• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 6,195 Views, 113 Comments

A Cry Left Unheard - BrainLapse

When it all builds up, who's there to pick up the pieces?

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Too Much

A heart-filled sob broke through the air. There, in a huddled mass on her couch, laid a heartbroken pegasus. She cried gentle, silent sobs as the day’s events ran through her head once more. She had just opened her heart, poured it out to Applejack, the mare of her dreams. At first, she took it as a joke, so she let out a hearty laugh. After some time passed, she realized that Fluttershy was serious. What followed next hurt even more.

Disgust. Applejack told Fluttershy how unnatural and sick it was. All the pegasus had received for opening her heart was pain and a sense of emptiness. Not many ponies talked to her, let alone put up with her overwhelming shyness. It hurt just to think about it! And if the pain wasn’t enough, the pony she had thought cared for her, who could possibly be something more than a friend, had crushed her. Well they don't call it a crush for nothing.

Eventually, Fluttershy fell asleep, although her dreams were not an escape from her pain tonight. No, they held even more pain, forcing her to relive some of her dark times in Cloudsdale. Most of the ponies at Flight School tormented her, branded her an outcast, and called her freak after she had been caught admiring another mare. They would pull her mane, slam doors in her face, and basically make her life a living hell. But then, she met Rainbow Dash, the only pony to ever stand up for her. She was Fluttershy’s knight in shining armor, but it was clear that Rainbow did not see mares that way.

However, even with her new ally, they still tormented and mercilessly degrading her. When she had finally found her special talent, it was all the more reason for her to leave. She moved to Ponyvile, trying her hardest to put everything about her past behind her, including Rainbow Dash. She gradually adjusted to life in Ponyvile, a new life slowly filling her as her traumatic experiences were pushed further and further into the recesses of her mind. Then came the fateful day when she saw Rainbow Dash in Ponyvile. Her presence dug up some terrible memories, along with some more pleasant ones. As the days went on, more terrible memories would resurface, but it was not a problem. She was able to ignore these thoughts, thanks to the pony she could call her one, true friend. More and more friends would make their way into her heart, and she finally felt like she belonged. Unfortunately, such feelings were not meant to be.

Fluttershy opened her eyes, tears streaming down her cheek. She sat up, unable to sleep any longer, as her mind started to wander. Slowly Fluttershy thought of her other friends. She thought of how Pinkie made her laugh with her goofy antics and silly jokes. However, that was all that she had. She was nice. But she was rarely serious and could never focus on the matter at hand. Sometimes she was too random, but at other times Pinkie really pulled through. Ultimately, she was not Fluttershy’s type of pony.

Next, she thought of Rarity and her supportive nature; always putting others first, offering a helping hoof whenever possible. She was gorgeous, but a bit too over dramatic for Fluttershy’s tastes. Rarity was effected by anything that was even the slightest bit annoying. Although she and Fluttershy had so much in common, Fluttershy only loved her as a friend.

Then came Twilight. She was knowledgeable and kind, always trying to help anypony, even if she had no idea what she was doing. She trusted the information from her books a bit too much, since she had a book on nearly everything, including things that wouldn’t need a book. She was a pretty pony, and a great friend, bu nothing more than that.

Finally, she thought of Applejack. This brought up a new wave of tears, as sobs shook her body, once again. She had thought that AJ would feel the same way, considering how she was always there for her, sometimes going out of her way to make Fluttershy feel better. However, she was wrong. All that revealing her true feelings did was bring more pain. Her past was bad enough, but the recent chain of events shattered the last of her self confidence. This was the last straw for Fluttershy. She took out a piece of paper, preparing a last message to anyone who bothered to come find her.

As she finished the note, she put it in an envelope and set it on the table. Although she did feel bad that she was leaving the animals unattended, she just couldn’t take it anymore. She was sure that somepony would come and find the animals and take care of them in her place. She pulled some rope lying on the floor, she carefully tied the rope into a noose and flew up to the ceiling, hanging it from the rafters. She then put the noose around her neck, she let out more sobs as she realized what she was about to do, and stopped flying. Immediately her body fell downward, beginning to pull her right into the bottom of the noose. Her vision began to fail. Splotches of black formed in the edges of her vision, slowly covering her sight. Slowly they grew, connecting into one giant dark mass blocking out her sight. As she started to slip into the realm of unconsciousness, Fluttershy heard a crash. But before she could react any further, she finally slipped into the dark unconscious bliss that she'd been waiting for.