decent hunt in months.''

''Tell me about it,'' Technus replied. ''Every time I try to possess some of their technology, one of those anti-ghost devices kicks in and ruins everything.''

''You and your technology, please. All it ever really does is blow up in your face. But me, I had it all once. A massive show, millions of mindless idiots who worshiped me, and all the power I gained from them. Until that Danny Phantom took it all away from me. He, and his stupid friend with the horrible singing voice. And now I can't even get close to any of their cities without being shot at,'' Ember said, putting as much venom in Danny's name as she could.

''And I haven't been able to drain any youth out of those mindless flesh bags for some time now as well,'' Spectra said as she looked into a hand held mirror, seeing some small wrinkles form around her eyes.

''Let's face it, the humans are so paranoid about this Phantom brat coming back that they have bunkered down, making it impossible for us to even get close to any of them.''

''True,'' the other three ghosts agreed.

''What we need is a new hunting ground, someplace that has little to no experience with us ghosts,'' Skulker said suggestively.

''What are you talking about?'' Spectra asked condescending. ''Where could we even find such a place?''

''Easy, our mutual ‘friend’ showed us exactly where to find such a place.''

Technus, Ember, and Spectra looked at Skulker in confusion, and the metallic ghost sighed out in frustration. ''I'm talking about this pony world, whatever it is they call it.''

''What, you can't be serious,'' Ember half yelled at her boyfriend.

''Oh, but I am. Think about it, they have next to no experience with fighting us ghosts, even considering the visit we paid them some years back when that tear opened up. They rely solely on the information they've gotten from the humans. In fact, the only humans that really knew anything about us are either dead or missing. With only a few exceptions of cour-" Skulker was interrupted by a beeping sound from his arm-mounted computer, showing the objective: Go to the library to find a book about the mating habits of purple backed gorillas.

''Oh, come on. Not again,'' he murmured in defeat, his thruster pack deploying, launching him away. Leaving the other three coughing from the smoke.

''He does have a point,'' Spectra said after she stopped coughing. ''But it will be difficult to get past their security and into this other world.''

''Indeed, what we need is a ghost that can manipulate technology in such a way, it would let us get past their security without being detected,'' Ember surmised as she gave a sideways glance at Technus.

''Sooo, now you need my help, huh? Are you not afraid that it might blow up in your face for a change?''

''Oh, shut up. You’ll do it anyway. You want to get a fresh start just as much as any other ghost in here,'' Ember countered.

''True, and they still rely mostly on old fashioned technology from what I've heard, with the exception of the anti-ghost devices they've gotten from the humans. It would be nice to be able to control some technology without it trying to zap me,'' Technus replied thoughtfully, a twisted grin forming on his face, already thinking about all the things he could do.

''It would take some time though,'' he realized. ''Finding a way to get past their shields and to avoid detection by any other security device they might have in place won't be easy either. Not to mention, this weird energy these ponies have. It might be possible, though. Maybe if I converted one of those devices that can block ghost powers. Make it block their energy instead.''

''Well, it's not like we have much more to do. Either we find a way to get over there, or we‘re stuck trying to find some lone human to drain their youth from,'' Spectra said. “And I'm curious to see just what an effect these ponies have on me when I drain them.”

''Then it's settled. We’ll find a way to get over there and blow them all away,'' Ember said as she struck a chord on her guitar, all three grinning widely with the prospect of a new place to haunt.


The train ride was rather uneventful for Danny. Although, there was the shock of seeing the train as it pulled into the station. Decorated with numerous bright colors and joyful patterns, all he could do was stand there, dumbly staring at the vehicle he could've sworn came straight out of a cartoon meant for four year olds.

It took his brain a few minutes to process what his eyes were seeing, but when he finally caught up, all he did was shake his head in disbelief.

Still, brightly colored train, or not. He still stepped on board, found a seat, and settled in for the ride.

Now, twenty minutes later and well on his way to his new home, he took his time to just stare out of the window, enjoying the landscape. Rolling hills and flat grasslands, a large forest in the distance, and a clear blue sky, with the city of Canterlot in the picture as well.

‘Whoa,’ he thought, awed by the sight, realizing it would be difficult to find something like it back on Earth. ’I should've come here sooner.’

Most of the ride was spent just staring out and enjoying the beauty of the land. But when the train approached the village he'd chosen as his new home, Danny finally got his first glimpse of what to expect when the the train followed a bend in the tracks; the city of Canterlot slowly disappearing from sight and Ponyville taking its place.

For a while, all he could do was just stare. Much in the same way he'd done when the train first pulled into the station; though this time it was much less from shock, and more of a rising sense of excitement. A smile slowly finding its way onto his lips.

The village, painted with many of the bright colors which also decorated the train, looked absolutely amazing. It had a welcoming aura radiating off it, beckoning anyone and everyone to come and visit.

Several more minutes passed as Danny watched in silence as the train slowly pulled into the station; a steam whistle calling out the second the train had come to a full stop, snapping Danny out of his dream-like wonder.

Quickly picking up his bag, realizing once more just how heavy it was from all the bits he carried with him, he made his way for the exit.

Stepping out and looking around for a moment, he headed for a likely spot. The guide he got from that skittish pony back in Canterlot mentioned a town hall in the center of town, which seemed like a good place to start if he wanted to find the mayor. And so, with at least that much of a plan, he walked into town, taking his time to look around.

Many of the ponies there stopped what they were doing to look at Danny as he walked by. All of them having heard of humans, but not many had seen one themselves. So, with curiosity on all their faces, they watched the young man as he walked by, a glint of wonder and excitement noticeable in his wide eyes.

