• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,642 Views, 144 Comments

Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 64: Finale—Farewell For Now

Luna found herself in a dark forest, surrounded by massive trees that loomed overhead. This was not uncommon for her; many foals had an instinctive fear of the Everfree. As she moved along the forest path, with all of the fauna ignoring her presence, she heard a voice nearby.

Again? I really wish I could get this lucid dreaming down pat. I know I’m in a dream, but I still can’t seem to change it! Why is it taking so long to get this right?” A harsh sigh and a hoof pounding the ground followed the outburst. Wishing to remain unseen, Luna hid in the brush, trying to get a better view of her subject.

When she found an opening between two tree trunks, Luna caught sight of a violet-coated earth pony filly face-to-face with a cockatrice. The creature glared at the filly with all of its might, but the filly’s body and unimpressed expression both remained unchanged. The filly let out a snort, then turned around and bucked the cockatrice into the shadows, revealing her cutie mark.

The mark on the filly’s flank was unique: at first, Luna thought it was a net of some sort, but the ‘rim’ seemed to be housing a floral pattern of some kind. A closer look revealed five different colored feathers, each one trailing the edge of the circle by a single thread. The filly grabbed Luna’s attention once again when she tossed her long, wheat-tinted mane behind her and sighed again before calling out, “Alright, Manny. I know you’re there, so just come out.”

As soon as she said this, a manticore jumped at the filly from behind the thick brush. The filly ducked, dodging the attack easily. This caused the manticore to go rolling uncontrollably down the path and out of sight. As she rose, the filly shook her head. “After like, the hundredth time, this just gets too easy. It’s so boring; how come nothing new ever happens?”

Luna grinned as she exited her cover, causing the filly to jump in surprise. Gazing upon the Princess’s figure, she said, “Well, that’s new. Not exactly what I had in mind, but it is new.” The Princess gave a low chuckle as the filly continued, “Of all the things my mind could think of, why Princess Luna?”

Luna approached the filly, smiling. “Because my presence is not your own mind’s doing, my little pony.” The filly’s dark green eyes bulged as she took a single step backward. Luna shook her head as she continued to walk towards the filly. “Do not worry, young one— you have nothing to fear. What is your name?”

Remembering something she had read, the filly realized that this was, in fact, the real Princess Luna. She dipped into a bow, quickly reminding herself of her manners. “Dreamcatcher, Your Highness. My name is Dreamcatcher.” She rose as she looked the Princess in the eye.

Recalling the filly’s cutie mark, a light bulb went on over Luna’s head before she nodded, holding a hoof to her chin. “Hmm… yes, I see. I heard you speaking of lucid dreaming; why has that particular subject sparked your interest?”

Dreamcatcher grimaced. “Well, it’s a bit of a long story, Your Highness, but I’ll try to keep it short. I read about lucid dreaming in a book. The idea of taking control of a dream sounded really cool, so I tried to learn as much as I could about it. A while ago I had this nightmare, and it comes back every now and then, so I’ve been trying to get it to stop.”

Luna nodded. “Ah yes, the recurring nightmare— the plague of the dreamscape. I see them frequently in the young and the old.”

Dreamcatcher nodded back. “Right. Anyway, I figured out how to recognize that I’m in a dream once I get to sleep, but I still haven’t figured out how to change the dream. It’s so frustrating! The same thing always happens. Actually, there should be a timberwolf coming from behind you in a few minutes.”

Dismissing the warning, Luna raised her eyebrows. “Lucid dreaming is not easy, Dreamcatcher; it takes practice. How long have you been trying?”

Dreamcatcher’s pupils shifted upward as she thought. “Well, I had this nightmare for the first time a little over a year ago, and it started recurring often a few months ago. But I’ve been able to dream lucidly long before I had it in the first place, so… about three years. It took me a full year before I could do it easily. I didn’t think I would ever get my cutie mark…” The filly glanced at her flank for a moment before looking back at Princess Luna, who held a wide smile.

Luna said, “Being able to determine the difference between dream and reality is a difficult first step, Dreamcatcher. Not many ponies can master it, and you seem to have done it quite well.”

Dreamcatcher brushed back her mane and blushed. “Thank you, Your Highness. You’re right, it wasn’t easy, but I really want to master dream manipulation. I don’t understand why it’s taking so long!

Luna nodded. “I admit, three years is a rather long time to learn dream manipulation, but it is different for everypony. I know of only a select few who developed the skill quickly. It took me many years to perfect, and decades to master manipulating others’ dreams.”

Dreamcatcher’s eyes glazed over for a moment before they went wide. “…Of course! That’s how you’re here, isn’t it? You can’t just enter a dream, you have to manipulate it so it accepts your presence!”

Luna nodded. “You know the science quite well, Dreamcatcher. You certainly have done your homework.”

The filly nodded back. Shuffling her hooves, she asked, “Can… Can you show me how to do it?”

