• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 8,376 Views, 247 Comments

A Noble Cause - Sarkastik Menace

Death. All that remains on this planet are the martyrs who gave their lives to ensure the others could escape. Humanity’s greatest has fallen. 23 Billion humans died in the war, and only more would follow. The few strays on Reach were quickly f

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Impact Is Inevitable

Yawning, the Private boredly shifted his head, pretending to be on the lookout for some monster or whatever. The Pegasus, otherwise known as Hoops, joined the guard months ago after he lost his old job at the weather factory. Breezing through training in most areas, his superiors claimed he was one of the most athletic ponies they had seen in a long time, and to many’s surprise he was also fairly bright, but his laziness was his downfall. Many of his friends claimed he wouldn’t make it past basic training because of his ego, but unbeknownst to them almost all of it had already been sucked away.

“Private!” The Sergeant called not loud, but enough to startle Hoops out of his daze.

Standing at attention and saluting “What are your orders, sir?” Hoops said somewhat wearily, but still trying to have weight in his voice. Hoops hated the Gunny, but knew better than to get on his wrong side.

“I know better than to think you’ve seen activity here, son,” Gunny started, walking as he talked, grumbling as he paused,”But we’ve got new orders.” He finished as he pulled out a map and put it up to a tree, and whistled, for the other three in the patrol besides him and Hoops to see. “Soldiers! New orders are to cut north from our position,” Gunny indicated on the map,”Then we will go southwest back to Camp. I want a diamond formation. Affirmative?” A bunch of half hearted salutes was all the sergeant’s answer.

The Sarge lead the formation, with Hoops taking the rear. Hoops wasn’t really paying attention, being in the back only meant he had to keep his ears open since he wasn’t in the best position to look behind him. He could, but did he want to? Not really at all quite frankly. A familiar noise came into distance though. He could swear that a pair of heavy wings were flapping in the air, and quite damn fast by the ferocity and speed of them flapping.

With a Woosh a figure past the group, as Hoops predicted, ‘quite damn fast’. And of course, Hoops knew Sarge’s order before the words as he flew off after the figure, but his wings were chaffing against the leather straps very painfully. “Celestia Damn this armor, it sucks anyway!” Hoops said to himself, undoing the strap as he caught up to what was certainly a pegasus.

He shook his chest as the armor fell down to the trees, and he could see his coat color return to it’s natural caramel esque shade as the armor fell off, though his tail was still blue. below he gained speed and the pegasus grew clearer in his mind. Sea foam coat, bright orange tail, definitely a girl. “Hey! Stop it!” He yelled, trying to get her attention. Unfortunately they were going too fast, too furious, for her to hear it even from this close of a distance.

Speeding up he had to go as fast as he could to catch the distressed mare. Pulling up right next to her, she finally noticed him. “Hey! Stop, By the order of the royal Guard! Sto-” He was cut off as the pegasus spread out her wings vertically, stopping almost immediately. Muttering out a curse he flew over to her as she lowered her altitude, floating down onto the forest floor.

Hoops landed right next to her, he took in the the mare’s expression. Confusion and a little shock, she had no idea what was going on. “Oh thank Celestia! A monster had gotten me! I got away though.”

Hoops thought of a very distant memory, so vague he could barely even recall it. Even though it was ten minutes ago. Somepony told him, something about a monster. Then he gave him a flyer to show anypony he saw. going through his bag he pulled it out with a hoof. “Did the monster happen to look like this?” Hoops asked, indicating to the caricature. The sketch showed a bipedal being covered from head to toe in metal, spiked, with claws coming out where hooves would normally be. The head had a singular eye, golden, from one end to the other, and demon horns and razor sharp teeth. It looked very, very cartoonized. On the bottom there was a ten thousand bit reward for information. There was no way that this pony could have been kidnapped by it and lived to tell the tale.

Then the mare nodded her head vigorously. Sighing, Hoops flew her back to Gunny, who then told him to fly her back to camp, which he did. He couldn’t even make the mare lead the way! As much as he hated the crap he was going through, that girl was one of the best pieces of ass he ever saw.

