• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 791 Views, 13 Comments

Unexpected Friends - Senyu

There is an artifact in my possession, one different than the others chalked with myth and superstition. A magical item that through disastrous events was and still is key to my survival. But it is a curse as I find myself slipping away with each use

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5. Introductions

Simon awoke startled by a voice calling him. Blinking himself awake he looked around the clearing he had fallen asleep in. He only saw the edge of the forest around him and the burnt ground that had been serving as a fireplace. Not too far was his pack with the supplies he had been carrying around. It only took a few heart beats for him to realize something was missing. Questioning he whispered “Marceline?”

Snapping to he jumped up from the log he was resting against and called out, “MARCELINE!”

He looked around frantically before he heard a shout in the woods nearby. “SIMON!”

Turning to the direction of the sound he spotted Marceline running from the woods and bushes straight for him calling his name over and over again. “Marceline!” He cried with worry and happiness. Bending down he reached his arms out to hold the little girl as she ran into his embrace. “What happened? Where have you been? What did I say about running off?” He gushed out all at once, unable to relieve himself the worry he felt.

“Simon they’re chasing me!” Marceline said pulling away from him so she could see his face.

“Chasing you?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. Before Marceline could explain the snap of a branch in the woods caused Simon to gasp. “Marcy get behind me.” Gently holding her arm he guided her behind his legs. She grasped his pant legs tightly with one hand as the other held the pink bear she was carring close.

Simon began to unhook the golden crown attached to his belt. Marceline realizing what he was doing tugged on his pants. “Simon wait!” But he didn’t listen to her as he held the crown with both hands in front of him, readying himself with exaggerated breaths.

Marceline tried to protest further but before she could, a figure broke through the forest some distance away from them and skidded to a halt.

Simon quickly turned to face it readying to wear the crown when he stopped as he examined the pursuer. “A horse?” he asked aloud.

Before them was a cyan horse with multicolor hair that stood facing them. It had held a positioned stance after chasing but quickly changed to a more neutral pose as it looked on them. Marceline took a step forward before Simon quickly said, “Marceline stay behind me.” Judging from its coloration and look Simon knew it to be not a normal horse.
He wasn’t sure how it might react or behave.

After spending some time staring each it other Simon lowered the crown slightly. He looked at it with a furrowed brow in attempts to assess exactly what he was seeing. Its head cocked to the side as they exchanged looks.

“Look Simon. Isn’t she pretty?” Marceline said while tugging his pants again.

“Not now sweety.” Simon responded. He wasn’t too sure what to make of the equine in front of him. But not sensing any immediate threat he relaxed his arms more and stretched one hand out with the palm up. “Hey little guy, what are you doing out here?” He said with a smile trying to coax it.

Simon could have sworn the horse raised an eyebrow before saying in a feminine voice, “I’m not a guy.” In addition to its reply with a annoyed tone it flashed its wings. Simon had failed to noticed them tucked on the sides originally.

“Oh cheese balls! You can talk?” Simon exclaimed as he quickly snapped the crown in both hands and pointed it to the now discovered mare.

“Um. Yeah, of course I can talk. Why wouldn’t I?” it replied.

“Horses don’t talk!” Simon continued to exclaim.

“Horse? You mean a pony?” she said tilting her head to show her questioning.

“Horse, pony, same difference. They still don’t talk.” Simon retorted.

“Are you saying your ponies can’t talk?” She continued to ask.

“Of course not! Why would a pony talk?”

Simon felt again Marceline pulling at his pants. “Simon, they all can talk. I saw them.” She said.

Looking down at her he asked hesitantly, “They?

His question was answered as if on cue as more noises came from the forest. In a few seconds more brightly colored ponies came running from the trees and stopped alongside the first one they were speaking with. Simon re-actively held the crown tighter as he couldn’t make up his mind at which pony to point at. Managing to find some courage behind his words he stammered, “Who-who are you? What do you want?”

The purple one of the group took a few steps forward. He noticed that this one had a horn in addition to her wings. With a cough to clear her throat that indicated she was also a mare, she spoke a welcome introduction while smiling. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Were here because we got your message and came to help out in any way we can.”
Simon and Marceline just stared at her with no response. Twilight smile held as she repeated herself again when they didn’t reply back. “We got your message. And we came to help.” She said a little more slowly.

Narrowing his eyes in confusion Simon asked, “What message?”

Twilight's smiled disappeared as she began to look at them questionably. “The message. You know, the portal you opened.”

“What portal?” Simon continued to ask.

“The portal that opened in Equestria?” Twilight said, her tone becoming more hesitant.

“Equestria?” Simon again asked.

“The glowing blue thing on the hill!” Twilight almost shouted.

“Oooh that thing.” Simon began to nod in understanding. “Wait that was a portal?!” His face turned to a look of surprise.

