• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 4,214 Views, 212 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight StrikerS - PurpleProse

MPLT's Third Season. Interdimensional Conflict and Intrigue! New Heroes, New Dangers, Bigger Lasers

  • ...

12: Hotel Augusta

Long Arch

Central Mid-Childa (Cranagan District)

Early Morning

“Good morning, everyone.”

“Good morning, Captain Testarossa-Sparkle,” came the reply. Teana did her best to stifle a yawn as the gold-coated mare took her place at the head of the room.

“Today’s briefing will be slightly different,” Fate said as her horn lit up, the lights dimming slightly as the briefing room’s screens winked on. “We’ve been assigned another mission. We’ll be assisting the Ground Force’s investigation division during a high-profile civilian event.”

High profile? Teana blinked as the others whispered amongst themselves.

Fate held up a hoof for quiet as the screens flicked over a set of images. Said images consisted of a huge building complex in the center of a large forest. The structure loomed over the lush greenery like a blocky piece of modern art, all smooth lines, white-and-gray surfaces and shiny glass. The other screens displayed satellite and aerial views of what looked like the area around the building.

“This is Hotel Augusta,” Fate said, turning to glance up at the images. “It’s a five star hotel and conference center located a bit over two hours southeast of Cranagan, and the site of the annual Inter-Dimensional Art and Antiquities Auction put on by the Londo Bell Trust.

“Stars and Lightning Squads will be assisting a Ground Forces investigation team on-site.” Fate continued as a detailed floor plan of the hotel popped up. “Since this is a high-profile auction, there will be a lot of important and influential individuals there from all across the Bureau’s allied worlds. That includes Equestria, in case you were wondering.” Fate paused as she glanced back to the assembled Forwards “Yes, Erio?”

“You said we’re going to be assisting the Ground Force’s investigative division, ma’am,” Erio replied. “Are they looking for someone?”

Fate nodded. “Auctions like these tend to have a lot of back room deals and other under-handed behavior. Apparently there were reports of possible illegal smuggled goods being traded today, which is why the GF are investigating.”

“However,” Fate continued, looking quite stern, “we won’t be investigating. RIOT Force is there in a strictly supportive role. We’re to provide security and support for the GF investigators on the ground. This is their operation; we’re only helping. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am,” Teana and the others replied.

“Good. Now, given the clout the civilians have, I expect everyone to be on their absolute best behavior. I don’t think I need to remind you that your actions will reflect on both RIOT Force and Captain Harlaown.” Teana swallowed as Fate’s ruby-eyed gaze swept over her, though she did notice Scootaloo’s ears fold back nervously. “However, I’m sure that won’t be an issue. Any further questions before we move on to duties and schedules?”

Subaru raised her hand. “Um, ma’am, where’s Special Instructor Sparkle? Shouldn’t she be here doing the briefing as well?”

“Special Instructor Sparkle is currently on-site with Captain Harlaown and Dr. Scrya to brief hotel security and the investigation team. Anything else?” She paused for a moment, then nodded when no other hands (or hooves) went up. “Good. Let’s move on…”

The briefing moved quickly, and Teana had to admit, it was certainly a change of pace. Unlike Twilight, who seemed to treat briefings like she was explaining a lesson or outlining a project, Fate’s briefings were quick and to the point. There were no wasted words or extraneous information. Fate outlined their duties, explained the procedures, and seemed to trust them to do their jobs. When one of the others asked a question, Fate promptly and concisely answered, giving as much information as needed and nothing more. It was like night and day compared to Special Instructor Sparkle.

Then again, she thought, Captain Testarossa-Sparkle is one of the Shadowbolts. It makes sense she’s used to doing these sorts of briefings…

“Now,” Fate concluded, her horn lighting up as she deactivated the screens, “we leave in one hour. I expect you all to be ready at the helicopter in proper uniform by then. Dismissed.”

Teana quickly rose to her feet, gesturing for the others to follow, only to pause when she heard Fate speak.

“Privates Scootaloo and Lanster, I’d like to have a quick word in private.”

Teana felt a brief chill run down her spine. Subaru glanced at her, then gave a reassuring smile and thumbs up as she stepped out of the room, following behind Lightning Squad.

Teana tried not to look nervous as she turned, walking over and falling into parade rest beside Scootaloo. Scootaloo, to her credit, looked like a school filly waiting outside the principal‘s office.

Fate waited until the door was shut before she began. “I know you two have… issues with one another. Twilight’s kept me updated on the both of you and while you two seem to have straightened things out, she still has some concerns.”

She glanced from Teana, to Scootaloo, then back to Teana. “Are there going to be any problems during the mission that I need to know about?”

“No, ma’am,” Teana replied promptly.

Scootaloo shook her head. “None here, ma’am.”

“Good,” Fate replied. “I just wanted to make sure. Unlike Twilight, I don’t mind if the two of you aren’t friends. So long as you do your jobs and follow protocol, we should be fine. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” they replied quickly.

“Good. Dismissed.”

Teana saluted, then quickly walked out of the room, followed closely by Scootaloo. She could hear the clip-clopping of the pegasus’ hooves behind her as they made their way out of the building and toward the barracks.

“So,” Teana said as Scootaloo fell in beside her, “are you going to have a problem with me?”

“Nope,” Scootaloo replied bluntly.


“Are you going to have a problem with me?” Scootaloo’s tone was flat.

“No.” Teana’s reply was just as blunt as Scootaloo’s.

“Great. I’d hate to have the bosses pissed at me.”

“On that,” Teana replied, “we can agree.”

“At least there’s that, carrot top.”

“Indeed, feather-duster.”

Scootaloo grimaced. “Actually, let’s drop the name-calling for now.”

“I will if you will.”

“Fine. Done.”



This is going to be a long day, Teana thought idly as they climbed the stairs up to the barracks doorway.


Hotel Augusta

Central Mid-Childa (Cranagan District)


“So we’ve informed the hotel staff and security about our presence, have access to the hotel’s security cams, acquired complete access to the hotel’s data stream, ran the hotel’s guest list and the list of invited auction patrons against the Bureau’s database for any possible matches and did a perimeter sweep to analyze the surrounding landscape. Anything else we need to cover?”

Chrono chuckled slightly as he noticed Ginga’s rather non-plussed reaction to Twilight. The purple unicorn was quite chipper for being up so early. Of course, part of that might have been the holographic checklist emitting from the Device hanging around her neck.

“Um… thank you, Ms. Sparkle,” Ginga managed, the pair of plain-clothes Ground Force members flanking her looking a bit pole-axed as well. “I… think that might be all, unless there’s anything else.”

“Oh, there’s plenty. Do you mind if I synchronize Raising Heart with your Device?” After Ginga nodded, Twilight’s horn lit up, the magenta glow mixing with Raising Heart’s pink. “I’m transferring an annotated floor plan of the hotel and the surrounding area, with particular attention to areas that might be used as escape routes or points of ingress. I’ve also included some basic information and personal observations on some of the Equestrian guests, or at least those I’m familiar with. It’s not much, but I’m sure it’ll help narrow down your investigation.”

“Thanks…” Ginga seemed slightly overwhelmed.

“No problem! Glad to help. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should probably check in on Yuuno. It was a pleasure seeing you again, Ginga.”

Ginga exhaled and looked over to Chrono as Twilight trotted off. “She’s a lot more intense than I remember.”

“She can be that way,” Chrono replied. “Though I’m surprised. After seeing the way Subaru acts around her, I was expecting you to be a bit more starry-eyed.”

Ginga shook her head. “Subaru’s the fan-girl, not me. I’ve got nothing but respect for Ms. Sparkle for the work she does, but I’m not really the academic sort. I always got bored when dad took us to her lectures. Plus, I never really got on board with the whole pony-mania thing.”

“Understandable.” Chrono tucked his good hand into his pocket. “I was the same way when we made first contact. Just to warn you, it can grow on you if you stay in too close of a proximity.”

