• Published 2nd Jun 2013
  • 15,917 Views, 1,431 Comments

Guilt of a Phantom - Powerdrainer

Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park. Blamed for the murder of one closest to him, Danny runs away in an attempt to rebuild his life. But disaster is always close behind, as a horrible truth lost to time demands to be heard.

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Things Set In Motion

Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Things Set In Motion


In the crisp, somewhat polluted morning air, labored breath could be heard as Jazz held on to the backrest of a park bench, sweat streaming down her forehead and wet stains marked her clothes. Her stomach churned, clearly making its displeasure of this sudden bodily abuse known by a wave of nausea and she had to fight back the rising bile while also trying to refill her lungs.

Needless to say, she was a mess. And worse…

"Don't think you're done now, miss I want to be a ghost hunter. This is just the warm-up," Valerie said, running on the spot.

"Give-"Jazz grunted in disgust, "give me a minute."

"You've already had five, and that's because I'm being lenient on you. You need to get better, and fast. Whatever things have been set in motion by the ghosts, they are not going to wait on you."

"It won't help either if I pass out," Jazz gasped, glaring at Valerie.

Valerie slowed her pace, head tilted slightly. "Alright, fair enough. Guess Rome wasn't built in one day either. But don't think you can get out of this with that excuse every time."

"Shame," Jazz muttered quietly but pushed away from the bench.

"Good," Valerie nodded. "How's the hand?"

"Throbbing," was the answer as Jazz looked at the cast around her broken wrist. "And this training isn't really allowing it to rest and heal."

"You should be glad about it. This allows you to build up your pain tolerance as you go. Believe me, you will need it. A throbbing hand is nothing more than a gentle massage compared to some of the stuff I had to walk off. When it goes numb, then you can worry. Now, the minute's over and we still have several miles left to run. So double time, missy. Your torment has only just begun."

With a strangled groan of misery, Jazz started moving again, only now realizing just how much her feet hurt while also reinforcing her suspicion Valerie took a certain amount of sadistic pleasure out of her suffering.


Standing amidst a small crowd of humans, ponies, a minotaur, and two griffins, Soarin waited at the Amity Park tear facility for the tear to Equestria to open.

As had been established over the years, the tears would almost always open at a certain interval, but with the occasional moment of unpredictability where no one could guess when the tear would open.

Unfortunately, today appeared to be such a moment as the time of rupture came and went without so much as a crack in reality for anyone to pass through.

Already done with the various checks to make sure he wasn't possessed or otherwise haunted, there was little to distract him from his thoughts while he waited. And after everything that had happened, everything he had learned, there was a lot to think about.

At first, his thoughts lingered on Jazz and the impending doom of a rigorous training regime looming over her; unprepared for the true hardship no matter how much she believed to know what awaited her.

He'd been there, years ago in Bootcamp, and thus could sympathize with her plight. Even then, Valerie had been right. If this was the life she lived, her true life, then she could no longer only rely on others to solve her problems. And just as she was now training to become better, so would he.

He snorted at the ludicrosity of it all. Just a day before he was just a pony visiting his otherworldly special someone. Now he stood on the path to become a ghost hunter for a secret resistance fighting an unseen battle against an enemy who used his power and influence to have others do his dirty work as much as possible, while most around him never even suspected his true nature and motives.

And then his mind wandered over to another significant detail of Jazz's life. Something he only knew half the truth about, until recently.

Her brother.

In all honesty, he didn't know how he would react should they ever meet face to face. For all these years he had known Danny Phantom as a murderer of an innocent young woman. To learn the truth, all of it, after everything that had happened shortly before that… It made his head hurt. Though, admittedly, the less than friendly treatment of Valerie played some part in that also. The pair of lumps on his head being a good reminder.

Still, to meet the human… and a ghost at the same time, who was responsible for first opening the tear he was now waiting to pass through, and who opened up his world to this spectral threat…

Right now his mind was still stuck in a debate on how to feel about it. With one side voting to hold on to the fear and experiences he'd lived through. A side that pointed out the contradictions to these experiences with the things Jazz had revealed, and made a vote to see past previous perceptions. And a side that was running circles while calling out to stop the vote altogether.

With no clear answer in sight, he instead focused on the training Valerie put him through earlier.

The insight she had shown that pegasus magic could be used against ghosts and putting it to the test; proving conclusively that he, or any other pegasi were able to negate a ghosts' intangibility. It was something that would turn the tide of battle, yet it was also a discovery which he couldn't share without others asking questions. And worse, as this was an ability he had since he was born, could he, or any of his fellow Wonderbolts have done things differently in Baltimare?




With a rip and a vacuum pulling in reverse the tear finally opened, pulling him out of his thoughts as the passage to Fillydelphia was revealed.

"Okay everyone," a nasal woman called out, "looks like we're in business after all. Please form an orderly line, single file so we can get you through without any further delay."

The next twenty minutes passed in an orderly hurry as all present did as told, walked through the tear, were received by the pony side of organizations, passed through the scanner for a final inspection without any incident, then were allowed to go on their way.

Now standing on the busy street in front of the tear facility close to the outskirts of the city, Soarin stood still for a moment, looking at his fellow ponies, and other creatures as they went on about their lives. Aware of the ghostly threat, yet blissfully ignorant at the same time.

How he missed those days.

Even then, he was glad he now knew what he did. It would help him prepare, to become better, to be ready when the time called for him to protect those around him.

Spreading his wings, he took to the sky and headed for Cloudsdale. It would be a long flight, but it gave him time. Time to think, to plan and to prepare.


With a groan, Dani stirred. Pulled from her slumber by the voices she heard nearby, and which stopped the moment she herself made a sound.

"Dani," she heard the welcoming familiar voice of Tucker, and a small smile tugged at her lips as her eyes slowly opened.

"Tuck," she croaked, throat parched. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Starting with a joke, huh," he chuckled. "Guess you didn't hit your head that hard after all." He helped Dani sit upright, then support her as she sat unsteadily for a moment. Then, filling a glass with water, he offered the cooling liquid to her.

"How are you doing?" He asked after she had a chance to drink.

