• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 1,645 Views, 38 Comments

Those Wings Will Take You Up - Touch the Sky

Scootaloo has always wanted to fly. So one night, she makes a wish upon a shooting star- and everything changes. But there is one particular pegasus who isn't too pleased about the results of the wish...

  • ...

Secret's Out

*Rainbow Dash POV*

When I first woke up, I felt really sick and weak. It was only a couple of seconds before I sunk back into unconsciousness.

The next thing I remember was thinking, No.
No, I'm not going down like this.
Fight it, Rainbow Dash.

And fight I did.

After several hours of slipping in and out of consciousness, I finally got a grip on the waking world. I opened my eyes to blinding white, and wondered fleetingly whether I was dead. But then I focused, as best I could with Silver Spoon's blurry sight, and could see three ponies leaning over me.

One was Sitting Pretty. The other two were stallions- one of them the doctor I recognised from when I'd broken my wings, and the other a black stallion with an orange mane, presumably Silver Spoon's father.

Sitting Pretty and the black stallion both looked like they'd been crying. The doctor just shone a light in my eye; it stung and ended up temporarily blinding me again. Cross, I tried to raise a hoof to swat the light away, but when my hoof moved it only twitched. I tried to move it again, but it didn't move. I looked over at my foreleg to see various tubes and drips sprouting from it. One bag was still streaming blood from a bag into my leg.

"She's conscious." said the doctor. "But it might not last long. If you want to say anything to her, this could be your last chance. I'll leave you now."

As he left, Sitting Pretty leapt forward to stroke a hoof through my mane. The stallion just smiled weakly at me and said, "We thought we'd lost you there, Silver."
"Oh, Silver Spoon..." Sitting Pretty hugged me so tight I thought I'd suffocate. "Your father and I have been so worried..."

The stallion looked at me with fiery amber eyes. "You're going to pull through, Silver. You've got to fight this."
"Easy Street!" chided Sitting Pretty. "She knows that."
"Of course I do." My face cracked into a determined smile. "I'll make it. I'm tough."

They exchanged glances. "So we've heard."said Easy Street.
Sitting Pretty looked upset. "Silver, why did you attack Diamond Tiara? Your father got a visit from Filthy Rich an hour ago demanding compensation for his daughter's 'grievous injuries.'"
"If you ask me, the little snob deserved what she got." muttered Easy Street.

I didn't answer. Before I could formulate an explanation, the doctor came back in. "She appears to be stable; it seems the platelet transfusion worked. We'll keep her here for two days, just in case she relapses, and she can be discharged after that. Then she'll need at least a week of bed rest."
My face fell. Eight days, at least, in bed? And this time, no Daring Do to rescue me? I groaned.

As I grew stronger, so I grew more frustrated. I was desperate to get my old body back, and every hour I wasted lying in this bed was one more for Scootaloo to possibly crash-land and end up crippling my body for life.

So, the night I was discharged, I lay awake in Silver Spoon's silky bed and waited.
As soon as the light in the other bedroom went out, I climbed out of bed and crossed the room. Scooping up the blue glasses, I pushed them onto my muzzle and stared out of the window. High above, the stars glittered brightly. Pulling myself away, I walked to the door. Casting a glance at the window, I sighed wistfully. It would have been so much easier to just soar out of there- but in my current wingless state, that episode would probably end with a one-way trip to the hospital.

So I snuck over to the door and pushed my hoof down on the handle. It didn't move.
I spent ten minutes jiggling the handle and bashing on the door (as quietly as I could) before coming to the conclusion that I had been locked in.
Just as I was coming to terms with this new development, I heard the rustle of wings at the window. I turned, expecting to see myself, but it was Silver-Scootaloo. She looked over at me, her purple eyes gleaming dimly in the moonlight.

"Wait- you can fly?" It was common knowledge that Scootaloo couldn't fly; I'd been waiting for her to ask me for flying lessons for months now.
"Scootaloo- uh, Scootaloo in your body- taught me." she said, her eyes sparkling. "And it's everything I dreamed it would be. I'll be so sorry to lose these wings when we sort this mess out."

