• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 615 Views, 3 Comments

The Night Shall Last FOREVER! - SonicRainboom360

The Lunar Republic has come back and Luna wants Equestria to be ruled with a new, and better light; Celestia takes no chances with her sister and gathers her army of ponies, when Luna too gathers an army the two forces wadge war upon each other.

  • ...

A plan for the better good

The war outside has subsided a bit, they could still hear the faint screams, or metal against metal as two ponies go into combat. Princess Celestia has been de-throned and chained next to Princess Twilight so they could see what Nightmare Moon was doing to her once beloved kingdom. It was saddening to watch such a great kingdom crumble under a sister's jealousy.

"We must think of a plan Twilight, or we will be stuck here forever watching our world crumble" Celestia whispered towards Twilight.

"Yes, I agree princess. I already have one but we must wait until everypony is asleep." Whispering back trying to avoid the guards

The night remained constant, but eventually Nightmare Moon went to Celestia's room to sleep. The guards remained; Twilight was thinking hard as the whole room went blacker.

"I know of a chant, I read it in a book that I borrowed from Zecora. It doesn't need any magic just speak it and it'll work." Twilight said as Celestia nodded looking back into Twilight's eyes.

Twilight began to speak the strange chant quietly. It was a strange chant and Celestia has never heard of it before. She wasn't even sure it was English. But never the lest a glow formed from Twilight's horn, it grew bigger and bigger. The guard realized this and went to retrieve Nightmare Moon from her slumber. Twilight kept saying it until it broke the spell from her horn, then forming over to Celestia and breaking her as well from the spell. This allowed the two princesses enough time to break the chains that where bounding them to the wall. Once Twilight and Celestia were free they both flew out of the castle before Nightmare Moon reached them. They flew and flew reaching Twilight's library and quickly going inside. Once barricaded inside Twilight called out to Spike.

"Spike!? Are you here?" She yelled as she searched the house.

"Twilight! Twilight you're home! I was so scared. I barricaded all the windows and doors. I was so scared somepony would break in!" He said as he hugged her tightly. Twilight hugged back and released him.

"Spike, I need the Elements of Harmony book, quickly." As Spike nodded and retrieved it to give to Twilight.

"Ugh, Princess Celestia, are you okay!?" Spike asked and went to go get the first aid kit from a closet.

"We had a rough time with Nightmare Moon and her disciples..." She replied as she let Spike patch her up and clean out her wounds.

"AHA! I found it!" Twilight said pointing to a page in the old book. "It says here on the waning gibbous moon her powers are at the weakest point, and that's tomorrow! We need a , princess" She said as she bookmarked the page and closed it.

"Yes we do, tomorrow you say? We can do that, call up the other girls and assemble them here, right now." Princess Celestia demanded softly. Twilight called each of her friends here and the all ran quickly inside shutting the door back up. "Twilight were so glad you're okay. You too Princess Celestia, where have you been!?" Rainbow Dash said happy to see her friend once more.

"In the castle, now we need to think up a to destroy Nightmare Moon before tomorrow. Tomorrow is a waning gibbous and that's when her powers are at their weakest. We could use the elements of harmony again but it wont be enough to take out her army. Everypony, call up any and everypony that you know, we need back up." Twilight said in a stern voice as she ran to her stakes of paper and giving each pony about 50 sheets, ink, and a quail feather.

As everypony began to write letters and Spike was sending them off; remarkably pones started showing up at her door. More and more ponies came until her library was over flowing.

"Rarity, you take the ponies you know into your boutique, Rainbow Dash take them up to your house in Cloudsdale,Pinkie Pie Sugarcube corner, Fluttershy your cabin, and Applejack to your barn. Hurry we don't have much time. Explain what is going on and why they were sent here. Then report to me so we can fit them with armor and weapons."