"Besides the hole in my head and throbbing headache as a result, just fine," she said with an attempt at humor but fooling no one.

"Dani," Tucker placed a hand on her shoulder, "what happened?"

"I would like to know as well," Rachel made herself known.

"Who are you?" asked Dani, finally noticing the woman and, behind her, the doctor she vaguely remembered from last time she was awake; fumbling with a stethoscope hanging around her neck.

"Rachel Connor, miss. Lead investigator of the Spectral Aftermath Division."

"Ah, the guys with the fitting acronym. Makes sense."

"Dani," Tucker squeezed her shoulder, "please tell us what you saw."

Dani looked at him, then at Rachel, and finally at the doctor whose name she couldn't recall… had she even told her her name?


"Right, sorry. Just thinking," she said. "I was down in this cave, looking at a giant crystal that was found. The eggheads said it contains energy not too dissimilar to Ectoranium, and it might be possible to use it to power this project of ours."

"And you were on your own?" Rachel asked, looking at her with calculating eyes.

"I was."


"... Didn't I already answer these questions to the princesses, or did I imagine that?"

"No, you didn't," Rachel said. "Imagine it, that is. Your brief explanation of events has been written down in the preliminary report."

"Then why ask me this again?"

"You were dealt a severe head injury, lost consciousness, and then gave these answers shortly after coming to. I'm asking the same questions to make sure your answers are the same now as they were then."

"Huh… makes sense," Dani murmured. "Okay, like I told the princesses. I was down in that cave, alone, to stay out of the other's way. Allowing them to work without me interrupting them."

"Hmhmm," Rachel nodded as she tapped on a small tablet. "That confirms your earlier recounting of events so far. Okay," she tapped a few more times. "While down there, did you see, or hear anything unusual?"

"Other than that wall-shaking scream… wail… shout… something?"


"Can't say I have. Though, I'm certain I heard someone come down the tunnel. Probably one of the scientists working in the main chamber."

"That would have been mister Pete Dullard," Rachel informed her. "He came there to look for you when the attack happened."

"Pete?" Dani said, confused for only a moment, then her eyes widened. "Is he okay? He didn't get hurt, did he?"

"He is fine. All personnel present at the site during the attack are fine. With the exception of scrapes, bruises, and a few shallow cuts, no one was injured besides you. A small miracle, all things considered.

"Good," Dani released a tense sigh. "And what about the project… or that large crystal?"

"The project sustained severe damage, and it is currently unknown when work on it can be resumed. The cavern itself was badly damaged as well and is being restored as we speak. Once it is safe for any of our men and women to return they will be able to assess the full extent of the damage and losses. As for the crystal… its condition is unknown. The tunnel leading to it has collapsed completely and is being dugout. Until this is done, there is no telling what they may find."

"Wonderful," Dani said sarcastically.

"Now, to return to why I am here," Rachel returned her attention back to her tablet, tapped the screen a few times, then looked back at Dani. "My records show that prior to this assignment, you worked as an assistant for mister Foley."

"She did, yes," Tucker answered for her. "Her skills to keep projects on track and generally cut through the crap, so to speak, have proven invaluable over the years."

"I see," Rachel said. "But this does not answer how she jumped ranks the way she did. Going from assistant to project lead overnight."

"That was my doing, with approval of Jack and Madeline Fenton."

"Any particular reasons for doing this?"

"I have a particular interest in this project. Most of the software, and even parts of the hardware are of my design. And after the recent incursion at the tear facility not too long ago, a previously unknown flaw was brought to light which also forced me to reevaluate my work, which is where Dani comes in. This project relies on all parts to function correctly, as you would expect. Of course, all current software was updated to eliminate the previously mentioned flaw, but due to the strict schedule, this has not been possible for some of the hardware. The personnel working on this project know about this, and are effectively working out any kinks as they put it all together, while Dani oversees the proceedings and informs me about any issue that needs immediate correcting."

"And this couldn't be done by anyone else more experienced? Yourself for instance."

"No," Tucker said firmly. "My presence is required back home where I work on an undisclosed project. And I've known Dani for a long time now, and there are few more capable than she is. You say it is strange she jumped through the ranks the way she did. I say it was long overdue."

"Very well," Rachel made a note on her tablet. "And I assume this previously mentioned flaw also translates to this equipment malfunction princess Luna told us about?"

"I… can't say," Tucker said, losing a bit of steam. "I'm still working on the devices given to me. So far I've been unable to find anything out of the ordinary in terms of software. A hardware inspection would take me more time. And that is only talking about the ghost scanners the hunters use. I have yet to start on the medical scanner, or any other devices after that."

"Understandable," Rachel typed on her tablet. "Do keep me informed of any progress, or lack thereof."


"As for you, miss Dani. Surprising promotion aside, do you have anything to add that you think would be important to the investigation?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Okay," Rachel finished typing. "I'll leave it at this for now, but I may have more questions in the future," she then turned to the mare behind her. "Doctor Pulse, are there any new developments that should be added as well, or is everything relevant already part of the preliminary report?

"Everything you need to know has already been shared with you and your team."

"Very well then," Rachel put her tablet away. "I'll get out of your way then," and with a nod she left, allowing Dani a glimpse out of the room as she opened the door, watching as two guards escorted her away.

Shortly after that, the doctor, Stable Pulse introduced herself properly. A quick inspection of the bandages followed, as well as a few basic tests. Once satisfied everything was as well as could be, the mare left Dani and Tucker to catch up in private.

And during all of this, none noticed the mechanical fly on the wall.


A multitude of hooves pounded on the ground as a team of royal guard pegasi landed on a field just outside Ponyville, all connected by a harness linked to a cart behind them.

Wobbling ever so slightly on the cart stood Discord, his petrified form unchanged since the day the Elements were used against him.

"Your highnesses," the leader of the group called out as all gave a salute to their princesses as they approached; followed closely by Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. All wore their Element, except Twilight, while Rarity also found the time to put on a dress to hide her vandalized tail.

Standing off in the distance was Danny. Invisible to all, watching closely to what would happen next.

