• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 4,218 Views, 212 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight StrikerS - PurpleProse

MPLT's Third Season. Interdimensional Conflict and Intrigue! New Heroes, New Dangers, Bigger Lasers

  • ...

8: Supplementary Materials

Dear Papa and Sis,

Sorry I haven’t written for a while. Our training schedules have been getting progressively tougher. Special Instructor Sparkle’s really putting us through our paces; most of the time we’re about ready to collapse once evening rolls around. She’s really cool though! She’s a lot nicer than some of my instructors back at the Ground Forces Academy, and I think she really likes me. I’ve been helping Scootaloo (the pony squad-mate I told you about last time) with some special training, and Twilight’s really impressed with my work. Maybe I should become an instructor when I get older.

Anyway, you’re not going to believe this, but I made a new friend today…


“Um, Special Instructor Sparkle?” Teana shifted nervously at the back of the elevator.

“Yes, Teana?” Twilight glanced back at her. Subaru had to admit, it was just a little cramped with all seven of them in the elevator.

“I’m just wondering, but why’re we going down to the basement? Are we visiting Engineering for some reason?”

Twilight smiled cryptically as the elevator doors chimed and hissed open. “You’re correct, Teana. We ARE visiting Engineering. Now, come along everyone. Shari’s waiting for us.”

Teana glanced at Subaru in confusion as the elevator emptied, the orange haired mage falling into step beside her. “Any ideas, Subaru?” Teana’s voice came out in a soft whisper.

Subaru shrugged. “No clue. Maybe it’s got something to do with our Devices? Why else would we be visiting Corporal Finieno?”

Teana grunted, her hand resting on her holstered Anchor Gun. “Well, I was planning on visiting Engineering for a tune up. My cartridge system’s firing pin isn’t triggering as quickly as I’d like…”

“You know,” Scootaloo interrupted, glancing back at Subaru and Teana, “you two don’t really need to whisper like that. It‘s not like you won‘t get the answer here shortly.”

Subaru chuckled and scratched the back of her head. “True…”

Teana sighed and rolled her eyes. “What, we’re not allowed to speculate?”

“Not when the door’s right there,” Scootaloo replied, gesturing to the door in question with one wing.

“Good point,” Subaru replied as Twilight pressed the door’s button, causing it to hiss open.

“Shari,” Twilight called, “we’re here!”

“Ah, Twilight! Right on time, as usual! Come on in!”

Subaru quickly filed in with the rest of the Trainees. She glanced around the room in curiosity for a moment, then quickly fell into line when Teana coughed loudly.

“I’m sure you all remember Shari,” Twilight began, gesturing to the Device Meister. Shari looked reasonably presentable, with her brown hair smoothed back and her uniform jacket only slightly wrinkled. Her eyes were bright and her demeanor suggested she was barely containing her excitement.

“At ease, everyone,” Shari waved her hand at the trainees. “There’s no need to be all formal here. Now,” Shari clasped her hands together, an eager grin on her face, “I’d imagine you’re all curious as to why you’re here, right?”

“Well…” Teana began nervously, “yes, ma’am.”

“Then let me explain. You see, I’ve actually been involved in your training from the very beginning, though I haven‘t always been on the field.” Shari swept a hand through the air before her, several holographic monitors lighting up on the wall behind her. “Special Instructor Sparkle’s been sending me all of your combat data from the practice you’ve been doing, as well as all sorts of other, miscellaneous bits of information. You see, all the individual practicing and basic training you six have been doing hasn’t been just to test your skill. It’s also been used to refine a set of new Devices!”

That definitely elicited a reaction.

“Wait,” Scootaloo’s eyes widened, “did you just say-”

“New Devices?” Teana gaped. “Is that what-”

“You’re joking,” Erio looked at Caro, who seemed equally confused. “They’re joking, right?”

“You mean-” Subaru’s eyes twinkled.

“It’s about time,” Spike huffed.

“Okay everyone, calm down,” Shari held up her hands defensively and laughed nervously. She waited until they stopped before coughing and continuing. “To answer your question… yes, you’re all getting new Devices, courtesy of RIOT Force.”

Subaru noticed Teana’s hand move, almost protectively, down to her hip holster. She quickly raised a hand.

“Yes, Subaru?” Shari gestured to her.

“I’m just curious… but why’re we getting Devices? I mean, it just seems a bit odd…”

“I can answer that,” Twilight replied. “The six of you are getting special Devices due to the nature of your skill sets. The six of you all possess unique traits that the standard Bureau-issue Devices aren‘t suited to. Because of this, it was decided that custom Devices were needed to fully draw out your potential.”

“It may seem odd,” Shari acknowledged, “but given the special nature of this unit, it makes sense for us to supply you with the tools necessary to make your talents shine.”

“And while I know that you and Teana have your own custom-designed Devices,” Twilight added, “we’re not doing this to devalue your work. If anything, these new Devices are patterned after your handiwork. So please, accept these new Devices as our gift to you.”

“Not just a gift.”

Subaru and the others jumped at the new voice, quickly turning to look at the speaker. Subaru’s eyes widened as she saw the tiny, pale alicorn floating in the air, her wings gently flapping.

“Ah, Reinforce!” Shari clapped her hands delightedly. “So good of you to join us!”

“R-R-Reinforce?” Subaru stammered, then jerked as Teana poked her in the ribs.

“That is my name, yes.” Reinforce flew past the group of trainees and alighted on Shari’s shoulder.

“I’m sure some of you are familiar with Reinforce,” Shari gestured to the alicorn. “I‘ve been consulting with her and Princess Luna on the designs for your Devices. Their help was invaluable, I might add.”

“It was no problem at all,” Reinforce nodded.

Is… that what I think it is? Teana whispered telepathically to Subaru.

Subaru nodded. The Brightest Light in the Darkest Hour, Trixie Lulamoon’s companion and Unison Device… Reinforce…

Also known as The Book of Darkness.

Subaru winced slightly at that. I… wouldn’t say that around her if I were you…

Teana’s lips became a thin line, but she didn’t reply.

“I think it’d be best if we showed them their new toys, don’t you think?” Shari sounded chipper as she looked at Reinforce.

“I wouldn’t call them ‘toys,’ but yes, I agree.” Reinforce sighed, then took wing as Shari reached down and flipped on the worktable’s suspension field.

“Trainees,” Reinforce announced as her horn glowed with bright white light, “allow me to introduce you to your new Devices.”

There was a flicker as six objects winked into existence, hovering in the suspension field. The first was Spike’s belt, its green, heart-cut gem glittering in the light. The second was a palm-sized blue gem, cut in the shape of an elongated hexagon and bearing a thin silver chain.

Next came a large, metallic card, the surface of it white and quadrisected by a thin red cross. A circular, cabochon-cut orange gem rested in its center, easily an inch in diameter and held in place by a metal ‘X.’ It was soon followed by a thin bracelet, a pair of feather-like tassels dangling down between a pair of marble-shaped pink jewels.

The fifth Device looked like an elaborate white digital wrist-watch with blue wrist straps. A tiny, triangle-cut yellow gem rested up against what appeared to be the Device’s central view-screen. It was soon followed by the sixth and final Device: a hair-clip made out of a metallic pink alloy, which supported a set of four, diamond-shaped purple gems arranged in a compass-rose shaped pattern, connected together by a thin ring of blue-enameled metal.

A hush fell over the trainees as Reinforce turned to them, her horn still glowing. Her red eyes focused on them intently as she spoke.

“These Devices are yours to use as you see fit. However, I feel I must impress upon you the responsibility that this entails. Devices such as these are not mere tools. They are not unfeeling things meant to be used and discarded. Each of these Devices are newly forged, newly formed. Their machine spirits, their AI, are as children. And like children, they must be cared for and treated with respect and dignity. In entrusting you with these Devices, we are entrusting you with their fates. Treat them well, and they will be your strongest allies and closest companions. You will stand together with them, and they in turn shall give you the strength to face any opponent. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am!” The six of them spoke almost in unison.

