• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 615 Views, 3 Comments

The Night Shall Last FOREVER! - SonicRainboom360

The Lunar Republic has come back and Luna wants Equestria to be ruled with a new, and better light; Celestia takes no chances with her sister and gathers her army of ponies, when Luna too gathers an army the two forces wadge war upon each other.

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The beginning of it all

Celestia waited for her sister at an abandoned coliseum, the stone pillars helped it stand and it's walls where decorated with long, green and brown vines. Luna appeared through the thick fog...but it wasn't Luna, it was Nightmare moon. Her eyes both cold and dark as her mane and tail sparkled with blue and purple. Celestia stepped towards her, now they where face to face, eyeing each other down.

"Please, Luna I know you're in there, stop this madness before it's to late. "

"I don't need your pleading, that comes later" Nightmare remarked.
"I don't need your pleading, that comes later" Nightmare remarked.

Celestia flew up about the same time Nightmare Moon did, they eyed each other and Nightmare's eyes went white as her horn shot a large beam of white light toward Celestia. Celestia counteracted and shoot a yellowish beam toward Nightmare. They had their magic against each other. As both their magic went out Nightmare Moon charged at Celestia and body slammed her to the ground. A large cloud of dust filled the air, as Celestia tried to stand stumbling over a bit she was hit with another beam from Nightmare moon. Celestia was smashed against a pillar as a few rocks fell down and creating a crack in the stone. Nightmare picked up Celestia's crown as she watched her sister try to stand -to defend herself and her kingdom. Nightmare Moon threw the crown up against the wall laughing maniacally . After Celestia stood up she shot a weak beam at nightmare, this caught her off guard never the lest and shot Nightmare in the breast plate sending her back and hitting a wall. The beam bounced off Nightmare Moon's armor and hit a wall of vines opening it up to reveal a cliff. After Celestia got her breath and energy back she ran to Nightmare Moon full force, but Nightmare disappeared and re-appeared behind Celestia, swinging a large heavy rock and hitting her in the side making her tumble and bleed.

It was an ongoing battle until a special pony arrived. Princess Twilight had appeared to save her teacher, when she had Nightmare Moon in her sight, Twilight shot a multicolored beam to Nightmare. Once it reached her it caressed the dark mare and swung her near the edge of the cliff. Nightmare Moon rolled and was caught by vines before she could fall off.

"Princess! Princess Celestia are you okay?" Twilight said trying to comfort her mentor and help her to stand.

"Yes Twilight, I am. How did you find me?" Celestia said standing up and brushing the dirt from her .

"I saw glow from your magic and I had to help."

"Thank you Twilight" She replied limping over to Nightmare Moon who was trying to stand.

"Luna, I know you're in there, stop this before one of us gets destroyed." Helping her sister with the tangled vines.

Just as she was helping her sister Nightmare swung her head around cutting Celestia's cheek with a sharp knife and standing up. Celestia could feel the blood rush down her face as she stepped back grunting through her teeth. She wiped it away and Nightmare moon swung at her again, the knife was exceptionally sharp. She jabbed at the air toward Celestia but missed. Celestia backed up and Twilight ran to her side.

"I'm not Luna anymore sister, I'm Nightmare Moon!" Yelling strongly through the knife in her mouth. "This is destiny, to rule Equestria, and take you down along with your precious Empire!"

She swung again and again, then Twilight conjured up all her strength shooting a large beam of magic to Nightmare, this sent her over the cliff and dropping the knife. They didn't move as they watched her fall over the cliff. Celestia raised her hoof.

"Luna, no!"

The sound was distant to Nightmare moon. But as quickly as she fell she appeared again. Rising above the moon, her eyes and horn glowing a slight purple and grey. She was soon surrounded by pegasi, they were all wearing Lunar Republic armor and charged at Celestia and Twilight.
They both looked at each other and nodded, they both sent the strongest beam of force toward the approaching enemy. This sent them flying back far, some dropping their weapons. Nightmare Moon screamed in rage as she called upon her unicorn soldiers. They too surrounded Celestia and Twilight, but both princesses flew up and Twilight smashed down hard on the ground sending a rippling effect through the concrete. It's shock went to the unicorns and also sent them flying out in different directions. The ground was now cracked and shattered as the turned to Nightmare Moon who was screaming even louder, her eyes glowing brightly.

"You can't win this Nightmare Moon, surrender now and face the consequences!" Twilight yelled to her.

"NO! I am the night and the night never surrenders to anypony!! She yelled as she called upon more mercenaries.

"GIVE THEM NOTHING! BUT TAKE FROM THEM, EVERYTHING!" Nightmare roared through the dark sky, the never ending night making them unaware of how long they have been at war. A black fog surrounded the two princesses as they Lunar Republic ponies charged at them. It was almost impossible to see who was around them, Twilight was stabbed in the shoulder and blood rushed out as she let out a yelp. This didn't stop her from fighting, she shoot at who ever was in front of her and Celestia did the same. But there were to many and both princesses were captured.

"Bring them to me! I want to see them beg..." As she said that Celestia was weak and couldn't move, same for Twilight.

"Like I said sister, the night shall last forever!! Bring them to the castle." She told the ponies as Nightmare flew off towards her new throne, she could see they yellow armor mixed with the blue as she watched the ponies below fighting with each other.

Once she reached the castle and walked inside Nightmare was surrounded by Royal Guards.

"Nightmare Moon, by the order of Princess Celestia stop or we will be forced to kill you."

"Oh no boys, you wouldn't want to do that. As she finished her sentence the Lunar Republic ponies who captured Celestia and Twilight barged in with the two in chains and a spell around their horns to prevent them from escaping.

"Chain them up to the wall over their!" Pointing to the left wall close to the throne. As the guards dropped their weapons Nightmare Moon rested upon the throne.

"You see sister, I was right. I should have been the ruler all along. This is a new era for Equestria, the New Lunar Republic is ruling now, and the moon shall stay!" Raising her hooves in accomplishment. As the Lunar Republic ponies bowed saying:


Author's Note:

The next chapter will be out as soon as possible. I have a flight tomorrow and I'll finish another chapter on there. Only one more chapter I believe before you all know if the Lunar Republic takes over, or the Solar Empire reclaims it rightful place as leader.