He'd said he would stay in the library with Spike and Sweetie Belle, under the watchful eye of the two guards who had accompanied the princesses. And in truth, he was. Using the age-old excuse of a visit to the toilet, and Devora providing a useful distraction for them and Spike while he duplicated himself once more. A skill that has proven to be invaluable a dozen times over in the short time since he has gained mastery over this power. Though how that happened still demanded an answer of its own, for now, there were far more important things demanding his attention. A strange ghost pony submerged in a pool could wait.

"Please remove yourself from the cart," Princess Celestia instructed immediately, eyes locked on the statue, "and be prepared for anything."

"Sister," Luna said, her horn aglow, "all wards are still in place. Even with his might, we would have known if he'd escaped."

"And yet he did so without us knowing. Which can only mean one thing," Celestia replied, her horn beginning to glow too, and both alicorns shot a beam of magic at the petrified draconequus. Seconds later, cracks started to form in the statue. Then, with little spectacle, the statue's head fell off, revealing the hollow inside while a rolled-up scroll sticking out of the neck.

A round of gasps rose from most mares, while all guards stiffened noticeably.

Frowning, Celestia retrieved the scroll. Then, casting a dome field around it for added protection, she broke the seal and unfurled the scroll.

A moment later the letter crumpled up and was set ablaze.

"Sister, what did it say?" asked Luna, surprised by this unexpected display of anger.

"Besides the expected taunts and ravings of a mad stallion? If Discord's words are to be believed, he was never imprisoned, to begin with."

"WHAT!?" Rainbow Dash shouted louder than any other. "But we hit him with the Elements. I know we did! We all saw him turn to stone."

"Yes," Celestia looked at the prismatic pegasus, "or you saw what he wanted you to see." She paused, eyes closed as she slowly breathed in. "Discord had your minds warped before you managed to break through his control, altering your perception of reality. Perhaps some effects lingered long enough for him to stage his imprisonment. Or perhaps some other trick has been played upon you; all of us, having us believe he was once more sealed away while in reality, Discord roamed free to work by whatever plan he follows."

"But how could the Elements have failed?" asked Rarity.

"Going by his letter, falling for the same trick twice would be predictable."

"That doesn't explain anything at all!" Rainbow Dash balked.

"Few things rarely do when Discord is involved," Princess Luna said. "But the more important question we must ask is what Discord did in the time where we thought him to be petrified. There have been no reports of anything that might allude to his meddling."

"Other than tha sudden increase of ghost-related chaos," Applejack supplied in a deadpan.

"You think he is responsible for what has happened, with the fillies, Danny, Zecora, everything?" Rarity gasped, horrified.

"Ah don't know, but Ah wouldn't put it past him," Applejack pulled at her Stetson. "Seems like tha kind o' games he likes ta play, then use it ta have us break up tha Elements so we cain't use them against him."

"If this is true, or even hints at the truth, then this means Discord follows a plan with more thought and foresight than he would normally do," Princess Celestia said, thinking.

"Yet being as unpredictable as he is, we can't say this is unusual for him," princess Luna supplied.

"So what is it we can do then?" Asked Twilight, frowning deeply. "We can't fight Discord directly without the Elements complete, nor do we have a plan to stop him when he goes on a chaotic rampage again. And if he planned all of this from the start, working together with ghosts, or maybe directing them, then anything he may do as a result of our deal to help against the ghosts might only work to his advantage."

"Of course they would be overthinking this whole ordeal," Discord muttered, agitated, scaring the invisible human with his unexpected appearance. Yet his shout of surprise went unheard, nor did the ponies seem to notice Discord staring at them, arms crossed, shoulders sagging." For them to think I'm in control. Oh, if only that were true," he spat, then turned to Danny with a heated glare.

"What do you want this time?" Danny said in a half growl, figuring Discord kept them from being found out.

"What I want does not matter. Never has, apparently," Discord said bitterly. "The real question is: what do you want? Everything does seem to revolve around you, one way or the other," he spat. "And how would this affect me? Can I even stop you from doing what it is you're doing," he raised his talon, ready to snap his fingers, "or would Destiny prevent me from doing so? Or would me doing so be part of this so-called Grand Plan, meaning any choice I have in the matter is completely moot," his hand fell back down.

"Destiny?" Danny said, confused. "Astina mentioned that when I spoke to her."

"Oh, I am quite aware. We are free to choose, but our choices do not come free," Discord repeated Astina's words. "Bah. No matter the choice you make, you will always be shackled as any choice you think you have is nothing more than an illusion to keep you in line. It's a truth I have learned very recently."

"What are you talking about?" Danny demanded.

"You really have no clue, do you," Discord didn't ask, the answer already obvious.

"About what?"

Discord shook his head, grimacing. "And here I have the choice to either tell you or not. Yet no matter what I decide, the choice has already been made for me and thus, there has never been a choice to begin with."

"Are you going to answer me, or will you keep speaking in riddles because I have more important things to do right now."

"Yes, I suppose you do," Discord said dismissively. "Then let me not hold you any longer while you do you," and with a snap of his talon, he vanished.

"Oh," his voice came from nowhere, "but I will tell you this, if only to spite him. Don't trust Necronomicon. That damned book does have a way to twist those around him."

"Wait, what?!" shouted Danny, but no reply came. "Necronomicon? This being the Librarian told me about?"

He then remembered where he was, flinched, then looked back at the ponies only to discover they were long gone.

"Hold on, was all of this a distraction?"

His question went unanswered as he stood alone outside of town.


There had already been a lot of activity early in the day, and word did travel quickly despite most ponies having fortified themselves in their homes. And while word of Discord's presence in Ponyville was reason to be afraid, besides the already present fear of the recent ghost activity, it did have an unexpected advantage to at least one pony.

With word traveling in its mysterious ways, it also became known that Danny Manson was currently staying with Twilight. The reason for which is still up for debate, as the stories do tend to vary quite a bit. Even then, it meant the focus of her ongoing studies was closer than ever, and Lyra would not allow this chance to go to waste, ghost or no ghost. Not even Discord would be able to stop her as she stepped outside and on the prowl for her bipedal subject.

This was fine with Bon Bon as well. As much as she disliked this unhealthy fixation, she could not deny the overabundance of information she had collected. Of course, the majority of it was mostly useless, but still. With some proper training, she could be a master intelligence gatherer.

