• Published 14th Nov 2011
  • 6,195 Views, 113 Comments

A Cry Left Unheard - BrainLapse

When it all builds up, who's there to pick up the pieces?

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Rainbow Dash sped through the pouring rain.The ice-cold rain was beginning to soak through her coat leaving her body numb, just like the rest of her had hours ago. The cyan mare haphazardly veered to the left, narrowly avoiding another rooftop. The mix of tears and rain clouding her vision did not help, but she needed the thoughtless bliss that flight normally provided. Even something as freeing as the skies could not help the weatherpony shake the thoughts racing through her troubled mind.

Rainbow Dash began to speed up, her frozen muscles protesting as she pushed herself to fly even faster, in vain attempts to outrun the thoughts bogging down her mind. Twisting and turning through the pouring rain, strikes of lightning flashing across the sky. Each strike brought a new flash of vision for the rainbow maned pegasus. A treetop here, a rooftop there. Feeling her muscles beginning to lose all control, Rainbow Dash twitched the backs of her wings downward, arching her trajectory upwards. The small twist sent her rocketing through the cloud cover, changing the area around her into a vast blue sky above and a dark grey sea of clouds below.

As the cyan mare continued to shoot skyward, the day’s events continued to go through an endless loop in her head. All of the joy she felt of ‘Shy waking up, to the uneventful walk home. From the disheartening moment of her friend finding all her animal friends gone, to the kiss. The kiss that tormented her for every second since the weatherpony left her friend’s house. It was unprovoked, shocking, and surprisingly pleasant.

The cyan mare shook her head as the thought ran through her head. Everypony expected her to be straight, so why were these thoughts coming back to her now. It had been bad enough in Flight School, when she was standing up for Fluttershy. All the ponies that called her a lesbian, who tormented her because of her want to defend a weak, kind, pretty- Rainbow shook her head again.

At this point all the momentum from her earlier flight had burnt off, leaving the mare floating above the sea of storm clouds. The sun was starting to go down, tinting the clouds bright reds, vibrant oranges, and soothing yellows. The whole scene was incredibly serine, but did little to settle the inner turmoil that was raging through the speedster. Her mind was going to war with her heart, each side fighting on what to do. To give into these strange feelings, or to stay with what she had always known.

Rainbow Dash sighed, her shoulder sagging as her mind raced in endless circles. She continued to stare out into the vast sky around her as the sun finished it’s decent and gave way to the full moon. The change in lighting did nothing to quell the thoughts racing through the speedsters head. As the stars blinked into existence above her, Rainbow Dash slowly began drifting aimlessly across the sky. While distracted with her thoughts, her body began to carry her faster over the sea of clouds. Each beat of her wings took her further across the sky. The clouds below her slowly started to dissolve, each having run out of rain to drop onto the world underneath.

Looking down, the cyan mare began to see trees blur beneath her. In the distance a barn rapidly approached. A strikingly familiar barn, a barn that she had help one of her friends build. Scowling, the speedster turned, not wanting to continue in that direction. All that direction held for her was anger and betrayal.

Arcing upward in a tight corkscrew, the prismatic pony slowed to an eventual stop and looked at the town that lay before her, each little section unveiling itself before her as the cloud cleared in the night sky. She saw the giant gingerbread of Sugar Cube Corner and the leafy roof of The Golden Oak Library. From the chic architecture of Carousel Boutique to the practical build of the Ponyville schoolhouse. All this wonder of the small town she lived in, slowly being drawn out in a new light as each portion of the town gradually appeared from underneath the cloud cover, like a canvas being filled with the scenes of the place Rainbow Dash called home. But the thing that drew her attention more than anything else, more than all the semi uniform houses to the rustically designed town hall, was a small cottage, sitting out at the edge of town. As if the moon was highlighting something important, the abode of her oldest friend shone, the shadows created by the moonlight made a scene that was not frightening, but serene and beautiful. The scene at her friend’s home bought a sense of calm to the speedster. It was peaceful, something that she hoped that she could see again, because of the serenity that the image carried with it.

Staring at her friend’s cottage brought forth the ease and simplicity that the weatherpony had been searching for since her rather abrupt departure from the home all those hours ago. As she watched the shadows dance around the small abode, all the pieces slowly fell into place. Her emotions arranging themselves, the conflicts answering the original problem. All the little thoughts that had initially caused the cyan pony turmoil fell to the wayside as her answer became clear.

