• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 430 Views, 1 Comments

As Far as you Can see - Nic Whooves

How did Scotaloo get to Ponyville? This story tells of how she got there.

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When we meet

It was spring, Scootaloo was walking home with a bunch of flowers. She was so happy that it was spring break and her dad promised her that he'll teach her how to fly and that they would visit Cloudsdale. As she walked home, she saw hooves sticking out from the side of the road. She walked over and saw a boy. He looked the same age as her, he was grey with a neon green mane. She walked to him and saw that he had a cut in his stomach.

"Oh Celestia, Are you okay?" She leaned to his chest, "He's still breathing?" She looked around to see if any other pony was around. "I guess that I could take you to the hospital." she picked him up by his hands and started to drag him to the hospital. "How heavy are you?" she asked to him as she kept pulling him. He gave no response. "Well you're sure the talker. I see that you don't have a cutie mark. Well that makes both of us. Can you at least try saying something?"

He mumbled something. It was hard to hear what he said, "Can you repeat that?" asked Scootaloo.
He mumbled , but she caught the first word: You. "One more time please?"
You talk way to much" said the colt as he opened his eyes. "Where are you taking me?"
"To the hospital. Can I have the name of the pony I saved?' asked Scootaloo as she stopped to see how far they were from the hospital.
"You haven't done any saving yet, and the name is Steven, and what is yours?" asked Steven as he tried to stand up.
"My name is Scootaloo" said Scootaloo as she turned around to see he was standing up, "How are you standing?"
"Perseverance...wait, your name is Scootaloo?"
"Yeah, didn't you hear it the first time?"

She's sure to perky to be a hero though Steven as he tried to walk.
"No, I'll help you." said Scootaloo as she came and helped him walk. She grabbed his arm and held it on her shoulder as she walked with him.
"Why are you helping me? I was just a stranger on the side of the road." asked Steven as he looked over to her.
"Well, you needed help, so I gave help. My dad told me to help people when they need help."
Steven looked at her and saw something he didn't notice before, she seemed like she was angle. "Can we rest here?" asked Steven as he pointed to a bench.
"Sure, the hospital is up ahead, I can go get them for you." said Scootaloo as she walked him to the bench.
Once he sat down, she ran over the hill.

Steven pulled a piece of paper out. he looked at it and looked at where Scootaloo ran over the hill. He looked at the paper once more and ripped it. "If I refuse the job, then they can kill me. I'm not a puppet for them anymore."

Once Scootaloo returned, she had a doctor and a hospital stretcher with her. Steven was looking at the butterflies across the road when she walked to him, "Hey, Steven?"
"Oh, hi Scootaloo and Doc." said Steven as he stood up and hobbled over to them.
"He's the one with the cut in his stomach?" said the doctor in disbelief. The Doctor went over to Steven and checked his stomach, "Did you clean the cut?" he asked as he turned to Scootaloo.
"Actually, I did that while I was waiting for you." said Steven as he walked over to the stretcher, "I know it's not perfect, but it was the best I could do under the conditions."
"Unbelievable, but what you did is the same type of treatment as the hospital would give. Are you a doctor?"
"No, and I refuse to tell you about my life." said Steven as he gave a evil glare at the doctor.
"Well, hope you get better soon." stuttered the doctor as he got the stretcher from Scootaloo and turned and walked back to the hospital.
"well, nice meeting you Steven. I better head home before my parents get mad at me." said Scootaloo as ran in the direction opposite of the hospital.
"Can I come? I'm sort of like an orphan now." said Steven as he walked beside her.
"Umm, sure." said Scootaloo skeptically. Why would he be an orphan and not tell her when she was pulling him she thought as they walked to her house.

When they were almost to her house, Scootaloo saw police around her house. The lights from the police cars light up the road as they tried to get to her house. Scootaloo pushed and shoved any police that got in her way. Steven apologized for her behavior as he followed her.
"No pony is allowed beyond this line." said a police pony as he stood in front of the 'do not cross' tape.
"But I want to see my parents." said Scootaloo as she tried to go around him.
"What, you live here?" asked the police pony as he held her in place.
"Yes and I want to see my parents." said Scootaloo as she stomped on his hooves.
She ran under the tape and ran for the door to her house. Steven jumped over the tape and chased after her.
"Wait kids, you two shouldn't be behind the line!" yelled the police pony as he chased after them. Scootaloo opened the door and froze in terror at what she saw; Blood everywhere, here mother was hang by her tail to the ceiling fan with a railing from the stairs through her head. Her father had a number of knifes in his back and had a note held into his skull with a pipe from the sink. His face was barely recognizable, but she knew it was her dad by the shirt he was wearing.

Beneath the blood and knifes, she saw the tie-dye shirt she made for him. He promised to wear it for her to work and show her pictures of him and his friends wearing the same shirt. She started to cry when she saw when Steven and the police came in.
Steven seemed like it was normal and didn't even care, but the police pony that followed them looked like he was about to throw-up. Steven walked to Scootaloo's dad and looked at the note.
"Those sick bastards." said Steven as he read the note. Scootaloo had all these mixed emotions: Sadness, anger, confusion, rage, but she looked at Steven and was furious on how he was handling this.
"My parents are dead and your making this seem like it's nothing." yelled Scootaloo as she slapped Steven across the face, "Why are you so calm with this?"
Steveen didn't give a response, instead he walked to where Scootaaloo's mon was and started to dig through her purse.
"Stealing from them! while the police are here?" yelled Scootaloo as she saw him pull a letter out of the purse.
Steven grabbed Scootaloo by the hands and wrapped his free hand around her mouth, "Scootaloo, I know who did this. But the police won't find out or even care about this evidence. Now you can shut up and follow me and avenge your parents or you can try to rat me out to the police in a failed attempt. What is it?"
Scootaloo broke free from his grip and looked at him, "How do you know who killed my parents? The police have no leads and here you are in five minuets already know who the culprit is."
"Like I said to the doctor, I won't tell you, at least not yet. Now will you come with me or stay here?"
Scootaloo turned around and saw the police searching the house. "Lets go."
Steven grabbed her hand and they ran to Back door. "We have to get to the food bank before I can tell you anything."
The police saw Steven taking Scootaloo away. "He's taking our only lead to who killed these ponies, after them!"