Not that she would ever attempt to bring Lyra into this world; her world. The dangers it possesses alone make such a thought too awful to think about. But thankfully, Lyra isn't afflicted by the Nightmare's curse like she is, so there was no need, to begin with.

Even then this secret weighed down on her heavily; to keep this part of her hidden out of fear and shame; where nothing truly was what it seemed. A front to cover up the truth, just as her beloved candy store.

A place where foals and adults alike would buy whatever their sweet tooth wished for, while down in the basement, hidden behind a door enchanted so only a select few could see it, was a room where she would come to prepare for her missions. A place where nopony could see her, and learn the truth.

A place where she was right now.

She sighed out, shaking her head as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Thankfully Princess Celestia knew about this curse, and did whatever she could to contain it. And, fortunately, she was one of the lucky ones. When the symptoms first started to appear, no pony knew what to make of it. But then a specialized doctor working for the princess herself showed up, and whatever course her life might have taken changed forever.

To the rest of the world, the doctor cured her, but to Bon Bon, the truth was far darker.

Her curse lingered in her blood, passed down one generation after the next; dormant for most, but not her. And as she learned, there were others as well. Some of them unable to hide their affliction, and were forced to live in the darkness because of it. Others were like her, though. But to this day no cure, magical or otherwise, has been found. But with the proper care and training, they could hide this curse and live among their fellow ponies, yet bound by secrecy and a duty to serve their princess and their country. using their unnatural abilities for the good of all, while the best and brightest worked tirelessly to find a solution; to purge this affliction once and for all.

Shaking those thoughts away, she once more focused on her reflection.

She had spent a good amount of time working the curls out of her mane and tail, and then put a braid in her mane despite the effort it took her to do this with just her two hooves. Then, putting the brush away after a final adjustment of a few stubborn locks, she stepped away from the mirror until she could see her entire body.

A sigh escaped her while she closed her eyes, then she stopped resisting the curse's ever-present pressure.

Her skin crawled as she felt the foul magic do its thing, and the next time she opened her eyes, Bon Bon was gone. The pale yellow earth pony with a two-toned mane was replaced by an ocean blue mare with a sea green mane and tail. And her eyes, once a dark shade of blue, were now a sunset orange.

She slowly took in the changes, grimacing ever so slightly. She only had some control over the changes inflicted upon her, and at least the colors of her coat and eyes were as she wished them to be. But when she turned around and inspected her Cutie Mark, she had to bite back a sob.

Gone were the trio of candies depicted on her flank, replaced by the image of a cloak covering a shadow. As it always did when she changed.

Why this curse would turn her mark into that, she didn't know. But she knew it was somehow mocking her. Hiding in the dark, so she may live in the light.

Looking away from the offending mark, she took a deep breath, held it for as long as she could, then looked back at her reflection with reinforced resolve.

"Alright. Time to study a human," she said, her voice the only thing still her own.


Grumbling to himself because he let himself get distracted, Danny, still invisible, slowly flew back to the library; able to see the group of mares just a bit further ahead as they entered Ponyville.

The streets were mostly empty, and most houses had their doors and windows still firmly shut. Something that seemed to unnerve some of the ponies; Fluttershy most noticeable among them.

Even then, some ponies could be seen walking the streets. All of them coming to a sudden stop and bowing the moment they saw both princesses approach, which caused the group to come to a stop on several occasions as Celestia took her time to address each, and every one of them, reassuring them to the best of her abilities.

From his vantage point, however, Danny did notice one pony in particular who not only failed to notice the group coming her way, but who was also actively spying through every window of the library while an, unfortunately, very familiar notebook followed after her, suspended in a golden glow.

"Lyra," he groaned, hand placed firmly over his face. Then, watching through his fingers, he noticed another pony on the move. Her slate-gray coat and pristine white suit unmistakable. "Wonderful," he muttered sarcastically.

For a moment he hung there, staring up in the sky while wondering, not for the first time, how his life turned out the way it did.

If Astina and Discord were anything to go by, Destiny apparently.

Shaking his head with a weary sigh he then looked at his home in the distance.

"What the…" He said, watching as a pony snuck inside through the back door he was sure was locked. "Great, and now there are burglars as well."

Shooting one last glance at the group of mares as they returned to the library, he instead flew to his home.


Danny and Devora were seated on the couch in Twilight's library while Spike was busy looking for a board game they could play.

Standing some distance away, yet close enough to make it impossible to ignore them, were the two guards who arrived alongside the princesses. Both of them watching over them in professional silence.

Of course, this meant Danny and Devora had to watch over what it was they said, or risk exposing the changeling in the room.

Fortunately, most talks had died down shortly after the group of mares left, once they had a good understanding of what Discord had done to Danny, leaving Spike to boost morale. He soon learned that neither Danny nor Sweetie Belle was interested in playing Ogres and Oubliettes and that Danny didn't even know what that was.

With his main choice of prime entertainment shot down, the others could hear him mutter and rummage in an upstairs storage room with little indication he had much luck finding something to do they may all enjoy.

Unfortunately for everyone, and especially Danny, distraction came knocking at the door. Or, to be more precise, it came falling through a window that wasn't properly locked.

"Whoa-oof," Lyra cried out as she fell, crashed into a table, knocked over a potted plant, then looked up in the authoritative glare of the guard she fell in front of. "Eh… Hi," she smiled awkwardly.

Unfortunately for her, it was at this point the front door swung open and both princess Celestia and princess Luna walked in; followed a second later by Twilight and her friends.

"Ehh… What is going on?" Asked Twilight once everypony came to a stop upon spotting the mint green unicorn on the floor.

"Just my resident stalker stalking me," Danny sighed out, voice flat, not even the least surprised. "No notebook, though. Guess it must've fallen on the ground outside."

"Mister Manson, do you mean this mare has, and still is violating your personal life through illicit means?" Asked princess Luna.