“I’m sure.”

“I have to admit, I’m wondering why you didn’t bring more staff with you.” Chrono glanced at the other two investigators.

“The commander and I decided that a small group would be better suited for this particular scenario,” Ginga replied. “Too many people might tip off whoever’s behind the sale that something’s up. That’s also why we’re in plain clothes instead of uniform.”

“Well, we’ll do everything possible to support you,” Chrono replied.

“I appreciate that, Captain,” Ginga smiled slightly. “Let’s just hope there isn’t an attack or something. The last thing we need is large scale panic at an event like this.”

“Don’t worry. We’ve taken steps to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Excellent.” Ginga glanced at her wrist as a small holographic clock popped up, showing the time. “When will your people be in position?”

“They should be arriving soon. Is there anything in particular you’ll need, or should they just stick to assignments?”

Ginga hmmed softly. “I could probably use at least one of them attached to my team, just in case things go south. Ideally someone that would fit in with the crowd and won’t attract too much attention. And before you ask, I’m automatically ruling Subaru out. I love my little sis, but she can be… excitable sometimes. Think you can spare someone?”

Chrono nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”


Spike couldn’t help but look around as he and the other Forwards walked into the hotel lobby. An enormous abstract sculpture of lavender glass dominated the sun-lit room, the lights inside casting pools of shimmering purple light onto the gold and white tiled floor and polished wooden walls. Smartly-dressed hotel staff were scurrying about, their black suit-jackets and well-polished shoes matching their air of professionalism, though Spike couldn’t help but notice some of them staring in their direction.

“Sheesh,” he muttered softly, so that only his squad mates could hear him. “Reminds me of some of those hotels in Manehattan. I can almost smell the money…”

Caro glanced over at him. “Can Equestrian dragons do that?”

“Huh? You mean smell money?” Spike blinked as Caro nodded, then laughed. “I wish. But trust me, you see enough swanky places like this, you learn to recognize dough when you see it.”

“You really shouldn’t be surprised, considering this place is a five-star hotel,” Teana replied as she glanced up at the sculpture.

“Yeah, yeah… hey, here comes Twi and Yuuno.”

Spike fell in along with the other Forwards as Twilight and Yuuno walked up. Twilight, thankfully, seemed to be rather perky. “Good morning, everyone.”

“Good morning, ma‘am” they replied. The large purse Caro was carrying wobbled as Friedrich peeked his head out and chirped a reply.

Twilight glanced from side-to-side, then huffed. “Where’s Fate? She should be here…”

“Captain Testarossa-Sparkle’s checking in with Knight Squad, ma’am,” Teana promptly replied. “She told us to come in ahead.”

“Well, good. That saves a bit of time then.” Twilight paused, nodded to herself before continuing. “Now, as I’m sure you all have been briefed on the situation. We’re here as support personnel, just in case anything goes wrong. Do your jobs, but try not to make too much of a fuss or attract any undue attention.”

Sure, Spike thought sarcastically, tell the purple dragon not to attract attention…

“Now, both Stars and Lightning Squads will be covering the hotel itself. Knight Squad will be patrolling the outer perimeter for the duration of the event.” Twilight paused as Teana’s hand shot up, though Subaru’s hand was almost as quick. “Yes, Private Lanster?”

“Just out of curiosity, what sort of security will the actual event have?”

“Mostly hotel security, but they won’t be alone.“ Twilight smiled. “I’ll be in the audience in case anything happens.”

“And I‘ll be on the stage myself,” Yuuno added. “I‘m serving as the Trust‘s expert in antiquities.”

“Captains Harlaown and Testarossa-Sparkle will serve as on-site command for this mission. But, like I said, we’re here as guests of the Ground Forces investigation team. Unless Captain Harlaown states otherwise, you’re to defer to their authority. Now, your question, Subaru?”

“Who’s on the investigation team?”

Twilight coughed softly. “That would be Master Sergeant Nakajima…”

Subaru’s eyes widened. “Sis is here?!”


Hey Erio, Caro, Spike asked telepathically, did you guys know Subaru’s sister was with the Bureau?



Huh… Spike zoned back in quickly.

“Anyway,” Twilight continued, a quick glance quickly quieting Subaru, “Captain Harlaown just sent me a message. I’m going to need someone to work with Master Sergeant Nakajima. So…”

Teana promptly raised her hand. “I’ll volunteer, ma’am.”

“Excellent. Teana, you come with me. As for the rest of you,” Twilight’s horn glowed as Raising Heart chimed softly. “I’ve sent patrol assignments to your Devices. Please make sure to check in with Captain Harlaown before you start your routes, alright?”

“Yes ma’am!” Spike saluted along with the others before looking up at Subaru. “Hey, uh… so, your sis is in the Bureau?”

Subaru blushed. “Well, she’s with the Ground Forces like me and Tea.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The GF is affiliated with the Bureau, but they’re technically separate entities… it’s kinda complicated…”

Scootaloo perked her ears slightly. “Kinda like how the Wonderbolts are considered part of the Guard, even though they’re a completely separate unit?”

“Well… kinda.” Subaru scratched her head, then shrugged. “But yeah, let’s go with that. Anyway, my whole family’s military. My dad’s a Major and head of Battalion 108, and my big sis is a Master Sergeant with the Ground Forces Investigation Unit. My mom… was part of the same unit too…”


“Sorry to interrupt,” Erio said as he glanced at his wrist-mounted Device, “but we should probably get to work.”

“Oh, yeah, totally.” Spike grinned nervously. “Right. What’s our assignment?”


“Nervous, Lanster?”

Teana started slightly at Ginga’s question. She was trailing just a few steps behind the lavender-haired investigator, feeling just a little self conscious as they made their way down the hall. “N-no ma’am. Not really.”

Ginga glanced back at her and smirked slightly.

“Well,” Teana reached up and fiddled with the tip of one pigtail, “maybe just a bit. This is a pretty big assignment.”

“I can imagine. Believe me, a party full of ridiculously wealthy civilians is the last thing any investigator wants to face. Just smile, nod politely, and stay aware of your surroundings.”

Teana nodded quickly. “Got it. That I can do.”

Ginga paused at the entrance to one of the viewing rooms, where the various pieces up for auction were being displayed. The various patrons had already begun circulating in, both human and pony alike. Ginga gestured for Teana to join her, then nodded into the room. “See anyone suspicious?”

Teana quickly scanned over the room, watching the various patrons as they mingled and inspected the goods. “Not really. Then again, I don’t recognize anyone…”

“Excuse me, miss, but do you mind if I pass by?”

Teana blinked and turned around, then glanced down at the pony that had just addressed her. He was a unicorn, with an ivory-white coat, a thick blue mane and tail, and a quite handsome mustache. A gold monocle perched on one of his eyes, and he was dressed in a royal blue suit jacket over a gold-buttoned shirt.

“Oh! Um, sorry…” Teana stepped out of the way.

“Oh, it’s no bother,” the stallion politely replied as he trotted into the room. Teana took quick note of the triple-crown mark on his flanks as he passed her by.

“That’s Fancy Pants,” Ginga muttered surreptitiously to Teana. “Special Instructor Sparkle’s notes included him. Noted philanthropist and patron of the arts. Old money. Lives in Canterlot.”

Teana nodded as she watched the stallion genially fall into conversation with a few other patrons. “Think he might be in on something?”

“Doubt it. From what the file said he’s strictly on the up-and-up.”

“So are a lot of other people here, I bet. Doesn’t mean he’s got his hooves in some scheme…”

Teana paused, then glanced over at Ginga. The Investigator’s expression was flat and neutral, save for an arched eyebrow. “Um… sorry, ma’am.”

“No, it’s perfectly reasonable,” Ginga replied. “Given we’re looking for possible black market deals, it makes sense to be suspicious of anyone wealthy enough to pay for such things. Just be careful to not confuse bias with suspicion, Lanster.”