Reinforce nodded in satisfaction, then glanced over to Shari. “I leave the rest to you, then.”

“Thank you, Reinforce.” Shari blushed, then shook herself and straightened her glasses. “When I call your name, step forward. Starting with Stars Squad. Subaru, you’re first.”

Subaru stepped forward, then extended a hand. Shari plucked the blue jewel on the silver chain from the suspension field and rested it in her palm. “Subaru, this is Mach Caliber.”

Subaru looked down at the gem and smiled quietly. Light glinted off the surface of the gem, revealing the thin bands of blue inside it.

“Hello, Mach Caliber,” she said softly.

“She can’t hear you right now,” Shari noted, causing Subaru to look at her curiously. “She hasn’t been activated. Once you link up with her, she’ll come fully on-line.”

“Oh. Uh… right. I knew that.” Subaru blushed and stepped back.

“Next, Teana.” Shari pulled the card-shaped Device from the field. “This is Cross Mirage.”

“Um… thanks.” Teana slowly turned the Device around in her hands, her expression thoughtful as she stepped back into line.

“Now, Scootaloo.” Shari pulled out the hair clip and knelt down, offering it to the pegasus. “This Device, Gale Force, is yours.”

“Huh… cool.” Scootaloo frowned slightly. “A little girly, but I guess it’ll do.” Scootaloo slipped the hair-clip into her mane, just above her left eye.

“Next, Lightning Squad. Erio,” Shari gestured to him as she pulled out the wrist-watch, “this is Strada.”

“’Strada?’” Twilight quirked an eyebrow as Erio took the Device. “What language is that? I don‘t think it‘s Belkan or Mid-Childan”

“Old Galean, actually…” Shari blushed. “I… might have had one of my old textbooks out while I was establishing names for Erio and Caro’s Devices.“

“I think it’s a nice name,” Erio replied, adjusting the straps gently.

“Ahem… Anyway,” Shari gestured to Caro, crouching down with the thin bracelet in hand. “Caro, this is Kerykeion.”

“Okay…” Caro held the bracelet gingerly, before slipping it around her wrist. The feathered tassels swung gently as she fiddled with it.

“And finally, this one isn’t one of my designs.” Shari reached over and drew out the belt. “Spike, this Device is from Princess Luna. It’s name is Ritterherz…”

“Finally!” Spike bounded up and almost snatched the Device from Shari’s hands. He paused, then blushed as Twilight shot him a glare. “Sorry, ma’am, but I’ve been waiting for this for a while now.” The little dragon quickly pulled the belt up around his waist, then grinned and turned to the others, hands on his hips. “Check me out, guys…”

Subaru just giggled as Twilight rolled her eyes. Reinforce shook her head and raised her front limbs in a shrugging motion.

Huh, Teana whispered to Subaru telepathically, the little dragon gets something made by a Princess? I guess being in Twilight’s good graces has its advantages…

Subaru smiled wanly, though the tone of the message did make her feel a little uncomfortable. Well, he IS a dragon…

Teana grunted in reply.

“Now then,” Twilight turned to the trainees, “for the rest of today’s practice, we’ll be getting you all acquainted with your new partners. So, let’s take this outside…”


A half-dozen monitors hovered in the air around Twilight and Shari, turning briefly opaque as the unicorn’s gaze swept over them and the assembled trainees. The morning sun’s light shimmered on the surface of the S4, reflecting only slightly through the holographic monitors. It was, as usual, a lovely summer’s day; perfect for training.

“We’ll start with individual boot-ups,” Shari noted as she tapped away on the hovering holographic keyboard before her. “We’ll follow that with the standard Set Up routine, if that’s alright with you, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded. “That sounds fine with me, Shari. The last thing we need to do with new Devices like these is rush through the standard checks. Everything ready to go?”

“Mmm… almost… there!” Shari tapped a few more keys, then nodded in satisfaction. “Alright, we’re ready to record.”

“Excellent!” Twilight clapped her hooves together as she turned towards the trainees. “So, which of you wants to go first?”

“Ooh!” Subaru’s gauntlet-clad hand shot up almost immediately, her Revolver Knuckle glinting in the sunlight.

Twilight giggled softly. “Well, I guess we have our volunteer. Step forward, Subaru.”

Subaru quickly did as requested, then brandished the Device before her. Mach Caliber’s Standby Form glittered as she swung on her chain, the blue jewel catching the sunlight.

“I’m sure you know the standard procedure,” Shari said as she turned, a few of the monitors following her upper body’s movement. “Initiate Linkage with the Device, let it run through the boot-up, then perform Set Up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Subaru nodded, then closed her eyes.

Gosh, it feels like forever since I did this for the first time, Twilight thought to herself, glancing down at Raising Heart. I wonder if what Subaru’s doing is anything like you and I went through, Raising Heart.

I cannot say, Master, Raising Heart replied.

Figures. I can’t believe it’s been… what, eleven, twelve years since we first met and became partners? Twilight sighed softly, glancing over at the monitors. I wonder if they’ll be as close as you and I are now…

“Boot-up successful. Linkage is complete,” Shari noted, her eyes focused on the readouts. “Synchronization with Subaru’s Linker Core is at ninety percent. All readings are green. We are clear for Set Up.”

Twilight looked to the blue-haired mage. “Alright Subaru, go ahead.”

“Right! Mach Caliber!” Subaru swept her arm inward, holding the pendant close to her chest. “Set! Up!”

“DRIVE IGNITION,” a mechanical, yet feminine voice answered. A swirl of blue light spiraled up around Subaru, quickly obscuring her from regular sight.

“Barrier is stable,” Shari commented as Twilight watched the view-screen. “Set-up processes remain green…”

Twilight nodded as she watched the sequence. Subaru’s body glowed as the Barrier Jacket began to rapidly replace her regular clothing, the pieces spreading across her skin in ribbons of light. A skin-tight white top covered her torso, a single blue stripe running down the center between her breasts and joining several diagonal blue stripes that ran down from her armpits. A pair of similar white shorts covered her lower half, leaving her midriff and her legs bare. Blue and white knee and elbow pads phased in around her limbs, while her off-hand was covered by a white and blue glove.

Mach Caliber’s core blinked in just above her right ankle as a pair of heavily armored inline skates assembled around Subaru’s feet. The dark metal matched Subaru’s Revolver Knuckle, with a similarly solid, somewhat blocky construction. A pair of small exhaust pipes emerged from the backs of the skates, connecting to the four-wheeled frame at the base of Subaru’s feet.

Subaru swung her arms out as the final pieces of her Barrier Jacket formed around her: a white, short-sleeved jacket with the Bureau crest on one shoulder, followed by a white, armored and open-fronted skirt. Both had a blue six-pointed starburst pattern around the hems, as did the long, white headband that tied around Subaru’s brow.

There was a flash of light as Subaru thrust her fist out, the defensive barrier falling away into motes of light.

“SET UP COMPLETE,” Mach Caliber announced.

“Oh… oh wow!” Subaru turned about, looking at herself. “This is awesome! So… Mach Caliber’s a pair of skates? This is so cool!”

Shari giggled at Subaru’s excitement. “Exactly. Mach Caliber’s a Wearable-type Intelligent Device. She’s designed to handle your mobility and defensive spells, allowing you to focus on combat. In addition,” Shari gestured to Subaru’s right arm, “she’s programmed to automatically synchronize with your Revolver Knuckle, allowing her to store it in Standby Form. In addition, your Barrier Jacket is partially patterned after Twilight’s, as you can no-doubt tell.”