Then, a pink blur sped by.

Danny was enjoying himself, something he hadn't been able to do for a long time. He did notice the ponies staring at him, but didn't mind much. He knew that this would happen. If a pony would just wander around the streets back where he came from, people would be looking too.

Humans and ponies usually crossed between worlds mostly for business instead of tourism, but not much else. Most of the ponies prefer to remain here because of all the ghosts, which he could understand.

He continued to look around when, all of a sudden, a pink puff of cotton candy appeared in his field of vision from above. Followed moments later by two bright blue eyes.

''Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. I-just-saw-you-walking, and-I-was-all-like: GHAAASP! Because-I-know-every pony-in-town, but-I-don't-know you. And-you-aren't-even-a-pony, but-a-human. The-first-human-ever-to-come-here. So-not-only-must-I-give-you-a-welcome-to-Ponyville-party, but-also-a-'Welcome-mister-human, you're-the-first-human-ever-in-Ponyville'-party!'' She said in one breath, and with such speed all the words blurred together.

''GHAA!'' Danny yelped as he stumbled back, falling down on his rear.

Somehow, this pony was able to climb on top of his head without him knowing. In fact, she even managed to remain firmly attached to his scalp when he fell down, giggling loudly.

''Wha.. how... you... What?'' Danny's fried mind struggled to come with a proper response to the situation, but was failing miserably.

''I like you, you're funny,'' Pinkie Pie said, giggling constantly. She then jumped down from Danny's head, landed on the ground before him and bounced around on her legs for a moment, as if she was made of jelly. ''Don't you worry, mister human. I’ve got it aaall figured out!'' And with that, she shot off at a speed that didn't seem possible. Heck, he couldn't move that fast, not without some serious effort.

''Wait, who are yo-...'' he said as his brain finally caught up, only to see that the pink mare had disappeared. ''What just happened?'' He asked aloud, hearing a soft giggle.

Looking to his left, he saw an elderly mare with a gray mane standing there.

''That would be Pinkie Pie. She’s our village’s premiere party planner. She gets a little enthusiastic when she sees new ponies. Or, well, human in your case,'' she explained with a kind smile.

''A little!?'' Danny said, not believing this was just a little.

''Ah, yes. She has that effect on everypony that meets her for the first time,'' she said, seeing Danny's face of disbelief. ''Now then, good sir, allow me to introduce myself. I am Mayor Mare and I would like to welcome you to our fair village. Though, I've heard Pinkie Pie will be taking care of that later,'' she added with a good natured laugh.

''I'm Danny,'' Danny replied while scratching the back of his head, still looking at the spot Pinkie just stood. ''Does she do that a lot?''

''Hmm? Oh yes. She's quite eccentric, but mostly harmless, and only means well.''

Danny took note of the 'mostly', when his mind reminded him of a certain detail the mare had just said. ''Wait, you said you were Mayor Mare, right?''

''She did quite a number on you, didn't she?'' She said while laughing. ''But yes, I'm Mayor Mare. The mayor of Ponyville.''

Realizing his luck, Danny stood up, brushed off his pants and knelt down to be at eye level again before he continued.

''Well this is quite the coincidence. I was actually looking for you.''

''Oh, how so?'' She asked as she arched a curious eyebrow.

''You see,'' he began as he grabbed his bag and looked for the pass that had the stamp of approval for citizenship. ''I wanted to register for citizenship, and was told I should speak to you,'' he told her, finding the pass partially hidden underneath a bag of bits and handed it over to the mayor, who had a look of complete surprise on her face.

It was at this exact moment a small explosion could be heard, and a pink streak flew off into the sky. ''What was that?''

''Pinkie Pie,'' the mayor muttered, still dumbfounded. Not because of Pinkie's behavior, but the request made by Danny.

''Pinkie Pie?'' Danny said in disbelief as he looked at the dissipating pink streak in the sky.

''Pinkie Pie,'' the mayor stated again.

Danny just stared at the sky, not knowing what to make of this, when he spotted a small figure falling down to the ground; hearing a soft "Yaaay!"


After the initial surprise the pair had had worn off; with Danny still boggled by Pinkie's random behavior, and Mayor Mare's continued shock from what Danny had requested from her, they were now seated in her office filling in the required paperwork.

''Okay, I have some of the basic details here on your pass,'' she said as she copied the information into the books. ''And let's se-....'' she stopped mid-sentence as she noticed the name. ''That is a curious name you have there. Any relation to them?''

''Nope, no relation to them at all. Just a similar name, nothing more," Danny replied readily, repeating the same thing he said at the pass control back on Earth.

''Huh, okay then,'' Mayor Mare replied.

''I'm curious to know, though. How do you know about that name?'' Danny asked, having difficulties believing she knew about [i[them.

''Well, as mayor of this village I have some privileged knowledge concerning ghosts and anything important involving them. But I doubt many ponies know about these things,'' she explained. ''Now, to continue. I do need to know a few other things, like where do you want to live? Or what about work?'' She continued business like.

''Well, I wanted to stay in a motel, or some other place I could stay for some time while I look for work. When I have a job, and a steady income, I want to look for a place of my own. I do have a small amount of money on me. Not much, but it should cover me for some time.''

''I see, and just how much money do you have on you right now? Not to pry into your personal affairs, but I need to know if you are able to support yourself while you are in-between jobs,'' Mayor Mare asked.

''Eeh, about a thousand doll… Eh, bits. Almost a thousand bits,'' Danny answered.

''Come again?'' She asked, blinking rapidly in surprise.

''Almost a thousand,'' he repeated.

''I thought you said you didn't have a lot of money?''