Danny looked at her in silence, then down at Lyra. With a sigh, he stood up, walked to the window, looked outside, and saw Lyra's notebook on the ground. Using his comparative greater height to his advantage, he leaned out of the low window and easily grabbed the notebook. Pulling himself back inside, he turned to the ponies watching him in confusion, walked over to Luna, and simply gave her the notebook. Then, without a word, he returned to his spot on the couch and sat back down.

Flummoxed, the night princess opened the notebook, slowly turning the first few pages, then rapidly flipping through the rest while Celestia looked over her shoulder.

"Just how long has this been going on?" Luna half-shouted.

"About five minutes after I arrived here," Danny said tiredly. "She tackled me to the ground so she could get a better look at my hands."

"Eh-heheh," Lyra laughed nervously as nearly all present looked at her in annoyance or downright disappointment.

"Lyra Heartstrings," Princess Celestia said, looking down at the mare still lying on the floor, trying to make herself as small as possible, "I'm very disappointed in you. The violation of one's personal life in manners such as these is deplorable and illegal. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Ehh… I'm close to a breakthrough to improve future interactions between humans and ponies," she answered hopefully, smiling awkwardly.

"By trying to hide in my wardrobe to observe me, only for Bon Bon to drag you away by the tail before you could actually do that," Danny mock asked. "And yes, I know about that."

"Quick Strike," Princess Luna turned to the nearest guard. "Please detain Miss Heartstrings. My sister and I will deal with her once we have concluded the more urgent concerns demanding our attention."

"Yes princess," the guard saluted, then used his magic to hoist Lyra back on her hooves before magically binding them to keep her from running away, allowing only enough movement to walk. "Forgive me asking, but where is the nearest holding cell?" He asked after a short moment, unsure where to take Lyra.

"There is no such place in Ponyville," Twilight answered. "There never has been a need for one."

"An oversight that needs to be corrected," Princess Luna stated.

"For the time being, she is to be put under house arrest," Princess Celestia declared. "Miss Pie, could you please accompany Quick Strike to show him the way to Miss Heartstrings' home?"

"Ehm… sure," Pinkie replied, clearly not sure how to deal with this particular situation.

As the trio departed, Lyra with shuffling hooves due to her bindings, a quiet murmuring from the mint green mare was still loud enough to be heard by all present: "Bon Bon's going to kill me."

With a shout of triumph, and a clatter of objects, Spike returned from his quest for suitable entertainment; running down the stairs while holding a flat box above his head.

Seeing everypony had returned, and the frowns they all had, he came to a screeching stop.

"Ehh… Did I miss something?"


"This is a mess," Tucker groaned, pacing around before Dani's bed while she watched him move.

"What else was I supposed to do?" She asked.

"I know. I know. I'm not blaming you for what you did, but this turned into one hell of a mess."

"Yeah… but on the plus side, I found Danny."

"From what you told me, he found you… assuming what the princesses told you is true."

"You think they're lying?"

"Princesses they may be, but they are also politicians. Have yet to see one who is actually honest."


"Meaning, if true, Danny is aware you are here. And to an extent, that the rest of us are closing in on him as well. I may need to keep a close eye on any, and all traffic going through the tears in the coming days or weeks. He may run again."

"Maybe, but I doubt it."

"How so?"

"I am him, remember? I know how he thinks, even if we are different individuals. And if he was here as you know who, it was for a reason. Maybe the 'ghost attack' brought him here? You know how he is… or, well, was with those kinds of things. Or maybe it was something else. Either way, I seriously doubt he was here to look for me."

"Which means something is going on that made him take such a risk to come here. And something must have happened for him to be even seen because he knows how to stay hidden."

"And whatever it is that brought him here, it must be to help someone else. He wouldn't take such a risk just for himself."

"Nor would he leave behind those in need… except himself… meaning he's staying put, but most likely making plans to either hide from us, meet us on his own terms, or is still stuck in indecisiveness while trying to figure it out."

"Definity the last option."

"Most likely, yeah. Which means? We have some time to figure this out ourselves, but we must act quickly either way. Once he has figured things out, and finished whatever it is he is doing, he may disappear again."

"But what can we do?"

"You, rest and recover. As for me… No idea. There is still a lot I need to do without any of this. Most importantly go through the records back at the office and see if, or what Vlad has done to sabotage the Ghost-Keteer training. Though I really hope this is nothing more than Jack slipping through the net, so to speak, and doing this of his own volition."

"Not impossible, but you and I both know Maddie would not allow that to continue for this long if it was just Jack being Jack."

"That's what frightens me," Tucker stopped pacing, "because that would mean Vlad was able to circumvent the security systems, mine included, to pull this off. And if he could do that, then what else did he manage to corrupt?"

"It's one hell of a mess," Dani replied, leaning back into her pillow.

"Yeah… and I fear it will get a lot worse."

"It always does, Tuck. It always does."


Quietly and invisible, Danny entered his home through a wall, quickly spotting the pony he saw entering as she slowly moved through the living room.

The mare, as he could now tell, had ocean blue fur and a sea-green mane and, going by her methodical scanning of the few items he had placed to liven up the place, she was looking for something specific, though exactly what he couldn't tell as she moved from one place to the next; sometimes picking up an item, then carefully placing it back exactly as it was before she took it.

Silently he watched her move through his house, trying to recall if he had ever seen her before. Something about her seemed familiar. Very familiar.

Then she moved to the small cabinet next to his couch, and the photo of Sam, Tucker, and himself hidden within.

Acting quick, he flew through the cabinet, grabbing the photo and cloaking it in invisibility seconds before the mare opened the single door of the wooden furniture, finding nothing inside.

Seemingly dissatisfied with the lack of anything to find, the mare moved to the bedroom where, due to his haste to leave by Twilight's urging, the mess he was certain Dani had made was still there. A quick glance did reveal the water had evaporated by now.

Returning his attention back to the mare, he saw she had managed to open his wardrobe and sift through the few clothes he didn't take without him even noticing in his split-second distraction. However, as she was searching for whatever she was searching for, his eyes fell on her rump and a gasp escaped him.

The mare stiffened, ears up and at attention as they slowly swiveled around.

Danny kept as silent as he could, but his mind was abuzz.

That mark, he knew it; had seen it in the Murgröna. And whoever this mare was, somehow, he was certain, she was connected to Spring Breeze. Which could mean only one thing.

