• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 430 Views, 1 Comments

As Far as you Can see - Nic Whooves

How did Scotaloo get to Ponyville? This story tells of how she got there.

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We Ran

Scootaloo followed Steven as the cops followed them, "This is crazy!" yelled Scootaloo as she followed Steven around some trees.
"This a normal day for me." laughed Steven as he slid down into a ditch.
Scootaloo didn't see where he went and fell down into the ditch, right on his back. "Sorry" said Scootaloo as she helped Steven up.
"You look way lighter than you actually are." said Steven as he dusted himself off and looked around, "The cops will find us soon if we don't find cover." He pointed to a cave locked by a fallen tree, "We could slide under that tree and hide there."
Steven ran to the cave and pulled a branch back so Scootaloo could crawl under into the cave, "Ladies first."
Scootaloo crawled in, followed by Steven. Once in, Steven went to a wall and started to dig by some rocks.
"What are you doing?" asked Scootaloo as she walked over to him.
"Looking for supplies." said Steven as he kept digging, "you seem to calm to have just seen were your parents died and having the cops chase you."
"I'm coping, but it was sure lucky that we found this cave." said Scootaloo as she walked around in the dimly lite cave.
"It's not lucky," Steven pulled a lantern out of the spot he was digging at, "if you know where this place is."

"What, you knew where this cave was?" asked Scootaloo as Steven pulled out a small chest from where he was digging.
"Yeah, whats it to you?" asked Steven as he lifted the box's lid. He pulled out a white robe with a chain connector and put it on.
"Now you have to explain who, what, whatever you are." stammered Scootaloo as she pointed to the cape.
"Sure, but then I'd have to kill you." said Steven as he pulled a gun out of the box, "I'm kidding, I'll tell you. No blood shed."

" Well, It starts with a history lesson. Once, in Equestrian History, was a time that has been refered to as the Shadow Clash." said Steven as he pulled a small blue jacket and tossed it to Scootaloo.
"I haven't heard of that in school." said Scootaloo as she looked at the jacket in her hands.
" And you shouldn't. It's a black sheep time in history. And there are some ponies that would kill for someponies not to know. And there is. It's a society called Shadow Stalkers. I'm one of them." said Steven as he grabbed a pair of boots and was putting them on.
"So you were the one who killed my parents?" asked Scootaloo with a look of worry as she put on the blue jacket.
"No, I'm a rookie at the assassination part of my job. I'm the one that scouts the area and tells them what everything and anything happens and at what time it happens. One time, your dad caught me and let me inside your house. He said that he had a daughter and wife. If I could kill him and spare his family. I told him I had no power to do it. He begged me, but I couldn't. Once he saw that I couldn't, he asked if I could at least save one of his family. I promised him that much. I looked over my list and saw a chance to save you and your mom."

"Well, then how come my mom died?" asked Scootaloo as she went over to Steven.
Steven handed her a pair of boots, "Well, I told them when he would be home. I didn't think anyone would come in. I told them about the schedual and they went when I said he would be there. But when they got there, your mom saw them and went after. I tried to stop her, but when she saw what they had done to your dad, she screamed." Steven grabbed another gun and a sword out of the, now empty, box.
"You mean, you tried to stop them?" asked Scootaloo as she walked to Steven and pit an arm around him.
"They thought I was, and I was, trying to save someone. The rushed me and your mom and they stabbed me in the gut and slit her throat." Said Steven as he rubbed where he got stabbed, "They pushed me off and drug your mom inside. They locked the door, probably thinking I was dead. I got up and tried to walk down the road, hoping someone would help me. I fell to the side of the road and started to pass out due to blood loss. That's when I met you."

"As heart felt as that was, I have to kill both of you now." said a figure across the cave, wearing the same type of cape of Steven. The pony pulled out a gun and pointed it at Scootaloo, "Always wondered what lead tasted like?"
"I bet you'll find out before she will." said Steven as he pulled his sword out.
"He has a gun and you a sword. You'll die." said Scootaloo as she hid behind Steven.
"She's right." said the figure as he shot at Steven.
Steven swung his sword and the figure fell down, "That just proves that they don't teach them like they use to at the academy."
"But you're just a newbie, how did you know that?" said the figure as he bled to death in front of them.
"Trade secret" said Steven as he grabbed the gun from the pony, "Scootaloo, I think you need this more than me."
Steven tossed the gun to Scootaloo," I don't want it." she said as she tossed it to the ground.
Steven picked it up and handed it to her, "You do need this. The Shadow Stalkers won't stop until you are dead. Now take it."

Steven walked out of the cave and looked around, "Clear."
Scootaloo crawled out," So where are we to go now?"
"Where ever we can." said Steven as he walked t the nearest forest clearing, " For now, we need better supplies than this."
Scootaloo looked around once she got to the clearing, "how about there?" She pointed to a town off in the distance.
"Let our tale begin." said Steven as they started off to the town.

Comments ( 1 )

It's too bad you cancelled this. I'd have liked to see where this would go

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