''Eh, I don't. Back home I wouldn't be able to get too much with it. Maybe a few months of rent for an apartment, but not much more. Why?''

Mayor Mare just sat there, staring at Danny as if he had grown a second head.

''Eeehhh, hello?'' Danny said as he waved his hand in front of her, snapping her out of her slight shock.

''Mister, that amount of money is enough for one of the larger homes here.''

''What? How do you mean?'' he asked, unable to believe what she had just said.

''I mean that the rent for the medium sized homes here is around sixty to seventy bits a month. And with a thousand bits, you would be able to get quite a decent place for yourself.''


Back at the tear facility on Earth.

''Hey, Jim!'' Someone called out at his co-worker working at the local bank.

''Yeah, what's it, Carl?'' Jim replied.

''There seems to be a large sum of bits missing. Do you know anything about it?''

''No, not really. How much are we talking about?''

''Close to a thousand.''

''... Huh, odd. I did exchange a thousand dollars earlier today.''

''You did remember the current exchange rate, right?''

''….eheheh…." Jim faltered, blinked, then smiled awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head. "Oops?''

It was because of this, Carl made a face palm so massive it would be used for comparison with future face palms to come.


''What!? You mean that I actually have a lot of money?'' Danny asked, and Mayor Mare nodded. ''Wow, life just got better for me.''

''Indeed, but you would still need a job. Even a thousand bits would run out eventually.''

''I know, I'll get right on it when I find myself a place to sleep."

''Well, there are several options available,'' she told him as she pulled out a small map from her desk. ''There is a small unoccupied apartment nearby with its rent being thirty-two bits a month. There is a medium sized house not too far from here too, it's sixty-one bits a month. Finally, there’s a small house at the edge of the village that you might be interested in, but that commands a rent of forty-five bits a month,'' she informed him as she showed Danny the pictures and information of these buildings.

Danny looked them all over, but one stood out over the others. The building at the edge of town. It was still close enough to be considered part of the village, but far enough away to avoid the crowd. Picking up the picture of this house and looking at it intently, he nodded, and asked: "Forty-five bits a month, you said?'' Mayor Mare nodded. ''I'll take it.''


After taking care of the necessary paperwork to register Danny as a resident of the village, he went on his way to take a look at his recently acquired home.

He didn't get very far, though.

Almost immediately after he stepped out of the town hall, he heard a loud squee and was tackled to the ground.

Acting on reflex, Danny turned around to face his attacker and lifted his arm to shoot an ectoplasmic blast. But before he could channel any energy in his hand and accidentally give himself away, two mint-green hooves grabbed his hand, pulling it closer to the face of the mare the hooves belonged to.

A golden glow surrounded Danny's hand as two equally golden eyes looked at it. The glow around his limb turned his hand around and wriggled his fingers while he was just sitting there, unsure what to make of the situation.

''LYRA!'' Another mare shouted as she ran towards the unicorn who had tackled Danny. ''Lyra let go of this human, right now!''

''But Bon Bon-''

''No buts, missy. Let go of this poor lady, right now!''


Nothing was said after that. The only sound that could be heard, was that of crickets sitting on the back and head of a yellow pegasus walking by.

''...Lady?'' Danny said, surprised and confused.

The earth pony mare named Bon Bon looked at Danny in surprise. Hearing his voice and realizing her mistake as she recognized the tone as that of a stallion, caused her cheeks to turn a bright crimson.

''Pfhaahahahahaha,'' Lyra lost it, and her magical hold on Danny's hand broke as she rolled over the ground, laughing at the mistake.

''Lady, I should let you know that I am a man, not a woman,'' Danny said to Bon Bon, raising his voice over the laughter.

''Are you sure?'' Bon Bon asked without thought, her mind decided that now would be a good time to go on a vacation, which made Lyra laugh even harder.

''Last time I checked,'' Danny replied and Bon Bon's head was now completely red, instead of the beige her fur usual was.

''I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you,'' Bon Bon sputtered in embarrassment.

''You didn't offend me, but you certainly surprised me. Why would you even think I'm a woman?'' Danny asked and Lyra, who just calmed down, burst out in laughter again.

''I'm sorry, I just assumed,'' Bon Bon said, looking everywhere except at Danny.

''Pfhahaha, I.. I told, haha, you to pay, ha, more attention to my research Bons. You could have avoided this embarrassment,'' Lyra managed through her laughter.

''Research?'' Danny asked Lyra, who turned serious the moment Danny talked to her.

''Oh yes, you humans are so fascinating! To be able to create such technology and build such high buildings. All without any magic at all. And those hands....'' She trailed off as she stared at Danny's hand and Bon Bon slapped her on the back of her head, snapping her out of it.

''Right, paying attention. No need to hit me, Bon Bon,'' Lyra groaned as she rubbed her head.

''Uh huh. If I got a bit for every time you said that, I’d be the richest pony in this town by now,'' Bon Bon said, rolling her eyes. ''Anyhow. I would like to apologize for Lyra's behavior, as well as my unintended mistake by saying you were a mare,'' Lyra snorted loudly as she struggled to contain herself.

''It's alright,'' Danny told her, his brain no longer confused about what was going on, again. He finally took the time to see what the two mares in front of him looked like.

Lyra, who had a mint green coat and blueish gray mane with a horn poking out of it; a picture of a lyre on her rear.

Bon Bon, with a beige coat, and a two-toned, pink and blue mane; three wrapped candies for a mark on her behind, but without a horn like Lyra had. A unicorn and earth pony, Danny realized.