'She is one of them. Has to be. Which means…' his thoughts turned sour, 'Celestia.'

Several minutes passed where the mare stood still, listening intently. Eventually, when nothing gave any indication she was discovered, she resumed her search; completely oblivious to the watchful ghost who gave a silent command to his shadow.

Eventually, she moved on to other parts of the house, searching in every possible spot, and even some Danny didn't know were there, to his surprise.

Yet as thorough as she was, she was just as quick. No more than fifteen minutes passed since Danny first spotted her, and when she carefully slipped out of his house.

Following her, he was surprised when she headed directly for the town, though keeping close to any trees and bushes, for potential hiding places he surmised. But because of the recent ghost scare the other day, very few ponies were out on the street, and the mare had no problem reaching town unseen, as far as she knew, and slipped in an alleyway behind Bon Bon's candy store.

Never far behind, he followed the mare inside; she through a backdoor, he through the wall.

Obviously, this was a storage room, with numerous crates and bags neatly placed on pallets and shelves, some open and showing the various ingredients Bon Bon used to make her candies.

The mare passed all of the crates without any interest, moved through a door concealed by a stack of crates, and Danny followed her down the stairs into a basement he didn't even know was there.

The basement didn't look like anything special; just more crates and bags, all of them closed. The mare, however, moved with purpose through the assortment of objects towards the far wall.

There she stopped, then pressed a concealed switch behind a loose brick, and a doorway appeared where the wall used to be.

It was fortunate he had experience when it came to secret bases hidden in someone's basement, courtesy of Vlad and, to some extent, his parents as well, which kept him from gasping out as he saw the numerous tools and gadgets hanging on the walls, most of which he couldn't even begin to place their purpose off.

The mare walked over to a table, on which lay an assortment of papers, maps, and binders; some open and legible, most closed, and their contents hidden to Danny.

There was a device of some kind. Clearly magical in nature, if the glowing gem at its center was anything to go by. It was also what the mare seemed interested in.

Grabbing the device, she tapped the gem and started speaking.

"Preliminary findings of subject Danny Manson's home. The subject has only recently moved in, which shows in the lack of personalized decorations. All furniture is still new, with little to no signs of usage. Food contents found in the fridge confirm an omnivorous diet consistent with data of other members of the subject's species. During the investigation, clear signs of a struggle of some kind were found in the bedroom. It is unknown if this is done by the subject in offense or defense, or if someone else is responsible for this. It is important to note that the subject is currently residing in Golden Oaks Library with Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon, which may be related to the state of the bedroom."

She was silent for a moment, sifting through some papers.

"Additional information relating to this struggle can be found in the, as of yet incomplete report of the Ghost-Keteer unit. This report details the encounter of at least one confirmed ghost present in, or around mister Manson's residence. Additionally, recent ghost sightings have been reported by the stallion Bulk Biceps, but it has not been confirmed if this was indeed a ghost, or something else."

She closed her eyes as she thought for a moment, then continued.

"As of yet, it is impossible to tell if these events are related. It is also impossible to tell with the currently available data what the subject's role in this might be. Further study is required."

Taking her hoof off the gem, she stepped away from the table.

Following her, she led Danny to a small room with numerous clothes, makeup, a mirror, a shower cabin, and an assortment of soaps.

Ignoring all that, the mare approached the mirror with clear trepidation, looking at her reflection with disgust.

"And I didn't even need to change myself after all," she said with some anger.

Shaking her head with a sigh, she looked away from her reflection and pulled open a drawer under the mirror. Inside lay a dark green emerald glowing with magical light.

Grabbing the emerald, the mare pressed it against her chest and a wave of energy washed over her, and Danny watched as the mare's colors change as Bon Bon was revealed.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Bon Bon wasted little time to undo the braid and return the curls to her mane. Moments later, she turned away from the mirror, left the room, closed the door to this secret hideout, went upstairs, and exited out of the front door of her store.

All the while, Danny stayed behind, looking at the glowing emerald he had pulled out of the drawer in disgust.

"Not only does she not know, but Celestia corrupted her heritage so thoroughly she can't stand to see her own face," his hand clenched around the emerald, shaking noticeably.

"Eclipse, what's the word of my other self?"

'He went to the ghost library the second I informed him about Discord and found some books that may be useful. He's returning here as we speak.'

"Good, then maybe we can begin to undo some of Celestia's lies," and he tossed the emerald back in the drawer and left.


"And that would be the situation as it currently is," Princess Celestia finished, having informed Danny about all that had happened when they inspected Discord's statue.

"We do not know where Discord currently is, or what his plan is," said Princess Luna. "And the fact the world still seems to be working as intended is both worrying and reassuring at the same time. And while my sister and I will keep a close eye on any and all developments that may point towards Discord, for the time being, we can only hope he will honor the deal he agreed upon with Miss Twilight."

"We know this is not what you wanted to hear, especially considering what Discord did to you, but that is also why we tell you this. That, and to apologize for all that has happened to you the short time you have been here," Celestia told him, and Danny could feel Devora, still sitting next to him, stiffen; able to feel the indignation coming off of her even without the ability to sense emotions. "Do know we will do everything in our power to bring Discord and the ghost threat under control. And be assured, Lyra Heartstrings will be punished for her transgressions as well."

"One small victory at least," Danny remarked dryly.

"I understand this is nothing more than a hollow victory to you, after everything that has happened. And if there is anything we can do to help, you merely need to say so," Celestia said reassuringly. "After all, the well-being of all who call this land home matters greatly to me."

Danny leaned forwards, then stood up to draw the attention away from Devora struggling to contain herself.

"Thanks," he said, looking at the solar princess and seeing no deception in her eyes. Proving she truly believes her own lies.

When nothing more was said, the princesses turned back to the other mares with them.

"Understandably this is not the outcome we had hoped for," Celestia said. "And the loss of one of the Elements does pose an immediate risk for future calamities that we must prepare for."

"Anythaing we can do?" asked Applejack.

"Unless Discord makes a move to which we can react, I am afraid not. For now, I believe the best course of action is to return to your lives as best as possible. But be prepared for anything. My sister and I will keep all of you informed when anything happens."