Teana grimaced. “Yes, ma’am…”

Ginga nodded. “Let’s keep moving. We don’t want to stay in one place too long.”

Teana nodded and fell in beside Ginga once again.

“So,” Ginga said as they walked, “how‘s your training going?”

Teana shrugged. “It’s… different. I’ve never been in advanced classes or anything, but Special Instructor Sparkle’s a lot different from the instructors at the academy.”

“She loves lecturing, doesn’t she?”

Teana snorted and chuckled. “Yeah, she does. How’d you-”

“Dad took us to her lectures a couple of times. Believe me, that mare can talk. Half the time I‘m convinced she doesn‘t even breathe.

Teana glanced into another one of the viewing rooms. “Yeah. And Subaru just hangs on her every word.”

“Trust me, she’s always been that way.” Ginga shook her head. “Ever since the incident at the airport, she’s been obsessed with ponies in general and Twilight Sparkle in particular.”

“Yeah…” Teana grimaced. “That’s probably why she gets along with Scootaloo so well.”

“Probably. And yes, I‘ve heard all about her from Subaru‘s letters. That and how you‘ve been jealous.”

Teana felt her cheeks flush. “I am not jealous.”

Ginga snorted. “Please. I remember when you came to visit us while you two were on leave from the Academy. You barely left Subaru’s side the entire trip. Hell, I had trouble getting alone time with her, and I’m her big sister.”

Teana grunted and glanced down at the ground.

“Look, it’s okay to be jealous,” Ginga said gently. “I know you and Subaru are close. And I know about your… issues with ponies. I understand that this whole situation makes you angry, but you knew this situation was going to happen eventually.”

Teana closed her eyes and inhaled. “I know. It’s just…”

She paused as she felt Ginga’s hand rest on her shoulder. She turned and glanced up at the older woman.

“Relax,” Ginga said with a faint smile. “You’re a smart kid. You’ll work through it eventually.”


“And you also know,” Ginga’s hand tightened slightly, though her tone remained light and pleasant, “that if you break my little sister‘s heart, I’ll break you like a twig.”

Teana grinned nervously. “You don’t have to worry, ma’am.”

“Good.” Ginga nodded and released her. “Now, let’s focus. Keep your eyes pealed for any suspicious characters.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


The guests that filed through the entryway to the hotel’s conference center were all well-dressed. It was a formal situation after all, and it would not do for someone to look less than their best. Some of the more jealous or gossipy sorts were keeping their eyes on their fellow’s appearance and clothing, hoping to spot something juicy to offer the high-society rumor-mill.

Some, however, were looking for other things entirely. One such person stood across from the table that handled invitations, watching her companion idly flirt with the man behind the desk.

She was short, only a few inches over five feet. Her hair was a pale gray and spilled down her back like a thick curtain, framing her delicate-looking face. Her left eye was the same gray color as her hair, while the right was hidden by a black patch. She was dressed in a masculine fashion, with a dark gray suit over an ivory blouse. Her hands were tucked into her pockets, and her face was almost aggressively neutral as she watched her brown-haired and bespectacled associate.

I think that‘s enough messing around, Quattro. Her telepathic message was a little impatient.

Awww, Cinque. She could almost feel the pout in the reply. Can’t I have any fun?

What you do on your own time is your own business. Right now, however, we have work to do.


Cinque shook her head as she sighed in irritation. She could hear Quattro’s high-heels click on the floor as she approached, the white, fur-collared coat she was wearing rustling over the tight-fitting, cherry-red silk dress she was wearing. “Are we in?”

“Of course. Did you really think we wouldn’t have an invitation?” Quattro adjusted her eyeglasses with a single finger, the lenses glaring in the light as she glanced down at her. “Relax, big sis. We’re right on schedule.”

“Make sure we stay that way.” Cinque leaned down and picked up the black leather briefcase resting beside her feet, then turned and walked off with Quattro.

“Of course. I’ll make sure to keep both my eyes on the prize,” Quattro replied, faux-sweetness dripping from her words. “That way, you can focus on what you’re good at.”

Cinque made a point of ignoring Quattro’s comment. Unlike her younger siblings, she knew better than to give Quattro the opening. Miss Alpine, she sent to her other companion, are you in position?

Yes. It was a simple word, uninflected. If she hadn’t known better, she’d have thought a machine was replying.

Good. If things get out of hand, you know what to do.


Thank you. Cinque repressed a shudder. There was something… unsettling about that dead-eyed young girl. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason she was unsettling, given who and what her companions were. Is there anything else you need?

Have you heard anything from the Doctor about Mister Zest?

Not yet. The Doctor’s probably still giving him his check-up. Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll be fine.

He will be. Agito is with him.

Yeah… Cinque re-focused. The less she thought about Zest and his little companion, the better. She and Quattro had a deal to execute.


Looks like everything’s going well, Chrono thought to himself as he walked along the balcony overlooking the main stage. People in expensive suits and dresses were milling about, quietly talking amongst themselves as staff went about preparing for the auction. His good hand gently fondled S4U’s Standby Form, the black card tucked into his jacket pocket.

“Excuse me, sir,” someone addressed him from behind, “but do you have a ticket?”

Chrono glanced back at the individual in question. He was a tall, fair-skinned man with emerald green hair that reached down to his mid-back. He was dressed in a sharp, well-tailored white suit with a red tie, and his narrow eyes gave him an expression of faint amusement.

“Of course,” Chrono replied with a smirk. “I could ask the same of you, though. Do your superiors know you’re avoiding your duties, Inspector Acous?”

Acous chuckled and gave a Gallic shrug. “You got me there, Captain Harlaown. Then again, it’s not ‘avoiding’ if you’re taking the day off.”

Chrono shook his head as Acous walked over and leaned against the balcony railing. “It’s hard to believe a dandy like you is related to Director Gracia.”

“Oh, my half-sister is well aware of how lazy I am,” Acous replied slyly, then gave his hair a quick flip. “She just puts up with me because of my winning personality and good looks. Same could be said of my bosses, too.”

“If only your work ethic was as strong as your vanity.“ Chrono rolled his eye and leaned up against the balcony as well. “I guess you’re here for the auction, then? I didn’t know your salary was that good.”

“I might be here to pick a few things up,” Acous replied, his eyes narrowing. I’ve got the information you wanted, he whispered telepathically.

“Unless you’ve managed to convince Carim to let you at the Church coffers, then I think you might be a bit disappointed.” We’ll handle that later. I’m a bit busy right now.

Acous rolled his eyes. “I’m not some pauper, Harlaown. I’m sure I can afford at least one or two of the pieces I have my eye on.” Good, though you probably won’t like what you’ll hear.

“Assuming someone doesn’t beat you to them.” That’s nothing new. Anything I should know right now?

“Well, if that happens I’ll just have to talk to them in private.” You might want to tell your associates to watch out for some of the ponies. Someone from Equestria was bringing something big in to sell here.

“You can’t always get by on good looks, Acous.” Isn’t smuggling a bit outside your authority? Didn’t realize it was an Internal Affairs issue.

Acous grinned and tightened his tie. “Not when you look as good as me.” This comes from the customs official my office investigated. He was taking bribes from smugglers to let through illegal Lost Logia.

“Dandy,” Chrono accused. I’ll let them know.

“Guilty as charged.” Acous checked his wristwatch. “I should probably head downstairs and see if I can get a read on some of the other bidders. Don’t want to lose out, after all.”

“Go have fun, you smarmy prick,” Chrono replied with a shooing motion. “Just don’t come to me for sympathy if you get in trouble.”

Acous chuckled and gave him a jaunty wave as he walked off. I’ll meet you at the bar later on, Harlaown.

Sure. I’ll let you know when I’m available. Chrono turned back to the people below, his eye narrowing slightly. Fate, Twilight, I have some information. Relay it to the investigation team and the Forwards.