Bon Bon gave Danny a kind smile. ''Thank you for not being mad. My marefriend here can be quite a bit to handle at times. Oh, but where are my manners? I'm Bon Bon. And, as you probably already figured out. This is Lyra,'' she introduced herself and her marefriend.

''I'm Danny. And what do you mean with marefriend?'' Danny asked, not knowing the meaning of the word.

''She means girlfriend,'' Lyra explained.

''So, you're a couple?''

''Yep, Bons and I are quite close,'' Lyra confirmed, placing a leg around Bon Bon's neck and pulled her close to her side. ''So, what's a human like you doing in a place like this?'' Lyra asked, waving her horn around the town.

''Nothing much,'' Danny said nonchalantly. ''Just moved in, filled in some paperwork, became a citizen and rented that house at the edge of the village.'' Lyra's lower jaw fell down so fast, a small boom could be heard, while the mare's eyes widened in shocked amazement.

''Yo- you... you're going to live here?'' Lyra blurted out, almost bursting with excitement.

''Err, yes,'' and before he could even fathom the situation he found himself in, Lyra shot off. Not as fast as Pinkie, but still with impressive speed.

''Oh dear,'' Bon Bon murmured, concerned. ''You've done it now.''

''What? What did I do?'' Danny asked the remaining mare, not liking the tone in her voice.

''You're going to live here. A human living here. She is most likely going to get her list of questions she has prepared, for in case if she ever has the chance to sit down and talk with a human.''

''Ehh, should I be worried?''

''Yes,'' Bon Bon answered, all serious. The two watching Lyra speed off. "More than you realize."


Vlad Masters stood in front of a large screen, many different videos playing on it, all of them showing Danny in combat.

''Scan again,'' he ordered the holographic Maddie.

''Yes, sugarlumps,'' holo Maddie replied, and the videos all began playing as various scanning softwares were used to determine the ghost boy's power.

''Scan complete! Still no difference in power levels detected.''

''Then, how? Where did that power come from?'' Vlad asked, playing the video of Sam's death again, watching as Danny did something that, according to the scans, shouldn't be possible.

''Unknown, dear,'' holo Maddie responded.

''Aarrggh, Six years! It has been more than six years since that brat ran away and still he is bothering me,'' Vlad shouted in frustration, slamming his fists on the keyboard. ''And how far are we in finding his 'cousin', Dani?''

''The location of subject Dani remains unknown, oh Great One, master of all the ghosts.''

''Blast, I knew I should have melted her down when I had the chance,'' Vlad groaned in suppressed anger, then sighed out. “Run the scan again.''


''I will find out how you did it, Danny. And when I do, that power will be mine.''


Danny was walking home. Not something he thought he would be doing, after all the years he spent on the run, but something he now welcomed with open arms. He knew he needed to find a job, though. Just as the mayor had said: "Even a thousand bits will run out eventually."

Yes, he needed a job. But for now, all he wanted was to go to his new home, see what his house was like and settle in.

He did wander around for some time. Even though he had gotten directions from Mayor Mare, it took some time to find where he needed to go. Not that he complained about it. After all, it gave him the chance to just look around and get a feel for the place.

Eventually, after some sightseeing and a few wrong turns, he arrived at the place he would come to call home.

Home. The word sounded unfamiliar to him.

In the years he had lived in that run-down apartment back on Earth, he never had the feeling that he was home. Just some place to survive, nothing more.

But now, as he stood before the building he called his own now, Danny couldn't help but smile. A real smile, something he hadn't done in years.

His house was a single floor building, but with a small attic, according to the information package he got from the mayor. It had a large living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The walls were a faded red with a thatched roof and there was even a small garden.

''Wow, if they call this small, I want to see what they call big," Danny awed, just standing there, marveling at the place.

Several long minutes ticked by before he broke out of his trance, moving to the door, intent to enter and explore his house.

He walked up to his door, unlocked it and stepped inside. Closing the door behind him, he found himself standing in a pitch black room. Odd, because he didn't see anything blocking off the windows.

Fumbling around to find a light switch, he eventually found one and turned on the lights.


Danny yelped as dozens of ponies had somehow managed to fill every nook and cranny. And, in his panic, he turned off the lights. Which was a good thing, because, in reflex, he also went invisible.

Danny heard some laughing and giggling. And as his heart rate went down, he turned visible and flicked the lights back on. Seeing, once again, dozens of ponies all standing in his home. All having a large smile, but not as large as the smile a certain pink and mint green ponies had on their faces.

Looking behind the group, he also noticed a banner hanging on the wall behind them.

'Welcome to Ponyville, you're the first human ever to come visit here and you're the first human to come live here, party.’ was written on it, somehow fitting perfectly on the banner, despite its size.

''What? Who are you all? How did you all get in here? The door was locked.'' Danny rambled as his mind was, once again, fried from the impossibility of the situation.

''Oh, you silly human. We're all here for your welcome to Ponyville party,'' Pinkie Pie chirped energetically as she dragged Danny with her, introducing him to everyone, or everypony, as it is.

''And this is Rarity, and here we have Ditzy. Big Macintosh, Time Turner, Lyra, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and.....'' Pinkie kept pushing Danny around, constantly telling him who was who, never giving him the time to catch a break. ''And she is Twilight and that leaves me. Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie,'' Pinkie said with a smile big enough, it seemed to split her face.

Danny was completely blown away, and his mind had given up to make sense of it all. Instead, it was floating around with the alligator in the punch....

Wait, there's an alligator in the punch!?

"Are ya alright there, pardner?'' An orange earth pony with a cowboy hat asked, seeing his confused expression and knew exactly what was going on. Chuckling, she said: ''Oh, Ah recognize that look. Don't ya worry a bit. Ya'll get used ta Pinkie's behavior in time.''