“You didn’t know?” Twilight said louder in disbelief.

“Of course not!” Simon shouted back defending himself. His arms lowered from the distraction of the conversation.

“How was I supposed to know what it is?”

“But didn’t you make it?”

“Yeah, in a way.”

“So how did you not know?”

“Because I didn’t mean to make it!”

At this point the winged pony they first spoke with walked forward interrupting. “Hang on, are you saying we came all this way for nothing!” Her voice quivered with annoyance.

“I don’t even know why you came!” Simon responded.

“To help you duh!” She retorted.

“Help with what?” Simon said angrily. “Haven’t you seen this place? It’s a dump!”

“Yes we saw.” The purple mare spoke again, this time her voice seeming more calm and patient. Simon took a few moments before remembering her saying her name was Twilight.

“We came through the city and saw the destruction. We originally thought that was the reason you called for us.”
Simon let his arms fall to his side and put one hand on Marceline’s head. “Well you can’t help us with that. It’s too late. And everything else is gone to.” He said solemnly.

The group of pony’s faces fell between confusion and helplessness as they tried to take in what he was saying.

Twilight spoke again, “What happened here?”

Taking a long look at them before hesitantly deciding they didn’t mean a threat, he reattached the crown to his side and let out a breath. “It’s a long story. We don’t you join us while I get a fire going.” If they didn’t have a malicious intent to them he decided it better to hospitable. If anything to learn more about them.

The ponies exchanged glances at each other before they moved towards them. Simon led Marceline with him as he asked her to help gather sticks with him. While he didn’t think they meant harm, he didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone with them. As they wondered to the edge of the forest to gather, the ponies huddled near the tiny camp.

“Well this didn’t go as ah imagined.” Applejack said in a whisper staring after them.

“Me neither” Twilight replied with a hush.

“What’d you suppose he held that crown at us for?” Applejack continued.

Twilight shook her head, “I’m not sure, but I bet that it has some kind of magic about it. Ponies don’t just go waving around crowns.”

Rainbow Dash joined in, “I don’t think we can call them ponies. In fact I don’t think we even know what to call them.”

Rarity chirped in as well, “My thoughts exactly. Look at the way they are. And their outfits, ugh! Just look at those stains and marks. They need professional tending!”

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You bothered by their clothes being dirty?”

“Dirty is the least of their concern. Their positively worn out. I don’t care what kind of disaster strikes, remaining clean and good looking is always a priority. Wearing fresh kept clothes always brings about a better mood on things” Rarity stated.

Fluttershy softly spoke up, “I wonder how long they’ve been out here. With no other animals around it’s hard to imagine them staying here.”

“Ohmygosh your right!” Pinkie Pie blurted. “They must be so lonely out here. We should try to make them feel better!”

Twilight smiled at friends concerns for the new strangers. “Will do our best to help how we can. Were here now so were we might as well offer support. But first things first, we need to find out what happened here and how we were called.”

After spending some time gathering branches for a fire Simon and Marceline came back with their arms full. Noticing they only had one log to share Simon brought Marceline back with him to the edge of the forest again after dumping their load. Luckily there was a few more dead trees that seemed small enough to roll but large enough to sit on. Struggling to move them he pushed barely even rolling them before Applejack came over to help out. “Oh thanks!” Simon gasped in between breaths.

“Don’t mention it” Applejack replied. Together they rolled a couple logs over that could be shared by a few at a time. It was beginning to become dark as they finished moving them and had the fire piled up and ready. Simon reached in his pocket for a lighter and flicked it to get a flame. The ponies curiously looked at the tiny object he held.


“Oh come.”

*Click click*

“Piece of…come on baby, give me some light.”

*Click click*

Simon continued for a minute before throwing it to the ground muttering a curse that involved garlic. Sitting down beside Marceline on top of the log he looked towards the group of ponies around them. “Well, this is awkward.”
The two groups continued to stare at each other while they tryied to decide how to break the ice. “I don’t suppose you have a light?” Simon asked rhetorically in effort to get a conversation going.

Twilight tilted her horn to the pile of branches while closing her eyes as she focused on a spell. In a moment a small fire came to life within the bundle and began to burn brightly.

Simon and Marceline gasped. “How did you do that?” Marceline asked in awe.

“Magic of course.” Twilight said proudly.

“You can do magic?” Simon asked in disbelief.

“Yes I can. Can’t you?”

Simon fidgeted looking down and up. “Yes but…isn’t dangerous for you too?”

A look of confusion filled Twilight's face as she replied, “No…why would it be?”

Simon and Marceline looked towards the crown that hanged at his side with worried looks. Twilight taken noticed asked, “Is that where you get your magic from?”

Simon rested a hand on it. “Unfortunately yes. I don’t like it but it’s the only thing that has kept us alive till now. But this crown is more of a curse than a gift.”