Arriving at the camp was simple. Showing the very nervous mare to a sergeant, who would then take her to the LT, and he flew off back to his patrol, knowing full well the Gunny was already on his way back to camp to make sure that his trust private hadn’t royally screwed up as he had prophesied for as long as Hoops was assigned under him.


The flashbacks stopped. Ever since she had arrived, the soldier had been assaulted by the vivid and shocking memories of her childhood. The Spartan wasn’t phased by it, not in the slightest. A spartan’s mind was always a clear, breathing nightmare for any enemy, nothing else. Oh if only her lies were right. The flashbacks, or according to Six, nightmares, took a toll on her mind. Anything she hurt she saw the faces of not covenant, as this would only help her, but people. Six had no idea why either. Dreams were not something she ventured into the meaning of anyway.

Great, now I’m rambling to myself, the spartan said inwardly to herself. The memories had stopped pouring in, at least for the most part. They never stopped completely. Still, the only thing that changed was that she was no longer around Daring Do. Was the pony that Six had actually grown to call somewhat of a friend really the reason why? No, that made no sense. Sighing, Six finally started a small fire, gambling the risk of starting a fire to make a quality fish, risking that anyone would zero in on her position. Maybe the taste of good food would get her mind to veer away from the thoughts she had been having ever since getting to this land.

Six looked down at the pegasus’ bags which she generously left for the soldier when she decided to depart very shortly after waking up. Rummaging through the bag, Six only saw what she considered junk. Still, a few items were somewhat interesting. Preening oil, whatever that was, a notepad full of some doodles which Six decided to keep for her own uses, a digital stopwatch, and of course the picture which moved Six just enough to give the pegasus medical help.

Six was bored, occasionally flipping over the fish that was tied to a stick above the fire. She decided to look at and study the picture. What she already knew was that the pony she helped out begrudgingly had a sister, or a relative. Six simply thought the younger pony was the older one’ sister because they looked so alike that the only true difference was that the younger one had a shaggy like hairdo. But where was the pony and her relative? They were standing on clouds seemingly, and what was behind them was a stadium, more specifically a coloseum judging by the architecture. There also at least a hundred other ponies outside, doing all sorts of casual activities, possibly to just pass the time. “What a strange world this is turning out to be.” Six said quietly to herself, looking up at the clouds curiously.


Lightning Dust had no idea what was going on. Though frankly she was scared and confused. One second she was flying from a monster, and now she was in a guard’s tent, sitting in cold up chair, sipping a cup of tea shivering under a small blanket.

“Listen, Miss-” The lieutenant asked, getting cut off

“L-lightning. Lightning Dust.” She replied, clearly jumpy, but still trying to give the illusion that she was in control of herself.

“Lightning Dust. Ok, I am going to ask you questions based on your encounter with the monster. I was told that you were given a flyer of said monster, and it matched the description of whom you saw. Is this correct?” A nod was his only answer, though he looked up and saw the corporal looking at him, waiting for something. “Oh yes! I’m sorry, and I realize that you are traumatized, so if I go too far simply say so.” The Lieutenant sighed, thankful the white coated and red maned medic’s expression softened down.

“Second question. Do you remember at all how the monster captured you? And remember, if this is traumatizing just mention it. The corporal will find a better way of getting the information, though it will still involve you personally.”

Rubbing her eyes Lightning Dust began to squint, trying to find the right words. “All I remember before waking up was that I was flying. I had a few drinks at the tavern, and was flying back to my place, and I don’t remember how but I guess I got…” The pegasus felt the bandages on her head, now different and cleaner, as the old ones she had were stained with pus and traces of blood. “I guess I crashed into something hard.”

“Ahh, that explains my next question. But anyway-” The lieutenant was cut off.

“How did I get the first set of bandages on my head?” Lightning Dust asked, but the only answer from the pair of guards in the room was a quizzical stare “Like, when I woke up, The thing was sleepin’ and I freaked out, flew off. But it took me a bit to notice but I had bandages on my head, but I didn’t put them on. Heck, I didn’t even have any in my bags!”