''Is that even possible?'' Danny asked her.

''Only if ya don' think tah much 'bout it. Jus' ask Twilight over there if ya want ta know what Ah mean. Tha name's Applejack, in case ya didn't pick up on it with Pinkie pushing ya 'round an' such,'' she said as she extended her hoof, giving Danny a firm shake. ''Now, ya know most of us, thanks ta Pinkie, but we're mighty curious as ta who ya are.''

Danny let go of Applejack's hoof, his arm still throbbing from the force she put in her shake. He looked around and saw many of the ponies looking at him expectantly, except for a gray pegasus who was more interested at the plate of muffins on the table. Although, one of her eyes seemed to look at Danny, instead of the food.

Looking around and chuckling, Danny shook his head in amusement and decided to just go with the flow.

''I'm Danny. Danny Manson.''


It was quiet, too quiet.

No sooner had Danny said his name, and everyone in the room stopped what they were doing. All were looking at him, and he could feel every pair of eyes burn into him as the music came to a screeching stop. And the muffin that the gray pegasus was trying to eat fell out of her grasp, bouncing on the floor, completely forgotten.

''Whoa, Manson? As in the Manson family? The Manson family?'' Rainbow Dash asked as she hovered in front of Danny.

Hushed whispers went through the crowd as they were all wondering the same thing.

''Wait, you actually know about that?'' Danny asked, shocked that even here they knew about that horrible incident; that they knew about Sam.

''Well, duh. How could we not? It's the main reason for all that security at the tears,'' Dash huffed in annoyance, clearly upset about this very thing.

''Well, to answer your question. No, I'm not related to them in any way. I just have a similar name, nothing more. Also, why are you so upset about the security at the tears?''

The crowd visibly relaxed when Danny said that he wasn't related to the Manson family, while Rainbow Dash released a heavily annoyed sigh before answering his question.

''Why am I so upset? It's because it is impossible for me to go to your world without a good reason. Apparently they don't think it is a good idea for me to race one of your jets. I just think they're scared that I’d beat them,'' she bragged, puffing out her chest.

''You do know how fast they are, right?'' Danny asked.

''Of course I do, I've heard that they can even break the sound barrier. Racing something like that? No way I wouldn’t pass up on a challenge like that!''

''A challenge? What do you mean, a challenge? Those things are impossible to race against, unless you’re in a jet yourself!''

''Oh, come on. You must have heard of me, Rainbow Dash? The Rainbow Dash? You know, fastest flyer in all of Equestria, and the only pegasus who can perform a Sonic Rainboom?'' Danny blinked dumbly at this.

''I can't say I've heard of you. And what’s a Sonic Rainboom?'' Dash dropped to the ground, unable to believe that he hadn't heard of her, or her signature Rainboom.

''What, you've never heard of a Sonic Rainboom before?'' Rainbow asked, shocked, almost scandalized.

''Well, I've heard of a sonic boom. But those aren’t that much of a big deal, they happen all the time when our fighter jets go faster than sound. Nothing special.''

''What!? Don’t you go saying that’s nothing special. Do you even know how hard it is to fly at speeds like that?'' Rainbow almost yelled, and Danny's mind snapped back to the time that he, Sam, and Tucker were doing a test to see just how fast he could fly.

''I can imagine,'' Danny replied. ''But, are you saying that you can actually break the sound barrier?''

''Yes, yes I can,'' the prismatic mare boasted, raising a hoof and looking at it nonchalantly.

''Wow, impressive. But you do know that some of our jet's can go even faster than just the speed of sound?'' He asked and Rainbow's pupils shrunk while her jaw dropped down.

''F-fas....Faster? How much faster?''

''Two, two and a half times the speed of sound,'' Danny answered and Rainbow shut down completely, unresponsive. A purple hoof waved past her vision, but didn't even get a blink in response.

''Oh dear. I think you broke her,'' a purple unicorn said. Danny remembered Pinkie saying she was Twilight.

''Is she going to be alright?'' He asked, worried.

''Oh, don't you worry about Dashie. She'll be fine,'' Pinkie reassured him, appearing out of nowhere behind Danny, startling him. ''Now, are we having a party here, or what?'' Not waiting for a response, she promptly pulled a colorful and decorative cannon out of her mane; firing it and filling the air with streamers, and balloons as the music resumed playing.

The ponies, all eager to get started on yet another one of Pinkie's parties, all began dancing, eating the numerous snacks filling the tables. Meanwhile, a large number stepped up to Danny, and introduced themselves more properly.

Though there was one exception. Mainly, a mint green unicorn by the name of Lyra.

Her large grin, almost manically so, would have sent a shiver down Danny's spine had he seen. Carrying with her her 'list' of questions, which looked more like a large notebook. And had she gotten her chance to reach Danny, she would most likely have latched onto him to 'interrogate' him for days on end.

Luckily for the unaware human, the threat to his sanity was quickly subdued as, with quite the protest from Lyra, Bon Bon dragged her away by the tail; Lyra grasping desperately at the floor in a futile attempt to drag herself to the subject of her desires. But to no avail.

After a while, when everypony had introduced themselves to Danny, given him some kind words and welcomed him to the village, he just sat down, trying to figure out how this was all happening.

''A bit for your thoughts,'' Twilight asked as she sat down next to him, a cup of punch floating beside her in a purple aura.

''I was just wondering how all of this is possible,'' Danny said as he gestured at the whole scene in front of him. ''Where did all this stuff come from? How did you get in? And, most importantly. How did Pinkie pull a cannon out of her hair?'' Twilight chuckled at his flabbergasted response.

