• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 10,268 Views, 164 Comments

Rainbow's Revelation - Olpert

When Rainbow Dash announces something very important to her friends, one of them reacts in a way that she never would have foreseen. Why is that, and what will it do to their friendship?

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Rainbow Dash wasn't afraid.

The sweat that was glistening on her face came from the hours of training and preparation she had undergone before she went out to do what she had planned. Her body was trembling slightly as she was eagerly awaiting the perfect moment to begin. It was imperative that she waited for it, as there would be no point in what she was doing if it didn't reach the biggest possible amount of ponies.

Perched on the roof of the Town Hall, Rainbow took another look at the clock tower. 12:58... Almost time. She had figured that the best time to reach as many ponies as possible would be after lunch time, when ponies came out of their houses to chat, do business, take walks, and generally fill the streets, so she had set her starting point at 13:00.

And she had been right; the streets were indeed filled with ponies. Some of them she knew, most of them she didn't. But everypony knew Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, the leader of the Ponyville weather squad. Rainbow Dash, bearer of the Element of Loyalty. Rainbow Dash, the only pony alive able to pull of a Sonic Rainboom. Soon, they would know something else about her as well.

Rainbow breathed in deeply, then slowly let her breath escape through her mouth. She was ready. The clock ticked over to 12:59. One more minute... and then this all will be over. One more minute to think about what she was doing, to have her doubts, to call it quits.

But whenever she thought about quitting, she remembered why she was doing it. She remembered the times she herself had lied about herself to fit in, and how it had hurt her. She remembered the warm reaction of her friends to what she had dreaded to talk about for all those years. She remembered the mare that she had made to suffer for so long, just because she didn't have the guts to be more open.

She remembered that Fluttershy loved her. And that she loved Fluttershy. Nothing that was going to happen this day would change a thing about that.

She wasn't going to lie to anypony anymore. What she was about to do was flashy, impressive, spectacular, radical, cool, and awesome, but also one more thing, and that was the important one. It was one hundred percent Rainbow Dash. Not just the parts that everypony knew about, it was all of her. And everypony was going to see it.

In the distance, the clock tower chimed once. Rainbow smirked.

It's go time!

Mundane Task was quite happy with his job. The pay was good, he had plenty of free time, and he was pretty sure that he wasn't in danger of being laid off anytime soon. Sure, it was a bit boring, but whose job isn't at times? And besides, he didn't appreciate excitement as much as other ponies, anyway.

No, the fact that Mayor Mare had thought it a good idea to make him “General Overseer Of Peace And Quiet In Ponyville” suited him quite well. The Mayor had believed that Ponyville's reputation as Equestria's biggest magnet for catastrophes it had garnered over the years of being attacked by ancient lunar goddesses, spirits of disharmony, and bunnies, was hurting the tourist industry quite a bit. So, she decided that there should be somepony that would reassure the public of the general safety of the town as well as regulate it, and that pony was Mundane Task. He held his office for about a year now.

The fact that the “Days without incident threatening the peace in Ponyville” counter he installed in front of town hall as his first order of business had yet to reach double digits was not quite helping the public image, though.

These days, his job consisted pretty much of one thing: Sit on a bench near town hall, wait for something town-threatening to happen, and flip the day counter accordingly.

Today had been a quiet day, so, as to his routine, he got up from his watching bench at precisely 13:00, went up to the day counter, and climbed the ladder to where the oversized numbers where hanging. Just as he was about to replace the current number of eight with nine, he heard a loud bang behind himself, followed by some form of shock wave.

He sighed, and instead grabbed the zero. After having replaced the number, he calmly stepped down the ladder, and turned to see what had happened this time.

He saw a giant prismatic ring that was slowly expanding outward from a pegasus rocketing straight upward from town hall. Rainbow Dash, huh... I'm pretty sure that I didn't authorize a Sonic Rainboom today. That'll be a pretty hefty fine right there.

He was just about to go and and file the necessary paperwork when he noticed that Rainbow Dash did not seem to be done. Her colorful contrail still streaming behind her, she seemed to be doing some sort of aerial maneuver. No, wait, not a maneuver...

Skywriting? That wasn't authorized either.

As Mundane Task was adding the amount of bits that were about to become state owned together, the pegasus continued to fly this way and that, spelling out one letter, then two, then three more before finally stopping in midair, breaking off her contrail, and landing in the general area of Ponyville Park.

Curious to see what Rainbow Dash had written, Task looked up once more.

There, in perfect cursive, in prismatic colors, and in letters big enough for all of Ponyville to see, stood three words:


Shaking his head, Task gave a small smile. Well, how about that... He climbed back up the ladder and replaced the zero with a nine.

She's still gonna have to pay the fine, though.

Author's Note:

And that's it. Thanks for reading!
Special thanks goes to cwiis for editing.

Comments ( 37 )

That's it?! :flutterrage: I want more ><

Talk about guts. Not many people(/ponies) would be brave enough to announce that they're gay like that!

There's those who come out of the closet quietly. Then, there's those who blow the bloody doors off.


Shaking his head, Task gave a small smile. Well, how about that... He climbed back up the ladder and replaced the zero with a nine.

i see what you did there :pinkiehappy: great metaphor, a non-authorized Sonic Rainboom is an incident threatening the peace in Ponyville, some pony/person being honest with her feelings is not an incident threatening the peace in Ponyville :heart:

yeah we are going to enjoy your company in FIMFiction, but i have a question of life or death matter, will the counter reach double digits for the first time ever in one more day? :twilightsmile:

Aww! I was hoping to flesh out more on the Rainbowshy/Flutterdash romance, coz i love that and i ship it soo much! ^_^ though this story was favorited and i'm definitely looking forward to more from you. The ending was great :)

That was actually a pretty cute ending:pinkiesmile: I enjoyed this story quite a bit and not just cuz I'm a huge Flutterdash shipper. Looking forward to more from you.