Rodger that, Special Instructor Sparkle, Subaru replied, glancing over at Scootaloo as they walked along the upper walkway overlooking the main courtyard. She let out a soft sigh, pausing as she looked down at the grass and flowers below.

“Something up?” Scootaloo paused, turning to face her.

“I guess. Just worried about Teana, that’s all. Now that we know we’re looking for a pony…”

Scootaloo snorted. “Are you kidding? She’s probably all smiles. She gets to work out her frustrations on somepony who isn’t me. Not that I’d inflict her on… well, there’s a few ponies I’d sic her on, but still…”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Subaru said nervously, nibbling on her lower lip.

“Come on, really?” Scootaloo reared up and rested her front hooves on the railing. “I mean, I know she’s a hot head, and we’ve got problems, but…”

Subaru shook her head. “It’s not about you, Scoots. It’s… well… um…” Subaru glanced down. “It’s… kinda complicated. And personal.”

“What? Did a pony kill her parents or something?”

Scootaloo paused as Subaru looked at her. Her smirk slowly faded. “Oh… horse feathers. Is that really…”

“Her brother, actually.” Subaru turned back to look down at the courtyard. “It was during a joint operation with a bunch of Equestrian military ponies. It was a real big mess in… I think it was Manehattan?”

“Yeah, I heard about that.” Scootaloo winced. “Heard it got ugly. Bunch of criminal ponies using super-illegal magitech. Stuff that could super-charge magic or something. So her brother…”

“Killed during the operation. Lucky lightning bolt from a pegasus knocked him out of the sky. Broke his Jacket, too, so when he crashed, he… you know… crashed.

Scootaloo blanched. “Oh… oh horseapples…”

“Yeah.” Subaru shuddered. “Then there’s what happened at the funeral.”

She could feel Scootaloo’s eyes on her. She swallowed, then continued despite her better judgment. “I only heard it from her… but it wasn’t very nice. Some of his superiors were… bad-mouthing him. Saying stuff. Like how he’d brought shame on the Air Force because he got killed by a pony. That if he’d tried harder, the Equestrians wouldn’t have had to clean up after his mess… stuff like that.”

She glanced over at Scootaloo. The orange pegasus had turned away and was staring blankly out into the distance. “So,” Scootaloo said softly, “that’s why she’s got it in for me.”

“It’s… it’s not like she hates you, Scootaloo,” Subaru hurriedly replied, holding up her hands defensively. “It’s just… well…”

“No, I get it. Makes a lot of sense now.” Scootaloo shook herself, then looked up at her. “So… if she hates ponies so much… why’s she hanging around with you? I mean, you’re kinda… you know… you.

Subaru shrugged. “I… I was nice to her. She didn’t exactly have a lot of friends at the Academy. I… I guess I was the only one who actually seemed to care about her. I guess her need for friendship outweighed any… dislike she had for my interests.”

“Guess all those lessons on friendship really helped, eh?” The question was followed by a half-hearted chuckle.

“Yeah… Um, look.” Subaru hugged herself. “Could you… not tell Teana I told you? Like I said, this stuff’s kinda personal.”

“Lips’re zipped,” Scootaloo said, stroking one hoof over her mouth demonstratively.


“No prob.” Scootaloo huffed and shook herself, her feathers ruffling up. “We should probably get back on patrol before someone notices we’ve stopped.”

Subaru nodded, slipping her hands into her pockets and following after Scootaloo.

Tea, she thought to herself, I hope nothing bad happens to you…


Teana quietly walked through the hallways, her eyes scanning every individual she passed as she went. Ginga was nearby, just a few feet to her right as they slipped through the distracted crowds.

Looking for an Equestrian… figures. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Would make sense. Lots of stuff from Equestria’s considered contraband. Makes sense some wealthy pony would try to line his pockets selling illegal items.

She paused at one of the doorways as something caught her eye. It was fast; a tiny silver blur that flitted across her vision, zipping into one of the display rooms.

Huh? She turned and looked in the direction.

“Something up?” Ginga stepped up beside her.

“Just… thought I…“ She frowned and narrowed her eyes, then paused as she saw it again. A tiny silver flicker with spindly little wings, like an insect. It darted over the heads of the assembled humans and alighted on the rump of a well-dressed unicorn. His coat was cinnamon-colored, his mane and tail pleated and a vivid red color, much like his eyes. He was dressed in the Equestrian equivalent of a high-class suit, though the gold, red and orange paisley tie was a bit out of place. He seemed to start, but she could see his eye flick back to his hindquarters, right before he nodded and glanced over to his compatriots: a similarly well-dressed baby-blue unicorn stallion with a neatly cut lime-green mane and glasses, a stocky tan earth pony, and an orange Pegasus with a bored expression and a crew-cut grey mane.

I think we just found our marks, Teana whispered to Ginga. She pulled back and leaned against the wall, tucking one hand into her pocket to grab Cross Mirage.

Easy, Ginga warned as she did the same. What makes you think that’s them?

I saw something. I’m not sure what it was, but it looked like a… hold on… Teana closed her eyes and concentrated. Caro, you there?

Yes, Teana?

You’re a summoner. Can summoners summon stuff like… like bugs?

Bugs? Caro sounded confused.

Yeah. Because I just saw a little silver bug, and I don’t think it’s natural. Unless a high class hotel like this has some serious infestation issues.

I don’t know. Maybe? Let me check…


I can see if there’s a summon in the area… Summoners can sense the presence of summoned creatures… It’s hard to explain, but… just give me a moment.

Take your time, Teana muttered. I’m sure a little signal like that will-

FAALDOV! Caro squeaked in her native tongue. Pogaan paal! Ronax!

Caro?! What’s wrong?

T-there’s so many signals! Why didn’t I notice them when we arrived? Were they inactive? Oh Dragons protect us, Faaldovah spaan mu…

Caro, calm down, Erio interrupted. What’s the problem?

They’re everywhere. Two… three dozen signals. They’re so tiny; I didn’t even realize they were there!

This is Captain Harlaown, another voice interrupted. Caro, see if you can track down whoever’s summoning them.


This is Stars One, Captain, Teana replied as the ponies trotted out of the room, heading down the hall at a brisk pace. The earth pony was carrying a black briefcase in his mouth. I may have spotted possible black market activity. Four ponies; one with a black briefcase.

Understood. Accessing security feeds now.

Good. Ginga, let’s go.

She moved from the wall, but Ginga quickly followed, clamping a firm but gentle hand on her bicep. Careful, she whispered mind-to-mind. We can’t let them know we’re following them.

Teana winced and ground her teeth. They’re right there. We can grab them right now…

We need confirmation first, Ginga replied sternly. And we’re definitely not going to try an arrest here in the middle of who knows how many civilians. We don’t need them getting caught in the crossfire if it comes down to a fight.

Teana exhaled. Yes, ma’am. My aplogies. I’ll follow your lead.

Good. Ginga released Teana’s arm, then began walking casually down the hall. Follow, and try to look casual.

Right… act casual… Teana grimaced, then walked after Ginga, doing her best to keep the quartet in view.

They’re heading for the hotel elevator, Chrono said over the telepathic link as Ginga and Teana turned down the corridors. Teana tried to suppress the urge to bolt ahead and catch them. She was soon in sight of the elevator banks as the bronze doors slid open, allowing the ponies entry. She started walking a bit faster, only to stop short as the doors slid shut.

“Damn…” She glanced upwards at the floor counter, the blue numbers ticking upwards.

“Don’t worry,” Ginga said gently. “We’re tracking them. They can’t get far.”


Cinque stood quietly behind Quattro as the former lounged on the suite’s couch.. The suite was an enormous, five-room affair, the carpets plush, the ceilings incredibly high, and the furniture covered in sleek expensive black leather. An equally expensive bottle of wine sat uncorked atop the black and gold-flecked granite bar, some of which had been poured into the goblet Quattro was swirling in her gloved hand.