''Do yourself a favor, don't try to figure Pinkie out. I tried it once, it didn't end well,'' Danny rose a single eyebrow in confusion and Twilight elaborated what she meant. ''Let's just say that I burst out in fire over Pinkie's random behavior.''

''You burst out in fire? How?''

Twilight gave him a grin as she responded: ''Magic.''

''… Something tells me it will take a long time before I get used to this place,'' Danny said as he looked at the festivities in front of him.

''It might not be so difficult with some friends,'' Twilight said, offering him the cup of punch she had with her.

Danny took the cup, thanked Twilight and drank. The words she said going through his mind over and over again.

’Friends. It would be nice to have someone to call a friend again,’ he thought as he looked over at his backpack, the picture of his oldest friends safely inside.

''That would be nice, to have someone to help me around here as I settle in,'' Danny said honestly, making the mare smile.

''Well, all you need to do is ask. We're all here to help, if you ever need it.''

''I'll remember that. But for now, I believe there is a muffin with my name on it.'' As he said this, a loud gasp rose up over the upbeat music and a gray blur shot past. A second later, all the muffins were gone. ''Okay, cupcake it is,'' Danny said dumbly, and everyone laughed.


It was late at night, the party was long since over and Danny was fast asleep.

It was with some measure of luck that Danny found a small bed in the bedroom. Although it was too small for him, he made do with it for now. Resolving to buy a bigger bed tomorrow, he let himself be embraced by the gentle hold of slumber.

Unfortunately, sleep was not something that gave him rest.

Every night, his slumber was marred by his memories, causing him to twist and turn in his undersized bed. A cold sweat covered his skin as he struggled to wake up, but his tired mind wouldn't let him.

Almost every night he would have a nightmare, reminding him of his failings. Sometimes he wouldn't dream at all. He would just close his eyes and open them mere seconds later, just to find out hours had passed. But most of the time, it was just him and the torments of his mind.

This time, however, there was another presence. A presence that was diligently guarding over the dreams of those sleeping under her night's sky.

Princess Luna stood on the balcony of her personal chamber, sensing outwards to see if everypony was resting peacefully.

This was the case most of the time, not many ponies had nightmares. Sure there were foals that had some bad dreams about the monsters in the closet, or about some scary tale they've heard. But a real terror of the night, a dream so bad that it was even called after her corruption, was something that almost never happened. So she was quite surprised, nay, shocked to sense somepony stuck in a true nightmare.

She extended her mind and looked around for the source of the disturbance.

She found what she was looking for in Ponyville. Somepony there was truly suffering from a terror of the mind, a nightmare.

She reached out to whomever it was, and tried to enter the mind of this pony. She reared back in shock, however, when she was unable to enter the mind of this individual.

Nothing like this had ever happened before. No living mind could block her out. But, in her attempt to gain entry to the troubled mind, she was able to catch a glimpse of the emotions from the dreamer. Guilt, shame, regret, pain, anger, despair.

Luna couldn't be more shocked. These emotions didn't belong in any dream. You could feel fear in a nightmare, yes. But pain, or suffering? No, a dream could never do that, no matter how bad they were.

The realization of what she had just glimpsed at came to her a mere second later. This was no mere dream, but a memory. A memory so terrible she perceived it as a nightmare. And, although she could enter the dreams of others and help them overcome their darkest thoughts, a memory was not something she could easily enter, or alter. Not without altering the mind of the person it belonged to.

She needed to talk with her sister about this. This was something truly dark. Something that could cause such pain to somepony was clearly dangerous. But, what? What was it that gave this poor being such terror that he couldn't even sleep without being reminded? And, although she might not be able to help this poor individual directly, she could help ease this pony’s mind. Make his sleep dreamless and give him some respite from this terror.

And so, by channeling some magic through her horn, she calmed the disturbance coming from this pony, making their mind go blank and stopping the memory.

At least for tonight.


The following morning.

It was the dawn of a new day, and time for the princess of the night to allow herself to be submerged in the gentle hold of slumber, allowing her own dreams to flow freely. Yet sleep was something she was unable to find, the incident of the previous night still bothering her.

Walking towards the large double doors of the throne room, the two day guards standing there saluted the princess of the night as she used her magic to open the doors, stepping inside.

''Sister,'' Celestia called out cheerfully to her younger sibling, descending her throne and walking towards Luna. Meeting her halfway, she gave her a hug and a nuzzle. ''What are you doing here? You're normally in bed by now," she asked, taking a good look at her younger sister.

Even though Luna spent the entire night watching over her beloved subjects, you couldn't tell from her appearance. Looking like the strong, radiant ruler she is. Sending out an aura of authority and power, yet calm, and collected. Nopony could have seen, or noticed that the princess of the night was troubled. Nopony, except the one she had spent her fillyhood with growing up.

Where others would see an all powerful alicorn, and co-ruler of Equestria, Celestia saw her for the young filly she used to be, growing up and becoming the mare she was today. She knew her sister, better than any other ever would. And she could clearly see the slight slump in her stance. Her mane was not as radiant as it used to be and, of course, her eyes. Although focused on Celestia, still staring off oh so slightly. Lost in thought.

''What is troubling you, Luna?'' Celestia asked in a calm, caring voice.

''Sister. Does thou think of me as a fair ruler?'' Luna asked, slipping back in her old tongue.

Celestia was taken aback. Where had this come from? ''Luna, what do you mean? Of course you are. Why would you even ask?''