Subaru, meanwhile, jabbed gently at the air, bouncing gingerly from foot-to-foot on her skates. “Balance is really good… solid construction. Bit heavier than my old skates, but they feel really good…”

“We can talk capabilities once everyone’s suited up,” Twilight interrupted gently, shooing Subaru back into line. “Teana, you’re next.”

Teana nodded, then stepped up, She inhaled slowly, then touched the card-shaped Device against her brow and closed her eyes.

“Boot-up successful. Linkage complete and holding steady. Synchronization is at eighty-nine percent and holding.” Shari announced. “Activate at your leisure, Teana.”

“Right…” Teana inhaled, then brandished the card before her. “Cross Mirage, Set Up!”

“DRIVE IGNITION!” The orange jewel flashed as a deep, resonant masculine voice echoed from the Device. An orange barrier swept up around Teana, quickly hiding her from view.

Twilight’s eyes flicked over to the view-screen as she watched the sequence. Like Subaru, Teana’s body lit up as her clothing was rapidly replaced by her Barrier Jacket. Each piece phased in with a solid flash, sending out small sprays of orange mana. First came the core of the outfit: a short dress that covered her shoulders, chest, midriff and upper thighs, red along the chest and white from her abdomen down. A pair of thigh-length white stockings with orange hems and lines covered her legs, which fed into solid-looking black shoes. Her hands bore fingerless black gloves with bands of red and orange along the wrists. A long-sleeved white jacket formed over her upper body, the TSAB crest appearing over the left breast of the coat, followed by a short white skirt. A pair of ammo-belts with accompanying holsters rested on her waist, meeting at the back in an ‘X’ shape and joining together with a cross-shaped buckle in the front. Finally, a pair of black ribbons with white ‘X’ markings tied her carrot-orange hair into twin pigtails.

The actual Device was more interesting. The thick, card-shaped Standby Form separated along the outer edge, forming two identical cards. There was a loud clicking as the metal shifted about, forming into a pair of large, sleek handguns. Each one was identical: a narrow, rectangular-prism body with two firing holes at the end, one atop the other, with a gently curved brown grip. Cross Mirage’s core glittered just above the angular, wedge-shaped trigger, the hammer clicking into position as the Barrier dissolved.

“SET UP COMPLETE,” Cross Mirage noted.

Teana, meanwhile, slowly turned about to look at her Barrier Jacket, then inspected her guns. “Two guns?”

“Your file mentioned you were ambidextrous,” Shari noted. “I figured I’d take advantage of that when designing Cross Mirage. You can use him both in single and dual-wielding forms, giving you access to a higher rate of fire.”

“Hmm…” Teana raised the paired pistols up and took a shooting stance, aiming out towards the bay away from the others. “The weight’s a bit different from my Anchor Gun… a bit heavier in the grip…”

“That’s because of the Cartridge System. It’s the CVK-794-A model with a four shot magazine. Each gun carries its own ammunition, which gives you access to a full eight cartridges. Plus, the internal dampeners makes them completely safe to use.”

“I take it you approve, Teana?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow as Teana holstered her guns on her hips.

“It’ll take some getting used to,” Teana replied, then nodded. “But I think it’ll work out, Special Instructor Sparkle.”

I guess that’s all I’ll get for now… Twilight nodded, then gestured for her to return to her position. “Scootaloo?”

“Right,” Scootaloo rolled her eyes up to look at her new Device, then trotted forward. “Here goes…” She shut her eyes tight, her wings twitching gently.

“Gale Force is booting up,” Shari reported. “Linkage complete. Synchronization is stabilizing at eighty-one percent. All green. Go ahead, Scootaloo.”

“Gotcha.” Scootaloo took a deep breath. “Gale Force, set up!”

“DRIVE IGNITION,” was the reply, a high-pitched feminine voice replied. A sudden whirlwind of purple light spiraled up around Scootaloo, forming a barrier that Twilight would best describe as ‘a spherical tornado.’

Scootaloo’s clothes vanished in a scatter of purple as her Barrier Jacket wrapped around her in a cyclone of light. First the body suit; a white flight-suit similar to her original Barrier Jacket, with pale purple lines around the leg holes. A pair of translucent purple goggles formed over Scootaloo’s eyes, the band snapping tight around her head.

Then came the rest. There was a soft hum as the Device broke apart, the four gems circling around Scootaloo before shooting into position. Two snapped against her front legs, while two landed against the leading edge of her wings. A thin layer of metal armor formed along the bones of her wings, covering them from her back up to the carpal joints of each wing. Meanwhile, a quartet of long, white boots formed over Scootaloo’s lower legs, followed by thin plates of glossy violet-enameled armor leading down to a set of quad-wheeled skates. The other two gems slotted into the front boots, glowing as they did so.

The barrier exploded in a whoosh of wind. Scootaloo landed, swerving to a halt as she flexed her wings.


The pegasus reached up, pushing her goggles up onto her brow as she inspected her wings. “Uh… what the hay is this stuff on my wings?”

“That would be part of the Device,” Shari replied. “Gale Force is a very… unique design. In addition to providing mana control and an automatic spell archive, she’s designed to augment your wing-power.”

“So… I can go even faster now?” Scootaloo grinned, extending her wings fully and twitching her feathers. “Wicked…”

“Are you sure that’s safe?” Twilight glanced over at Shari with a concerned look. “I mean, she was already fast before…”

“Her control and reaction times are better than anyone I’ve ever seen,” Shari replied. “I’m sure she can handle it.”

Twilight nibbled her lower lip. Shari was correct; Scootaloo was more than adept at high speed maneuvers. However, some instinctual part of her, built up by years of watching the former Crusader barely careen out of the way of certain doom, rebelled at the idea.

“How… much is the boost in speed, exactly?”

“Gale Force should boost her acceleration rate by at least thirty percent, and her maximum top speed by fifty percent, at least until the limiters are removed…”

Twilight inhaled. Oh sweet Celestia, she’s fast as it is. How much faster can she go?

“Twilight? Something wrong?”

“Nothing at all,” Twilight replied briskly. “Next, Lightning Squad. Any volunteers?”

Erio promptly stepped up. “Ma’am.”

“Alright. You know the drill, Erio.” Twilight gestured to the young man. “Take your time if you need to…”

Erio nodded, then lifted his arm, the watch’s face held out towards Twilight as he closed his eyes in concentration.

“Alright, boot-up successful,” Shari noted. “Linkage is all green. Synchronization is at eighty-four percent and holding. Go ahead, Erio.”

“Yes ma’am. Strada, Set Up!”

“JAWOHL,” a metallic, masculine voice announced from the watch.

There was a thunderclap as a golden sphere of lightning erupted around Erio. Twilight stepped back as a few stray discharges crackled along the ground, her eyes quickly going to the monitors.

Erio’s clothing vanished in a flash, while static crackled over his body. The first layer of clothing was solid black; a high-collared tunic and a pair of knee-length shorts held up by a golden-triangle-buckled belt. A pair of fingerless black gloves flashed over his hands, bands of golden metal forming over the back of his hands. A pair of metal boots formed over his feet, the pieces clicking securely together.

Bolts of lightning crackled as Strada began to assemble itself. First came the triangular head of the Device, a pair of large, blue-enameled engines clasped against either side of the core structure, which held the Device’s Cartridge System. Said system resided just below the long, chisel-tipped blade of the spear. A thick, heavy shaft slammed home at the base of the head, a large, cylinder-shaped jet nozzle clicking into place on the butt of the shaft, the assembly the same color as the engine on the spear’s head.

Erio reached up and grabbed the massive spear, the head of which was bigger than his chest and torso combined, and swung it about like it was a broom. A white-gold trench coat unfurled over his body, the edges trimmed in black as well. There was a hollow boom as the surrounding Barrier dispersed, leaving Erio standing at the ready.