“Hmmm. Wait, you said you had bags on you at the time?” The LT asked, pondering everything presented to him.

“Yeah. I had some junk in there, nothing to stress over.” Lightning said offhandedly. Though she wouldn’t say it, she was very concerned about the picture in her bag. It was at the wonderbolts’ fiftieth anniversary show. One of the best days of her life, and that was the only thing she had to show of it physically. She couldn’t replace it.

“I see. I believe that’s all we have to discuss, though I think a specialist is going to probe through your memory of when you woke up. You are not in trouble I assure you.” The LT said, noticing Dust’s slightly nervous expression. “It is just to try and find out where you and more importantly, it were at at the time. We need leads on it’s location so we can catch it. We just want to keep innocent ponies like yourself safe, though I need your permission to give the A-OK to Our specialist.”

“Oh. Yeah, if it’s for that definitely.” Dust assured.

“Corporal, get our stallion, I’m going to get a search party planned out for tomorrow.” the LT ordered, answered with a salute from Patches as she open the tent and walked out.”


Daring Do looked out of the command tent’s tinted window, anxious yet unwilling to do anything. If there were anypony other than officers about she was more or less reclusive, and if not that remain unnoticed. After the publishing of books in her name she was very reluctant to be seen in public since she would get swarmed by fans of the series. Looking over at a light set of chain mail armor, covering the wearer from head to toe, including the helmet which had tinted lenses, giving her excellent view whilst keeping any features hidden. Daring figured out how to be involved whilst keeping her identity hidden.

twenty minutes passed as Daring put on the set of armor, being extra careful as to not put her wings in a bad position. Though flying wasn’t her expertise, she still could not avoid the fact that a pegasus stuck on the ground in combat already lost his or her only advantage over an enemy. Daring quickly informed the Captain of this and he assigned her under the alias of “Dawn Shield”. She was assigned the rank of Corporal though she would have a special position with free reign over where to go.

“If anypony has a problem with your presence on these grounds, or worse, compromises your identity, bring them to me as quick as possible. I know the Princesses trust you very greatly, though I don’t necessarily know why, but I’m not to judge. I trust this position on you, knowing that you will not fail me. Dismissed.” The captain said truthfully.

“Yes sir.” was Daring’s only response as she make a quick sloppy salute and walked out of the tent. She examined the encampment. New guys tiredly putting up sandbag emplacements with crossbow emplacements behind them. It was light and cheap, but effective. But She didn’t know if a crossbow could stop Six. the mystery hid many things from Daring, but Daring was about as perceptive as somepony could get. She didn’t know much still, but the soldier was certainly strong, and certainly able to take a beating.

“My my, Darling! Is that repulsive piece of metal not roasting you alive?” Daring turned around and saw the pony of commented on her armor. A marshmallow white unicorn, with a curly and admittedly glamorous purple mane and tail. Also an element of harmony, by the name of Rarity if Daring remembered right.

“It’s the beginning of December. If anything it’s helping me keep warm.” Daring said, rolling her eyes beneath her helmet.

“Hmm, I suppose. Still it’s absolutely atrocious! Though that was not why I was wishing to speak with you. Do you think you could be a dear and show us to the Captain’s quarters? Me and my friends were wishing to have a word with him regarding this whole fiasco involving the monster.” Rarity said, curious, gesturing towards her friends who were in a conversation of their own.

Daring looked at them, knowing each of them by name. She felt a pang of annoyance for seeing them, and she partially knew why. “Sure, I Could show you the way.” Daring Do affirmed as Rarity told her friends to follow the armour clad pegasus.

“Nice tail color sis! Daring Do fan, eh?” Rainbow Dash said to Daring.
All Daring could do was close her eyes in frustration at the pegasus, deciding against saying anything.”

Opening the tent flaps Daring made a salute at the captain who stared at her curiously.
“Sir, the elements requested to speak with you.”

