• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 793 Views, 13 Comments

Unexpected Friends - Senyu

There is an artifact in my possession, one different than the others chalked with myth and superstition. A magical item that through disastrous events was and still is key to my survival. But it is a curse as I find myself slipping away with each use

  • ...

3. Facing it Together

“Hey everyone one, pack your things cause you’re really…no. Ahem, You’ve all been formally requested to Canterlot for…nah to formal.” Spike mumbled while walking a dirt trail outside of Ponyville. He had been trying to figure out the best way he could relay a message from Twilight to the rest of the ponies. She didn’t give him word for word instructions, just to have them come to Canterlot and potentially be ready for travel.

He still didn’t even know what this was all about but he figured it had to do with that strange glowing thing in he saw in the garden. He only had a chance to glance at it when Twilight had called for him and asked if he could assemble the rest of the Elements of Harmony. He had been so lost in thought about what it could be on the train ride back that he was halfway to Sweet Apple Acres before realizing he didn’t even know what to say.

“Hey something big is going down in Canterlot and Twilight really needs your help. No, still doesn’t feel right. How about-“

“Ahright Applebloom, hold her there!” A mares voiced had shouted pulling Spike from his thoughts. Stopping short he saw he was already at the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres. Looking around for where the voice came from he only spotted Applebloom on the ground near the side of the barn. Unsure where Applejack might be, Spike trotted off to where the little filly was standing.

As he got closer he noticed she was holding a rope in her mouth that lead up to the roof of the barn and disappeared on the other side. He also noticed she was fighting against the rope to keep still. Deciding to call out from a distance so he didn’t startle her, Spike spoke loudly “Hey Applebloom!” as he approached the barn. Applebloom turned her head for a moment to smile and give a grunt as a hello but the rope started to drag her towards the barn. Narrowing her eyes she stooped low and stood firm again so it wouldn’t escape her.

“Was that you Spike?” Applejack called out.

Spike looked around hoping to see where she was calling out from. But after not being able to spot the orange mare, he figured there was only one place left she could be. “Ya, it’s me. Are you…are you on the roof?” he asked looking up.

“Sure am” Applejack's voiced called over. “Applebloom ‘n me are fixing the old weather-vane. Poor thing had some rusted bolts and needed some replacements.”

Applebloom skidded forward another few inches before pulling back again. She was starting to sweat from the work. “Here let me help with that.” Spike said reaching for the rope as he walked towards her. Applebloom shook her head a few times and grunted a “No thanks”. Or at least that’s what Spike figured she meant. She gave him a quick reassuring grin before turning her focus back on holding the rope. “Suit yourself” Spike said as he folded his arms and continued to stare up where the rope disappeared.

“Almost done. Hold on fer a little more Applebloom.” Applejack called out.
After a few minutes of silence and Applebloom holding her ground Applejack called the okay. Applebloom dropped the rope and gave a shout of joy. After catching her breath she apologized to Spike for not answering him properly. Spike responded with a “don't sweat it,” and they waited for Applejack to come down to join them. She had come down from a side of the barn they couldn’t see and called out as she joined them.

“Great work Applebloom. Ah knew you could do it.” Applejack said affirmation.

“Thanks sis.” She responded with a proud grin.

Still curious, Spike asked, ”Exactly what were you doing?”

“Like I said,” Applejack replied. “tha’ weather-vane base needed some new bolts so I had Applebloom help out and hold it nearby while it was off so tha’ bolts could be replaced. She’s a strong filly and needs to work those muscles.” Applebloom gave another proud grin at her sisters remark.

“If it’s so old, why don’t you just replace the whole thing?” Spike asked.

“WHAT!?” Both of the girls shouted startling Spike.

“We can’t do that!” Applebloom cried. “That there weather-vanes been in tha’ family fer generations.”

“You see Spike,” Applejack said, “that’s tha’ very first weather-vane the Apple family made in Ponyville. And it stands proudly at tha’ top of the Apple’s barn. We take good care of it like any other heirloom we have. It reminds us of where we started and how long we’ve been here in Ponyville.”

Spike responded with a “oh” and stared thoughtfully at the weather-vane when Applejack added, “So Spike, what brings you to Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Huh? Oh! Uhm. You, girls, quick, Canterlot!” Spike fumbling his words from being caught off guard. Applejack and Applebloom both raised an eye at each other in confusion.


“Okay, let me get this straight. You n’ Twalight were both called by Princess Celestia for something important.” Applejack said as she and Spike were heading to Ponyville. “You got sent away while tha’ Princesses did…Princess stuff. And when you came back you saw a, strange glowing thing, and Twalight asked you to bring all of us?” Applejack ended with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s pretty much it.” Spike replied.

”Hmmm, any idea what else it could be about?” Applejack asked.

“Trust me, I’ve been asking the same thing this entire time.” Spike responded annoyingly. Applejack mumbled something when Spike remembered to add. “Oh, and be ready for travel.”

