• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,118 Views, 58 Comments

A Strike of Black Lightning - RustyKat

An evil dark magic changeling named Black Lightning and his mortal enemy Stargazer fight.

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Rainbow Dash

A blue pegasus, with prism colors in her mane, and a rainbow cutie mark that resembled a lightning bolt, flew up to the two ponies, which Stargazer had climbed upon twilight's back again.
"Hey Twi!" She chimed casually, "Who you got with you?"
"This here is Stargazer.: Twilight said casually.
"Stargazer? This little filly?" asked Rainbow Dash, as she landed next to Twilight. "Sounds like too big of a name, for such a small filly.."
"Hey!!" protested Stargazer angrily.
"Just saying, sheesh. Don't get your jimmies all rustled. So, What's up?" Rainbow asked, rolling her eyes.
"Well, Stargazer here has come into Ponyville in the most.... interesting way, Rainbow."
The blue Pegasus raised an eyebrow. "Exactly how interesting?"
Twilight looked annoyed at Rainbow. "She was teleported here, with some pretty nasty injuries."
Rainbow dash looked at the filly with a concerned eye. "So I can see..."
The small filly eagerly chimed, "Well, hello there!"
"Hey kid!" Chimed back Rainbow Dash. "You feeling okay?"
"You're one durable little filly!" Remarked Dash curiously as she gave a closer look at StarGazer.
"She sure is." Commented Twilight thoughtfully. "Rainbow... she can stand on clouds..."
"WHAT!?" sputtered Rainbow Dash incredulously. "Twi, are you serious?"
Twilight nodded her head.
"Only pegasi can walk on clouds, So either she's very light-boned, or i think she used to be a pegasus."
Stargazer could only sputter. "Y-you're saying i used to have...wings!?"
Twilight just giggled. "That's just a theroy. We don't actually th--
"You know, you could be right on that one, Twilight. I do remember the air."