"With Discord and ghosts out there, 'anything' doesn't cover the mess that will happen," Rainbow Dash replied heatedly. "How did all of this even happen to begin with? And what else will happen without us being able to do anything about it?" She let loose a groan of frustration. "I hate feeling this useless."

"We all do," Applejack placed a hoof on her friend's withers. "But that's why we must stick together, now more than ever."

"Applejack is correct," Princess Luna told them. "Together we can overcome these challenges."

"But how much help will we be without the Elements?" Asked Twilight, not quite looking at her mentor. "Not to say my friends and I can't overcome difficulties, but against Discord… and the ghosts. Back in the Everfree Forest, we weren't able to do much of anything helpful, and we lost Danny and Zecora while we're at it. And while Danny was able to return, with the fillies, it showed us just how little we were able to do. And now Discord is on the loose, and he has my Element."

"These are difficult times, my student," Celestia stepped towards Twilight, placing a wing on her back. "But it will pass, you’ll see, just as they have always done. Just believe in your friends, your friendship, and most importantly, yourself," she said, smiling gently at the purple mare.

Twilight continued to frown, however. The words of her mentor doing little to ease her worries ever since the, in hindsight obvious, flaws in Celestia's plans proved she wasn't as all-knowing as she believed her to be.

"I hope you're right, princess," Twilight said, looking up at Celestia.

"We all do," Rarity said, her eyes falling on her younger sister and the unease she clearly showed, "for everyones sake."


Being escorted to her home by Pinkie Pie and the guard who had her magically bound was, without a doubt, the most humiliating thing that had happened to Lyra to date.

At least only a small number of ponies were out on the streets, but it wouldn't be long before word would spread. It always did, and she was sure at least half of Ponyville had heard one version, or the other by the time Pinkie Pie told her everything would be alright, giving her a big hug, then left to return to the library, the front door slamming shut behind her.

Now she sat on her couch, surrounded by a large number of papers containing her research… the evidence of her over-exuberant studying of Danny Manson, while the guard, Quick Strike, kept a close eye on her.

While this situation was certainly bad, she already knew it was about to become even worse. Bon Bon was out for the moment, checking up on the supplies, but once she had made sure her storage was just as full as the day before, she would no doubt come back home. It was, after all, still early in the day.

With a rattle of the door and the turning of the knob, Lyra's fears became reality much sooner than she had anticipated. And in what felt like slow-motion, she turned to look at the now stunned mare standing in the doorway; one hoof still on the doorknob while her eyes moved to Lyra, to the magical bindings, to the guard turning to look at her, and back to the bound unicorn.

Shock soon turned to frustration, then anger as Bon Bon let go of the doorknob and slowly placed her hoof over her face.

"I'm going to kill you," she groaned.

"That would be a most heinous crime, punishable by life imprisonment," somepony said from behind her, the voice worryingly familiar and, as Bon Bon turned around, she came face to face with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; the latter being the one who had spoken.

"Princess Celestia. Princess Luna," Bon Bon took a step back in shock. "What-"

Celestia held up a hoof, stopping Bon Bon. "My sister and I have recently become aware that Miss Lyra Heartstrings continually harassed and stalked mister Danny Manson. Naturally, there will be consequences for these transgressions, which is why we are here."

Slowly, Bon Bon's hoof returned to her face. "Why am I not surprised the princesses are getting directly involved?"

"May we come in?" Asked Celestia.

Without a word, Bon Bon stood aside, allowing entrance to the princesses, then quickly closed the door behind them; already seeing a few ponies staring in curiosity.

She already knew that, before the day would end, everypony in town would know exactly what had happened.


Danny stood in the living room of his home, silently looking at the photo hidden from Bon Bon; the smiling faces of Tucker, Sam, and himself partially hidden by the reflection of his face. The tired adult a stark contrast to his younger self.

"We really can't run from our past, can we?" Danny asked, looking away from the photo and at his other self who was partially hidden; the white-haired man standing with several books under his arm.

"It's not about if we can, or not. It's if we can run long enough."

With a sigh, Danny returned the photo to its hiding place. "You've got the book I see."

"Plural," the other corrected. "Though there is something weird about them."


"You know what the librarian said. The books only show their stories to those who are allowed to know. But for some reason, I can read them, too. Parts of them, at least."

"Probably because of the time in the Murgröna."

"Maybe, but the librarian said this is not normal. Almost as if the books know something we don't."

"Just another question to add to the list then, I guess," he shrugged. "But about Bon Bon…"

"Eclipse informed me. Said she could transform."

"She can change her colors, and her mark becomes that of a cloaked shadow when changed."

"Really? Why?" Asked the other Danny.

"Maybe an echo of a time long past reaching out, wishing to be heard?"

"Maybe…" Shaking his head, Danny placed the books on the table. "This is Spring Breeze's Lifebook. The librarian said it may be possible for Bon Bon to read it, as a living descendant. Or she may not, with how much time has passed. Only one way to find out. But seeing how I found it, I'm pretty sure she will be able to."

"Okay. And the other book?"

"Apple Pie," he put the book down beside the other. "And this one actually confirmed to me what we suspected," he flipped open the book, and on the first page, a diagram of Apple Pie's family tree appeared. "Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, a whole lot of other Apples, Pinkie Pie, Maud Pie, and apparently there are a few more Pies as well… They are all related to Apple Pie and Buzz. All of them are, to some small extent, of changelink heritage."

"Which would explain Applejack's ability to tell a lie or Pinkie Pie's sensitivity to other people's mood."

"Yes. Fortunately, Celestia does not realize these traits are connected to the more obvious traits some ponies have shown. Like Bon Bon, as you have told me. And I'm glad about it, too. Knowing what she put all those ponies through, what lies she told them, forcing them to live a life of shame and disgust over something that is nothing more than their birthright."

"You've lost me there," Danny looked away from the family tree, confused. "I know she lied about the changelinks, denied them what they were, refused even to acknowledge them as anything more than a curse. But what about these other ponies? Eclipse explained some of the things you learned, but not everything."

