• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 8,376 Views, 247 Comments

A Noble Cause - Sarkastik Menace

Death. All that remains on this planet are the martyrs who gave their lives to ensure the others could escape. Humanity’s greatest has fallen. 23 Billion humans died in the war, and only more would follow. The few strays on Reach were quickly f

  • ...

[PART 2]She's back

It was dark and cramped. It was uncomfortable and the bed had springs popping out of it. Six had barely a few steps before she reached the cold bars. No wonder Spartans never surrendered. Giving up fucking sucked. Six would have gladly taken the honorable death against half the covenant army over this. Some would call it a second chance. Six wouldn’t call it a second chance, and she had thought long and hard in her boring cell about what it would be called. A nightmare. Much like the ones she had been having with her temporary and admittedly companion Daring….. Daring something. She just called the pony Dare in her mind anyway.

Six simply laid on the two mattresses, bored out of her mind. The guards just stacked a few mattresses together, as the normal bedpost would probably just collapse from the weight of her armor. The ponies rarely tried talking during the one and a half days she had been awake after her very unfortunate capture. Six barely remembered the fight. She just knew she kicked ass, but admittedly that was probably just her thinking she did, but during her career many would say kicking ass was a serious understatement.

The only thing the Spartan did was lay in her bed, eat with her back facing the lone guard watching her cell. Six showed no one her face. Only a few people did, and it was the numbered few who Six felt were close enough to actually know what details she could share. Though she could count those few with one hand. Six didn’t care though. The constant fighting, and fighting alone meant there were very few she could even talk to in the first place. The bond of camaraderie was something she hadn’t truly felt until she joined Noble. It was too painful for Six to even deal with, honestly. The only time she had brothers and sisters in arms in her entire life, they were all killed, all but one before her very eyes.

Jun. Six liked to imagine Jun made it off world with Halsey. One of her own day dreaming sessions to waste time saw Jun using his usual sarcastic yet witty humor to lighten up a bar on earth. It was funny, honestly. Six didn’t talk much, but she could see people’s behaviors and picture them in her mind, almost predicting what they would do and say. Of course, maybe being trained to read descriptions and faces during her time as “The Admiral’s Grim Reaper” that gave her the ability could be a reason behind that.

Six heard four guards start come down the hall. Pair? Usually it was just one coming every three hours to relieve the guard watching her. When six saw them it was only two. Six sighed and remembered they had four legs, not two. “Hey, you. Yeah, you. Come with us, the Captain’s got some questions for you.” A guard unlocked her cell rather quickly. Six rolled off the bed, and there were broken handcuffs on her wrists. The guard groaned, as it was the seventh pair they put on her. He must have just given up, as he didn’t put a new pair on. The two guards began to walk off, and the third that had been there watching her motioned for her to go and follow the two. she did just that, and the third walked behind her. As if these three could take me on? Six thought to herself, smirking. The smaller one was shaking in her boots.

They had walked through the lower levels of the dungeon, all equally dark and empty. The bars here though were rusted, no beds in the cells. Why was a jail so vacant? Usually in UNSC bases the cells were filled to the brim with grunts and the occasional jackal that surrendered. Of course, this civilization probably wasn’t at war, especially since the soldiers sucked that much. Still, forty soldiers versus one Spartan? They never stood a chance.

Six’s thoughts were cut by one of the guards in front opening the door. It was almost like one of the old interrogation rooms. Well, it was essentially one. a chair on one side of a desk, and a chair on the other. one seat was already filled by a… well, basically another one of the clone guards. White coat, blue hair and tail. Though the pony wore no armor, he did look tougher than the others she had fought. Not by a big margin though. Six sat down in the chair, curious about the ensuing chat.

“I’m assuming you already know about how stressful you were to us in the Royal Guard before your capture, correct?” The pony said matter of factly. Six merely nodded slightly in response.
“Well, in that case, tell me this. Why would you do that, then? What are your motives for bowling over almost one hundred of Equestria’s finest?”

Six decided to wait a quarter minute to think it through, trying to think of a subtle yet short response. “They were a threat. One that had to be eliminated.”

The guard sat there blinking for a brief moment. “A threat. A threat to you, how? We just wanted to talk, until you crippled the lunar guard.”

“Then your lunar guard shouldn’t have attacked me.” Six said, putting her arms on the desk. She was getting tired of the talking already.

“Then you shouldn’t have taken our mare hostage!” He was beginning to show frustration.