Twilight stared at the weapon, briefly recalling the conversation she had with Shari after the Meister had explained some of the… design choices she had made.


“Um… Shari?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Forgive me if I’m wrong, but are those… jet engines attached to Erio’s spear?”


“You’re putting jet engines. On a spear. And giving it to a ten-year-old.”

“Technically they‘re mana-induction propulsion jets, but yes.”


“So he won’t need to rely on his Sonic Move spell so much… uh… Twilight, your eye‘s twitching.”

“Sorry. It‘s just… when you said ‘enhanced movement capabilities,’ I didn’t expect you to turn the spear into a ROCKET.”

“The construction’s entirely sound. The design’s based on Graf Eisen’s Raketenform. Vita seems to handle it quite well.”

“Vita’s a thousand-year-old knight that can take a Prominence Buster to the face and stay intact. Erio hasn’t even hit puberty!”

“I understand your concern, but it’s fine. Really. I took special care to include enhanced kinetic dispersion and adherence factors in Erio’s Barrier Jacket. He‘ll be perfectly safe even if he crashes, and he should be able to hold on even at top speed.”


“Besides, I’m sure you’ll come up with an appropriate training regimen. Right, Twilight?”


At least I’ve practiced my apology to Chrono in case Erio goes splat against a wall. Twilight exhaled, then addressed Erio with a smile. “How do you feel, Erio? How‘s the Device?”

“Good, ma’am.” Erio hefted the spear easily and gave it an experimental swing. “It’s actually a lot lighter than I expected.”

“He,” Shari gently corrected, causing Erio to pause mid-swing.

“Um… right. He. He’s a lot lighter. Sorry.” He leaned the spear against his shoulder and nodded. “Ma’am.”

Shari nodded as Erio stepped back into line, then looked at Caro. “You’re up next, Caro.”

The little summoner shuffled forward, Friedrich staying put as she did so. She swallowed nervously, then clasped her hands in front of her. Kerykeion’s jewels glittered in the sunlight.

“Just relax, Caro,” Twilight assured her. “It’s just like any other Device.”

“I-I know,” Caro replied, her eyes closing tight.

“Boot up successful,” Shari reported. “Linkage is complete… hrm… synchronization’s holding at sixty-six percent. Caro, are you alright?”


“Huh…” Shari rubbed her chin. “Maybe there’s something interfering with the link. Caro, could you concentrate a bit harder?”

Caro nodded, then focused. Her brow furrowed and her body tensed up. Behind her, Friedrich let out a low, trilling noise.

“Seventy percent… seventy-four… seventy-nine… and holding. That should be good for now, but I’d like to address it later. For now, try to initiate Set Up.”

“R-roger,” Caro said, her voice quivering. “Kerykeion, Set Up!”

“DRIVE IGNITION.” The Device’s voice was feminine and almost motherly in tone. Pink light bloomed up around Caro, surrounding her in a protective bubble.

The girl’s training clothes whisked away in a flash of light as her new Barrier Jacket formed about her body. First came a pink and black dress, with a wide, gored pink skirt and black top. A pink, long-sleeved jacket formed over it, black bands decorating its hems and cuffs. An enormous, puffy pillbox hat landed atop her head, almost like the head of a mushroom. A pair of black boots covered her legs, thin plates of armor providing protection. Finally, a long, flowing white-gold cape unfurled across her shoulders, the shoulders of which were marked with black bands.

She raised her hands, fingers splayed as Kerykeion herself lit up. The two jewels separated and hovered over the back of each hand, expanding out into a pink, glassy domes. Black gloves formed over her hands, thin lines of pink light stretching down the back of each finger and sliding down to the bracers on her wrists. The gems clicked into position on the back of each glove, locked into place by circular sockets.

There was a flash of light as the barrier dispersed, Caro landing with a click of her boots.

“SET UP, COMPLETE,” Kerykeion announced, the jewels on Caro’s gloves blinking as she spoke.

“Oh my…” Caro lifted up the edges of her cape, slowly turning side-to-side before reaching up and pulling off her hat. “This… seems a bit… um… much?”

“Actually, it makes sense,” Shari replied. “Your Barrier Jacket’s designed to provide a much higher level of defense than the others, so it’s a bit bigger. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not really…” Caro blushed as she replaced her hat. “I think it’s cute.”

“It is cute,” Spike confirmed as he stepped forward. The little drake grinned cheerfully as Caro blushed, then came to a stop with his hands on his hips. The gem on his belt shimmered in the sunlight as he stood there.

“Looks like someone’s excited,” Shari teased. “Alright Caro, you’re good, but I’d like to talk to you during the break about your low synchronization ratio.”

“Yes ma’am,” Caro replied, then quickly stepped away from Spike. Friedrich trilled irritably, then flew up and landed atop Caro’s new hat.

“Okay Spike, you know the drill,” Twilight said, nodding to Shari as the sensors were focused on Spike.

“Yup! And I’m prepared.” Spike inhaled, curling his arms inward before he struck a pose. His stance widened as he thrust his right arm out and across his chest, his hand level with his shoulder and fingers curved like claws. His left arm was curled back, his palm upward and his fingers bent inwards.

Shari giggled. “Are… are you trying to do a superhero pose?”

“Uh huh,” Spike nodded, doing his best to look serious and not grin.

“You look like something out of those Masked Hero comics,” Shari giggled louder. “Is that the pose from Masked Hero Wonder Dragon?”

“Yup!” Spike grinned.

“Nerrrrrd,” Scootaloo called, eliciting some laughter from Subaru. Erio, meanwhile, looked over at Scootaloo with a confused expression.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. Some things never change. “I think we can all geek out later. Shari… focus, please?”

“R-right. Sorry, Twilight.” Shari coughed, then turned to the monitors. “Boot up successful. Linkage is complete… sweet Kaiser! His synchronization’s almost at one-hundred percent!”

Twilight leaned in to confirm. “An almost perfect synchronization ratio? Well… I guess it makes sense. But these readings…”

“I know!” Shari leaned in and tapped on her keyboard. “They’re exactly like Princess Luna said they’d be… but I didn’t know they’d be this high.”

“Uh… guys?” Spike called, still holding the pose. “Is it okay if I do the thing now? Because my arm’s getting tired standing here like this…”

“Just a second, Spike,” Twilight replied before turning to Shari. “Is he in any danger?

“I don‘t think so. There‘s no instabilities in the linkage, and the Device itself is remaining stable.”

Twilight frowned, her eyes scanning over the glimmering graphs and read-outs. “Just so long as he’s fine.”

“I’m sure he will be. I mean, Princess Luna’s… well, Princess Luna. I’m sure she wouldn’t make something that couldn’t handle Spike’s power.”

“Twilight? Shari?”

“Only one way to find out,” Twilight replied, looking to Spike. “Go ahead, Spike.”

“Finally,” Spike huffed, then swept his right arm in an arc above his head. “Let’s go, Ritterherz! Seeeeeeet!” He drew his right arm back, then slashed it forward. “Up!”

The Device’s reply came out in a loud roar. Spike’s eyes went a bit wide as a circle of green flame formed about his feet, then exploded upwards into a pillar of fire. The other trainees pulled back, even though the flames produced no heat.

“Blessed Kaiser,” Shari gasped. “These readings are off the charts! He’s… he’s…”

“Growing,” Twilight finished Shari’s sentence as she watched the screen. Spike’s body became silhouetted as it expanded, the drake’s height rapidly increasing until he stood nearly six feet tall. His dorsal spine extended, the ones on his head forming a swept-back mohawk as his muzzle lengthened, the edges of his ‘lips’ becoming slightly jagged. Unlike his previous greed-fueled spurt, however, his proportions were much more reasonable and almost human, despite the size of his hands and feet. His muscles were toned rather than bulky, and his tail lengthened out into a thick, spade-tipped appendage rather than the massive club it had been.