“Travel?” Applejack asked, looking to Spike for an answer. She was met with shrugged arms from the little dragon. After a few moments of waiting for another possible answer Applejack shrugged off her suspicions and said while turning her head back to the path, “Well if it’s Twalight asking fer our help well come. Don’t suppose there’s much more than that. Am I the only one you’ve told?”

“Hmhm.” Spike replied.

“Well tha’ rest shouldn’t be too hard to find. Rarity’s probably at her shop. Ah think I remember Fluttershy saying she was going to check on some ducklings near her cottage. Rainbow Dash might be some trouble finding. And Pinkie Pie is Celestia knows where in Ponyville. Ah suppose she could be at Sugarcube Corner baking something tho’.”

“Baking!” Spike suddenly said. “That’s right! My Gem Cake! Let’s go check on Pinkie Pie first!” He excitingly said as he started to run towards Sugarcube Corner. Applejack wasn’t too surprised at the little dragon excitement whenever it had to deal with gems and food, with a chuckle she followed his pace shortly.


“Best, Gem Cake, ever.” Spike said satisfyingly.

“Spike, you’ve said that twenty times now.” Rainbow Dash said with annoyance.

"I know, but it’s true.” The half comatose dragon responded with a grin.

After going to Sugarcube Corner, they had met up with Pinkie Pie and a completed Gem Cake. Spike dove into instantly and ate the last bite before Applejack could finish telling Pinkie Pie about Twilight's message. With Pinkies help they found the rest of the ponies in no time. She always did have a knack for know where everything is in Ponyville.

Applejack filled them in on what’s going on as Spike sat in a gem daze. After a quick trip back to their homes to pack whatever they thought they needed, they met back at the train station and got onto the next train for Canterlot.

“I wish I was a dragon, and then maybe I could have tasted some of that yummy cake to!” Pinkie Pie chirped.

“Honestly, I don’t know why you would want to waste such precious gems on…food.” Rarity unsatisfyingly responded.

“Because it would taste delicious!” Pinkie replied. “At least I think it would taste delicious. Spike, how delicious do gems taste?”

“Very, delicious.” He said slowly.

“Kneeeeew it.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and turned her focus to the window. “So Twilight said nothing else about why we’re going to Canterlot? I mean I would never pass up a chance to visit it, but I am awfully curious as to what’s going on.” Rarity asked aloud.

Applejack shook her head and replied, “Fraid’ not. Even Spike doesn’t know much. Ah’ve already told y’all everything I know.

“Hmpf” Rarity interrupted, “Well I hope this, what did you say it was again? A Strange glowing thing, is at least beautiful to look at.”

Rainbow Dash hovered to the middle of the aisle to stretch her wings and nonchalantly added, “Eh, whatever it is, I’m sure we can handle it. We are pretty awesome at saving Equestria and stuff.”

Fluttershy meekly added, “Just as long it’s another dragon.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, “Fluttershy, we’ve been over this. You yelled down a dragon. You can totally handle them. Dragons have got nothing on you!”

“But that was only one dragon. And I don’t think I can do that again.” Fluttershy said as she drew herself into the corner of the seat more.

“But what if it is a dragon?” Pinkie Pie said aloud. “Like, what if it’s ten dragons!” she said while throwing her arms in the air.

“Goodness! You really don’t think it’s that do you?” Fluttershy asked in panic.

After a few moments of holding her arms up Pinkie dropped them and replied with a grin, “No, you’re probably good”.

Fluttershy didn’t look convinced and spent the rest of the ride worrying about dragons.

Eventually they made their way to Canterlot and were met with a similar greeting that Spike had not too long ago. Before one of the guards could open their mouths Spike walked past saying, “Ya ya, urgent stuff, escort, Princess orders.” The guards and the girls just stared after him for a moment before looking at each other. “Ahem,” The guard coughed trying to regain some respect. “Please, this way.”

They all left the train and proceeded through the main gates with the guards filling in around them to keep the path clear. They were escorted throughout Canterlot directly towards the main castle. Rarity added on the way she didn’t mind the special attention of an escort and was pleased by some of the whispers other ponies gave as they passed by.
It wasn’t long before they were inside the castle. They dropped their packs off in a storeroom and were led to the same doors Spike was left out of. This time however the guard ushered them all in. Across the floor was Twilight and Princess Cadence talking amongst themselves. “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Twilight turned and called out for all of them to join her. By the time they reached them the two the guards had closed the door behind them.

They all gave exchanges of hellos to each other. Rainbow Dash asked how the preparation for the games was coming along in the Crystal Kingdom. After Princess Cadence assured her multiple times they were going smoothly Rainbow added “if there’s any help you need. I mean ANYTHING at all, just ask.”

“Don’t worry, I will.” Cadence trying to reassure Rainbow Dash everything was indeed good to get off the subject.
Satisfied she did all she could, Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight and asked, “So what’s going on Twilight?”
Twilight and Cadence exchanged a quick look of concern followed by a nod. Cadence closed the book she had in front of her and proceeded to walk out of the room.

The other ponies eyes followed her wondering why the privacy. Twilight cleared her throat bringing their attention back to her. “Earlier this week a magical disturbance happened in Canterlot. It seems a, portal has open up in one of the gardens near the Star Swirl the Bearded Library.”