Fanfic is so weird. Everything's so loaded with metadata and past experience that through the description, "Romance" genre, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash tags, and chapter division, the reader can already know the whole plot of the first chapter, plus the ending of the second, before reading any of the story at all. All it takes is specifying Fluttershy's reaction -- anger -- to anticipate the rest of the second chapter and know all-but-exactly why she's angry. The characters take their time to catch up, but for readers it's all laid out in existing tradition. Sure, the sheer number of stories out there means that readers want to have some sense of what a story is about before starting, and it's in the writers' interests to help them out, but is there a point where this goes too far?

W... What?! :rainbowlaugh:

The skywriting made my day. But IMO this chapter's totally out of place.

Well, to be honest, it doesn't feel like a satisfying end. I know this fic is about Rainbow's Revelation :raritywink: but since you've included Flutterromance in this, it'd be nice if loose ends got tied up. :ajsmug:

Just sayin'.

Knew I was gonna get this reaction, and I can see why. Yes, I guess the ending might seem a bit abrupt, but, to be honest... There is nothing I can write about left in the story. The main conflicts(Fluttershy's reaction and Rainbow's fear) have been resolved, so anything I write about Fluttershy and Dash together would have no drive behind it. And introducing a new conflict after everything else has been resolved is not a good idea. So, while I could give you some FlutterDash cuteness, there would be no storytelling point to it. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but this is the way I wanted the story to be.

You know what? It just might.

I kinda dislike the fact that I had to tag the story with Romance and Fluttershy and Dash. I do genuinely like to suprise readers, and with the tags as well as the description, there wasn't much of a suprising factor left. But if I want people to read a story, they want to know what they're getting into, so... meh, can't have your cake and eat it, too.

I totally am. My next story is still in storyboarding mode, so it might be a while, but I'd love to have you as an editor again.


Eh, not bad, honestly thought we might see Rainbow's and Fluttershy's first, or a later subsequent date. Heck, this event would have been a great lead-in to a touching scene between the two, but hey, it's your call.

I did love what you did with the counter there, and I understand that this was a sort of personal cleansing for Rainbow. I'm glad you did give her this moment, and I bet Mundane Task is rather pleased that his incident counter still got to be at 9, am I right? :twilightsmile:

The ending was ok i guess :unsuresweetie: I liked the entire story but i thought a proper ending would be to see how Fluttershy and Dash are doing (insert random number) months later or maybe them telling their friends about their relationship. i would really be happy if you did a follow up or a sequel to this story since i like your style of writting and i think the story could be continued :pinkiehappy:
I needz moar FlutterDash cuteness :yay::heart::rainbowwild:

Well done. The writing writing was good, just amusing and quirky enough to keep my interest 100% alive. Kudos. :twilightsmile:

2762351 Same with bisexuality.

It's not as hard as you'd think.:rainbowderp::derpyderp1::rainbowderp:

seriously? that's it? it just ends with her writing "I AM GAY" in the sky? :ajbemused:
i am not amused. i Demand MOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

Yeah, just post an ad in the local news paper while your drunk, no regrets there :pinkiehappy:
I know this from the fact a friend of mine did it.

It.... It's over? :fluttercry:

I like the story.It was neat.:twilightblush:

12:58... Almost time. She had figured that the best time to reach as many ponies as possible would be after dinner time

Isn't that lunch time? Or am I missing something? :rainbowhuh:

Anyhoo, enjoyed it quite a bit. :ajsmug:

Whoops. You're right, thanks for pointing it out.

Well... that was unexpected. :twilightsheepish:

I was rather looking forward to seeing some interaction between Fluttershy and Dash after the previous chapter - like on a date or something. The ending of Chapter 2 wrapped things up nicely enough, but an epilogue would've been a good place to give some closure - just to let everyone know that it's going okay a few weeks/months on.

That's just advice though, and only because you mentioned constructive criticism. I loved the story as a whole - thank you very much for making the effort to write it! And congratulations on the huge success also. :pinkiehappy:

Really? Thats it? You just end it right after they say they love each other? You really should delete the epilogue and continue this story.:pinkiehappy:

Very nice story, well done! ^w^

Even though most people are saying they want more and I would love more, but I believe that you finished this storys perfectly even with a funny ending! Mind you a sequel story to this would be a great idea!

Let me tell you something, you, you are an amazing author! The best I have seen yet. This story gave me goosebumps, It made me squeal in excitement and get misty eyes. You have an amazing gift and you need to embrace it and keep writing. This is the kind of thing that makes me smile: beautiful writing. And if I'm not mistaken have you not just displayed it. So I honestly thank you for putting true emotion into your stories.
Thank You

If I wasn't in a library when I read this I would have been clapping loudly.

at first I saw this and I was like, "oh, hey another chapter. YES PLEASE:rainbowkiss:"
then I was like "OMG THEIR GETTING MARRIED:pinkiegasp:"
and then I finished... :raritydespair:

A story full of feels that i highly enjoyed.

Most excellent.

as much as i like flutterdash, i prefer to think of them as bi, but that's just my thoughts

Sides hurt huge grin well done sir...


Try reading this out loud in ome go. I dare you.

Way to go Rainbow Dash:twilightsmile:. Didn’t expect you to put up a banner saying that you’re gay though:rainbowlaugh:!

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