The Device detached from his waist as his Barrier Jacket… or rather, Knight’s Clothing formed. First came a dark purple jacket, open in the front and trimmed in dark green. A thin, mesh-like chain mail swept across his chest as a pair of pauldrons formed atop his shoulders. Wide-brimmed black pants slid down his waist and legs, heavy metal greaves clicking into place over his calves. His large feet were covered in metal boots, leaving his clawed toes exposed. Large metal gauntlets and bracers with large, dragon-like fins on the elbows slipped over his lower arms, his fingers exposed and his claws extended.

The former belt slid up and clicked into place around his neck like a collar, the heart-shaped jewel resting on the right side of his neck. A thin green ‘scarf’ slid out from behind the collar, waving in the heat haze as Spike let out a mighty roar.

The flames vanished, leaving Spike standing there, his chest rising and falling. All eyes were on him as he slowly looked at himself, then looked over at Twilight.

“Uh, Twilight? When’d you get small-” he paused, then clapped a hand over his mouth. Even his voice was a few notes deeper. He then looked down, then spun about, his eyes wide. “Holy guacamole, look at me! I’m huge! I look… awesome!”

“No kidding,” Twilight replied, her own eyes wide.

So that’s what the War Form enchantment does when applied to a non-pony, she thought to herself. She knew that Luna and Celestia used a specific enchantment to artificially ‘age’ themselves into a more battle-ready form, but she hadn’t expected that the spell could be applied to Spike. I really need to talk to Princess Luna about this. The research possibilities would be fascinating…

“This so cool! Wait ‘till Teacher sees me.” Spike grinned, then turned towards the other Trainees and struck a pose. “Dragon Knight Spike, ready to go!”

Friedrich let out a very loud hiss and flapped his wings, causing Spike to snicker. “Sounds like someone’s jealous.”

Caro frowned, then reached up and gently tapped Friedrich on the nose. The little dragon snorted, then turned around and presented his back to Spike.

“Well, now that everyone’s all suited up,” Twilight said as she stepped forward, “why don’t we get to work? After all, we still have to break these new Devices in, so to speak.”

“Yes ma’am!”


“So the Saint Church’s been having trouble with these drones too?”

“Yes, sir,” Signum replied.

Chrono sighed as he looked over the assembled Altenritter. Signum, Vita and Zafira were lined up before him at parade rest, having already given their reports. Trixie stood beside Chrono’s desk, while Reinforce fluttered gently by her right shoulder. “And you say that the drones were attacking the Saint Church installation on Vaizen?”

“That‘s correct.” Zafira’s tail swished as he spoke. “There were several attempted assaults on Reliquary Containment Site Four, which we had a hand in repelling. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to capture an intact drone.”

“And considering how many of the damn things there were, that’s saying something,” Vita groused. “They exploded whenever we did too much damage to them. All that got left behind was scorched scrap metal.”

“Why Site Four, though?” Chrono rubbed his chin. “Is there something important contained there?”

Signum shook her head. “No sir. While Site Four does contain some Imperial-era weapons and technology, most of what’s stored there is heavily damaged or otherwise effectively non-functional. The rest is world-specific records and archeological findings.”

“Honestly, I‘m not sure why they called us there,” Vita interjected. “Whoever was behind the drones was basically throwing them away for nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say that, Vita,” Chrono replied, tapping a finger against his cheek. “In fact, I’m pretty sure that they got what they wanted.”

Trixie glanced over at Signum, then over to Chrono. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Chrono.”

Signum grimaced. “He means, Mistress, that whoever was behind the drone attacks wanted to see how we’d fare against them.”

“I wouldn’t dismiss it as a possibility,” Chrono replied with a sigh. “Given what we know about these Drones, it’d make sense to test them against opponents like you three.”

“Sneaky.” Trixie huffed, flipping her mane gently. “Then again, I’d probably do something like that if I had the resources. But I’m sure you three’ll be able to handle anything, right?”

“Of course, Mistress,” Signum replied calmly.

“That’s good to hear, at least,” Chrono replied. “But for now, I’d like you lot to focus on training our recruits. Twilight’ll be starting counter-AMF training tomorrow, and she’s going to need all the input you guys can offer.”

“About time,” Vita smirked as she looked up at Zafira. “I guess it’s getting to the point where we get to work the kids over. I‘ve been waiting for this…”

Zafira rolled his eyes as Chrono chuckled, giving Trixie a side-glance. “Trixie, would you make sure your assistants don’t break my trainees?”

“Of course,” Trixie replied with a smirk.

“And I’ll make sure to remind her to pay attention,” Reinforce calmly added, causing the blue unicorn to stick her tongue out at her.

“Well, I should probably let you lot get to work,” Chrono concluded, resting his hand on his desk. “Dismissed.”

The assembled knights (and Device) saluted and made their way out of the room, leaving Chrono alone with his thoughts.



The sound of Mach Caliber’s engines echoed in Subaru’s ears as she shot through the simulated skating course Shari had set up. The noise was a lot different from her old rollerblades; there was no loud whine, just a constant, steady thrumming. It wasn’t just a difference in noise, either; Mach Caliber’s tires felt stickier and had a much tighter grip on the ground, and the torque ratio was definitely improved. It was like upgrading from a scooter to a full-fledge motorcycle. It also helped that she could feel the tingle of Mach Caliber’s AI in the back of her head, taking cues from her mental commands and adjusting on the fly in response.

A holographic window popped up in the corner of her eye as she swerved around a corner at speed. Shari grinned at her through the screen as Subaru let out another whoop of joy. “Looks like you and Mach Caliber are getting along just fine, Subaru.”

“Are you kidding? This is great!” Subaru swerved through the tight corner without any loss of speed, almost going horizontal as she leaned into the curve. “Her handling is incredible!”

“I‘m not surprised,” Shari said with a hint of pride. “Right now, you’re in Mach Caliber’s standard mode, also known as ‘Gallop Gear.’ In this mode, Mach Caliber’s skates are optimized for handling and stability.” Shari paused as Subaru took another sharp curve. “In addition, her wheels have what’s called an Absorb Grip System, which increases the attraction between the skates and the surface you’re skating on.”

Subaru quickly parsed that information. “So I can, like, skate vertically or something?”

Shari paused, rubbing her chin. “I suppose so, assuming you increased the attraction to maximum. It’d certainly help with your Wing Road…”

“Hang on Shari, I’m coming into the home stretch!” Subaru swung a hand up and dismissed the window, then crouched down slightly. “Alright Mach Caliber, let’s see how much you’ve got! Full power!”

“ALRIGHT,” the Device replied curtly, right before the thrumming grew louder. The wind whipped by faster as Subaru accelerated, her jacket, headband and hair swirling in the wind behind her as she approached the finish line.

A klaxon went off as she crossed the holographic line. Mach Caliber’s brakes clamped down, sending up a small spray of sparks as she came to a stop in a few brief moments.

“Whew… good brakes, too,” Subaru said jauntily as she turned and skated over towards Scootaloo and Shari.

“Not bad, slow poke,” Scootaloo teased, her wings flapping gently and experimentally. “You actually managed to beat some of my old times with that run.”

“Heh, well, I can’t take all the credit. Mach Caliber’s a bit better than my old rollerblades.” Subaru glanced down at the gem on her left boot. “Isn’t that right?”

“THAT IS CORRECT,” Mach Caliber replied, her core flashing as she spoke.

Scootaloo snorted softly. “And here I thought it was just Twilight that talked with Devices.”