“Are you actually going to drink any of that?” The question was pointed. “You know we can’t get drunk.”

“It’s all about aesthetics, dear sister,” Quattro replied cheerfully, crossing one leg over the other as she sniffed the contents of her glass. “We so rarely get to play dress up like Due does. You could at least pretend to enjoy it.”

“I’d rather just get this done with. There’s too much security here for my comfort.”

“Calm yourself, big sister.” Quattro took a deep sniff of the wine’s aroma, then sighed happily. “Zest’s little pet has the place quite literally bugged, and my Silver Curtain has this floor’s security cams baffled. Besides, if worst comes to worst, we also have the little pet’s personal guardian summon.”

Cinque glanced nervously at the carefully disguised air conditioning vent near the ceiling. Yet another reason she felt wary around the summoner girl. The little silver insects she controlled were hardly the only servants she had.

The door clicked softly, then swung open as a quartet of ponies enter the suite.

“Excellent!” Quattro set the goblet down and clapped her hands. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Mr. Jasper. Have you been enjoying yourself here on Mid-Childa?”

“As much as one can, yes,” the cinnamon-colored unicorn replied. He gestured with his head, the pale blue unicorn and orange pegasus fanning out to either side of the room as he took a seat across from Quattro. “I hadn’t expected my client to send proxies. I was under the impression he’d be here himself.”

“Unfortunately, he’s quite occupied,” Quattro replied with a smile. “But he sends his regards. Wine?”

“No, thank you.” Jasper replied. “Alcohol and business rarely mixes well.”

“Aw… you’re no fun at all.”

“I‘m simply being professional. You‘re not the only client I‘m meeting with today, after all. Now,” he clapped his front hooves together, the earth pony trotting closer with the briefcase, “let’s get down to business. Do you have the money?”

Cinque stepped around the couch with her briefcase, setting it down on the table and opening the locks. She turned it around, revealing the contents. The entire case was filled with neatly rolled and stacked cylinders of bits, the white and yellow seal of the Royal Bank of Equestria embossed on the sheathes.

“Goldbug,” Jasper looked to the earth pony. The stallion lowered the briefcase, then walks closer and carefully lifted one of the rolls from the case. He slowly opened it, pulling out one coin and inspecting the milling and embossed crest carefully, weighing it in his hoof before gently biting on it.

“It’s a legit Princess, boss,” Goldbug said, replacing the cylinder. “Twenty-five bit piece. I can taste the gold.”

“I‘m crushed. Did you actually think we‘d try to swindle you?” Quattro pouted, then put on her faux smile. “Ten thousand bits, as promised.”

“I don’t know how you managed to get all these bits,” Jasper snorted, his horn glowing orange as he shut the case, “but for the amount of work my associates put into acquiring this thing, it’s worth it.”

He reached for the case, only to pause as Cinque rested a hand on it. He quirked an eyebrow at Cinque’s one-eyed glare. “Is there a problem?”

“You’ll have to forgive her,” Quattro said cheerfully. “She’s a bit jumpy. Do you have the item?”

“Of course.” Jasper nodded to Goldbug, who produced his briefcase. “You have no idea how hard it was getting this through to Mid-Childa. I’m surprised it didn’t set off every single magic alarm they had.”

There was a soft click as the locks came off. Goldbug opened the case and stepped back. The item rested snugly inside a small containment cylinder, held snugly by the surrounding foam padding. Cinque noticed the pale blue unicorn blanch slightly, just before he turned away and trotted over to the window.

“Something like that,” Jasper said with a shudder, “just isn’t natural. Nothing but bad news, that. Hard to believe it came from a unicorn…”

Cinque turned her attention back to the case as she reached into her jacket pocket. Uno, this is Cinque, We have received the object. Now scanning to confirm if it’s authentic. Sending data to you right now.

Acknowledged. Proceed with the scan.


Spike kept pace with Caro as best he could as the petite mage slipped through the crowds, her pink eyes intense. Friedrich’s head was protruding from her purse’s flap, the silver dragon letting out an irritated trill.

I’ve never seen her act like this before, he sent to Erio as the pair trailed after Caro.

It might be because there’s another summoner here that got the drop on her. Erio adjusted Strada’s watch-form nervously as he hurried along. Summoners aren’t exactly common.

Then how does she know what to look for? I mean, I know Twilight gets weird feelings sometimes, but…

She told me once that summoning calls to Summoners. It’s like… I dunno… like someone’s blowing a dog whistle, I guess. Not everyone can hear the whistle, but the dogs can…

Whatever. That kind of stuff’s way over my-

Spike paused as Caro took a sharp turn, heading towards the garage entrance. “Hey, wait up!”

Caro paused, then blushed sheepishly as Erio and Spike caught up to her. “S-sorry. I just…”

“It’s alright,” Erio said gently. “But you really shouldn’t be rushing headlong into things.”

“Yeah,” Spike smirked, “that’s Erio’s job.”

“I know,” Caro replied as Erio shook his head. “I just… it’s just like…”

“Like what?” Spike quirked an eye-ridge as Caro hugged herself.

“A few weeks back, I thought I felt something watching us while we were training… it felt like a summoned creature’s… aura, I guess you’d call it?” She pushed the door open. “Then, when I did the scan just now, I felt the same aura… but it’s a lot stronger now.”

“So you’re saying whoever was spying on us is here too?” Erio glanced as Spike as they followed Caro through.

“I… maybe? It feels the same. I know it’s not much to-”

“I trust you, Caro,” Erio interrupted.

“Same here,” Spike agreed.

Caro glanced back at them, then smiled and nodded. “Thank you… now let’s hurry. We might be able to catch them. But be careful… if this is another summoner, then they’ll likely have their summons nearby.”

“Right,” Spike replied. “Let me just tell the others…”


Chrono was fidgeting with S4U’s card as he strode into the hotel’s security room. The large monitors decorating two of the walls were segmented into multiple smaller windows for each camera feed, while security staff quickly flipped between them under Fate and Shamal’s supervision. “What’s our status on the smugglers?”

“Not good,” Fate replied.

“How ‘not good’ are we talking?” Chrono commandeered one of the chairs and took a seat.

“As in we have no idea which room they went into,” Fate said flatly. “All we saw when the elevator doors opened was empty space.”

“What about the doors? One of them had to open…”

“None of them opened.” Fate turned to face Chrono. “Which means they either teleported while they were in the elevator, or there’s a skilled illusionist up there.”

“It’s likely the latter,” Shamal said as she raised a be-ringed hand. “None of the transit wards I set up with Klarwind picked up any teleportation signatures.”

Chrono hissed. “Damnit.”

“I’ve notified Knight Squad,” Fate said quickly. “They’re searching the outside of the building.”

“And what about Lightning?”

“We’ve got them on camera. They’re currently heading for the garage. Hopefully we’ll be able to spot if the summoner…”

“Hey!” one of the security guards shouted. “What happened with Camera G7?”

Chrono’s attention snapped to the monitor In question. One of the camera feeds was displaying static. Then the static began to spread, camera feeds winking off in flashes of purple light.

“What the…” Chrono rose quickly to his feet.

“Someone’s making their move.” Fate looked up at Chrono. “I’ll go assist Lightning. Notify Stars to go assist Teana and Ginga.”



The door to the garage creaked slightly as it opened. Erio was the first to slip through into the dim light, quickly scanning the area as he went. Spike followed close behind, the petite dragon adjusting his belt-mounted Device as he did so. Caro came in last, Kerykeion’s glowing gems pulsing softly.

“No doubt about it,” Caro whispered as Friedrich fluttered over and perched on her shoulder. “The signal’s definitely coming from here…”

“Yeah, perfect place too,” Spike said nervously as he eyed the rows of vehicles. “Plenty of places to hide.”

“You smell anything, Spike?” Erio hissed, slowly shifting his stance as they walked out into the center of the aisle.