"Oh, I know." I felt a new warmth towards this filly as she described her love of flying. "The freedom of flight... it's awesome. I feel so sorry for the ponies who don't have wings... everypony deserves a chance to fly."
We were gleefully extolling the virtues of flight when there was a hiss from the window. "Hey! I thought we were going to sort this out?"

I knew that voice- it was mine! I turned to glare as my head, complete with all its rainbow-coloured awesomeness, popped up over the sill. Scootaloo-Dash gave me an embarrassed grin before dropping out of sight.

I trotted to the window and looked down. My body hovered beneath the window, looking up at me. "Um... long story." Scootaloo-Dash said. "Just hop on."
"What?" I stared, incredulous.
"Get on my back and I'll carry you down."

I was about to protest at the indignity of being carried down by myself, when a small hoof shoved me out of the window. I landed hard on Scootaloo-Dash's back.
One trip down later, I hopped from my own back and fixed Scootaloo-Dash with a stony glare. Silver-Scootaloo drifted to the ground behind me and I looked at her too. "Okay." I said slowly. "Explain."

"Well, you see..." began Scootaloo-Dash.

"It was a shooting star." said Silver-Scootaloo. "Both of us-" she indicated herself and Scootaloo-Dash- wished that we could fly."

"Okay." I turned to Scootaloo-Dash. "If you wanted to fly, you should just have asked. I've been waiting months now for you to ask for flying lessons."

Scootaloo-Dash looked sheepish. "But I thought you'd think it was uncool. I mean, no-pony taught you how to fly..."

"Who told you that? Even I couldn't teach myself to fly. My father taught me when I was around your age." I said.

My body's magenta eyes were sparkling now. "Really?"

I grinned. "Yes. Really it should be your own parents who teach you, but I know they're really busy, and that's why no-pony ever sees them."

Silver-Scootaloo coughed. "Anyway, we should get going."

"Oh, yeah! We're going to be late." yelped Scootaloo-Dash. "Let's go!"

So then I was walking down the street with two pegasi flying above me. I had no idea where we were going, but then the other two stopped outside the library.

Silver-Scootaloo rapped on the door and a light came on on the second floor of the library.
Twilight came to the door, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "Oh there you are, Rainbow. Now why have you brought two fillies here in the middle of the night? And what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Let's go inside." said Scootaloo-Dash. "Then we can talk."
But when we went inside, there was a shout and someone fired what sounded like a cannon. Balloons and streamers flew everywhere.
"Pinkie Pie!" spluttered Twilight.

"Hi Twilight, Dashie, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon!" cried the pink pony happily.
"Okay, Twilight, care to tell us why Pinkie dragged us all out of bed to come here?" Applejack said from where she stood with Fluttershy and Rarity, whose mane and tail were in curlers.
"Yes, some of us have to get our beauty sleep." frowned Rarity.

"I don't know. Rainbow wanted to talk to me... I don't know how Pinkie knew or why she brought you all here." said Twilight, looking at Scootaloo-Dash.
I waved a hoof at her. "Hey, Twilight, over here."
The unicorn looked taken aback. "What?"

"She's right." Silver-Scootaloo pointed at me. "That's Rainbow Dash, that's Scootaloo and I'm Silver Spoon. We've somehow swapped bodies."
There was a long and awkward silence.
"O-kay." Applejack spoke first. "Anypony want to tell me what's going on?"

"Well, a few nights ago, both Silver Spoon and I wished on a shooting star that we could fly. The next morning, all three of us woke up in the wrong bodies."
Another silence.
"Okay." Twilight took a shaky breath. "We can sort this out. I'll write a letter to Princess Luna asking her to cause another shooting star. Then hopefully you can wish for things to be back to normal and they will be."

"You seem awfully relaxed about this." said Silver-Scootaloo.
"Believe me." said Rarity. "It's not the strangest thing to happen to us this year."