“What’s wrong with talking with them?” Subaru quirked an eyebrow.

“Nothing. It’s just… well, it’s just a machine, right? I mean, I get they’re like advanced artificial intelligences, but it’s not like an actual pony.”

“It’s like Reinforce told us,” Subaru replied, “They may be Devices, but they’re not ‘things.’ Isn’t that right, Mach Caliber?”

“THERE IS A DIFFERENCE?” The Device sounded mildly confused.

Subaru pouted and looked down at the Device’s core. “Of course there’s a difference!”

“Right… anyway, we’re up, Gale Force. Ready?”

“GOTCHA!” The gems on Scootaloo’s wings flickered as the Device chirped its reply.

Scootaloo exhaled and skated into position. She lowered her stance and spread her wings out, her eyes narrowing behind the goggles she was wearing.

“And…” Shari called out, tapping the keyboard, “go!”

There was a rush of air, and suddenly Scootaloo was gone, the glowing gems on her wings leaving a pair of thin purple contrails in her wake.

Subaru shielded her face from the back-blast. “Wow…”

“No kidding,” Shari agreed as her eyes followed Scootaloo’s progress on the track. It didn’t take long for the orange blur to reach the finish line. Scootaloo flared her wings and turned sideways, skidding to a halt several yards past where Subaru had stopped.

“Hmm… braking might be a bit of a problem,” Shari noted as Scootaloo skated up, “but I think you’re pretty much at the top of the pile in terms of sheer land speed. You just broke your previous best by over a minute.”

“Seriously? Awesome!”

“Of course,” Shari added, “this is just on the basic level. Once you’ve adjusted, I’ll decrease Gale Force’s limiters. At this rate though, I’d imagine you’ll be the fastest pony on wheels. How’re the wings?”

“Eh, the armor is taking a bit to get used to,” Scootaloo flexed one wing demonstratively, “but if it makes me faster, I’ll wear just about anything.”

“FASTER IS ALWAYS BETTER,” Gale Force chirped in agreement.

“Uh… yeah,” Scootaloo gestured with one hoof, “Right. I was about to say that…”

“Well, it seems you two can handle the ground,” Shari smirked, turning to face the pair. “Why don’t we see how well you can handle the air? Mach Caliber? Gale Force?”



“What the- hey!” Subaru stepped back as a blue ribbon of mana exploded out from under her feet. Meanwhile, Scootaloo squeaked as a line of purple mist did much the same.

“I took the liberty of including your respective ‘road’ spells into your Device’s databanks,” Shari smirked, adjusting her glasses.

“Seriously?” Scootaloo stepped lightly on her Cloud Road. “And mine… like… works?”

“Well… your spell was mostly Twilight and Reinforce’s doing,” Shari blushed. “But I helped some too. Anyway, your Devices will be able to auto-cast them on their own. Plus, thanks to the telepathic links they have with you, they‘re able to steer them pretty easily. So, what do you say? Wanna give it a try?”

Subaru looked over at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo looked back, her wings bristling nervously as her tail flicked.


Scootaloo grimaced, then nodded and got into position, wings spread. “Born ready.”


Shot after shot streaked out from the tip of Cross Mirage’s muzzle, each orange bolt hitting home on the hovering, human-shaped targets. Teana was settling into her groove, despite the unfamiliar weight of her new Device and the odd tickling at the back of her mind from the Device’s telepathic link.

“Excellent work, Teana!” Twilight nodded in satisfaction as the last target winked out. “A perfect score. Looks like you’re already used to Cross Mirage’s one-handed mode.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Teana replied, bringing the Device up into a high ready position, the muzzle pointed skyward. “Didn’t take long to get used to the weight difference.”

“So I noticed. Now, why don’t we try using two guns at once?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Teana replied, her left hand leaving Cross Mirage’s grip and extending outwards. The Device’s core glowed as a second gun flashed into existence, the grip assembling right in Teana’s hand.

“DOUBLE MODE,” Cross Mirage announced as Teana brought both guns up, both arms fully extended and parallel to each other.

“I’d imagine it’s a little awkward, using two guns at once,” Twilight said, walking over to her side and glancing up at her.

“I’m sure I can manage, ma’am.” Teana’s eyes narrowed as she felt Cross Mirage’s telepathic link tickle against her consciousness.

“I’m sure you can, but don’t be afraid to fall back on Cross Mirage to help with fire-control and spell calculation.”

“I’ll be fine, ma’am,” Teana replied distractedly. “Mind if we start the exercise?”

“Sure. One set of new targets, coming right up.”

Teana nodded as a fresh set of humanoid targets winked into position. She inhaled and centered herself, just like she’d been taught.

Focus, Teana. Focus. Just like Tiida showed you. Find your center, then hit the center…

She moved efficiently, her eyes flicking as she measured the distance and angles needed to line up the shots. Her right arm shifted ten degrees right and five up, while her left moved eighteen degrees left. She pulled the triggers, sending a pair of orange bolts on their way. The shots hit their mark.

This new Device may be fancy, but there’s no replacement for skill. She shifted her weight slightly, her movements quick and precise as she adjusted her aim. Nothing replaces skill. I would’ve been just fine with my old Anchor Gun. But if this is the only way I can keep pace with the others, then so be it. I’ll take whatever advantages I can get.

Twilight let out a soft ‘hmm’ as Teana hit the last few targets. Teana glanced over at the unicorn as she lifted Cross Mirage back into high-ready position. “Something wrong, ma’am?”

“I noticed your casting speed wasn’t as fast as your one-handed run,” Twilight replied, a purple hoof rubbing her chin.

“Sorry ma’am,” Teana replied quickly. “It’s just a bit odd dual-wielding like this. It‘s been a while since I‘ve tried it.”

“Are you allowing Cross Mirage to perform the spell calculations for you?”

Teana grimaced. “No ma’am. With all due respect, I’d rather not.”


Teana shook her head. “No offense, but I don’t feel comfortable relying on a Device. No offense meant to Cross Mirage or Corporal Finieno.”

“NONE TAKEN,” the Device replied stoically.

“It’s just that it‘d be easy to over-rely on an advanced Device like Cross Mirage.” Teana continued. “If I rely too much on him, and he goes off-line, I‘ll be- I mean, my effectiveness would take a major hit.”

Teana blinked as Twilight nodded. “That’s entirely understandable, Teana. I wouldn’t expect you to rely entirely on Cross Mirage, but it‘s excellent that you‘re taking that into account.”

“Um…” Teana paused. “Thanks?”

“Having said that,” Twilight continued, “the purpose of today’s training is to get you used to working in tandem with your Device. Cross Mirage is just as much your partner as your squad mates are. You’ll have to get used to working with him eventually if you want to reach your full potential.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Teana sighed.

Twilight shook her head. “I’m sure it’s a little odd right now. Is this the first time you’ve used an Intelligent Device?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You’ll get used to it. It took a while for Raising Heart and I to ‘click,’ so to speak.” Twilight gestured down to the red jewel dangling from her neck. “Even then, it took a while before I was completely comfortable working with her, so I have an idea of what you might be going through.”

Teana exhaled slowly, trying to ignore the other implications of that statement. “If you say so, ma’am.”

“I do.” Twilight replied as she looked down-range. “Trust between partners is important, even if it’s just between a person and their Device. Don‘t you think so?”

What is she… oh. Oh. That damn dragon must’ve…

Teana nodded quickly, trying not to let the realization show. “Yes, ma’am,” she replied, wincing mentally as she sounded a bit too cautious. “Trust is important.”

The little frown on Twilight’s face when she looked up at her set off alarm bells in Teana’s head. However, the unicorn didn’t press further. “Let’s go through the target practice again. This time, I want you to let Cross Mirage handle the spell calculations while you focus entirely on aiming, alright?”