Twilight saw their faces and how they stared at it. They looked as if they were remembering things in the past that were not pleasant to reminisce. She gave them a moment before asking, “What happened here.”

Simon let out a breath and turned to face the fire that was building up. Marceline tucked her head in his lap underneath his arm. He rubbed her head gently with a smile before turning back with a grim face as he recalled the past.
“I don’t know exactly what started it all. I only remember shortly before it began and the aftermath. It wasn’t too long ago when that dark day happened.”

Marceline jumped in, “I call it the Mushroom War!” She threw her arms up in a mushroom shape before bringing back to her chest to hold her teddy bear.

Simon patted her head as he continued. “Yeah, that’s exactly what they looked like. Marceline for some reason doesn’t remember it. Only what little I’ve described to her. I found her after the destruction. She was just wandering around the ruins, a sad little girl that was lost. I don’t know how she survived but since then I’ve been taking care of her.”

“Simon’s been really good to me. He even gave me Hambo!” She said stretching her teddy bear out to show it off.

“Hi Hambo!” Pinkie Pie waved.

Marceline made her voice deep as she could. “Hi there….uhmm.” Pulling the bear back to her chest she looked to the group questionably. “What are your names?” She asked in her normal little girl voice.

“I’m Pinkie Pie!” She waved at back happily. Marceline couldn’t help but smile at the pony’s friendly disposition.

“I’m Applejack.”

“Rainbow Dash.”

“You can call me Rarity.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle but you already knew that.”

Simon and Marceline then turned to the yellow pony, looking expectantly to hear her name. She stared back before looking down mumbling something. “What was that?” Simon asked leaning forward. After mumbling softly again Simon looked to the other ponies for help. Rainbow Dash spoke up for her, “Her name is Fluttershy. You can probably guess why.”

Marceline positioned Hambo on Simon's other leg and said with a deep voice again. “Hello Fluttershy! I’m Hambo!”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at the little girl’s effort and finally while blushing spoke loud enough for them to hear. “Hello Hambo.” Marceline grinned back at her happy to have gotten her to talk.

Moving Hambo aside she said still grinning with her normal voice again, “And I’m Marceline.”

“Hello Marceline.” Fluttershy said again loud enough for them to hear. The two exchanged smiles before Marceline snugged herself back into a comfy position. Laying on the log she her head rested against Simon.

He reached down to stroke her head again with a loving glance before looking back at them. “And I’m Simon if you hadn’t already picked it up.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.” Twilight said.

Simon couldn’t help but let a small smile build behind his bushy white beard. They were the first group of people, or ponies in this case he thought, that they have talked to.

“Can all of you do magic?” Marceline asked.

Twilight was happy to respond. “No not all of us. You see there are different types of ponies. There are Earth Ponies.” Twilight motioned to Applejack and Pinkie Pie who nodded and waved in turn. “Pegasus.” Rainbow Dash hovered herself off then back on the log as cool as she could. While Fluttershy waved her hoof only a tiny bit. Marceline waved back in the same manner. “And Unicorns.” Rarity threw her hair back as she levitated a nearby rock.

“Coooooool.” Marceline said. “What about you?”

“Oh, I’m a Alicorn.”

Marceline sounded out the word, “Allll-i-corn?”

“Yes, Alicorns are the princesses of Equestria and-“

“You’re a princess!” Marceline exclaimed lifting herself up some.

Twilight blushed with her reply. “Yes, yes I am. It was only recently though so I’m still getting used to it.”

Marceline snuggled back to her spot and looked at her teddy bear. “Hear that Hambo? We know a princess.”

“A real princess huh? Wow, that’s something!” Simon said impressed.

Twilight wanting to move past the topic cleared her throat. “So you were about to explain the, Mushroom War?”

“Oh right!” Simon poked the fire a bit as he continued where they left off. They spent the next several hours listening as he recounted the recent history of himself, the war, and the time he spent with Marceline. First he explained and answered questions about parts of his world and what humans were before he got into the more personal details. Such as how he had found the crown and how it began to change him. The powers of ice and snow that he could control when he wore it. On how the bombs fell upon the cities and laid everything to waste. The destruction that they caused that the ponies saw the aftermath of. And to their horror what he and Marceline had found in the ruins that were still moving.

Changing the story to make it more light hearted after the grim recount, he told some of the adventures and times he and Marceline had spent together. She had fallen asleep at this point and lay snuggled against Simon. He couldn’t help but stare at her with tenderness as he told how she came into his life. That she had been his anchor in all this chaos and his reason to keep going. But he sadly ended with the fact each time he wore the crown to defend themselves; a part of him was lost each time. The increasing worry of losing himself scared him as he wouldn’t be able to protect her more. “I’m losing myself and I’m afraid she’s going to lose me to.” He said at the end.