The six mares walked in the tent, making space for eachother as the captain stared at them momentarily. “Thank you corporal. You may stay here during the conversation if you like,” Captain Typhoon said calmly, but the grit in his voice was still audible. Daring nodded as she stepped to the side and stood there calmly. She went through training like any other Royal Guard. Granted the soldiers at this camp were just volunteer army soldiers mostly, she still held standing still to the same high standards she was taught by Royal Guard instructors. It was made very easy by the fact her face was hidden.

The Elements disregarded the guardsmare standing by them, and got down to the point quickly. “Captain, we were wondering if we could get more information on this creature we are supposed to capture” Twilight said politely, perhaps nervous of the character of the Captain?

“Ah yes. My lieutenant told me he could not explain to you that well about it, as he’d just transferred here. What do you need clarifying on?” the Cap said, going back to filling out papers.

“Anything on it’s whereabouts, and more specifically it’s appearance, if you could.”

“What we know is limited. Right now we are questioning the only witness outside the guards who’s been close and personal with it. A pegasus, shaken up one too. As of now we’re finding the last location of the animal from her. And it’s appearance. This was drawn by one of the lunar guards who’s still in the hospital.” He put one of the many flyers on the desk, offering a substantial reward.

“That’s gonna be one happy ass mare.” Rainbow Dash commented, chuckling as she saw the reward, careless of how threatening the beast look.

“The reward is none of your concern. Your concern is finding the thing, and making sure you don't get cut to ribbons like the Lunar Guard did once you do. The drawing is almost guaranteed to be exaggerated. The Lunar Guard may be tough but that doesn’t mean they have small egos.”

“So yer’ tellin’ us we’re supposed to capture this thing on our own?” Applejack asked, concerned about the monster. Rainbow Dash began to study the monster, sizing it up.

“Yes and No. I never said you’d be alone. You're going to be accompanied by one or more squads of guards while you're on patrol. As of now we are just looking for it. Once we pinpoint it again we can focus on overwhelming it.”

Daring Do simply stood there as Captain Typhoon gave the elements an in depth run down of the situation. She was mostly looking at the poster though. Looks like somepony in the Lunar Guards is still embarrassed that they got their asses kicked. Daring though, smirking beneath the helmet. Finally though, the six mares left the tent, letting Daring take off the helmet. “Yeah Cap, just saying that flyer is a load of shit”

Typhoon looked at her seriously for one second then started laughing “I know!” He said, chuckling. “This friend of yours apparently beat the shit out of the guards with her hands, but according to this that would mean she impaled them with swords that replaced her arms.”


Six sighed as she remembered the date. December twenty fourth. A time that encouraged such great happiness from people, including her. Even if she only experienced it three times.

The Guard patrols around the area have at least quadrupled in the last couple of hours. One group even found her camp, or at least the traces of it. They still knew someone had been there. She watched from across the river, with cloak enabled as they examined the camp and sketched it out. She was six kilometers away from there now, so she was fairly safe.

Still, the patrols would only increase, especially since they had found proof that their target was in the area. Six was going through another mental debate. She could either attempt to lay low and relocate, relying on her cloak and praying that while it’s recharging, and most of the time it would, that she’d go into a safer area. But what would that get her? Safety. It sucks, but what would I do? A spartan never surrenders, no matter what. Six confirmed in her head, refusing to let go of the old saying

But what could she do other than hide and run? Neither surrendering nor running were good choices in the eyes of a spartan, though one was better than the other obviously. She could always fight. But how? She could easily go and bowl over twenty ponies, but there always had to be plan. Eventually if she went on like that the sheer numbers would probably overwhelm her. It already happened once. Six though to herself. Damnit that’s different from now. Scolding herself for opening up deep scars, Six continued to think of what she could do. Opening her tactical soft case and taking out a flare for the flare gun she didn’t have. A plan unfolded in her head. A symbolic plan. The Spartan thought to herself as she looked up at a tree, flare in hand.