• Published 19th Jun 2013
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Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 63: Wise Words

“Where is it?” Luna paced about her room, searching. “It must be in here!” she growled, as she gave a mighty beat of her wings. This provided her with enough lift to get a brief glimpse of the item she looked for. It sat on a high shelf, just out of sight from the floor. She breathed a sigh of relief, retrieving the scroll.

Celestia glanced through her sister’s doorway just as she landed back on the floor. Curious, she knocked on the door and opened it fully. “Luna? Is everything alright?” Various objects lay scattered about the room.

Luna turned to her room’s entrance. She took a deep breath and calmly said, “It is now. I feared I had lost this.” She levitated the scroll down to show her sister.

Celestia arched a brow as she entered the room, maneuvering through the chaos that could have rivaled Discord. “That looks like one of the friendship letters Twilight sent me long ago— but the paper seems less… aged.”

Luna smiled and shook her head. “It is not, but you are close, Sister. To my knowledge, this is the only friendship letter sent to this castle by means other than dragonfire…” She carefully unravelled the scroll, revealing only the top line, which read, ‘Dear Princess Luna.’ “…as well as one of the few friendship letters addressed to somepony other than yourself.” Luna beamed.

This took Celestia by surprise. The Elements’ friendship letters had been compiled into a novel ages ago. Had Twilight known another letter had existed at the time, even if it was not one of her own, she probably would have asked Luna’s permission to include it in the book. However, since Celestia herself had never seen this particular letter before, Luna clearly prized it as her own private possession— Celestia respected that.

While she had a feeling she knew the answer, Celestia asked, “Who is it from?”

Luna smirked as she said, “Take a guess.”

That confirmed Celestia’s suspicions. With a smile, she said, “I thought so.” Luna nodded. Celestia debated asking, but her curiosity got the best of her. “May I read it?”

Luna sighed. “I wanted to read it again myself. But yes, you may join me. Come, Sister.” Luna carefully trotted to her bed and settled herself on top of her sheets. Celestia sat next to her as she unrolled the rest of the scroll. “If my memory serves, I received this a few months after he was released from the hospital. At that point, he was in his first state of remission. I do not remember why, but until I received this letter I had not contacted him, even in the dreamscape. I am thrilled he sent it to me; this letter is the reason I kept in contact with him so frequently from then on.”

Celestia nodded, inwardly laughing at herself. Twilight’s compilation could not have possibly included this letter, since it had already been published earlier. “I see. I must admit, Sister, I am upset that I do not know as much about this stallion as you do, aside from the fact that his family is quite adept at breaking castle property,” Celestia chuckled. “He seems to have been quite the pony. Although, it may have been for the best; ever since you began contact with him, you became much more… open— as a sister, and as a princess. My interference may have hindered the bond you shared.”

Luna thought for just a moment before responding, “Share, Sister. The bond we share.” Celestia cocked a brow, and Luna smiled. “I will show you the excerpt later, but if I remember the contents of this letter correctly, you will understand soon enough.”

Celestia shrugged as Luna’s aura unravelled the scroll to the bottom, then they both began reading.

Dear Princess Luna,

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen or heard from you, dreaming or not. I’m sure you’re busy, so I wanted to send you a letter to ask how you were doing. I should have done this sooner.

If you don’t already know, I’m doing alright for now. The doctors say there’s nothing to be too worried about, but they’re keeping an eye on me.

Your telescope is absolutely amazing! My dad’s star looks fantastic, but I can see things in the sky that I never knew were there! I won’t bother listing them— I’m sure you already know all about them. I use it every week, and I’m keeping it in good condition. Thank you again for this incredible present!

Celestia interrupted their reading for a moment. “That was very generous of you, Luna. You cherished that telescope as a filly.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed I did, but I no longer needed it. Had I not gifted it to him, it would have sat around without seeing the dark of night. In his possession, I knew it would be put to good use in careful hooves. His grandchildren adore it, and I trust the Captain with its maintenance. Now please, let us continue.”

“My apologies, Luna,” Celestia responded, turning her attention back to the scroll.