The ponies watched the sleeping little girl as their hearts filled with sadness. They couldn’t help but feel so much sympathy for the two of them after hearing their struggles. The ones they have encountered and what they still were dealing with. Twilight saw the sorrow and plight that was in Simon’s eyes behind those cracked glasses of his. Worn out and uncertain of what lay ahead.

“Simon,” Twilight said, trying to find the words. “I’m so sorry for what the two of you have been through. I can’t imagine how hard it is been.”

Simon continued to stroke Marceline’s hair but gently enough as not to wake her. “It’s been just that. Hard. But she’s a tough little girl. She’s been so brave despite all this madness around her. You should have seen her at times, ready to face whatever challenges that came.”

They all spent some time watching her sleep as she fidgeted now and then from a dream she was having. They all hoped it was full of sweetness and happiness.

Eventually Twilight looked back to him to ask, “So when did you open the portal?”

Simon’s face became furrowed again as it often did whenever he had to remember something unpleasant. “That was a moment of weakness for me. It was shortly after we had escaped a mass of those ooze creatures I froze. We left the city immediately but I was still under the effects of the crown. I was still not acting normal for me.” He closed his eyes as he tried to remember. “I can’t seem to recall much of what happens when I put it on. I just dimly remember feeling anguish about something. I had the crown on my head again, but I felt so torn about something and I couldn’t control myself. I lashed out with its magic and when I finally snapped out of it I saw the portal sitting in front of us.”
Simon paused to poke the fire a little bit to keep the flame going. The ponies waited patiently as he pieced together the details.

“Of course I didn’t know what it was at the time and if I created it with the crown I didn’t trust it.” Simon began again. “I led Marceline to this part of the forest were we’ve been camping out away from it and the city. Were deep enough in the woods that one of those things hasn’t wandered in yet but close enough to gather supplies from the outskirts of the city. I’ve gone in alone most of the time so Marceline doesn’t get anywhere close to those things. But gosh darn if she has a mind of her own. I’ve caught her sneaking around now and then when I come back. Oh I scold her on it but she doesn’t listen to me. She’s a good kid but sometimes she gets ahead of herself.” He tussled some of her hair before continuing. “I accidentally went too far last night and was pinned in the city. I didn’t get back until morning. She must have snuck out when I took a nap from being exhausted and all that. And that must be when she found you all.” He finished looking back up to them.

Twilight nodded to confirm his statement. “We had just entered from the direction of the portal after it closed.”

Simon asked worryingly. “It closed? How did that happen? And how will you get home?”

“I think it closed because it wasn’t that stable to begin with. After we passed through it, it couldn’t remain intact anymore and collapsed on itself.”

Simon's face became sadden. “And now you’re stuck here.” Twilight nodded in response. “I can’t even begin to apologize for stranding you like this.” He said.

Twilight tried to smile to cheer him up. “It’s okay, I’m sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are working on things on their end.” Simon raised an eyebrow at the names. “They’re the ruling princesses of Equestria.”

“Oh.” Was all Simon said.

Twilight moved on with her recount. “We were wondering around before Rainbow Dash spotted Marceline in a nearby building and followed her here.”

Simon nodded in approval. “It’s a good thing you did. There’s no telling what might have happened to you if you ran into some of those monsters.” The ponies all shared a shudder at the thought of running into them. From Simon’s descriptions they were something they wanted to completely avoid if at all possible.

“Still,” Twilight added. “I am concerned about that crown and the magic it wields. It managed to do something that has never been done in Equestria. It doesn’t work like our magic.”

“I wish it did.” Simon interjected. “Maybe I wouldn’t be losing my mind if it was like yours.” Twilight sat in deep thought about the crown. Rattling her brain for something that could be of assistance. Simon however let out a large yawn and stretched his arms. Some of the other ponies returned it with yawns of their own. “It’s late.” Simon pointed out. “We should get some sleep. We can talk more about everything in the morning.”

The ponies all said something along the lines of agreed or time to hit the hay. Simon gently lifted Marceline up as he scooted to the base of the log and leaned against it. He realized too late that the sleeping bag for her was out of his reach while he held her in his arms. Twilight saw his predicament and looking towards the object he was staring at surprised Simon by engulfing the sleeping bag in a purple light and levitated it towards him. Simon hesitantly reached for it and held it firmly before she let go. “Neat.” He said smiling thanks to her. “There’s extra blankets with everything else. Please help yourself.”

They returned their thanks and settled about between the logs and the dwindling fire. Marceline was tucked in the bag with her head resting on Simon’s leg as a pillow. He kept a hand wrapped around her like he had done all night in a caring and protective manner. The ponies couldn’t help but smile as they watched from the corner of their eyes at the sweet image.

Thoughts of everything that happened that day and what they learned lingered in their minds. And even more so what tomorrow might bring. But one by one they drifted off to sleep, joining the youngest one of the group in dreamland.