Teana nodded and took her shooting stance, closing her eyes for a brief moment to center herself.


“Good. Don‘t be afraid to change your hand position on the shaft if you need to, Erio.”

Erio felt the metal of Strada’s shaft through his gloves as he followed Fate’s instructions. The weight of the spear was different from the practice staff he’d been using, but he was very quickly getting used to it. His muscles tensed as he spun the spear in a defensive arc, quickly re-orienting for another strike.

However, he couldn’t help but notice his companions out of the corner of his eye. Spike and Caro sat off to the side, the dragon talking to her quite animatedly. Caro, much to Erio’s surprise, seemed really quite involved in what Spike was saying. Even with Friedrich pointedly ignoring the now much larger dragon, Caro seemed to be… enjoying herself. She was even smiling…

“Erio, mind your focus.”

Erio hissed, mentally cursing his inattentiveness as he lunged forwards. Strada’s heavy, chisel-tipped blade hissed through the air as he thrust it out, landing a glancing blow that sent the practice target spinning.

Fate let out a soft ‘tsk’ and gently nudged the spear to one side. “There. Remember Erio, always try to aim for the center of mass.”

“S-sorry ma’am,” Erio quickly replied, taking his stance again. “It won’t happen again.”

Fate quirked an eyebrow, then raised a hoof to pause the exercise. “Something bothering you?”

“Um…” Erio paused and glanced over at his squad-mates. “I was just distracted, that’s all.”

“It’s probably best if you tune them out, Erio,” Fate replied gently.

Erio scratched one temple before exhaling. “Sorry, ma’am. It‘s just difficult to when I‘m the only one practicing.”

“Caro and Spike’s instructors will be here shortly.” Fate glanced over at the girl and the dragon, frowning a bit deeper. “Though if they’re distracting you…”

“N-no, ma’am. They’re fine. It’s just…”


Erio sighed. “It’s… nothing ma’am.”

“I disagree,” Fate replied, trotting closer and gesturing for him to sit. “If it’s bothering you enough to throw off your concentration, then I need to know. Now, what‘s the matter?”

Erio nodded quietly, then knelt down and rested Strada against his shoulder. “I… Caro and Spike seem to be getting along together.”

Fate glanced over at the pair, then nodded. “It certainly seems so… is that going to be a problem?”

Erio quickly shook his head. “No ma’am! No… it’s just… well.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry, ma’am, but this is going to sound stupid.”

“It’s alright, Erio,” Fate replied. “There’s nothing stupid about emotions. Please, tell me.”

“It’s just… I’ve never seen Caro quite so excited. Even when it was the two of us, she was always… quiet.” Of course, he wasn’t much better. “It’s just odd seeing her so… happy.”

“Ah,” Fate smiled slightly. “Are you jealous?”

Erio blushed. “N-no, ma’am! I mean… I know I’m not exactly… sociable. But I’m glad Caro’s making friends other than me and Friedrich.”

“And are you and Spike friends as well?”

Erio grimaced. “Well… I wouldn’t call us ‘friends.’ I mean, we understand each other, but I’m…” He paused, glancing over at Spike before turning back to Fate. “I’m not sure if I’m ready for someone to get that… close yet.”

If ever, he mentally appended.

Fate nodded. “I understand. I trust you can handle it on your own time.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Erio replied.

“Good. Now, on your feet, Private. We have a lot of work to do today.”

“Ma’am!” Erio shot to his feet and readied his spear.


“And so whenever Maxitie Renault discovers a monster that needs taking care of, he calls on Nouvelle Vague’s power and transforms into the Masked Hero and Champion of Justice, Wonder Dragon!” Spike grinned, striking a pose as best he could from his seated position.

Caro nodded, digesting the information quickly. “Um… so Nouvelle Vague gives Wonder Dragon her powers so he can fight? Don’t get be me wrong, but I don’t think that’s how most dragons work…”

Spike snorted and crossed his arms. “Hey, you never know. Maybe there’s some dragons out there that can do that. Besides, it’s a comic. You’re supposed to, like, suspend your disbelief and stuff. It‘s not like, I dunno, the writers at UC killing off the Masked Matter-Horn, then bringing her back and turning her into an alicorn a couple issues later. I think I can accept an ancient transcendent dragon giving a guy a cool suit of magic armor before I accept something like that.

Caro giggled softly. “Or a dragon training to be a Belkan Knight.”

Spike blushed, gently scratching one of his enlarged dorsal fins. “Uh… yeah, that too. That probably sounds weird, doesn’t it? Usually in stories it’s a dragon getting trounced or outsmarted by a brave knight.”

Caro paused, then frowned a little. “That’s hardly fair, don’t you think? Dragons don‘t deserve that sort of treatment, even if it is a story…”

“Well, Equestrian dragons aren’t exactly nice. Most of them put Friedrich to shame, so it makes sense that they‘re the bad guys.”

“I… guess so…”

“Well,” another voice interrupted, “it’s good to see you two’re getting along so well.”

Caro turned, then climbed to her feet as she saw Yuuno and Zafira approach. “Mr. Scrya! Knight Zafira! Sorry, we were just…”

Yuuno laughed and waved a hand. “It’s alright. Sorry to have kept you waiting, I was in a conference call and it ran a bit over.”

“You do enjoy talking,” Zafira rumbled softly, before glancing over at Spike. Caro followed his gaze, then blinked at the young dragon’s change in attitude and posture. Spike stood at parade rest, his hands folded behind his back, his chest out, his head lifted, and his expression firmly neutral.

“So,” Zafira said, his crimson eyes slowly sliding over the dragon’s body, “this is your new form thanks to Meister Luna’s Device?”

“Ja, Lehr-Ritter Zafira,” Spike responded promptly.

Zafira nodded in satisfaction. “Good. Now I won’t have to worry about getting on my hands and knees to spar with you, knappe.” He then turned to look at Yuuno. “I’ll be borrowing this Trainee for a while.”

“Go ahead. Just make sure to leave him in one piece.”

Zafira snorted softly, then snapped his fingers at Spike and walked off. The dragon quickly followed, falling into step behind Zafira.

Caro glanced over at Yuuno. Her nerves were probably showing, which caused Yuuno to smile reassuringly. “I’m sure Spike’ll be fine, Caro. Zafira may be stern, but he’s not mean. Besides, the two of them have worked together even before Spike joined RIOT Force.”


“Now,” Yuuno continued on, clapping his hands together and rubbing them together eagerly, “why don’t we get started? I’d like to see what sort of tricks you and Kerykeion can do.”


Sunset came without fanfare. But then again, Teana had hardly been paying attention to the clock or the changing color of the light. Her focus had been split between two things; her exercises, and Special Instructor Sparkle. Now, however, she actually had a moment to reflect.

Teana quietly listened to the unicorn as they ended for the day, her attention more on the events of the day. She’d worked with Special Instructor Sparkle during the partnered exercises, but this was the first time she’d been with the mare on a one-on-one basis. And despite a few unsettling moments (like the fact that she’d been able to replicate some of her spells with nothing more than her horn and a bit of concentration), Teana had almost nothing bad to say about her or her training. Special Instructor Sparkle was continuously, almost aggressively attentive, always making gentle suggestions or critiques without being rude or condescending and making sure to praise Teana’s work.

Maybe a bit overly so.

A gentle nudge to her ribs from Subaru jolted Teana out of her reverie, just as Special Instructor Sparkle concluded her speech. She quickly replied alongside the others, snapping a salute as Twilight dismissed them for the evening.

“You okay, Tea?”

“Huh?” Teana shook her head, then blinked over at her companion. “Yeah. Sorry, just… tired, I guess.”