Six sighed, knowing who it was. She remembered that fight well. It was more of a sigh of disbelief. “Hostage? A wild animal attacked her.”

He raised an eyebrow, not expecting the response.“What do you mean, a wild animal attacked?”

“Alligator. River. Simple.” Six said, her voice at the same pitch, showing just about zero emotion.

"Then why were you so hostile to our guards, guards that were the same species as the one you apparently rescued."

“They looked quite different last I remember…” Six said, trying to hint at their appearance, the weird bat pony things were pretty spooky.

“Ah… for somepony so tough, you were scared of the way they looked? And for your information, that difference is from the armor. The armor is enchanted to alter the appearance.”

"I wasn't scared. they just looked hostile." Six said, really not questioning her instincts

“....yes. that’s not the point. The point is, if you had cooperated earlier we wouldn’t have wasted time and resources, risked lives to gain said cooperation.”

“You shouldn’t have attacked a spartan.” Six leaned back into the chair, crossing her arms and smirking just slightly. The pony sat quietly for a minute and got up, walked out a door.


Shining armor shut the door and let out a heavy breath in relief. That thing was a pain the flank, and a big one. He walked and stopped beside Princess Luna, and both stared through the illusory wall.

“I think this one might finally crack your sanity, Captain.” The princess of the night let out a soft chuckle, staring with an amused expression at the creature.

“Well, she certainly has gotten very close. Almost as close as that damned changeling queen.”

“Oh my, Chrysalis? Oh stop it you. We all know you still had feelings for the Queen.” Luna replied and smirked

“Yeah, sure your highness. Next thing you’ll be saying I’ve got a thing going for this ape.” Shining kept looking at the weird creature.

“You know I jest, Captain. Still, this isn’t an ape, not even close. We did take off her helmet, did we not? Very feminine for a creature so… Threatening.” Luna examined the girl, or Spartan as she called herself.

“Yet she still had a scar running across her nose? It’s obvious the thing’s seen combat, besides the fighting prowess she has.”

“Well yes, of course. She’s just much less, shall I say… Intimidating than the Night Guard drew her out to be.”

“Oh, of course. Though I think they did that to save face. The most elite fighting force they say, getting their flanks whooped in mere minutes by just one mare. Or whatever she is.” Shining armor grinned a bit. He enjoyed having his lunar guard counterparts getting a blow to their dignity.

“Maybe you should get some information from, Oh I don’t know… The pony she supposedly held hostage, according to you?”

“Yes, maybe I should… I just made a rational assumption that the thing in front of us beat the crap out of a bunch of good ponies didn’t do it in self preservation.” Shining armor scoffed.

“You think that thing shows fear, princess?” Shining said, emphasizing 'thing'.

"Oh, Shining. the 'thing' cant be that bad. After all, if she was a real monster as you think her to be, that monster would have literally killed all of those soldiers. And just maybe you should talk to Daring, instead of assuming what happened." Princess Luna pointed out bluntly, looking at Six.

"I guess you have a point, then." Shining sighed, rubbing his head. "Guess I should talk to Daring Do, then."

“You do that. I’ll have Six escorted back to a… better cell. And tell Daring I said hello, would you?”

Comments ( 38 )


4787089 It just... took them five months....

Ummmm i can hardly tell who is talking in this chapter.....though that might be because of lack of sleep.....hmmmmmmm oh well keep up the good work!

Yes this is good... give more.

Not sure whether to be weirded out, flattered, or insulted...


4787320 insulted? How...

SO! I wonder how much the Equestrian Military would be slaughtered if they faced Six in a a no holds battle (with guns!), or better yet, the Master Chief. Still, I like Six just as much as Chief, maybe a little more, and this story is amazing, and obviously one of the better Halo x Pony crossovers in my opinion, partly because the main character isn't dead yet and that it's a change of pace compared to the Chief. I do hope this updates frequently, though I understand that life gets in the way. Good luck in your endeavors with this story. I'm liking it. a lot. (Big Mac would probably approve, wouldn't you Big Mac: :eeyup:).

Edit: I just noticed this! What in the name of heck, is with the romance tab? Adventure: Six is a Spartan, it's expected. Human: Six is human. Sad: This is Six, no more must be said. Crossover: DUH. Romance: What...? I never expected that with a Spartan! However, this is probably noted in a future chapter, as with the CMC.

Those last four bits of dialogue are very confusing. I can't tell who's talking at the time.


