• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,118 Views, 58 Comments

A Strike of Black Lightning - RustyKat

An evil dark magic changeling named Black Lightning and his mortal enemy Stargazer fight.

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"Wow! I've never seen her before!" Exclaimed Applebloom, before she noticed that Stargazer had no cutie mark. "She doesn't have a cutie mark yet, i see..." said the yellow filly happily. "Does that mean..."
Applejack laughed,"Yes Applebloom, she could join that club of yours. After all, you three fillies don't have your cutie marks either."
"Yay!" cheered Applebloom, rearing up on her front legs for a second, before returning to the ground.
"What's a cutie mark?" asked stargazer curiously.
Twilight's hoof flew to meet her face. "I'll tell you later, okay?"
"O-kay." said the filly slowly.
"Well, thanks Applejack. We'll see you and Applebloom later."
"Alrighty then. Come back soon!" chimed the two earth ponies, as Twilight took off. "T-Those ponies don't have wings, or a horn like you..." said stargazer confused.
"That's because they're Earth ponies. They grow the crops for ponyville, so that everypony doesn't starve. Some earth ponies have a horn, and are called 'Unicorns', because they can do incredible feats of magic. Unfortunately, some just have basic levitation," said Twilight, as she flapped her wings.
"Unicorns, huh? maybe i can do magic!" she chimed excitedly.

Twilight gave a small chuckle. "Not now. We're arriving at one unicorn's special shop, Carousel Boutique. Her name is Rarity, and she's a little on the fancy side, but kind."
They landed at the entrance of the little shop, and twilight knocked on the door. "Comming!" said a voice behind the door, before the sounds of trotting, and the door opened, to reveal a white unicorn. Her mane was in her signature style, her cutie mark three diamonds.
"Well hello there, Twilight. I see you got someone with you. What's the little darling's name, and... why is she bandaged?" said Rarity, as she looked at the unicorn filly curriously.
"Yeah, i was just getting to that." said Twilight, a little annoyed. Rarity gave an embarrassed face. Twilight continued," She was found in my tree like that, and she looked awful. i cleaned her up as much as i could, Rarity, but it was early in the morning, and I did the best I could."

"Oh my goodness!" cried Rarity. "Well, i can see that she looks better now."
"Her name is Stargazer."
"What a fabulous name! Too bad she doesn't look too fabulous. Twilight, do you mind if i make her a dress to pretty her up?"
Stargazer gave a groan of disappointment. "I don't wear dresses, Rarity."
The fashionista stared at Stargazer with shock on her face."Don't wear dresses? My, you aren't very lady-like at all."
"Do i have to act lady-like, Rarity? It's just not me." Stargazer stated plainly.
"Well Rarity, we have to get going. Stargazer's going to meet Rainbow Dash next." "Oh, okay. Make sure to stop here later, if you want to catch up on things, Stargazer, and do be careful!" Twilight waved as she took off, and soared among the clouds.

They soon landed on a large patch of cloud. Pillars and buildings stood on them, while the place practically flowed liquid rainbows. "This is Cloudsdale." said Twilight, as Stargazer looked round. A grey Pegasus, with a blue mane, and a thundercloud with lightning flew up.
"Hey Twi. Who's the little one?"
Twilight stared at him annoyed. "Go away, Thunderlane." He ignored twilight, and zoomed next to the unicorn filly.
"Hello there. You're looking at the one and only Thunderlane, one of the better pegasi of the air."
Stargazer stared at Thunderlane in awe. "I'm Stargazer. Wow! I wish i could be like you!" she chimed, and lept off of Twilight's back.
"No!" shouted Twilight, as
stargazer's hooves met cloud. What happened next...She hadn't fallen through the cloud.
"No what?" asked the confused unicorn filly. "O-only pegasi could stand on clouds! T-this is impossible!" stuttered Twilight.
"Heh, you're getting more and more awesome by the minute, Stargazer. How 'bout we hang sometime?" said Thunderlane, as he flew by stargazer.
"Sure! I'd love to!"
"Later, Thunderlane. We're looking for Rainbow Dash." said Twilight, more annoyed this time.
"Ptsh! whatever, bookworm." said Thunderlane, as he rolled his eyes, and flew off.

Author's Note:

phew! finnaly finished it. But now i have over 500 people i'm stalking following. *Grins evilly*