I also wanted to tell you that I recently came across a copy of Princess Twilight’s compilation of the friendship letters to Princess Celestia. They were quite inspiring, and I find that I can relate to many of them. However, a thought went through my mind: all of the letters were addressed to Princess Celestia. Unless you were the subject of the letter, I rarely found your name. I know that Princess Twilight was Princess Celestia’s personal student at the time, but it still didn’t seem fair to me.

Since you have given me the honor of calling you a friend, I thought I would try my hoof at writing my own friendship letter. This one, however, is for you.

Over the last ten months that I have fought this trying battle with cancer, I learned that friends can be made anywhere, at any time. A friendship may be accidental, or meant to be. However, even if a friendship is made by accident or coincidence, that does not make it any less important.

As you know, I made two friends this year that I am sad to say are no longer with us, but in the small time that I enjoyed their company, they made an incredible impact on me. Losing them taught me to treasure the friends I still have with me even more. I knew I had to fight on in their honor, for the sakes of my friends, my family, and myself. From their friendships, I found the strength I needed to continue fighting. In that sense, I choose to believe that my friendships with them have not come to an end; their spirits live on in me. I don’t know if I’ll need to battle again in the future, but if I do, I’m sure they will help me again.

Shortly after my battle began, I was given a message from a pony that lost his daughter to cancer. It was about hope, and the importance of not giving it up. I believe that message can also apply to friendship. With this new application in mind, I would like to share it with you: “Friendship is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” This idea only reinforces my belief that my friends that now lay beyond are still with me, and I will continue to hold on to that belief, in this life and the next.

Based on what you told me about connections when I first got released from the hospital, I came to hold another belief based on all the events that occurred: when it comes to friendships, there are no accidents and no coincidences. They all happen for a reason. Whether that belief applied to me or another pony, it doesn’t matter.

My friends, Starry Knight and Tesla Coil, both believe that had it not been for me and my family, neither of them would have earned their cutie marks. While I had my doubts at first, I have come to be more accepting of the notion, because it seems pretty clear to me that your influence led to me getting my cutie mark. Whether you agree or not, I would like to give you the same credit Starry and Tesla have given me.

Princess Luna, I have a strong feeling that had you not been present during my battle, I would not be here today. Your guidance helped me overcome the pain of losing two of my friends, as well as my father. If you hadn’t been there to show me how to keep “contact” with him, I doubt I would have earned my cutie mark. Though you told me you are not able to predict the future, your ability to influence it helped me tremendously. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Your Loyal and Grateful Friend,

Crimson Star

P.S.: As a friend, I would like to make a request. In the future, I want to do some astronomy research. I’ll probably focus on it seriously when I go to college. I’ve already started reading a few books from our library, and your telescope has opened up a whole new universe of information for me, but you are the greatest source of information I think I could ever find. You mentioned teaching me yourself when you gave me your telescope, but I don’t want to hold you to that unless you are willing and able to make the time. I know you are very busy. When the time comes, though, it would be an honor to have your input on a subject that I’m sure you know like the back of your hoof.

I will treasure your friendship always, Princess. If it comes to mean as much to you as it does to me, just remember this: while I am aware that you will not go beyond (as far as I know), even when I am gone, I will always be with you. Those were some of the last words my father spoke to me before he passed away, and I hope that when my time comes, they will bring you the same peace they brought me.

Luna set the scroll down on the bed, letting out a deep sigh as she slowly smiled. And now that time has come… She turned to look at her sister, who returned her look with a smile of her own.

“Wise words for a young colt,” Celestia said.

“Indeed,” Luna responded. She turned away from her sister and looked across her room, where a painting now hung in a place of honor on the wall opposite her bed. Underneath sat a plaque:

Title: “The Lunar Apprentice”

Artist: Starry Knight

Inspiration: Crimson Star and Princess Luna

Luna sighed. “Crimson Star, I must thank you for the bond we share. Your friendship has meant more to me than you shall ever know.” She swept a tear from her eye.

Celestia draped a wing over Luna’s back and gave her a soft embrace. “Then again, Sister, perhaps he does know.”

Luna took a breath, looked Celestia in the eye with a smile, and nodded. “True words, Tia.” Luna did not hold back; she allowed her tears to fall to the bedsheets as her gaze returned to the painting. “True words…”

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