Remembering Dreamcatcher’s warning, Luna raised a brow and scratched her chin. “Perhaps I can. However…” She closed her eyes and focused as their surroundings slowly transformed. On one side of the visible path, the tall trees became a serene lake, with beautiful snow-capped mountains off in the distance. On the other side, an open field appeared with a small, open walking path a little ways before them. The path they stood on had converted into a shoreline, with stones and a few patches of grass here and there. The openness revealed a cloudless, starlit sky. “…I would prefer to do so in a more tranquil setting.” Luna grinned as the filly stared upward, her eyes sparkling with the reflections of the stars, and her mouth agape in a wide smile. The placid lake mirrored the sky, making it look like they stood at the edge of the world.

“That… That’s incredible! You make it look so easy!” Dreamcatcher’s neck craned back to take in the entirety of her new surroundings. “I don’t think I could ever do something so cool.”

Luna smiled. “It is not as easy as it may appear. Remember, as Princess of the Night, I am in my familiar element. The ability to use magic is also quite helpful. It sometimes takes a bit longer to master for pegasi and earth ponies.” Dreamcatcher frowned and looked at the sand around her hooves. This caught the princess’s eye. “But that certainly does not mean it is impossible. How old are you, Dreamcatcher?”

Dreamcatcher was taken aback. “I… I’m fourteen, Your Highness. Why?”

Luna smiled again. “Then you have no reason to fret; there is plenty of time to learn. After years of practice, you will have control of your own dreams as well.” She looked up at her own creation.

When Luna looked back down at Dreamcatcher, her head hung low and her ears lay flat. It took the Princess by surprise. “Dreamcatcher, is something the matter?”

Dreamcatcher looked back up at the Princess. “Well, it’s just… I don’t know if I do have that much time.”

This caught Luna’s attention as she leaned forward slightly. “Why not, my little pony?”

Dreamcatcher stood up with proper poise, but retained her glum demeanor as she let out a deep sigh. “I have cancer, Your Highness.”

Dreamcatcher released herself from Princess Luna’s warm embrace. The refreshing feeling brought her spirits up again.

“Thank you, Your Highness. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve been dealing with this for a while, but I still fall into slumps like that occasionally.”

Luna put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. “You have every right to do so. It has not been an easy battle, has it?”

Dreamcatcher shook her head. “No, it hasn’t. But it isn’t terminal, and it’s been long enough that I’m used to it. Ponies from the Shining Stars Foundation have been helping me stay in good spirits. I like them a lot.”

Luna smiled. You have made your mark, my friend. Well done.

Dreamcatcher continued, “I have a bunch of friends supporting me through it, too. That really helps.”

Luna nodded, glancing at Dreamcatcher’s cutie mark before she said, “Indeed. Friends are a remarkable asset in trying times such as the one you are going through.” Luna then thought back to her own treasured letter. The words burned fresh in her mind. “From what I witnessed before, I can tell that you have courage in your heart and a strong determination to succeed in your battle. That is a powerful advantage, but what you must always remember is to not give up hope. That is the true key to victory.”

Dreamcatcher nodded. “My friends tell me that, too. When I first started dealing with all this, there were times that I felt like I just… couldn’t.” She turned away and let a tear fall as Luna attempted to lean down and give her a nuzzle.

“But…” The filly stood tall and wiped her eye with a hoof. “My friends helped me get over that. They believe in me, so I can’t let them down. It may be hard to take, but just when I think I can’t, my friends help me realize that I can. I can because I have to. And I have to because…” She paused.

Luna smiled and arched a brow. “Because?”

Dreamcatcher furrowed her own brows and replied, “Because I have no other choice. After all the support my friends have given me, I refuse to give up. Since I’m still here, there must be reason for it.”

Luna beamed. The wisdom and strength of will in this filly was indomitable. It reminded her of her old friend. “Wise words for a young filly. I have no doubt that you will lead yourself to victory. If you wish, I can help you along the way. At the very least, I can assist you with your lucid dreaming.”

Dreamcatcher’s furrowed brows shot into arches and she jumped. “REALLY? Thank you, Your Highness!”

Luna put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. “Absolutely, Dreamcatcher. For now, I must depart. In the meantime, enjoy your vacation.” Luna smiled as she gestured to a newly conjured beach chair. As she turned, she felt a tug at her leg.

“How can I ever thank you, Your Highness?”

Luna smiled. “By continuing to fight the good fight. The greatest thanks I can receive is your good health. Keep watch for me during your nightly slumber, and practice— you will be creating your own dreams in no time. I will be in contact.” Dreamcatcher smiled and nodded as she released the Princess’s leg. “And please, you may call me Luna.”

The filly’s smile widened as she nodded again. “Okay. So long, Yo— Luna.”

“Farewell for now, Dreamcatcher. I look forward to seeing you again.” The filly waved as Princess Luna returned her smile, rose into the air, then flew off into the night.

Dreamcatcher’s cutie mark seared into Luna’s mind. Before she could think of anything else, her heart raced as her thoughts flashed back to the painting upon her wall. Before focusing on another random subject, she took a moment to calm herself, casually flying in the direction of the red star in front of her. Yes, I will see you soon…

…my young apprentice.


Author's Note:

Once more, I want to thank Ayemel for her fantastic artwork. The amount of detail in this picture is massive, so I recommend clicking on this one also.

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