''Because, we look out over our subjects, protect them, keep them safe, both in the waking world and in their dreams. Yet, when I was needed most, I was unable to help,'' Luna confided as she focused on her sister, reverting back to modern equish as she did so.

“How so?''

''Last night, I picked up on a disturbance. A dream so bad, so foul, it caused the pony dreaming a great deal of distress. I have always been able to help those that suffer from the terrors of the mind, show them there is nothing to fear. But when I tried to enter this individual's mind, I was rejected. Forced out before I even was able to catch a glimpse of the dream, or memory, as I learned it to be at that moment,'' Celestia didn't say anything. Centuries of politics had given her a poker face even the best couldn't read, so the fact that a slight shock could be seen on her face spoke volumes.

''You were rejected from the dreamscape?'' She asked, unable to believe this.

''Yes, although this was because it didn't involve a dream, but a memory. We both know that entering a memory is a lot more difficult than a dream; more dangerous than a dream. But I was able to catch a glimpse of the pony's emotions as I was forced out. Sister, whoever it is, he, or she had truly suffered a great deal. I haven't felt anything like it, not for a very long time. Not since my time as Nightmare Moon.'' Luna looked down at the memory of her fall into corruption.

''But this also raises some questions. Who is it that is suffering so much? What caused it? And most importantly, is whatever that has brought such pain to our subject still out there? I may not know what has happened, but I know that the pain I felt cannot be caused by everyday problems. Somepony, or someone did this to this individual, and this being might still be out there.''

''Wait just a moment, you said you picked up on this last night?!" Celestia half asked, half stated, receiving a confirming nod of her sister.

"Yes I did. Is there something the matter with that?"

"Maybe. Yesterday afternoon, I was informed about a ghost breach in the tear facility right here in Canterlot,'' Celestia answered after a moment's pause.

''Sister, you don't mean... Do you think these events are connected?'' Luna asked, eyes wide in shock.

''The timing is too convenient to be a coincidence. Maybe this ghost that managed to come through did something to one of those that came back from Earth. Where did this pony that you picked up on live?'' Celestia asked as a plan of action formed in her head.

''I sensed it in Ponyville, but I don't know the exact location,'' Luna answered.

''Ponyville? Strange, these things always seem to happen there. Nonetheless, I will ask for the information of those that came through the tear that day, and see who went for Ponyville. Maybe we can find out what it was that had happened to this pony, and what caused him, or her such pain,'' Celestia said. Nopony, no, noone would hurt her subjects.

Luna let out a large yawn, tired from the night guarding the ponies dreams.

''Perhaps it would be better if you go to bed now, Lulu,'' Celestia said with a giggle, using her pet name for Luna. ''I will see to it that we find out who it is that had this nightmare, and possibly help whoever this pony is.''

''Very well. Good day, sister, I will see you coming night as I raise the moon," and with a flash of her magic, Luna teleported to her bedchamber, leaving her sister in the throne room, deep in thought.

''Whoever you are. I hope your suffering won't be for long,'' Celestia said as she looked out one of the stained windows decorating the room.


Danny woke up to the sound of birds chirping.

It was most unusual for him, and it took his sleepy mind several minutes to figure out what it was.

Normally, he would awake to the sound of people screaming at each other, and the sound of vehicles driving by. Not birdsong. And it confused him greatly in his sleep-addled mind.

’So, it wasn't a dream. I’m really living on another world. I should have known better. I never dream about something like this,’ Danny thought as he rolled over, falling out of his bed as it was far too small for him.

''Oooww,'' he groaned as he pulled his face off the floor. ''Well, at least I'm awake now,'' he muttered as he rubbed his head.

Stretching to get all the kinks out of his body, giving off some satisfying cracks and pops, he went to the shower. He took some clean clothes from his bag, as well as a towel and washcloth.

Taking his time to appreciate the working shower, he found it a pleasant surprise that it even had warm water, unlike the cold showers he frequently had to endure in his former house.

After finishing his shower, and putting on a clean set of clothes, he set out for the day, knowing that he had to do a lot. First off, of course, was to get something to eat. Then he would have to look for a job, get some furniture for his house and, more importantly, a decent bed.

A rumbling in his stomach reminded him as to what he should be doing first.

Taking a decent amount of bits with him, he headed out and into the village. 'First something to eat, then we go shopping for everything else. Job hunting comes after that,' he reminded himself as he headed into town, enjoying the early morning air.

He didn't know where he could get something to eat, but some friendly locals happily pointed him the way to a small café.

After a short walk to the place, he arrived to see they were just opening up. Giving them a little more time to set up shop, he decided to go for a walk in town and come back a moment later.

He was just about to go on his way, though, when he spotted a small sign hanging on the window. Interested, he walked back to read what it said.

Waiter wanted.

Good pay, reasonable hours.
For more information, ask for Quick Grill.

Danny was unable to believe his luck. He found a place that had a job opening this early in the morning! Not only that, he remembered that he did have some experience from his time in that fast-food place.

Deciding that he might as well give it a try, he went to the pony working on the terrace, to ask for this Quick Grill.

''Eh, hello,'' he called out to the dull brown earth pony with a faded red mane and tail.

''We're opening up in half an hour, mister. Please come back then,'' the pony gruffly replied.

''I'm not here for that. Well, actually, I am. But I'm here now because of that sign you have on display about the job. It's said I needed to ask for someone named Quick Grill.''

''You're talking to him,'' Quick Grill said as he turned to Danny, looking at him with a studious gaze.

''Oh, great. I’m interested in the job, but could you tell me what exactly is expected from me?'' Danny asked, hopefully as Quick Grill looked him over.