Once everypony was settled and fitted with Solar Empire armor they found around Ponyville, Twilight could see the moon turning into a Waning Gibbous. The stars shined and the dark purple sky glowed. Then everypony gathered to the city square, faces cold, and weapons raised high. The Solar Empire flag moved in the wind and the only sound anypony could hear was the breathing and the heartbeats of those around them. Twilight walked in front of the army and raised the flag higher. Some pegasi were flying with swords in their mouths and shields attached to their front legs. Body armor covered every inch of the ponies and it shinned and reflected from the moonlight.

Nightmare Moon was expecting them, she was standing on the balcony watching and waiting. Her army gathered as well and were assembled in hundreds of rows. They didn't out match Celestia's and Twilight's army though, thousands even millions of ponies ready for battle were facing each other and standing side by side. They would die for their kingdom and everypony knew that.

"Ah, my dearest sister" Nightmare Moon said is a mocking tone "What lovely little army you have, this should be easy."

"Nightmare Moon, turn back now and we will end this, if not our army will destroy your's and yourself." Twilight said loudly across the town square.

"The night will never back down to anypony, we will conquer you and the Empire, and once we do, you two will be the first to die." Nightmare Moon said as she on looked at the enemy team.

The air was thick with tension and revenge. Nopony dared moved, make a sound, anything they just stood there facing each other down. Celestia was holding back the erg to cry at the sight of her broken kingdom.

"Enough, ENOUGH!" Nightmare roared as she gave the signal to charge. The Lunar Empire soldiers yelled and raced towards the Solar Empire ponies. Celestia's army did the same. She flied up watching everypony charge at the other team. Swords raised and weapons at the ready. The two teams smashed into each other. The front ponies each died instantly. They screamed as some were stabbed and penetrated by arrows. Dust and rubble few around making it harder to see from the ground pony's view. Twilight and Celestia stayed back and were flying in the air waiting for Nightmare to make the next move. The sight of her soldiers being killed made her furious and she screamed in rage. The large howl echoed through the streets. Nightmare Moon lunged herself at the two alicorns, She shot arrows at the two from her bow, the arrows blazed with blue fire. Twilight and Celestia tried to dodge them while they were too flying at great speed towards the Nightmare pony.

The anger in their eyes made it clear that only one army will stand, the other will fall in their own blood. The three ponies were cutting through air like a knife.

When they reached a distance Celestia conjured up her magic and shot a large ray towards Nightmare. Nightmare Moon dodged it and kept flying towards the two princesses. Twilight used a reflecting spell to cover her and Celestia. This made Nightmare Moon bounce back abut a mile or so, but it didn't stop her. Lunging herself again and this time sending her own magic towards them both. Celestia shot back, their magic pressed against each other and it wouldn't quit until one went out. They kept at this for a long time, sweat dripped off Celestia's face and Nightmare's eyes turned white. She pushed even more force and her magic was overpowering to Celestia's alone. It hit her and sent Celestia flying and crashing into the hard cold ground. Dirt and rocks flying everywhere, Twilight was astonished but shot her own magic to Nightmare. Twilight's experience with magic wasn't as much as the two sister's but she had enough. Twilight's eyes glowed and so did her Element of Harmony she was wearing around her neck. As Nightmare was racing towards her, she noticed Rainbow Dash's, Rarity's, Applejack's, Fluttershy's and Pinkie Pie's pendent was as well glowing. This had only happened once before and she knew this would be the demise of Nightmare Moon. The six Elements raised above the rest of the ponies. The five other ponies were now floating against Twilight's side. All eyes were pure white and their Elements glowed fiercely.

Nightmare Moon's eyes widened but she didn't stop. Racing and screaming to the Elements; the ponies eyes opened and a beam shot from each of their Elements, each different colour they formed a bigger- rainbow like beam when it came together. Forcefully it shot at Nightmare Moon and she was soon hit with the power. It wrapped around her like a tornado letting out a rippling sound through the air. Nightmare Moon was now completely covered the the magic, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong.

Author's Note:

Chapter three coming soon, probably the last chapter but we'll see how it goes. Thanks for reading, and leave a comment.