Spike inhaled, then grimaced. “Kinda… smells weird though. Like wet metal mixed with mothballs.”

Friedrich let out a chirp. “Friedrich says he smells the same,” Caro translated.

“Doesn’t help much.” Erio huffed.

Caro shrugged and glanced about.

“So, uh,” Spike said, glancing up at Erio. “What do we do if we find this mystery summoner?”

“We… should probably try talking with them first,” Caro interrupted as Erio started to speak. “I mean… the last thing we want is a big battle, right?”

“I guess,” Spike replied. “I mean, it’d make a nice change of… wait…” He cupped one hand over one of his ear frills. “Does anyone else hear that?”

“You mean that buzzing noise?” Erio took a defensive stance.

“Y-yeah…” Caro sidled up behind Erio.

Spike nodded, taking up a defensive position behind Caro. “Sounds like… bugs.”

Caro shivered, then jerked slightly. “That way,” she shouted, pointing over Spike’s head. “There‘s a huge… signal…”

The buzzing slowly grew louder as a cloud of tiny purple lights began to spread outwards. There was a great, buzzing din, the garage lights reflecting off of thousands of tiny silver wings and needle-point limbs as the cloud approached.

“That’s… that’s a lot of bugs,” Spike said nervously as Erio quickly moved to stand beside him.

Insektzug,” a soft, feminine voice commanded from behind the swarm, “hagel.

“So much for trying diplomacy,” Spike said sardonically.

The swarm responded, dozens of the insects lighting up like matchsticks, coating themselves in purple light before shooting towards Lightning Squad like bullets.

“Everyone,” Erio shouted as he swung Strada up. “Devices!”

“Set Up!”

There was a flash of colorful light and flame as the first volley was blunted by their Set Up barriers. The second volley met much the same fate as Erio and Spike landed, sweeping blasts of green and orange fire and a whirling, electrified spearhead shocked and scorched the insects into ash.

The cloud of insects, meanwhile, swirled and buzzed, rapidly spreading outwards and encircling them. Erio could barely make out the sound of footsteps behind the swarm.

“She’s getting away!” Erio swung again, slicing Strada through another spray of bugs. “We need to stop her!”

“There’s too many of these stupid bugs,” Spike growled between gouts of flame. “We need some backu-”


A thunderclap rang out as golden lightning zig-zagged through the air. The insect swarm pulled back in response, separating into fleeing clouds. Static crackled in the air as Captain Testarossa-Sparkle slid to a halt in front of her squad, her braided mane and tail drifting through the air and her Device shimmering with yellow St. Elmo‘s fire.

“…Huh,” Spike said amusedly, “maybe I oughta wish for stuff more often.”

Fate glanced back at them. “Are you three alright?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Erio replied quickly and pointed past where the swarm had originated from, “but the summoner went that way. We need to find her!”

“Unfortunately, the security cameras are inactive,” Fate replied. “That means we’ll have to use our eyes and ears.”

“And magic,” Caro said softly. “I’m still picking up a signal… but with all the little summoned insects around, it’s distorted. I think she’s still in this general area, though…”

“Alright,” Fate nodded. “You kids start searching from here. I’ll head outside and move upwards from the ground level. Just be careful…”


Twilight did her best not to look too nervous. The little alcove she’d hidden herself in near the stage didn’t give her enough room to pace, and tapping her hoof had already gotten old. However, there was little else she could do.

If Chrono’s right, we might be looking at a major incident. Her gaze shifted nervously across the huge room. The seats were already half-filled, and the soft susurrus of small talk. Let’s just hope everyone can handle it.

She looked back as Yuuno quickly jogged down the stairway leading up to the stage. “Please give me some good news, Yuuno,” Twilight whispered urgently.

“I just spoke with the chairman,” Yuuno replied, a few beads of sweat forming on his brow. “I told him about the current situation, but he’s not going to call off the auction.”

Twilight ground her teeth. “That’s… not good.”

“The best he can offer is to delay it for an hour or so,” Yuuno continued as he wiped his brow. “If they call it off, it’s a massive hit to the trust’s reputation. Plus, we don’t want to cause a panic…”

“You know what tends to cause a panic, Yuuno? A fire fight in the middle of a crowded hotel!”

Yuuno shrugged. “I already told him that. He’s not budging.”

“Ugh…” Twilight sat down and pressed her hooves into her face. “This isn’t happening. I’d expect something this idiotic from some of the ponies in Canterlot…”

“Something the matter, Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight looked up with a start, then glanced over at the familiar white-coated, blue-maned stallion. “F-Fancy Pants,” she squeaked, trying very hard not to sound too nervous. “No, sir. Nothing’s the matter, haha. Are you having a good time?“

“Of course,” Fancy Pants replied. “I do so enjoy rubbing shoulders with the well-to-do, as it were. Quite a nice change of pace from Canterlot, I must say.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.’ Twilight grinned nervously.

“Hope I’m not interrupting any official business you two might be doing.” Fancy nodded to Yuuno. “Dr. Scrya, always a pleasure.”

“Likewise, sir,” Yuuno replied. “Though you really shouldn’t let us distract you.”

“Oh, I’m hardly distracted,” Fancy Pants replied as his horn lit up. He produced a thin piece of folded paper from his jacket pocket. “But there is something that you may want to look at. Please relay this to your associates, if you don’t mind.”

Twilight blinked, then caught the bit of paper in her own field and carefully opened it. Her eyes flicked over the very precise hornwriting.

Suite 1819, North-East Corner of the Building. Two humans, three other ponies.

“Wait, how do you-” Twilight looked up, but Fancy Pants had already left, the stallion having slipped back into the crowd.

“Suite Eighteen-Nineteen?” Yuuno frowned and looked at Twilight. “Is that…”

“I don’t know how he got that information, but I’ll take what I can get,” Twilight replied. Chrono, this is Twilight. I just got a tip on where our smugglers might be hiding.


Scan complete. Uno’s voice echoed in Cinque’s mind. The energy signal is certainly atypical, but it matches the Doctor’s predictions. Bring it in.

Cinque pocketed the scanning device and nodded to Quattro. “It’s good.”

Jasper snorted. “Of course it’s good. You don’t get to my position by swindling clients. Not if you want your horn to stay attached to your skull. So, are we done here?”

“Of course. Don‘t let us keep you.” Quattro gave him a dismissive flick of her hand, like she was shooing away a child. “I’m sure you have clients much more important than us to deal with.”

“Of course.” Jasper levitated the briefcase full of bits over to Goldbug. The other stallion’s neck drooped slightly as the weight pulled his head down, but he promptly recovered. “It was a pleasure doing business with you. Stall, Posh, if you don’t mind?”

Cinque coughed as the other ponies rejoined their leader. “Sorry… but I have to just check one thing.” Her eyes settled on the pale blue unicorn, his eyes distant and unfocused behind his square-framed glasses. “Posh, was it?”

That seemed to zone him back in. “Properly Posh, yes,” he replied, his Canterlot-accented voice quiet.

Cinque approached him cautiously. “All this time, you were looking out the window. What, exactly, were you staring at?”

“Ma’am,” Jasper said brusquely, “is this really necessary?”

Cinque didn’t reply. She stared into Posh’s eyes. “Or were you doing more than just staring?”

The unicorn shifted nervously. “I was just enjoying the view, ma’am. Nothing more…”

“I doubt that, Mr. Posh.” Cinque’s fingers flexed. A slim, spear-point-bladed dagger made of navy blue metal flickered into existence in her hand. “Mister Jasper, you really should keep better tabs on your associates. And their communications.”

Jasper’s ears folded flat. “What’re you…”


The unicorn tried to dodge, but Cinque’s reaction speed was faster than his. A neat slice formed on the unicorn’s coat pocket. A marble-sized blue jewel rolled out through the slit and thumped onto the carpeted floor.

“I think you were doing a bit more than just staring into space, Mr. Posh,” Cinque said coolly.