''Hmm, not much meat on your bones. I'm not sure you could keep up with the crowd,'' Grill said as he took notice of Danny's skinny form.

''What? What does my figure have to do with it?''

''Your figure has nothing to do with it. What I mean is that you don't seem to have any muscle at all. As a waiter, you need to carry a lot of dishes around and doing it fast. I just don't know if you fit the bill.''

Yes, Danny was rather skinny, but not thin. Even with all the junk food he had eaten, he didn't gain much weight. This was thanks to his ghost half. The energy required for his powers caused his metabolism to work much faster than that of a regular person. This, in turn, made it possible for Danny to eat all that junk food without gaining any weight. His powers also gave him a slight strength boost, but not much. He had almost failed his fitness test back in school.

''Oh, don't worry about that. I'm stronger than I look,'' Danny said confidently.

''Hmm. Tell you what, I’ll give you a trial run. If you manage to keep up, the job is yours. If not, then tough luck. If you do manage to get the job, you’ll be earning forty eight bits a month, plus tips. I expect hard work from you, no slacking. While on the job, you’ll either be working hard, or not working at all. Understood?''

''Don’t worry, sir. I won't let you down. When can I start?'' Danny asked, happy that he was able to get this chance.

''I've got a full roster today, so there isn't much need for an extra hoof right now. I know you just moved in, so take this chance to get your affairs in order. You can come tomorrow, but I expect you to show up here bright and early. You will work a six hour shift, no exceptions,'' Quick Grill told him, giving Danny a critical eye.

''Thank you,'' Danny said gratefully, only to be interrupted by his stomach rumbling loudly, reminding him that he still needed to eat. ''Ehhehe, what time did you say you were opening again?'' he asked sheepishly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.


It took Danny some time to find something he could eat. Most of the dishes listed on the menu were made with hay, grass, or flowers. It was something he hadn't really thought about when he came here, but eventually he found something he could eat. Now, belly full, he went to the market, trying to find out where he could get the necessities required for his home.

''Well, howdy there, pardner,'' Applejack greeted as he walked by her apple stand. ''looking ta buy some apples here?'' She asked as she gestured at her wares.

''Maybe later, Applejack. I'm actually looking for some place where I could buy a bed. The one I've got now is a bit too small for me,'' Danny replied cheerfully, realizing he hadn't felt this good in years and it reflected in his upbeat attitude; happy he found a job, albeit on trial. And the good mood of Applejack was contagious as well.

''Ah, shucks. Jus' call me AJ. Everypony else does. As for a bed, there's tha' little ol' place down tha road tha' might have what ya're looking for.''

''You mean that place next to, what was it? Oh, Quills and Sofas?''

''Yep, Beds ‘n Scrolls. That's tha one.'' Applejack said with a confirming nod.

''You got some weird names around here,'' Danny said.

''Now look who's talking, Danny,'' she said with a grin, putting emphasis on his name.

''Ha, fair enough,'' Danny laughed. ''Thanks for the directions, AJ,'' he waved her goodbye and went to the store, wondering how much a bed would cost here.


It took Danny the better part of the day, but finally he had most of the basic necessities he needed. The bed proved to be the most difficult to procure, as there wasn't anything meant for a human. But with some negotiation, and some haggling, in which Danny surprised himself with how well he did, he was able to get two beds for the price of one.

He also bought a sofa, a table and some stools to go with it, along with a refrigerator, and food to fill it with. And several more things to liven up the living room.

After the beds were delivered, he simply placed them side by side, effectively creating a bed large enough for two.

And while all the stuff he'd bought did leave a noticeable dent in his savings, with the full cost of only a hundred and three bits, there was still enough left to pay his rent for a good time to come. And if he was able to land himself the job tomorrow, he would have a stable income, with which he could pay the rent and still make enough to save up.

And, should it ever be necessary, he could always find some small chore he could do for a few extra bits.

Yes, things were finally looking up for Danny. He sighed loudly as he sat down in his new sofa, which came with complementary quills, and just enjoyed his new home. Taking the time to appreciate everything that had happened to him in the last two days.

Deciding that he better make it an early night, lest he be late for his trial run tomorrow, he stood back up to get something to eat. A shower was next, before he went to bed.

Noticing that he didn’t have enough clothes, he resolved to visit that clothing store he saw earlier today, after finishing, and hopefully gaining, his job. If all went well, he’d be able to do that tomorrow.

Stepping into his bed and enjoying the fact he could stretch out fully now, he pulled the blanket over him.

He felt glad that last night his nightmares stayed away for some reason, and he hoped that tonight the memory would remain silent as well. Though, deep down, he knew it wouldn't be. This part of him, this link to his former life, would stay with him, forever. Always reminding him of his failings, and the subsequent guilt that followed.


Luna once again stood on her balcony, watching over the dreams of those asleep.

She was, however, not paying any attention to this. Instead, her focus and senses reached out to Ponyville. Hoping that, whoever it was that had this horrible dream last night, was able to sleep peacefully tonight.

Her hope was short-lived, however. Mere moments after she extended her mind to the village, she picked up on the disturbance she sensed the previous night.

Sighing out and shaking her head, she cast the same spell she used before, making the pony's sleep dreamless.

''May the stars watch over you when I'm not,'' Luna whispered as she looked at the village in the distance, sensing the disturbance diminish.

Author's Note:

And here we have chapter three.

Danny had a lucky break with his money, got himself a home. Pinkie threw him a mind-blowing party, and the first steps to friendship have been made.

But will his luck keep up? Can he get the job he needs? And what are the ghosts up to?

Stick around to find out.


Please inform me about any and all mistakes I've made, what could be better, and what you liked.


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