Sleep deprivation, mostly.

i hate to sounds like a douchebag...

but we waited 4 months for a 1425 words long chapter?
i don't know if i missed a blog post or something detailing us about the hiatus, but still, i'd like it if Mr Author guy would write an authors note about why it took so long.

4788587 sorry... the reasons are too personal, and i kind of do feel like a douche for, y'know... not doing anything. but honestly i just dont wanna talk about the reasons why i stopped

Ok guys, I saw some complaints about not knowing who's talking. I tried fixing them, and i think it's much better now. There were some errors moving the chapter from Google docs to here, and some lines of dialogue were missing, curiously? :rainbowderp: But yeah, it should be better now for those that are concerned.

4789042 No worries, I understand completely:twilightsmile:
it's only right that you take a break to sort out your IRL problems.

4789681 Well, I think she responded perfectly like a Spartan would. Then again, I think if a Spartan was captured they would try to escape. Anyways, great chapter and take your time as real life does get in the way. Keep up the good work!

I'd had bent the bars and stuck in the cell just to get a point across. Maybe even walked up to the ward and asked for no flowers in the food.

4790967 I appreciate your input but here's one tiny thing... spartans were picked up at SIX years old. and that was spartan 2s. Spartan threes in canon were mostly orphans from war torn planets, and the age restrictions were more loose. though candidates from my knowledge were no older then say 11. (carter was almost 11 i believe). Please dont try to correct my knowledge on UNSC history. im not an amateur


Wait what. Holy crap why is that there.

from what I remember the only reason the S III's of Noble have energy shields is because they were a spec ops group of S III's the rest had the piece of shit SPI armor.

4794239 sorry then, friend. I just did not feel a need to put in any more of plot details in there. what's going to happen later on, I will not touch on under any circumstances, though I will review the prologue chapter, try to clarify as best I can to please you. Although, I have yet to make this an announcement but im going on vacation for a week, so all work will be stopped for like, 8 days while im in florida.

I'd hope you wouldn't be. so many halo fics are garbage in my eyes because they never read the books, or even looked at the freaking wiki. you though i can tell you've done research and i respect that greatly and thats why you get a fav and like from me. keep up the great work and peace.
~ Techsol

4796299 The only issue I see is the massive gap between chapters being released

Fucking FINALLY! God that was getting pushed on for a while.

4794204 Headhunters were the S3s that got shields due to being 'Spec Ops'. Noble Team had shields because they were treated like S2s and given full Mjolnir armor (funnily enough, the only actual S2 on the team had normally unshielded Mk-IV armor)

Okay this story is getting interesting :rainbowderp:

5383767 Wrong-o, buddy. Noble Six was a member of Beta Company, the second regiment of SPARTAN-III's. S/He was hyperlethal because of his/her own skills as well as a psychological disorder that s/he had before s/he was "enlisted" by Ackerson. Six is a Lone Wolf because since Operation: TORPEDO, s/he was one of the only threes of both Alpha and Beta to have avoided being sent on one of these sue-ops.

5383767 Technically all of Noble Team(excluding Jorge) are somewhere in between 2's and 3's. What makes Noble Team different from other model 3's is that they were all born with the unique genetic makeup that model 2's possessed. They were kids Halsey would have chosen to become 2's had the circumstances been different. This is why they were taken out of their respective companies after training and given access to better equipment than most model 3's, such as MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armour.

Why do people keep saying "levitate him" as though that would end a fight? "Oh noes! I'm floating! If only I could hold onto something like all this stuff around him or grab a rock before I lift off and smack my attacker in the face with it hard enough to dent titanium! Oh wait, I CAN! If only I had a gun to take advantage of being in the air to rain death from above! Oh wait, I DO!"

It's like the whole lift and singularity in Mass Effect. I never understood why someone next to the target didn't just grab him or that there is no tech to compensate by anchoring the soldier or why a floating soldier wouldn't use the height to rain death from above since he can see over enemy cover. Grenade, anyone?

It would seem this story is dead...damn it was looking promising as well.

Man I love your comments so much. It’s nice to see this kind of perspective when reading this. I mostly have my logic turned off when I read these fimficts. And I’m always in awe on your comments criticizing the content. In a good way of course. Also a huge fan of stating what humans can do whenever they fight against ponies or some other magical enemy. I just wanted to say thanks. :)

I wish all these halo fics wouldnt die like they do. Some have such good character building

Yes it is very unfortunate that.

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