Subaru quirked an eyebrow, but shrugged and continued. “Okay. Maybe you should get to bed early tonight, you know? I’m pretty sure everyone else is gonna crash early.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo muttered, her wings drooping as she slowly skated past Subaru.

“Right. Sure…”

“You sure you’re okay, Tea?” Subaru reached over and rested a hand on Teana’s shoulder, which Teana shrugged off.

“I’m fine, Subaru. Why don’t you and the others go on ahead? I’ll catch up in a bit.”

“Alright. See you later, Tea…”

Teana nodded, watching Subaru jog off after the others. The blue-haired mage quickly caught up to Scootaloo and started talking, the pegasus giving her a weary look and thumping her on the leg with her tail. Teana shoved her hands into her pockets as she stood there and watched, before shaking her head in irritation.

“Private Lanster,” a familiar voice called out to her, “may I have a moment?”

There it is… She turned to face Special Instructor Sparkle. The purple unicorn approached her calmly, her Device’s pendant-shaped Standby Form bouncing gently against her chest. “Yes, Special Instructor?”

“Walk with me, if you would,” Twilight replied, nodding in the direction of the bridge.

“Yes, ma’am.” Teana fell into step beside the pony, doing her best to match the mare’s gait.

The two walked in silence for a while, which bothered Teana to no end. By the time they reached the bridge to the mainland, Teana let out a loud sigh and glanced at her feet. “So I guess this has to do with what Spike told you?”

Twilight nodded. “A little. Though I’ve been a little concerned with your behavior for a while now.”

“I wasn’t aware my behavior was a problem, ma’am.”

Twilight arched a brow at that. “Aware of it or not, I’m still concerned. You’ve been avoiding your teammates while off the practice field, and I’d like to know why.”

Teana inhaled through her nostrils, slowly. “You’re already aware that I’m not fond of Private Scootaloo, ma’am. It’s my choice if I don’t want to socialize with her…”

“I’m aware, yes, but I’m not sure why that extends to Subaru as well.”

“Subaru is welcome to make friends with whoever she wants,” Teana replied, sounding more defensive than she liked. “And if that happens to include… individuals I don’t like, then fine. But just because Subaru likes someone doesn’t mean I have to.”

“I see.”

Teana tried to ignore the dryness of her mouth. “Ma’am, with all due respect, I have remained professional and civil…”

“And I greatly appreciate that,” Twilight replied firmly, stepping in front of her and bringing their walk to a halt on the bridge. “However, you‘re not going to impress me by aiming for just the bare minimum, Private Lanster.”

“Again, with all due respect, Special Instructor,” Teana replied, trying to ignore the urge to grit her teeth, “I don’t like Private Scootaloo, and it’s my choi-”

“Why don’t you like her?”

Teana blinked. “Ma’am?”

“Why don’t you like her? I’m curious, Private Lanster; what exactly is it that you dislike about Scootaloo?”

Teana huffed. “Private Scootaloo is confrontational and arrogant. She insults and belittles others but can’t accept similar behavior in return. She’s insubordinate to her superiors, and-”

“I know all of that,” Twilight interrupted again. “But what else?”

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at, ma’am.”

Twilight sighed. “Private Lanster, can you tell me anything about Private Scootaloo other than the fact that she’s a hot-headed, short-tempered little brat?”

Teana opened her mouth, then closed it and went straight-faced. “N…no ma’am.”

“Anything? About her family? Her hobbies? Can you even tell me what she ate during lunch today?”

“No, ma’am.”

Twilight sighed. “Aside from the times you’ve fought, have you even tried to interact with Private Scootaloo?”

Teana remained silent.

“I understand if her behavior left a poor first impression,” Twilight said as she shook her head. “And I realize Scootaloo isn’t exactly the most pleasant pony to be around sometimes, but you probably know next to nothing about her situation or background. Am I correct in that assessment, Private Lanster?”

Not that she’d probably tell me, Teana though to herself as she nodded in agreement.

“Now,” Twilight continued, running a hoof through her mane, “I can’t order you to like Scootaloo. I can’t order you to find her pleasant. However, I’m going to ask you, as teacher-to-student, to at least make an attempt to get to know her. Find some common ground. Try to be social, maybe even friendly. If nothing else, it might help ease whatever issues you have with her. Can you do that for me, Teana?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Teana replied grudgingly.

“That means no avoiding meals with your squad. No cold shoulders. No dismissing her immediately just because she isn‘t an ideal friend. Understood?”

Teana nodded. “I think I can handle that, ma’am.”

“Good. On your way, then. You really don’t need to miss dinner.”

“Ma’am,” Teana replied with a salute before she started to stride off.

“And Teana?”

Teana paused and looked back to the unicorn. “Yes, ma’am?”

“I know how it is… to be jealous of one’s friends like that,” Twilight replied. “It’s not very fun, is it?”

“No ma’am,” Teana replied stiffly. “It’s not. Will that be all, ma’am?”


Teana nodded, then walked off. Once she was sure she was out of Twilight’s earshot, she let out a loud sigh.

Naturally, she wants me to be more like Subaru. I guess that makes sense, considering how important friendship and everything is to Equestrians. Ugh…


…but if everything keeps going as well as it is now, I’m sure we’ll all pull together just fine.

Take care, and I hope Mach Caliber and I can see you and Ginga soon.



Subaru tapped her pen on the paper as she signed her name, leaving a tiny period after the signature. She glanced up from her spot on the couch and looked over at Spike and Caro. The dragon and the summoner were seated cross-legged side-by-side, quietly meditating. Erio was seated on the couch opposite of her, intensely pouring over one of Spike’s comic books in his lap.

“You know,” Scootaloo spoke up from her spot next to Subaru, “I think you might be the only person I’ve ever seen that still writes letters like that.”

Subaru chuckled, putting a cap on her pen as she heard someone walking down the stairs. “Nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Nah,” Scootaloo replied, right before the pegasus craned her neck back and peered at the stairs. “Well, look who decided to come down and join us.”

Subaru looked back as well. Teana leaned against the railing at the base of the stairs, a towel around her shoulders and her hair still damp.

“Decided to come and be sociable instead of soaking in the bathtub for the rest of the night?” Scootaloo chuckled. “I was half-convinced we’d need to send Subaru to check and see if you’d drowned.”

“Scoots!” Subaru smirked, then reached over and pinched one of Scootaloo’s ears, eliciting a squawk from the mare.

“Ow! Hey!”

“Just for your information,” Teana replied as she walked over, her carrot-orange hair hanging down her back, “I was busy contemplating during my bath.”

“Ooh, ‘contemplating,’” Scootaloo teased. “I’m impressed.”

Teana snorted dismissively. “You should be, considering how shallow you are…”

“Hey! I’m not shallow!”

“Oh please, you’re about as deep as a bird bath, and about as clean.” Teana smirked wickedly as she volleyed the insult at her.

Scootaloo growled softly. “How about we see how deep a hole I can pound into your…”

Subaru laughed and gently held Scootaloo back with one hand. “Hey Scootaloo, no need to get your feathers rustled. I‘m sure Tea‘s just messing with you. Right, Tea?”

Teana nodded, though Subaru did take note of her smirk.

Scootaloo huffed and crossed her front limbs, folding her wings in tight. “Whatever, man. What’re you doing down here anyway? Shouldn’t you be hiding in your bedroom or something?”

“Well, everyone’s downstairs,” Teana replied. “I figured I’d come down to make sure everyone gets in bed on time.”

“Right. Sheesh, are you always this much of a nag?”

I have to admit, Subaru thought to herself as Teana and Scootaloo continued trading barbs, compared to their usual behavior this is actually pleasant… in a weird way.

“Could you two keep it down?” Erio glared up from his comic book, drawing the pair’s attention. “Some of us are trying to read.”

“Sorry, Erio,” Teana replied.

“Yeah, sorry dude…”