• Published 15th Jul 2013
  • 404 Views, 2 Comments

The Birth of Death - Vinyl Elusive

All has been happy in Equestria for thousands of years with nothing to be sad about at all. But it all ended on that fateful night...

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Regrets for Eternity

Before she had even gotten to the border of the Everfree, the sun was already behind the horizon and the moon in the sky as beautiful as ever. She started to think that it might be a good idea to turn back and forget about it. Just go home, apologize, and resume her life. But she had remembered her cause! It wasn't about her cutie mark or Granny Smith anymore! She had remembered the hunters that rescued AppleJack calling her an idiot and stupid for even thinking their were apple trees in the Everfree. This made Apple Bloom's heart blaze with anger. She wanted to stand up to the hunters but they'd probably laugh at her and shoot her with a dart gun or something. She ignored all possible dangers and ran in with no worry in the world.

The Everfree was as dark and scary as she remembered. Every step she took she swore she thought she heard bugs scurry away from her incoming hooves. But that wasn't the only thing that scared her. their were bats, crows, and maybe some undiscovered birds flying around. She also had the feeling that behind the bushes and in the trees there were eyes following her every move. Her pace gained the further she went thinking that the path was getting narrower and the path was disappearing. She tried to calm down and remember where she was going. Then she heard something faint. She couldn't make out what it was. She stopped and listened a little closer. It was a mixture of a growl and howl in one. This was enough to scare her and make her run in a random direction, the biggest mistake she ever made.

She ran and ran without any consideration of where she was going. She was so scared she started to run blindly, literally... She ran in a random direction with her eyes completely shut. She was breathing heavily and scared mare than she had ever been scared before. The only thing that could stop her now was a... *CRASH*! Apple Bloom blacked out.

When she awoke everything was hazy and... bright. She imagined she was in a hospital after everything had happened. Three dark figures surrounded her. She imagined it was Granny Smith, Big Mac, and possibly AppleJack?.

"Oh Granny Smith I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!" said Apple Bloom sobbing lightly. No response. She expected to be yelled at or possibly slapped. She was confused. No pony was talking, not even muttering... Could she be dead? Her vision finally cleared and the sky was as dark Luna's mane. Then she realized the light source wasn't a lamp, it was a tree! A glowing tree! She found it! But that wasn't the only thing she found. Her family members were...timberwolves.

She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight, but thanks to some practice from Scootaloo, she managed to bolt out her pandemic at speeds that would've impressed Rainbow Dash. She was far gone from the tree, but not the timberwolves. She started to get tired and dizzy from running so fast in a short amount of time. That's when the timberwolves saw there chance. The timberwolf leaped at Apple Bloom without and without a second to spare. Apple Bloom yelped when the timberwolf made contact. She couldn't handle the agonizing pain and toppled over. She was once again surrounded, she was already bleeding out and losing consciousness. She remembered all the good times she had with her friends and family. It took her a moment to realize what was happening, but didn't care anymore. She remembered her fight with Granny Smith, let out a sob and passed away... Death had risen once again...

Author's Note:

To anybody that actually likes the story it isn't over, but i will be taking a break for now

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