"Yes, about that. Frostbite already warned me about this. Each duplicate of us is now living a different life, doing all kinds of things and putting our memories and experiences out of alignment. We need to remerge some time soon, cause the longer this goes on, the worse it will be for us as a whole once all these different memories clash with one another."

"That… sounds kinda obvious now that you said it."

"That's what I said."

"Might as well remerge right now, you and I. Get it over with and get our memories back in alignment."

"Sounds like a plan," the other agreed, then turned into a wisp of energy and shot in the remaining human's chest.

Danny staggered back, hand against his head as a flood of memories poured in; knowledge, experience, everything Frostbite taught him, and everything he had learned from Celestia's lifebook.

Several minutes passed as new knowledge and skills became his own once again.

"Frostbite wasn't joking," he groaned eventually, letting his arm drop. "The others need to remerge as well before this becomes even worse."

With a flash of light, a band of energy split him vertically through the middle, and moments later there were once more two humans in the room.

"Alright, you go back to the Hive, sort things out there, then return to the Far Frozen. I'll deal with things over here."

"Right," his double agreed, then quickly left.

"Hmm," the one who remained grumbled, now remembering everything that had happened in the ghost library. "Got the books of Spring Breeze and Apple Pie, but nothing on Discord. Big surprise there."

With a sigh, he turned his attention back to the books.

"Learning about her origins may help both of us in the long run," he looked at Spring Breeze's Lifebook. "At least she'll know the truth. As for you," he picked up Apple Pie's Lifebook. "Applejack and Big Mac won't be able to read you. Not without uncovering secrets that need to remain hidden… for now. But Apple Bloom, learning of her connection with the changelinks may help them as they work to repair some of the damage Celestia caused."

With a new plan taking shape, Danny grabbed both books.

"Now to get them these books without anyone else finding out."


Angling down in a glide, Soarin touched down on the training grounds of the Wonderbolt academy.

Wings folding to his side, he absentmindedly brushed a hoof through his windswept mane while stuck in mental debate.

Unfortunately, the flight back failed to provide the much-needed clarity of mind as his silent debate continuously moved in circles around the main issues, never resolving anything. Though he didn't realize just how lost in thought he was until he was pulled from his musings by a shout; quickly looking around in surprise, realizing he had somehow found his way back to the door to his office, hoof already on the knob when he saw Spitfire walk towards him.

While it had been years, he still couldn't ignore the noticeable limp each time she put pressure on her right hind leg; the injuries she sustained in Baltimare never fully healed in places. Fortunately, her wings made a full recovery, but much like her body, her personality was broken as well and the mare now standing before him was not the same as the one he flew in combat with; wearing a flight jacket to hide some of the more prominent scars, while a pair of light-absorbing shades kept anypony from seeing her eyes directly.

"Spitfire. Sorry, I didn't hear you there."

"You're late," she half shouted with a raspy voice, glaring at him over her shades. "You were supposed to be back three hours ago!"

Realizing this was an especially bad day, Soarin straightened his posture immediately.

"Apologies, ma'am. The tear failed to open on time, forcing me to wait. Fortunately, it didn't take too long, and I returned her as fast as I could."

Spitfire glared at him for nearly a minute, then she relaxed her stance, but only slightly.

"Very well," she grunted. "But this excuse won't work next time. We can't allow ourselves any slack. We need to be prepared for anything, anytime. Anything less means defeat, or worse, death!"

"No need to remind me," Soarin said with a hollow voice, which struck home with Spitfire who visibly deflated.

"I suppose I don't," she said, subdued, her wings twitching. "There's an announcement from the higher-ups an hour from now," she quickly changed the subject, voice hardened again as she pushed her shades up to completely hide her eyes. "All senior staff, especially those who were at Baltimare need to be present."

Soarin's ears noticeably twitched as she told him that.

"All of us who were at Baltimare? Why?" He asked, dreading the answer.

"What do you think," Spitfire asked rhetorically. "One hour from now. You know the place," and she brushed past him.

For a moment, he watched limp away before saying quietly: "I think, of the two of us, I got off easy"

Eventually, he entered his office and took a second to look at the scarcely decorated room.

He never fully understood why he earned his own office, nor did he expect himself to remain long enough to personalize the place, yet as the years passed he was still here.

Taking a seat behind his desk filled with numerous forms of potential recruits to consider for admittance to the academy, a picture of Jazz standing at the corner, while a small fridge still holding half a pie stood on the ground next to the desk; partially hidden by the wastebin placed before it, obscuring it from sight to anyone looking in through the door.

With a sigh, he pushed aside the paperwork. Pulling open a drawer, he rummaged inside for a moment until he found what he was looking for, then placed the paper he pulled out of the drawer flat on the desk.

"Request for transfer," he murmured, staring at the words for several long minutes, conflicted.

This wasn't the first time he sat there, staring at the same words on the same paper, though this time the conflict was for a different reason.

In the months after the attack on Baltimare, forced to say goodbye to some he trained and served with as they didn't make it out of Baltimare alive, or succumbed to injuries later; watch others with so much potential resign due to injuries and/or mental trauma; to see the supposed best of the best reduced to a shadow of their former selves; to be unable to sleep for fear of the dark and what might hide around him; what could attack him should he so much as close his eyes, he had thought about quitting numerous times.

As time passed, and his sessions with Jazz helped him to break through the trauma enough to begin to reason with himself, instead of quitting he decided his skills may be better served elsewhere. Where he wasn't sure. Just someplace else. But the moment he finished writing his request for transfer, he was unable to place his signature. Some part of him, a faint voice of the stallion he was before Baltimare shouting at him to not give up. And after half an hour of sitting with an inked quill in mouth, he put the paper away.

During times where the stress got to him, he would pull out the paper, fully intending to sign it, yet unable to do so each, and every time; the voice, his voice always there to shout at him.

This time, however, the voice wasn't shouting. And as he sat there, staring at his words written years ago, his voice said only five words: "You know what to do."

Grabbing the paper in both hooves, he looked at the request for transfer one final time, then crumpled the letter into a compact ball and tossed it in the bin.

"I'm right where I need to be."

Author's Note:

Please share your thoughts and opinions down in the comments.


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