“A portal?” Applejack asked with concern. “A portal to where?”

“We’re not sure exactly where it goes but were fairly certain that’s what it is.” Twilight replied. “But it’s unlike anything we have seen. For starters it’s filled with emotions; I have even felt them myself.”

“Emotions?” Fluttershy asked timidly, “Is…is that not normal with magic?”

“No I’m afraid not my dear.” Rarity answered for Twilight. “Forgive me as it’s been awhile since I’ve done my studies of magic but normally emotion in magic don’t happened unless it’s strong or very special.”

“Exactly right Rarity.” Twilight continued. “Normally it doesn’t happen. And even if it does it goes away after the spell is first cast. But this one is still emitting emotions. That is something that hasn’t been recorded in all of Equestria.”

“Were dealing with something completely new. Something that even Princess Celestia and Luna are having a hard time understanding. But we do know this. Some pony or something has opened a portal. That portal is filled with strange magic not encountered so far in Equestria. And Some pony needs our help.” Twilight paused as they took in the information.

“Excuse me? How do you know it needs help?” Rainbow Dash asked skeptical. “If it can open a portal that even you have hard time understanding then what help could he or she or...it could need?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight replied with a sigh. “But I do know what I felt and that was the distinct feeling I got from it. I’m not sure why but I believe it should be answered.” Twilight finished. She looked as she was trying to convince herself it was indeed the right action to take.

“That’s why I called you all here. I know there are a lot of things we don’t know about this and it could be very dangerous. But I’ve thought about it for a while now and I feel like this is the course of action I need to take.” However her head dipped down in fear of what she would say next.

“But I can’t ask in good faith for the rest of you to help without your willingness. I’m a Princess now and it’s hard to adjust. Every pony has been so quick to do what I ask of them and have been treating everything I say like an order.” Twilight said with a tone of sadness and guilt. “But I don’t want that to happen with my friends. I don’t ever want to give you girls an order or for you to treat me different. I never want to worry about making you do something you don’t want to, especially if you got hurt.”

“But Twalight,” Applejack interrupted. “We’ve always followed each other, you including. We’ve all taken risks for another. It’s what we do.” She added a smile at the end to reassure her friend.

“I know but this is different.” Twilight sullenly responded. “It’s not like how we were before. A group of friends ready to face whatever comes together. As equals. There’s a difference in asking you to do something back when I wasn’t a Princess. Before when you might have treated me as normal. I…I guess I’m just afraid of things changing for the worse. I just want it to be like it’s always been and have you all be there by my side because you want to. Not because I told you to go.”

Twilight closed her eyes; this was a worry that had been creeping on her she wasn’t sure she was ready to address. She didn’t know how her friends would react. After a few moments of silence she heard hoof clops come towards her then felt a sudden embrace around her shoulders. Looking up she saw Applejack giving her the kindest smile she had seen.

“You’re Twalight, and when Twalight asks for help, I’ll come. Not because you’re a Princess, but because you have and always will be my friend. And that will never change. Princess or not.” Twilight couldn’t help but feel a wave of emotion run through her as she almost started to tear up. “Sugarcube,” Applejack continued softly. “You don’t need our permission to do what you think is right. We trust you and well help in any way we can. Count on us to do whatever you need.” Applejack finished still holding on to her.

Rainbow Dash added, “Ya Twilight, with your brains and our awesomeness we can do anything. Just give the word!” She had trotted up to them and joined the embrace. One by one the others came to join adding their own words of reassurance. Twilight couldn’t help but let a few tears escape.

“Darling,” Rarity said, “Just because you’ve become a Princess doesn’t mean you’re still not that same mare we first laid eyes on. No matter how royal you become you’ll always be the bookworm that came into Ponyville with the worst hairdo I have ever seen.” Twilight giggled while wiping a tear away at the memory when she first arrived in Ponyville.

“You’ve always been there for us Twilight.” Fluttershy added softly. “No matter what our problems been. Of course we’ll be there for yours, no matter what.”

“And besides, who else is going to throw the victory party when were done saving Equestria.” Pinkie Pie happily said. “Or when we fight dragons!”

Fluttershy quickly responded. “There won’t be dragons will there?”

Twilight couldn’t help but laugh again. “No, I don’t think there will be.”

“Stop worrying so much egg head.” Rainbow Dash told her. “Well always be there to kick your butt when you need it. Besides, I still top you on flying.” She said with a grin.

Twilight gave a small sniffle as her worries disappeared, “That’s okay, just…thank you girls. Thank you so much!” All of them held each other tightly in a large embrace like they’ve done so many times before. Twilight felt foolish for ever doubting her friends. Assurance and happiness filled her from the warmth her friends brought to her and her heart. They held each other for sometime before finally pulling apart. Afterwards Spike finally spoke and asked the question that was starting to creep into each pony’s thoughts next.

“So, exactly how are we going to help…it?”

Twilight took a breath and said confidently, “Were going through it.”