There was a brief moment of silence before Jasper let out a very unpleasant snarl. “Stall,” he said, looking at the orange Pegasus before jerking his head over at Posh, “deal with this.”

The pegasus smirked. “Finally. ‘Bout damn time I got to punch something…”

“We don’t have time for this,” Cinque interrupted. “We don’t know who he’s been talking to. It’s likely that-”

It was right about then that the door burst inward. A tall woman in a TSAB Barrier Jacket with purple hair stepped through, the heavy-looking, white-and-purple gauntlet on her left arm whirring loudly as she entered. She was followed closely by a shorter, orange haired girl in a more elaborate Jacket. The orange-haired mage quickly leveled a pair of pistols in her general direction.

“Under TSAB authority, I’m placing you all under arrest,” the purple-haired woman said sternly, quickly taking a fighting stance. “Deactivate any Devices and surrender peacefully!”


Spike huffed softly as he and the others ran down the garage’s ramp, his clawed toes clicking on the concrete in time with his footfalls. “Anyone see her yet?!”

“No,” Erio replied, glancing around as they came to a halt. “But she can’t have gotten far. We’re running out of garage to check.” He glanced over at Caro. “Got anything yet?”

Caro nervously shook her head. “No… there’s still too much interference. Unless she summons something, I won’t be able to pin her location down…”

Spike huffed, then glanced up and down the rows of cars lining the garage walls. His nostrils flared slightly as he sniffed the air. “Wait… guys…”

“What?” Erio looked over at Spike as he lifted his head high, inhaling deep.

“I’m smelling it again. Wet metal and mothballs…”

Erio lifted his spear in a defensive posture. “You think those bugs are coming back?”

“No… I don’t think it’s the bugs I’m smelling…” He walked slowly down the line of cars, sniffing softly, before pausing behind a particularly large van. “I think I’m smelling… you!”

He spang around the van as he shouted, then paused. “Wha?”

A pale, petite girl looked at him from her crouched position behind the van. She was dressed in a black strapless dress with lavender and pale pink frills and ribbons, and was wearing a pair of black gloves with large, circular purple jewels on the backs of her hands. Her big, dark red eyes looked up at him, her gaze glassy and unemotional.

“Wait,” Spike slowly lowered his hands. “The summoner’s… a little girl?”

“Spike, watch out!”

There was a flash of purple-black energy and a loud, angry hiss as a figure appeared behind the girl. Training and muscle-memory went into autopilot as Spike’s hand sprang up, summoning a Panzerschild to shield himself from what was clearly an oncoming attack.

A three-inch-wide blade of black material struck his shield spell… then punched right through. Spike drew back, just barely in time for the razor-sharp blade to nick his cheek, slicing through his scales like they were paper. He swore he could hear a faint humming noise as it passed by his ear-hole.

Spike stumbled back, red blood trickling down his cheek as he sized up his opponent. It was humanoid, about a head taller than he was. Its body was mostly covered in glossy black armor, with sharp points and spikes emerging from the backs of its forearms, head, and knees. Glossy, wet-looking purple muscle was visible along the sides of its abdomen, neck, and in the chinks of its arm and leg armor. Its hands were three-fingered and thumbed, while its feet were broad and came down to two pointed talons. Its head resembled some of the super-hero helmets he’d seen in Mid-Childan comics, all sharply pointed and sleek, as did the tattered mauve scarf looped around its neck. Four glowing red eyes glared at him as it drew back one arm, a three-foot-long blade of chitin slowly sliding back into its forearm back into its holster. Four glowing, dragonfly-like wings folded back against its back, the veins dark against the purple light they were emitting.

“Spike,” Erio shouted as he and Caro flanked him, “are you alright?”

“Fine,” he hissed, slowly taking a defensive stance. “But it looks like our summoner doesn’t just summon little bugs.”

“I’ve… I’ve never seen a summon like that before,” Caro whispered softly.

The other summoner stepped up beside the bug-man. The summon let out a soft, chittering hiss, the lower part of its helm parting to reveal a maw of gleaming black pincers.

“It’s alright,” the summoner said gently as she touched its arm, her voice flat and uninflected. She then turned to look at Spike and the others. “I’m afraid we don’t have time to deal with you three.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Erio said as he leveled his spear at the bug-man. “You’re both under arrest. Order your summon to stand-”

“Garyu,” the girl said and pointed.

Garyu hissed, its arm blades extending with a single motion. He lunged forwards.

Spike grabbed Caro and dove out of the way as Erio dashed back, yellow sparks flying from his footsteps as Garyu sliced the ground he was standing on. The blades slid cleanly through the concrete. The summon quickly rose up and exposed its mouth again. There was a loud crack as it exhaled bolts of black energy outlined in reddish-purple light, the stream of shots scattering in all directions as it swept its head about. Spike quickly raised a barrier over himself and Caro, the deafening, thunderclap-like sounds that causing him to wince and cover his ears as best he could.

When Spike opened his eyes, the bug-man was gone, and more than a few cars were dented and scarred, their alarms ringing and jangling and blaring loudly. He bit back a curse as he climbed to his feet and ran over to where the girl had been standing. “You’ve got to be kidding me! They got away?!”

“They must’ve teleported,” Erio shouted as he ran over to Spike’s side. “I’ll contact Fate to let her know the situation!”


Teana felt her heart racing as she slowly stood, keeping her Devices trained on both the silver-haired girl and the ponies. This was it; an actual arrest. The ideal proving ground. She couldn’t afford to mess this up.

“Now, officer,” the brown-haired woman said as she smiled cheerfully and raised her hands in surrender, “there’s no need for this. This is a completely legitimate business deal…”

“Of course it is.” Ginga slowly walked over to the couch, the fingers of her Revolver Knuckle clenched tight and the gears slowly spinning. “I’m sure whatever business you were conducting had nothing to do with illegally smuggled goods from Equestria. Of course, we‘ll just have to see, won‘t we?”

The suited pony coughed loudly. “Miss, I’m not familiar with the way your Bureau works, but I’m pretty sure you can’t just come barging into a private room unless you have some proof…”

“We have plenty of proof,” Teana replied, shifting one gun to aim in his direction. “And I’d suggest you keep your mouth-”

“Enough, Lanster,” Ginga said sternly. “Just give him his rights and be done with it.”

“R-right.” Teana nodded, then glanced over at the silver-haired girl. She flicked her pistol at her. “Drop the knife.”

The silver-haired girl didn’t respond. Her single eye was intently focused on Ginga.

“Hey, did you hear me?” Teana took a cautious step back, leveling Cross Mirage at her. “I said drop the knife.”

The silver-haired girl glanced over at her, then over to Ginga, then back to her.

Ginga glanced over at her, her eyes widening. “Teana, watch-”

The silver-haired girl darted at her.

Teana started to shout as she pulled Cross Mirage’s trigger. The silver-haired girl ducked beneath the orange Shoot Barret, then grabbed one of Teana’s wrists and yanked her arm sharply, spinning her about. Teana squeaked in pain as she dropped one gun, her right arm pinned up against her back as the point of the knife pressed up against the left side of her rib-cage.

“Drop the other one,” the girl said, the point of the knife pressing in a bit more. She could feel it even against her Barrier Jacket.

“Nnngh.” Teana winced and tried to aim her other pistol in her general direction, only to feel the point of the knife press inwards. The spells that made up her Jacket crackled ominously.

Ginga raised a fist, but the silver-haired girl glared in her direction. “Trust me,” the girl said coolly, “her Jacket won’t protect her. Stand down.”

“Let her go,” Ginga said softly.

“Lower your Device and stand down. I‘d rather avoid unnecessary casualties.”

“Nnngh… don’t do it…” Teana winced as she felt her wrist bend just a bit further.

Ginga glared at the silver-haired girl, then slowly let her arm drop. Her Revolver Knuckle’s gears slowed to a stop.