Rainbow Dash began to fly towards her friend’s home, until a yawn stopped her. Shrugging it off, the prismatic mare continued to fly forward. But the further she flew, the more the weight of the day finally set in. Struggling to keep her eyes open and her body moving, Rainbow decided that her decision could wait until tomorrow, and started to veer towards one o the few portions of cloud left in the sky, her cloud home.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Sorry this took so long. The big problem was I tried to make this chapter longer then it needed to be. I realize that this is almost disappointingly short after such a long wait, but as I sat down and wrote this, I kept going until I felt that it was enough. Even still there are sections in this that I feel that I could cut out without taking too much away from the story, but there is a reasoning behind this. Every other chapter had more action, or more character development. While this gives us a glimpse at the problem Dash is struggling with, I feel like it also portrays her inner conflict in a way that is similar to those who are not in her head. Rainbow Dash is very self reliant, so spending a chapter trying to give her problems a big show is a bit out of character, especially since its one of those things that she needs to tackle herself. For a while I thought about bringing in an outside character to try and act as a way to help easily defuse the situation, while both creating a longer chapter and more openly projecting the thoughts, but as I wrote it out, it felt wrong. So I went with this. This song has a huge influence from the music I've been listening to, mainly Loyalty by Mandopony and Acoustic Brony, and A Long Way from Equestria by Mandopony. I've been listening to these songs for about a year now, and these combined scenes were created from them. I also realize that the ending is horribly ambiguous, but that is just a personal decision, one that I think will make the next few chapters more interesting.

Anyway, I am horribly sorry about how short the chapter is. The next one should be longer. I hope you enjoy this one anyway. Please feel free to point out any mistakes, as I did not edit about a third of this.

One last quick note, there are only about one or two chapters left, plus an epilogue. I doubt there will be a sequel, but I have enjoyed writing this for you all, because the comments I get just sometimes shake me with how positive and nice they are.

B.L. out

Comments ( 9 )

Holy shit it be alive :rainbowderp:

2983703 thank you for the criticism. I really appreciate the comments on AJ. I do realize it is horribly OOC. Once I've finished the story, I do plan on rewriting that part. The reason I haven't now is my procrastination and writers block when it comes to progressing the story is bad enough without me going back and nit picking the original parts, again. As for the parts with the hanging itself, I will openly admit I don't know too much about the oxygen capacities of the body. The wings part is arguable, because it has been shown in moments of duress that Fluttershy's wings do lock up, which is why her not flying in the moments of the drop could be a bit more reasonable. Plus she could have fainted after the drop, hence being limp.

Finally, I do agree that the coma part is extreme. In all honesty, I kinda used it to be a bit more dramatic. I'm sure if I spent the time to find the reasoning I could, but I do give that it could be redone into a better method of progressing time.

oh it updated lol and im so confused lol completely forgot everything about this story
ah well time to re read

I get the feeling that AJ's parents were members of the Equestrian Westboro Baptist Church.

God I hate homophobes.


I don't hate homo's, but I'm not one to like them all that much.

Homophobes are just people that obviously believe everything they read.

I forgot I had this story here. How did it end up taking half a year?

One tiny suggestion: don't use "the cyan mare" quite so often. It does get repetitive.

Well, I did not expect this to turn into a Flutterdash fic... Caught me completely off guard. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Applejack, hopefully she'll gather some sense and apologize to Fluttershy. Also I think given the nature of this fic starting a romance between Rainbow and Fluttershy is a bad idea. It just doesn't fit, and it almost looks like you are quickly trying to create a solution to Fluttershy's depression, by having her straight friend coincidentally decide she isn't straight and likes Fluttershy.

Also the hanging part is completely off as someone else already mentioned. Most of the time people who are hung die from their neck snapping. The G force and pressure the rope puts on the neck in order to stop the person after they fall snaps their neck killing them quickly. So in all reality Fluttershy would've most likely died from a broken neck long before Rainbow Dash got her to the hospital. Especially if she was flying and then just stopped flying and dropped like a stone. If she was lucky and her neck didn't break, then Rainbow Dash would've most likely saved her, and as soon as her body got much needed oxygen she would wake up confused and with a bruised neck.

2987992 The whole hanging thing, I will openly admit that I didn't research it as much as I should have. There are a few other ideas that I could use for the scene, but I will do my research before any changes.

As for the flutter dash shipping, all I can say about it without spoiling too much is surprises will happen.

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