“Excellent work Cinque,” the brown-haired one said gaily, clapping her hands as she let out a rather unpleasant giggle before looking at Ginga. “Looks like the tables have turned, eh, officer?”

“Shut up, Quattro,” Cinque said sternly. “Don’t let your guard down just yet.”

“Oh please,” Quattro said smugly as she walked around the table, passing behind Ginga. “As if a zero like this one could do anything to us.”

“I don‘t see how you can be so calm,” the cinnamon-colored unicorn snapped at Quattro. “If the authorities are here, then-”

Excuse me, miss?

Teana blinked as she heard an unfamiliar telepathic message, the voice drawing her attention away from the talking stallion. Who is this?

A friend. When I tell you, do your best to escape. I’ll handle the woman.

What? But-


Teana grimaced, but quickly started squirming.

“I suggest,” Cinque said ominously, “that you try not to-rrrk!”

Teana’s wrist came free. She dove, quickly rolling away and coming up into a firing position. Cinque’s hand clenched against a slim, glowing blue length of wire. The light matched the corona surrounding the blue unicorn’s horn. His expression was almost clinically detached.

And right about then, all hell broke loose.


The door to the stairs slammed open, leaving a dent in the wall as Subaru and Scootaloo barged through.

“Hang on Tea,” Subaru shouted, “back-up’s coming!”

“Let’s just hope they save some fighting for us,” Scootaloo said, grimacing as she walked on her skates on the thick carpet. “I’m getting a little antsy.”

A hollow boom shook the floor, the explosion coming from the blown-open door down the hall from them.

“Oh yeah.” Scootaloo smirked. “Definitely a good fight goi-”

“Tea! Sis!” Subaru bolted down the hall, her skates ripping up bits of carpet as she went.

“Hey, wait up!” Scootaloo galloped after her, her wings flapping fruitlessly. Thankfully, she did manage to catch up to Subaru just as they entered the suite.

The hotel room looked like a war zone, the mini bar reduced to huge chunks of stone and much of the furniture demolished. A purple-haired lady with a Revolver Knuckle like Subaru’s was engaged with one target, a brown-haired girl that seemed to flicker in and out of view. Teana, meanwhile, was trying to evade an orange pegasus as he zipped around the room. A silver-haired, one-eyed girl was engaging a well-dressed blue unicorn, who was doing his best to avoid her daggers. The cuts on his chest and the blood on his suit suggested he wasn’t being successful.

“Sis!” Subaru literally leapt headlong into action, her Revolver Knuckle whirling up to speed as she let out a battlecry.

The brown-haired girl went wide-eyed for a second, then vanished as Subaru swung at her, her strike smashing a crater into the wall. She promptly reappeared some distance away. “Both of you?! You’re BOTH here?!”

“About damn time you showed up,” Teana shouted, right before the orange stallion tackled her. “Oof! A little help here?!”

“I gotcha, carrot top!” Scootaloo galloped over and body-slammed into the other pegasus. The stallion let out a snarl as he rolled, then sprang to his feet and took to the air.

“What, they got ponies workin’ for ‘em now?” He snorted. “Don’t you got any pride, filly?”

“How about I clip your wings, bozo!?” Scootaloo replied with a smirk. Gale Force’s jewels glowed as she crouched, then backflipped into the air. A pair of purple crescents sliced through the air towards the pegasus, who promptly dodged.

“Come up here and fight me like a real pegasus then, small fry!”

Scootaloo growled, her wings buzzing as she readied herself.

“Scootaloo, wait!” Teana shouted as she took to the air, her Cloud Road whirling up after the stallion. Thankfully, the ceiling was high enough to maneuver beneath.

The stallion’s eyes bugged out slightly as she zipped towards him. He tried to evade, but she was on top of him faster than he could react. A leaping roundhouse hoof clipped him in the jaw, the wheels of her skates still spinning as she struck. He went spinning through the air and slammed against the wall before sliding down and landing on top of what was left of the bar, his eyes rolled back into his head.

“Woo!” Scootaloo smirked as she landed on another Cloud Road. “Score one for Scoota-”

“Watch out!”

There was a loud report as a bolt of orange light streaked up through the purple haze. Scootaloo turned as she saw a knife shooting towards her, only for the Shoot Barett to hit it and knock it off course. The blade spun through the air, stabbing partly into the ceiling above her.

“Hey!” Scootaloo turned towards the thrower. The silver-haired girl was glaring up at her, the blue unicorn held in a headlock beneath one arm. “You want some of-”

The silver-haired girl snapped her fingers.

A sudden, thunderous explosion blew her downwards through the Cloud Road. Scootaloo slammed into the ground, the wind whooshing out of her as she felt debris crash down on her back. Thankfully, her Barrier Jacket seemed to have soaked the brunt of the force. Her ears were ringing as she wriggled, looking around desperately as she struggled against the heavy weight pinning her.

The silver-haired girl was shouting something. She grabbed the unicorn she was holding by the mane and pitched him towards Teana. Both human and pony went sprawling. The brown-haired girl appeared beside her holding a briefcase, waving mockingly at them before they vanished in a flash of dark purple light. Subaru lunged through the empty space, her fist hitting empty air before she stopped. She turned, then quickly moved to her. Subaru thrust her hand forwards, a blue glow emanating from it.

Her hearing came back suddenly and violently. “Scoots? SCOOTS! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?”

“Ow!” Scootaloo winced. “I can hear you, okay? Sheesh… I’m fine… just stuck. No need to shout.”


“Ugh… What a disaster,” the purple-haired woman said with a sigh.

“I’m sorry we didn’t come sooner, Ginga,” Subaru said, grunting as she pushed the chunks of ceiling off of Scootaloo.

Teana groaned as she shifted the blue pony off. The stallion shook himself off, then looked around, eyes wide. “Jasper! Where’s Jasper and Goldbug!?”

“Who?” Scootaloo groaned.

“Oh… crap!” Teana’s eyes went wide. “The other two ponies! They must’ve escaped when the battle started!”

“Don’t worry,” The stallion said as he picked himself up, straightening his tie with his magic, “I doubt they’ll get far…”


“This is a complete disaster,” Jasper groaned as he leaned against the elevator wall, his breath steaming up the glass. “We’ll be lucky if we can get off-world with just this briefcase. Remind me never to get mixed up with these humans ever again.”

“At least we managed to get out before anyone else came,” Goldbug said nervously. “I swore I heard the fire escape door get kicked in when the door was shutting.”

“Never mind that, Goldbug,” Jasper said nervously. “We have bigger problems. Once we hit the floor we’ll blend in with the other patrons, then make our way to the garage. Just remain calm, and follow my lead.”

There was a soft chime as the elevator doors opened. Jasper squared himself up and marched out, followed close behind by Goldbug. Unfortunately, he didn’t expect the pony waiting for him at the end of the hallway.

“Mister Jasper,” Fancy Pants said with a cheerful smile as he approached. “Leaving so soon?”

“Ah, Fancy Pants,” Jasper replied with as best a smile he could manage. “No, just concluding some business. Did you really think I’d miss the auction?”

“Oh no. Not of your own free will.” Fancy Pants drew closer. Jasper noted that the stallion’s smile, though genial as always, didn’t reach his eyes. “Though I do think the authorities will be detaining you for a time. They’re not fond of black marketers.”

Suddenly, it clicked. Jasper lowered himself into a casting stance as his horn ignited. “You’re the one that-”

Fancy darted forward and slapped a hoof firmly onto the point of Jasper’s horn. He felt himself go cross-eyed, his head ringing like a bell as he staggered to one side. He saw Fancy quickly slip by him, an almost casually extended hoof tripping the panicking Goldbug and sending him sprawling. Jasper blinked as he saw Fancy catch the briefcase with his magic before it fell to the ground.

He swore he could hear the jingling of coins as the heavy case smashed into his head, rendering him unconscious.